Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" SATTRI'AV KVI'.N I Nil. April K l!Ud. CHARLES H. FIdHEH, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVEKY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SAI.F.M, ORECOX, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S. BARXES, President CIIAS. II. FISHER, Vice-President DORA C. AXDHKSEX, Sec. and Treas. Daily by carrier, per year Daily by mail, per year .. SCBSCRIFTIOX I1ATE8 .3.00 Per month. . 3.00 Per mouth. . FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAI'U REPORT New York E ASTER X R E I'll ES E XT ATI V ES Ward Lewis-Williams Special Agency Tribune Building The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed tu put tlie papers oa the poreh. If the carrier dues nut do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the paper to you oa time, kindly phone the. circulation uiuuager, in this is ths only way we Jan determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main SI. THE OUTLOOK NOT BRIGHT NOT A PARTY QUESTION FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY Senator Chamberlain is indorsed by the Oregonian for his position on "preparedness," and a national army. At the same time the democratic party in the state is scolded for not getting solidly behind the senator. As a matter of fact there is a wide difference of opinion as to the manner of preparedness and the arrangement under which the army -should be enlarged. The democrats do not agree on it any more than do the republicans. In fact in another column of the editorial page of the Ore gonian which contains this criticism is a paragraph which reads: "But if the senate wanted real preparedness why did not someone therein have the courage to stand boldly out for universal service which, after all, is the only hope." The editorial staff of the Portland daily does not agree any more than do other people as to the best method to pursue. In the senate the same difference of opinion is shown, for the parties were pretty evenly divided on the The vote showed that for the volunteer section Tt is sincerelv honed the dispute between this country and Cermanv over the torpedoing of merchant vessels i subject can, and will be settled without the severance of diplo-jof the Chamberlain bill there were 19 democrats and 17 matic relations, but to a close observer this result seems! republicans; and against it 24 democrats and 10 republi doubtful. ' I cans- is a S00& or the feature is good the An agreement was reached after the torpedoing of i republicans can claim it as much their measure, at least the Lusitania and also after long and wearying delays, as that of the democrats. There were 19 democratic under which it was supposed the whole trouble had been j senators voted for the volunteer feature of the bill and amicably settled. j 24 against it. " . ... - ii i .1 i - . j a l ,i 1. However the torpedoing ot numoeriess vessels since a ciear majoiuy so iar as uie uemouiais were con- and especially the Sussex, while carrying American pas sengers, and this without giving warning as Germany had promised to do, brought the whole matter up again. The evidence seems to be conclusive that the Sussex was sunk by a German torpedo. At the same time a campaign has been begun by Ger- cerned of five against the feature. The republicans cast 17 for and 10 against, a majority of seven in favor of it. The affirmative republican majority of seven overcame the negative democratic majority of five and carried the feature by a majority of two. In other words the democrats are no more to blame man submarines apparently against everything mat; lor not standing solidly oenind tne senator tnan are tne floats. Norwegian and Dutch vessels have been sent to : republicans of the state. the bottom without warning, and both those countries are I It is not a party measure, for it is one that should rise far from feeling friendly to Germany over this destruc-j above party and be settled only as patriotism suggests. t'lonf aatterf fact this country has no complaint to Next week at Los Angeles the mother ship Milwaukee make over the sinking of the ships of any other nation, with a flotilla of torpedo craft and submarines will try i ii i!J i. 1 . A iflni'innYip nknovrl Vint" wVtpn f-n nraircnr amr lmQirinavv onomu pnntnrinrr trio nvnntrp SO long as mey UUl nui nave niuciiuuio uuuui " i.u iiiiujuiut jr v"wjr vuvunuf, wn J '- , - .V'" I WALTER E. KEYES Americans are sent to the bottom of the ocean just be cause they were on ships other than German, tnis gov ernment can not close its eyes to the fact. The adminis tration has shown a degree of forbearance that has brought severe criticism on it from Americans, and has taken a stand from which it will be difficult for it to recede even should it desire to do so. From all these circumstances the outlook for a settle ment