Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 08, 1916, Page NINE, Image 9

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WANTED Pasture
Phono "10.
tor 4 young hurst's.
Clip Will Total About
r'i'K SALE I'll..
A Half Million Pounds!
A rl'i
.' t
'! t
Rare. pr word New Today:
Each insertion, per word 1
1"a week (tj inaortious), par word f
ne month (28 insertions), pe: word 17(
All ads mubt be ordered or stated
length of time, no ad to count less thai
10 words.
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one inaertioa
for errors In Classified Advertise
menta. Bead your advertisement th
first day it appears and notify us in
mediately if it contains an error.
Minimum chirga, Uc.
PHONE B.17 For Wood sal. tf
HARRY" Window.'leauer. rhoue 70S.
WANTED Dry cows and stripper".
l'iii.ne 1425-M. . April1
HAVE A GARDEN And lawn. Call:
phone (iC-j. AprSj
491 X. Cott.ige. - tf ;
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, 33l
iNorth High. Phone "4." tf;
clean. 1,0 lourt street. Aprlo
Foli SALE Mixed wheat straw.
Hay haled. Phone 41 F2.".. AprlO
FOR SALE Cow, will be fresh in a
few d.tys. In.piiie Route t. Hex 114-A.
FOR TIEN'T Five room modern house.
Hose in. Inquire 1 Hi Marion St.
WANTED Wood 'cutters to out white
1 fir wood, $1.3j per cord. Phone UD.
VOl'Nli FRESH cow To trade for
horse. W. II. Poole, Route 2. llox
Klti. AprS
MODERN" r, room eottage for rent, 1441
Trade St., enquire W. A. I.iston. 484
Court. Aprl9
FCRN'ISHED, house for rout, 7 rooms,
modern. C42 X. High. Tnouire at (UK)
N. High. Mayo
APITAL El'G WORKS Rusrs 'ind
inrpet weaving, oil Xorth High St.
Paleni, Or. . Aprlo
(i(M)D DIRT FOR SALE Applv corner
K. E. Chemeketu street aiid 14th.
Phone 2214. AprS
FOR REX'T 6 room house. S lots, rd
ty of fruit, citv water, S a month.
Phone 2041-R. ' AprS
WANTED TO IH V Mohair. East Sa
lem Tannerv. 2."th nd Oak street.
Phone 2100-M. Aprlo
TO I.OAX 14000 on good farm secur
ity, long time, 7 per cent interest. 41S
1'. S. flank Bl.lg. AprlO
W; ANTED TIaniess nnd shoe stitcher
enliined, nnd shoe finisher. Address
C. E. II.; Capital Journal. AprS
house well f urnislie.l, good location,
reasonable rent. 491 Court street, tf
WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or
5 icres of good potato land. Must
be cheap. Address Journal C-30. Mayti
FOR REX'T Business block room, size
lSxSO feet. 407 State street. In
quire at 403 State. Phone 1009. tf
WANTED Experienced girl for gener
al housework, none biit experienced
need apply. Mrs. Harry (.'lav, 270
JV. 13th St. ' tf
SALEM STEAM and Vacuum Carpot
Cleaning Works. Feathers and mnt
tresses renovated. Otto F. Zwieker.
Phone llo4. Aprlo
. FOK SALE Team of mares, wagon,
harness, hack plow, cultivator, ereflm
separator, 2 cows, ; heifers, 7 shoats
Phone S0F5. Apr8
FOR SALE Jerusalem artichokes lVl'C
per lbs. White and English Penciled
Indian Runner duck eggs for hatch
ing. Route 9. box SS. April
WANTED Position by girl sten
ographer, working her way throug.i
school. Hours after school and Sat
urdays. Phone 2224. AprS
FOR SALE 3 half truck Studebaker
wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon,
nriKv..f.i1 nr uM.Mi.io.rL, T-ii! I
Phone 132S-J. ' tf
WHITE ROCKS An egg 9tnin of ex
hibition quality, lo eggs by parcel
post fur $l.o0. Imperial Egg Farm,
Route 3, Salem. tf i
FOR RENT Very reasonable, modern
5-room house, close to car line, church
and school. Inquire at 1491 South
Commercial street. AprS j
WANTED A man and wife, used toi
woods work, who would bo willing
to board 2 or 3 men. must have own!
camping outfit. The man to help ini
woods. 1'lione 092. tt
up to date power equipment. List
your orders at Salem Fuel Yards.
