ETOIIT TTTE DAILY CAPITAL .TP' ItNAL, SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1916. Social Hygiene Meeting At The Armory Sunday The inK rum for tin' meeting of the Oregon Social Hygiene society to bo in-Ill fur ini'ii only lit tin armory Sun day lit lernuoii at 3 o'clock will In' pre over by Governor Withyconiho unil addresses will In- made by doctors who have made .1 st'-iti I study of tin' subjects on which they will talk. Tho program is ns follows: Selection, Willnnn'tti' university quartet. ..Tho Extent and Result of Sexual Vice . 3:00 p. in., "Tin1 Prevnlonev and Gciicrul Seriousness of Vt'iii'iral Dis eases ami Their Kfi'ccts 1'pnii tin' In- livi.liial ami tin- Home," I.. I'. Griffith, M. I., stiff physician state hospital. Causes and Remedies. 3:25 p. in., " (iiiick Doctors nnd Fake Medicines," Calvin S. Whit.'. M. I)., Portland, ini'iiilii'r board of directors t begun Social Hygiene siirii'ty. :i:."iO p. in., " lieiiieilios," .1. 1-1. Snyder Pendleton, member b.inid of directors Ui'-pni Social Hygiene sicioty. p. in., ) il.jott in in cut . Since entering upon his official dit-t'n-s in Salem, Governor .In mi's Withy combo has mink' it an inviiri.iblc rule to return to his ) i i 1 1 in I'oivallis for his Sunday rest, liec'inse of the groat iporlnnce of tin' loon's mass mooting to lie hohl in tho nrniory tomorrow nf ti'inoon iimli'r tho auspices of tho So rial Hygiene nssoeiatioif; tho governor has consented to stay in Silcin uxor .Sim, lay ami will preside at tin' meeting in tin' iinnorv. la tho evening, 7:30, In' will In' tin' guest of iioimr at tho I'lensant Siunlay evening service in the First Cougrega 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 church iii'nl will deliver a brief address mi tin' subject " Klcinonts of (Joml Citizenship." Tho work of the Orison Social Hy giene society, in ils endeavor to make known In i prop"r way tlu farts of lilv, lias received the einlorsi'Mii'iil of tin' leading iiuni of the state. This work has mil only received' the official endorse ini'iit hut the enthusiastic support, of tho physicians of the enuiiniiiiity and state, nml especially its campaign against ipiack iloctors. i The following are a few of the opin ions expresseil: The work of the Oregon Soci il Hy giene society ha my enthusiastic ap 9 e J. K. SuyUor, who will spoak ftt Armory Iyi;ipno mcotiug. Dr. Calvin S. White, one of tho spoa Armory tomorrow atetneon. Y-v "to ,. i ; I " -'S-l, -I ; , '.WW I I . . . -j I I ' proval ami support. It seems to nie it gets at the very foundations of in iliviilual an. I community lietti'i'inent. 1 know of no activity more important than such eilucarionnl work as this, anil certainly it slunilil to every man, hoy ainl arent. We are fortunate in having splendid speakers for the Sumlay afternoon meetings, anil I think that every man in Salem who possibly can shouhl at tend, for the tilks will he worth while, important, mid of ilirect interest to ev ervono. gov. wit liven miii:. No subject before the people of litis or any other stnte, in my opinion, wnr tants more or bettor attention. The Oregon Social Hygiene society, through tlie high type of cilieii-hip connecteil with it. is lining a most excellent aiol admirable Work, Their hainls shouhl he uphold liy every thinking man ami woman. i ; i : x or.coTT. The evils wiiicli the Oregon Social Hygiene society is striv ing to elimiu ite cunt largely to the neeil for our nte iusl it ut ions. Kvery taxpayer is therefore vitally interesteil hoth from a financial as well as from a moral stand point. in the work of this society. Kv ery man aiol woman in Salem shouhl 1 Ian to .itteinl their respective meet ings. T. li. K A V. The work of the Oregon Social Hy giene society is certainly to he v'iiui nienileil in every way. The ipiestioas I hey are bringing liefore the people are of vital inters! ami deserve careful study of every man anil woman of this slate ami couiitiv. If. O. WI1ITK. The Oregon Social Hygiene society is iloing a work whose results will he the lessening of much misery ami Cue in creasing of the li ippiness of the future citi.enship of the