of the matter without a break with Germany is not bright. It is hoped though that in spite of this, Germany may so act as to permit the continuance of the friendly relations that have existed so many years between the two countries, and that this irienuuu may u.. broken. be belt in a knockout. It is to be hoped the flotilla will make good, for having been licked by blue print army officers, in all directions and at all points, it would be unbearable to get walloped by an imaginary enemy. Marshfield, that has had a railroad but a day or two is complaining because it has no depot. Don't get impatient neighbor. Salem has had a railroad for nearly fifty years but has no depot. It has a rattle-to-bang old wick-e-up that does duty as such, and as there is an ordinance against stock running at large in the city limits the cows uo not steep m it. Lincoln replied on being asked: "How long a man's legs should be?" That he had never given the matter much consummation but at first blush he would venture Buried under a heap of debris when a Key Route train the opinion that they should be long enough to reach at Oakland, California, demolished his motor truck, John; from his body to the ground. Wouldn't it be nice if the Owen was rushed to a hospital where surgeons, after half, Salem street car steps were built on those specifications? an hour's work, were unable to locate any injuries. One! of them finally shouted in the ear of the comatose patient: j The Apache scouts started after Villa yesterday. They "Where are you injured?" That's what you'r paid to, are great trailers but as all Mexican scalps look alike find out replied the almost corpse as he was aroused from especially to that tribe which hates the Mexicans as its his jag 'and seeing where he was, tried to escape. The, hereditary enemy, it will be wise to insist on something odorof spiritous malt and vinous liquors, told the story, . more than Villa's scalp-lock before paying any reward and showed that Owen was shaken up spiritually rather over to them for his death. than phj.kalj. Killing all the fleas on a dog is not a difficult job, but San Francisco's literary bunch is desirous of honoring trying to catch one especial flea on the animal without ShaVespeare on the tercentennary of his death. The hurting any of the others is a different matter. Funston, trouble is" that it is not known what calendar was in use Pershing and Colonel Dodd are discovering this in the at his death, and so the day may range anywhere from chase after Villa. An,-;i v. tn Mnv a Tho enevclonedia elves the latter date,1 But a short time ago the mills were complaining that !. . ., '.ii i il 4.1 ir...fifM. Wil ' 4l.. ti-oo mi mi n ft-at fnv limilmv TVn' Vino aiM4anttir' 1M result which will prooaoiy oe uie acei'iiu'ii one. nunu, ' nmv uu mumci, lumuii. mm cnuumj,' If tli(i r, i;.ini Iviviniv linfiti i Cud for some :!()() vears should not: been changed for only yesterday at Seattle the millmen' pose in nie tit i t'. . z .. i i...... : e 1 1,.. m.,iii tu ie cnliit i id tupt ;imi l-M infill tVip nripp nf lnnihpr from $1 00 tn 1 .0 npr! t",, 1 KICK aOOUl a lUlV ur lMi u ui- iuuS vuin. .o.-v.v.... .. . t.... -r .v. ,K I"" duties I am a candidate for the office of District Attorney at the irimary elec tion to lie held the lilth day of -May, lit Hi. I was lioi'n and raised on a- stock ranch in eastern Oreuou; I am thirty five years uf age and was educated for the most part in the city of Salem, where 1 have licen engaged .exclusively in the practice of law for the last ten years. 1 assume there are two propositions paramount in the mind of every voter in selecting u candidate for this im portant if rice. First: The honor and integrity of the man who seeks the place. Second: J I is ability to fill the posi tion if elected. As to the first proposition. I think it is universally admitted that honor and integrity constitute man's most nolde assets, regardless f whether he leads that of a puldic or private life. It would be far from becoming, how ever, for me to state that I possess either of these two important virtues, I shall therefore only refer you to my many friends in Marion county in order that you may determine for yourself whether or not 1 measure up to the standard in this respect. As to the second proposition T will state, that 1 am not without experience in the prosecution of criminal cases as I have handled many cases of this character, both for the county of .Mar ion and for the city of Salem. I have never held an elective, office but I served as a special prosecutor in a number of cases for John 11. JlcNary while he was district attorney, and served as a deputy under dale S. Hill during his tenure of office. For two different terms I ens appointed by the common council as attorney for the city of Salem. It was during my tenure of office as city attorney that much of the hard surface pavement was laid in the city of Salem. 