Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 11, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Pre-Easter Sale of Women's and Misses' Suits and Millinery. "Save Money at Meyers
. ii
A Great Special Sale of Im
ported Pongee Silk
For three days commencing Thursday and ending next Saturday night.
100 pieces of Pongee Silk to be placed on sale
Imported Pongee Silks of excellent quality at a surprisingly low price, just at a
rime when Silks are increasing on account of being hard to get; a splendid fabric
for Summerexcellent for women's dresses, waists, and men's shirts, etc.
LOT NO. 1 ' LOT NO. 2
50 pieces of Imported Pongee, 23-inches 50 pieces of Imported Pongee, 33-inches
wide, extra value wide, surprise price
39c a Yard 59c a Yard
TomorroW'Oar 790th Wednesday Surprise
A Sale of Women's Auto Caps at 89c
Here are stylish Caps for motoring or vacation wear a variety of styles to
choose from plain colors, plaids, black and white check effects. The entire
lot goes on sale tomorrow at this price. If you want a comfortable Motoring
Cap at a most unusual price attend this event. Your choice 89c Each
Sale Starts at 8:30. See the window display.
Men's Section)
Particular Men Are Our Best
You don't have to make a
purchase to get service at
this store; we take pleas
ure in showing you the
new things whether you
buy or not.
We are showing an excel
lent assortment of New
Togs for Men New
Shirts New Neckwear
New Hats New Under
wear, and all the other
necessary furnishings for
Spring and Summer wear
and comfort.
Make this your shopping
place and you'll not regret
it for we guarantee satisfaction.
tttttt "---" 4 t
C. M. Frazier, Aged 50, and
"Mary Hawn 18, Found
Dead In Hotel
tttt t ftff v M
Walla Wulla, Wash., April 11."
mysterious deaths of Mary Mawn, ngoi
A is. nn.l C. M. Frazier. need ", eon
thuied to baffle the police today. !
j Evidence indicated a suicide pact, or j
i a murder and suicide, but no mot
I could 1)0 found. Frazier was. Mis.
iHawn's step-father. His ilauliti-p- liml !
! married her father. The girl was a;
student at St. Vincent's academy.
Frazier had been paying her tuition.
' and apparently manifested a fatherly ,
! interest in her. ;
: The bodies were found lying, f i ''y I
dressed, on a bed in the Grand hotel last
'night. Two capsules containing a white
'powder Indicated that the girl had sntti
j lowed poison. A slight abrasion about
her throat, however, leu to tne iicnci
that she was strangled or force! to ,
swollow the poison. i
Frazier was lvinjr with his head to-,
U-ard the foot of the bed. lie had
'blown out his brains with a revolver,
using a blanket to muffle the repoir.
'Both apparently had been dead several,
hours when .the bodies were found.
Two notes served only to deepen rue .
mystery. Both were in the man's hand-1
: writing. This, the police thought, fur'h
j er strengthened the murder and suicide
theorv. The note beside the girl -mil:
! "Notify Mrs. Nellie Hebhs, 4 10 South:
iToppenish avenue, Toppenis W'tish. -' ,
J The man 's note said : ' 4 Dear daughter :
.This is to say good bye. I hate to do
this, but am' nowerless to prevent it.
Salem Taxi
700m 700
Cars of any kind for any
place at any time.
Clean Cabs and Careful
Office BHgh Hotel
J. A. Beck
I All Around Town j I
For rent
cards for sale at Journal
The Men's Liberal club will meet
Wednesday evening at eight o'clock, at
1 1 no 1'nitarian church. All men inter-
AucUOn sale at the People's Quick csted in puldic, discussion are cordial-
Klection of directors o Mer
cantile, department, Commercial
Pilgrims' club at Congregation
al church.
April M. Klection of director
Industrial Department Com
mercial club.
April 17. I.ieut. Swnrtz Kopcn
sky, a Siberian escape, at Con
gregational church. Free.
April 18 Registration for
primary election closes.
April 19. Monthly meeting at
Commercial club.
Sons of American Hevolution
banquet, .Marion hotel.
April 20. Klection of dinvtor
Socinl department Commercial
April ii. Mid Summer Night's
Dream, Opera House, auspices
Salem Women's Club.
