Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 08, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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    - .. ..-. ,
IT is the "between season" when so
ciety a little weary utter the strenu
ous mouths of social gayety is anx
ious for a rest and relaxation from the
continued round of dinner, luncheons,
bridge parties and nances,
mis week has neen very quiet, mere i
were a few smart affairs, but most of
the.se were of a very informal jiature.
Tho annual disturbance w hich is not
yet pronounced enough to bo termed an
exodus, ha, begun and hurried trips are
ntmnn.l ,ll, n,l .I1, A li t , I J
i. .:!. .u .... .1 :'ni....... i
jm.-r in uir jcui muic mil lie, Kcuci ill
dejiarturo for the sea shore when tin1
.1.1..... w.
smart set, having said farewell to the
winter proceeds to seek rest and quiet
and other diversions in the informality
of the country life.
Those who remain at home retire into
a convenient period of dullness that is
enlivened only by very informal af
fairs. Society will miss the next few weeks,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers, who left
Vriil .iy for California. Air. mid Mrs.
Meyers are expecting to be joined
in Man Francisco by Mr. mid
-Mrs. Frank Jordin, of .Seattle. The
Meyers will devote much of their time
motoring as they have taken their car
with them. They will drive as far
couth as .San Diego before returning,
Monday evening was a gala one for
the members of the Monday Dancing
club. Merriment reigned supreme mak
ing their last party one of the most
thoroughly enjoyable of the entire sea
son. It was a masked affair and the
gneata thronged the Moose ball room in
original and alluring costumes. Many
reversed nuture's gifts by donning
'wigs which chnnged them beyond imme
diate recognition, and enhansed the
giety of tho evesing
! The club is composed of tho follow
ing members:
Mr. aud Mrs. W. K. Anderson, Mr.
and Mrs. A. 8. Benson, Mr. and Mrs.
Kdward Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Bonnell, Mr. and Mrs. J no. 10. Brophy,
Mr. and Mrs. tieo. O. Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. Koy Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Hauuigartner, Mr. and Mrs. .las. (Jhin
nock, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dancy, Mr.
sad Mrs. Y. 0. Deekebach, Mr. and
Mis. F. W. Durbin, Mr. and Mrs. Tbos.
5. Gollowsy, Mr. and Mrs. Kdw. CM
Hoffuell, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Hums,
w f i -,, - . :
ami hub. ci. . i.,evin, .ir. Huuiir
....... ... ... tMV,.,t:, mi, i iiii.i. j: ,
Myers, Mr. ind Mrs. Craig Marvin, Mr.
and Mrs. Win. McCikhrist, Jr., Mr.
and Mr. II. H. Olinger, Mr. and Mrs.
K. C. Patton, W. J'. Powers, Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Itay
Bichnrdson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 11. nich
es, Mr. aud Mrs. E. O. Nieeke, Mr. and
Mrs. II. H. Hmilh, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmidt, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred S. Htewnrt. Mr. .uid Mrs.
H. J. Wenderoth, Mr. and Mrs. G. A.(
Z w r L ,. IV' 8"uMr. and Mrs. William Steusloff, Miss
Mrs. W. M "Hamilton, Mr. an, Mrs. A. K(inn Miss Jplllli(1 ? Mjssps
H. Kazmarek, Mr. and Mrs. (). C Ucke j I)orolllv and.Miy Steusloff and Dr. W.
MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
208-209 Hubbard Bidding. Phone 109
Have You Seen Our Modern
Gas Ranges
They have the best baking
oven to be found in any store.
Sounds boastful, but its true.
Ask us to explain why.
The Gas Co.
Phone 85
I Wood, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wiedmer,
Win. S. Walton, K. K. Wilders.
Mr. anil Mrs. George Palmer l'utiiain
will go to Toi l land .Monday to ho the
quests of the Joseph X. Teals.
