Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 08, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Washington, April 8. The army avi-was asked,
atiou corps is to bo reorganized and; "1 don't care to discuss it at this
its personnel changed "by addition if time," replied B.iker.
not by subtraction" Sewot.iry of War I "Army aviators are men of remark
linker told the house military coin- aide daring," said the secretary in de
initteo today. It was regarded" as his fending that branch of the service,
answer to the inquiry as to what would ;" They hold an amazing number of ree
be the result of the war department 's t onls for altitude and sustained flight
teiVice, I accomplished other feats, iucluding the i 18 ot this shukeup that the Jews
... ........ i . . a iiitninl .. tnl.'u fi .1 cini t.i in. a tliu mn..r.
Maker in Ins testimony defended the j estaiiiisnmeni ot world s recoms.
aviation corps. Jle said he did not fa-! "We are going to have the addition
Jews In England See
Palestine Restored
Independent State
Ml mm sal am mm mm mm mm am mm mm mm mm ma w mi hi mm mm mi mi mi mm ma mm ml mkamAmmAmmmmAAZmiJ
T.ondon, April S. Palestine's restora
tion as' in independent Jewish state is
considered a serious possibility by lead
ing Hebrews in England. Tho Euro
pe in Jewish organization is affiliated
with the Jewish Congress in America,
which is to meet in Washington this
The wars end, they point out, must
bring enormous transfers or territory
intend to take advantage. At the meet
ing of the powers' representatives to
L n
CM , V ; '-i - -
Aor government manufacture of aero-lal services of Colonel George Squier, I 'i"e nuns, in.n jt s i uiusi ,
.,i...,L o.i .,.o.i i... n..i:..t.n..i. f i .,, .u ii,..! tVm.i t'n iT.. .. n e ! see that thev are consulted, as Lucien
civilian aviators. He also asked that 'of his intimate knowledge of aviafon. the author puts it, and he urges
101.1.000,000 be expended on aeroplane I 1 recently organized a board ot ivia- tlu'"' tc' . fork together witn the ulli
developuieuts during tho next fourition. Lieutenant .Milling, one of its!"11"': object not only of obtaining just
ears. i members,, is one of the best fliers in , un ic-1 pj. 1 righ s, but ot establishing
"1 am satisfied," lie slid, "that the the aimv, if not in the I'nited States. 1 e vt-n t nu 1 ly a Jewish state in lalea-
.1 i :il II.. 1..,.. 1.. ......... I mm ,i..l.tu line.
..'""uumi V """" ' i.,.,,,., y,.,,,,,..:,, ,.. k. ,.,:.1.,1 hi. M
Lieutenant iirvon Jones, anotner nicm-: , "" v. . , , .v........... ... M
her. is a darino flier. These two will : ll'le . that "it lalcutme comes our M
put the new machines through their
enable mo to establish highly satist'ac
tory contingents.
"Have you formed any opinion as
theresult of your investigation!" he
Schwab Opposes Gov
ernment Armor Plant
nnwer. flit Jphs must statu! united - to
iUe tho rotmtry over and develop it as (
n .li'U'isih ut'irt in tin ii a iii)ii itunii will'
allow. "
tM t i 111 i i It i.l IT I on t III I' I 4 t ik
mm mi
I I I II :, 1 i'',i;i. ! i- i II I vvjy, I
if I W I a. wav If m m ma m
Means that there are a great many extra articles in
the Furniture line are ne:ded to give the house the
touch of life and distinctiveness.
ains or
Ammon Fowler Admits
( a
V -s- ... ::(.-
Many verdicts of a strange, curious,
land humorous n iture find birth, not in
. frequently, in coroner's juries and
I, juries in the justice courts,
j Uncommonly intelligent nre the cor
oner s juries in Mississippi. Twelve j paring a formal charge
nu n in Warren county, in that state, j against Ammon Fowler,
i returned a verdict several years ago Yesterday morning at 11 o'clock
! which read: "The deceased died by I Fowler sat with his sister .ind her chil
j tile will of Clod or some other disease j dren .is a mourner at the bier of Albert
! unknown to the jury." Duree, who was killed near Atlanta last
Another verdict equally as solemn Sundav night, hour hours later, in the
attorney's office was busy today pre-
ot murder
'reads as follows: "We ire af A 1'in
lion that the Decest met with her death
! from Violent Infirmntion of the Ann,
Ipioducest from I'noan Cauz."