state. Kvery parent who is interesteil in the future of his chihl shouhl encourage the work of the society by attending one of the meet ings planned by that 'organization for the men nml women of Salem. NUT. .1. A. ( II I'UCIIILL. tomorrow afternoon at Oregon Social kers nt the Social Hygiene meeting at The Oregon Social Hygiene society is doing- a work tfiat should have the en lire support of every community.' I am glad to be able to do my sh ire in sup porting the work of the noeiety by urg ing men to be piesent at the meeting Siimlav ufternoon at the nrmorv. .MAX (). HliiK.V. Mr. W. M. Hamilton, president of the Salem Commercial club, in commenting on the work ami activity of the Ore gon Social Hygiene society, Rtated: "Although the greatest benefits that are being derive, from the activity of the Oiegou Sui-iil Hygiene society arc undoubtedly in Hie improvement lif Un moral conditions, and that the most far reaching results wiir iio in the improve ment of the morals of a community at large, there is another phase that is not so often thought of, but, neverthe less, has a great .leal to do with the economic prosperity of a community, ami tint is the increased efficiency of the individual that will result from tiie improved moral anil physical condition! of such individual. " Mauylnrge employers of labor audi others who have nuple a study of the! detrimental effects upon employes, oil tile causes that the society is striving' to eliminate, ire well aware that such j effects are of much greater extent, thauj .lie average business man lias any con- opt ion of. ' ' Social Hygiene Conference Meek alftate House A number of the most prominent edu cators of the state met at the .slate house last night to begin the Thiid Annual Conference of the Oregon Social Hygiene Society. President 1'. 1,. Campbell of the l'liiversily of Oregon, presided at last night's session. Presi dent Kerr, of the Oregon Agricultural College, presided at this morning's ses sion, and Superintendent J. A. Church ill presided at the session held this afternoon. The problem under discussion before Hie conference at this time is the gen eral problem of introducing sex instruc tion in Hie schools and to the young boys anil girls of the state in the most suitable manner. The problem is still in the experiineiiliil stage and lias not yet been solved by any stale though it is under consideration throughout the union. Y.W.CA. Notes Mrs. Chauncey Bishop, chairman of the membership committee announces that on Tuesday, April II, the commit tee will be at the association rooms all day to receive Hie renewal fee of one dollar and issue new membership cards for the year. Miss Mnyine lii'own, daughter of At torney (leneral and Mrs. lirown, is mak ing her home at the Y. W. (,'. A. while her parents are sojoumiiig in the Hast. , bevy of girls enjoyed a party at tlie association rooms Monday evening. The party was planned by the social committee with Mrs. Twecdale anil Miss McCulloch in charge. CO-EDS ARE MONEYMAKERS One Third at State Unversity Help With Their College Expenses. Fniversity of Oregon, Kugene, April S. The self reliance nnd independence of the type of girl that the state of Oregon is producing is manifest among File co-eds at the state university to such a degree Hint ,ono third of them are helping pay their expenses. Some of Hie services tliese girls are perl'orining or have performed for the sake of their educ ition are: Typewrit ing, sewing and meiuling, caring for children, clerking, doing office work, cooking, newspaper reporting, house work, making cakes to order, serving at receptions, acling as fraternity house managers, doing playground work, act ing as companions, serving ns secre taries, w ishing dishes and ironing1. In ninny states the percentage of women who are helping mako their ovvn wav through n university is small; in many of the less ileocratic. institutions there are none at all. . BORN CAM KliON" To Mr. nml Mrs. Andrew A. Cameron. 