Phone i29. Densmore & Fresia. tf
FOR REX'T New five room modern
cottage, partly furnished. Close toi
cir and school. Long lease to good!
tenant. $10. 11. W. Maey, 202 Bank1
of Commerce. Thono 815. tfj
FOR REX'T Five room furnished cot-i
tage 2 blocks from State House, half!
block from car line, plumbed electric j
lights, wood and gas ranges, cement j
basement, furnace, $20, Inquire 101 1
S. 14th St. Apr8
FOR SALE 0 room house. 2 lots, good,
assortment of fruit and berries, small;
bnrn, all at a bargain. Car line 1 i
block, school 2 blocks. Price $l,3"iO. :
easy terms. Call after 5:30 p. m..
1290 N. ISth street. Salem, Ore. A10
BIGGEST SALE Ever yon can find:)
0 acres. Id to 17 acres plough lind.
balance good timber and pasture, no 1
building. On county road. Little
work to irrigate 2 to S acres. Good
black garden land. Price $1."00. is:
worth .:;."00. 1 need the money. 2'j
miles from Salera. "20 Acres." enre
of Journii. ill!"
WANTED Phi. no'
April I
W ANTED Vming. light dining li..rs.'.
Box ;l Marion, Oiogon. April
FOR SALE A 1 fresh
giving 4 gallon per .lay.
st ret. T. !.. I ':i idsoo.
1 2th
i 'ANTKl) exchange. ."
niaiv, weight l.nnn minds,
or cows. Phone ."1 1.
year ol.l
fir piano
K()K' NAI.E One so.ta fountain, com-!
plore. P. P. II aria u. 12th and Leslie (
street. April j
ANTKl' ;i.inui pounds i.r 1
se.'nn.l hand galvanized wire
KOi; SALE A parrot tli.it ean talk j
and a thoroughbred English Otill ter
rior. l'luine 534-M. Apr1
Hl'li K ROADSTER linn 5.nOn
in perfect condition, cheap for quick
sale. 045 Statesman street. AprS
WA.NTED r.ioni uul'uruish
I modern
apartment, close in, garden
I'noue 7-7 after 8:iin p. in,"
spot. I
S.MAI. I. Hl'RISANK Seed potatoes for:
sate eheap. Silverton road, eornering 1
oa Fairgrounds. Dr. C. W, P.eeehler.
row Wilson petition
-To sign Wood
Tnesdav. April
Jl. At W. A.
Court street.
I.iston 's office, 484
SALE OR TRADE Light housekeep
ing outfit, nearly new. Also army
tent. 12x14. Address 40. care Journ
al. AprS
FOR SALE Double seat surrey, single
buggy, single harness, in good condi
tion. Kafoury llros. 410 State St.
Phono H77. Aprl I
FOR SALE Furniture of
tage near State Capitol,
rent. Address o-R, care
" room cot
House for
of Journal.
WANTED To borrow- ifiiooO for five
years, on brick block worth $10,000.
Will pav 7 per cent interest. Thone
1,121. ' AprS
FOR SALE Two large rockers, one i is paid for it this yenr as last, it will
small rocker and .'I dining chairs, nilrenllv be bringing a higher price be-
golden oak.
1900 Center.
- . I
room house, close in,;
gaM bath, hot and eobl water, sf 10.00
per month, 340 t'liion street. Phone
Of O. A. C wants jiosition. Com
mercial orchard work preferred.
Piione 71.
VOI'NC. WIDOW With 2 little boys
wishes position as housekeeper,
country preferred. Address W-2, earo
of Journal. AprlO
OREGO.N LAN I) And property to ex
change for western Xebr.iska, west
ern Kansas or eastern Colorado lands.
What have von.' Joseph Barber. 40l-."
Hubbard Blilg. Phone 2.-.4-1722. April
FIVE BRIGHT capablo ladies to travel,
demonstrate and sell dealers. $2o to
."i(t per week. Railroad fare paid.
Goodrich Drug Conip'nny, Dcpt ol.l,
Omaha, Neb,
DAHLIA lil'LHS Now ready for de
livery,, I'J.'i named varieties, from
10c to 7."c. I'utagge.l bulbs $1.00 a
dozen. Phone 920-W for list. .Mrs.
F. L. Purvine, 1009 N. ,"ith street.
FOR SALE Fine residence lot, ,'i4xl70
feet, shade trees, close in; this is a
bargain; price $1200. $1100 down, bal
ance mortgage. See A. Kittermnu.
with W. II. Grabenliorst & Co.. 27."
