Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 13, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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Pre-Easter Sale of
One Lot of Ladies' Shoes
One Lot of Ladies' Shoes (including patent button styles, black cloth tops), yours
cce $1.95 a Pair ::
Another Big Lot .Ladies' Shoes, your choice $2.95 a P?ir i:
Black kid button and patent leather styles, cloth and natural kid tops included ;;
in this assortment.
Our entire stock of Grover
prices. Those who know
of these special prices.
Special Prices on our entire stock of Pla-Mate Shoes for
Children-(High Shoe Styles)
Purchase Shoe neeeds from these assortments and make
a big saving. These sales start Thursday morning and
end Saturday night.
Tomorrow and Saturday
A Great Special Sale of Im
ported Pongee Silk
100 pieces of Pongee Silk to be placed on sale ;;
Imported Pongee Silks of excellent quality at a surprisingly low price, just at a ::
time when Silks are increasing on account of being hard to get; a splendid fabric :
m aw .... '
tor Summerexcellent tor
50 pieces of Imported Pongee,
wide, extra value
39c a Yard
Bay Togs for Men at MeyersFurnishings
That Please in Every Particular
Salem's Big
Pretty Fresno Girl
Mysteriously Disappears
j i icu, as was at i irsi. suppuseu. ,o trace
Sau Francisco, April 13. Parents of 'of a marriage license has been found.
Miss Meruice Meehnni, beautiful Fresno j Median exhibited sever il postcards
girl, are greatly alarmed today at her signed with his daughter's nanie and
strange, disappearance, according to the! mailed at points between here and Chi
statement o lleruirj .Median, her filth-1 cago. They are not in her handwriting,
Based on Real Merit
Queen Quality Shoos are popular because
they "make good" in style, fit, comfort and
long wear. Ladies who know and appreci
ate real shoe quality find their ideal in
Queen Quality footwear.
We have all the newest styles in all the
popular colors black, white, gray, brown
and bronze.
Mrs. P. E.
270 North Commercial St
Will move to our new store in New Mc
Gilchrist Building May 1st
Women's and Misses' Suits, Millinery
Tomorrow and Saturday
broken lines your choice
Comfort Shoes (high shoe
this brand will no doubt be
women s dresses, waists, and
50 pieces of Imported Pongee, 33-inches
wide, surprise price
59c a Yard
t j i i -"I ii
liXiloooiAoooDs fcr
who is here to enlist the aid of de
tectives i the hunt for her.
Median snid he believed his daughter
lifl.t ii.it ,, I, ,,,,,, I I i,., ,., r.
$1.00 a Pair
styles) at special reduced X
the first to take advantage t
men s shirts, etc.
v n r, i '
he declares.
The latest clement of mystery was a
telegram from Colorado Springs, saying
that the m in with whom Miss Median
was supposed to have eloped had been
killel in an equestrian accident. Po
lice of Colorado Springs when inquiries
were made of them by wire, replied that
no such mishap hail occurred there.
Another mystery feature developed
when Mrs. Median received a letter
signed with the name of the supposed
bridegroom's mother, congratulating
Mr. mil .frs. Median on the match and
expressing the hope that the marriage
would be a happy one. '
Negro Boy Confesses
Murder of Peddler
I.os Angeles, Cal., April 13. I.orin
llndley, aged 21, a negro, today con
fessed, the police say, to the murder of
John Mclinvern, n peddler, on April 3.
According to llndley, lie planned to rob
McCovotn, who was believed to have'
a huge sum of money in the house, lli.
victini was chopping wood.
The negro fired two shots. One
lderced McUovern s 1clt. the other went
through the heart.
The negro declined he jumped over
the feme aad escaped, obtaining no
money or valuables.
Stung by Sharpers Is
Studying to Be Sleuth
Sacramento, Cal., April 13 "Snig"
by sharpers who sold him oil stock and
stock in two amusement companies on
the exposition joy zone, (leorge tiallion,
of Muncie. Ind., in a letter received
by the state orpoiation commissioner
today says he is taking a correspond
ence course with a Kansies City detec
tive school and as soon ns he completes
it will start out on the trail of the
sharpers until he binds every one of
tlieui. (iiilliou dropped about .fl.oou ii
Taconia, Wash., April 13. The casus
of Authur Voting, former saloonkeeper
charged with hn'ving cashed forged war
rants drawn against tho state indus
trial insurance fund, went to the jury
just before uooii today.
