THE DAILY CAPITAL JO' RNAL, SALEM. PRECOX SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1916. Pete". Was Supposed to be Maw-, but 'Me Wasn't. m r li ' ii ii if 1 " . 1 n n im s 7 1 11 11 11 1 11 11 the. answer isjoHYoikD1 HOW F CTOHM HAD ' STIU HWE TWO 1EPT fcECAV-Se ' ' 7 PETE. YOO ARE So A TWO APPUS A ri t . HE WOOL D NT& W E MARY Ort SlAfcT, ISOT A JOKE '. AVEMARV OtfE , HE OFF V ;$ EE I HA! HA,'.' A-Nt VPLJ'RE rOR -row to ftoESs How many apples rZrT&Mri mTKOU&T S OPPOSED TP BE MARV 1MAR.THMATIC WOULD JOHH HAVE ' f ueJ J 0& -rr 77 1 : rr LHPT ? WHATS THE U,thAT?J f , V3f Cr,rT ' Pnr-1 ' hp am c-TT f ,uL have to I I ii ii ii I 1 1 AvtiAT3THE I f Hey! Hcsaneasy look into this- er-why L 9 -7 1T MARK. J 5av U yf-t TfiOUBLE 7 well! if r fOGT0F " J 11J KJyV,, HE DIDN'T Vwdx M0MY. '1 '1 1 1 l 1 i NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING By SAMUEL P. JOHNSTON President Johnston -Ay res Company A dverrising Agency, San Francisco. In tin Library of Congress ill Washington there urt mural lii-1 i;i I ius ill iu-1 rut'iiv. tin' ili'fluiiiiit i'f ""m One picture is entitled "Drill 'I' 1 '"Ii' '"" " it shows llit chieftain nf n village---ii Arab relating his tale " an llbsi'llu'll group 'f listeners Tin sound of his voice i'l'l rouch II foW What In' told tlii'iii. Iln'.v. 111 I11'-!' could ti'll other--- hut tin.' transmission i'f inf oi mat ioc WHS II slow lllnl tediilUS proiCs l'lvi'ii I In rider f t1'1' fleetest. llolSC WHS lilllilci! !l I" tin iiiv:i In' f " 'nl i'' t'f I'tll , Ii IIdiv ilii'i'i-ri'iil in'"! Tlii'i.' V an nriiiil I nil Nmii'ii lii'ir in I'l atii ' Till' lll'M ii'V limn nir Hill tllV tlll'lll.-I'lM'K IIHVl'lil. ii Ifuiiiliv.l mill's " I' Till- !'!. i'f tin' I'Viiit i trai vni tn 'nri.i---t. Ni' i"-l tu Nih I in nri"i'i nn'i'i' V.ui; M' i'ii I Iiihisu nil mill' nii'l iiii'ai in our iiinsi'ii 'ith tin' mi mi linn r. V'ruiii Cult utla nr l'ii'i' T"i' n fi'iiin l'i'1 ni;i'ail r A lilai'l' ciiaii''. tin' iu'Wti hi' t".l;iy 's liii''i'iiinjr- liinl lii't'i ilisiauii' si'i't tiliii' li IV I'linun t.'il il, 'il Yuan Slii Kai may li- pi i'W in'il uu.'iiaii K iif tin' niii'ii'lit I'liii'lro Mary's of IVtiilimni may Vt i'roiii'.l iiuvii of tlio milUinwiili--.1 V Moruiiu may nut nt-rivo nl In iil'l'ii'i' tliis in in u i ii M i U lli'ii iimy lo fiHiiiil ituilty i'l" lln'ft u'ul hi'iit to jail for tliirly ilnyx yi'stiTilay V tin; ilay notti'il tlir iiii.itiiU soM'iily llioiii-anil il.'l'tii.' Hal .Inni'S lum tiiiiiii'.l Willi tl' Honl-li tliinnK little thine liinl in liet ween nil i'inii' to the iu s'iiH'r tn I'O rinti'il nail tviul In your new fnier ri'inli'i yon iioifiniity inn- of tliiise Aral'iau 'villanir eujierly alifiliiiii; the dtory of the iloinifs of other pi'iijile Vour ni'wiii'aiier in the xil'ae I'otniuon the uieetim; liico t' the ln'oplr Jiinlenil of the now from rul'm." of ten or fifty mili'H yeu Imve it from the euilx of the eartli ' Vim travel -in ininuiimtU'ri-- intn nl! eliiniile limoiij.' all M-oples ni'i'iiUim; nil liinunat;'' fn its I'upai'ite of nvnf R'lt'iere the exinMiilitnro for li'li".i' 'i B'i'l ealle wiri'lem fin.l i.liov: 1 rn volinjr ml iixin je naii'eiiain,i of triiim'il no'i; hi'r ever now U likely t bvt'"a the new"i-'iiier. nonlil lie miller the iii'fos.jity of Ki'llini; ii bhi'i't for n rohililivi' eot were it not 'for the support ili'mi'il from the uilxertininj: ''ol n in ns You arc no longer foiil'iin'il Voiir minil is nirrieil nil over the universe you are raised frnni llii' I'onloniplntion of the net iv ities of li few to those of -the many You feel the thrill ol' personal emit ae t when ymi read of the (Varrviti'h I'l'CMU-o you've read alioiil him so often that you feel aripiainteil You feel a measure of reverence or awe when you read about your iieihl'or in an adjoiaini;' county- -M r. l.utlier Uurlmnk Inn iiij; succcc.lcil