Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 08, 1916, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 11

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Clam-Diggers Loafed On Job
of Beating Them-Great
Crowd at Auto Races
SeaMo, Wash., April 8. Defeated,
luit offering no excuses, the Stanford
University crew started for Palo Alto
today while thousands of University of
Washington students cheered them for
the game race, they owed on Lake
Washington late yesterday.
Beaten from the start, Stanford 's
eight fought their way over the three
mile course losing at every stroke. Witi
Washington several lengths ahead and
steadily gaining with n powerful, machine-like
pull, the cardinal veterans
never failed to respond to Coxswain
Lyon's appeal for more speed. Stan
ford crossed the finish lino 31 seconds
Because of its victory over Washing
ton last year and its sensational show
ing at Poughkeepsie, the Stanford
crew was a favorite before the regatta.
Its chances went glimmering and the
bottom fell out of its stock, however,
in the first quarter mile. Washington's
crew was obviously so superior that the
Seatil'i eight actually loafed after i
had established an unbeatable lead, loi
tering along at a stroke of 30. Stan
ford spnnked the water at 32 in a series
of desperate, heartbreaking spurts, al',
of which failed. As the fi-iish nenred
the southerners' oars wobbled and
splashed, three men drooped in their
seats, utterly exhausted while fiv
lengths ahead the sun glinted on eight
white tipped blades steadily cutting in
to the water with only smoothness.
The time was: Washington, 17.0(1:
Stanford, 17.37. The record for Lake
Washington is 10.23.
In spite of Washington's victory,
which makes dopesters believe the Se
attle crew could outdistance anything
the east has to offer, the faculty will
not let the eight invade foreign terri
tory this year.
TJ. of 0. Team Defeated.
Missoula, Mont., April 8 The defeat
ed University of Oregon debating team
left for Eugene today, still unconvinced
on the subject of naval preparedness.
A unanimous vcridct was awarded to
the University of -Montana debaters last
night after an argument on the advisa
bility of naval expansion in the United
States. Montana too the negative.
The Pitching Records of a
The value of pitching to a team has
been variously estimated as from 10 to
70 per cent of its defensive strength.
Whatever it may be, there is no ques
tion that the twirler is the most val
uable man of the nine, and usually the
one who looms largest in the public
From the days of Aristotle to those
of Charley Van Loan, figures were con
sidered impeccable, and even yet some
benighted business man drools forth the
bromide that "figures never lie." They
do in baseball, though. No one believes
that fielding averages nearly approxi
mate the fielder's skill, and even bat
ting averages are deceiving. But the
following statistics really tell a true
A pitcher may win 20 games in a sea
son because he has an extraordinarily
strong team behind him, nnd because
his opponents were hand picked for the
laughter. Over a term of years, how
ever, this would not hold true, and '
will be. noticed thnt the greatest" pitch
ers in the gamo monopolize the glory ii
the records of the past decade.
There have only been five mounds
men continually in service from 1000 to
1M15, inclusive. Their records follow:
W. L. Pet.
Christy Mathewson, Giants.241 113 .OKI
Miner Brow n, Cubs
02 .-
Eddie rinnk, Browns .
Chief Bender, Thillies
Ed Reulbnch
00 .002
SI .051
So .5110 !
038 470 .007
To win 75 per cent of one's games in
a major league season is a feat that is
only accomplished ny tne Hardest or;
work and the maximum of skill with a
little luck throw n in. Twenty-five pitch-1
ers have won .750 averages 39 times in
the past 10 years. Ihey are:
Brown 4 White 1
Mathewson ...3 Alexander ....1
Reulbach 3 Gregg 1
rvender 3 Cole 1
Plnnk 2 Higginbotham 1
Wood 2 Doak 1
I.eever 2 Covington ....1
Ford 2 Coombs 1
Crandall 2 Cnntnitg 1
Leonard 1 James 1
Marquard ....1 Johnson 1
Phillippe I Donovan 1
Adams 1
The highest average was reached in
W. L,
8 1
Sam Leever, Pittsburg
The highest average in
full games:
Joe Wood
Bill Donovan
Chief Bonder
Leonard Cole
Ed Reulbach
Chief Bender
Miner Brown
Eddie Tlank
20 or more
34 .
L. Prt.
.850 '
.821 I
.811 I
Grudge Match Was Tame.
