THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1916. SEVEN RUSSIANS OFFER AMERICA - $350,000,000 TRADE PRIZE I . 'HeoMAMW v ; a' -" v' ' I .cAtUCCfci ai Vj ' I . X ( PtTCtJOKAO $ ,.. - i I ' , R. MAKTEMS- J. 1 ! : iJA;'- i V' m . ft f V ? ' I u i E Spare Ribs for Nothing and Delivered at That ', The capture of trade in Russia! her imports were obtained mostly jircviously enjoyed by Germany and through Germany. HI amounting to $350,000,000 a year is the object of American manufactur ers who have been awakened to the opportunity in Russia by the delega tion of which R. Martens, of the great shipping, exporting and engi- necring house of R. Martens & Com pany, of Petrograd, is the spokes man. Predictions of peace in Europe in a few months have corroboration in the nature of arrangements which are being made throughout the United States and Canada with ex porters by the delegation of Russian Portland Druggists Unite In Helping Judge to Enforce Dry Laws Portland, Or., April 8. A bill for city (inli nance w is drawn up toilay for the purpose of stopping the sale of alcohol as a tipple ritty members or tne 1 ortland Ke tail Unionists' association are co-operating with city oilicials in an endeav or to reduce the number of alcohol "jags." Meeting in his courtroom with the druggists yesterday, Municipal Judge Liugguth exhibited betore them three men who had just been rounded up by the police because of quantities of grain alcohol which they had concealed inside an. I outside tneir belts. Druggists will fight a proposed change iii' the prohibition law, it was an nounced. Hoss Plummer, member of the state board of pharmacy, declared i strong lobby of liquor men will at tend tho 1!17 session of the legisla ture and endeavor to have the law amended so druggists may sell whiskey on prescription. Organized opposition of the druggists' association to this movement was pledged. Elisha P. Morcom Files For Circuit Judge of This District easily taken over by the United States, but American manufacturers must bear in mind that if it is to be taken over, it will be only as a re suit of prompt and intelligent action! on their part now. the manufac-; turer must familiarize himself with, the fundamental differences between the trade to which he has been ac customed and trade in Russia, due to the vast area of Russia and the cus toms and peculiar needs of her peo ple ' "He must realize that Russia, be ing largely an agricultural nation, is of necessity one that buys on credit. Spare ribs took a decided drop in the local market this afternoon and in a few minutes bargain crowds thronged to the Midtret Market and to the market of K. (.'. I'ross 4 Son for the cheapest meat that has been offered in Salem since wild nogs roameu ine orusn ; in Bush's pasture, and several Salem! people purchased a Sunday dinner forj a nickle. The meat war started like a thunder bolt out of a, clear sky and raged for but a few minutes when both markets sold out or gave out according to the price. It was begun by Manager Curtis Cross hanging out a sign "Spare Ribs S cents per pound." Manager Levy, of the Midget looked across the street at the rival sign and promptly pointed on his screen, "Spare Ribs 5 cents per pound." Cross countered with a new sign, "Spare Ribs 3 cents" and the Midget came back with a drop to "Spare Ribs 2 cents." While Cross was hanging out a sign, "Spare Ribs 1 cent" per pound, the Midget announced, "Spare Ribs Free." Cross went him one better by adding: "Spare Ribs Free. We deliver 'cm." I COURT HOUSE NEWS I Within &sy Reach of SL. it ii mm- - ft urn very financiers and commercial experts In the past the American manufac who are touring the continent. turer has objected to extending credit Id aTnessage to American shippers and as a result the exports from the Mr. Martens, who has opened New York headquarters and secured New York docks for shipping, said: "It must be remembered that Rus sia for a considerable time now has ibeen importing only those things :rijcessary to meet her war require ments. Most of her factories in the district under occupation have been destroyed; of the remainder many liavj been devoted to the manufac ture of war supplies, and the rest