Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 08, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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Salem Agent for W. B. Corsets Onyx Hosiery Butterick Patterns XTRA Good Clothes for Boys
- 4 4tM
Afo 750A Wednesday Surprise
(April 12th)
A Sale of
J Women's Auto Caps at 89c
Here are stylish Caps for motoring or vacation wear a variety of styles to
choose from; plain colors plaids, black arid white check effects. The entire
lot goes on sale next Wednesday at this price. If you want a comfortable
motoring Cap at a most unusual price attend this event. Your choice $()c Each
Sale starts at 8:',0. See the window 'display.
A Housing Spring lime bale or
(Commencing Monday)
New York's latest model Hats are the kind offered in this sweep
ing before Easter sale of Hats : Exclusive styles, no two alike.
Now is the time to buy that New Easter Hat.
Every one of these are new Why pay more elsewhere.
Lot 1 Millinery
Priced up to $9.95
Special $3.48
Lot 2 Millinery
Priced to $10.50
Special $5.95
Lot 3 Millinery
Priced to $14.:5
Special $7.35
Special Pre-Easter Prices on
Women's Suits
No better time to purchase a Suit than now while stocks
are large a color, a fabric, a style to suit you at a special
low price. Visit our ready to wear section, we will be
glad to show you, whether you come to purchase or not.
We guarantee satisfaction in every transaction.
'Beautiful Assortment of New
Waists, Skirts and Sport Coats
Select from these latest arrivals
and you will get the most for
Your Money.
A Mary Page Gown j
to be Given Free
at Meyers'
(Contest closes May 10th.)
Votes given with each admission to Oregon Theatre
on Sunday and Monday of each week. Write your
candidate's name on the ballot and place in ballot hox
in our Shoe Section.
The lady receiving the highest number of votes wins
the gown. The winner may choose her own materials
from our Dress Goods Silk and Trimming Sections.
The names of candidates already voted for will be
published next week.
Use your ballots vote for your favorite.
Salem's Big
Purchase Togs
for Men at
Meyers '
A larger and better stock
ot Furnishings for Men
and Boys than we have
ever shown before. We
carry no Mens Suits or
Overcoats, but we have
greatly enlarged our
Men's Furnishing Section.
The New Shirts, New
Neckwear, New Hats,
New Underwear, and the
other necessarv togs for
Spring and Summer are
here in excellent assort
ment and at prices that
suit the purse.
Bring the Boy here for
that New Suit-Buy him
an "Xtra Good" and get
real clothes satisfaction.
HftHMttMtlMtHHttMttMtttt 1 1 t4444--i
444444 444444 44 4 1 4 4 --
j AH Around Town ;
I 444444444444444444 444f444-44-
April 0 Orison Social Hygicno
.Society, open meeting at
Armory, 3 p. m.
April 30 Flection of director
publicity department Com
mercial club.
April 14. Klttctiiin of director
industrial Department Com-
mercinl club.
April IS Registration for
primary election closes.
April 1!) Amiuul election of of
ficer .Sulem Commercial eliib.
Soils of American lievolutioii
banquet, Marion hotel.
April Si". Midsummer Night's
Jhenm, Opera House, auspices
Salem Women's Club.
April L'fi. I'lcction of Director
civics department Commercial
April 2;t Faster Sunday.
April 27 Free lecture by Peter
Collins ut. OjK'ra Mouse.
April 2S Dunce, benefit Salem
Street linilway band, ut tho
May ti. Founders' Day cole
biation at ( 'ham' pnog.
Dr. Stone's Iloave Drops cures heaves.
I'rice $1. For sale by all druggists.
B;Kcball fans tomorrow may go to
Wiodiiiirn and see the gnino between
Ui'.nltird and Woodburn, or at Brooks,
whore a. game is scheduled between Cue
Mount Angel and Brookn tennis.
A Sonora Talking Machine will fur
nish enti'i tninment tor the family.
Myrtle Knowlnnd, 421 Court street.
Dr. Mendel30lin, specialist, fits glast
M correctly. U. 8. Hank. Mdg.
The Seventeenth Htrect car line Is
now putting on style with n brand new
cherry red car. The number is til.
Dr. Stono'i drug store.
C. L. Sperling, Arthur J. Sperling j dictator of
ami . r. Simon lett today for Hen, I to
spend the summer attending to their ex
tensive funning interests.
Dr, Stone's Drug Store for trusses.
Charles Eppley and Kenneth Randall
left yesterday for un overland tiin
the Judith llasin in Montana, where
they have farming interests
Ray Fomeroy, an interne at the St.