I . ii a ' , V i'HEM IMS HE """""""
j AM Around 1 own feature of market
I i'tfmwS
iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii itmimmmmtmtmmTCTnl Strained Situation Over Sub- m W WWfet li
April 14. Election of director
Industrial Department Com-
mercinl club.
April 17. Lieut. Swartzkopen-
sky, a Siberian escape, at Con- n
gregatienal church. Free.
April 18 Registration for
primary election closes.
April 18. Monthly meeting nt
Commercial club.
Hons of American Revolution
se banquet, Marion hotel.
April 20. Election of director
Social department Commercial
April 21 Willamette university
debates Pacific on govern-
nient ownership of railroads.
April 22. Mid-Summer Night's
Dream, Opera House, auspices
Salem Women's Club.
April 23 Easter Sunday.
April 23. Election of Director
civics department Commercial
t April 27 Free lecture by Peter
Collins at Opera House.
April 28 Dnnce, benefit Salem
Street Railway baud, at the
May 6. Founders' Day cele-
bration at Champoeg.
May 910. East Willamette ns
sje sociution of Congregational
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass
is correctly. U. S. Bank. Bldg.
Harry E. Morton went to Silverton
this morning to conduct a demonstra
tion of electric ranges for the Portland,
Railway, Eight jnd Power company.
Dr. Stone's drag store.
Fred 8. Lamport went to Dallas this
morning to appear in the case of I'ylc
vs. John W. Orr, sheriff, in which the
plaintiff claims that the sheriff unlaw
fully attached a Ford automobile.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses.
Automobiles for hire, passengers and
baggage transfered, rates reasonable,
country trips a specialty. C. G. Mc
Hroy. riMuw 947 or 639. tf
Mr. and Mrs. F. Crowson, of Ashland,
Oregon, are receiving congratulations
upon the arrival of n daughter, April
1. Mrs. Crowson was formerly Miss
Kate Will, of Salem.-
Auction sale at the People's Quick
Exchange Auction Market on Saturday,
April 15th at 1:30 p. m. Everything
sold on commission. Don't forget I buy
household furniture for cash. F. N.
Woodry, auctioneer. vPiione 511, Apd-0
Sugar is up 15 cents a hundred and
now the good housekeepers will face
the proposition of paying from $S.15 to
$8.25 u hundred for the best cane sugar
and 15 cents less Tor beet sugar.
Ladies. The place you have been
looking for. Popular shoe shining par
lors, specially equipped for ladies. The
latest magazines received daily. 383
State street. tf
Jason Lee church will soon have a
tennis court, the exclusive property of
the younger members of the church.
The court is now being prepared and
as everybody is helping during the
early morning nnd evening hours, play
will begin early next week.
Dr. FranSi E. Brown, late of New
ork, Post Graduate school, confining
his practice to diseases of the eye, ear,
noso anil mronr, w in nave ins on ices
with Dr. A. 11. (iillis, over Bush Bank
building. JIaylO
Beginning one week from today April
20, the exposition spceial on the South
cm Pacific will change time. Begin
ning the 20th, the train will leave Port
lajid at. X:'I0 each morning and arrive
in Salem at 10;... This is train -No.
53, now .irriving in Salem at 2:30 p.
La Corona cigars are full of quality.
Salem made, for S ilcm trade, 10 cents.
F. S. Myers, postmaster of Portland,
is in the city today. Tho principal
business of Mr. Myers on this trip is
filing the petition of Thomas l. Mar
shall, of Indium., in order that it may
properly appear on the ballot for the
primary election, May 19. The petition
wis signed by more than the legal
iiuiulicr required.
Hear any of your favorites sing on
the Sonera Talking Machine, true to
life. Myrtle Knowluml, l-l Court.
Tho Marion County Jorsey Cattle
dul will meet next Saturday morning
at 10 o'clock at the commercial club,
in response to notices sent out bv the
president, llenrv Zoin. The club has
been holding monthly meetings mid all
have been itteudid by representative.
Jersey cattle breeders of the county.
Lace curtains at special prices. You
can save money. Let us show you. Hu
i on i Hamilton.