Portland. Ore.. April 8. Wrestling
J fans were somewhat disappointed today
'at the outcome of the alleged "grudge
jmntch" between Frank Vancj of Seat
tle and Eddie O'Connell of Portland,
last night. The atMitr wm called a
draw, although Vance clearly tiad the
best of the milling.
After one hour and 47 minutes of
grappling, Vance secured a toe hold on
his smaller opponent and R.'feroe Mike
Butler awarded him the first fall over
tho protest of O'Connell, who said
Vance couldn't hurt him with the hold.
Again they wrestled for minutes,
then it was midnight, and they 'uit in
accordance with a previous agreement.
Gunboat Smith Done.
Tulsa, Okla., April 8. The extent to
which (iunboat Smith, once formibadle
glove battler, has slipped was revealed
today when fight fans reflected on the
fact that even Carl Morris, tho Sapulpa
giant gained a decision over him in a
10-ronnd bout last night. Smith was
badly punished.
Welsh Has Speed.
Milwaukee, Wis., April 8. Freddie
Welsh's speed is all there, in the opir-
ion of fans who unw him gain a decision
over Ritchie Mitchell in a 10-round bout i
here last night. The champion pounded
Mitchell's stomach badly but could not
reach his jaw.
Turn Out to See Corbett.
San Francisco, April 8. Joe Corbel t
will make his Coast league debut for
l'.Mti tomorrow morning when the Seals
and Portland meet at Oakland. A large
number of fans is expected to turn out
to see the veteran perform.
Darkies Drubbed Se.attl?.
Seattle, Wash., April 8. It can't be
said that the Seattle Giants ire in mid
season form. The locals took an 1 1 to 3
drubbing yesterday from Rube. Foster's
Chicago darkies. "Bab" Moneymaker,
recruit catcher for Seattle
starred at
the bat,
Schmutz in Good Form.
Charley JSchmutz, former Vancouver,
Brooklyn and Salt Lake heaver, is show
ing splendid form in tho training camp
of the Seattle club. He declares he is
in for the best year of his career and
will soon be back in the big tent.
Grant Junior High
Wins from West Salem
The Grant junior high school team
won an exciting game from West Sa
lem yesterday by the score of 18 to 14.
The game was played in West Salem.
The batteries for Grant were Ward
and Jones and for West Salem were
.ti.tssey aim .iiue.ns.
By J. C. KOFOED, in Sporting Life
'Rims Ford
Ed Reulbach
Otis Crandall
Christy Mathewson . ,
Howard Cnnmitz
The wonderful string of 40 victories
that the."Spitbnll King" Ed Walsh,
collected in 1008, has never been equal
ed either in major or minor league ball
in the past decade. Christy Mathewson
came nearer to it than any other mound
artist, but even he missed the mark by
three games. The greatest number of
victories won in a single season are:
Edward Walsh 40
C. Mathewson 37
Walter Johnson 30
Joe Wood - 34
Walter Johnson 32
Grover Alexander 31
Jack Coombs 31
The men who havu twice for more)
won 20 gnmes in a single season, are:
F. Smith
Johnson .
Brown . . .
Walsh ...
Mullin ...
Willis ...
Plank ...
Coombs ..
Ford ....
Camnit. .
Cheney ..
Overall .
Adams ..
Adams ..
Cy Young
Hendrix .
Rudolph .
Mayor ...
Suggs ....
Eeaton ...
. fit
After all, a pitcher is paid to win
, games, and Alexander himself, could not
hold a major league .lob with all h,.
skill, unless he won games. On
basis, the 13 following hurlers have
' been the most valuable since 1900, be
cause they have fne most victories to
their credit:
I Player. Years. W. L.
Christy Mathewson 10 241 113
Walter Johnson 9 201 130
'Eddie Plank 10 195 02
Ed Wal,h 0 172 115
Ed Reulbach 10 157 85
George Mullin 3 154 11m
Chief Bender 10 151 81
Jack Coombs S 130 77
Cy Faulkenberg 0 129 111
(inner Alexander 5 127 03
! Joe Wood 0 114 55
I Eddie Cicotte 8 102 81
I Jim Scott 0 102 90
I The ambition of every pitcher's life
is, of course, to pitch a no-hit, no ruii
game. In the past decade, the teat has
been accomplished just 20 times by
major leaguers. Twenty-six times in
nearly 3,500 games! Not a very high
average, is it t
These are the immortals
Joss (2)
Estimates Place Total Attend
ance at 100,000 May
Smash Records
Corona, Cal., April 8 More than 40,-
I 000 persons had packed the race course
here at 8 a. m. today, five hours before
the start of the 300-inilo Grand Prize
contest for $12,000.
