Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 08, 1916, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 14

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o HEMry
VII. Art and the
'"opy lnht by Duulileday, Page & Co.J
UT of the wilder
ness had come a
painter. Genius,
w li o a e eorona-
' f ' 110113 alone ore
V" knif inocruuo bad
Woven a cuupiei
of chaparral fur
the brow of I.on
ny Hrlscoe. Art,
whose divine ex
Iin-sslon flown Impartially from tlie fin
H-rr lips of u cowboy or a dilettante em
peror, had chosen for a medium the
J'.'iy AilHt of the San Saba. The out
i vine, Reven feet by twelve of besnteur-
! canvas, stood, gilt framed, In the
l liby of the capllol.
The legislature was In session. The
(Milln clly of that great western state
won enjoying the sonson of activity
iiml p roll I that Ihe congregation of the
nol'ins bestowed. The hoarding houses
wore corralling (he easy dollar of the
gjiinesome lawmakers. The greatest
nidi; in the west, an cuplre In area
and resources, had arisen and repudi
ated the old libel of barbarism, law
liivaklng anil bloodshed. Order reign
ed within her borders. Life and prop
oily were ns safe there, sir, as any
where among the corrupt ell leg of the
((Tote east, I'lllowshams, churches,
nl r wherry feasts and habeas corpus
nourished. With impunity might the
tenderfoot ventilate his "stovepipe" or
, bin theories of culture. The arts and
sciences received nurture and subsidy.
And, therefore, It behooved tho legis
lature of this great stale to iniiko ap
propriation for Ihe purchase of I.ouny
linsroe's Immortal painting.
I'arely has the San Saba country
contributed to the spread of the line
'Iris. Its sous have excelled hi the
Holider graces, In (he throw of the
l'irl:it. the manipulation of the esteeiu
'il .to, Ihe Intrepidity of (lie one card
il'.nv and the nocturnal stimulation of
towns from undue lethargy. Hut hith
erto It had not been famed as a strong
h ld of aesthetics. I.onny lirlscoe's
brush had removed that disability,
lb-re among Ihe limestone rocks, the
Hinciilout cactus and tho drought
pin-bed gmss of that arid valley had
been born Ihe boy artist. Why he
("ime to woo art Is beyond poNlulatloii.
tti'.i'ond doubt some spore of Ihe af
ll iliis must have sprung up within lilin
In spile of the desert soil of San Halm.
'I'li tricksy spirit of creation must
Icire incited him to attempted expos
ition and then have sat hilarious among
tin' while hot sands of the valley
watching Its mischievous work, for
Loony's picture, viewed as a tiling of
nit. was something to have driven
inviy dull care from the bosoms of the
ci lllcs.
The painting-one mlght'aliuost say
piinnrainn-wiis designed to portray a
typical western scene, Interest culinl
n iHiig In a central animal figure, that
of a stampeding steer, life size, wild
eyed, lierv, breaking away In a mail
rindi from I lie herd I tint, close ridden
by a typical cow puncher, occupied a
portion somewhat In the right back
ground of the picture. The landscape
presented tilling mid faithful acces
sories. Chaparral, mesiinlt and pear
were distributed In Just proportions. A
Hiiiulsli dagger plant, with Its waxen
bl ossoius In a creamy aggregation as
large us a water bucket, contributed
Hot h beauty and variety. The dls
tniice was itniliilatlM? prairie, bisected
liv stretches r the Intermittent
uli'onnis peculiar to the region lined
Willi I lie rich green of live oak and
v iler elm. A richly mottled rallle
Moake lay culled beneath a pale green
clump of prickly pear In the fore
ground. A third of (tie canvas was
l'Miauiailiie and lake white the typl
col western sky and the Hying clouds,
rainless nod feathery.