1 am very thankful to be able to say th:U while 1 was city attorney no liens were placed upon the city docket for Hie construction of streets, sewers or sidewalks, but what were held valid and that of the many liens which were con'lcsted in the courts every case was decided in favor of the city. The duties of District Attorney ron sist chiefly in the preparation and trial of cases and a discrimination against family cimrrels and frivolous prosecutions. I believe that the laws of our state should be enforced. This! is societies only protection. Hut 1 do not believe the docket should be crowd ed at the expense of the tax payers with cases where convictions cannot be procured. Nothing is gained in ar raigning men before a court of justice only to have them discharged on account of insufficiency ,if evidence. What prop erty I own I Have earned from the efforts of iny own toil and therefore appreciate that every officer should endeavor to operate with the least ex pense possible to effectively accom- LITTLE TALKS ON THRIFT By S. V STRAUS President Ameruun Siaety for Thrift s-,i ' - TV. "Cy thrift," says Dr. Sbailer Mat thews, "is meant simply that way of livinK which systematically transfers a portion of one's income to one's cap ital. It is not con s i s t e n t with generos ity ; it is not a synonym of niggardliness." The fear of being thought stingy or uf being unsuccessful is at the root of much of the prodigality that afflicts our people. 1 hey do not seem to real ize that few people get rich in a day, but that those who have acquired a competency have done so by the sys tematic saving of a certain amount each day, week or month. A person must have money for any enterprise lie wishes to undertake. Many opportunities arise for a man who lias a little money that pass by the man who has none. The Brook lyn Navy Branch of the Y. M. C. A. opened a deposit system for the en listed men fourteen vears ago and in that time over $5,()fl0,()()O was depos ited. Last year there was a balance of $225,000 upon which interest is be ing paid. l!ut front these saving many of the lads, after their appren ticeship was served, completed course in universities, in engineering, archi tecture and mechanics. Because of their thrift in putting by money they were able to enlarge their opportuni ties many times over. Out of an estimated population of 1,905,339.000 in all countries Jiavinz savings banks, there are 132,506.114 depositors. This means a vrld av erage deposit account of $130.18 and an average per inhabitant of $17.94. Though the amount of deposits in tha United States is large, yet the number of savers in proportion to the popula tion is about 11 per cent, which is 2, per cent less than that of the entirui world. In a survrvmadc recently from the reports based in part on the opinion of the state comptrollers, rather than solely on statistics, it is shown that savings during the past year have in creased in all communities, save the South. The reports of banks show a total increase of $61,000,000 in savings. The greatest increase in the year was in the New England group of statei which had a gain of $28.795,75.1. The middle states, $16,998,752; the Past ern states and Pacific states, Htuore than $.S,000.000: the Southern states. S7.999.314, and the Western states $5,-. 573,121 increase in deposits. Koosevelt or Hughes. Fifty per cent were for Hughes. Kurton received eight votes. I.n Follette 11. Borah two. Tart eight and Cummins 10. Hughes is. unknown in Oregon. The vote for him can be explained oniy on the theory that he was picked for a (v inner. The vote for Roosevelt may be con ceded to be in part from men who tire attached to principle. ,But what of the vote fur a constructive statesinaii and friend of the people like I.n Follette, or a scholar like Burton, or a progressive like Cummins? The vote smells of the flesh-pots. The republican party of Oregon is still in the tutelage of the afterthc war politicians, who care for nothing above party success and party spoils, j tueir uniy qnnlit n-ntion for a candidate is availability. The shouting for Hughes proves that. There are many important questions of domestic and foreign concern before the country. Where does Mr. Hughes stand? Is he for preparedness or against it.' Is he for a tariff commission or opposed : noes ne oelieve in conserva- I tioii or natural wctma and American I citizens? I-.s he opposed to child label i or is he with those who want to worl 1 the bullies? Does he want a bloodv war. ' or peace ' ' ! What Hughes believes or thinks neither the Oregon republicans nor any ! one else knows, but they go on shouting ! Hughes. Hughes! Huffln.s to then"' means the only thing they care for, to ; wit: A few measty federal offices. i The straw vote, which ,i reported to have included 200 republican cour', house employes, summoned on ui S. (1. S. call by the Oregonian, gave 81;: f, Wilson. 