All estimates predict 100,000 as the
total attendance.
Final practice spins were indulged in
during the morning. For the first time
since practice began race drivers and
their mechanicians- appeared on the
courso this morning attired in spotless
new garb.
. Shiny red, yellow, blue, black and
white speeders opened their thundering
lungs in tho final circuits of the 2.9
mile course,
"Anything between 00 and 100 miles
an hour," was the general prediction
for the final avernge speed. Hughie
Hughes has hurtled his 12-cylinde.r Sun
beam around the circle faster than 100
miles an hour. Practically every en
trant has done better than 100 miles in
There were five favorites, with the
betting even on each one. to win. They
are Kddie Fullcn, Mercer; Barney Old
field, Deluge; Hughie Hughes, Sun
beam; Bob Burman, Peugeot, and Karl
Cooper, Stutz.
The list of drivers and cars to face
the starter, Frank Lowry, follows, in
starting order
Driver. .
E. R. Waterman
dandy Special . . .
Del age
Gandy Special . . .
Tah is
Chrevolet Cyclone
Duezenberg ....
. . Eddie Pnllen
Barney Oldfield
Hughie Hughes
. . Bob Burman
. . . . Earl Cooper
Lou Gnndv
J. Toel
.. R. C. Durant
, . . . Joe Thomas
Teddv Tetzlaff
Eddie' O'Donnell
"I believe Rube Marquard is coming
back," said Manager Robinson, of the
Superbas, a'fter watching the ex-Giant
putting them over to Catcher Myers.
Robinson admitted that Marquard is
the problem of the squad. He believes
that liubo needs only more strength and
added flesh to put the hop to his fast
ones and has been developing him to
I ward that end.
Benz Young
Mullin Rhodes
Hamilton F. Smith
Tesreau Allen
Wood Hendrix
Walsh Main
Bender Davenport
The following cities are the ones
these pitchers disposed of without, a
St. Louis . . .
Brooklyn . . .
New York . .
Cleveland .
Cincinnati .
Detroit ....
Pittsburg ..
. .2.
The following table lists Ihe number
of twirlers in each league who have
succeeded in winning a score of games
in a season:
, ;!'
. 18
American league record
Walsh. White Sox .,
National league record
Mnthow son, Giants
Federal league record
Hendrix, Whales
, 29
Now that we have seen the records
of the winning pitchers it is only right
that we should glance over the defeats
thnt went to make up those victorious
averages. One mnn cannot win unless
another one loses.
Greatest Number of Defeats.
(One Senson.)
George Bell, Brooklyn ...MO 27 -X. L.
Bob Groom, Washington .. '09 20 A. I.,
Gus Ddrnet, Boston '00 20
Jack Qiiinn, Baltimore ...'15 22 -F.L.
Worst Average.
Playc Club. Yenrs. W. L. Pet.
Joe Harris, Boston .... 2.2 2S .007
Walter I.everenz, St. I.. 2 8 ,'U .205
In 10 yeaiK 33 pitchers have had the
misfortune to lose 20 or more games in
a season. That, of course, is no proof of
poor ability, for when the Senators
were a joke outfit Walter Johnson had
over u score of games kicked nwny be
hind him. But the record is of Intercut,
(limes Pitchers
Won (total) Nat. Am. Fed.
27 1 1 0 0
By Grantland Rice.
"Over the border lies Spring and its
Over the border lies Spring and its
posies." Old Song.
And what shall mean even more to our
Over the border lies Spriu and Ty
Tv Cobb and Mattv and Wagner and
Bancroft and llerzog and Kvers and
Jackson and Johnson and Crawford and
Speaker and Gavvj and Collins and
Good ;
Errors and pauses and pop flies and
Strike-outs resounding in upholstered
Let "roses" and "posies" move
with n lope
Over the border lies Spring and
If Elmer Jacobs makes the team, Pi
rate fans w ill see Heinie Zimmerman 'i
double. Jacobs carries a physique and
facial expression winch greatly resein
ble the eccentric Zim. Both are fine ath
letic specimens. In disposition, how
ever, they are as far apart as Germany
Schacfer and General Villa.