Itetweeu two plastered pillars It) the
commodious hallway near Hie door of
II hamber of representatives stood
(he painting. Citizens and lawmakers
pissed I here by twos and groups niul
homcilmcs crowds In gaze upon It,
Jinny--perhaps a majority of them
bid lived Hie prairie life and rcenllcd
iM-ily Ihe familiar scene. Old cattle
men stood, reminiscent and candidly
pleased, chatting with brothers of for
i camps and trails of (lie days It
brought back to mliiil. Art clitics
were few In the town, and there was
heard none of that Jargon nf color,
(.(rfpecllve and feeling niicIi as the
e i t. loves to tine as a curb and a rod
to the pretensions uC the artists.
"1 was a great picture, most of them
tigi-eed. admiring Hie gilt frame -larger
than any (hey had ever .seen.
Senator Kinney was the picture's
champion ami sponsor. It was he who
no illicit stepped forward ami assert
oil, with the voice of II bronco buster,
lint It would be a lasting blot, sir.
lit the name of this great state If
It should decline to recognize lit a
it oiier nimnier Hie genius Hint had so
Inilliaiilly transferred to Imperishable
canvas a scene so typical of the great
k inices of our slate's wealth and pros
J 'lily, land and or - live slock.
eualoi' Ivlniiey represented a sec
II mi nf Hie slate in Hie extreme west --1
"l utiles front the S.tu Salm country
but the true lover of url Is tint limited
In iiidii and li.ii'i.ls. Nur wan Sen
tor Mullens, representing the 8nu
Baba, country, lukewarm In his belief
that the state should pun base the
painting of his constituent. He was
nlvlsed that the San Saba f omit ry was
unanimous In its admiration of the
ireat palming by one of its own ilenl
cns. Hundreds of connoisseurs bad
straddled their broncos and ridden
miles to view It before Its removal to
lite capital. Senator .Mullens desired
reelection, uuil he knew the impor
tance of the San Saba vote He ulso
knew that with the help of Senator
Kinney, who was a power In the legis
lature, the thing could be put through.
Now, Senator Kinney had an irrigation
bill that he wanted passed for the bcu
elit of his own section, and he knew
Senator Mullens could render hlin val
uable aid and Information, Ihe San Saba
country ulreiidy enjoying the bcnellls
of similar legislation. With these In
terests happily dovetailed, wonder at
the sudden Interest in art at (he state
cupitul must, necessarily, be small,
r'ew artists have uncovered their lirst
pictures to the world under happier
auspices than did I.onny Iiriscoe.
Senator Kinney and Mullens came to
in understanding In the matter of Irri
gation and art while partaking of long
drinks In the cafe ct the Kmplre hotel.
"H'ni!" said Senator Kinney, "I don't
know. I'm no art critic, but It seems
to me t4 thing won't work. It looks
like the worst kind of a chroiuo to uie.
1 don't want to cast any reflections
upon the artistic talent of your constit
uent, Senator, but I, I yself, wouldn't
give six bits for the picture without
the frame. How are you going to cram
a thing like that down the throat of a
legislature I hut kicks al t a little Item
lu the expense bill of $tiSl for rubber
erasers for only one term? It's wast
ing time. I'd like to help you, Mul
lens, but they'd laugh us out of the
senate chamber if we were to try it."
"I ' you don't get the point," said
Sri. .Mullens, lu his deliberate
tones, tapping Kinney's glass with his
long forelinger. "I have my own doubts
as to what the picture Is Intended to
represent, a hiillilght or a Japanese
allegory, but I want this legislature to
make an appropriation to purchase.
tf course, the subject of the picture
should have been In Hit- stale historical
line, but It's too late to have Ihe paint
scraped oft" and changed. The state
won't miss Ihe money and lite picture
can be slowed away lu a lumber room
where it won't annoy any one. Now,
here's lite point to work on, leaving
art to look after Itself Hie chap that
painted ihe picture Is the grandson of
f.uclen Briscoe."
"Say It again," said Kinney, leaning
his head thoughtfully. "Of the old,
original I.uclen Iiriscoe?"
"Of him. "flic man who,' you know.