in oivaline. some ivoinler in the field of his endeavor The newspaper makes us not only ntl.'i ns ot Auiciu n Iml of the universe We are in touch with huninniiy evet y here. We arc no lono'i' shut ins - ue sec a nd feel the liuninu pulse the human heai'tl'cnt the human sympathy We appliiiid heroism shed tears in harmony with the sorrows of ol hers perhaps of n different race ami color i-.oni'erniuj; whom no rend iu the newspapers There arc vtmr personal needs ' wants and I espoiisilnlii ios then those of your own family those of your villaiie town city stale or nut ion and those of the whole round world of all the people everyvvlicre You are no lonRer (ircnniscril'cd by four walls or the boundary of one township or state Yon are now a, idtizen of the whole worlJ You have nciiiiniutaiico across tlio street to r oss thp mount niiw across tbe oceans von are u lirollier of the Arabiun tale-teller t'f Die I'mperor of Trnssia of the Ynqui ulnve in Y'uentmi of the Secretary of State in Wash ington. of the Italian pardcucr down the l'eninjulH Yoti" bcurt beats iu tuiison with tbe liuujrixlii of miliwifii of the workers of the world as you tea J in your newspaper of their doinns Yon h.vouio Hcquainteil witbeut seeing them In these col union alones'idd the universal pt,ciiau);ii of tbe tales, of buppeningn you fiiul tbe uuivcrsal exchange of the stories of commodities 'for sale W hat better place could be found tor (jetliii),' the attention than iu this association of things mental .nut spiritual Whatever is new in thought in ven tioii-c real ions suj;gestioiis touchiiij; our livto fs in thf columns of the newspapers Aloiijrsicle lliein is the best place in the world to offer for sale those things found to be wanted by the readers of the papers The lessons of life and living arc set forth iu the experiences, of Will and Man or corporation and institution of those who teach and those who learn of farm and city dweller and alongside arc the advertise ments ' setting forth attractively as may be the advantages or the various com-. modi ties offered for sale The advertiser who uses newspaper space chooses that medium for the same reason that the retailer selects n location on the street w here most people pass where his window displays will attract the most attention Carlyle in " Heroes ami Hero Worship' w rote: "Kdiniiiid Burke said dint there were Three Kstatcs in I'lirlianieiit but in the uYportcr'; (.inllory yonder there sat u ' Fourth Kstate more important than they all." The newspaper is the throbbing of the pulse the beating of the heart the nnderstaiidiiig .of the brain of all the people every whore of all elements of socio tv all elements of life Through it has come freedom anil mi eiienileuce It bus let in the light and shut out the dark By placing the advertising story alongside of the news story you get "front row in the orchestra' ' By seltinst the advertising story next to the human interest story ot lire and love of achievement and failure of courage and bravery of good deed and bad of humanity in all its varied interests you get maximum attention The folded newspaper propped tigaiast the cream pitcher shares interest with the breakfast the cry of extra' attracts attention at noon the evening lamp -sheds its light on the newspaper reader absorbed iu events of human interest What more eonspiciou place for advertising for the telling of your story What safer place to invest your advertising money than in the universal forum THE SEWi-U'ArtR - INDOOR FLY CASTING NOV ELTY AT SPORTSMEN'S SHOW I'iltsliurg, April 8. Indoor f lycasting was on the lists as tlio big novelty lor the Western rennsylvania Sportsmen's Show which opened today iu a down town auditorium. Many of tiie best known anglers and casters iu the country are here to com pete. All kinds of vacation acces sories will be