April 23 Raster Sunday.
April 23. Klection of Director
civics department Commercial
April 27 Free lecture by Peter
(Jollins at. Opera House.
April 28 Dance, benefit Riilom
Street Railway baud, at tho
May (i. Founders' Day celo
bratiou at Chiinipoeg.
May !10.Kast Willamette as
sociation uf Congregational
ilmn lies.
Or. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass-
correctly. U. S. Bank. Bldg.
The contract for a $2,000 home will
be let next Saturday by S. L. Fawk.
Tho homo will be erected on his farm
near Oak drove. The plans and (ipeei1
fications were drawn ty Architect F.
A. l.egg.
Prices reduced on all dress making
during April. Mao 1'ettvjohn. l'hono
Tho Moose lodge will hold its annual
installation of officers this evening at
the Mouse headquarters. Charles (llos
of Corvallis, is hero and will take pa
in the installation and also make r
official visit as deputy .supreme dicta
tor. Refreshments will be served.
Dr. Stone's drug store.
B. II. Reed will deliver one of his
wan west lectures next i nlay evening
at the I uited hvangelical church.
Exchange Auction Market on Saturday,
April 10th at 1:30 p. m. Everything
sold on commission. Don't forget I buy
household fnrnituro for cash. F. N.
Woodry, auctioneer. Phono 011, Apd20
The Business Men's League, or Mer
cantile department of the Com mere ia I
club will elect a director this evening
to succeed Henry M. Meyers, who lias
declined to serve, another year. As thi
department has been one of the most
active of all the departments durinj
tho past year, considerable interest
being shown in tho election tonu
Besides the election of a director, the
Stevens bill will be 'fully discussed by
the members of this department. Each
member has been supplied with a copy
of the bill in order that all might enter
into a discussion of its merits.
Get your furnished room cards at
The Capital Journal office.
ly invited to attend.
Preaching service at Brush college.
Rev. John Oval! preached at llrusli col
lege last night to a large and appreci
ative congregation. He will visit there
ng.iiu and preach in the near future.
Did you know there was such an org
anization as the School (Inrdon associa
tion of America? Well, there not only
is one, but it has been in existence for
the past five years and has recently
issued its fifth annual report. The chief
propaganda ot the School (larden Asso
ciation of America is to lead people to
realize that school gardens and home
gardens are of the greatest benefit to
Children physically us well as mentally.
It urges that school gardening become
part of the work and instruction of all
schools. Alice V. Joyce, of Portland, i..
treasurer, and also head of the commit
tee on lectures, and (). M. Planner, of I
lortlanil, one
i Will Tell Experience
As Siberian Prisoner
: You will 1 1 nit my papers in my snrcnei.
mmimmmmmmmmmmmmml I Mav God forgive.
I Frazier was a traveling man. He own
Attorney Dana H. Allen was in Stl-: cd a restaurant in Pros-ser, Wnsli.. and
verton. He reports the city to be pick-1 some stock in an Idaho mine
nig up quite a bit since the announce
ment of the building of the big sawmill.
Ml ...I...I .....1 !. ......
is not a vacant house in the city.
Joseph Plinsky, who for three years
was proprietor of the Capital hotel, w ill
open a furniture store in Silverton this
week. He hns already secured a location
and has ordered the goods. He will be
assisted by his son, Edward Plinsky.
The Salem Ploral society was address
ed last evening by Frank Davey. Tin
club will meet again in two weeks and
make definite ulans for a reneral clean I he was sent
up of the city. If a Cherrv fair is h 'year in a dungeon. He will tell of his
this venr, the Floral society intends to I escape, of his 2,000 miles walk in henvy
tuke an active part. iiron shackles' and ot his living !" days.
o !in the wilderness of Siberia. He will
Judge Daniel Webster, like Justice
Hughes, of the supumo court of the
I nited Mates, is
day today. Judge Webster has passed political prisoners exiled to Siberia. The
so ninnv mile stones, that the total lecture will be free.
V ' ' .
Theodore 1'obeit'S, who plavs the nw
1 of old Judd Toliiver, the bunder ol tin
Lieutenant. M. Swnrtzkopensky. for-1 moonshiners, in the l.nsky production
mer officer and body guard of the czarif "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine,"
of Russia, will lecture next Monday ev-: a Paramount picture, will be seen at th"
ening at the First Congregational Ye Liberty on Friday, tomorrow ami
church. , He was one of the officers who J Thursday, w ith Charlotte Walker in m
refused to fire on helpless men and wo- f.,,nons role. ".Tune." had a iuu ol
men on that fatal "Bloody Sunday
St. Petersburg, when 15,000 were killed
I and wounded.
moonshine whiskey presented to him b
Rome unknown lieison while the coio
For disobeying outers, , pany were in the mountains filming
to Siberia, spending one i exterior scenes.
The company lived at a nionniiiiM
summer resort and each member of th
organization had a cabin to him or her
self, but all dined in the big rustic mc
expose the horrors of prison life in Si-1 ing room in the center of tli'e cluster o.
beria and tell from actual experiences ' cabins. One evening Mr. Roberts wa i
elcbrating his birth- what is happening to the thousands of sitting ill his cabin w riting letters v, .
ii- i ... ... i .. . i I i :!.,.i w:i.... ;., ti. i t. i 1 i 1. .1... .1 n i'
III' llCillU il lll"t i ill llir hmii. in- i tu
ed "come in," but no one entered.
of the honorary vice-
Indies. The place you have been
looking for. Popular shoe shining par
lors, specially equipped for ladies. The
latest magazines received daily. USD announces an informal dinner dance in
Stale street. " tf ,m ""'i'1 dining room Friday, Aprjl 14.
o The course dinner will be served at 7
Awning stripes have been popular the t P- .Music trom 7:.'!(l to KlillO p.m.
number figures up M, which seems to
show that the .iudge entered this world
about eight years after the pas-sing of
nn. i r .1. tt i . IllllIlllM .II I ii-isuu iiuu .iuiiu Vil nius. .'
The management of the Hotei Marion ; tllllt tinu Ulc ,,. R Utto ,xr,irncnt-
nl railroad in New York and the trie
Mrs. E. Inge demonstrating the good
ness of Tru llhi Biscuits. Free eating
samples. You are invited. Roth Grocer'-
Co. Aprl2
has given several interesting talks and
Friday evening he will tell of a trip
through the Yellowstone Park. The ob
ject of the lecturo is to raise funds
for building purposes.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses.
Now is the time to claim the fire'
rose in full bloom. So far, the first to
make the claim is Mrs. Ida Muth, 70(1
North Front street. It is uf the re
climber variety and is not only in fid
bloom today, but has been blooming for
the past three days. The same vine
made u record time last spring.
Automobiles for lure, passengers and
bnggngo trausfered, rates reasonable,
country trips a specialty. U. G. Mc
Klroy. l'huua 017 or Gill). tf
No matter how particular you are La
Corona cigars will fill the bill. Sa
lem made, 10 cents.
The Baby Need It
past few veins for fancy awnings and
11,. I for the making of bed ticks. But now
comes a queer trenk ot fashion, and
hereafter the awniues and bed ticks
will not occupy an exclusive class to I
themselves, as the latest decree in the I
fashionable world is that ladies who I
conform to style will be wearing alii
kinds of stripes, from those half ani
inch wide to the regulation three inch i
awning style. Better to be out of the!
world Ilmn nut1 of sfvln find tlm ntifo.p. .
fill inhabitants may as well prepare
for the dresses with the loud strincs.
Get our cut prices on land plaster.
Chirry City Flouring Mills.
Dr. Franta E. Brown, late of New
York,. Post Graduate school, confining
his practice to diseases of the ,ye, ear, j
nose and throat, will have his offices
with Dr. A. II. Gillis, over Bush Hank j
building. MaylO ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gingrich arrived ;
in the eitv about two weeks ago from 1
I Canada. Like many others coining
i across the border, they found it a no i
I easy matter to leave rtie Hritish pos
sessions. Having looked at several ,
places, they finally arrived in Salem j
and at once decided this was the city
they were looking for. Yesterday they 1
bought from George 11. Stoddard a
highly improved one-acre tract on South i
t! Twelfth street, iust outside the city
J I limits, paying $l,-)2fi, and will make!
tins city their home. The transfer ol ;
property was made by W. H. Grnbeu- :
horst & Co.