Vincent's hospital, Portland, aecom
panied by Dr. Kelley, of the same hos
pital, will spend Sunday in the city, the
guests of Mr. mid -Mrs. C. T. l'omeroy.
The French Shop. Easter millinery
opening next Thursday, r'riduy and
Saturday. II.")!) St.ite street.
The fiscal year of the Commercial
club ends May .'11 and the election of
tho directors of the seven departments
and the officers of the club will be
ratified at ti general meeting on the ev
ening of June 7.
Dr. R. T. Mclntyre, physician and
surgeon, 214 Masonic ltblg. I'hone 410.
The Kaiser school held an interest
ing ntcrtuianieirt Friday evening in I
the way of a benefit for the 'school,
n airing iFltl.ftO. The funds will go to- (
vm.is illuming a now solium House nut j
th" mi. tier of erecting one will come be- I
"ore the people of the district in thej
election next Tuesday.
Buy La Corona cigars for over Sun- j
day smoking. They contain more cpinl-;
ity and enjoyment than any others. Sa
lem made, 10 cents. ' j
Charlos H. Olos, of Corvallis, supreme
Hie Moose lodge lor the
state of Oregon, is in the city. Ho was
taken to tho Moose hall ami made fain-;
ilinr with too doilies of the Indue audi
jthut famous slogan invented by Hen '
latum lliick, "1000 members m 1IU7. ;
Mr. P. E. Fullcrton and A. A. Graber!
are in Portland today buying shoes
from the Huston representaiive of the,
yiieen Quality Co., showing in the large i
cities oulv.
Automobiles for hire, passengers and
baggage trnnsfered, rates reasonable,
eountiy trips a specialty. C. G. Mc
Elroy. l'kou 1)17 or Olfi. tf
The following Salem folks were reg
istered at Portland hotels vestordnv:
.1. J. Hii'liardson, nt the Imperial; Mi's. If
innon unu .hiss l.uelln J alton,
at the Cornelius.
Mn. E. Inge demonstrating the good
ness of Tru llln Biscuits. Free eating
amplcs. You are invited, ltoth tiro
cer Co. Aprl2
Harold White with GUhert Gorvais
have established a eilv messenger serv
ice with an office ut 2iil I'onrt street
Miss Marian Anderson has been se
lected by Albany as i t-.-t candidate fori
queen of tho Portland Hose FoMiuilj
and in order to raise funds to pay fori
votes, an entertainment will be given'
at the First Presbyterian church in Al
banv, under the direction of Madai I
Build that garage or barn now. We
can furnish you complete list of build
iug materials Rud make you prices. Falls
City-S dein Lumber compunv, 340 S. 12.
Phone tl. 'I.
The French Shop, Easter opening
next Thursday, I'riduy and Siturday.
This display will eintuacc the most ap
proved styles for summer. Many lmt-
; r. uue nns enarge ot the ot fiee and , terns in French inilhueiv, showing ev
-ir. v.eiMiis noes tae .leiivering with ervtlnng to be desired in fashionable
his motorcycle. hats. ;Wi State street.
Promoting Hygiene and Public Baths,
which will hobi its fifth annual session
at Baltimore, May 0 and 10. Besides
hearing what the eastern cities are do
ing to provide public, baths, the party
who attends will be given the opportun
ity to take a bath in the largest con
crete swimming pool in the world, Bal
timore owns it ami the delegates will
Auction sale at the People's Quick
exchange Auction Market on Saturday,
April 15tli at 1:30 p. m. Everything
sold on commission. Don't forget I buy
household furniture for cash. F. N.
Woodry, auctioneer. Phone 511, Apd20
Two crates of strawberries were re
ceived this morning by the commission
houses and the retail price stil con
tinues where the average man is satis
fied with just a look. Howover, the
commission men say they will be com
ing right along next week and within a
lew days, any one who can afford to
buy gasoline, can also afford to eat
Tl.c Business Men's league of the
Commercial club will hold a meeting of
ni.piTMiin-e iirxi i uesoay evening, jndi iUivs catching iisli along the .Mcrvcn.ie
(lily w ill the matter of electing a (1i- river. Mr. Kiiliu recently bought an in
rector for the coming year come before terest in the Kogers Paper company.
th' meeting, but the business men will o
b n. knl to express their vicsv of the The Junior Busintos Men's class of
Sti en:-' bill now before emigres i. Cooie.', the Piesbvterian church defeated the
Catholic team today in a gsme of base-
enactment of
of elementary
schools by
be given the opportunity for a
O :
Commons Mission, 241 State street.