Thi man who carved Hie stale out of
Ihe wilderness. The man who settled
the Indians. Tho man who cleaned
out Hit? horse thieves. The man who
refused the crown. The stale's favor
ite son. l)o you see Ihe point now?"
"Wrap up lite picture," said Kinney.
"It's as good as sold. Why didn't you
lay that at lirst. Instead of philander
ing along about art. I'll resign my
seat In Hie senate iiml go back to chain
carrying for the county surveyor the
day I can't make litis state buy n pic
ture calclml 1 by u grandson' of I.u
clen Hrlscoe. Did you ever hear of a
special appropriation for lit,, purchase
of n home for the daughter of One
Kyed Smothers? Well, that went
through like a motion to adjourn, mid
old One Kyed never killed ha lf as many
Indians as Iiriscoe did. About what
Hgure had you ami (he calclmliier
agreed iinu to Handbag the treasury
for?" ' '
"I thought." said Mullens, "that
maybe live I dred"-
"r'ivo hundred!" Interrupted Kinney
s ho ha leietl on Ids glass for a
lead pencil and looked around for u
waller. "Only live hundred for n red
sleer on the hoof delivered by a grand
son of I.tieleu Ilrlsi ! Where's your
state pride, man? Two thousand Is
what It'll be. You'll Introduce the bill
and I'll get up on the floor of the sen
ate and wave the scalp of every Indian
old i.uclen ever murdered. Let's see:
there was something' else proud and
foolish he did. wasn't there? Oh, yes;
ho declined all emoluments and hone
Ills he was entitled to. Itefused his
head right and veteran donation eer
tlllcates. Could have been governor,
lint wouldn't. Declined a pension.
.Vow's the stale's chance to pay up.
It'll have to lake the picture, but then
It deserves some punishment for keep
ing the Iiriscoe family walling so long.
We'll bring tills lldng up about Ihe
middle of the mouth after Ihe tax bill
Is settled. .Vow, Mullens, you send
over as soon as you can and get nte
the llgures on lite cost of those Irriga
tion ditches and the statistics about
Ihe Increased production per acre. I'm
going to need you when Unit bill of
mine conies up. 1 reckon we'll tie able
to pull along pretty well together tills
session and maybe others to come, eh,
Thus did fortune elect to smile upon
the boy artist of the San Saba. I'ate
hud already done Iter sltatv when she
arranged his atoms In the cosmogony
of creation as lite grandson of Lttclen
The original Iiriscoe had been n pio
neer lnt It us to territorial occupation
and in certain tuts prompted by a
great and simple heart, lie had been
one of the tlrst settlers ami crusaders
against the wild forces of nature, the
savage and the shallow politician. His
name and memory were revered equal
ly with any upon the list contprls'ng
Houston, Koone. Crockett, Clark and
t liven. He had lived simply, Inde
pendently and unvexed by ambit ion.
I!ven a less nIiivwiI man than Senator
Kinney could have prophesied that his
date would hasten to honor and re
ward bis grandson, come out of Hie
chaparral lit even so late a day.
And so before the ureal picture by
the door of tlie ctiainoer of representa
tives nt frequent times for many days
could be found the breezy, robust form
of Senator Kinney and be heard his
clarion voice reciting the past deeds of
Lui'leu Hrlscoe In connection with the
handiwork of his grandson. Senator
Mullens' work was more subdued in
sight and sound, but directed along
Identical lines.
Then as the day for the Introduction
of the bill for appropriation draws nigh
up from the San Saba country rides
I.onny Briscoe and a loyal lobby of
cowpuncbers, broncho back, to boost
the cause of art and glorify Ihe name
of friendship, for Lonny is one of
them, a knight of stirrup anil chapi;r
rerun, as handy with the lariat and Ao
as he is with brush and palette.