507 North Twenty-fir: street, April 7, 1010, n daughter, to I iiaiucil Mnxine Marion. W 1 1. so To Mr. and Mrs. Aloiizo Wilson. April N. 1010, a daughter. Capital Journal Only Complete Paper Sold The Capital Journal is the only evening daily published . in Salem that is a complete newspaper. The Portland papers peddled here arc printed in the forenoon about 1 1 "D'clock, are, simply the regular editiou of tho day before with some changes "on tho first pago. They are only extras niiule up for street sales and out of town circulation, making no pretense to being real newspapers. The Capital Journal oa the other hand, contains the complete leased wire service up to 3:30 p. in., hlch is 0:30 p. m. in New York and past midnight in Europe, the seat of the g't'at war. It also contains all the local news of Snlein and ur- rounding territory thnt is worth while. It is a complete artet noon newspaper and the only one circulated in Salem. When von pay your money for a Port- land evening paper here you are merely being "faked" into buy- ing a cheap extra with big headlines on the first page and yesterday's news everywhere else. Tho Capital Journal sells on the street for 2 cents. Fay no more, THE CHURCHES Free Methodist. .io. 122S North Winter street. - Sun ay aervicen: Sabbath school 9:45. Preaching ut 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 y. w. W. J. Johnston, pastor. Salvation Army. Suntfay services as follows: Knee drill, V:'S0 a. m. Sunday school and Uiblo class, 10:30 a ,tn. Christian praise meeting, 3 p. m. Y. P. I.., 0:15 p. m. isalvaiion meeting, 7:45 p. m. Week night services every night except Monday aud Thursday. tpt. und Mrs. Kelso. Rural Cbapel. H. ('. Stover, minister. Sumlay school at 10:10 a. m. Morning worship at 1 1 :.:0. Sermon by the pastor. Christian Kndeavor at 7::!li p. m. Central Congregational. Corner South .Nineteenth and Ferry streets. If. ('. Stover, minister. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Kvening service at 1 Junior Christian Kndeavor at li p. in. Senior Christian Kndeavor at 0:4:1 p. in. -Mid-week service. Thursday, 7:'i( p. m. First Christian. Corner High and Center, F. T. Por ter, minister, liible school n-f 0: 15 a. in., Dr. II. C. Kpley, director; Lloyd lloldiiu in, assistant, (ireat orchestra wide awake school. Salem won all three points (jist Lord's day. Four iiiiiulred sixty-three present, offering MS. 15. Auto' truck leaves West Salem 0:05 a. in. Highland !l:I!0 a. in. Wor ship at II a. in. '.Mary Schultz, violin ist. C. K. (i::!l p. in. Pastor preaches both morning and evening. Swedish Tabernacle M. E. Comer South 15th and Mill streets, liev. John Orvall, minister. Sunditv school at -:30 p. in. Preaching nt 3:'M and H p. m. Cood songs and music will be rendered. All Scandinavians are most cordially invited to attend. Salem's Pleasant Sunday Evening Service. The people of Salem, by the way they lack the First Congregational church to the doors every Sunday evening, are in this manner testifying that they surely appreciate an interesting and instructive and helpful meeting. Hun dreds of boys and girls .ind little fel lows from the streets arc now spending their Suinlav evenings in the First Con gregational church. This service is en tirely original in Salem. lucre is no other service in any other church in the slate of Oregon just exactly like it. visitors troni other cities and states who have attended have gone awav de lighted. Toe First Congregation il hurra of hnleni is the only church in Oregon which is supplied witli an up to date moving picture eiiiipini'nt nnd sonic of the most interesting and beau tiful pictures ever seen ill Salem have been exhibited in this church during the past nine weeks. During that time it is conservatively estimated that more tiiaa 7.5HH people have seen the niuving pictures ill this church. Salem's popul ir Sunday evening service is without any doubt the pleasant Sunday evening service at tlie first i ougrega- tional church. The program for the evening services until tlie iirsr sumlay in June has now been published nml every effort will be made to maintain the interest and popularity of these meetings. Unitarian. Corner of Cheiueketa nml Cottage streets, Hichnrd F. Tischer. minister. Siinda'- school at 0:45, Adult class at 0:45, Miss Kthel Fletcher, superiiitenil i. ; ,i il ,,', l,,,.c subject, " Foitaiiaii Christianity.'' No evening meeting, .music ny Airs. i. u. Calloway, Mr. Harry Mills, organist. All friends of liber il religion nml oi inogressive thought are cordially in vited to our services. Invite a tricml. United Evangelical. North Cottage street, between Cen ter and Marion, A. A. Winter, minis- WHERE AMERICANS HUNT VILLA -a,,' i ,!