EIGHT See Oar New Assortment of Stylish Footwear for Men Women and s Children Shoes of Style and Quality at Prices that Please I GROVER COMFORT SHOES See the new BLACK OXFORD FOR MEN Just the thing for Spring and Sum mer. White rubber soles and heels price $3.50 Salem's Big Department Store Next week several things of import ant will tahfl place at the commercial club. Monday evening tho tourist and publicity department will elect a di rector to succeed l' (1. heckebncli, who declares that he has served his tinin and will not permit his name to come up be fore the department. Tuesday evening the mercantile department will also elect its director for the cnminif voir to suc ceed Henry Meyers. Friday evening, a director for the industrial department will be elected, to auececd August Huckestein. Jle states that he most positively is not a candidate to succeed himself. From the way the present di BHuThe Store That Saves You Money, ust Arrived The most complete and best assorted line of French Wilton Rugs in the city. We were very fortunate in getting our order in last fall for spring delivery, or these Rugs and bought them at the old prices be fore the war price effected them. See this display of "Wiltons and get our prices. You will be surprised at the prices we can make on these new Rugs. Try Our Free Rent Dept. Successors toCalef Bros.1 We linvc just received a new number, Orover Comfort Shoe, a plain toe, seamless luce model with cushion sole and rubber heels. Women with tender feet should visit our shoe sent ion and seo this new shoe. Prieed ex ception illy low. "Orover Soft Shoes for Tender Feet" Children's Pla-Mate Shoes in p itent, gun mcliil or tan. Nature- last broad toe for play or JreH wear. Mothers should buy these splendid shoes for the children for they're the Kind of shoes that all children should wear. A Mary Page Gown to be Given Free at Meyers' (Contest closes May 10th.) Votes given with each admission to Oregon Theatre. Write your candidates name on the ballot and place in ballot box in our Shoe Section. The lady receiving the highest number of votes wins the gown. The winner may choose her own materials from our Dress Goods Silk and Trimming Sections. The names of candidates already voted for will be published next week. Use your ballots vote for your favorite. QUALITY AND SERVICE COO01GOODS KT rectors of the commercial club nre an nouncing they will under no circum stances succeed themselves, it is evident that, during tho coming year, the Salem commercial chili affairs will be eon ducted by new officers, as well is dif ferent, directors I'or each department. W. M. Hamilton will not come up ror re election as president. Having serv ed his time, he feels the burden should: be passed on to one of the younger gen-! ei at ion of business men, I The first Instruction shoot on the Company M Ififle range at Fiii.er will! bo held .Sunday, The shooters will THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1916. Men's Shoes A Popular Number with dressy men is our English last, lace style in tan or blach. The very newest. We have this shoo in all widths A to E, leave the Armory at ,X a. in. sharp on an auto truck. The shooters will wear civilian clothes and will not don their uniforms. A lunch will be served on the range at noon. Karl Hinges was today promoted, to the position of statistician of the state industrial accident department to suc ceed Hen Williams who resigned to ac cept a position in the extension depart ment of the University of Oregon. Charles Craig, of Salem, will take Hinges place in the department. KRYPTOR Whoutline in to Lens " wi "Genuine Tories" "Kryptoks" Optical Service measures its standard of achievement hv the degree of service it can render its patrons the sale nf a pair of glasses is' not the end of a transaction, but the commence ment of relations which, so far as 1 am concerned, are jicrpemal. My patrons are satisfied pa trons because my service is cheer fully and freely given because promptness, courtesy and ef ficiency predominates If upon examination it is found glasses are not needed yon are told so promptly. If you do need them, the utmost in pro fessional skill the most modern methods the most accomplished eyeglass adjuster arc at your command, "KRYPTOKS" The Ferfect lens. "GENUINE TORICS" The invisible Bifocals. T do not use drops or drugs in making pKaiiiiuution as they are dangerous. I guarantee satisfaction iu every respect. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn R001111 210-211 U. S. Bank Bldg. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniit All Around Town .- COMINGEYENTS TONIGHT April 7 Tuskegee Jubilee sing ers at Congregational church. Free. April 7 Prof. Robert E. SStauffer lecture at public lib rary on "Oregon Litera ture." April 9 Oregon Social Hygiene Society, open meeting at Armory, 3 p. in. April 10 Klection of directors publicity department Com mercial club. April 14 Klection of directors Industrial Department Com mercial club. April IS Registration for primary election closes. April 1!) Annual election of of ficers Salem Commercial club. Sons of American Revolution banquet, .Marion hotel. April 22. Mid -Summer Night's Dream, Opera House, auspices Salem Women's Club. April 23 Easter Sunday. April 27 Free lecture by Teter Collins at. Opera House. April 28 Dance, benefit Salem Street Railway band, at the armory. )Jc sfc sjc jc if sjc sjs js sc sjs sc sjc ss Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass 's correctly. U. S. Bank. Bldg. Rev. Leigh C. Douglas will deliver an address this evening at the Salvation Army hall, beginning at 8 o'clock. joiin Claire Monteith, teacher of sing ing, in Salem Saturdays. Call 20-15-J. G. H. Fullenwider, of Portland, depu ty for J. 1). Michel of the Oregon Dairy and Food commission, is in the city, looking into x case of alleged violation of toe pure food law. Motor truck for sale. Will consider team as part payment. Inquire Gideon Stolz Co., Phone 20. Apr6 o The high school baseball team will open the season tomorrow afternoon at Willamette Held wiien tney win try their luck with the McMinnville phv- ers. Dr. Stone's drug store. o Luther J. Chapin, former county ag riculturist, is now in the employ of the ('has. K. Spnuliling Logging company, placing the Indiana silo on the market. and making the "farmers familiar with its many good points. Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses. Miss Clara E. Smith and T. B. Kay have been trading in real estate. Miss Smith secures a house ami lot in South Salem and Mr. Kay becomes tho owner of a two acre tro t in South Salem just outside, the city limits. Automobiles for hire, passengers and baggage transfcred, rates reasonable, country trips a specialty. C. G. Me Elroy. I'liuue 917 or 639. tf On account of a chango of dates, the Rev. V. (I. M u l.nien, of Portland, president of the Pacific Coast Rescue and Protective society will speak to night instead of Saturday evening ns first announced. He will speak on "Personal Responsibility." Tho ad dress will be given at'tho Free Method ist church at S o'clock. Auction sale at the People's Quick Exchange Auction Markot"on Saturday, April Sth at 1:30 p. m. Everything sold on commission. Don't forget I buy household furniture for cash. F. N. Woodry, auctioneer. Phone 511, Apd-0 The month of March was about the rainiest experienced in this county for the past !." years, but about the 2't!i of the month, the weather mini pulled another lever on the rain making ma chine, niul since then, tiiis v.illey "oas experienced ideal sunshiny weather, 12 days of it. The river is falling and to day is .").-! feet above low water mark, Mrs. E. Inge demonstrating the good ness of Tru I'd it Biscuits. Free eating samples. You are invited. Roth Gro cer" Co. Aprl2 Casper Andoregg, of 1656 Center street nod his lie children will leave toilav for their former home at l.a ; Cross, AVisconsin, where they will make I their permanent iioine. It was but a few months ago that Mrs. Anderegg .was killed in an accident in the city, j and one of the boys seriously injured. If yu are not a talented musician put . a Srnoin Talking machine in 'vour home and you hive it all. .Myrtle Know hind, 421 Court. Wrist watches will not be necessary herafter while on State street, especi.il- . ly in the neighborhood of the Cuirdnor an. I Keene jewelry store, as today they avo installing the large street clock and within a few days the light will be turned on. The clock has n 30 inch I dial, is guaranteed to show the correct time, and will guide the wiyfarer as to !the time of night until 10 o'clock each evening. Cigars of superior quality, as the name llvgrmle implies, nre good enough for the most exacting of smokers, Sa lem made. The officers of the Elk lodge of Sa lem for the following year is ns follows, last night being the annual installation: Exalted ruler, l.ouis l.achinund; esteem ed leading knigiut, A. U Wallace; es teemed loyal knight, August Huckes tein. dr.; esteemed lecturing knight, E. A. Kurt.; secretary,' J. J. Wiodmer; t.yler, Elmer C. Giles; trustee, T. II. Kay; esquire. W. L. Pitterson; chap lain, Walter E. Keyes; inner guard, i.. C, Smith. The Marion county grade and high schools will hold a trick meet iu Sa lem early in May and arrangements are of more than usual interest, as schools! 