On a March afternoon the lobby
dashed, with n whoop, Into town. The
cowpunehors had adjusted their garb
suitably from that prescribed for the
range to the more conventional require
ments of town. They had conceded
their leather obaparreras anil transfer
red their six shooters and belts from
their persons to the horns of their sad
dles. Among them rode Lonny, a youth
of twenty-three, brown, solemn faced.
Ingenuous, bowlegged, reticent, be
striding Hot Tamales, the most saga
cious cow pony west of tlie Mississip
pi. Senator Mullens had Informed hlin
of tha bright prospects of tlie situa
tion; had even mentioned so great was
his conlldence In the capable Kinney
the price that the state would. In all
likelihood, pay. It seemed to Lonny
that fame and fortune were in his
hands. Certainly n spark of the di
vine lire was In the little brown cen
taur's breast, for he was counting the
$J,0(J0 as but a means to future devel
opment of his talent. Some day he
would paint a picture even greater
than thls-one, say, Yi feet by 20. full
of scope and atmosphere and action.
I Miring the three days that yet Inter
vened before Ihe coining of Hie date
lixed for tlie Introduction of the bill
tlie centaur lobby did valiant service.
Con I less, spurred, weather tanned, full
of enthusiasm expressed lu bizarre
terms lltey loafed in front of ihe paint
ing with tireless zeal. Heasonlng not
unshrewdly, they estimated that their
comments upon Its lidellty to nature
would be leielved as expert evidence.
Loudly tliey prahed Hie skill of the
painter whenever there were ears near
to which such evidence might be protlt
ably addressed. Lem Perry, Ihe lead
er of Ihe claque, had a somewhat set
speech, being uuliivenllve In the con
struction of new phrases.
"Look at the two-year-old now," he
would say. waving u cinnamon brown
hand toward Hie salient Milnt of Hie
picture. "Why, dang my hide. Ihe
critter's alive. I can Jest hear him.
'luinpcty lump,' a cullin' away from
the herd, prclcnilin' lie's skcorcd. He's
a menu scamp, that there steer. Look
at bis eyes a wallln' and his tail a wav
ln'. He's Hue niul nal'ral to life, lie's
Jest haiikcrln' fur :t cow pony to round
hint up anil st'titl him scoot in' hack to
Hie bunch. Daim my hide! .lest look
lit that tall of his'ii a-wavin'. Never
knowed a steer to wave his tall any
other way, tiling my hide ef I did."
.lud Shelby, while admitting (he ex
cellence of the steer, resolutely cou
tluetl himself to open admiration of
Hie landscape, to the end that (lie en
tire picture received its meed of praise.
"That piece of range," he declared,
"Is a dead ringer for Head lloss valley.
Same grass, same lay of the land, same
old Whlpperwill creek sknllyhootlii' in
mi Mh
They Loafed In Front of tho Painting
With Tiralesa Zeal,
Hid out of them niults of timber. Them
buzzards on Hie left Is chvllu' 'round
over Sam Klldruke's old paint boss
that killed Itisself over drlukiu' ou a
hot day. You can't see the boss for
thai molt of ellums ou the creek, but
le's (bar. Anybody Unit was golu' to
look for Head lloss valley ami come
across this picture, w hy, he'd Jest light
ilt'ti his broncho and hunt a place to
Skinny lingers, wedded to comedy,
ouceived a complimentary little piece
f acting that never failed to make an
impression. L'dging quite near to the
picture, he would suddenly at fnvorn
'ile moments emit a piercing and
awful "Yl-'yl!" leap high and away,
coming down with a great stump of
heels and whirring of rowels upon Hie
stone flagged floor.
".looming Christopher!"--so ran tils
lines -"thought that rattler was a gin
n ine one. I dug baste my skin If 1
didn't! Seemed to tne I heard him rat
tle. Look at the blamed unconverted
Insect a layln' under that pear' Llttl
more and Bomebody would 'a' been
snake bit."