If it Is building materials we have '
il - and will gladly furnish estimates
on your bill. Calls Cilv-Salein Lumber
T company. ,tl!l South l''th. Phone I SI.'!. ,
Please make reservations early. $1.00
per person. Hotel .Marion Co., ('has.
.Miller, .Mgr. -
canal was about the biggest thing in the
way of inland transportation. Judge
Daniel Webster wa? uinong the first, to
volunteer at the outbreak of the Civi1
war, going into service from La Crosse,
Wisconsin, in tho First Battery Light
Artillery, Wisconsiu Volunteers. He was
present at the siege of Yicksburg, enter
Ninety Cases Considered
By State Parole Board
Ninety applications for pa'role were
considered by the state board of con
trol which met yesterday afternoon.
Forty-five of the convicts were made
trusties under the new merit system and
I 10 recommendations will be made by
! Governor Withycombe.
Carrio Kirsch, who was convicted
Curious, he opened thu door, cxpeci
! ing to greet one of the members of tli
jcompnny. Xo one was there, (ilnucii-:
down at the step he noticed a galio i
ling: upon investigating he found ai
Inched to the corncob stopper in tl
jug a piece of paper in which wa i
scrawled, "to Mr Roberts from an v-'
mirer. " The l.usky star investigated
the contents and found it contained
white liquid which, upon tasting proved
to be a very excellent brand of moon
shine whiskey. The Internal Revenue
officers had discovered a nioonsliln-'
. led the city on July 4. ISO:), nud later fivo venrs ne-n n a chnrcw of beimr an ' still in the mountains about 20 mi!
TV . I.. .1.. It . 1 T, ! . . . ... V P . T.
All baseball players and oth
ers interested in tiie game are
requested to meet , at Kletl's
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock
to reorganize the Senators.
toon part in the hed River campaign accomplice in the murder of William
under Banks. Afterwards, he was trans- .rwn,, i in,.H,l n Wo lui.U- wa
rammed into a trunk, was up tor pa-
f erred to the Department of the Gulf;
I and at the1 lose of the war was acting
chief of artillery, department of t
gulf. He was mustered out of service
July IS, 1805.
i role yesterday. Her application will not
j bp acted upon until the board meets in
And it gives mother more time to do her household
duties at the same time gives baby a safe, clean place
to play. It teaches the child how to care for itself,
having ten uses. Illustrated booklet "Better Babies"
free upon request; also ten days free trial price J
We trade new
for eld
With a Sonora Talking Machine In
your home yon will not want for high
class enterlainbent. Myrtle Know
land, 121 Court sheet.
During the week of April 3 to 8. a
complete record of the work of the car
riers in the city was kept and this ;
what the 12 were doing: Number c
letters delivered by the 12 carriers dut
ing the week, ;i.P2S; weighing. I
pounds; number of pieces of all kin.1
of mail delivered ill tho eitv during tin
week, Ol.iMS; weighing, .r.'."02 pounds;
number of large parcels delivered b
auxiliary carrier, l.ttiS; mail collecte.'
by collectors with wairon. :!.7t2 pounds:
largest number of pieces handled by i
any one carrier in one dnv. 1.S71: !
weighing, 12,8 pound.
Good home cooked meals are now
served at The Greenwood, Center and
Commercial streets. Price 25 cents.
Genuine coffee. Mrs. M. A. llonienian.
The management of the Hotel Marian
announces an informal dinner dance in
the main dining room Friday, April II.
The course dinner will bo served at 7
p. m. Music from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.
Please make reservations early. $1.00
per person. Hotel Marion Co., Chus. G.
Miller, Mgr.
Special for Today and Tomorow
One $12 complete Kitchen Cabinet, used price $6.00
Good Kitchen Tables with and without leaves,
used price 50c to $1.75
S5c Kitchen Chairs, all in good shape, used price
25c to 50c
One $22.50 Sideboard, good as new, used price $12.50
One $22.50 6-ft. extension Table, early English,
used price $ 9.00
One $25.00 Buffet, early English, used price. . $12.50
One $:5.00 very heavy 8-ft. extension Table in
golden oak, can't be told from new, used
price $22.50
One $:55.00 Buffet to match above (like new) used
price $16.00
One $55 polished top 20-inch Steel Range, used
one month, used price $38.00
One $48 ;-piece Parlor Set, upholstered in genuine
black leather, used price $1S.00
One $8.50 brass Electric Reading Lamp with cord,
used price $ 4.50
Square extension Tables, used price . . .$2.00 to $6.00
$:.75 Iron Beds, used price $ 1.50
Springs, used price 50c to $2.00
This is a house that can supply you with anything
,you need in House Furnishings, at the lowest pos
sible prices, whether new or second-hand. We carry
a full line of new furniture and will allow you what
the old furniture is worth in exchange.
Mav. Mrs. Kirsch was convicted with
Jesse .Webb who is row doing a life
sentence. Webb is said to have signed
an affidavit recently in which it was
stated fhat the woman was innocent of
any part in the crime.
from the cluster of cabins, but wor1
' unable to find the owners. Who present -led
the whiskey to Mr. Roberts still
mains a mystery, but all those w ho hn
! etiiken into the confidence of the litt'e
I brown jug expressed a desire to meet.
I and personally thank the donor.
j The Rev. A. A. Winter will be snc
i ceeded ns pastor of, the Cnited Evangel
j icul church by the Rev. G. I.. I.ovell.
Portland. Mr, I.ovell and his famil
I will arrive in the city next week. Next
I Sunday will be the last service dav
for the Rev. A. A. Winter, as he will
leave for I.ewisburir. Va.. to take charsro
1 of the Old People's Home of the Cnited
Evangelical church. Mr. I.ovell will'
We repair
Hang Awnings,
Retire Go-Carts
"The Busy Store"
Quick Sales and Small Profits
Peter Keddekopp died at his home at;
Polk Station at midnignt on Wednes
day at. the ngp of 70 years, after liv-
where he became widely known and lwa.'h his first sermon Kaster Sunday,
where he had a great many friends. Mr. i Al'r" -
Keddekopp was tioru in Southern tins-
sin on l-'ebruarv S, HHi, and he cainei
to Anieriel with his bride at the age ot
twentv-nine years, lie married, in H us-1 flfTf
Miss Annie Pick and the voung HULL
settled in Canada, where they
resided for fifteen years before coming i
to Polk county in September, lvio. The Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all way
family lived at J.ew isville for ix years I Points. Leaves Mill City 6:30 a. ni.;
and then moved to Polk Station, wheie ! Stayton 8:00, Salem 9:30.
Mrs. Keddekopp died torn years ago. j Keturn, leaves Salem 4:40 p.m.;
' ouuty observer. I St.avt.mt fi:nn- Milt rit 7-.in.
"The election as director of the pub-1
licity department came to me as much u
surprise, that I have not as yet. made I
.any definite plans," said Benjamin i
Brick this afternoon. "I will go over
the names of those in the department
and endeavor to pick tho live ones am
workers when I name the other four on
. th committee. 1 may divide it into sev-'
eral sections, assigning a certain work
to each section. Anyhow, I intend to
make the tourist and publicity depart
ment one ot tne live ones of the ei
It the entire club derides on a Cherr
fnir, we sure will have i ne, and it will
be a big one, too."
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
Daily Between
Phone 2378
i j
Portland, or.. April 11. The
longest spar ever sent from the
west to an eastern shipbuilder
is lying tieside a logging rail
road at Oiuilaska. near I'hehalis,
Wash., today. Pour of the larg
est flat cars obtainable will be
required to haul the spar. It is
lii" feet long, and a perfect
piece of timber. Several others,
almost as large,
pany the monster
adelphiti, where it
on a new ship.
w m ai'i'om
spar to Phil
will be used
j I. os Angeles announces a cranks' cmi
( ration for September. How many
wives think their husbands cnu qualify;
.iis delegates 1 . .
Lincensed Lady Era
balmer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.