Efforts will be made this evening to
organize, a juvenile ,1'nited Artiswn
baud, ns already about 30 hive signi
fied their intentions of becoming mem
bers. Local musicians have volunteered
to organise and instruct the band. The
meeting this evening will be held in
the city hall in the room Known ns the
old armory.
Come to us with your bill for lumber.
We can fill it complete and save you
inonev. Kails Citv Salem Lumber Co.
310 5. 12th. Phone SKI.
Just as an investment, J. R. Pollock,
the shoe repair man on State Mrcct.
bought two frame houses, and both are
ou the corner of Cuion and Winter
streets, only on opposite sides of the
street. One is a seven room f runic and
the other is an eight room frame, and
they were bought from the Knights of
Pythias lodge for $3,750 The transfer
was made by L. Bechtel & Co.
Lace curtain stretchers, regular $2.50
stretcher, special Ql.UH. liuren & Hamil
ton. A mothers' meeting will be held to
morrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock it the
lfighlaud school. While general mat
ters of interest to the school will come
up at the meeting, the principal sub
ject to be discussed is that of arrang
ing for an entertainment at the school
sometime this mouth to raise funds for
The South Salem Box Factory is now
operating and .Mrs. Cameron solicits the
orders of old patrons as well as new.
Phone 72B-W . ,prlo
A double header is in store for base
ball fans next Saturday afternoon. Tiie
two games will be played on Willam
ette field, the first one being called for
1:30 o'clock. The Salem high school
boys will start the afternoon with
their game with the O. A. C. freshmin
team. After this excitement, the O.
A. ('. "Aggies" will play the Willam
ette "Hear Cats."
Iron Boards, regular S1.75, special
9Sc, today And tomorrow. Bureu &
The date of the monthly meeting of
the commercial club has been changed
from Wednesday, April 19, to Tucs lay
ncsilav evening, April 19, to Tuesday
evening, April IS. This change in the
date of the meeting was deemed ad
visable as it has been announced that
Theodore E. Burton, former senator
from Ohio, and a candidate for the re
publican nomination lor the presidency,
will speak at the armory Wednesday
See the fairies dance in the Mid Sum
mer -Night's Dream, April 22nd.
In the windows of. the Capital Na
tional bank may be seen the large hiv
ing cup presented o William Blake,
dr., oi Kaiser liottom, by the First
National bank of St. Paul, for displac
ing the best 10 ears of corn from this
section of the country at the First Na
tional Corn show. Also on display is
tho bronze cup awarded to A. T. (line
of Mount Angel for the second prize
awarded to men 'for the best 10 ears of
Mid Summer Night's Dream at the
Grand Opera llonse, Saturday, April
2nd, 2:30 and 8:30 p. ui. Aav seat in
the house 2-.")c.
"Green Stockings" the play in which
Margaret Anglin made such a national
reputation, will be given bv the dram
a tic students of the high school the
evening of either April 28 or 20. He-
hearsals arc nlrcndv under way .uid the
students who take part in tho play are
doing their best, to province a. play that
will he a credit to the high school. As
in all Inch school entertainments, the
play will be gi' en at the high school
Black (hoes bronzed white shoes
cleaned, l'opul.ir shoe shining parlors,
Specially equipped for l.idies. 3,3
Statu street. Opposite The Spa.
Owners of Church street property will
meet this evening nt 7:30 o'clock at
tiie city hall to decide among them
selves lust what kind ot a pavement
they want. Among the kinds th.it have
proved adapted to this country are the
cement, concrete, bitulithic, asphaltic
concrete, Kl Oso, nnd the pavement of
concrete base with bituminous wear
ing surface. The council will, of course
select the pavement the property own-1
ers want, and advertise the intention
of the city to make the imrovement. Af
ter the first publication, propeily own
ers have 20 d ys in which to remon
strate, but in order to defeat the pav
ing the remonstrance must he signed by
more than two thirds of the property
The Management of Hotel Marion an
nounces an nitorinnl dinner dance luindpitn Pass to the region east ot
the main dining room Friday, April M. iGrnndes and along the line of the
The course dinner will be served nt 1 1 American communications, it. was rc
p. in. Musi,! from 7:30 to 10:30 p. ni.:ort,.d here this afternoon. Thev had
I lease nmle reservations early. ijfl.UO
per person. Hotel Marion Co., Cnas. G.
Mlll"'M-r- o
Plans are now under way for an in -
foresting evening when the Suns of the
American novo utlon nod fhnse inter-
ested give their banquet at the Marion!
hotel, celebrating the date of the bat
tles of Concord and Lexington, April;
10. Addresses will be made by Uov-!
ornor Withvcombe, Mnvor Har'lev 0.
White, Judge William (iallowav, ' Kev. ;
It. P. Tischer .no! Wallace McCnmant. !
of Portland, president of the ()reon :
Sodctv of the Sons of the American I
Revolution. Prof. !'. S. (iauaett, prin-
cipal of the Washington junior high j
school, will read a paper. A reception
will be held for half an hour before!
the serving of the banquet at 7 o 'clock. :
Members of the society and tluo in-1
terested may secure their tickets from
Viinthrop Hammond, lieorge Post or mg her appreciation ot .Mr", auder
Uiisseli lirooks. i hilt 's plan. I.ndy Yarrow left for Sc-
o iiittle and Vancouver. R C.
The Management of Hotel Marion an-' , m
nouuecs an informal dinner dance in
the main dining room Friday, April 1 ;.
The course dinner will lie served at 7
p. in. Music from 7:30 to 10:30 p. in.
Please make reservations early. $1,111)
per person. Hotel Marion Co., Cna. t
One pole or one line only is the cor -
reel style for anyone who goes fishing,
nnd this one pole or one lino must be:
held in the hand. Anyone trying toi ... 1
overdo the fishing proposition bv usin? P""':- 0V" Al"l ! Mr-'
two or three poles or several liiiei, jip Thomas Dutty. wife ot a railroad con-1
at (he same time, will place himself j '!'"'"'. was notified today that she is
liable to arrest and a fine of tiS. The!nHir ,0 "-0 as the result of the death
law is ery plain, to the effect thatf't' ,,,r futb.-r, J. 0. Burke, u wealthy,
only one pole or one line may be used brewer, of Dublin. Ireland. j
by one parly and also that the sa me ! l- "'-''" -"'-l- j
must be held in the ii ind. To come j this to the attention of the Fish and
within the law, not more than three'came commission and secured their'
hooks mav be Used on one line. For the! written opinion. Hereafter, lny one!
past few days, several boys and men 1 fishing with mora than the limit of one
too, hnc been fishing with several line or pole, will be arrested, and if:
lines in the slough and creeks. Hoy guilt is proved, the regulation fine.
Ilreinmer, deputy game warden brought will be assessed. I
marines Weakened Market
In All Stocks
New York, April 13. The New York
Evening Sun's financial review today
There was no mistaking the presence
of liquidation in today's market. Much
of it centered in war stocks and special
tics in which pools and cliques were
recently active, it represented a light
ening of special accounts. Yet there
was marked increase in commission
house selling, some of which was cred
ited to German-American interests. This
caused an unverified and probably
groundless rumor that German. Ambas
sador You Bernstorff was" about to be
recalled, and diplomatic relations be
tween the Vnited State and Germany
severed forthwith. 1'pon receipt of
this rumor professionals worked for re
actions and their selling combined with
that of pools and cliques, and that of
the general public resulted in a sharp
general reaction. The market had much
to contend with in Germany's reply to
the American Sussex inquiries and also
in Curranza's request that I'nited States
troops withdraw from Mexii-o. The
market opened with heavy losses rang
ing from a large fraction to a point,
more in Mexican Petroleum and some
leading war issues. Steel was heavy
under continued selling. A slight re
covery followed initial declines but tho
improvement was not continued nnd
the list weakened before the end of
the first hour. Business was conducted
on a scale of increasing activity with
losses of two or three points and more
in tho afternoon. Speculative condi
tions were not changed in the later
trading and the sentiment was de
pressed. Eugene Newspaper ,
Is Purchased by
Salem Publisher
The Eugene Daily Guard passed into
the control of Charles H. Fisher and J.
E. Shclton this week. Mr. Fisher will
be president of the publishing company
and Mr. Shclton will be editor and
manager of the paper.
The Guard is the largest newspaper
and printing busines-s in Oregon out
side of Portland and the plant is splen
didly equipped with machinery and
type, including n perfecting press with
a. speed of 35.000 10-page papers per
hour and four linotypes.