State St. AprS
,...,.,....,. , . , . .,
TO hXUIANl.l-.-l .O aces in the
Artesian bas,,, 0 ilorn.w county
Oregon and $l,ou0 cash for small ,
pi ice (lilac
It ...SIS in i:.. v.llav !,. :
quick, give lull
well improved,
fiervais. Ore.
dose notion, must be
I.' c I I.inlei-I;..l
LARGE .MA N I' FACT CR ER wants rep
resentatives to sell shirts, underwear,
hosiery, drosses, waists, skirts, direct
to homes. Write for free samples.
Madison Mills. "90 Broadway, New
York Citv.
STRAYED From 079 Center, greatly
prized pet cat. Has beautiful large
yellow eyes, white breast, brown nose,
back .itid legs, gray and black. Prob
aldv has kittens. Information want
ed, dead nr alive. Reward. Skipton.
Phone 1140. Aprs
'FOR KALErOiie cre triad all in
bearing fruit, just outside of the
city limits in Smith Salem; good
drainage; price $550. $100 down, bal
ance $10 per month, t per cent inter
est. See A. Kitterni.'in, with W. 11.
Grabenliorst & Co.. 275 St.ite St. Aprs
FOR SALE 5 acres all under cultiva
tion, new 5-rnoni plastered house,
bum, chicken house, woodshed, well;
this is a snip if you are looking for
an improved tract: S 1-2 miles out.
Price $1050. See E. J. Canatsey,
witn W. H. Grabenliorst & Co., 275
State St. AprS
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County of Marion as ad
miiirstrntor of the estate of W. II. Clay
pool, deceased, and thnt he has duly
qualified a such administrator. All
persons having claims against the estate (
of said decedent are hereby notified to
present the same, duly verified, to me.
at the office of my attorney, 203 Hub
bard building, in the City of Siilem. in
Marion County, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this Srh .lav
of April, ll'lli.
Administrator of the Estate of W. If.
Clay pool. Deceased.
Cases in the medical books show Hint
soninauibulists have walked as far as
15 miles in their sleep.
Try Cpttl Journal Want Al.
: . . i. .... - , ,
l.eiii", iioucreu in romano, a- tncy
' have been doing fur some tin", th. v
have raised their ant.' two cei.ts. t.. ,'
'flit n pound, laid down he.-?. '"Ii.it
U simp price nnd growers '.v.i'.iM ap
lour to Pe foolish if they tin i or a.:
copf ir. Whether the ninrkrr
l'.;!ier it net remains he s"
ill pro
holy stems to know or ev.'n iss-se
an i.'ea. They claim all t'.i tui.- is
they are paying 34 cents, beginiing
y-fe'.liiy, and hope they won't have
to ray more.
"But," said one buyer. ''; uro. in
tlie market for all the mnlmir we ran
' get and will pnv the price, whatever
; it is." Sounds bullish, but thc.f is the
1 brand of medicine the grower likes to
The mohair game in the .il!ey is j
livering up considerably. li-.-uwers j
appear readv to do ?.usine.:. julging
from the number of telephone ullsl
. ... , ... ....
1 1 1 1 1 1 i n. .lean ir. evri., 'i:t. t-.iuie !
have refused to accept the pri.'o r f- j
fered. but others, 'fearful that Hie I
i bandii riling on the wall may !
changed any tune to rend lower, m-
stead of higher prrvs, are i"ccptinj :
if eagerly. It is expected the cr.ii. in
this state will total approximately f.Cfl,
(mm) pounds.
Wool Prices High.
There is a deadlock between Hie
buyers of wool nmT sell.Ts in this
slate. Naturally growers want n'l
there is in it and buyers watit. on
their part, to get the ftanpli. ( at as
low a figure as: possible. Their views
are far apart. It is understood, but
not fullv confirmed, that sellers are
asking from 20 to 24 cents for fine
i wool, according to the quality of it, mid
.10 cents tor coarse, it seems to PC me
impression "that buyers are willing to
par l(i to 20 cents for fine and nulv 2'
cents for coarse. It is known that
few sales have been made at this pr
but silice then, it is claimed, grow
have tightened and are practically a
unit in demanding .10 cents.
The statement is made that eastern
Oregon wool will be- consiiienible
heavier this year than last, r.naniiig
that there will be more dirt an i sum1
in it. Further tha.. this, while it i'
admitted the quality is good, the
claim is set up that if the same price
cause of being heavier.