are wholly inadequate to meet the de mands made upon them. As a re (ult the' great and varied needs of Russia have been greatly increased United States to Russia have been relatively small. If he would only stop to analyze the exports from the United States to Uermany and the exports of the latter country to Rus sia, however, he would realize that American goods have been used to meet the Russian demand, but Amer ican goods which bore German labels and which brought prices sufficiently high to more than meet, not only the cost of credit extended by Germany, but also the charges of German mid dlemen, German steamship com panies, German docks, German for warding agents, German insurance tince the days prior to the war. when 'companies and Cermanrailroads." Republican Women Organize Political Educational Club A number of prominent republican women met on Friday evening and ef fected an organization which is to be known as the Women's Marion County Republican club. The purposes of the club will be both and educa tional and all republican women of Marion county are eligible to member ship.' The membership fee has been fixed at fiftv cents. , The officers are: Mrs. Helen W Snuthwick. president; Mrs. ('. P. Bish op, vice-president; Mrs. K. Cartwright, treasurer. The next meeting will be held Minidav, April tenth in the coun cil chamber' of the city ball at p. in. A cordial invitation is extended to re publican women to be present Did make this organization a successful one. John D. Turner Offers Year's Lease On Park for Payment of Rental Read heed and arrange witli us now to send The Hoover to your home for free trial WM. GAHLSDORF The House of 135 N. Liberty. Housewares. Phone 67 What you will see at a Hoover demonstration John D. Turner, who last year nnn aed the Senator:), writes to Kay Baker, former manager of the Senators, that he is willing to turn over the baseball park to anvone who wants to run the t,.,im this vear. Turner s.iys he is nn- able to con'ie to Salem this year as he is making contracts for war supplies in tho enar mid he thinks there is more inmiev in it thaii there is in baseball in sni,.m The nark costs 1j0 a yeu. It is proposed to call a meeting ot inei baseball players next week to discuss: the proposition of organizing a team and it. is probable timt a game will be j played the following Siind.iy. Elisha P. Morcom, of Woodburn, filed today at the office of the secretary of state, as a candidate for the republican nomination for judge of the circuit court of the third judicial district com prising the counties of Linn and Marion. Mr. Moreom has been city attorney of Woodburn for eight years and served seven years in the Oregon National guard. In his statement he says, "En deavor to enforce the law in accordance with equity and justice to all." The advent of Mr. Morcom as a" can didate brings tie republican list up to four with Judiro Percy R. Kelly, the present incumbent, George O. Bingham, and M. E. rogue, in the republican line up and Judge Galloway and Judge Reinhart out for the democratic nom inations. W. C. Winslow, of Salem, today filed for the republican nomination for dis trict attorney for Marion county with the slogan "Vigorous prosecution of criminals; prompt attention to county business. ' ' Among the other candidates who filed today are: M. Vernon Parsons, Eugene, republi-; can, district attorney for Lane county, with tne " slogan, "htticient uw en forcement; reduce expenses; try cases in court instead of newspapers. L. A. Liljeqvist, Marshfield, repub lican, district, atorney for Coos county. Benton Bowers, Ashland, republican, representative in !the legislative as sembly, Sth representative district, com prising Jackson county. oiinjoouiop 'oijiniio 'JOtSfB-ttS! v 'f district attorney for Malheur county. Carlton h. Spencer, Portland, repub lican, representative in tho legislative! assembly, lsth representative district, comprising .Multnomnh county. Ahijah Fairchild, Enterprise, repub lican, district attorney for Wallown county. Statement, "To the best of my ability enforce all laws with the least possible cost to the people of the county. Henry B. David'nizar, Joseph, repub lican, representative in the