With these artful dodges, contributed
by I.ouuy's faithful coterie, with the
sonorous Kinney perpetually sounding
tbe picture's merits and with the hol
veut prestige of the pioneer Briscoe
covering It like a precious varnish, It
seemed that the Sail Saba country
could not fall to add a reputation as an
art center to its well known superiori
ty In steer roping contests and achieve
ments with the precarious busted
flush. Thus was created for the pic
ture an atmosphere, due rather to ex
ternals than to the artist's brush, but
through It the people seemed to gaze
with more admiration. There was n
magle In the name of Briscoe that
counted high against faulty technique
ami crude coloring. The ohl Indian
lighter and wolf slayer would have
smiled grimly In his happy hunting
grounds had he known that his dllet
taute ghost was thus figuring as an
art patron two generations after his
uninspired existence.
Came the day when the senate was
expected to pass the bill of Senator
Mullens appropriating $2,000 for tbe
purchase of the picture. The gallery
of the senate chamber was early pre
empted by Loony and the San Saba
lobby. In the front row of chairs they
sat, wild haired, self conscious, Jing
ling, creaking and rattling, subdued by
the majesty of the council hall.
The bill -was Introduced, went to the
second reading, mfd then Senator Mul
lens spoke for It dryly, tediously and
at length. Senator Kfuney then arose,
and the welkin seized the bellrope pre
paratory to ringing.
Senator Kinney, spoke for nn hour.
History was h!s theme-history miti
gated by patriotism and senliincut. He
referred casually to the picture in (he
outer luil I It was unnecessary, ho said,
to dilate upon Its merits the senators
had seen for themselves. The painter
of the picture was the grandson of
Luclen. Briscoe. Then came the word
pictures of Briscoe's life set forth In
thrilling colors. Ills rude and ven
turesome life, Ids simple minded love
for the commonwealth he helped to up
build. Ids contempt for rewards and
praise, his extreme and sturdy Inde
pendence and the great services be had
rendered the state. The subject of the
oration was Luclen Briscoe. The
painting stood In the background serv
ing simply as a means, now happily
brought forward, through which tho
stale might bestow a tardy recompense
upon tho descendant of its favorite
The bill passed without an opposing
vole. Tomorrow it would be taken up
by the house. Already was It fixed to
glide through that body on rubber
tires. Bhindford, Grayson and .rinm
mer. all wheelhorses and orators and
provided . Willi plentiful memoranda
concerning the deeds of Pioneer Bris
coe, bad agreed to furnish the motive
power. ;
The San Saba lobby and Its protege
stumbled awkwardly down the stairs
and out Into the capltol yard. Then
they herded closely and gave one yell
of triumph.. But one of them Buck
Kneed Summers It was lilt the key
with Ihe thoughtful remark:
"She cut the mustard," he said, "all
right. I reckon they're goln' to buy
Lou's steer. I ain't right much on the
parlynient'ry, but I gather that's what
tho signs added up. But she seems to
me, Lonny, Ihe argyment ran principal
to grandfather Instead of paint. It's
reasonable culculatln' that you want to
be glad yon got the Briscoe brand on
you, my son."
That remark clinched In Loony's
mind nn unpleasant, vague suspicion to
the same effect. His reticence In
creased, and he gathered grass from
Ihe ground, chewing It pensively. The
picture as a picture had been huniili
atlngly absent from the senator's ar
guments. The painter had been held
up as a grandson, pure mid simple.
The hotel t.ouny stopped at was near
the capltol. It was near to the 1 o'clock
dinner hour when the appropriation
had been passetl by the senate. The
hotel clerk told Lonny that a famous
artist from New York had arrived In
town that day and was lu the hotel.
He was on his way westward to New
Mexico to study the effect of sunlight
tiHiu the ancient wall of the Zunls
Modern stone reflects light. Those an
cient building materials absorb It. The
artist wanted tills effect In a picture
lie was painting and was traveling
2,000 miles to get It.
Lonny sought this man out after din
ner and told Ills story. Tlie artist was
an unhealthy man. kept alive by gen
ius and Indifference to life. He went
with I.onny to the capltol niul stood
there before the picture. The artist
pulled his heard ami looked unhappy.