As there are approximately 2. 000. M0
sheep in Oregon, the anticipated clip
j ; ii,,, i.i,nrhnrl tit m oofi oi.'
1 ponmls
Lj..,.,. "
Last vear the average per
sheep was i.9 iiounds. Ther."
practically the same number of sheep 11
this state as in Ohio, but the wr-'
is much Hhter. Oregon ranks fiffh in
point of production.
First Spring Lambs Reach Front Street.
The first shipment of dressed spring
lambs to reach Front street this- season
came in this morning to Everding k
Fal'rell from Roseburg. There were only
only three in the lot, but they were
not allowed to hang in the meat room
very long before being sold. The price
paid wns 15 cents a pound, or two cent'i
more than the live price at the Union
stock yards.
There is a big demand for lambs,
not only on the street, but at the stock
yards as well. Probably never before
has there been such a call. Sheepmen
are not shipping to market as yet be
cause they have not finished their
shearing and they figure the wool is
worth more to them than their lambs
will bring in any market. When ship
ments begin coming they will be clean
ed up in a hurry.
Mr. and Mrs. William Miller, li
south of Hubbard, are the proud
rents of a fine baby girl.
Miss Ruby Milligan, formerly
Hubbard, but now of Roseburg, is visit-
i"g her many friends here this week.
Jfr. ,! MrH. F. N. k,,,, ott v.
, A , Potter, of Aurora, spent
w. ,,.. ., . 7 lt ir
1 ' . . 11 . ). " -" ' ' ... i . 11,1 i s. .i. i n
I esr noriman.
Mr. and Mrs. G. IT. Beebe and Miss
I Lois Beebe, of Woodburn, came to Hub
bard Sunday nnd accompanied Dr. and
Mrs. S. W. Weaver in an auto trip to
Fred Palmer has a new Mitchell six.
B. Paulsen and Earl Palmer went to
Portland Saturday morning and return
ed that evening with rue machine, with
Earl at the w heel.
W. S. Hurst was in Htibbnrd 'Monday
leceiving a 'ar of onion set for slrn
j inent to California points. He .::!!. 'd I.t
tiie Enterprise ol ' ce and said the ".'i n
lily was well nil tr.nl his nepne'.v .' rcy
B. try, was ntfoiiii.i.g Wash'M- ci ''igh
and getting on i.i.-i !y.
I la the past few days Alb"T, Harris
trailed his farm property nt Winlock.
! Wash., for 15 acres at NVwber;;, located
'about a mile and a half out. Mr. Har
iris is well known in Hubbard hwi'iir
mei here bef .re ?oing tn Wiu'o.'ii. lie
exi ects to do shop work it N"wberg.
His son-in-law, Mr. ViinCleve. will run
the ranch.
Funeral services were held Wednes
day, April 5. over the remains of J. B.
Campbell, at Butteville, conduited by
Rev. F. ('. Butler. -Many 'friends nr the.
family gathe-ed to pay thcr last re
spects to their ioved frietui and neigh
bor. .M; ny floral pieces W'-iv sent. Mr.
Campbell was 5.S veins of age and with,
his family came to Oregon loir years
ag .. He leaves to mourn his loss n
wife, one daughter and .me sou, both
A delightful evening was spent nt
Ariiu, Temple. No. 21, on April ! The
(ccasion being a visit paid by the fol
lowing members of rue ladi
rue i. or i . longe or Aurora, i nn. yi.
20 The visitors were: and Mrs.
I.r.u Webbert, Mr. and Mis. Sam Mil.
Irs. G. Garret, Mrs. );..) l l.-r-rr.
Mrs. L. I. Snyder, Mrs. Diiin., S'.y.bi.
Missei. Emma J. Snyder, I'lcra Will.
Km nut Snyder, Georgia ICraus, Art
Scholl, Messrs. Walt Fry. Andy Snyder.
Will Ciesy. Lodge ns taken up in
regular form and all business l.cin'.'
promptly attended to, the local lodge
listened with interest to the lull's given
by our able speakers of fna lodge, X'o.
20, lifter which lodge was dismiss."! a. id
everybody turned lorrse to have a g' od
time. Our talented little singer f.ncife
liable, rendered a nice little sole, tiou in
fine form, a vocal duet by Mi. f.. M.