shown; lectures will be delivered and plans for promoting interest in the vari ous outdoor sports formulated. Hoy scouts and Cnmpfire girls have model camps iu the big auditorium. jje)!! WOODBURN NEWS Hygiene Society Women Were In Favor of Military Training Cent rnliii, Wash., April i. V h Mrs. II. I. Weeks, of Seattle, spcakni;; before the sixth minimi assemble ol the Washington blanch of the National Mothers Congress and 1'irent Teachers issnciations the third day s session ot which is being held here, and told of he new experiment in military train ing for bovs at ' tiio Ballard high school. Seattle, more than 200 wom, mostly mothers, broke into applause. The drills nro conducted without guns. Tlio State Board of Accountancy of Oregon will bold an examination for the purpose ot deteriaiiiing the qualiti- ntions ot persons desiring t tit' rigtit to practice in Oregon as a certified pub lic accountant, in room "B" of tbe (.'enlrnl Library, I'ortlaud, Oregon, com mencing at !' a. m.. May "Jo and end ing at 5 p. in.. May 2(1, HHli. The ex aminations will include questions nnd problems in the subjects of practical ac counting, theory ot accounts, auditing. ommercial law. Applications must be accompanied liv Hie tee prcscrioeo ov law and be in the bands of the secre tary not later than May 10, l'.tlti. JOHN Y. UH ll.VKHSON, Secretary. OOo Concord Building, Portland, Ore. PECULIAR FACTS ABOUT WELL KNOWN l"JBWrJUIi London, April S Sir Edward Cray's fondness for squirrels and the squirrel's fondness for" ik Sir Edward Orav became known todav. The I'.ritisli foreign sec- , opcnsioniillv- woes into retreat on his estate in North- mnbei land. There are many wild squirrels in the surround- ing wood. Almost uncannily the squirrels know- when Sir Edward irrives, tor they quick- lv make their wav into toe eenlc. tll WfilU and in- v,lo the library; then iniiipiiig on Sir Edward s writing table they are rewarded with nuts from the minister's hand. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Victor Myers and Mr. Thompson of Oregon City, motored to Woodburu Wednesday and spent the day with friends. Mr. lliggens, of Salem, was the guest at the' home of bis sister, Mi's. Homer Allemnn. Sunday. Mr. W. T. Biukli'v transacted busi ness nt Eugene Saturday. Frank Tollard, who lias been in lioseburg the past two months, has re turned to Woodburu. Miss Uuth Keistead returned recent ly from Spokane where she spent tbe winter with her aunt. ('has. Ilaudiill, of Salem, was a Woodluirn visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Proctor, of West Woodburu, were guests of Air. and Mrs. If. M. Austin, Monday. Mrs. Olson entertained it number of little folks Tuesday afternoon in honor of her daughter. Violet's 10th birth dav. Many interesting games were played after which luncheon was served bv the hostess. Miss Tiolet received many useful and beautiful gifts. W. j. Binkh'y, jr., transacted busi ness in Salem. Wednesday. Miss Ethel Uonnev was agreeably surprised Thursday when a number of j !her girl friends dropped in to help! celebrate her birthday, hive hundred i was pin veil after which refreshments j w ere served by Mrs. (!. A. liomiey. I Jliss Ethel received many beautiful: hand made presents. Mr. and Mrs. Broiikcy and family of j Mt. Angel motored to Woodburu, Sun-1 day. j Mks Vvon McKiniicv who is taking, a business course nt Portland spout thej week-end at the home of her parents, , aiui j(iss ( arrie Water!. ury. Mr. and .Mrs. .lonn -nc ruunov . tortv members were enrolled itising, The validity of the quack nd ivertisiii" law. once questioned, is now TV... A..I A..K certain. The supreme court of the state DrOVe UUl QUaCkS recently upheld the same. ; A few vears ago ti number of so- called doctors, " Men Specialists," were, lecturing on the streets, imparting much, that was harmful to the