.lon. lay evening, Mr. and -Mrs. Teal
will lie luwti fur it dintim- in honor of
ln(,ir ((l.i(tSi llt(,r entertaining them at
tie svnl,,i10ny ..oncort at the ileilig
, ,r . . , . ,
, Mf- '"' lrrs; '
' '"d ''" five hundred
purtv. The rooms were attractively
, , . . , ..,;, -
"Hi h""
Card honors fell to Mrs. A. Ilussey,
I.lovd llauser and l'liul llauser.
Mrs. Chinnock was assisted in the
serving bv .Miss Maevle Hunter. -Mr.
anil Mrs. Chinuock asked as their
guests, Mr. ami .Mrs. Paul llauser, -Mr.
ami Mrs. C. li. Webb, Mr. ami -Mrs.
Charles Elgin, Mr. and .Mrs. Linn Bold
win, Mr, and Mrs. I.loyd llauser, .Mr.
ainl Mrs. A. S. liussev, Mr. and Mrs.
I.loyd Stiffler, Mr. and Mrs. I. ('.
Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul liasniussen,
Mrs. Barber and Dr. Kov Bvrd.
Miss Vert i Cross, who has been the
guest of Miss Zaidco Palmer's niece.
Mrs. F.lnicr Strayer, in Portland, for
revernl weeks, returned today. .Miss
Cross motored home with friends and
was accompanied by Miss Laura Wat
son, of MarshfieM", who will be her
week end guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steusloff enliven
ed these rather quiet days with a de
lightful "5UU" pnrty Tuesday even
Their guests included the members
of tho Cherrv Citv club and a number
of additional friends.
Card honors fell to Miss Jennie Fry
and Clydo Hice. Thn club members
circling the tables were: Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas M into, Mr. and .Mrs. John
Cnig Mr. ami Mrs. A. T. Wain, Mr.
unci Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, Mr. aud Mrs.
Robert Downing, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
liice, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hartley.
Additional players includeil: Mr.
and Mrs. Rollin K. Page, Judge and
Mrs. William Calloway, Mr. ami Mrs.
David Eyre, Judge and Mrs. L.wrence
T. Harris, .Mr. and Mrs. Flunk Myers,
(ienernl nnd Mrs. W. II. Bynrs, Mr. and
Mrs. A. I. Eoff, Dr. ami Mrs. Lloyd
Mott, Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker, Mr.
and Mrs. Roval Snrotelle, of Pendleton,
Assisting Mrs. .Slensloff were the
Misses Jennie. Fry, May nnd Dorothy
Hteusloff and Edna Lueker.
. Mrs. Charles Gray and Mrs. S. C.
Dyer came down from Eugene last
night to remain during the Easter va
cation. Mrs. Gray is the guest of the
George William Grays and Mrs. Dyer
Is visiting her son nnd daughter-in-law,
Mr. .ind Mrs. William Council Dvcr.
I can only expect to obtain it by giving
you satisfaction, which means accuracy,
quality, prompt service, courteous treat
ment and becoming glasses.
I am ready to gunrnntee yon reliable
optical service with quality and work
manship tho best, which means SATIS
...If .5
u-3 1:
The spring davs will soon he calling! , Get "ood" Sarsaparilla from jour
Hie i.olf entliosi isiH out in luire iiiim-i druggist. It may be confidently re
lic golj enthusiasts out in l.nge mini ( Jlcd upQn tQ dQ JU wQrk u purlfles
, , . , tho blood, tones the Rtomach. and
Salem lias many golf devotees among! builds up the whole system. It poes
the women and there is no reason why I to the roots of diseases, and Its bene
the interest should not be as great asj flcial results are permanent. It set."
anv jilaee in the country. things to rights in the system. Re
A lew of the golfing crowd who were! member to ask for Hood's Sar-apa-keen
for the "jousts'" motored out to I rilIt. because nothing else acts Ike it
the links on Wednesday afternoon. ai,d nothlne e,se can take 1,8 placr-
Tiic party includeil: Mr. and .Mrs. 1
Thomas Livesley, Mm. (luy .Sargent,!