Scholl and Mrs. Julius smuffcr wns
....11 I......I .....I .!.. '
i,-ioi-i-. j.ini gioniM approcr.ji"!
.t!cr this n few motion jnet'ir-),
"alc si'-'iicu
i"1"!1 a,"1 instead of buyers pa.viwg Ui
. (1.zzzztttz: -. v . it
Colonel Gaston (center)
Colonel Gaston commands the
.roops form a part of the. punitive
through which they are to go,
'I J1 1 motions) were 9how ny the !ocn! tal
i ented operator, Babe Evans, ! ei.114 us
U1,isisted bv apprentice I'. L. Cnlveit, lec
ture on pictures given by our abb' ora
tor C'luis. Kinzer. Enterprise.
Lord Hardinge Slated to
Succeed Sir Edward
Grey It Is Said
London, April 8. That Sir Edward
Grey is to retire as English foreign
minister when Lord Hardinge gives up
the vi.ceroy.ilty of India; and that Har
dinge will become foreign minister is
re mrre.i in (tin nmatic circles.
11 nas previously oeen supposed i.oru
, Hardinge would succeed Lord Bertie as
1 ambassador in Paris. As Sir tharles
Hardinge, before his elevation to
peerage, the retiring viceroy had a longionota s rocna s ttoy, in mourn
diplomatic evreer and before he went to
Tndia, was for some tbno uuder-secre-tar.v
at the foreign office.
H. S. Crinley, a miner of lung years
experience, has been prospecting for
several days for mineral on the W. H.
Vonrrier farm in the Sjlverton Hills,
and believes he lias discovered traces
of mineral, which unless he is badlv
mistaken will develop a fortune for the
owner iiuu an nioso uirecTiy eoniieci"ii
with the operations.
The chief minerrtl thought to hevc
been discovered in rnrge quantiM'sis
aluminum. Samples have gone to an
nxsiv' office in ScnMIe where the ruiii
fr.ii will be thoroughly tested our.
Mr. Bainlev gave the land a thofOiigri
g'ing r.vcr. linking many shafts tn sat.
isfy himse'f that the veins of ore were
numerous and was not disappoiui.
this respect.
Further developments are looked for.
Silverton Appeal;
Over 200 automobiles ptrssei aloic
the Main street of Aurora Suiiila.-, to Corkriel, Salem, Ore.; Onota's Catil
and from Hubbard, along the Pacific lion Onota, 2 yenrs, to -C. F. Reid; Cn
highwny, while many others "ross.'d i tillion 's Princess, 2 years, $4 10, to C. F.
the bridge at the north end of Main I Reid; Cotillion's Snnny Maid, 2 years,
street and left town by another ro it" j $.'!95, to H. Weisw, Grosham, Ore.'; On
fieo. A. Watts has traded his pbu'e ota 's Maid of S. B., i year, $2110, to G.
across the Pudding river to a man from i II. Diimmeier, Gresliam, Ore.; You'll Do
Toledo. Ore., and Mr. Watts left v.'s'er
day morning for that place. IT" has a
lOacre dairv farm not far from the
home of A. F. Will.
O. L. Pellatz was here Monday to
take out n load of lime for use on his
I hind at. Marks Prairie, fsiini-so.i
Krueger, unloaded a cur the 'iaiec .lay,
for distribution among the farme's'
liineing" their land. ' They have sold
five cars this spring. Observer.
A. M. Chainuess, who itus been owner
and proprietor of the Opera House pool
hull fOr several months, has sold his
business to John Rude, of Eugene. Mr.
Rude was in this city Saturday aiol
closed the deal for the purchase. He
intends to make considerable of a
change by the way of new fixtures ami
decorations. Al
Anderson w ill be
employed by the new- proprietor. Mr.
Chnmness has owned the place since the
17th of December last and has always
conducted it in a quiet way and enjoyed
a good business. Silverton Appeal.
n eight nun a halt pound girl was
rn to .Mr. and Mrs. . O. Hathorue
Sunday at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs.
Hathorue are new comers to Silverton.
John Tabcrt left the hospital Tues
day, returning to his home on WnV.
street. Miss Peck is again nn duty nt the
' win r of i m'i'"HI mier h snorr isit with rori-,-
"v lland friends. Silverton Appeal.
Safely Firs!
