W lffil.ll l-Jkiw FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES . CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY it Htl . .:-.c, ;4JT-m vl- '(ITT,: -rr-s f6 in: : Hill 1 Ji II II It 1 . t-1 1 J U ' ' ... I I j. j. j. THIRTY-NINTH YI a SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS kV&& i O fl ft f fl f1mm I! 16 RUMORED VILLA EIS 01 mvaie nuviues to Army Headquarters and Local : Consuls, So State CARRANZISTAS INSIST BANDIT IS CORRALED May Try To Cut Through Mexican Anny Rather Than Face Americans S.iii A ii ton U, Texas, April 8 Private advices to army headquarters ami local consuls reports today stated that Fran cisco Villa's capture or slaying was a matter of only a few lmnrs. The i:n' prcssion gained .it headquarters was that important news was awaited. Anlr jur ui expccmacy prev .men, lue v.ur ranzista eonsul here believed Villa was enniered, altiioufli lie admitted lie hail no details. Washington dispatches intimating that the administration was satisfies with the scattering of Villa's, hands were not credited by anny men. They insist that reial'iircenients point to a powerful effort to kill or capture the bandit chief. May Force Villa to Fight. San, Antonio. Texas, April 8. With Francisco Villi apparently between Sntcvo and l'nrrnl, two American col umns were- reported marching rapidly pnnthward today iu possible repetition of Colonel Envin's famous San Goron- iino dash, when he surprised Villistas and defeated them in a five hour fight. Those columns hope to force Villa to in ike a decesive stand. Officers at nrmy headquarters were convinced that Villa wns nt l'nrral or en route there, Carrniristas were re ported waiting i'or him nt that point. If they are on hand in considerable n um bels, it is believed they may force the ban. lit leader to retreat in the direction nt Santa llo-ana. It is conjectured I whether ilia would attempt to cut a path through the roiis'titutionnlist lines. Keports here bore out. the statement that de facto troops were co-oper.iting with the Americans. Messages to Mexican authorities said Villa and his followers crossed Hio 'onchos yesterday afetnioou, with Col ( I Brown's cavalry not far behind. Entxcnrli Alonir T.inpg. i oiiimbus, X. M., April 8. News that I the American expedition had thrown iii eirthwoiks at ltoca 1! ramie and elsewhere along toe communication lines was officailly confirmed today. Extensive defending works have been erected around the bases of operations. There is fctill com)drable anxiiity with regard to bandit gangs are known tu be lurking in hills along the lines of communication. There binds have man ifested no enmity, however, and they are not believed to be Villistas. Thousands of rounds of rifle ammuni tion have been pent into Mexico within Ihe last few days. Lieutenant Colonel Tyree K. Hi vers of the Thirteenth cavalry is reported living of pneumonia nt Casus O ramies. Bandits Reported Near Border. San Diego, Cal., April 8. Heoorts font Mexican bandits were near the: border caused considerable excitement j 1 : 'lit and early today in the bor der towns of Cum pit nud Tecnte, 40 j miles southeast of here. Deputy slier-, iff were called out. ' ! (iovernor Johnson informed Sheriff Oonklia tod.iv that Adjutant General Thomas has been in Sa Diojo county j : 5 ABE MARTIN am 3. Stew Xugeut's mother lias -erei' e word from th' authorities of in Hiiro; city that he's tnkin' th' -spring suo, course in broom ma I: in'. You can't I a gentleman these days without foik iiiusm' you ro up t sonictlun'. CAPTUR MATTER OF MOuhS M li' ' ' ' NO SUPPER FOR HORSES Portland, Or., April S. Sev eral thousand horses in Port " land will go supperless tonight. Not a bale of liny is to be had in the city nt any price. Sup lilies of hay are reported scarce throughout the state, and the stock on hand here was exhaust ed several days ago. E E Heat Was Terrific and Tires Burned As Though They Were On a Stove SPEED FIRST TEN LAPS . NEARLY 98 MILES HOUR Tire Trebles May Save Rec ords Being Broken ODon ne!I Leads End of Half Corona, Cal., April 8 .Leading the entire field by a clean hip at the end of the forty fifth