( v f tiers' ' ! -v 1 , A t 1 1 ' -! A I , . ..'.: .-. ': n .. -.. I t j, j photo av , w Ii pahmount ficrumes .. ,,, -, m 5; vi Vm'TApy i:riaHmjlr. ! ter. 10:00 a. m. Sumlay school Mr. A. ' A. Flesher superintendent. 3:00 p. m. i Junior Kndeavor. 8:."I0 p. m. Young ! People's meeting topie " Denomination al Unties." Leader Miss Kthel Case ibere our president. No preaching ser I vice at 11:00 i. in. and 7:J0 p. m. Pas i tor attending the annual conference ses sion in Hurt lit ml. Our men urged to at ! tend the men's meeting at the armory I at ,'J o'clock. Ta..e a friend. Women's 'meeting 3 p. in. First Congregational ! church. i ! St. Paul's Episcopal. Hubert S. Hill rector. Holy cominun ; ion 7 : ;t( a. in. -Matins .ind address on "Three (Had Things" 11:111) a. m. Kven- song ami address "There's Millions In jit" 7 :,'n p. in, Sunday school 0:15 a. in. United Brethren. I. Tatinan will preach at the I Hev. II 'First Fiuted Hiethren church on 1-tli juiiil -Mission street Sunday II a. m. and Is p. ni. April !ith. All cordially invited I to be present. Members especi illy re I quested to attend. Leslie Methodist. The evangelistic meetings at Leslie Methodist church are bringing out larg er congregations every even'ng. The spirit is splendid and the outlook for the three weeks' campaign is very fine. There will be n special afternoon meet ing nt tiiree o'clock today led by the pastor and in the evening Dr. Avison will pre uh. Leslie Methodist Episcopal. , I'.ible school 0:45 n. m. Joseph I'arber i superintendent. Morning worship 11:110 o'clock sermon by the pastor. 3:00 p. m. meeting for men only under direct jtion of the Oregon Social Hygiene So ciety at the armory iioveruor ithy combe presiding. At the same time at the Congregational church, a meeting for women, addressed by Dr. Dertha S. Stewart, of Heed College, Portland; Kp worth League, 'i:30 p. m., led by Miss llerthn Miller, topie, "Following the , IV tee Prince," Kvening service, 7:30, sermon by Dr. Carl (I. Doney, president' ot Willamette university. ! First Methodist Episcopal, j Corner State and Church streets, It. .'. Avison, minister. 0:00 a. m. class J meeting; 0:45 a. in., Sabbath school, Messrs. Schramn and tiilkey, superin I tendejits; 11:00 a. m., morning worship, I sermon by the pastor, subject, "Auth lority in Religion; 3:00 p. in,, we join iin the men's meeting at the nrniory and I the women's meeting at the Congreg.i itional church; li:30 p. m. Intermediate ! League, Mrs. M. C. Findley, superin 'tenilent; 0:30 p. m. Kpworth League, Miss Kva Scott, president; 7:30 p. in. levelling worship, sermon by the pastor, (subject, "A Great Co-Partnership. " j Music by tne chorus choir both uioni ! ing and evening under the direction of I Dr. Frank W. Chase. Commons Mission. -11 State street. Preaching on Sun-' 'day at 3 p. in. It is hoped W, (i. Mc-j ; La re n will speak. Services on Tuesdivv 'and Friday at 7:15 p. m. Mission boar I' : meets Tuesday evening. A full at : tendance is desired. .1. I). Cook, super-' ititendent. Lutheran. Fast Slate ind Kighteeulh slrcels, G. I Koehler, pastor. Sunday school in (Icr imnii ami Knglisii ut III o'clock. Divine service at 10:30 a. in. Luther League jilt 7 p. ni. Kvening service in Knglish I at 7:30 p. in. - First Baptist. I Corner Marion and N. Liberlv streets, j Kev. G. F. Holt, I). D.. pastor.' Sunday school at 0:15 x. ni. Public worship land preaching at II a. m. and 7:30 p. !m., topics, morning, "What Christ Is Mo the World and to Life." Kvening. ." Life Through Faith." It. Y. I'. I', at ii:.'