0 from all part of the county will be rep- The Maccabees declded at a meet resented. One of the events will be a u0 ; . . . .... . t,,, ,.,i,. .,.. yard dash open to both boys ,nd girls Other even.sw.ll include a 100 yard dash, 75 yard hurdle rice, 220 yard run, 440 yard run, running broad jump, running high jump, pole vault and shot put. o Mrs. Leonia Peterson, who was oper ated on for appendicitis at the Salem hospit.il Tuesday morning, is reported today to be making a quick and satis factory recovery. Ralph Mason was arrested this morn ing by the traffic officer on a charge of exceeding the speed limit in his auto. Ho will appear later this after noon in answer to the charge. The date for the initiation of a Rath bone class of the Knights of Pythias at Albany has been changed. According to the present plan, the speci.il initia tions and exercises will be held Wednes day evening, April 10. If it is building material, come to us. Estimates gladly furnished. Let us figure with von. Falls Citv-Salem Lum ber Co., 341)" S. 1 2th. Phone S13. Claude Barrick, who was injured yes terday at the penitentiary when a gas tank exploded, has so far recovered that this afternoon he was removed from tho penitentiary hospital to his own room. "Oregon Literature" will be dis cussed this evening by Professor Stauf fer of illaniette university in his lec ture to be given at the public library at 8 o'clock. Since coining to the stite lie has made a special study of Oregon writers, and tonight will discuss mainly Joaquin Miller, Samuel Simpson and Col. C. E. S. Wood and also give some! readings from these authors. Professor Stauffer has t.iken his master's degree in literature from Harvard University ami has also studied at the Chicago uni versity. The West Central Circle of First M. E. church will hold a cooked food sale at Buren & Hamilton's furniture store tomorrow. Come and buy your Sunday dinner. o Ivan G. Martin and Miller Bevier will go to Jefferson tomorrow evening to assist in the musical program to be given at tho time of the high school de hate between tho Jefferson and North Head teams. Since tiie Jefferson team has been winning so many victories, the Jefferson folks are becoming quite in terested in the h:gh school debates. The Chcrrians are rather undecided as to their plans for the summer, al though the sentiment is un.ininious that tho organization should take a three day jaunt and attend the Marsht'iold celebration the latter part, of June, or as soon ns the bridge across the Umpqiia is complete .ind trains run direct into Mars'nfield. As this much is settled, the trip to Portland to attend the Rose Fes tival is still up in the air, as well as the selection of a Salem queen. How ever, the chances nre that Salem will enter no candidate for queen of the Rose Festival. The Liberty and West Salem base ball teams will open the baseball season-) SMindny afternoon at 2:30 o'clock on the West Salem grounds. Last year, tho Liberty team walked away with the West Salem boys in two gnnes. In fact, the Liberty boys were champions in their own class, as out of ten games, they lost but one, and that was to the penitentiary team. The line up for the Liberty team is as follows: Catcher. Timm; pitcher, Race; short stop. Hag gerty; first b.ise, .McDonald; second, C. Gibson; third, Moore; left field, Dim ness; center field, Hoffman; right field, F. Gibson. In an effort to learn just what the school children in Salem think about the moving pictures and what kind of a picture they really prefer, a survey will be made of all the schools, in which the children will be given an opportuni ty to express themselves. The children will be asked in writing to answer the following questions: Do you at tend moving picture shows' If so, how often? At what hour of the day, af ternoon or evening.' On what days of the week do you most frequently at tend; What kind of moving pictures do von like best ! An Economical. Delightful, Light Place to Trade Ladies Dress Skirts Another striking example of our ability to secure bargains for you at the height of the season. All new and most attractive styles in Serges, Shepherd Plaids Black, White, Navy, all the shades, at matchless prices. Kafoury Bros. Mail Orders given Prompt Attention. We Pay Postage on Mail Orders. 