Indigestion, constipation, biliousne
and many ailments of the digestive
organs are often the source of serious
lllneas. At the first sign of disordered
conditions lake the reliable family
remedy thatis alwy dependable
SmU Tnrwkr. Im bozw. 10 2k.
and officers of the Sixth U. S. cavalry
Sixth U. S. cavalry, divisions of which are stationed along the border. These
expedition into Maxico, and are here shown studying a map of tha country
Blooded Jerseys Sell
at $182 A
" Dallas, Ore., Mav S Aides Zacharv,
At the fifth public sale of registered a H.yeur-old student of the North Dal
Jersoys held at the Sunnybaiik farm of Mas school, was arrested by Sheriff
Harry West, Scuppoose, Ore., yesterday, John W. Orr lit his home near Pioneer
51 cattle were catalogued and 40 gold I Tuesday night charged with having
for $S,.'!S0, an average of s)lM2 a head.
Following is a list of animals and pur
Bulls Fancy's Raleigh, 2 years,
which sold for :150 to Mrs. A. T.
Buxton, Forest Grove, Ore.: Onota's
Sailor Boy, 2 years, $H3 to Fred
Brakes, Yankton, Ore.: Comika's
Gulden Jolly, 2 years, $73, to W. E.
Bliss, Vancouver, Wash.; Combiuii-
" in .....-., - j - .T-i.,, ...
! John Vandervelden, Roy, Ore.;
' Onota's Golden Castor, 1 year old,
a'ffit, to Bert West, Scappooso,
to W. A. Bart, Estacadn, Ore.; Onota's
Golden Lad, IS months, $80, t.i M.
Davis, Eugene, Ore.; Onota's Composer. day morning, Zachary admitted that h'
1 year, $11"), to A. M.'u.r, Boring, Ore. , was guilty and v,us bound over to the
Cows and heifers Retrait's Import-I grand jury which convenes next week,
ed Gipsy 2d, l! years, $155, to Clifford! ' '
F. Reid, McMinnville, Ore.; Lndv Lecq, School Teachers Re-elected.
" years, to Clifford F. Reid, $105; On- Dallas, Ore.,- April 8. Aat a meet
ota's Lecq of S. B., 2 years, $120, to ing of the board of directors of Dallas
Blaine R. Smith, Portland, Ore.; Fus-1 school district No. 2, Monday ev-ning,
sy's Fern Lecq of S. B.J year, $95, to I it was unanimously decided to elect all
Clifford F. Reid; Rene's Rozelle Beau-1 of tile present teachers in both the
ty. 0 yearsj to Clifford F. Reid, Mc-lp-rado and-high schools for-the coming
Min n villc
Onota's Hell of S. B.t I year,
and Onota's Bell of S. B., 1 vear, $80,
to John Viindervelilen, Roy. Ore.; Cnm
ika Camorvile, 8 years, $155, to R. L,
Burkhnrdt, Albany, Ore.; Peerless Cn'
mikn, 5 years, $215, to C. F. Reid; Pert
Peggy, 7 years. $205, to John Vnn.l."
velden, Roy, Ore.; Imported Lndv La
Source, 7 years, $220, to ('. F. Reid,
Portland, Ore,; Oontn 's Lady of S. B
l years, l.iii, to Clifton! i. Reid: Foil -
tnine's Nelly Girl, 2 years, L. G. Ice,
Oregon City, Ore.; Onota's Noble Va-
nilla. 2 years, K:5, to (i. Lynch, Scap -
poose: Dulcet 's Daisy, 2 years, to C. F.
Reid; Onota's Glory of S. R., 2 years,
$110, to . F. Reid; Fussy 's Fern Maid
of S. B., 0 months, $75, to William
.lolly Girl, IS months, $.105, to II. H.
Samuels, Portland, Ore.; Onota's Mag
gie of S. B 18 months, $280, to C. F.
Reid, Portland, Ore.; Fusy 's Fern Mag
gie of S. B 10 months, $1.'I0, to C. F.
Reid; Onota's Queen of S. B., 2 years,
ic $250, to C. F. Reid: Cowslip's Teddv of
iS. B., 2 1-2 years, to Blaine 1. Smith,
; Scappooso, Ore.; Pussy's Fern Cowslip
of S. B., 0 months, $175, to 0. F. Reid:
Oontn 's Fancy of S. B., 1 yenr, $115, to
Wendell West; Noble I.n'dv of S. B.,
2 1-2 yenrs, $185, to If. Weiss; Onota's
Vanilla of S. B $105, to Bert West,
Scuppoose; Onota's A'lsati.a Ouccn of S.
n . , .... .7.