lap, or l.W miles in the 300 mile rond race here today at an average speed of S1.4 miles an hour, Eddie Pillion in a Mercer kept striving to increase his lead nud separate him self as far as possible from his pursuers. His time was 1:22:17. Hughie Hughes, iu his Sunbeam, was forced into the pits six times in the first thirty laps and was the real hard link driver. liurmaii was another to play against fa'te. O'Donnel was second at the forty third lap, Tclzlaff in the Omar, third; Thomas fourth. Hurnian, despite his hard luck, was fifth. Harney Oldfield was sixth.' Tell, in a Tahais, went out in the ISHh lap with broken connecting rods, lie was the second to drop out. Engine trouble forced Cooper in the fifteenth and caused the first drop out. In the o.th lap a breeze springing up was a fi Oil send both for driver and cars as it fooled the track and cut down tire trouble and saved many stops in the pits. Overcoming a lead of a full lap, Ed die O'Donoll took first place in the forty ninth lap when Pillion wns forced to stop at the pits for gas, water and oil, and a spark plug. The most thrilling part of the first half of the race was when TeUlaff, Hurman and Pullen fought neck to. neck for three laps. In the 35 th lap Pullen was forced out of the brush by tire trouble. For the three laps each of the three men averaged more than 100 miles an hour. s' dandy in a Candy Special went out of the race in the 47th lap. At uo time had he been in the monev. to look iver the situation and that ''if necessity arises" state militia will be available. Major General .T. Fraiulin Pell con ferred with Mayor Cupps regarding the situation. Uncle Sam Want3 Horses. Portland, Or., April 8.A call for 1200 horses for the United States army went out in the northwest today. Uncle Sam wants .1,001) horses for cavalry use " ' l'Jnu for artillery. Offers must be made to 'he army quartermaster ut Se attle not later than May 1. Cannot Use Railroads. San Dieuo, Cat., Anril H. K. A. Con ..les. Mexican consul here today ave the I'uited Press the following telegram received by him today: "ltiicrotaro, Mex., April 7. " NTr. V. A. Conz lies, ' r.ivii-an Consul, "San Dic.io. "I made the following statement to the press today: "The Mexican government has not given permission to the American gov ernment to use the Mexican railroads for ' transportation of supplies for its troops or anv 'other object. "A. (iru.Ai;. "Secretarv of foreign at fans." Eight Jurors Selected In Caplan Dynamiting Case T.os Angeles, Cal., April 3. Wit!' eight jurors permanently select" 1 i as expected today that actual takv:g of evidence in the trial of David Caphir iu connection uith the dyn:uuitir i t: the Times plant would start V s day. A full iurv , will prcbublv be id.- 1. tallied Monday or Tuesday. The rh.-it.'.' y between counsel which featured the M t j A. Schmidt trial were lacki:,i, in thi e 1 1 apian case, it was no icatcJ to.:iiv .;'that a thirteenth juror would b - chosen 'to act as an alternative. AU AT CORONA EE NA TION AND STA TE INVESTIGA IN WHICH MORE THAN SCORE WERE KILLED 4- SCENES RT "Poison Soup Banquet" In vestigation Uncovers Plots of Anarchists Chicago, April 8. Evidence- of on anarchist plot to murder the ruline Kuropean monarch -will shortly be for warded to tfii department of justice in Washington, according to the expec tation toilav of State's Attornev Ifovnn who exposed the plot. lloyne, refused to reveal the name of the man who confessed the con spiracy. Such a revelation, he de- dared, would undoubtedly result in the informer being assassinated. The evidence in llnvnoV iwiiu.mn indicates that groups of anarchists met in principal cities recent v am i e- bled by lot which of their number hould on nbroad to kill nivnllv ll!i,), ruler was to be poisoned. Ifovne mien rt lied facts lendliur tn ,11s. eovery of the plot during his investiga tion of the "poison soud lianriuet'' here at which .lean Crones, arch anar chist, attempted to poison Archbishop Mnndelein nud a largo number of prominent Chicago men by putting arsenic in the soup. Crones, who is still at large, is declared to be involved in the scheme