Mr. Fisher, who is publisher of the
Capital Journal, will not be actively
interested in the Eugene enterprise, but
will continue to devote his entire time
to the management of the Salem pa
per. Joy Rider Faces Trial
, For Manslaughter
Seattle, Wash., Aiuil 13 W. H. En-
glehart, a Taconia boxing instructor,
known to light tans as .lack Kynn, must
face a jury here, charged with man
slaughter for the death of Mrs. Minnie
Hogue, of Puyallup, who was killed in
an automobile collision near Kent Wed
nesday night.
Testimony submitted at the inquest
held at Kent showed clearly, according
to Deputy Prosecutor Carmnily, t li :i
Englehnrt ens intoxicated when he
drove his machine into two others. Tho
coroner's jury returned a verdict of
manslaughter against Englehnrt. He ad
mitted he had two drinks of whiskey
that night.
4,000 Carranzista
Troopsleave Sonora
Kl Paso, Texas, April 13. Four
thousand Cairanza troops under Gen
eral Gomez passed from Sonora through
i rfmr cannon and 12 machine guns,
j thousand other constitutionalists
ceded them. (
!. . .. . .
' IflflV YaiTfiW InflOlSeS
Mrs. Vanderbilt s Plan
,. . , , ... T , . ..
randseo April l..-T.aay ar-
row. of I.ondon. declared todav that she
thought -Mrs- Cornelius amleibilt s
l'lim of fusing a "royal relict lund
" ", worthy of great commendation, ex-
pressing confidence that the :!ll0,tl(ll ,
which it is proposed to divide among;
''uee European rulers will be spent fur ,
K""1' ends. :
-Mrs. Vnnderhilt 's plan is to give tin i
money to Queen Maiy of (.rent Britain,;
the czarine of Ru-ia :d President
Puincare oi" France. ,tu-t after express-
Sacramento, Cal., April 13 For work
ing A. H. Cautwell, a telegraph operator
nt Helgeu. Cal., more than nine hours a
'"I day, ,the Western Pacific railway was
I ordered todiiv to pav a fine of 37" bv
:'m,J'" - ' x Kle'''- .
Some Symptoms
of Serious
Eye Trouble
-Dimncs of vision, seeing -spot-,
specks, etc., dance before the eyes.
-The atmosphere
seems smoky and
Seeing better sonic days than othci-.
Seeing better sideways than straight
Seeing better in the evening or earl;
morning than at midday.
Seeing a halo or circle about a lighl.
Pain in or about the eyes.
Constant or periodic headaches.
My 33 years' experience in scien
tific eyesight testing is at your dis
posal. If I find glasses are not satis
factory, then I decline to supply
I do not use drops or drugs in mak
ing examinations as they are dangcroir.
Doctor of Optics.
Offices: 210-211 TJ. S. Bank Bulldinr,.
Phone 110.
Would Jake Gasoline
aPublic Utility
Los Angeles, Cal., April 13? Aft or
calling a meeting of all senators and
assemblymen from the I.os Angeles dis
trict today, for the purpose of reducing
the prieo of gasoline through legisla
tion, the editor of the I.os Angeles Rec
ord dispatched a plea to Governor Join'
son for his co-operation in making gaso
line a public utility.
It was proposed to Governor Johnson
that the matter be put before the stato
railroad commission in an effort K
make gasoline a public utility.
A committee of legislators who unan
imously approved the plan will in co
here tomorrow to further the plan.
Assemblymen Bartlctt, Benton, Fish,
Ppengler, Downing nnd Wishard and
Senators Henry I. yon and Thompson
were present at the meeting.
The committee appointed was coir
posed of New ton' H. Thompson. Ilenr
I.yons, Howard J. Fish, Alfred 1.. Pan
lctt and Charles V. Lyon.
Subscribe for the Capital
Journal. All news, no con
tests. ,
they abound tobnn&tbc
Results you want
Try Otiq loMorrow
Daily Between
Salem, Stayton Mill City and all way
Points. Leaves Mill City 6:30 a. m.;
Stayton 8:00, Salem 9:30.
TJ i.. 1 ,... C,tn I. I A ....
: stayton 6:oo; m aty wo.
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.