An old story, ott repeated, is that
an English jury, in a criminal case,
ottice or tlie sheriff in Stockton, ne
confessed that he had sent his own
brother-in-law to the bar of Clod by a
blow over the head with the handle of
i shovel.
Fowler, a big, brawnv man. born in
once brought in the following: "fiuilty, I Fresnn county ! years ago, made n
witn some little doubt as to whether 1 complete confession to the officers, at-
he is the man." tor being arrested at tho house of his
! Another is told of a Welsh jury,! sister immediately following the fuu-
which reads: "We find the nun whoiernl of his victim. -I
stole the mare not guilty." ) "I killed him with a shovel hninllet"
A case was once tried in a certain i he told the sheriff. "After 1 felt his
county court, which involved the char-jpul.se and knew he was dead I went j
: ai ter ot a bull. It was charged that j over to his house vnd got hia pistol
the bull had gored and killed a valu-' which I placed at his side. I put one
labia horse. Alter heirinir the testi- i cartridge in the Bun and ."mother at
mony, the jury retired, and after a few I Duree 'a side. 1 thought somebody would
moments' cnnMllltMtimi rt.tnritu.l ,,...l lllimr nil n lllninolti It. lt-i,l hit liim ,i,,l
rendered the following: "We, the jury, I that nobody would be suspected of the I"
ruin a venlict in favor of the bull, i murder.
and believe him to bo a highly re-1 accused 1 would have come forward
spectablo annual." Thu. the bull wasiHi'd confessed
Killing Brother-in-Law j
Stockton. C'al., April 8. The district
ii an inuuceiii man nan neen i aiaagayaH-""
acquitted ami plaintiff lost his cise.
A western judge is suid to have once
in the pioneer days addressed a jury:
"You' kin go out now and find a ver
dict. If you can t find one of vnur
own, get the one the last iurv used."
When the jury returned, the" verdict
was read by the foreman, as follows:
"Suicide in the ninth deuree."
Most amusing of ill is nrnhnldv one
from Alabama, where lived one .Smith,
' who WHS lieenlinrlv n f'f i .l ...I u-itl.
Photo by American Tress Association, want of discrimination between his own
Charles M. Schwab and h'rs associates things and those or other persona, or
in the Bethlehem Steel company have who, rather, was ignorant of the laws
, , relating to mourn et tuuni. Now, once
begun a campaign to create public sen- ,im() t,(, slj SmHh wli,p aloi.
timent agninst legislation for the con- ing under a severe attack of the above
struction of a government armor manu- mentioneil disease, and being further
facturing plant. The L'nited States sen- impelled by the vociferations of an
ate has passed the Tillman bill, appro- empty stomach, went under the cover
printing $11,000,000 for such plant. A of night and feloniously took and car
circular, addressed to members of con- lied away from a neighbor's pen a
gress was issued over the signatures of shoit, valued at -one dollar and fifty
Mr. Schwab and E. (i. Grave, president cents, with the intention of nppropri
of the company, which described the "ting the same to his own use. lint,
plan as wastcful in expenditure and un-. unfortunately, he was detected, ami in
w'me in policy. Senator Tillman asserts course ot tune was tried. The jury)
that the manufacturers or armor pit'te . " "core I1H.V re
iimMliaiiilllMnMitiililMiiili,llJMJMnt.tjimLjiilMiL. -i finn,n,i
Add More to the Home Than Any One Thing
And to help you make house-cleaning easy we have added special lines of Draperies The Orinoka Sun Fast
Draperies are 50-inches wide; colors Brown, Old Rose, Green and Blue Prices . . .$1.00 to $1.50 per Yard
We also carry a full line of Scrims, Voiles, Cretonnes, Marquisettes ,etc, prices 15c to 45c per Yard
See Our Window Display and Ask for Suggestions
Our line of Heywood Gocarts and Carriages is the largest in Salem. All new and pretty models in leather imi
tations, German Reed round and flat, etc.