Catcher Ed Wallace declined to go to
l.os Angeles, to i play under Event
Chance, and hence reverts to tho Chi
cngo Nationals. Walllace is now training
with t.incinnati, atj Shreveport, La.
"You sav." writes a rabid non-com
i bntant, " that Evers has had a lot of
: hard luck. He lias been iniured verv
little. Most of his absences from the
game have been due to his constant
beefing on the field." That depends
upon what von mean by "iniured very
little." Evers has! had both arms nod
both legs broken iij ball games; he has
heen spiked and cut irom his ear to
Heall, Killifer ami Griffith have
about been decided oh as the Red out
field this season.
Paddy Bniininnn - will be the under
study for Frank Baker at third base
this season. Donovan regards Baiininnn
ns equal to any third baseman in the
game when it conies ro handling hard
hit balls. The "harder they hit 'em at
Paddy, the better he likes 'em, and few
get away from him, cither," says Bono
van. Decade
Though not so closely examined by
the average fan. the records of the min
or leagues present some amazingly in
teresting figures. The best winning r
ords made in nny leagues under minor
league classification are:
Plaver-Club. . Lear.
ickers, Pacific ( oast .. '00
McGlynn, T.i-Siate .'00
Liebhardt, Southern '11
Raymond, South Atlantic. '07
Henderson, Calir. Nate.. 08 .'13 5
Henley, Pacific Coast ... '10 34 10
The best minor league record for two
consecutive years was made by our old
friend, Jack Wurhop. In 1907, in the
Wisconsin State league, and in 190S, ii(
the Tri-Statc league, he accomplished
some remarkable work.
In 10 years 8.34 minor league twirlers
have wnii 20 or more games in a sea
son. Games W.
Games W. Pitchers
I 834
I So far as the records show, Paige,
! who twirled in the Western league, in
1900. lends in defeats w ith 30. Ilitf, n
, veteran Pacific Coast man, was beaten
(29 times in 1909. The only twirler in
; modern minor league history, ho tast-
' cd defeat more often than thosl? men
j was J)utb-r, a Pacific Coast pitcher, who
'was beaten 31 times in 1901.
j The minor leaguers who have lost 20
tor more games a season during the past
, decade, follow:
! Game L. Pitchers Games L. pilcners
30 1 25 15
29 1 2( l!
'N 5 23 34
27 4 22 33
20 9 21 42
20 81
L This data covers the pitching of prnc
ticnlly every man who has worked in
leagues under the National agreement
In the past 10 years.
Basic Principles Governing
Determination of Important
Point Given Out Officially
Now York, April 8. The pitcher al
ways has been the dominant factor in a
baseball game. More rules govern his
work and prescribe how it shall be
performed than handicap or enhance
the efforts of the other eight players.
I he baseball public, even that part
of it which is usually well informed in
the rules, never has thoroughly under
stood tho rules for determining the
rung earned off pitchers and the basic
rules and principles governing the de
termining of names won and lost
where two or more pitchers participate
for the same team in the same game.
These rules are the result of years of
experience and are considered as near
perfect as expert baseball knowleilg
can devise.
John A. ITeydler, secretary of the
National league, will send this week
to each official scorer of the league
copy of the rules, to determine the
perplexing questions arising under
these two heads. These rules are or-;
warded annually to the official scorers, !
vet there are frequent iliciepancies in
. . . -i.-'- .i i ... in... 1
me niierpreiaiioii or. murines, x uc ;
rules follow
Determining Games Won and Lost.
While it is not. possible to make
hard and fast rules for determining
which pitcher should be credited with
winning, or charged with the loss of
a game, yet there are certain funda
mental rules in arriving at a decision
which have stood the test of criticism,
and which are lis follows:
1. When one pitcher is relieved by
another, with runners on bases, charge
up all such runners, in case they score,
to the first pitcher. The relieving
uitcher. coming into the game "cold"
and possibly in the midst of a battingl
rally, cannot lie neicl responsiiiif
rnnneis lie fun y linn on inc oases;
should he be charged up with the first
batsman he faces reaching first if such
batsman had any advantage because of
the wild pitching of the first pitcher.