Mrs. lien O. Si-hiit-king, Mrs.' Thomas I. IT f A .ft
Smith, Jr., and Miss Elizabeth Lord.
Following the Monday Night Dancing!
club party which opened the week s fes
tivities, several of the members enter
tained with charming supper parties.
Among the hosts were Mr. nnd Mrs.
George Riches.
The table was centered with fragrant
violets and licey ferns.
Covers were placed for Mr. nnd Mrs.
Paul Schmidt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry
Wenderoth, Mr. and Mrs. John Brophy,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weidmer and the
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Smith, Jr.,
will be hosts for the Merry-Uo-Round
five hundred club Tuesday evening.
What bids fair to be one of the most
artistic and excellent dramatic events of
the season is the presentation of "A
Midsummer Night's Dream" by the
drama class of the Salem Wonnn's club
on the afternoon and evening of April
the twenty-second at the Grand tne-
This affair which is to be in com
memoration of the author, William
Shakespeare, celebrates the tercenten
ary of the gre.it symphonist.
.Mrs. Annu Rogers rish will read the
piny, which will be enhanced with a
musical setting by Mendelssohn and
played by Mrs. William Burghardt, Jr.
I lie solo numbers and quartette sing
ing will be given by Mrs. R. M. Hofer,
Mrs. George Palmer Putnam, Mrs. John
J. Roberts and Mrs. T. II. Galloway.
To inercise the charm of the enter
tainment a group of dainty maids will
give an artistic interpretation of the
fairy nnd clown dances.
Among tho young girls who will give
the dances are: Margaret White, Rosa
lie Buren, Janet Plimpton, Macyle
Hunter, Canst nice Yantis, Lenta Bnum-
gartner, Josephine Ateiiison and Dttr
rel Anderson.
The drama class is composed of the
following nintroiiK Mrs. A. N. Bush,
Mrs. John U. Albert, Mrs. W. A. An-
lerson, Mrs. John McNarv, Mrs. Wil
liam If. Burghardt, Jr., Mrs. W. K.
Kirk, Mrs. H. R. Fish, Mrs. Robert
Hendricks, Mrs. Ray Farmer, Mrs. S. A.
Koser, Mrs. H. P. Minto, Miss Ed'th
H.izzard ami Miss Mattie Beatty. .
About a dozen matrons of the aid so
ciety of the South Salem Friends
church enjoyed an afternoon yesterday
with Mrs. F. A. Elliott as hostess..
Mrs. Homer Smith has asked a croup
of matrons for an informal afternoon
over the bridge tables Monday, her
guests will include tho members of the
Monday Bridge club.
The Percy Youngs and Rockey Ma
sons, who motored down from Albany
Inst week to be guests for the premier
dinner dance at the Hotel Marion, were
so enthused over the wonderful success
of Snleni 's delightful innovation that
they have bestirred Albany socitey in
to taking up the fad. Saturday even
ing tho Hotel Albany will be the scene
ot a dinner dnnsnnt nnd various din
ner parties will bo presided over by
members or the smart set.
A number of Snlem devotees have
been invited to Albany tor its premier
and will motor up Saturday evening.
Among those going are: Mr. and
Mrs. Ciiauncey Bishop, Mr. and Mrs.
William Burghardt, Carl tlabnelson
Mr. aud Mrs. George Rodgers, Miss
Aline Jhouipson, .Mr. and Mrs. Mel
via Plimpton and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
vin Plimpton, Mr. .uid Mrs, Thomas
Livesley, Miss Ritu Steiner and Dr.
Prince Bynl.
Mrs. A.iinin Steiner entertained .1
group of young girls and matrons with
a line partv nt the Ye Liberty Friday
afternoon. Later Mrs Steiner took her
guests to the Spa for tea.
A small infnrninf supper party was
given Monday night after the danee
by Mr. ind Mrs. Merlin Harding.