Ii. I...Riibble th is week bought K1'
bales of choice hops from Krnest
I'iper n 12 cents 'for McClellan at
Salem. The choice hops in this sec
tion are now nearly cleaned up. Only
a few hundred bales of any kind.i i
hops are left in the Aurora distri
About 20,000 bales of hops are be
lieved to be left in growers hands in
California. The Oregon Hop Growers'
association announced that' it ha.i on
hand 7,000 bales.
for the nation's warships have been roo- e'1 , ." V'1'1"'1 ot ' Kuilty of hog I
lung the government tor twenty years. ' . .. 1 '".R"-'- lut judge
. ....... ...... nirii u-Hiii-i us prop
er, except that they had omitted to
assess the value of the property stol
en, an. i to retire and llrin.r in the r
Letters from California hop firms say
Hint hup growers in Sncrnmenfo, liutte,
Yola, Yuba. Tehama, Placer, .Mendo
cino, and othetr northern counties in
California are pulling up their vines and
nre preparing to turn the acreage to
other crops. This action is said to be
the direct result of the announcement
by the British government of its inten
tion to lay an embargo on the inn oitu-
.'Mtioii of hops.
Sublimity Now Is
The picture is made from a very recent
napshop of .Mr. .Schwab.
Many Indian Skeletons ,
Uncovered at Oregon City
verdict in "primer form." Auiln tw-
retired, and pondered lour? mid deenfv
lover what he meant bv "form." A't
I Inst, old V. T., who had once born ins-
Oregon Citv, April S.-The skeletons l"n "PJ " ,a '"'
of twenty Indians were on exhibition ' ' ,w"l s' "" at
In a ;-e enl interview ,Z Clemens
! llorst, '.he "iiflrd nroduc'r of h u.s in
t'n T 1 1 . says: "The pli-finr '.f n-i
embargo on hops by me Mritisli will be
like hanging the crepe on tb-j door of
the industry in the Icclfic coast states.
The present low price of hops, rnnginir
from 10 to 12 cents a pound, has been streets but work will begin imniediate-
,,,! fl,.,n,, t,itoi.in,. nrr.' r . . ,.'u",v " l. ''. "ys; J "ndcr
trying to figure out the details of the
battle in which thev were killed.
to say, "Look at
.-..un., a iiiuifj or i wo, wrote tne ver
dict. It wis handed ill to the clerk.
Hinge ol the amusement when the fob
knows every part of the comity thor- 1
oughlv, he has every uualil'ic.ition for
17-11 ' T?l.i 'C' l a uood commissioner and should be
rUliy LieCimieU jele. tcd. Of course he has personal en-
jemies, as any man who is not a blank,
Xevcr in the history of Sublimity has is bound to' have, but if anyone can ;
there been such a change in the ap. slwnv us a dishonoralde action in the ,
, 1 life of A. C. I.ibbv, we 11 wrap nun is!
pearance of the town as there was Sat- hard as we are' now trying to fairly I
unlay night, Apfil First, when twenty : state his rpialifteatios to the people of.
electric street lights threw their bright i this county. .Tct'ferson Vteview.
rays over all the streets of the town. 1 1
The citizeiis.f the town have for BROOKS NOTES
tho past few- vears tried to the utmost I -
to have lights, but not until about five1 Ma. Mudgett and daughters left last
months ago reallv knew that they i Wednesday for Montana to join Mr.
would be successful. y .Mudgett, who has taken up a claim
Karlv last fall, ('. K. Tavlor of the there.
Stavton Electric Light Co.' submitted I The baseball boys are fixing up the, r
his 'proposition in regard to lighting up 'linmond. enclosing it with a high board
tie town, which was talked over by ! t,"!,c- The small boys will have to save
the people and the council and was fin- j ,h;''r l"'"n";H now B,,'1,1.u' If1""'.'"
allv accepted. As soon as suitable I . Th'- Methodist church is holding re:
weather thev had to cease the balance v1h1 meetings this week
of men setiing poles and putting up M"1,,1,1"y "T ,hf ;naaynt
wires, but on account of the bad hly meeting at the home ot .
weather the vhnd to cease the balance 'm''' cu u-i .