2. Where the relieving pitcher goes
ill Wltll IllO score lie ou i-en
he must, win or lose the game, regn
less of the number of innings, or how
effectively- the first pitcher may have
pitched. If the first pitcher is relieved
with the score in his favor, and Inter
the score is tied up off the second
pitcher, then the hitter wins or loses.
A tie game at any stnge (with no one
on bases) must be considered to all in
tents and purposes as the start of a
new game for the second pitcher.
:i. Where the first pitcher is retired
after pitching, say, seven innings, he Ts
entitled to the benefit of all runs scored
by his sid in an equal number of in
nings. For instance, Brown, of the
home club, has pitched seven innings,
with the score 2 to 0 against him. Hi
is taken out, when his turn at bat comes
in the seventh. Before the close of
that inning his team has scored two
runs. Brown retires with the game a
tie and the next pitcher becomes
Credit for Game Won.
4. Do not give the first pitcher the
credit for a game won, even it score is
in his favor, unless he has pitched at
least the first half of the game. A
pitcher retired at close of fourth in
ning, with the score 2 to 1 in his favor,
has not won a game. If. however, he
is taken out. beecause his team having
secured a commanding ami winning
in a few innings, ho is then en
titled to the win. The good judgment
of the senref must determine in such
leases, ns much depends ou whether the
.pitcher is relieved because of ineffec-
jtivenoss, or because he has inland-
ing lead, or because it becomes neces
Isary at a critical stage to replace linn
t K '(, atronoer batsman.
5. Ifegardless of how many iunints
the' first pitcher may have pitched, he
is charged with the loss of the game,
if he is retired with the score ngfiinst
him, nnd his team is unable thereafter
either to tie or overcome that lend.
No attempt has been made in tne
foregoing to cover all of the many
situations that, present themselves to
the scorer in games where pitchers arc
changed. In isolated eases the applica-
lion of these rules may work hardships
to one pitcher or the other; but on the
season's play, coupled with your good
judgment, results following observance
of these rules should prove as satis-
factory as thev have for years past.
The following rules mid suggestions
are submitted for your guidance in
determining runs earned off the pitch
An earned run shall be scored every
time the player reaches home (before
fielding chances have been offered to
retire the side) by the uid of;
1. Hne hits.
2. Sacrifice hits.
3. Stolen bases.
4. Kases on bulls.
5. Hit batsmen.
0. Wild pitches.
7. Itnlks.
The intent of the rule is ti include
under the heading of tarred runs all
the factors thnt produce runs for which
the pitcher is chiefly i sponsible.
I'se your bct judgment where dif
ferences of opinion arise regarding
earned runs, particularly when one
uitcher wilistitutes for another. Give
the pitcher tho beni-.ni of th doalt
ou fielding errors and in determining
tho base to which, a runner should
have been held with perfect support on
part of fielders.
Charging of Errors.
An error made by pitcher is the
same as though made by any other
fielder, and should not be charged
against the pitcher's earned run recoi'
No run can be earned that scores as
result of b'ltsman having rearnec'
ed first j
on a fielding error or a passed ball
No run can be earned after the
fielding side has missed a chaneo or
chances to retire the side.
Following are examples, presuming
thnt perfect play has preceded the
plays outlined:
Before two are out runners on third
and first; outfielder drops fly ball, but.
recovers and forces mini at second, the
run scoring on play. Do not score run
as earned on that particular play if the
fielder had an easy throw to head off
run at plate.
Before two are out Smith base on
balls; would have been forced out at
second but. for error on Krowu's
grounder to short; Wilson triples.
Only Brown's run earned, as Smith
should have been out.
None not Smith hit by pitcher; to
second on an out; to third on wild
pitch. Scores ou another out. Earned
Before two out Smith singles; steals
second; should have been out. at. third
but for an error. Brown hits home run.
alonlv last run earned
Smith first on balls: second on
p,,.mvil being hit; two more bases on
,jis force' Smith home. F.atiied run.
.mo out Smith singles; Brown
,.,,.1;fi,.,i. Smith scores
when third
,nsimiH makes error
on Wilson's
grounder; Green doubles. Ninth s Tun
becomes an earned rim, as he would
have scored from second on hit with
out help of the error.