!0. Prayer meeting Thursday cven J ing at 7:30. ! First Church of Christ, Scientists. Sunday services are held nt -110 I Cheiueketa street, ut II .1. in. and f I p. in. Subject of liible lesson, "Are Sin, Disease and Death Heal: Sun day school at !:45 a. in. Wednesday ev ening testimonial meeting nt S o'clock. Heading room in the Hubbard building, suite 303, mid Is open every day, ex What's Wrong with the World? The desire of those who are bringing the lioston lecture, Peter Collins, to the Grand Opera House on Thurs day evening, April -J7th, is that he shall be heard by the intelligent, substantial people of Salem and surrounding coun try. He has a message that such people vvi'll be delighted to hear and he deliv ers if with such force, such eloipicnee and such logic that extreme pleisure marks every moment. Anarchists and unchristian socialists will not enjoy his address and it is un derstood some of their local leaders are preparing several ipiestioas to propound to him at its i lose, but he is always ready with courteous mil clinching answers for sn. Il chaps, and il is ex pected this feature of the evening's en tertainment will be one of the most en jovable. Mr. Collins tells "What's Wrong With the World" and handles in a broad, comprehensive manner tTie great 1 Peter Collins, gifted Massachusetts lec The Grand Opera Hoiue April 27. cept Sundays and hulidiys, from 11:45 a. in. to 4 p. in. All are welcome to our services and invited to visit our read ing room. Highland Ftiends. Corner of Highland and Elm streets, Sabbath school at 10 n. in., Mrs. Myrtle Kenworthy, superintendent. Meetings for worship II a. ni. ami 7:30 p. in. christian Kiidcavor 0:15 p. in. Prayer- meeting TTiuisd.iy 7:30 p. in. Josephine lloekett, (il. III. I llUilC I t ' ' in i ii'-. ' Jason Lee Memorial. At the corner of Jefferson and N. Winter streets, .1. Montcalm lirown, pastor. Sunday S' hool at lo a. in., It. A. Harris, superintendent, .Mrs. W. C. Kni- mel, superintendent of primary depart ment. Preaching service at 11 a. m.l and at 7:30 p. in. Kpworth League de-' service at 0:30 p. in. There: will be union revival service next week, Mondnv to Friday inclusive, beginning at 7:45, in which the pastor will be as sisted by Kev. Dr. Avison, of the First church, mid Hev. J. C. Spencer, of Les lie. The public is cordially invited. German M. E. Corner Thirteenth and Center streets, A. J. Weigle, pastor. Sundavi school nt 10 a. in., Henry Gralnpp, superintend ent. Sermon at II o'clock a. in. .ind 7:45 p. in. Kpworth League at 7 p. m., A ma Gralapp, leader. Reformed. Comer of Capital and Marion streets. Sunday school III a. in. German services 11 a. m. Knglish services 7:30 n. in. i M. Dennv, pastor. i ' 1 j First Presbyterian. I Kev. J n ob Siivder. nastor of the : First Presbyterian church, of Pendleton' will preach Sunday evening. Mr. Sny-. I dor has a state-wide reputation as a re-: 'form speaker. In the morning, ltev. U. Mutton, of For. and. vvi sneak in behalf of a sober nation, representing - tne work of I he anti-saloon league. South Salem Friends. Corner of South Commercial and : Washington streets. II. K. l'eiuberton, j pastor. Hible school at 10 a. in., classes j for all ages, B. C. Miles, siiperinten-1 I dent. Meeting for worship mid preaeh jing at II a. in. mid 7:30 p. in. Young I People 'a meeting at i:30 p. i. Praver' I meeting nt 7:15 p. in. Thursday. Song ; practice at S:15 p. m. First Congregational. i .lames Klviu, pastor. Sundae school : meets promptly at ten o'clock. W. .1. 1 Stalev, superintendent. Morning ser-! vice at II o'clock. Music morning and evening by chorus choir, direction Win. i McGilchrist, Sr. Sermon subject, second in series of three sermons on " Cross i ,1)1' ( hrist." Subject for Suml ly innrn ing, "Crucifying Jesus Today.''' Chris-' I tian . Kndeavor at 0:30 o'clock. Pleas ant Sundiiv evening service at 7:3l' o'clock. Families and friends cordial ly invited. Fntheis an 1 mothers ospe-! 