Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 13, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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Mi mini inn Hi II l l" v , miww ' ' "" im )HH"U)hm wim 1
L 15
and lasting 10 days, every article in my store reduced. Goods will actually be sold for less money than they can be duplicated for at
wholesale prices. I must have room; You need the goods; Come early while the stock is complete. To give you an idea of the cut
prices: All 5c articles 4c; all 10c articles 9c three for 25c; all 15c articles 13c or two for 25c.
Clark's 0. N. T. Thread now 4c
Safety Pins, Nos. 2s and 3s, now 4c
Darning Cotton now 2 for 4c
Large Cube Pins now 4c
AH Five Cent Buttons now 4c
Curling Irons now 4c
Hooks and Eyes, all numbers, now 4c
All Grades of Five Cent Thread now 4c
San Silk, 100 yards to spool, now 4c
Five Cent Handkerchiefs now 4c
All five Cent Laces now 4c
All Five Cent Tablets now 4c
Colgates Five Cent Soaps now 4c
Other articles too numerous to mention
Curtain Scrims per yard 9c, or 3 for 25c
Silko Croquet Thread 9c, or 3 for 25c
All Ten Cent Ribbons, per yard 9c, or 3 for 25c
AH Ten Cent Embroideries, per yard 9c, or 3 for 25c
All Ten Cent Laces, per yard 9c, or 3 for 25c
Plain White Cup and Saucers 9c each, 3 for 25c
Plain White Dinner Plates 9c each, 3 for 25c
All 10c Enamel Ware 9c, 3 for 25c
All 10c Hardware 9c, 3 for 25c
All 10c Towels and Toweling 9c, 3 for 25c
AH 10c Flowers 9c, 3 for 25c
Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, etc., 9c. 3 for 25c
Colgate Soaps 9c, 3 for 25c
All 10c Glassware 9c, 3 for 25c
Many Other Good Values at 10c now 9c, 3 for 25c )
Owing to limited space I am able to mention but a few articles of the many I carry in stock, so ask you to pay us a
19 Quart Tin Flaring Pail now 13c, 2 for 25c
Colgate's Talcum Powder now 13c,-2 for 25c
6 Quart Enamel Milk Pans now 13c, 2 for 25c
AH 15c Embroideries now 13c, 2 for 25c
All 15c China now 13c, 2 for 25c
All 15c Ribbons now 13c, 2 for 25c
Hair and Clothes Brushes now 13c, 2 for 25c
Dressing Combs now 13c, 2 for 25c
Jewelry, Good 15c values now 13c, 2 for 25c
Men's and Boys' Suspenders now 13c, 2 for 25c
Fern Baskets now 13c, 2 for 25c
Ten Yards Hat Braids now 13c, 2 for 25c
700 Yards Gingham, fast color, regular values, to close
out at 10c per yard many fine patterns.
visit and see for yourself the genuine bargains offered.
mmm Mmuam-.i. '""i
HOBSON'S 5, 10 and 15c STORE, 254 '.North Commercial Street
ffl ' :' j ffir
fll""'." i.i.iiii.u.i.iiiii.iiu...i.ip .Ji-i, i .. in.. .-.,. ,,,,.,.., i,,l.,i.y,i.,Miu. i,.,iii.,... ii ii ....III. .ii. in. l ii mini mi ui ii uwiiiwuinnnwni, I I I '"''''w'i"
jLfi.iiiia nilil'-iiiMli ii In Mil -mil' r i '-' - ........'l. .- -"I"- ......i,..., .,..w....,i.. -, , ... , .mU... .,., ... i ,.,..,.,.,..--a,,. , ,,l....,li..M...1..v-,,r.,w...,,Mift r ill I ml mil umiihiiii tr I miM.r.1.11 nl.iiii.nin. .ii y. :'.., , , .: -'iirt-jyi-.. :i'-, .j. & .jYiju.in,.-nliiimiin.lnn jwl.