Greens and crimson carnations were
used to center the artistically appoint
ed table nround which were seated Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
ninton and the hosts,
Mrs. Edwin L. Baker bus as her
house guest Mrs. Kalph Watson, of
Portland. -Mrs. Watson has a large co
terie of friends in Snlem who will no
doubt make her visit especially happy
by i number of charming affairs.
Miss Ida Simmons went to Portland
toilny to bo tiie week end guest ot
friends and relatives.
Mrs. Thomas B. K.w will entertain
Thursday nfternoon with a few tables
of bridge. A doen or so prominent
mat mus of the Thursday Bridge club
will tie guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson were
hosts i-iiday evening for a five hun-
ilretl iiartv. The card tabes were
cirrled by the members of tiie T. A. X.
O. club and a table of additional guests.
The game was followed by a dainty
lunch, the table being jdorned with
yellow candles and baskets of vellow
t lowers. The club members nreaent
were: Mr. aud Mrs. I.e. Kov Hewlett,
Mr. and Msr. Frank Wardii, Mr. aud
Mrs. Miller Kevier, Mr. and Mrs. Amos
seofielil, .Mr. and Mrs. Andrew John
The additeonnl iniests were. Mr. and
Mrs. E. -. Gillingham and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Simpson.
Mrs. V. Melvin Plimpton returned
Friday from Portlaud where she was
the guest of friends for several days.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the MedScin
to Take Makes Pure Blood.
Dry, moist, scaly tetter, pimples,
bolls, and other eruptions come from
humors, which may be either In
herited, or acquired through defec
tive digestion and assimilation.
To treat these eruptions with dry
ing medicines Is dangerous.
Hood's Sarsaparilla, the old reli
able medicine, helps the system to
discharge the humors, and improves
the digestion and assimilation.
, IICI C d II Ml UUUil
For the Juvenile to Don
"While the rage for checks and stripes
lasts, every young lady will want a
plaid suit. Black and white worsted is
used for this one pictured, and the flare
of the coat has a stitched on belt, very
much after the mode of gingham frocks.
Twin buttons close the front, and the
flared skirt is cut trofteur leugrn.
Visitors in the city will be the cen
ter of attraction next. week. Mrs. John
Canghill will open the week's festivi
ties with a charming bridge party in
honor of her house guest, Mrs. W. P.
Sperrv, of Phillips, Wisconsin, and
Mrs. "Ralph W.itson, of Portland, Mrs.
Edwin L. Baker's guest.
The members of the Marigold Ken
sington club were invited to spend the
afternoon Wednesday at their favorite
past time as the guests of Mrs. Frank
The hostess was assisted in serving
dainty refreshments by Mrs. Davis.
The club members present were: Mrs.
O. J. Olmstead, Mrs. Otto Sehelberg,
Mrs. J. Cox. Mrs. II. St. Helens, Mrs.
A. L. Stinson, Mrs. R. E. Moores, Mrs.
O W. Sellars, Mrs. L. Bechtel and Miss
Hazel Olmstead.
ft 4
One of the ui.ist delightful memories
of the week was the musicnle given
this afternoon by Miss MiTOiettn Ma
gers in her beautiful new studio for
the members of the Salem Woman's
club aud a few invited guests.
This was the formal opening of Miss
Magers' new place which is said to
be tho most attractive studio this side
of San Francisco. The room is done in
cream with wood work of ivory white
and mahogany. Chinese blue silk Is
used for the window hangings of this
room which was decorated for the oc
casion with a profusion of lovely yellow-
Mrs. F. A. Elliott, president of toe
club, received with Miss Magers, and
dainty little Dorothy Twecdale greeted
the guests at the door. Miss Greta
Philips .unl Miss Ruth Fugate were the
The programme arranged by Miss
Magers for this annual musi.ale was
premier over anything the cluh has en
joyed this seison. The artistic numbers
were as follows:
My Dear Salter
Pown in the Forest Ronald
Marguerite Flower.
Cello Solos Selected
Charles Dune in Raff.
Reading, The Orchard
. Marguerite Flower.
Three Songs From Cycle of Life
My Thought of You
One Perfect Day
Dawn : -
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith.