In cases where runner advances as
result of poor judgment by fielder, but
where no actual fielding error is made,
the same must be scored as perfect
plav. Krrors and passed balls can be
construed only as designated in sections
and 10 respectively of scoring rule S.".
In case of doubt as to scoring of an
earned run, please refer to headquarters,
givini' outline of the play.
Construction ot acoruig iub.
Do not score a double play in n case
where an error intervenes between two
, , i,.,,,.).:,. ,iu, continuity
of the piny. .
Do not give an nssit to the mticioer
who, with a, runner ou ni,
bad throw in fielding a hatted nun m
that base, nnd on which play the bats-
. , , . ,, ,.
unner is sou-
,, .... ... ... ,., ,iv,i,,cc
sequent ly reined hi q'k m
Raw Oyster Is To Be
Looked On With Suspicion
n.. .... .. tu In Ite litnlccd .
1 lie raw mimvi iooh -
upon with suspicion, ureal cine
be observed in purchasing them. Ihe
u..n. ,,1,1 be known to be reliable
and he should know from what beds he I
, , ..I.. !
geis ins suppi.T.
It is hnrd to explain why the oyster
furnishes a fashionable Oish wneu u n.ts
become the custom to supply the euls, The Salem Motorcycle (dub baseb:-"1
which a few years ago would have been j team will play the Jefferson team i"
thrown buck into their beds ns being Jefferson tomorrow for the openii :
unfit for the market. I game of the senson. The Snlem Mot.v
The food value of four or five of jPV,., Micpies hnve been practicing !'
these culls is almost nil nnd the taste d,0 pIlsj (lv0 weeks to round n team in -so
insipid that they are flavored with j,,, j,,. , Manager linker now eonsi I
strong condiments that entirely destroy or9 w inH formidable aggregation
what little natural flavor the culls had. po))(1 w')n ttc ,,Xp(monls of the art in
It can hardly be said that these culls ( ,T,.f forscin. The Snleiu club' will mnlo
thrown out Irom tne cooiiuoie in n"
from various neos, are puiuinon-. .
i c....c.i., 'ri.inr
are, nowever, dangerous, us inc-y
and do sometimes curry the germs of
tvphoit fever.
tn... .k.,.,..e..u aoI rnw culls eon-
lll., cue,, .... ..."
taming btle or no
lllllll isililieici. cco
little if no taste ami yet not infre
quently carrying germs of diseases?
Yesterday's Results.
San Francisco, 10; Portland, 5. Oak
land, 15; Suit Lake, 12. Vernon, 13,
Vernon, 13; Los Angeles, 7.
Oregon Score Three
Willamette Nothing
miversity of Oreg ring Ore.,
I . r,ii i 8. The varsity and Willnm
,,ttl, university played a close game of
1 1 i h afternoon' on the Kugene ilia-
id with the Oregon team besting the
visitors, 3 to 0. Only thieo hits were
made ou either -ide and but for the
J ,, sl, fielding of the Willamette lads
fhe game would have gone into extra
j j-),;, jv tui. fj,.s j,,,,,,,. played by
j Willamette this year and th- I en in -'.ns
nervous us it faced the Oregon '.hc!o r.
"Scoop" Hathbiiu twirled for Oregon
and Iiexford was ou the nound for
Willamette. Itathbiin and Rex ford id
lowed each other a hit.
The first run was scored i i the poo
mid inning when Nelson rc'idc I liist
on an error and in stealing thO'c' made
lectin on the overthrow to thi'.d. The
second run came in tin? fon'th on a
-iniilnr play with ltunt'n!to'i tie
principal. The final score was made
!, Nelson in the eighth on n hit, steal
and error.
Thnt the Oregon team is weak in
comparison with former years was th
consensus tcf opinion of the visit nt-
following the game. Another shift wit.'
made in the line-up "I Nelson was
placed back nt fiist. Grebe m loin-c-tnted
nt second, Sheeby was sen!
back to centeificld and McLean aid
l.is'ey alternated in right .'Mil. Tie
score: II. V.
Oregon ...0 0 1.0 0 1 0 1 3 3
Willamette 00000000 0-0 3
Vtn VMl- T f -, J liv
MUCH I Hid Id GJHUICU, lil li2
Bands Scattered, Army
Will Be Withdrawn
By Carl D. Groat.