Portland, Ore.; Sheep shearing op
erations are getting well started in tin'
Pacific, northwest, and the quality of
i lie initial shearing in much bettor than
tho normal. While holdings nf sheep
in tho Pacific northwest are lens than a
vear ago, the fleeces are heavier than
normal this season, indicating that the
total flip will show little decrease, if
any. Market for wool is quiet lint very
firm at the moment. Kastern mill in
terests are trying to force selling by
appearing to have pfonty of wool on
hand for their inimeilinte requirements.
Gold Hill News: That the tungsten
ore ilcpimits found at Sylvnnite, three
miles from Gold Hill, are very valuable,
eannot lie doubted in .-r the extensive
tcssny test mndn by K. W. Liljegrnii, of
Medford. He says that the ore runs
from eight points, 15 per cent. This ore
will concent rate very readily to from
CO to 75 per cent tungsten acid, which
will yield on the latter per cent, $1,110'
Jier ton. The discovery of tungsten
near this city by Messrs. (!. I llnff and
Henry Ray is bona ride. Tho tungsten
is mostly in !hi form of scheelite, of
yellowish white color, in a quart, gnn
frno; also minute particles of wolframite
I ; are found in daces.
Albany Herald: Poultry raisers, of
whom there are hundreds in the vicin
ity of Halsey, shipped a ton of eggs
from there March through mer
chants. Tho shipment goes to Seattle
for cold storage purposes. Halsey ships
more poultry, eggs and livestock than
any other point on this division of the
Southern Pacific. The White l.ehom
is the predominating breed in that sec
tion. It is not an unusual sight to see
a thousand White Leghorns in a flock.
By jiniiney! I'm happy feel like a
young colt hero I've been worrying
about that hard, painful corn for months
and months without knowing that I
could I cured almost .instantly.
Comfort Corn PlatUrt did tho work
and did it well tho old troublesome
corn comes out with the root no cut
ting no dangerous drugs or acids
just a wonderful medicated plaster
that docs tliOi trick easy to put on
and the corn's gone before morning.
Why continue, to mffer just ask for
Comfort Corn Pta$ltriiuarantJ
to give nbsolute satisfaction or money
back. Only 25c tho package.
J. C. Perry, Drussist,
115 S. Commercial Street
For sour acid stomachs, gas and fer
mentation of food. A teaspoonful in a
fourth nf a glass of hot water usually
gives INSTANT RELIEF. Sold by nil
druggists n ithor powder or tablo
form at ,"0 cents per bottle.
Almost every farmer in that section
keeps a flock of fowls, and most of
them pure breed males. The shipment is
not unusual for Halsey. Throughout
the heavy laying season the shipments
are heavy.
Ashland Tidings: Knginoet' .T. W.
Ball, from the office of tne public roads
and rural engineering of the federal de
partment of agriculture, is preparing to
begin the work of survey of the .Med-ford-Crater
Lake highway. Field work
will begin on April 10, with a crew of
about 1- men. The work will cover a
period of probably five months. The
route will, in all probability, follow the
course of the Kogue ns nearly as pos
sible, but that, of course, is among the
official details to be worked out in pre
liminary surveys The scenic value of
the highway will be taken into account.
Engineer Hall began the organization
of his forces last Monday.
Concerning the prospect for a fair,
the Hums News says the fair commit
tee has done some effective work and
tint lltirnev eonntv court has siirnil'iod
a willingness to give all aid possible.
nil. I . .1... h- . . . . I...I : : n
I ins, die ni'vs im-iivvi'.i, iihihi s .
splendid affair of mis occasion next
V. Wallace Scars, new owner of the
Gold Hill News took charge of that
newspaper last Saturday. In his
salutatory Mr. Scars say, among other
things: "We hope to live here for the
balance of our natural life."