Cello Solo Selected
Charles Duucan Raff.
Villauelle i IMl Aeqna
Marguerite Flower.
Trio, Violin, Cello, Piano
Miss Mary Schultz, Mr. Ruff, Miss
Kuntz, Miss Lucile Kuntz, ac
companist. Mrs. Frank Meyers entertained with
an informal sewing bee Thursday af
ternoon, her guests numbering about a
dozeu matrons of tho Priscillk club
and one or two visitors.
301 Bank of Commerce Building,
rhon. 393 Salem, Or.. T J
( .V,
Mil f
f '
-4f.4-f4lot' the bride; Emma Snook, Paul Snook,
Tiie Loyal Sons nnd Daughters of the
First Christian church were entertained
last evening at the home of Edward
Ranch. Games rounded out a jolly even
ing for the young people, olloived by
refreshments served by the Misses
Ruth and M iv Ranch. Those present
were the Misses Veda Beryl Viughn,
Merle Tracy, Rntu Hollister. May
Ward, Martha Gillctt, Vcnita McKin
nev, Sylvia B. Edinundnin, Lena Stef
fen, .Mary Anderson, llirdene Mc Kin
ney, Hhn.la Pearsons, Grace McDonald.
Anna Capps, .lunniin Chrisinger, M ir
gie Schleusner, Esther (Ireinmcls, Ruth
Kaueh, L. May Ranch, Ethel Jones, and
Messrs. George Alfred Schomaker, Ed
ward Ranch, Oial Leniinou, Harvey
Wilson, Glenn Nichols, Jack Hayes,
Ward Wolfe, Howard Pearsons, E.irl
Dane, Robey Ratclitfe Lloyd C. Case,
and Deliucr Heighton.
The violin and piano pupils of Miss
Joy Turner gave a charming musical re
cital this afternoon at her studio in the
Willamette university college of music.
' ft
The Past Guardians club of the Wom
en of Woodcraft met Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Caroline
Bushnell. After the business meeting
interesting papeis were read by Mrs.
Helen Southwick, Mrs. Charles Lytic
and Mrs. Mary Moores.
The hostess was assisted in serving
by Mrs. Southwick.
The next meeting will be at the resi
dence of Mrs. W. E. DeLong, 111 It) Com
merciil street, May fourth.
The members present were: Mrs.
Charles Davis, Mrs. Ross. Moores, Mrs.
O. L. Darling. Mrs. F. B. Southwick,
Mrs. Charles Lytic. Mrs. W. E. DeLong.
and Mrs. Anna Miller.
A bevy of happy little girls reveled
nt the delightful birthday party given
little Grace Thompson Friday after
noon. - A dainty luncheon was served
the little people at a table prettily
adorned with wild flowers, pink stream
ers nnd a lovely birthday cake sur
rounded by six tiny candles.
The little guests circling the tahlo
were: Lois Nye, Janette Kennedy,
Henrietta Bishop, Marion Shaw, Sylvia
and Cccile Thompson nnd the young
Mr. and Mrs. Zadue Riggs and
pirty of friends will motor to Portland
Sunday morning. They will return Lite
Sunday night.
Mis. Homer G unlet has had us her
guests Mrs. W. T. Williamson, Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Williamson and small chil
dren Miss Josephine and Master Wal
ter Williamson, ot Portland.
Miss Gladys Zell wis the motif of a
jolly surprise party Wednesday even
ing when a number of her friends
gathered to celebrate her birthday an
niversary. Those participating in the evening s
gayeties were the Misses Grace Mollen-
cop, Althca Dorks, Nellie MeWuorter,
Pearl Burton, Rita Fletcher, Anna
Hiiupton, Alberta lrale, Pearl Collins,
Lizzie Dc nord, Olive Luter, Honor
Zell, and Messrs. Clarence Blundell,
Donald Bradford, bred Paulsen, Elmo
Wright, Basil Zell, Lcnard Dorks, Da
vid Korb, David Ramseyer, Leslie
Kenscher, Kenneth Zell, Mr. and Mrs.
