Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 13, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
April lit 10.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
A headline in a Portland paper reads: "Rate of inter
est reduced by banks." This is cheering news on the
face of it, but as it means the banks 'will pay less for
money on deposit it does not listen so well to the de
positor. The rate is reduced from four to three per cent
on deposits of six months and three and a half per cent on
tec. anil Treas.
Bily by carrier, per year $5.00 I'er month 45c
of EU5S1A
deposits for a longer term. With the present plethora of
Daily by mail, per year XUO
i'er mouth 3oc
money it is probably all the banks can afford to pay, and
keep even.
Kew York
K A ST EH X 1! El' RES E XT ATI V 1 :S
WardLewin-Williarns Special Agency Tribune Building
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
jporth. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on tiaie, kindly plume the circulation niantiger, n-t this is the only
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phone Main 8J.
Carranza's note to the United States, saving that
Villista's bandits are scattered and Villa's power broken!
It pays to advertise. Scarce a year has passed since
Oregon let the world know she could raise the very best
quality 01 ilax, and a lew days ago it was reported that
Sir Francis Webster, a noted flax spinner of Abroth,
Scotland, had purchased a big ranch near Medford.
Chances are he will be utilizing some of the vast water
powers of that section before long to set the spindles at
work on the Willamette valley product. " -
Multnomah county records show the importation of
malt and spirituous liquors is on the increase. During
and suggesting that it is now time for American troops March 6,G00 affidavits were issued by the county clerk,
to withdraw from Mexican territory, is liable to cause I Each shipment means either two quarts of whiskey or 24
That the bandits are more or less scattered is true,
but they are like a flock of quail surprised by a hunter,
ready to assemble again "on call."
General Funston says the border troubles will not be
ended until Villa is either captured or killed, and this
seems to be the opinion of the administration as well as
the country at large. To withdraw now would leave us
just where we started, for in a week Villa and his gang
would be back on the border again, and the whole business
would have to be begun anew.
Carranza would no doubt like to have the American
troops dispose of Villa, butlie would rather hold onto his
job, and he fears he may lose this if the troops remain
longer. He realizes he cannot capture Villa," but his job
with Villa attached is better than to lose it entirely.
His request is not a demand, but it will eventually re
sult in this. The result will be that we must either with
draw our troops and let Villa chase them back to the
border as a coyote does a dog to his owners camp, or it
means war with Mexico. It will probably be the latter,
for we cannot turn back until the work we started to do
is finished. However a war with all Mexico could prob
ably be ended sooner than a fine toothed comb search
for Villa.
The cost of the feed for one hen. especially on a farm,
is not great, yet the eggs laid by a hen of average ability
in the laying line, will furnish the family the Capital
Journal daily, delivered at the home.
The market report alone is worth more than the
paper would cost, and besides the good wife and family
would find it a pleasing visitor, telling all the gossip and
news of the vallev neighborhoods, with the marriages,
quarts of beer. It is estimated that of these 6,000 were
for whiskey or brandy. As compared with February the
imports nearly doubled, there being ;5,:17 affidavits issued
in that month and in January 784.
A dodo is an extinct bird and judged from the imagin
ary pictures of him drawn from the skeletons, clothed
with flesh and feathers by the artists, as they imagine
the old aviator to have been, it is just as well that he is.
In modern time we only see his name hyphenated on bills
and there it adds to the size of them without increasing
their beauty.
The forty million dollar river and harbor bill has
passed the house all right. The Oregon delegation was
divided in its vote, Sinnott and McArthur claiming there
was too much "pork" in it voted against it, and Hawley
for it. The latter claimed it was necessary to accept the
pork addition in order to get what was really needed.
The Germans have gained steadily in their attacks on
Verdun but these gains are so slight compared to what
must be made to really accomplish anything, that they
maye be classed as unimportant. The smash still goes
on but it is much like a switch engine which is busy all
the time but never gets anywhere.
Evidently Marshfield is in the habit of getting some
mail. When Uncle Sam commenced sending the mails
over the Willamette-Pacific road the first trains were de
layed, some of them for nearly two hours on account of
the heavy mails. Probably some Capital Journals were
in that bunch.
Now comes a Greek officer who was on the Sussex
w hen she was sunk and makes the assertion that she was
births and deaths, the social events and happenings, and; not sunk by a torpedo but struck a mine possibly one of
besides this keeping all mlormed about the doings ot the British make. Ihis story comes from Berlin and was
great world. No lamily can at lord to be without it. 1 ry
it for six months and you will never again be without it.