at slav all kings. International Situation Makes Market Irregular New Vork. April 8. The Xow York Evening Sun's financial review today said: The market continued under the in fluence of the delicate international sit uation. Prices opened iinecrtainlv and hesitatingly. Net chances were in considerable nt the outset. -Copper is sues were generally stronger as the re sult of large orders from foreign gov ernments recently placed, while, war stocks were heavy, particularly Crucible Steel and Baldwin locomotive. Steel was under pressure at the opening. Hailways, while dull, reacted. Many uncertainties in the situation coupled wifh the npronching intermis- Miiti reduced public buying to the min imum and dealings were almost till pro fossioun 1. As the session progressed little com mission house liquidation developed and the traders worked for reactions, utilizing discussions of probable sever ance of Herman diplomatic relations in an attempt to force further declines. The closing lialf tjf the session was f ' v '- r - j - - RMHE&ST, Q., R.RILR.ORD SCHOONER TURNED TURTLE Eureka, Cal., April 8. The hull of the gas schooner Mag nolia which sniled from Eureka a few hours ago was seen float ing upside down off Klamath river bar tod.iy under conditions indicating serious danger to Captain Kd Johnson, Engineer Ed linker and three others aboard her. Tugs 'nave been sent out. It is believed the vessel turn ed turtle while attempting to cross the bar at night in rough weather. A telephone message from Klamath stid watchers on short saw the gas schooner Coaster remove three survivors from the wreck. Burning Oil Spreads Over Bay from Bayonne, N. J., Al most to City New York, April 8. I'iie which started iu the Texas Oil company's cor rugated iron pier ut Hayonne,' N. .1., early today resulted in one of the most spectacular conflagrations ever seen here. Kegs of oil, te i iaus filled with uaso- line and several hundred b irrels of. A erosei xploded in rapid succession Ljsco where Moran 's companion prom like a string of bombs while flaming '.;, , jj Mjm " as soon as possible. " containers streaked across the sky. The m,,,,,' ,.. w,st next dav, and tailing debris narrowlv missed igniting: :., v.... w, i,.;i;'i,.r ,.,,.) six Huge oil tanks. Tin: intense licit burst cans of kero sene on a barge moored to toe wharf. Hurtling oil spread over the bay neirly to Stalcti Island. The water was u mass of fire. Thousands witnessed the spec tacle. I ity fircboats cruised close to the I'I'iines but were unable to check them. The los was estimated at $27o,-Ouo. , toin of making a lull confession, wlneii marked by uncertainty and irregnlm - was done before Oarse and Cniiiniis inovemcnt in whic h a few specialties ! sinner Hurch, the full testimony being partly recovered. The market awaited ' taken by a stenographer for the local more definite news of the International' Immigration service, situation. Moran agreed to be held in jail as n ' witness in the case and was last night SENATE RATIFIES TREATY i taken to Los Angeles by Curse. His :"paU" are being sought in the east. Washington. April 8. The Xicarng-, nan senate toilav unanimously adopted' , the ,t:!,00ii,IMjo treaty with Ihe United I ; States, according t a cable from Ihe; ) American minister there. i The house will cast its final vote oii:toona, Pa., reported that snow was eight the treat v next week. TE WRECK 7 vl ft A rrft r t ' t 8 i W&ECkJ Sore Because His Pals Double Crossed Him Party to Robbery Confesses San Diego, April 8. United States lalshal (.'arse is iu Eos Angeles to day with .lames Mo ran who has con fessed, 'United States authorities here say, to the theft of $1 ,."110,000 in reg istered mails nt the Liberty Street fer ry iu New York on January 18. Morun mnde his confession ill writing to United States Commissioner Itureh. He asserts he was double crossed by the man who engineered the theft. Morn n says he got only $200 of the amount stolen. The robbery was planned iu Shar key's saloon in New Vork. A mail clerk and driver of the mail wagon were accomplices, Itoran declared. The confession recites that Mitran. a tnxicah driver, with l.nughliti as n. pas senger, followed the mail wagon to the ferry. The key to the locked truck was given to Moran 's companion by the driver, Moran states. Several pouches were taken from the wagon, which was then locked again. The pouches were transferred to the taxicab. Several of the pouches were slit open with a knife, he said, about 2 it. in. the next morning, in a suburb. Moran was Liven ten $20 bills and told to get rid r ih laxic.