legislative assembly, 2Hh representative district, comprising Union and Wallowa coun ties. Statement, "Fulfill my duties to the best of my ability. On account of the illness of Attorney John A. Carson, who is now in the hos pital, the case of the 'state against Rex A. Turner, charged witu misappropria tion of public money, will not be heard next wediiesuay as n ""t1"""; tended. The case will be set tcr some time during the following wecK. inrn er will be tried before Cleve simpkins who was indicted jointly with him. The case of the state against A. Ap lin, under indictment on five counts on charges of illegal liquor selling, will bo tried in Judge Kelly's court next Wednesday instead of the Turner case which was set for that date. The fore noon of today's session in department No. 1 of the circuit court was set aside as motion dav, the afternoon was given over to the hearing of further evidence in the case of Lottie L. Sherman against E. L. Harris, a damage suit resulting from a collision of a motorcycle and an auto. Among those who filed for county of fices todnv at the office of the county clerk were Frank Dnvey, of 35.'! Leslie street, who filed . for the republican nomination for precinct committeeman. J. B. drier, of Stayton, filed ior the republican nomination for justice of the peace of the staton district and S. R. Tandy, of Jefferson, filed for the demo cratic nomination for precinct commit teeman of the Jefferson precinct. Woman The Marvelous F&tr, Is now within the reach of every woman Anyone, who can afford electric light can afford to own a Franz Premierparticularly on the terms we now offer You Cannot Keep Your Home Clean Without an electric cleaner, and the Franz-Premier is the logical answer tothe housewife's demand for an ef ficient portable cleaner For as well as being superior to all others in convenience and ease of operation, it is priced to fit your pocketbook. One piece wide mouth aluminum body casting, light, compact, accessible motor, handle self adjusting, any position, can be locked for special work, as cleaning stairs, mattresses, etc. Adjusting knob regulates heights of nozzle fiom floor Instantly, according to nap of carpet, revolving brush loosens dirt and whisks dust, lint and threids Into the bag. . Pistol grip handle with cap switch where its always in your hand, no stooping to turn current on and off. The road warrants for the bills- whi' were approved ut the recent session of tho Marion county court were mailed out bv the county clerk today. The total for the month of march of the warrants drawn on the road ami highway fund is $7,ll).0oV The articles of corporation for the Donald Co-operative Cheese factory were filed todav at the office of tin eountv clerk. The incorporators are .lames P. Fuller, G. A. Cone, Henry Zorn, S. P. Moberg and M. U. Leabo and they propose to conduct a general creamerv business anrt tne marao and manufacture of alk dairy and farm products. The company :s capitalize! at .fo.OOO with 2U0 shares of stock val ued at $23 each. ' VOTERS SLCW TO SIGN The voters of Marion county are lagging behind the record of a few weeks ago now and up- INTERESTING EXERCISES AT OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL The exercises at the Oregon Xormnl i school at Monmouth last evening were of nn interesting and varied character. In the absence of President Ackermiin, Vice-President Butler presided. The entertainment was under the nus- pices of the Vespertine, Delphian and Norma! Literary societies. A cantata, 'The Song of the Flowery" was given j bv the young ladies of the school. 'Judge P. H. D'Arcy delivered his , . . Ail-.:.. :.. t- n.,,1 I ifc noted lecture, i.nn m iumjr uu. Song." It was interspersed by selec tions from the best autnors. juuge U'Arcv's tribute to our flag was an The voters of Marion county are lagging behind the record of a few weeks ago now and ap pear to be prepnring for the final rtr.;h to register before the books close on the evening of April IS. The total number to register yesterday was only fiS, Last Saturday evening when the registration results were totaled it was found thnt 0,730 men and .1.0715 women had registered, milking in all 1Q,411. Hci;iiining Monday the county clerk will keep his office open evenings until 8 o'clock and it will also be open during the noon hour. This overtime is not recpiired by law but Countv Clerk Oehlliar is following this practice to accommodate those who cannot come to the court house during the regular offico hours. jfC)(CfC9C!fC)C)C!C 3C ))C ?C sC SC ift !