young men of the community. These quacks were in the habit of agreeing to cure ills th'it never exised, extorting large sums of money from perfectly hAlthy young men. Through the publicity of tbe travel ing exhibit of the Oregon Social Hy giene society, their practices have been uli Many beneficial results have come from the work of the Oregon Social Hygiene society during the past four years. If nothing more bud been done than the driving out of business of the many quack concerns and the elimina tion of sex medicine advertising friends of the society feel that the ex penditure of the time and money has been well justified. Oregon is probably the cleanest state exposed until now they arc about in the union in respect to quack ndver-1 driven out of business. . . .J " I. .v ! -l : "'7. .-. Crowds viewing the traveling exhibit o f the Oregon Social Hygiene Society at the State Fair. Airs, licit P.yers entertained at din ner. Thursday." Mrs. Ed. Boscoe. Airs. S. E. Brum", Airs. John Beers, and Airs, lion, ltonney. H. W. Waterbnry transuded business in Port lii nd this week Nearly of Portland, and alii n. ..,.-,,.. . T bureh work. The "'"""'-" r,run are tn were: Kav IHmick 1 1 - f""-"!" "i a line uuoy gin, oorm Kev. o. t'. Weller spent Wednesday in Portland. are active in the officers elected Claire Gillette. Dwight Bigelow. Lois Monday, April 3rd. Mcmcnt. Sarah Sims, P.elvo Bigelow. Erma Wilson. Martha ticiman, Alice Croshaw. John Knov.,.l.i Co.,.. H.' A. Cornell and grand-itaiignter i rankiia Tier. .eiil Hall. Homer Set-' ""r "i .vnss ixuie urassman spent Siuidav at the home of the bit-. tlemier. La Verne I it icn. Clifford Ciilli- twentieth birthday, a number of her tcr's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley j ford. Kenneth i tverton, Margaret Hicks, : friends surprised her bv callin" on her Cornell at Corvallis. resceutia Cooley, Ruth Johnson. Jobu , Tu.1nv ,-,.!, m.,.. r,.,..;t',,l Steelhamuier and Violet Olson. ; .,' " liu..... . 1 Sifts were presented to Afiss Grass- -""" loiuni vt-n-rans associa-1 Minrl .i. : .i. i. , i . ,, .. moil. Seth Weebe has returned from Mr Keuua. Wash., where he has been work ing the past two years. T Lunch was served bv Airs. Grass- Mrs. II. I, Gil. .spent and j v ; -jmaa aml Miss ,v. Fellers: riltZnA:" IZtuJ iM anJ M a S.'od time The! F. Reed of Dallas, t i" ,. v ,rU'"U1 program was highly appreciated by the 1 ,,f Woo'""ini. was calling oi rotary house, visitor Saturday. Air. and Mrs. Kay AlcKinncy enter tained a few of their friends at i their home Tuesday evening. .Cards land music were enjoyed after which refreshments were served by the mu tes. . . Elder J. I.. (Iron, who has been visit ing at the home of bis parents, depart ed" Wednesday for bis home at Grants Pas. The organization of tbe M. F. Jun ior church wa completed Sunday after noon nt three o'clock, under the super vision of tbe pastor, Kev. U 0. Poor, but formerly on old friend audience. All the business houses and 1 "'re Tuesday. buildin-S Tpere decorated ia honor ol'i A. E. Adams. ' who has been eon the occasion. j nec.ted with the Woodburu Independent, Born Sunday. April 2nd, at the home '''ft Thursday for Spokane. Air. Adam of Mr. and Airs. I'aul l-o':i. a I'abv ''as made many friends her w-bo regret girl- ' ' his departure." C, O. Lives-vy. a eo'iin of r R ! " " Uvesay. came to this city Tues.iavO CYCLONE AT NEW ORLEANS from Koseburg and will be c"nu. loved at I - r.- . . . -, the Ijvesav mill. ! New ('rleans, April i. An. umdenti- i. .,r ' , ! fied girl was killed lnd eight persons -nr. au.t .Mrs. ( . K. Tyler entertalnua! injured when a cvelone hi a fashion at dinner Suauay Mr. aud Mrs. l0. able suburb of this eitv todav. TweW ltonney. Mr. ai.,1 Mrs. B. P. Haa. Mr. I bungalows were wrecked. Ao 'indtutrial and Airs. Furl Strang aud ton Oakley, ; hon.e was destroyed.