(United Press staff correspondent
Washington, April 8. The I'liife-I
States will regard its mission in Mexico
as completed when the de Licto gov1
eminent is able to relieve tho American
expedition in its undertaken task, .'
when "Villa's baud or bands are bred
en up." This became Known today
from the original orders wliici the win
department gave Major General Fred
Aiiked whether a time limi had beet
placed ou tho American expedition','
operations in Mexico, the war dopnil
iiient today replied by revealing its
filial orders given Major Gm'-ial fro.4
Funston at the beginning of the cam
paign, March 10.
In substance, they directed Funston
to "organize an adequate force under
Brigadier General John J. Pershing and
instruct him to go neros-s the bonier io
I pursuit of Yillistas who raided Colum
bus. Hie troops will be withdrawn i
American territory as soon as the tl
facto government is able to relievo
them of their work. In any event, jhe'r
work will be regarded us finished whet
Villa's bund or bauds are broken up."
Army men said the hunt, must still fpv
on, as far ns they know, even thonnii
it is necessary for Americans to .iinsrt
Villa to the end of Mexico. His trail
is clear, although he appears to be iniluji
chead. Tf he is heading for Turret. n, in
reported, General Trovino will cnnfririt,
him there. Eventually, the iron ring
ot American riders is expected to over
take and annihilate him.
Publication of the war department '
original orders when border report's said
Cnrranzu might request withdrawal of
American troops was interpreted h.y
many as moaning that the ndiuinistrn
tion was preparing to grant this rc-
It is ldnin that, according to the bin
'gunge of the orders, the administration
vmM UMru w , (.edition befoin.
I Villa is oiiptuied.- .
Asked to explain the variance be
tween this original order and the fin i.
announcement that the expedition wot
going "to get Villa," a high army of
ficial replied: "t can't sav aiix tbin;
nbout that. There are the ind-.'iV
When told that some porso s might,
interpret publication of the intrii"tinin
now as indicating that the .'Xiicditiiui
was al
nit to be withdrawn, le
should not interpret
it thai.
Salem Motorcycle Club
to Play at Jeffersoa
, tie tri nwith their supporters on mo!
Eddie Plank, old-time nemesis of th
Tigers, refused to be counted out. Ii '
. ,,
otts at the idea he won't amount t
m nc n tins season, nnd conrouno;' m"
critics by the assertion that he ex
to keeic on pitching until he is 45 vein
old. Hero is what he had to say" I -never
had a sore arm, nad when T cpid;
the game it will be because I nm tire I
of it, fin 40 now, but I 'm going t 1
stick in the big leagues for five yeai"
more. At 45, then, 1 think I'll be pre
pared to stay at home. Pitching is .'.
job. It must be 'studied by the pitchec
He must study the oilier Yellow, the bai -tor,
and then give him what he knotvi
he cannot hit. That's the wav I hav"
pitched for 15 years. The fellow wit''
the fast ball will last longer than th"
one with the curve. I'll pitch five fi"1
ones to a single curve or slow ball. H'
the winning pitcher must have the ceie
liination. He must mix 'em to the leu
tor. Control is the biggest point.''
"Chick" Gainlil reminds one c r
George Stovull in one way. He nuik'V
the pitchers cover first, ami if the I"
dian hurlers fail to improve in fieldin.
it will not be "Chick's" fault for h."
absolutely declines to scoop a grounder
and dash for the sack himself.
Clark Griffith has unearthed a prion
ising young catcher named Ghnrrily
who played with Minneapolis hist yen .
Idiarrity may fill the shoes of I'utchc,
Aiiismith, of the Wiisliingtons, as tic
hitler is troubled with his eyes.
At Macon, on March 10, one of th 1
young pitchers, l'lban Shocker, ran over
to cover first base and llendiix spike '
him in the heel. He limped to the b.-n. !
with a long and nasty cut mid "ill ' '
out of commission for several wee! .
Outfielder Shorten, of the Hcd .'J'
is -aid to lie one of the best young phr
i rs ever signed by the Hub champion'
The Hruves also have a cruel; youn;!
outfielder in Wilhoit, Yrom the eoii'.t.
The worry's all over now. Pear . c
Joe Jackson being a hold-out was d'
pelled on March 10, when the slnggin.,
2 outfielder strolled lmo the White .
I eauin, lugging, a gibi).