... , ... , . Mrs. Stumps, of Silverton. spent n
of the work until about n month ago. , , . ( fc ,, Mrs SU;l,
Mr. Taylor then employed W m John-, j, ,sf W(1.k-
,of h,!K,'nc t0, ',re ""' "f '''''" 1 liev. Stover's sinnll .laughter has
business places and houses and also to .,e j,, ,,, ; ,mrr0vbiiig now.
put in the street lights j yVm jjjj,,,, f Sll,,,n, tl UttM,.r
At present Differ BoT & Co s store , t,,n,.llor f h,.,,,,, s.,llt Suii.Ihv at the
and the City Hall are the only places v(imp of s AT it rdir-"k .
that are electric, nglited oesiocs me, T, t..(Mlka T.iternrv societv 1ms ad
caused by the threatening attitude of!v on wiring the other reside
Kngland to place an embargo on the tmm
American crop and also because -of the
decreased beer consumption in Kjrope
dii:ing the war. I look for a decr-visc
' f about 2") per cent in hop acre ig.i in
California tliis season. California roses
jonrned for the year.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L'. Harris have a row
Ford. (iervais Star.
Vv. n l.nmA,,!'. 'sv 11
. . C' i f i,"u-;,i.,.,( .;..,! ; WO'l: "We, the iurv, nasi- about 120,000 bales of hoi.s annually
ijini iiiu LieieiK anr ein iy una r.i tt' u iins
Mn IUu tf 1 1 .......... . .
.-...in ui i uuiiur him n in tavor ; i-u.huu un es or t icin.
near the bank of the Willamette river 7,,",, 5 i ," ' ' "
f...l (I,,. kA. A l. nll n liw.n , I . . '
discovered first, is believed from the
trappings dug out of the dirt nearby,
to have been that of a chief. The other
bones, some of them badly decayed,
were found in i heap, where the victori
ous tribesmen -evidently had dumped
Arrowheads were found in great num
ber, some of them lodged between the
Tribal rites evidently were observed in
burying the redskins. The warriors'
heads were all together their feet point
ing outward from the center like the
spokes of a wheel. Over the bones was
a thick crust of hard, baked clay.
Messrs. Ernest and Merl I'eaison, of
Turner, visited homefolks here Sun
day. Misses Carrie and liertha Houck were
Albany vistiors Thursday.
The many friends of ira Hobbs were
grieved to hear of his death here Satur
day evening, r'uneral services were
heid at the Prosbytrian church at 2
p. m. Tuesday.
Miss Hazel Bear, of Turner, spent
the week end at the Win. Hall home.
Lee Smith and family made a trip to
Turner Saturdiy.
Miss Lola Hall ami John Palmer at
tended Christian Kndeavor ami church
Sundny evening at the Pleasant Grove
The C. K. soci il was held at the Win.
Hall home last Fiidiy evening.
Miss Uelle Wipper, of Turner, is
f pending a week at the K. K. liis's
C. E. Olson and family, of Portland,
have been visiting in Marion the past
two weeks. Stavton Mail.
' I ' - 1
We are in the lead The World
kicks a man when he's down.
of the hog."
lefendant. guilty aim I.ngland has been takiiiL' :ib..ut
urori Kntcr-
K.v K.
When Did Shakespeare
Off His Coil?
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 23c at all druggists.
Sin Francisco, April S lodging from
the various and varying days on which
literary societies all over the country
plan to commemorate the tercentener
arv of William Shakespeare's death, the
Avon Hard's demise must have extend
ed over n considerable period.
St. Louis claims he died from April
20 to 2!l, inclusive. New York savs he
surrendered the ghost from ii.iv 2:1 to
May 27, also inclusive. Chicago holds
he died from April 2S to May :i, the
San Francisco German societies say he
pn-od out on April 2.1.
San Francisco city doesn't know
when it happened.
Then there are the lincon advocates
wno say the bard
much less died.
Ou account of having electricity, it
is to be hoped that in the near future ! VETERAN OF SAN JUAN HILL
some prospective party may open up a j DIES AT INDEPENDENCE
neat theatre where inoing pictures
may be exhibited. Independence, Ore., April S. After
Mr. Taylor, who is manager of the an illness of over n year, I(udoli'
Stavton Llectric. Light Co. is an en- i Miller, of this city, passed away in
thusiastic man with plenty of ambition a Salem hospital and was buried in
behind his work, and Sublimity people the I. O. O. F. cemetery here Thins
certainly are thankful for the quick 1 da v. He wns born in Switzerland mi
. "f and miod work he has done in electrify-1 1SH2, was married twice and is sur
UJU oXioHlON . 71,,.;,. ,... m,ivtmi Mini.
! ing their tuw-n.-
vived by eight children, the widow
laud seven children residing here.
'When only 2d venrs old he enlisted In
the army nnd served his adopted conn-
itv council met. in regular ses
sion Tuesday night with Mayor Heau-l
cliamp in the chair, and all the mem-, (;ll,n Smith, wife and mother-in-law, fry for many years as a soldier, winning
bers present. yrH. Murphv, of Jefferson, visited , special honors' at the battle of San Juan
The petition for an extension of the; ffip,,,!,, Sunday. : hill and Santiago de Cuba. He was
water system on West Water Street! (:,.,,. H..I1. .iccoinninieil bv his father, : eniiipcd in the tniloriiie business at 1 u-
a imam iiioicu niier eonsmcrniiie ni. Hell, motored to Mucin rnuav.
discussion, the council maintaining that; Mrs. Crump and daughter, Josephine,
a street would have to bo opened up ! of Stavton, were isiting relatives here
before the petition could be granted. ! Monday.
Also the petition for extension of j Win. Herniens, mother and sister.l Centralia, Wish., April liev. W.
water to Clyde Iloffcr's residence was i Katie -nod Father Lainck, motored to j s, Niciml, an evangelist, faced govern
denicd as the returns would not .justify j Salem Thursday. i nient prosecution today for receiving ft
the outlay. A petition for a light at a I Jack Hichards, of Fern lfi Ige, was , si,tgun and iimniiinit ion by pan el post,
dark corner in Fast Stavton was grant- ! "'ling with Sublimity merchants Fri- j Nidiol was attacked at Wiulock Mon
edK as was a petition by J. P. Wilbur ! . .. llu.v ll,',,?r " reviv il meeting. Fearing
to connect with citv water. O. K. Tay-1 l'etr.ianos. wife and son visited further violence, he sent to Hood Kivor,
lor was given permission to remove the stasiicy noiue at .icirersou, isuu ()regnu, tor Ins stiot gun. 'I he weapon ,
Accident Prevents
Reporters Seeing Race
never even lived, certain electric light poles and to re
j move his light fixtures front certain
telephone poles.
The usual grist of bills wns approved
and the Recorder s and Treasurer s re
The annual meeting ( the Sublimity
.,t. n,l .! fiI)airy Association was held at the itv
,. ...... ..... .. .. ..... ...... ..v " ,. -
, them ordered printed in the
Seattle, Wash., April 8. The press
boat following the Washington-Stanford
crew race yesterday -afternoon
crashed into a hydroplane that cot m
ahead of it and dumped six students
of the University of Washington into
the lake. They were pulled out of the
water and taken ashore by the news
papermen who forfeited seeing the race.
At every regatta for the last three
years the press boat passengers have
had to write their accounts of the races
witooiit seeing the contest, owing to ar
Mail. Stavton Mail.
Stavton "' Suli"U,'' ",lr'l!'-V Jk te fi 7
I Among the new business they rc-elect-
led R Wagner as one of the members
! of the board of directors for tlie next
I five years. Among the principal speak-
armed yesterday. The shape of the
package aroused the auspicious of thei
post muster, who demanded that it be!
opened in his presence.
A heavy penalty is attached to the'
crime of sending explosives through the
mail. The postmaster w ho delivers such i
packages is also liable to punishment
fc i' ' s
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(c) I liicago Tribune.
Photo shows three members of the Thirteenth U. S. cavalry, wounded
in the fight with Villa nt Columbus, New Mexico, entraining for hospital aU
El I'aso.
4c s(c sfc sc sfc jfc ic sfc fc sc sfc
. . i i . . e 4 .tin. i w
Porn, to Ma. and Mm. Sherman crs were la re nee iw.wne oi .msw,,.-
.... vir.,inv A,.r!i n ti n. fund J. 1). DarriV of Silverton who
boy. He will be called Clarence Rich-'t spoke in regard to co-operative work-1
mond. ings. Mr. Catlin of Salem was also up I V
Mr. and Mrs. Al Keene and son Car-j ami gave an excellent speech. A. .'. - .
ter ind Miss Marv Ha visitec with Burrow". Ii. Wagner anil .10 ,-cnrci - . ...... ... .....