You don't have to dig to pay for it, if you will just put
one of your hens on the job of keeping you supplied with
the Capital Journal. She will attend to it.
The Turks are now putting up a stubborn resistance
to the Russians in Mesopotamia, but are not able to stop
their advance, though delaying it. Indications are that it
will be but a short time until the fighting along the Rus
sian lines will begin with a desperate attempt on the part
of the czar's armies to drive the Gentians back. If Rus
sia has supplied herself with munitions as she is reported
to have done there will be some real lighting before long-
that will require strone: reinloreemenis Irom
mans at Verdun or from ltyw levies at home. It is possible
if Ford gets busy he may have the armies "out of the
trenches by Christmas."
probably uncensored.
The returns so far are not highly encouraging to the
Colonel, but he is optimistic as to the success of anything
the Colonel undertakes. It is necessarily right and
must win.
The proverb says "when the blind lead the blind both
will fall in the ditch," but when blindfold justice tackled
the blind-pig in Portland both of them steered clear of
the i ail.
The Commercial Club should prove especially attrac-
ii, , --vo to democrats for there is an election in it every day
the Ger- , , i ..... . , J J
in mi ;iuu wmiii's pieiuy oi on ices 10 go rouna.
A complaint has been filed in Justice Websters court
by an official of the Dairy and Food Commissioner charg
ing someone with having in his possession "the dead body
of a deceased cow, which is adulterated food, and that
said party had offered this adulterated food for sale."
All this is contrary to the peace and dignity of the state
and also in violation of the law, or so it is alleged. One
thing alone is plain about the charge and that is that the
cow is superlatively dead. What she was adulterated
with is not stated.
It is now officially stajed that Villa is wounded in the
, but this is only "Mexican officially."
1 tJzMWP3
It is announced the Southern Pacific will spend $100.-j the store
000 on its yards at Eugene. This is a matter on which;
I'.npetip rnn ho ponprarn :iret . ;ow it t he same comuanv r
- - - - - - - - - O - l . ;
will remove the old cow shed serving as a depot here
since Ben Holladav came round the Horn with a bull
team, Salem can also be in the line for congratulations
I do not like to dig and till the garden it's too hard a
chore; I'd rather take a dollar bill and buy my onions at
f -H;?Zj PEN JAM Iff !
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By a new arrangement maile i
through C. E. Benjamin, known to
every railway man in the Liuttd
States as "Ben," between the Can-'
adian Pacific and six Oriental rail
ways, namely, the Imperial Govern-:
Jiient Railwavs of Japan, the Rail
way Bureau of the Government Gen- -f'-al
of Chosen, the South Manchuria ;
iailway Company, the Poking-Muk-;
uen Line, the Tientsin Pukow Line, !
.and the Shanghai-Nanking Line, it is ;
now possible for the ordinary trav-:
eler to include in his tour Peking and
other cities of Eastern China, which imperial splendor of marble palaces until recently released by the Britisl
have hitherto been extremely diflicjflt make it one of the sights of the Admiralty, were used to good ad-
of access. The conflicting interests world. While Bin'ope is practically vantage as fast auxiliary cruisers
of these railways have been recon- closed to the tourist, the Orient is and commerce destroyers, havinsj
ciled so that one through ticket cov- open, and the Orientals,' principally four 0-inch guns and si". 4.7-inch
ers the whole journey from Yoko- the Japanese, arc taking full ad- guns mounted fore and aft and
homa through Japan and Korea to vantage, to pnt Peking and other manned by Royal Na . al Reservt
Mukden, thence to Peking, Nanking, cities of China, Korea ar.d Japan on men. They have a sea-going speed
and Shanghai. The Forbidden City the line for tourist travel to the of 20 knots and are the fastest liners;
is now no longer concealed from the flower festivals and fairylike scenery on the Pacific. Vancouver, British
L'a.'.e of the foreigner, and its truly i of the 1'ar East. The Empre-.ses, Columbia, is their western port. -
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Eighteen Ships On
Ways at San Francisca
Sun I'rani -iM-n. April 1;!. With IS
sliis already on t;,o any, the 1'nioa
Iron Woiks of Sun Fninci'O toil iy
"'-"''I a contr.Mi-t with the Standard
Oil company for the construction of
three more oil tankers at a cost of
--.-"" "."" . Ten tankers had orevioiis-
! ly been onk hv the oil company.