40S for Hughes, :12! for R otise velt, with 07 scattering republicans, five bolting democrats and 10 serin ists. It certainly reflects public sent; nient. and there is smull consolation therein for opponents of the adminishu JAMES H. WALKEK "ne of the Salem boys who joined the navy in February. He is now oa, the 1'. S. S. 1'ittsburg in Kau Diego Harbor where he will stay about a month. He will then return to Ooat Island and finish his training heforn j being assigned to a ship. tion. If Wilson gets SI.", votes out ' 10112, what will be his majority ne.s November in Oregon? - t i t mum t thousand. Export opinions are of little value on any old subject.; That is a pretty wide awake lot of newspaper cor Yesterday a dispatch was received from Ponsacola.j respondents on the Mexican border. They do not know Florida sayinc; a b'112; yellow dirigible had broken loose.; where Villa is but they know just how badly he is It also said: "The gas bap; will noat lnueumiery ai an, wounueu, altitude of 1,000 feet, experts say. three Hours uuei its lonesoineness at the indefinite floater landed all by Argylu, about 100 miles from its starting point. A Mexican telegrapher at Cusihuirachic, Mexico, re fiiKPfl to send a messace for the United States govern ment, C. 0. 1). This was not perhaps on account of doubt of the old gentleman's ability and willingness to pay, but j may have been due to the labor of getting the date line, over the wires. IT. R!Ol!inRhllmos, of Marion county re conlidcnce of this of- shall at all times perform my in accordance with mv oath and shall treat the public with due und courteous consideration. liospeetivelv submit led, WALT i:i; K. KKVKS. O'aid Adv.') OPEN FORUM Imill wood I For Immediate Delivery 5 Load lots at SOCIALIST PARTY AFFAIRS Colonel I). C. Collier of San Diego. California, called on Colonel Roosevelt yesterday ami informed him he was "as good as nominated" adding: "All hell couldn't stop it." This should remove the last vistage of doubt about it. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18G8 CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Ranking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital Journal: Herewith find n re port of the socialist party convention which was held in Ariou hull, INirtlund. Niturdav, April 1, continuing Sundav ! nud Monday. 1 Delegates representinil the party .,,,. .... , . . , 1 I l.illl uooui (!( locals. I em csvtu i nu u nenus, nesays, tnose speeoers are tneir course is most membership of something over i.hup unholy." There'll be no reckless speed for him; such stuff Vml;' co,,d stamiiug out of a , . .i i.,, , I probable membership ot 4.00(1. Several annoys mm greatly; ne win not scorcn oriwai and about three-fourths f the mbers have dropped out, on- incut of past secretary. 1.. I. the partv is ol!' " in th incinlly. nud an assessment of Co ...... iu ;u ....it. i r.. (--..... .1... ......... last enougn tor any man not batty. 1 he -hers to i.e paid 13 rents n month, .or accidents of which ive read are caused byi'Vi'.uM.uI Z. op o Order Now " 11 ii i.n nil w lm,.p. MOTORING When a fellow gets a car, he navigates it slowly; "base annoys mm greany; ne wm not scorcn or local and b scoot or skim, but jog along sedately. "Oh,;;1;:.i;;it;in,:i,,111;; safety is the proper stuff," he says, when; ( umiiin. nud feeling chatty; "twelve miles an hour is ! !!;;'":', ' 1 -.4 Vv Vi il:: SpauldingLoggingCo. Front and ferry Telephone 1830 I j Tiiittttttt - " - - -mil in n ii ml ill, m jui tt- Z S3 H S! 2 T 5 " ' Zwimim Ul Mi imi u Ui m am u m tm J t" ' L speed, aiu - -, y when he's Vy j it forth a SlllV OUIlei'S WllO nave tO nit abnormal ns done by past secretary, and thev ami many a iciim suiieis. but,, m., ,, n,,, ,:,Kl,t fr s(.,.u,aTV o( s had his car nine weeks, he sends i state to get th, votes of socialists ,;r re- a-humming. and every country vilir'X,, Mi,v MUt ,lu' AV vhm lage shrieks when it beholds him coming.; "To crawl along." he says, "is worse than. walking is, (lou-gast mei i aont propose that every . - hearse shall go a-whizzirig past me !" And so he scorches, T)u. fZ v'Jil ukeJ i'v X,,.c, in his glee, and then, some balmy morning, he winds his i,,n '" '"oninnd shown the b-vei of rort car around a tree, and furnishes a warning. JZ Always Watch This Ad Changes Often A SOCIALIST. OREGON REPUBLICANS TTTTtTTTTTttI Strictly eorreet weight, iquare deal and highest price, for til kinds of t junk, metal, rubber, hides and furs. I p7 2uc per pound for old r Big stock of .11 aue. seeond hand incubators. All kind, corrniratod t ro for both roofs and butldings. Roofing paper and aecond hand linoleum. H. Steinback Junk Co. The House of Half a Million Bargain 302 Xorth Commercial St. I Phone 808 1 mhhm M M