I ii.. i iiioiiiiis, .1.100, to Willinni Cw-k-
riel; Onota's Alslitia of M. B in
months, $210, to C, F. Reid; Fus'sv 's
Fern Alsatia of S. B,. 9 months, $105.
to Bert West; Onota's Pnssv of S. B .
7 month, ifilll, to Mrs. .Tohii lu I mcr
i Fussy's Fern Favorite. 0 months. 105
to Willinni Cockriel, Salem, Ore.; Fus- She commciu'eit work Thursday,
sy's Fern Marmalade, (i months, $105,! Mrs. George Kurre. of Portland, is a
to Bert West; Fussy 's Fern Benin of S. guest nt the Inline of her parents, Mr.
B 9 months, to G. It. Dammeier, Port- ! and Mrs. Evan Evans, east of the city,
bind, Ore.; Fussy 'h Kern's Roselenf of i Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Nichols, of Falls
S. B fi months. $110. to C. K. Reid; Citv, visited at the home of Mrs. Nidi
Fussy 'm Fern Lass of S. B.. 8 months, 1 ids'' parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. I. Key
$105, to Bert West. I nobis, Tuesday.
Colonel J. W. Hughes, of Forest Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hnytor return
Grove, cried the sale. The cattle sold , c,l Tuesday afternoon from a short visit
at a very moderate price. consideriiiL' ' nt the home of M.. and Mrs. I.lovd
he quality of the offering.
High School Notes
h school orchestra enle
mined the studentH of the High school!
rriduy afternoon, showing what 1m
provement they have been making dur
ing the fast few months.
The Tusliegi'c singers nl. J appeared
at the auditorium nod gave several
selections. Prof. C, W, Wood of the
Tuskegec Institute gave
short nl -
dress telling of the ,rork being done
III Tiiskegei'.
Conch Clancy gnvo n short
talk nn
track work and the schedule
year. Three track meets will be held
at Siileui, one in Vancouver nod one
Journal New Today Ads de-
liver the goods.
studying map of Maxica.
(Capital Journal Hpeeinl Service.)
! criminally assaulted the five-year-old
daughter of .Mrs. Iva. Skinner, who con
ducts a small store in North Dallas.
I The child was playing in an orchard
I near her home when younR Zachary go
, ing home from school is alleged to huve
: enticed her into a nearby pruue dryer
I where the crime is said to have been
1 commuted. I'pou being released the
I child run home crying, nnd told' her
nioiner n 110 lmomi.-u sunn, vi um ii.-iru-
; bnrs nnd a search was made for the
! Zachary boy and ho was, found and tnk-
I en to the blacksmith shop of C. D. For-
! rcttc, when; ho admitted committing
the crime. . At his preliminary hearing
before Justice Hardy Holman, Wedner-
I year. Several other Important matters
were taken up nt the meeting.
Gambling Case to' Be Ti-Ied First.
Dallas; 'Oro., April fl.-Tho first, jury
enso to bo tried next Tuesday when the
April term of circmt Court convenes,
will be that of Cliff Rmith charged
with riinniiig a gambling house in In
dependence. This case name up at the
1 lust term of court but resulted in a hung
i Farmers' Union Meeting.
I .Dallas, Ore., April 8. The first
I regular meeting of the. Polk Countv
I Farmers' Union since its organization
wns hel.l in the armory weaiiesiliiy
afternoon, Many matters of importance
to the union were taken up and dis
cussed. Several new members were
also admitted. Much interest is being
shown in the organization of the dil
fereut locals throughout the country
and it is the hope of the backers of the
movement that the entire rural districts
of the county will soon have sepnrnt"
Divorce Canes Filed.
Dallas,- Ore., April 8. Two new di
vorce cases were filed in the Polk coun
ty circuit court this week. Kmil Carl
son seeks a divorce from his wife, Elva
Carlson and M. D. Hogan from Liza E.
W. V. Fuller and P. A. Finsetll were
business visitors in tin Capital City
i Thursday afternoon.
I Fred Toner transacted business in
. Portland Thursday.
! George Clanfield and Frank Fawk
were Independence visitors Wednesday
'aft it in inn
I M isu Mav Sholton hriH ticcelded li no-
1 sition ns cleik nt-the Golden Rule store.
Plckard, lit Eugene.
Ml", and Mrs. Frank Mnrrcll have
' gone to Sheridan where Mr. Morrell
! has a position w ith the Sheridan I.uin-
her company. '
L. Gerbnger, of Portland,, wns in til
city the first of the week, looking after
business interests,
Dr. F. M. Bloom is in Portland
week on business!