1 The new . are to be of th
i same design ami about the same ca-
parity 'as the In umiv under const riii
jtion. They are tn be delivered early
j next year, according to the rontrurt.
! The standard Oil rnmpanv at the
present time has i'.h tankers either actu
j ally bring hnilt .,r t'.illy outlined iu
i plans ami di sii.'ns and awaiting onlv t!.i
I making of eontrai ts. The vessels a'ro c
'the :iv ,.,f shipvanls ail over the I'ni
! ted Mates.
It was reinrted that an agent i-f
, standard Oil neg,,i iated willi the I'nb.a
; lion Works for the building ,f nian
I tankers, but eould only place three
rontrnets hen-, at si.'iiiii.oiiii raeh.
j Steamers Will Cost
j $950,000 Apieca
I I'ortlaioi. nr.. April i:!.The two neir
'steamers u lie cniwtni.-ted in Portl.vii'l
Jar a ci.-r ot -!i"u. apiece, will ba
''!elneiv, to l.auiit. Klo-ter. of Stav-
aiiuer, .Norway, iu ten and twelvs
, '"'!' i'esieeti eiy, it wa announced
t'"i;(v. Klostrr ha purchased tlie:a
trom llani;evi. ami .Ii.lui- ,.w York
Mip brokers, who contracted with tha
Willamette Iron Works tint Northwest
sted company for tucir coustructiou.
Inr steairei will reigstt-r ,,1uu ton
'. K;"-',,i' alreioly owns the small steam
ers l-icda. lienima. Libra am! Matliiidci.
, 1 hie:,",,, --xj.fi 1 l.'i.-.loc Howard, the
,'i..eville surer wh,t. wife committed
j'tiicle m oinaha. has cancelled the ro
liumidei of his rp,,ai,a theatrical eti
:"au'emei!t and is .-nniiiij; here to atten I
tie funeral tomorrow, it wis learned
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
Transact a General Banking: Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
When first the vernal breezes blow, men feel
desire to hew the soil, and with their spades
and rakes they go, and sing and chortle as
they toil. But vernal breezes soon expire;
the sizzling wind of summer blows, and sets
the toiler's beard afire, and tans his neck
and bakes his nose. And as he sweats
'llfilth lllll'ninrr clciPC nnrl irii-oo tha rnvinmi
' t weeds a whack, a million ants and bugs and
; , flies crawl up his legs and bite his back.
K.'yA And then he hates his sawed-off farm, he
l ....
LMX-jJ prowls enough for seven gents: his cauli
flowers lose all their charm, his string beans if'1'"11"1 i";-"". "'' !iis
1 j. l j. rvi t i is. .1 . 1 " "laiiuged to get out ot Silier
look like twenty cents. Oh, I have gardened in the past, I hiding ty. day, i the wiiaeme
and know the lervor born ot spring glows bright a while,
but does not last; it is an evanescent thing. I do not like
the rake and hoe, I will not ply them any more; when I
want turnips I will go and buy the blamed things at the
i store.
Lieutenant Swartzkopeuski.
Next Monday evening the people ofi
Salem will line an opportunity of see
ing a,nd also hearing a man who was j
formerly an officer nud bodyguard to' Austin
the t'ar of Russia. His name i I.ieu- hospital
tenant Swartzk opeusuy. I irom its store rooms here today and'
Had it not been for his liberal as prepared for service. The adiutautj
well is humane views, he might now generals department is most Imsv, Of'
be doing his work in the Russian nrmv ' 1,l','rs believe the Texas militia will
lint it so haoLens that be , omo"""" be ,al-IM ,l' Iarru' th border.,
of the guards that iefnsi. to fiio mi aiaiBMaM
helpless people when ordered, during! . '
the riots known a, "Bloody Mo, lay "Always Watch This Arl
in St. Petersburg several vears ago. and " IHS U
tor disobeying orders, was sent to Si
beria. In his lecture he will tell of his ex
perience in walking Join) miles to his
uid lien
lena. atter
lecture is free, but a silver offering
will be taken. Tiie lecture will lie
given at the l'irsf ( oil. relational
church Moudav evening.
Tcvas. April r,.-The militia; Q) JU
coips euipnoiit wis taken f A . j . .
A popular song south of tile Rio
tirnnde .inst now is "I ili ln't ,a;.-e mv
bov to be a bandit."
Changes Often
Big .took of all ,izM .econa h, ria'ubato'i '! lT , " M t
H. Steinback Junk Co. I
The House of Half a M.llion Bargains
au.. ortli Commercial St
Pjone tOS X