-ib mid beat it .to San Eran ' wirinir to his companion, when the lat- ter failed to keep his appointment. .No response was received, however, nud becoming "mad as Hell" as he ex pressed it, Moral) came to San Diego on i foot, being broke. I'.rooding over the affair, and de-ir-i ing to "get even," he approached Marshal Cnrso and declared his inten- SNOW 8TORM3 IN EAST New York, April 8. Snowstorms are sweeping the Atlantic slope. Al- j to ten im lies deep there. Dayton, N. D.. April 9. John Rule has elected to become the Nnodern Noah. Believing that Ked river floo'ds presage a de luge equal to that described in (ienesis, Rule today moved into a home made ark provisioned for 40 days. He took his family with him, and is now busy herd ing in the animals two by two. V GERMAN I TORPEDOING OF If She Was Torpedoed By German Submarine, Cap tain Violated Orders INTIMATES PROMISES TO AMERICA WILL BE KEPT Reply Helps Clear Situation Will Continue to Sink Freighters By Carl W. Ackerman. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Herlin, April 8 If the channel steam er Sussex was attacked by a (iennan submarine its commander viol ited in structions, it was unconditionally stated here today. The English channel passenger ferry came under the protection which Am bassador Vou liernstorf f assured Presi dent Wilson would be given all un armed liners, after the Arabic affair. On the other hind, vessels involved in the four other recent'. siibmariniufr cases concerning which President Wil son made inquiry were freighters, Ger many has never pledged itself to warn treighters belore torpedoing tnem. While they continue to supply the allies with munitions and food and the allies continue their starvation policy Oer niaav will never viebl its right to de stroy freighters, the United Press was reliably informed. Waiting For Germany's Reply. Ity Hubert .1. Header. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, April 8. Ot f ici.ihlom today awaited (iermaay's preliminary reliiv to this yovernnieTit 's inuuirv re garding recent submarine attacks on vessels earning Americans. It was be lieved that this answer would decide whether diplomatic relations between the United States .tint the kaiser should be broken. No hint of the document's contents has arrived. It was handed to Am bassador (lei'iird yesterday by Eoreign Minister Vou .lagow. The stale depart ment's only word that the note has been given (ieinrd was received from the United Press. President Wilson is absent on a week end trip, (lenrd's dispatch is not ex pected here before late this afternoon. Possibly it will not arrive before to morrow. No action is looked lor un til Monday. It was learned that nt the cabinet meeting yesterday some of the presi dent's advisors opposed waiting any longer for promises and assurances from (lermanv. Tlu'y asserted that tier many is continuing its submarine activ ities contrary to' .issurain-cs already given. Tney believe diplomatic relations "hould be promptly severed, Other cab inet members thougght Oerieans should be given time to prove whether it was sincere in its recent avowals. Should Von Jagoiv 's latest reply quibble, dodge Ihe is.