L. H. Luter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Leach and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Zell.
Mrs. Frank Spe.irs has as her house
guest, Miss Doris Sears, of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Kay enter
tained as their guests Thursday, Mr.
and Mrs. S. M. Merrill, of Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill were
en route home from a sojourn in Cali
fornia. t
Mrs. Carlton Smith entertained on
Thursday afternoon with a bridge. It
wis an informal affair, guests being
asked for three tallies of the game in
cluding the matrons of die Thursday
dub and half a dozen or so visitors.
Mrs. A. L. Lovelace was awarded the
attractive card favor.
Small informal affairs are held ev
ery day or so among society matrons
and maids and half a dozen or so guests
assembled with their sewing for a cozy
chat and a cup of tea.
One of the most delightful of these
affairs wis given Tuesday by Mrs.
Homer Goulet, when a tew of her
friends motored nut for the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Thoanis Livesley will
motor to Portland Monday to attend
the New York Symphony Orchestra and
Josef llofuinnn Conceit at the Heilig
theatre Monday evening.
Thursday afternoon Mrs. Roy Bo
hnnnon and Mrs. D. Griffin entertained
the members of their Kensington club
at the residence of the former on lloyt
During the" afternoon the guests en
joyed a delightful musical programme,
ufter which the hostesses served re
freshments. Those present were: Mrs. A. M.
Chapman, Mrs. J. Hall, Mrs. O. Enrigiit,
Mrs. C. T. Gordon, Mrs. Ed Sender,
Mrs. ('has. Speaker, Mrs. Fred Brown
ing and Mrs. Townsend.
ft ft
Charles Epplev, Jr. and Kenneth
Randall left Friday for Montana where
they have a homestead.
The Sunbeam class of the Leslie M.
K. church met at the home of Miss
Elsie Boynton Saturday afternoon. Af
ter a brief business session, games and
dainty refreshments were enjoyed. The
class members present were the Misses
Marlowe Miller, Lois Nye, Sylvia
Thompson, Alice Sperling, ( leo Walker,
Helen Fry, Euleuu Aufrauce and Mis
Gladys Carson, teacher.
Miss Ada M. Snook, dnuhter of Mr.
and Mrs. Hiram Snook, and Arthur P.
Ireland, of Forest (Hove, were married
at a very pretty wedding on Monday
morning at the residence of the bride's
parents, 10117 Liberty street. The Rev.
James Elvin, of the First Congregation
al church, performed the ceremony.
The bride was gowned in a simple
aud pretty gown of hand embroidered
whit voile.
Immediately after the ceremony Mr.
aud Mrs. Ireland left for a wedding
trip of about three weeks. On their re
turn they will make their nomo on Mr.
Ireland's ranch near Forest Grove.
The guests inclnded: Mr. and Mrs.
John trelnnd, f ither and mother of the
groom, from Forest Grove; Miss Jose
phine Ward, Mrs. J. F. Traver, sister
of the bride, both of Forest Grove, al
so Mr. and Mrs. IJ. X. Traver, Mr. and
Mrs. Hiram Snook, father and mother
! W n '-3. "v
, - vm,
VJ -4
Columbia River Highway bridge at Multnomah Falls, Oregon. V
The Columbia River Highway
u gix-itt waterway passame lor automobiles and other vehicles,
its completion will be made the occasion for national dedication ceremonies'
nunc f.
Glen Snook and Louis Snook, all
The ladies of the missionary society
of the Presbyterian church met Friday
afternoon in the church parlors. Pur
ling the afternoon Mrs. C. I. Bishop
gave an outline ot the work accomplish
ed by the church in the Philippines and
Mrs. W. P. Lord conducted a round
table on tho filipinos. Her delineation
of the characters and environment of
these peonlo was intensely intrcsting
io tho society.