Seattle Wants lo Row . AH! HOW "TIZ" HELPS
uie Dig eastern uews
Mrs. Herniiv J. Tares.
Mrs. Hermis J. Thiesa, a divorcee
.f Oakland, California, has sent a
leap year proposal to John 1). Rocke
feller, Standard Oil magnate. "Soma
love you for the enemies you have
made," she wrote in the proposal,
Hut I love you for the money you
va niuU "
Seattle, Wash., April 12. Every ef
fort will be mule to have the winners
of the Ponghkccpsic and Vale-Harvard
eight come west this year, by Seattle
business men, interested in aquatic
sports, particularly rowing at the Uni
versity of Washington. Eollowing yes
terday's meeting of the faculty of the
university which sanctioned both plans
offered to bring tho winners west, or
if this was unsuccessful, to send the
Washington eight cist the Hnsiness
nien's Rowing i;lub immediately got
busy and will start correspondence at
The plan in favor hero is to have the
two winning crews come to Seattle.
This would cost in the neighborhood of
7,(100, while the trip east by the lo
caVs would cost .1,."00 less.
The funds will be raised by popular
subscription and since Washington's
brilliant victory over Stanford, support
ers have beeu flocking to the locjl in
Public Library Shows
Gam In Circulation
The public library has made a con
siderable gain this month in the number
nf volumes, as Hill adult books and i.'."
Instant Relief Tor Sore, Swollen, l-i1""11'1'' 1"'v ''''' ' according to
Tender, Calloused Feet
And Corns.
"Pull, Jonnnr, Pullt"
"If anyone should want an inspira
tion fur industrial activity," says the
Astorian, "he should tnke a trip to tin
McKachrcn shipbuilding site on Youngs
buy at the foot of Seventh street.
They're doing things over there."
Says Cream Applied In Nostrila
Relieves Head-Colds at Once.
The Head Ttulletin boasts that "even
with Jefferson cut off, Crook county
in larger than the states of Rhode Is
land and New .lcrsev combined."
Los Angeles, Cab, April W.'
To the local canine population
lias been added a pair of pup
wouk.i. Tho wouk is a rare
Chinese dog, and the piir was
brought here by V. L. Hoeck, a
wealthy plantation owner in the
Philippines. The won k pups are
valued UI J,I00.
If your nostrils are clogged and your
head is stuffed and you can't breathe
freely because of a cold or eatnrrh, just
get a smnll bottle of Ely's Cream Halm
nt any drug store. Apply a little of
this frngr.int, antiseptic cream into
your nostrils and let it penetrate
through every air passage of your head,
soothing and healing the inflamed,
swollen iniisous membrane and you get
instant relief.
Ah! how good it feels. Your nostrils
are open, your head is clear, no more
hawking, anuffinf, blowing; no more
headache, dryness or struggling for
breath. Elly'a Cream Palm is just
what stifforers from head colds and ca
tarrh need. It's a delight.
Fred Wainack et ux to Louis M. Foss,
part .las. Itrown claim, 47, (i, 1 W. i
l.oois M. Fons to Fred and Zulu Wo-j
mack, part (i. T. Fuller claim, i, ii, 1
Frank M. Williams et nx to Elbert G.
and EiiL'enia Neul. liart W. F. Eaton
cliim, 14. S, I E.
Elbert G. Neal to Eugenia .Neal, parti
W. F. Eaton claim, 14, 8 1 E.
Goo. II. Stoddard to .1. S. and Elvai
Mao Gingrich, S 3-4 of lot 3, block 10,
Morningside Add., Salem.
.1. 11. Scott et ux to F. A. Legg, V
2-:t of lot :, block 8, Salem.
T. H. Kay et ux to Jacob Stroud, lot
4, block Knight's Add., Salem.
T. H. Kav to Jacob Stroud, lot S,
block 'J, Willamette Add., Silcm,
F. A. Legg et nx to John 11. Scott,
lots 4 and !, block 7, in Subdivision
of blocks 2ti, 'J7 and 2S, Capital Park
Add., aSlein.