$C Ross A. Lucas, of Salem, yesterday filed notice at the county clerk's of tf assuming the trade mime "Rose Agency Bureau," for the business which he pro poses to conduct in this city. Telephone now and have a Frantz-Pre mier sent to your DEMONSTRATION. home for a FREE 1ili of March 30, under the held, " Some of the troopers who fought Villa's ban dits, 1.1th cavalrymen rrom ono oi me troops stationed' at Columbus, New Mexico, at tho tune or tno nunc ity Pancho Villa and 1300 of his bandits." Carroll was x musician in Company f and his name was only dropped from the rolls this year when he enlisted in the regular armv and he is now a trumpeter in the 13th cavalry. A suit to foreclose a mortgage was filed in the circuit court today by i m ley Edwin Peterson ngainst C. T. Mr Intire and wife and others claiming an X interest in the property in question. 1 lie Z complaint, alleges that C. T. Mclntiie JT ' and wife gave a note for $3l!5 and tbn T I there is now due WKi.llO with interest and taxes amounting in all to M70.42 and in addition the plaintiff seeks ti recover $10 attorney's fees. The imtt was secured by a mortgage on lot 4 block 12, River View Park addition to ' Salem. Commercial i vnnwm IMmwwwunnrprfrif w. " ' W" vrvmr wmmmn nx,tfy eloquent effort nr.d wns very mueH op ted. Illustrating points in Ins Yhe other day a gentleman and his wife I lecture, the following songs were s an a demonstration of The Hoover such i)eur Harp of My Country," "Th ai we irive at our itore: but the gentle- ( r ., v,e 0f Summer," "The Minstrel Iron is seven times as heavy n:i wa ter, bulk for bulk, anil gold nineteen times. Former Member of Co. M Fought Villa's Bandits at Columbus George L. Carroll, who enlisted in Conmnnv M of this citv. July 13. 1014, hns his' picture in the Leslies Weekly at the Capital-Journal Office 81 m 82 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State, of Oregon for the County of Marion. Johanna Fuchs, - laintiff, vs. E. F. DeBord and J. A. DcBord, his wife, Defendants. By virtue of m execution, judgment order, decree, and order of sale issued out of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause to me directed and .intud thn 13th. dav of March, 11MK up on judgment and decree rendered and entered in said court on the 21st day of February, 1010, in favor of Johanna Fuchs, PI lint iff, against fc. J''. ucnoru and J. A. DcBord. his wife, Defendants, for tho Bum of $1,342.80, tocctiier with interest at tho rito of 7 per cent per annum from August 1! JO II, and for the further sum of $1)0.00 attorney fees, and tho further sum of $21.73 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and up on this writ, commanding me to make sale of tho following described real propertv, to-wit: All of lot numbered four (41, in Woodburn Fruit Farms, us shown by the duly recorded in the office of the county recorder for Marlon county, Oregon, said property being situated in said county and state. Now, therefore, by virtue of said ox edition and judgment order, decree and order of sale, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will on Saturday tho lfdii lay of April, ldlO, it 11 o'clock a. in., at the front door of the county court house, in Salcin. Marion county, Oregon, sell at 'public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title tind intcrert which t'.ie with in named defendants or either of them "and on the l!th day of August, 1011. tho date of the mortgage herein fore closed, or since that date hid in and to tho above, described property, or any portion thereof to satisfy said judg ment order, execution, decree, interests, costs and accruing costs. WM. ESC1T, Sherif of Marion County, Oregon. W. I. N.EEDHAM, Deputy. CIIAS J. SC.IINAPiKL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Hated this lllth of March, 191(5. First issue March 16, 1010. Last issue April 13, 1910. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that tho un dersigned has been appointed adminis trator of the estate of Minnie A. M", Cauley, deceased, by the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, and ha qualified. All persons having claims against said estate aro hereby notified to present tho same to mo at the Su premo Court Library, Salem, Oregon, duly verified, and with the vouchers therefore within six months from tho date hereof. i Dated and first published March ?.!, I l!)li). K. N. GILMNOIf AM, Mar. 23, Apr. 20 ' Administrator. Jo (orf WANT ADS OurWant ndswill always brinyou Signal results They dearthercsoyoucan etyourwant. Tru one! man wid. "Brine The Hoover to our home and see what it will do on our rugs. ' Ai a first test at the home, i spot about a yard square was cleaned with The Hoover, in a rug that supposedly had been thoroughly cleaned that very day. To the surprise of the gentleman and his wife, the spot cleaned with The Hoover pikkly put to shame the rest of the rug. The colon were greatly brightened md the nap straightened to itt proper position. Gettin? down close to the floor, at the request of the demonstrator, the prospec tive purchaser! saw a whole army of dust particles dancing on the rug as much as a foot away from the cleaner. Ttiis ns dirt thnt hnd been tracked In by the feet .mil u round into the very body of the mir. It had not been disturbed by sweet" "r by cleaning with oniiniiry wcuum clrfitiers. but yielded fo the slmkinu and nvreejunir oi The lluover while the suction was pulling. Tn nnother room spot found where fine bill hnd so nttached ilMU" to Iht nP ot the oirpet thnt U etlorts to dillodireit hnd been mimcce(ul. But all thi lint. .il' "U "mm and thremts. were KenUy but ilislautly swept op with The Hoover. The electric-driven brash ot soft h-ilr thnt mesin WmifS - pntenled Hnovct fciture is the reason for Hoover superiority We will be Kind to deraontrle The Homer to jim m our itore, or on your carpels uid rut. ' Boy," "Believe Me. if All those en dearing Young Channs" mid "The Harp That Once Through Tara's Halls." Judge D'Arcy mane a lifting refer ence of the good work, done by Profes sor T. F. Campbell, one of the pioneer presidents and instructors 1b the school. The musical program was in charge of Miss Hoham, the musical director. The voung ladies ltw sang the differ, ent songs during the lecture were Miss Mary Kandall. Miss Laura Rand, Miss Kdit'h Williams, Mis ltessie Earsley, Miss Mariou Richmond and Miss -Mary VfnhniTl. Judcc D'Arcv made a fitting refer ence t'o the woik of the Normal school under the direction of President Acker man and Vice President Butler stating that the school ranked with the best on the coast. "Willie, when did von "wash your face last ?" " Mother, don 't let 's bring up the past." Judue. In mauv parts of Scotland 100 her rings ran" be bought for sixpence in normal times. OhJoy! No More Corn 13 Simply marvelous no pain no cut ting no aches corns vanish. You never saw anything likeit in your whole life. Why suffer another minuter why limp around and act like an old cripple? Comfort Corn Plaster will mak you romp around like a 2-ycar-old. The old, hard, stubborn corn goes without pain it simply vanishes over night. Just ask far Comfort Corn Platter. Kcmcml)t:f Comfort Corn Plotter are guaranteed to give absolute sativ faction or money back. Only 25c the package. J. C. Perry, Drussist, 115 S. Commercial Street in iiwn iw jwnwip iwiiwi rTrTTFiT 1 1 tf vm irirrnri n n i l in ' " ' ' p smrimn m Mi imuuto" " ''" " HiWtemi iirif niifvf - r . r . f V7 w . -.'.i..... . ' i - J 3 OREGON TODAY A BIO TRIPLE BILL "THE AMERICAN TRIO" 3 BOYS WHO CAN KEALLY SING WILLARD MACK IN 'THE CONQUEROR" FROM NEW YORK SLUMS TO WALL STREET THE MOVIE STAR A KEYSTONE BURLESQUE TOMORROW AND MOND AY "THE STRANGE CASE OF MARY PAGE" "A MTf UT AirP A. rivo Act Comedy with May Robson and Hugle Mack. The -American Tno, in entire A lllUlll UUl CHANGE OF ACT NO RAISE IN PRICES-Don't fall to get Mary Page Vote-Yon have same chance to win the handsome Mary Page Gown at MeytV Store or the one dozen free Photos given by the Cox Studio. CAST YOUK VOTES AT MEYERS' STORE. J 4 JU Li