Klmer Keene's at Waconila nn SnndnvU.-oro nkn ainonl' the sneakers. Mr. .
I afternoon. Murtindale of the Inion -Mear i o. oi
the drama entitled " he Last Loat I J'ortlnnil was among the at tendance ai
which was to have been presented attB(, meeting,
the Orange Hull last Friday evening,
has been postmed on account of the ' ' HAS GOOD WORLD FOR LIBBY
deith of Mr. Win. Taw's father who re-j
sided in Silverton. I j;v,.rv indii ation points to A. C. Lib-
Mr". Lllis Stevens was gucBt of Mrs. j )lV ' jj,,. rcpnl.lwan choice for county
Win. Od.lie Sunday afternoon. coinmissioner. The Review editor has
Mrs. Clyde Phillips and daughter,! 4110lvI1 ,jpl,v intimately tor 2o ye irs
Maxine, were in this section, Wednes-i ,',,( iiils had many dealings with him,
day. Octvais Star. jn n 0f which we found hiin honCHt
' ' a,i fair. He was born in this county.
At a Jareneae bnnouet it is consid-i i... . i:,.. In.. I. pen nnsscd here, he has
May, when the budget for the coming, ered a compliment to exchange CHI'S ',. confidence and respect of all, he
year will be made out. Stavton Mail. with a friend.
'to Portland on the morning Oregon Pete 'Archibald, ot Corvallis, was u.
Kleitric. 1 Salem visitor yesti'niuy.
I Mrs. O. H. Heine is a Sit lent visitor, ILL. Hates, of Forest drove, w as reg-
from Cottage Orove. j islercd at the Hligh vcstciduy.
I Miss Fdna 1'urdy, of Orcnco, is visit A. .1. Killian, a merchant of Mt. Ai-
ing relatives in the city. ; gel, is in the city, looking after !im
! T. D. Wallace, and family of the -Mac- ! f'l.ming interests on the Asvluni ro..t-
Icay district, nre in the city. I Miss Jane I'hilpott and Miss Luc
.Mrs. tl. I., ritciiard was in rue city i i inters, or iainlull, are in the citv nt
At a meeting of the Stayton S. hool
Hoard last night, the following teachers
were elected for the ensuing year. W.
ft. flauntt, principal; I). O. bu'vis, com
mercial; Mrs. Clara Pratt. Miss Maude
Hollister. Miss Cora Phillips, Miss .Nora
C'rabtree. The next regular meeting of j
ine noara will i,e tne Just .Monday- in
Mrs. J. Kildee. of Henna Vista, is ill
the city.
Fred X. Leg;; went to Portland
.Mrs. Willia'm Brown went to Portland
this morning.
(icorge l.Miiiignn is in the city, ,'r'm
Howell Prairie.
L. O. Curtits, of Ifarrisburg, was in
the citv vesterdav.
Mr. and Mrs. s. P. Kimball are speud
iug the day in Portland.
F. i.. Buchanan, of the Rosedale .'is
trii t, transacted business in the i it . I Mehama yestinlay after spending sev
Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Schulderman went end days in the city.
yesferdny from Independence.
T. O. Albert will spend Sunday in
Portland, visiting his sister, Mrs. Sa
rah Hotiinson.
T. I). Trick, a fruit grower of the
Rosedale district, is tiansncting busi
ness in the city.
J. i Mauler, nssisHint general fund
iiuihter, went, to Albany this morning on
company businevs.
James K. Alison, bookkeeper in the
office of secretary of state, went to Al-
'tending the educational meeting nf t!
' lllgll SCUOOI.
I .Miss Oraco DcLsipp, of' Salem, h i'
for her home last evening after n
'few days spent heie with friends. -i
Koscburg lieview.
I -Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wiest are i'.
Portland to attii.d the funeral of Mi.
West's brother, who was nccidentallv
I killed at u logging ..imp near Scnp
j poosei.
Mr. mid Mrs. Y. M. Davis, of Sulc i.
who have been visiting in lioscbiiii.'.
bany this morning,
w. J. liavis returned to Ins tumie at lett this niornini; tor Mclionl M
Dm is is connected with the state high
I way department. I!o?eburg Xcwi.