-ue or attempt to force the adiuinisfnition s hand, nth rials think it probable that President Wilson will not delay longer in execut ing his thieatencd course. It has been reputedly stated that Germany must "conic through" quickly and satisfac tory or relations will not be continued. Wilson Cuts Trip Short. Washington, April President Wil son will return to Washington from his week end trip at 4 p, m. today. His vaidit, the Mayflower, wirelessed this inform ition to the While House to, lav. No reason was assigned. I'lii) stoi in which swept the lower Po tomac may possibly have proven too se vere for the president 's comfort. Astoria, Or., April 8. George Milliausen, age. I 1.1, wept bit lerly today over the body of his brother, John, aged Ut, who died last night with n 22 calibre bul let iu bis stomach. George was aiming at a robin whin his brother, pointing a wooden gun at him playfully, shouted "hold up your hnnds," George turned suddenly, pulling the trigger ns lie did so. The vouagcr lad fell. IT SUSSEX in FIERCE DRIVE AT Paris Claims Wave After Wave of Men Dashed Vain ly at Positions CROWN PRINCE GAINED TWO SMALL REDOUBTS Mine Fighting In Argonne Forest Proves Advantag eous to the French London, April .8. Attacking tiia western side of the Itethincourt salient, tho German crown prince's armies pro gressed in their thrust to batter in the wedge today. While hidden artillery hurled tons of explosives over their heads to shield the advance, German soldiers fought, their way into two small redoubts between Haucourt nud Hill 287, Paris admitted. Elsewhere Puis claimed tho Teuton waves rolled for ward and then back without gaining any now territory. The Merlin war office, however, claimed the Germans captured French positions on a front ono mile wide along tho' ridge of Termiten hill, south of Haucourt. This statement declared th.it 714 Frenchmen who refused to re treat before the bristling lines of Ger man bayonets threw down thoir arms and surrendered when they saw tho Hopelessness ot their resistance. The French bugles immediately sent fresh battalions charging up tho slope toward the captured positions, lleilirt asserted, lint German riflemen drove back the attacks. Tho Paris ccnimuniquo announced that mine fighting in Argonne forest proved advantageous to tho French, especially near the Daughter of Death hill. French soldiers dashed into n hugo German mine crater on tiio south ern slopo and fought desperately with an equal number of Germans for pos session of it, fin .illy killiii(r all Teutons who would not flee and occupying the position. All wns reported calm on Woevro plain. A German reconnoitering party discovered near litiugcnfeldkopt' in thn Vosges moiinlnins were fired upon and obliged to retreat. 1 French Losses Slight London, April 8. The Germaa crown priuco has thrown large forces across Forpea brook in an effort to squee.n the French out of Hethincourt, accord ing to disp.itches from tho front today. A storm of shells is falling on both siiies of tiic salient, preliminary to an other attempt against tho village. Tho defense of tho French who have held their ground for two weeks under tre uicndoiiB difficulties has excited the ad miration of all England. Almost surrounded, suffering under a searching fire from scores of German guns, the French have maintained their trenches with a loss of only ,'100 yards. They havo repeatedly repulsed heavy frontal attacks. A strong Teuton thrust against th west side of the salient, on a front of one mile fiint east of Haucourt, was completely defeated after X stubborn struggle at close quarters. Aiurtrian Transport Stink. Paris, April 8. A French subninrinf sank an Austrian transport in the Adri atic sea, the ministry of marine an nouueed todav. Throe Mordiantinen Go Down. Eondo, April 8. Three more Itritish merchantmen have fallen victims to the undersea warfare today, according tu messages received by shippers here. The India liner Chant a In, "i,000 tons, and thn Mritish ste.itiier llrauntou, 5,000 tons, were the largest vessels to bo de stroyer. The small schooner Clyde wan also blown up. All the crews were snved. Cable messages indicated that the ( hantula whs sunk by a submarine. The others probably struck mines. Holland Is Preparing. The II igue, April 8. A hill provid ing that recruits of the 1017 class may be called to the colors if the situation lemands it, was introduced today by tho government. it TIIC WEATUTO UUi IILiilllLLill "on un r KEEP DOC ) Oregon: To night und Sun day fair south, unsettled, prob ably ah o wers noith portion; winds mostly southerly. COOKvr)-;:- t,IU ti-f-'f II10URT TODAY I 1 T ' r . - 1