"Should like to have your senti
ments," said lenity, "Just as they run
out of the pen."
"It's (he way they'll come," said the
painter man. "I took three different
kinds of medicines before dinner by
the lalilespoonful. The taste still lin
gers. I- am primed for telling the
truth. You want to know If the pic
ture is or If it Isn't?''
"Bight." said Lonny, "Is It wool or
cotton? Should I paint some more or
cut it out iiml ride herd a-plenty?"
"I beard a rumor during pie," said
the artist, "Hint the state Is about to
pay you $2,000 for UiN picture."
"It's passetl the senate." said Lonny.
"and Hie house rounds It up tomor
row." "That's lucky." said the pale man.
"Do you carry a rabbit's foot?"
"No." said Lonny. "but It seems I
had a grandfather. lie's considerable
mixed up In the color scheme. It took
me a year to paint that picture. Is
she entirely avvfnl or not? Some says,
now. that that steer's tall ain't badly
druwed. They think It's proportioned
ilce. Tell me."
The artist gianceU at Lenny's wiry
figure and nut brown skin. Something
stirred him to a passing Irritation..
"Tor art's sakij, son," he said, frac
tlously, "don't spend any more money
for paint. It Isn't a picture nt nil. It's
a gun. You hold up tho state with It
if you like and got your $2,000, but
don't get in front of any more canvas.
Live under It. Buy a couple of hun
dred ponies with your money- I'm told
they're that cheap ami' ride, ride, ride.
Kill your lungs and eat and sleep and
be happy. No more pictures. Y'ou
look healthy. That's genius. Cultivate
it." He looked at his watch. "Twen
ty minutes to 3. Four capsules and
one tablet nt 3. That's all you wanted
to know. Isn't it?"
At 3 o'clock the cowpuncbers rode t
for Lonny. bringing Hot Tamales, sa,
died. Traditions must be observed
To celebrate the passage of the bill by
the senate the gang must ritle wildly
through the town, creating uproar and
"Come on, boys," said Lonny, urging
Hot Tamales Into a gallop with his
knees. With a whoop the inspired lob
by tore nfter him through the dust,
Lonuy led bis cohorts straight for the
capltol. With a wild yell the gang in
dorsed Ids now evident intention of
riding Into It. Hooray for San Saba!
Up tbe six broad limestone steps clat
tered the bronchos of the cowpunch-
"Don't spend any more money for
ers. Into the resounding hallway they
pattered, scattering In dismay (hose
passing on foot. Lonny, in the lead,
shoved Hot Tamales direct for (he
great picture. At that hour a down
pouring, soft light from the second
story windows bathed the big canvas.
Against the darker background of the
hall the painting stood out with valu
able effect, in spile of the defects of
the art you could almost fancy that
you guzed out upon a landscaie. You
might well flinch n step from Uie con
vlnclng figure of the life sized steer
stampeding across the grass. Perhaps
it thus seemed lo Hot Tamales. The
scene was In his line. Perhaps be only
obeyed the will of his rider. His ears
pricked lip; ho snorted. Lonny leaned
forward in the saddle and elevated his
elbows, wing-like. Thus signals the
cowpuncher to his steed to launch hlin
self full speed ahead. Did Hot Ta
males fancy he saw a steer, red and
cavorting, Unit should be headed off
and driven back to herd? There was
a tierce clatter of hoofs, a rush, a gath
erlng of steely flank muscles, a leap
lo the jerk of the bridle rein, and Hot
Tamales, with Lonny bending low In
the middle, to dodge the top of the
frame, ripped through the great can
vas like a shell from a mortar, leaving
the cloth hanging in rugged shreds
about a monstrous hole.
Quickly Lonny pulled up bis pony,
and rounded the pillars. Spectators
came running, too astounded lo add
speech to the commotion. The ser
geant at arms of the house came forth,
frowned, looked ominous and then
grinned. Many of the legislators
crowded out to observe the tumult.