Mr.' and Mrs. Geo. Cassidy, 'of cast
of Hubbard, were entertained nt dinner
Saturday, April 1, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. L. Hershberger, in honor
of the birthdays of the respective gen
tlemen. Mrs. Tda Jndd and Miss Laura .Tudd
of Mollala, and Miss Belle Graves of
Wondburn, and Mrs. W. T. Grim of
Hubbard, Rpent Wednesday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Ke'ster. Mrs. II.
K. Reed of St. John, arrived Tuesday
to enjoy the family reunion. The ladies
are nieces of Mrs. Kester, who with
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bingham and daugh
ters, Martha and Clara, of Superior,
Minnesota, who arrived the preceding
week, had a very enjoyable time.
The Pilgrim Daughters of the Con
gregational Sunday wnool were delight
fully entertained at the homo of Miss
Henriettta Wolfer, Friday evening,
March ,11. The evening was spent in
pluying games backward, this being an
April fool party, ami very much en
ioved bv nil. Refreshments of ice cream.
cake, sandw iches, grape juice nnd toast
ed marshmellows were served. Those
present were: Misses Mae and Ruby
Crittenden, Merle Pimick, Ida and
Edith Stoddard, Hettie, Nettie nnd Wil
Inmenn Fib, Gladys Moomaw, Velum
Scholl, Li..ie Miller, Mi's. Claude Moo
maw, and Mrs. F. M. Eoth, of Cnnby.
The Woodburn Woman's club met
with Mrs. A. E. Austin yestcrdnv after
noon. Bills were read anil approved.
Reports of standing committees were
L'.!ll5?L fl (j) . 1
Something We Think You Know
But We Wish to Make Sure
specific remedy for poison oak no matter how
severe the ease might be.
25c Per Bottle
Central Pharmacy
410 State formerly Poole's Drug Store. Phone 276
.--- M
v f. .
't j '
-if J i t 1
V lV' ;
near Portland, Oregon, having made the!
read and approved. Mrs. O. C. Weller
and Mrs. L. C. Poor wero elccte l hon
orary members of the club, civie im
provement was fully discussed. The
club decided to offer prizes to boys ami
girls for industrial work at the time of
the corn .show. A report of the resolu
tion for tho amendment to the eonsti-
1 tutinn was read and approved. It wat
I decided to pay Miss Conklin if 10 for her
j services as instructor in domestic sci
ience. The following officers were eleet
;ed: 1 'resident, Mis. J. W. Moore; vice-
president, Mrs. E. N. Hall; recording
secretary, Mrs. Fre 1 Dose; treasurer,
Mrs. C. E. Waiste. Roll call "current,
c-vciits." Mrs. Austin was assisted by
IMis: J. W. Moore, Mrs. ,1. A. Austin
I nnd Mrs. E. P, Moreom. Woodburn In-
Woodburn, Ore., April 7. The Ma
rion County Veterans' association
met in this city yesterday in one ot:
its three reunion of the year. It
was also the cclehrutiou of the 5t'
anniversary of the organization of
the Grand Army of the Republic.
There was a large attendance of the
G. A. R.. Woman's Kelief Corps, ln-
Idian War veterans, Spunish-Anierienn
War veterans and Sons of Veterans. Si!
vertot. and Salem were well represent
' ed. Mr. Dyer, of Woodburn post, was
in attendance and was also present at.
the first organization of a post of th
I grand army in ISliti at Decatur, HI. Over
300 people were in attendance.
Tho program opened at the armory
with an address of welcome by
Mayor Steelhnmmer. There wero ad
dresses by Colonel J. M. Poorniau. De
partment Commander George A. Hard
ing, of Oregon City; C A. Huston, ot
Salem, and Mr. Hull, of Portland. The
band assisted in the entertainment.
F. E. Cnllister, cashier o'f th- "
idge & MeClnine bunk, who hus lwi n
confined in the Salem hospital fo
past threo weeks from an operation, ar
rived home Thursday afternoon. He io
becoming his old self ugain rapidly. .
Mr. Cnllister's many friends are glad
to know he is again home. Silvortcu