The 3 o'clock service Sunday afternoon,
April 0, will be taken up in the interest
of the Oregon social hvgiene societv.
a law for the supplying
text .books to the public
the stale, at cost.
A bicycle arrived in Salem this meri
ing bv express consigned to Chief of Po-
lice Welsh from the Portland police do
j partment. The wheel is Hie property of
i I.. K. Cteer. of this citv, mid was stolen
J. I). Cook, superintendent.
Earl Anderson, Arthur Rahn and
friend from Kugene, nre spending a Ti
of the bill have been mailed to members
of this department in order that nil
ma l.e thoroughly conversant with its
provisii lis.
Here Is a chance for a patriotic citi
zen to represent a big meeting i.i the
east, ut his own expense, of course.
Mayor White bus at his disposal, n few
tickets to the American Assoc! ition for
to 10.
teams showed some very
The score resulted as 15
'""far vision
Without line
in w
"Genuine Tories"
Optical Service measures
standard of achievement bv
degree of service it can render
its patrons the sale of n pair
of glasses is not the etd of a
transaction, but the commence
ment of relations which, so fttr as
I am concerned, are perpetual.
My patrons are satisfied pa
trons because my service is cheer
fully nnd freely given because
promptness, courtesy and ef
ficiency predominates.
If upon examination if is
found glasses nre not needed
you are told so promptly. If you
do need them, the utmost in pro
fessional skill the most modem
methods the most accomplished
eyeglass adjuster are at your
The Perfect Lens.
The invisible Bifocals.
T do not use drops or drugs
in making examinations as they
are dangerous.
1 guarantee satifaotion in
every respect.
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn
Rooms 210-2U U. S. Bank Bldg.
An 85 acre tract was yesterday sold
by Charles Spitzhnrt to August Hil'fik
icr, as un investment. The land is near
ithe Silverton road and is part of the
Tilliuon Ford farm. The deal w as hand
led by Scott & Hynon. I
State Parole Officer Joe Keller ar-'
rived in Salem at noon today with j
(leorge Clark in custody. Clark is the
convict who escaped in January 'from
the state pen by drilling his way out of.
lis cell. He was captured in Bakers
field, Cnl. j
The Grant junior high school baseball
I team is walking around with several
! feathers in its official cap, the last one
I being lidded yesterday when it played
the West Salem school on the West Sa-'
I lorn grounds, and came home w ith a
j score of IS to II in its favor. j
H. A. Jory, a former resident of Sa
lem is home to stay, after u year's ex
perience living among the sand hills o'f
W yoming. When it conies to Wyoming
i shifting sand hills and the green valley
j of the Willamette, Mr. Jory cast his
I vote in favor of nature as seen from the
I cur windows while traveling between
j Portland and Salem.
Charles Rush, a blacksmith, residing
j on South Thirteenth street, was slightly
injured in a collision with nn auto today
j near the corner of Twelfth nnd State
,;l roots. Witnesses of the accident state
; thai Hush ran into the auto as he v.-vs
riding his bicycle down State street and
. hW head was slightly cut. I
'"U i several months ago bv a gang of bi
thieves that were operating in Salem e
that time. Charles Adams, who was
returned to this city for trial on n lai
ecuy charge, told Chief Welsh wher
wheel could be found under a bridge
leading to the Ciiion Stock yards in
Portland. Chief Welsh nsked the Vm-i
land police to look the matter up with
the result that the wheel was found
where Adams said he left it.
Stereoptican views of Crater lake wil
be 'shown this evening at S o'clock o
Liberty street, near the Salem Bank
of Commerce building by the Rev. Y. T.
Porter, pastor of tho First Christiai
church. Mr. Porter spent several days
at Crater lake last fall at the time the
Knights of Pythias held their initia
tions. He ivill talk of the scenic bounties,
of the Crater lake count rv and also let
it be known that the Christian church
Sunday school is holding u membership
contest w ith a Portland .church and th
a large attendance tomorrow would be
T:o Tutkegee stngers from the inst'.
ti.tb.ii founded by Hooker T. Washing
toi . phased nn audience that complete
ly filled tl e Congregational church iast
ev'-M'ug. The songs were especially
pivi iated as they were all of the negro
melody stye. and 'sung by negroes wu.i
sang wilh the true .southern accent.