Lenny's cow-punchers were stricken to
silent horror by his mad deed.
Senator Kinney, happened, to be
among the curliest to emerge. Before
he could speak Lonny leaned In his
saddle as Hot Tamales pranced, point
ed his quirt at the senator and said
"That was a fine speech you made
today, mister, but you might as well
let up on that 'proprlatlon business. I
ain't nskln' the slate to give me noth
ln'. I thought I had a picture to sell
to It, but it wasn't one. You said n
heap of llilugs about Grandfather Bris
coe that makes me kind of proud I'm
his grandson. Well, the Briscoes ain't
takln' presents from the state yet.
Anylmdy can have the frame that
wauls It. Hit her up. boys."
Away scuttled the San Saba delega
tlou out of the hall, down the steps,
along the dusty slrect.
Halfway to Ihe Sail Saba country
they camped that night. At bedtime
I.onny stole away from the campllre
and sought Hot Tamales, placidly eat
ing grass at the end of his stake rope.
Lonny hung upon tils neck, and his art
aspirations went forth forever In one
long, regretful sigh. But ns he thus
made renunciation his breath formed
a word or two.
"Y'ou was tlie only one. Tamales.
what seen anything In It. It did look
tike n steer, didn't II, old boss?"
Ginger Grapefruit.
Grapefruit is wonderfully appetizing
when served with ginger. Itemove the
hard pithy renter, the skin between the
sections and the seeds. Shred the pulp
mm a silver linn, aiming to earn nail
a heaping teaspoouful of sugar, the
same quantity of desiccated enroannt
and one table-spoonful of preserved
ginger cut into tliee and a tablespoon
ful of tiie ginger syrup. Cool for several
hours before serving. When ready to
serve place on small dessert plates and
put a tablcpoonful of wripped cream
in the center of eah half,
Individual Salad
For each individual salad three let
tuce leaves (head lettuce preferred);
one pickled beet with center cut out to
form a cup. fill cup in beet with
creamed cheese beaten smooth, with
pineapple juice. Boil an egg, chop
white and yolk separately. Sprinkle a
little of yolk on top of cheese (in cups),
and add dash of paprika for color.
Make a mall pile of chopped whites on
each leaf and add a little salad dress
ing or creamed cdteesee. Serve cold.
Tulip Luncheon.
Here lire two suggestions for a tulip
lu neheon:
Place Cards. From green crepe paper
cut stem and leaves. From red, cut
bud or blossom of tulip. Mount on
small white card.
Tulip Siilud Shape tulip blossom
from half a canned pimento. Use
strips of green pepper for stem and
leaves. Place these on a slice of
pineapple anil serve on a lettuce leaf.
Kdge the tulip blossom with salad
Stove Blacking Hints
To keep stove polished, wash red
and rusty parts with vinegai before
using polish. Stove will take and keep
polish much better. To keep grease off
stove, use cloth dipped in alcohol.
Add soapsuds to stove blacking and
it will not conic off so quickly.
Put some vinegar in stove polish, or
a few drops of turpentine; will help
polish stick. Gasoline or coal oil will
take off the grease and will make it
look nice ami black.
To remove grease from gas stove,
put gasoline on a dry cloth (have stove
perfectly rold) and apply; also takes
dirt front tops of stovepipes. To keep
stove black, pat a little black eotfee nr
the paste and have stove just warm.
By using this daily the shine will not
wear off. Cse a flannel cloth instead
of brush.
For the Baby
Covering Baby's Feeding Bottles
Instead of using cotton for corking the
bottle containing baby's milk, use clean
waxed paper, putting same over the
tops of the bottles and fastening it on
with a rubber baud. This eliminates
the trouble sometimes caused by bits of
lint, getting into the milk ami so stop
ping up the nipple, if siaall-necked bot
alcs me used, nail the expense of the
rubber caps which are sold for covers
to the witle-momlied bottles.
The Table.
Mock (loose. Two cups bread
crumbs, two cups black walnuts, two
cups boiled rice, six hard-cooked eggs,
three raw eggs, one tablespoon grated
onion, salt, pepper, grated nutmeg to
taste. Put bread crumbs in sauce pan
with two cups water, cook a few min
utes, add hard-cooked eggs chopped.
Take sauce pan from fire, add black
walnut meats and the rice. When this
is well mixed mid raw eggs, slightly
beaten, and seasonings. Form this in
to shape of a goose, reserving portions
for legs anil wings. Take a tablespoon
fill of mixture in your hand and press
it into shape of a leg, put piece of
dry macaroni into it for bone and fas
ten it to goose. Do other side same
way. Form remaining portions into
small pieces looking like wings, tucked
under, nail press them to side of goose.
Brush goose over with melted butter
and bake one hour. Serve with apple
sauce. ,
Western Union Announces
More Extended Service
During the past few years the West
ern I'aina Telegraph Company has been
in the van of public service corpora
tions in putting out new services to
meet modern business and social de
mands. The company now announces
another 'innovation for the benefit of
its patrons. The Western Ciiinn Com
pany annually transfers by telegraph
an enormous amount of money niul
heretofore the senders of lunacy have
not been permit ted to include in the
transfers any eonimuuiratinn of a busi
ness or personal character to Hie payee,
such infm mat inn being required to be
sent by 'separate message. Fader the
new arrangements, however, transfers
between points in the Fnited States
may include such information and the
same will be delivered tn the payee
at the time the transfer is paid. This
surely represents an up to date service
and one that sHould appeal to and be
of much value to business houses and
the public generally. Through it, peo- j
pie will be enabled to transmit money
quickly with proper instructions to
meet blinking obligation, pay insur
ance policies, guarantee purchases, ac
company bids, purchase railroad, steam
ship anii theater tickets, pay taxes, as
sessments and bills of all descriptions,'
make remittances to traveling salesmen
and pupils attending distant schools,
etc. There is practically no limit to
the purposes for which this service is
available. The Telegraph company is
to be coiiitiiciided upon the manner in
which it is broadening the scope anil
purposes of its various services in
order to better meet the needs of the
Why are we popular? Be-
cause we tell you every day,
it the news of the world.
yourself with, Comfort--
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Rooms With priviltg of bath $1
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Tho thin that ppotls-nuxUrmtt
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The only cash.
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Dr. Stone is a rega
1 a T graduate i a
medicine and has
had many years of
experience in the
practice. Consultations are free. Pre
scriptions are free and only regular
price for medicine. Dr. Stone can be
found at his drug store, Salem, Ore.,
from 6:40 in the morning nntil 8 at
night. Free delivery to all parts of the
city and within a radios of 100 miles.
Best Chinese
Noodles 10c
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Bice and Fork 10c
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I'lii.ii" itiiiniif I'liM,!, lor Xa
yeatsknown 15 Bct, Safest, Always KHtaf )
of the
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Each Cap- S
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Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure catarrhal
deafness, and Hint in by a constitutional
remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused
by an inflamed condition of the niiieoin
lining of the Knstneliina Tube. When
this tube is inflamed yon have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
the result. 1'nless the inflammation
can be reduced mid this tubo restored
;o its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever. Many eases of deaf
ness are caused by catarrh, which is an
inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
We will give One Hundred Dollar
for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that
ennnot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cnrp.
Circulars free. AH Druggists, 7.1c.
i. J. C1IKXKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Xew York. Anril 7 "You're nn unml
ns nominated. All hell couldn't stop
it," Mud Colonel D. C. Collier, of San
Diego, culling ou Theodora Roosevelt
lit his office here tn.lnv.
after a bad cold or a snell nf the
grippe? You need a safe tonic to
help Nature bring back your health
and strength, assist the digestion ami
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This suggests a fair trial of
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