(Modes of Today)
A smooth, hairless skin always fol
lows the use of a paste m ule by mixing
some water with plain powdered dela
tone. This paste is applied to the hairy
surface 2 or It minutes, then rubbed off
and the skin washed, when every trace
of hair will have vanished. No pain
or discomfort attends the use of the
delatone piste, but caution should be
exereisoil to be si re that you get real
the monthly report submitted by Miss
i Anne J). Swc.ey, librarian. The month
lot' .March was also a prosperous one
.from the viewpoint of -i rrul.it ion, as in
I this record, the total of ."),:I4:I was the
j largest of any March in the history of
the library.
I The library now contains a total of
1 1,804, assorted as follows: Adult
books, !t.20.'!; adult pamphlets, 'loo;
juvenile books, '-,4111; juvenile pamph
lets, ii. .o doors or pnpmhlots hive
been withdrawn during the month.
A little over 30 per cent of the li
brary reading is done by children. The
circulation fur the month was, adults,
:i,ti48; juvenile, l.O'Jo. The adult read
ers carried out 2.0111 volumes nf fiction
Your feet feel i !I7J of other books anil to iii!tMiviiij
liafcd, aching, ' The children were nnf . ).,? f-
aty, ind they need "Tiz." works of fiction, as their per cent of
Tin" makes feet remarkably fresa fiction cradinir was .17. while th n.h.lt
and sore-proof. "Tiz" takes the pain ! readers preferred 72 per cent,
anil burn right out of corns, callouses! The best div's business during the
and bunions. "Tiz" is the grandest month was when :.!). books were check-foot-gladdener
the world has ever 1 out and the smallest day's work,
known. I when onlv 121 were called for. This
Get n 2o cent box of "Tiz" nt any brings the average circulation to JUS
drug store ad end foot torture for ailailv.
whole year. Never have tired, aching,' While the circulation n-.na loS
You're footsick!
tired, puffed up,
sweatv, ind thev need
sweaty, smelly feet; your shoes will
fit fine and you'll only wish you had
tried "Tiz" sooner. Accept no substitute.
Waconda News
than the preceding mouth, yet -March
was a Manner month, as 322 more vol
umes were circulated th in March of one
year ago and the total showing the
largest month's business in the history
i me norary.
The extra number of books added to
the library duriug the month was due
Eases Quickly When You Apply
a Little Musterole
And MUSTEROLE won't blister like
the old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just
spread it on with your fingers. It pen
etrates to the sore spot with a gentle
tingle, loosens the congestion and draws
out all soreness and pain.
MUSTEROLE is a clean, white oint
ment made with oil of mustard. There's
nothing like it for quick relief for Sore
Throat, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, Croup,
Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Head
ache, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism,
Lumbago, Fains and Aches of the Back
or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruis
es. Chilblains, Frosted Feet, Colds on the
Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia).
Nothing like MUSTEROLE for croupy
At your druggist's, in 2Sc and 50c jars,
and a special large hospital size for $2.50.
Be sure you get the genuine MUS
TEROLE. Refuse imitations get what
you ask for. The Musterole Company,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Washington, April IX Tho battle
ships South Carolina and Michigan col
lided while they were cruising north of
Guantniiiimi, the navy department an
nounced today. Neither of the war ves
sels was seriously damaged and no sail
ors were injured.
( aiutal Journal special Service.) to the fact that the slink...!...- .,.,1
Waconda, Dr., April l:t. Victor Tay-! lection has been added to generously,
nor, or mm-iii, was me ween can guest in honor of tho tercentenary of the
-of Mr. Carlton Savage. de Uh of the great poet, April' 2X lOlli.
1 Mr. L. A. Jones was a Portland visit-1
or Thursday I
Miss Gladys Humphrey attended the; X
(teachers institute, which was held iu DANDRUFFY HEADS it
i Salem Siturday j BECOME HAIRLESS
Mrs. h. M. rainier spent Tuesday audi 1
' W'lm;sdy in Salem with her daughter, I-
i Alice 1 aimer.
j Miss Maude Jesse of Salem, spent I If von want id.-ntv of thick, beauti
ithe week end with her iiiotuer. Mis.,f, flossy, silky hair, do bv all means
'IT', 'i, in i i. i 'get rid of dandruff, for it will starve
The baseball game which was played .vonr hair and ruin it if you don't
jilt Wacon.li Sunday with (finally was f ,0esn 't do much, good to trv to
triumphantly won by the home team. l.rush or wash it out. The only "sure
A surprise party was eiven on Oiial wiiv i., .... -i.i r ,i.,...i...i c -. k i. .
Loren, Saturday afternoon in honor ot ,it, then von destroy it entirelv Tn ,1.,
this, cet about four fill 11 PPM nf nrilinn r
Portland, Or., April 13 A swig from
a flask of alcohol which contained a
drun of ether put John Osterberg to
sleep in the gutter. He awoke in the
ilice station several hours later. On
their vwn initiative many Portland
druggists are denaturing tiieir alcohol
with camphor or ether before selling
it lor any purpose.
her birthday. The children amused
. themselves by playing games, after
(waicli luncn was served. They then de
parted for home wishing Opil many
I more happy birthdays.
Miss Young, of Salem, was a visitor
nt me aimer noine iusi .-luntiay.
Miss Kileen Savage was the guest of
Mr. anil Mrs. Dr. II. P. Pound. Satur
day mid Solid iv.
-Mrs. K. P. Hubert was a Salem visit
or Wednesday.
Those visiting at the home of Mr.
ami Mrs. Isadore Loren Sunday were;
Mr. ami Mrs. 11. J. Winter and two
children, Mrs. Joseph Winter, of Unlit,
and Mr. and Mrs. l.awson Hadlcy, of
Silverton Hills.
The wood siw of lVs Martin wn
heard humming in our neighborhood
this week.
liiiuid arvon: innlv it ut ni.i'ir uh,,., r.
tiring; use enough to moisten the scalp
and rub it in gently with the fiii"er
tips. ' "
li.v morning, most if not all, of vour
dandruff will be gone, and three or
tour more applications will completely
dissolve and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it.
Yon will find, too, that 'nil itching
and digging f the scalp will stop, and
your hair will look and feel i hun
dred times better. You can get liquid
a-v.,ii nt any drug store. It is inexpen
sive and four ounces is all you will need
no matter how much dandruff von have.
This s'inple remedy never fails.
Try Casual Journal Want Ada.
High School Notes
At a tryout of the sophon-ir-'g Tues
day evening the following teiru was
chosen: Dewey Probst, John Seci'k-U
and Ralph Barnes, with Gcoig? i;oi-st
as alternnte. The boys have chos -i;
Rev. Robert S. Gill, rector of .St.
Paul's Episcopal church, ns their coach.
A movie 'survey of the schools of tho
city is being taken with the expectation
of lietterinir tint mnvin nn.l ..:...
what the prevailing favorites of hci
children are.
The German club is practicing a Ger
man play entitled "Kiginsinn," which
will be given soon at the school.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only ono way to cure catarrhal
deafness, and that is by a constitutional
remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused
by an inflamed condition of tho mucous)
lining of tho Kustnchina Tub When
this tube is inflamed you havo a rum
bling sound or imperfect hcaringf and
when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
the result. Unless the inflammation
can be reduced and this tube restored
io its normal condition, hearing will bo
destroyed forever. Many cases of deaf
ness are caused by eatnrrh, which is an
inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Curs acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that
cannot be cured by Hall 's Catarrh Cure.
Circulars free. AH Drugcists, Tie.
i J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O.