416 State St. j In the debate yesterday at the high I school between the seniors and juniors, the juniors -walked away with all three ! points, leaving the score 3 to 0 in their j favor. Now they will have to contest the sophomores in debate. Hev. A. A. Winter, pastor of the IFnited Evangelical church, will give j the address of the evening it the Kdii lentional Rally of the United Evangeli Ical Conference, now in session in I'ort ! land. He will speak on ' 'Education and -8 - - . KVto f . hers will be given the privilege or Hi viting friends. A urogram will be ur- ranged, which meuts. will include refresh- O. L. Dunlap, in charge of the gener al delivery at the post, office, is taking a week's lay off. He says that the week's vacation will be given to" dig ging in the garden and becoming ac quainted with a new member of his family that arrived a few weeks ago. Word was received today from three wandering musicians, or at least from those who once made Salem their home and are now making good elsewhere. Louis C. Meier, former pipe "organist at the Oregon, is now playing for the Strand theAtre, Omaha, Nebraska. Wil liam Maeder, who played at Ye Liberty, has a good job at the Arcade theatre, Big Specials for Our Saturday Customers Peaberry Coffee 20c a pound . 15c Bottle of Catsup for 7c rasnaaBOROBBiHBBKaai ' Creamery Butter 35c pound 3 Bunches of Rhubarb for 10c Best Valley Flour $1.20 per Sack E9LVKiillii33BifliSiX3E2QBEEDHI 3 Pounds of Curve Cut Macaroni for 20c 2 Loaves of Bread 5c We deliver any place in Salem Damon & Son 855 N. Corn'l Phone 68 most popular street U As the dar key s a i d, "Whar mo lasses is der flies do gath er." Just at present our Hat Department makes one think of the colored gentle man's idea. There is a wonderful at traction in these new hats for Spring. The best pro ductions of Crofut-Knapp Co. and of Stetson mak ing our hat department a busy spot. $2, $3, $ 1, $3, $6 We will fit your head as well as your purse. HAM0NDBISH0P CO. The Toggery 167 Commercial St. Leading Clothiers v lloipiinm. Art Kolstad, formerly with the jlligh, is running a theatre of h 'i own at Hood Uiver and reports buv ness good. Judge P. H. D'Arcy will deliver hi famous lecture, "Kfin in I'oetry an I Song" at the state normal at Moi mouth this evening. The lecture h:i been given recently at the I'niversii . of Oregon and the Oregon Agricultur . i college. Bishop U. F. Swengel, D. D., of Ha -risburg, l'a., will preach in the I'nite I Kvangelical church on North lottngi street Sunday morning at 11 o'clocl . The bishop is now presiding nt the coi fcrciice- sessions now being held i.i I'ortland. The sun will continue to give 01 its present amount of heat for "O.nin 000 years. I t if : i I ! ! I i i i I WANTED EXPERIENCED SALES LADIES Apply at Once MB. SEAMAN Chicago Store. j I st :Jt -Jr. When In SALEM, OREGON, itop rv" BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths RATES: 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PER DAS The only hotel in the business dietricv Nearest to all Depots, Theatrei and Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home. T. O. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones. Free Auto Em. MILL CITY AUTO STAGE Daily Between Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all way Points. Leaves Mill City 6:30 a. m.; Stayton 8:00, Salem 9:30. Return, leaves Salem 4:10 p. m., Stayton 6:00; Mill City 7:10. Phone 2378 Clocks Repaired OxT"' t?' Also a Nice Line ofV JM rr,.r7;i ... . j, ! KARL NETJGEBATJER M j- . Masonic Temple 'HI' "lLi " CIlt NOODLE HOUSE NOODLES 10c, RICE-PORK 10c FRIED RICE 15c 420 FERRY STREET RESIDENCE PARLORS Lincensed Lady Em balraer Moderate Prices Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Ore. m'.W."H-otM,u ii.i...i wwn