Mr. ami Mrs. Cliff Jnhmtou, of Nam
pa, Idaho, are in the city guests at
the home of Mrs. Johnson's parents,
! Mr. nnd Mrs. George Scott.
Mr, and
Mrs. W. L. Skipton, of Sn-
Icm, were
the week.
Dallas visitors the first of
Miss Glndvs
Martin lias returned
'r",n visit in California and resumed
her old position at the switchboard of
the Dallas Telephone company.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Dennis nnd Willis
Reynolds, of Snlem, were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mi. W. I. Reynolds
the first of the week.
Mrs. E, M. Hall, of Woodburn. is In
the city railed hy the illness of her
daughter, Mrs. Victor Bullantyue.
Instant Relief With Small
Trial Bottle of Old, Pene
trating "St Jacob's
Rheumatism is "pain" only.
Not one case in fifty requires inter
nal treatment. Stop druggingt Ruhv.
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oi!'r
right into your soic, stiff, aehing
joints, and relief comes instantly. "St.
Jacobs Oil-' is a harmless rheumatism
liniment which never disappoints ami
can not burn the skin.
Limber up! Quit eomplaii ing! Get
a small trial bottle of old. hi nest "St.
Jacobs Oil'' at any drug sto. 9, and in
just a moment you'll be 1 lee from,
rheumatic pain, soreness and itiffueas.
Don't suffer! Relief awaits ou. "St.
Jacobs Oil'' is just as good for sci
atica, neuralgia, lumbago, I ackache,
The following price for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices 'are those paid the
producer. Corrections ara made
It is the old, old story as to market
quotations. Everything is quiet und the
dullness of the past three weeks still
hangs over the market. Two ca.se i
strawberries arrived this morning ai.t
within a few days, tho supply will be
regular. Shipmonts are made from,
southern California.
. Trains.
Hay, timothy, per ton
Oats, vetch
Clover hay
Rolled barley ..
Corn- -
Cracked corn
Shorts, per ton -
. $26.00
Butterfat 33S
Creamcrv butter, per pound 3e
Country" butter 0c25
Eggs and Poultry.
KggSj case count, cash I7e.
Eggs, tr.ido 18e
Hens, pound HtglS.
Roosters, old, per pound 9s
Broilers, under 2 pounds SSe
Pork, Veal and Mutton,
Veal, dressed
Pork, dressed
Pork, on foot
Spring lambs,
...lOfelO l-2e
45 l-2o
3c3 l-2e
6 l-2a
Lambs, grain fed, yearlings .... 7 l-2e
f'abbngn $2.503.O0
Tomatoes, Florida and Cuban .... $4.00
String garlic
Potatoes, cwt
Green onions
Green peppers .......
Green pens
Egg plant
Apples, Hood River . . .
Rhuburd, box
Oranges, Navels ......
Lemons, per box
Bananas, pound
California graPc fruit .
Florida grape fruit
Strawberries, orate ..
.. 15n
..... $1.23g$1.7S
.... $1.00(5! 1. 50
... $2.25073.50
... $4.00(a4.59
$3 .09
... $5.00(S.$8.0J
7 1 2
.. $l.00f'i5.00
Retail Prices.
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 20a
Sugar, cane $s oj
Sugar, beet $7 80
Creamcrv butter 40!
Flour, hard wheat
Flour, valley
Portland. Ore., April 8. Wheat:
Club, 90(ii 90c.
Blucstem,'$1.02 1 -2d 1.04.
Fortyfold, 91o79Ne.
Red Russian, 90(ii 97c.
flats: No. 1 white feed, $2-.50('h
Barlev: Feed, $2o00(7i 29.00.
Hogs: Best live, $9.00.
Prime steers, $9.00.
Fancy cows, $7.50.
Calves, $8.00.
Spring lambs, $10.00.
Butter: City creamery, .'lie.
Country butter, 30(Ti31c.
Eggs: Selected locul ex., :!0fr'.Mc.
Hens, 17 l-2c.
Broilers, 22 l-2(S25e. (fr
Geese, XOfi I b".
Independence, Ore., April 9. Mis
A lined a Fuller, a teacher in the higi
school here, has filrm for the republi
can nomination for Tolk county school
Miss Fuller takes an active part in
educational progress and has had fit
years' teaching experience in Polfc