'ially iuviieir to bring their children.! i Fine congregation i of the old familiar' hymns, good music by excellent chorus! ciioir, brief sermon ley pislnr on siib-i je.t "A Young Maa'and His Task." Motion pictures second part "Passion! Play" showing "Christ and His Works of Mercy, Teaching His Disciples. ( Hounded by His F-.iemies." Doors open at seven o'clock. Kverybody invited , and everybody welcome.' Tuesdav ev ening at n:i.i regular monthlv meet n" of Pilgrim dob. President II. S. I'oisal presiding. Dinner served promptlv nt ;0:I5. Piogiain as follows: Vocal solo. Sir. Albert Gille. who will sing " Invict us": exhiln'ioii of hypnotism bv K. Cooke Pit ion. and four esitviallv train- led subjects; a ldress on our " American Mexican Neighbor" by Dean George H. Ahlen, of Wiil.uneite university. Dr. Alden isited Mexico a short time airo and his remarks will be appertain' at 'this time. .Mid-week service Thnrsdav problems of our day, setting forth con structive remedies to aid in the ad vinement and progress of civilization. How he succeeds in this is illustrated: by the following comments of pres and pulpit: Milwaukee Journal: "Peter Collins is doing a great constructive service for his country." St. Louis (lazette: " Ho gave a stirring and able address." Norwich, Conn., lUcord: "Peter Col lins is a master of his subjects." Kev. Dr. Miller, Presbyterian, Shawnee, Okla.: "It wis a spiemlid message and carried conviction." Hev. Mr. Kinney, Itaptist, Oklahoma City: "It was one. of the greatest lectures I have ever heard and it did great good- for our city." Kev. Dr. McCraiR, Methodist, Sioux City, lown: "Hod bless Mr. Collins. He is doing a wonderful work for (lod and country." These are but a few of the expressions coming from ill sources of responsibil ity ami respect where Mr. Collins has appeared. Kvery man and woman in the community has an earnest invita tion to attend this lecture at the Grand Opera House, Thursday evening, April 27th. It is entirely free. J turcr, who will answer that question at evening at 7:30. Studies in chapter 10, I P.ook oi Acts, Mrs. Alice Dodd, leader. F. E. Fullerton nnd A. A. (Iraber, of Salem, are registered at the Hotel Ben j son, Portland. i A thunderstorm in hot weather trav els at the average rate of thirty miles an hour. Good Buys in Real Estate 300 acres, 50 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture, running; water, orchard, no buildings. This is a good stock ranch, located (i miles from good town. Price $35 per uere. 50 acre farm, 40 acres under cultiva tion, 5-rooni house, bam, orchard, sonio timber, 1 1-2 miles from small town and railroad. Price $5000, $3000 down, bnl anco to suit at 0 per cent interest. 03 acre farm, nearly all under culti vation, soiiK! timber, new (i-room house, bam, well, I a m road, li miles from, Salem. Price $00 per acre. 5 acres all under cultivation, new 5 room house, bum, chicken house, wood shed, well, 4 miles from Salem, good roads. Friee $1050. 10 acres nil under cultivation, 4 miles from Salei'n. Price $1000, $L!00 down, balance $10 per month, G per cent interest. 80 acre farm, 35 acres under cultiva tion, balance timber and pasture, spring; water, house, bam, orchard. Price $05 per acre, $1200 down, balance to suit at ti per cent interest. 10 acres all under cultivation, new ."-room bungalow, new bam, 20 by 40 feet, chicken house, well, 5 acres prune orchard, young family orchard, sightly location, 3 1-2 miles from Salem. Price $3500, $1500 down, balance to suit. Five room house, largo east front lot, 75 by 150 feet, bearing fruit, large barn, twelve blocks south. Price $1300, $500 down. One acre tract just outside of the city limits, bearing orchard. Price $550, $100 down, balance $10 per' month, li per cent interest. Improved 3-4 acre tract, 5 room house, barn, bearing fruit, 1-2 miles from street ear line, graveled street. Price $1500, $700 down, balance 0 per cent interest. 10 acre tract, two acres under culti vation, ti acres three year old Italian running water, small house, macadam road, six miles from Salem. Will con sider small house nnd lot as part pay ment. Price I soil. "S acre tract, 10 acres under culti vation, ti acres three year oblTtlalian pruno orchard, small house and barn. Will take city property as part pay ment. Price $2500. I If you want to buy, trade or sell, i see us. W. H. Grabenhorst & Company 275 STATE STEEET