Charles W. Wood, director of the cam
paign work for the Tuskegee Institute,
read selections from the poems of Paul
Lawrence Dunbar and from Will Carl
ton. He also spoke briefly on the life
and work of Booker T. Washington,
founder of the institute.
insuring oM J-
We know the joy of making good we muko good flour. Mrs. House
wife, yon will know the joy of making good baking good broad with
Cherry City
Patent Flour
At Your Grocer
The Pendleton Commercial associa
tion has gone on record as favoring the
'state publication of school books, cspe
icinlly for those in the primary grades
land hits so notified the Salem Commer
cial club. In its loiter to the Salem
club, if takes the stand that it favors
action by the next legislature for the
Daily Between v
Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all way
Points. Leaves Mill City 6:30 a. m.;
Stayton 8:00, Salem 0:30.
Return, leaves Salem 4:40 p. m.;
Stayton 6:00; Mill City 7:40.
Phone 2378
Educators from all parts of the state
are in the city today. to attend an edu
cational rally, held in the auditorium o,
the high school. The principal addresses
of the day 'were made by James A.
Churchill, state superintendent of pub
lic instruction; Dr. II. D. Sheldon, of
the I'niveisity of Oregon: Prof. A. 1..
Peck, of the Oregon Agricultural col
lege, and Dr. Cm I Oregg Doney, of Wil
lamette university. Among the promi
nent educators of the state who attend
ed the meeting nre President P. 1
Campbell, of the V. of O.; President
Kerr, of the O. A. C; Dr. Bertha stn ;
art, of Heed college; Walter Morton.
Fred O. Ay re. Mrs. K. W. Allen an,! i
Miss Cnmmiiigs. of the I'nivervitv ot I
Oregon; K. D. Holtzol. T. D. He.-kuith
(feorge F. Sykes, of the O. A. C.
E. Cooke Patton is home from n two
weeks' tour in the interest of his pos
tal card business. At Astoria, he mc'
Murray Wheat, formerly in the attor
ney general's office, and now piticti"iug
law at Astoria, with political a.-piia-tioas
in the way of becoming a candi
date for the legislature nt the hands ( f
the republican voteis. At Wan-enter.,
K. H. Flagg. formerly in the newspapei
I business in Salem, was found, also with
'political aspirations for the next legis
lature. Dr. Wolfe, a graduate of th,. '
medical depnitniciit of Willamette uni
versity, has now a good practice at Cas
tle Rock, Wa?h. Mr. Patton also no t
Harry Snattord, son of K. J. Sa'"for l
of the Kay Woolen Mills, at Ostrauder.
lah., where he has a Tespom-ibl.
tion with the Ostrauder Logging com
I ia ay.
R. II. Campbell, special agent for the
Standard Oil company ia Salem, hat
just delivered a car load of Zeroline to
the city dealers. This is the Standard 's
gold medal oil for motor lubrication.
Todry, throughout the east, the
Daughters of the American Revolution,
of which there are 1.50(1 chapters with
a membership of more than lOo.nuO. are
co-npeiating with the Belgian Relief
commission towards raising funds. B
the sale of flags, un the tag day plan,
it is hoped that a huge sum will be
raised for the relict of the suffering
ia Belgium.
The erection of a two story brick
warehouse will begin next week bv the!
firm of D. A. White & Sons. The build
nig will be a continuation of their
present warehouse on Front street and
will extend -I'J bv T:' f....t Tl...
down of the old wooden structure which
was limit about 10 yearn ago, will be-,
gin within a few diivs. The hnil,i;,,
will cost if I. OiiO.
L. K. Geer, of th Great Non-iern
Lxpress company, is the owner of a oi
cycle which came into his hands d day I
by right of ownership. It fee ins tiia 1
Mr. (ieer owned the bicycle last fall,
out it mvsteriouslv diMim1..nr,i(l tv,
Ins woodshed about the t;,n. l,;..v..l..
thefts were of common occurrence. iv
how. the young man who stole it, told
t ;'.ice officers in Washington that the
whirl was lying under the Vancouvr
b'ioge. where he had thrown it w!ii
the officers were on his trail. The st.-'v
"H true, the wheel was found under
the lirn're and now Mr. Ceer has it.
Mayor Harley O. White and the mem
bers of his official family, as well as
other officials of the city, have been
invited to be present at the inaungura
tion of "The Stampede and spirit of
the We-t Celebration'' ia New York
'ity. The event will take llaee'
August 512. at Mieepvhesol Bav Speed-
wishing to attend the official world,
champion frontier contest at his own
expense, might, secure the proper cre
dentials by calling on the mayor.
Clocks Repaired
aiso a jNice iiine oi
! Jewelry. V-JS.-'--
Hasonic Temple
way. The invitation c!
oses n uh the
niarivs, - i .null esteem your honor's
placing this before your 'council, and
in due course, shall be phased t-o learn
of your wishes as to tf.e number of in
uiutious vou will require." Auv W1C
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore