THE DAILY CAPITAL .T0T RNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1916. Find these points in the OWL (1) perfect in mellowness, since the leaf is cured an average of eighteen months before using. (2) flavor "insured" by a million dol lars' worth of reserve tobacco in a way unique in a five-cent cigar. (3) correct in burning, because hand made in the correct square-end shape. Could a manufacturer do more to guarantee you a smooth, satisfying smoke for your nickel? THE MILLION DOLLAR CIGAR M. A. GUNST & CO. INCORPORATED Today's Filings of Candidates for State Offices Gilbert L. Hedges, Oregon City, dem ociatic, district attorney fur Clackamas county. I O. Lehman, I'orllaud, republican, slate senitor, 13th Kenatorial district, comprising Multnomah county. S. II. Huston, I'orllaud, republican, state senator, Mill senatorial ilistrist, comprising M nl tiiormi Ii county. II. M. I'atton, Portland, reiiiblican, state senator, I'llli senatorial district, comprising Miiltnouinh county. Mrs. Kiln J. Mctzger, Dillus, rulI cho, representative ill the legislative assembly, llth representative district, comprising Polk county. I 'ihi I ('. Hates, Portland, republican, Immediately relieves d.v.ipepsin caused by excess stiuiuich acidity. A simple, sate, palatable, inexpensive remedy for indigestion, heartburn, sour stomach, belching and nil stuninidi disorders due. to acidity! Hisiirnted Magnesia nen Iralizes excess acid mo stonincli may net normally. A tenspoonful in water niter eating. Instant relief. Sold by all li u(j g'istH everywhere, in either powder or tablet form. WILLIAM FOX PHiianmt iuriHMC ftfllAMO 1HNOUGH j-axr-llm CORPORATION bisuraTED In Israel Zangwilfs Masterpiece "Merely Mary Ann" Sunday YE LIBERTY THEATRE Monday . ; .Vj 6 m. Roberts Hats at $3.00 1X2 representative in the legislative assem bly, IMth representative district, com prising Multnomah county. M. .1. Anderson, (Iriints Pass, republi can, represent itive in the legislative as sembly, 7th representative district, com 1 prising the county of Josephine. I Clarence It. Ilotchkiss, Portland, re I piibliciiu. delegate to the nntionnl re 1 publican coiiveiilion, thinl congression al district. .1. F. Wilson, Portland, republican, i presidential elector. I V. C. North, Portland, republican, ' president inl elector, j A. W. Lnfferty, Portland, republic .in, representative in congress, thinl con I gressioiinl district. 1 Patrons of rural route nine will now find it necessary to become acquainted with another mail man, ami the suae may be said of those living on rural route one. On account of ill health, Joy Cox, carrier for route nine has re signed, and his place will be taken by .1. A. Iteiiiiugtoii, who has been carry ing for route one for the past 15 yeirs. The new man pn the delivery service is E. N. Hrnnson, who will deliver for route one. The union evangelical Methodist ser vices which have been in session the past week at the Leslie M. E, church will close this evening. The meetings have been well attended an, I much in terest manifested. Next week, the meetings will be continued at the Ja son Lee Memorial church mid the fob I lowing week, at the First Methodist j church. Sunday and Monday Vivian Martin Z7 Something YOU may want something unlike what you generally wear. Maybe you're not sure just what. Look through our offering of BISHOP ALL WOOL SUITS $15 $20 $25. HART SCHAFFNER & MARX $20 $25 ,$30 You're almost sure to find Salem Woolen Mills Store Both Crews la Fine Shape for Great Race at Seattle This Afternoon Pacific Coast League Standings. V. I.. Pet. ; Portland 2 f- .liiiT i I. os Angeles 2 1 I Salt Lake 2 1 .007 ; Oakland 1 2 .:!!.'. I Vernon 1 2 .333 ; San Francisco 1 2 .333 Yesterday's Results. At Oakland Portland, 7; Sun Fran cisco. 3. At l.os Angeles Vernon, 5; Los An jolt's, 4 At Salt Lake Oakland, 5; Salt Lake, 1. Seattle, Wash., April 7 Odds today favor the Stanford crew to win over the I'niversity of Washington varsity eight this afternoon when the two insti tutions meet on Lake Wnsliingon. The winner of the race will be neeorded the championship of the Pacific coast. "Just, before the battle" interest is at a high pitch in anticipation of the goudolif ring classic. From all indica tions it will be the niftiest exhibition of oar wielding that has ever been staged on staid old Lake Washington. The two coaches declared this morn ing their crews were in splendid trim for tiie event. As far as the conches are concerned, it will be a can; of a veteran against a novice. Experienced men will hold clown the positions on both squads ami the weights nrc jbout even. It is understood that the Stanford boys are cracks at getting away to a fast start. They will be expected to take the lead at the shot. Washington will jump into the start with n stroke of about 30 to the minute. The second minute tiie stroke will be lowered to 31. This is the tool's usual stroks. Stan ford rows slower, about 2S to the min ute. The southerners won the toss nud will iow on till) inside. The course is from Leschi park to Madison park, a distance of three miles. A clear view of the nice is to be ob tained the entire length from the shore. A number of star buoys have been used in marking the course. This is the tenth meeting of the crews. Out of the nine previous en counters the locals have been returned the victor six times. Stanford won in l!Ml!, 1912 and 1915. Thorpe ltabcoek will act as referee and starter, lie is a former Yale oars iiinii. The weather today was a bit cool iilthoiigh the sun promises to ap pear at any moment. The Lineup. Washington Weight Height K'linnii CS) 159 (j Hair (7) IMS (i.r. Newton (ti) 1S7 (i.2 Wiilske (5) 188 5.'J i Cushman (!) 17!) MeConiiio (3) 173 fi.lic. Leader (2) 174 (Mi llroknw (c) Itow 150 5.11 Ebeyight (cox) 155 5.5 '.a Stanford Mauerer (8) 108 5.11 Green (7) ISO ti.l Urine (c) (ti) ISO ti.l .lacomiui (.1) ISO 0.2 liodgers 4) ISO (1.4 Swarts (it) 177 ti.l j Worth (2) 175 (i.l Heron (bow) KM 0 ! Lvon (sox) 112 5.5 Chase With Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Ohio, April 7. President (lurry Herrmann, of the Cincinnati Rods', in announcing todiy the signing of llul Chase to play first base for the lieds, declared he expected the left hander to add considerably to the strength of the team. Chase is ex pected to join I he b'eds immediately, lie lias been getting himself in condi- we've anticipated your Just Wright Shoes $4.50 and $5 tion by working with the San Francisco Seals at Sua Jose. San Francisco, April 7. The golfing class among the women of California win ue wen representee wneu me ln-t-;t..t ;,.n,.i n,.e .... ... f... Minuuu.ii ;uil l uui Mil ill. It I lui numcu of the Sequoyah epuntrv club begins : 1., Af. . t. it n: .. npru I-. .tirs. a. u. roomier, .tuss Kilith ( li..hrmi"li flinl Mr Mm Itntlm- child are the favorites. House la Captain. I'nlo Alto. Cal., April 7. Meredith House, of Kiverside, will leui the Stanford freshman track team when it meets California at Berkeley oval to morrow afternoon. Announcement of his election to the captaincy was made today. Honors Are Even. Kansas City, .Mo., April 7. Honors between Matt' Wells and Clurlie White are now even. Ity taking the decision in their fif teen round bout here last night, the Chicago boxer evened the score. In the first three bouts Wells hail gotten one decision and one newspaper ver dict, while White had received one de cision. . White finished going strong. Will Not Trade Speaker, ftoston, Mass., April 7. John J. Lan nin, owner of the Boston lied Sox, do nied today that Tris Speaker would bo traded to the Nbw York Yinks, He said he expected to sign Speaker shortly To Challenge Crane, New York, April 7. Jay (lould's title as national court tennis champion will be challenged tomorrow by Joshua Crane, of lioston. Crane won "the right to challenge by defeating Payne Whit ney, of New York in the final of the preliminary rounds three sets to one. Used Willard's Mitt. Kenosha, Wis., April 7. Tiie mitt Hint has met the mitt of Jess Willnrd proved the .undoing of Lee Nelson here last night. Jack Hem pie, the heavyweight cham pion's sparring partner' knocked out Nelson in the seventh rnmi.l nf tlmir scheduled ten round bout with a ter- rinc riglit smasn to Lie jaw. Big Match Tonight. Portland, Or., April 7. Frank Vance Allll Kdllie 'ClITIIipll rivftl wruutltn,, !.. stridors of Seattle and Portland, will grapple to. a finish before the Rose City Athletic club tonight. Their match has been called n "inn, Km i,eit,.l, " ,,.i either meaning business or hoping to swell the box office receipts, the pro moters have ordered special policemen to prevent too much "rough stuff.'' ..Mike liutlor was agreed upon last night is referee. Colored Boys Beat Beavers. Portland. Or.. Anril 7 The i hl,an Colored Giants were scheduled to ar rive in Seattle this morning after wal loping the Portland Itaby Leavers IK to 1 at the Vaughn street grounds yester day. The chocolate lads' won without in ettort. Chess Champion Lost Two. Portland, Or., April 7. Jose Cnpa blanca, Cuban chess champion, today had two defeats chalked up against him the first sinco he left Kansas City a mouth igo on a tour of the I'nited Slates. In Ii!) exhibition matches before a large crowd at the chamber of com merce last night. Cnpablauca won .17 and lost . AH Ready for Big Auto Race Tomorrow Corona, Oil., April 7. The stage is set here todnv for the start of the lino mile (irnnd l'rizc auto race tomorrow. With 101.7 miles per hour credited to Rob rturmnn in practice as the fastest lap, every arrangement Is completed foi the s'.'.OOO race. HiigYe Hughes in his 12 cvliud'r Fnglish Sunbeam has also hurtled around the circular course at more thnn a hundred miles nn hour. Five favorites are conceded nn even (f winning first (dace. They are Karl Cooper, Stutz; Eddie Tiith-ii, Mercer; Barney Oldfield, Deluge; liol Hiirinan, Peugeot, and Hughie Hughes. Sunbeam. Preparations have been made to re ceive 100,000. nice fans nt Corona. Not since the famous Snntn Monica course races, has there been -such in terest as is being manifested in the ( o ron.i '.Irand Prize. Tt is estimated 20 000 motorists will park inside the tin 'k t . . . . . ni vorena. ' f " j: High School Notes . I j X: s! ! The seniors are in bad luck once : again for the .juniors have defeated them in still another feature of the inter-class rivalry contest. At tin1 contest held Thursday after noon the juniors, by a three to noth ing decision, taking the negative of the question. "Resolved, That the I president be elected for a single six year term," won out over the seniors, i The line-up was as rollows: Senior ('arleton Savage, Oral l.eminoii, and i Mary Fiudlev. Junior Paul Pierce, Harold Aspinwall and Clen Ackerman. The judges were: Kev. 1! N. Avison and Prol'cisors .1. O. Hall and Ii. F. Stuf ler, of Willamette. The sophomore have challenged the juniors as winners to a Uehnto to de ide the school eliaimuonship. Puttering bread or crackers on which cheese is to be toasted improves the flavor. Arrow r ""Mere is therinS Arrow collar Style-Ufe will show the (font APRIL 14tt- In two heights Ashby 2i m Lexicon 9 in. aX'ETT Pt.AHOm'S CO A TbavNY Boys Start Long Hike With Only a Will and a Yellow Dog Wiih nothing but determination and a yeilow dog and i'il three barer' ir. Kmniett m c Raymond Dicker, of Mon roe. R( etn county, v.cre picked up jt terduy fflo'noon by Officer Vnr'.ry on the l'i'.:,: lee; of their Ion; hike to tiik 'r. Oregon, where their mother resides. Kbner says he is 14 yoan of age bat looks younger nud Raymond is 10. They arrived in Salem two days ago and have been cnmpini; in the brush acro.:s tiie river in West Salem. The Sale.n police were rotified yesterday to . n Hie lookout for the boys and an investiga tion showed the smoke from the fire where thev were camping in true hobo ptle. When they were brought to !ic city hall th.'V to'.;! Chief Welsh that liny v er m'.A t.itrd by their father who ms s. pirater from their mj'Jwr and they decided to leave and en to their mother who has since married and is now Mrs. Tda A. Jones, residing at Church street in Baker The boys exhibited no concern when they were told that they would be lock ed up except the younger who asked the chief if- he might take the dog along. " 1 couldn't do without my dog, chief, clnmfi could." said the young wander er, and under the circumstances the chief allowed the dog to accompany his mnster to the jail. The boys asked for their deck of cards and proceeded to play a game of seven-up on the yiii floor. Their father sent tick-t', for lhii return to Monroe today. Salem High School Opens Baseball Season WJthMcMinnville The first game of the baseball season of the Salem high school will open with a game between Salem and the M' Minnville high school which will be played in this city Saturday a'fternoon on Willamette field. The high school tossers have been practicing hard for the coming season and promise to t-'k thp field in full strength for the open ing game. 1'hc full schedule for the baseball s-ea-on of the Sulem high school foliim-a: Me Minnville, at Salem, April 3. O. A. C. freshmen, at Salem. April 15. Corvallis, at Salem, April 22. Albany, at Albany. April 28. McMinnville, at Me.Minnville. April' 20. Corvallis. at Corvallis, May 5. O. A. C. freshmen, at Corvallis. May fi. Nowberg, at Newberg, May 1.1. Albany, at Salem, May 10! V. of O. freshmen, nt Salem, Mav L0. Open, May 20. P. of O. freshmen, at Kugene, Miy '27. Newberg, nt Salem, May 30. Anything" To Beat Roosevelt for Them Washington, April 7. Cloakroom talk at the capitol indicated today the re publican presidential nomination fight is between Theodore Roosevelt and Justice Hughes. Senators Warren, Curtis, Nelson and (iallinger are open ly for Hughes. " A dozen men who have at heart no use for Hughes," said Senator Poin dexter, "told nie they were for him. They see the trend of sentiment to ward Roosevelt, and will do anything to bent, it." Those intimate with Hois Penrose said he was likely to declare himself for Roosevelt verv soon. No One But Roosevelt. New York, April 7. Political signifi cance was seen today in the conference between Theodore lioosevelt, Victor Murdock and (loorge W. rerkins. .M unlock was reported to have told the colonel that progressives would consider no other presidential candidate. Price of Rags Drop Into the Basement San Frincisco, April 7. That old shirt which you discarded last week and other castoff garments are figuring largely in the financial world today. The bottom has fallen out of the rag market and .junk dealers who were talk ing ibout buying diamonds last week are looking for ready money to pay the rent. When the war broke out rags boomed. Wood pulp paper became scarce and rags were needed in the pa per mills. Copper and iron .junk was in great deman I tor munitions works, so the man who used to chant," " Any rags, uy bones, any bottles today" became affluent. Now the rag boom has burst. Mills, knowing that spring would cause a big influx of discarded flannels and other I rags ceased buying and waited for the ' prices to fall. They did. I The junk men had to sell for nnv ' tiling t'hey could get bee mse there are no warehouses available for the indef , inite storage of rags. .Brother of Salem Man j Crushed Under Logs j W A. Wiest. of this city. ine-l..- a 'liM.her le the Salem school', iee. ive.1 I wui'd late e.-terday afternoon that his ' bvotlu r. K:yninnd Wiest, had bet u kill e l a; s.'uppoose by being crush M under some rolling logs. The ileccns.'d was n Ibreaknui'. en. a logging trail'.. No p.,r Itieulnrs of the accident have been ! heard. He was 2S years o'f age ami wn.- lunrnoil. . A. Wiest and wite lett for Scnppoose lust night upon r-'c-ipt of the news. The funeral will be held j in Portland. sic GERMANY'S ANSWER Berlin, April 7 -Foreign Min ister Von Jagow this afternoon handed American Ambassador Gerard Germany 's preliminary answer to inquiries with regard to -submarine attacks on vessels carrying Americans. The nature of the reply is not known. K ,v. :t .-) v Ci i r ill Your Momach Badli JUST TRT ONE DOSE of MATE'S Wonderful Remedy and Be Convinced That You Can Be Restored to Health. Vanfifirful tomadiKeraey! jot odie. uero Mayr's Wonderful Remedy has been taken by many thousands of people throughout the land. It has brought health and happiness to sufferers who had despaired of ever being restored and who are urging others who may be suffering with Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments to try it. One dose will convince the most skeptical sufferer. It ucts on the source uuu foundation of these ailments, remov ing the poisonous catarrh and bile accretions, and allaying the underly ing chronic inflammation. Try one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy put it to a test today you will De overjoyed with your quick recovery. Send . for booklet on Stomach Ail ments to Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, 154-150 Whiting St., Chicago, 111. For sale by J. C. Perry and all other reliable druggists. J. C. Perry, 115 South Commercial. NEW TODAY A HALL Free for religious service. Phone fi20. Apr7 HAVE A GARDEX And lawn. Call phone 635. A-pr8 WANTED Experienced delivery boy, 855 North Commercial. Apr7 FOR KENT Housekeeping rooms, 336 North High. Phone "4." " tf FOR SALE Cow, will be fresh in a few diva. Inquire Route 0, Uox,U4-A. AprS FOR RENT Five room modern house, close in. inquire 110 Marion St. AprlO YOl'Nti FRESH COW To trade for horse. W. H. Poole, Route 2, Hox 130. Apr8 VOR SALE OK RENT Modern 7 room house, with bath. Well located. 280 S. 21st St. GOOD DIRT FOR SALE Apply corner i. f,. lliemeketa street and 14th. Phone 2214. Apr8 FOR RENT 8 room house, 8 lots, plen ty ot trnit, citv waterf tfS a month. Phone 2041-R. " Apr8 TO LOAN $4000 on good farm secur ity, long time, per cent interest. 418 P. S. liank Pddg. AprlO W ANT ETTTlTliPY Mohair. East Sa lem Tannery, 25th .mil Oak street. Phone 2100-M. Aprl3 WANTED To borrow .$2,000 on im proved city property. J. Wesley, General Delivery. AprlO WANTED Harness and shoe stitcher cobined, and shoe finisher. Address C. L. II., Capital Journal. Apr8 WANTED 3 room modern furnished ipartments, close in with garden spot. Phone 727 after 8:00 p. m. Apr7 BUI C KRO A DSTER R u n 5,000miles, in perfect condition, cheap for quick sale. 015 Statesman street. Apr8 FOR SALE Choice acclimated seed corn, grown by 11. 1). Landon, Salem Fence Works, back of Chicago store. Apr7 WANTED Girden aiid lawn work promptly attended to ami reasonable charges.' A. E. Da v. Phone 2.W1-K. AprlO ATTENTION Highest gride seedpo tatoes for sale, or will trade for cord wood, or young chickens, 500 N. Cap ital. Apr7 FOR SALE Two large rockers, one small rocker and 3 dining chairs, in "olden oak. 1!mm Center. Phono 827. Apr7 WANTED To borrow ifiiliuO for five years, on brick block worth $10,000. Will pav 7 per cent interest. Phone 1321. Apr8 FOR RENT 7 room house, close in, gas bath, hot and cold water, $10.00 per month, 310 Union street. Phone 5S0-M. Apr8 WANTED Experienced teafn man for work on grain farm, 5 miles south of Salem on Jefferson road. Phone H-F-ll. Apr7 EXPERIENCED HO.liTU'l'LTl'RIST Of O. A. C, wants position. Com niercinl orchard work preferred. Phone 71. YOCNG WIDOW With 2 little boys wishes position as housekeeper, .country preferred. Address W 2, care of Journal. AprlO NOTICE Will pay l."'.,,e for hens5 pounds or over, and 1." cents for small heiw, Friday and Saturday. Price's Meat and PoultFv Market, ' 32.") North Commercial Street. Apr7 STRAYED From 070 Center greatly prized lirge cat. big yellow eyes, brown nose, wiiite breast, body black, grey, white and brown. Name Jen nie. Am leaving Salem. Informa tion nt oioe, dead or alive, will be gratefully received. Mrs. Decker. Phone 1410. Apr7 "THE OLD RELIABLE" 1 1 ..:ira t . Kb-M fcPYFca MEN AT DnUGSIGT8.0RTMIAL BOX BY MAILoO. rROM PIANTCN 33 MFNHY5T empie.vM.Ky. o " f " -. I- I i1 I TM I O M r - Sic . wm VAni ; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATE Rate per word New Todey: Bach insertion, per word le One week (6 insertion!), per word Ke One month (28 insertions), per word 1T All adi must be ordered for stated length ot time, no ad to count lese than 10 words. The Capital Journal will sot be re sponsible for more than one Insertion (or errors in Classified Advertise ment. Read your advertisement the first day it appears and notify na im mediately if it contains an error. Minimum chirge, 13c. PHONE 937 For Wood sal. tf POTATOES for sale cheap, Phone OFlt AprI' HARRY Windowcleaner. I'hene 763. May3 WANTED Dry cows and strippers. Phono 1425-M. Apr I FRONT APARTMENTS- -Ground floor' tf 491 N. Cott ige. FOR RENT house, with gjrage, 174 o. Cottage. Phone 100. Apr HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS New and clean. 170 Court street. Apr 15 MODERN 5 room cottage for ront, 1441 Trade St., enquire w. A. Liaton. 4s Court. Aprl WANTED Wood cutters to cut white Jir wood, $1.35 per cord. Phone 6SI2. tf FURNISHED house for rent, 7 rooms, modern, b!2 N. Jl'gh. Inquire at bttn N. High. . May5 FOR SALEor trade 3 1-3 acres, 6 room bouse, cleir of incumhrance, on car line. 320 Hubbard BIJg. Apr7 CAPITAL RUG WORKS Rugs lnd Carpet weaving. 371 North High St. Salem, Or. Apr 15 FOlt SALE Mixcct wheat straw. Hay baled. Phone 41F23. AprlO DESIRABLE ROOMS Furnace heat, lino location, excellent meals. Phone 1156-M. 1510 State. AprT WANTED To rent an incubator in good repair. Not less than 150 egg capacity. Phone 09 F3. Apr7 FOR SALE OR TRADE Rooming bouse well furnished, good location, reasonable rent. 491 Court street, tf WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or o lcres or goou potato land, iviust be cheap. Address Journal C OO. Mayti FOR RENT Business block room, size 18XS0 feet. 407 State street. In quire at 403 State. Phone 1009. tf FOR SALE Quick Exchange Muket Saturday, April 8, two yearling lie't crs, one Guernsy and one high grade llolstein. ' Apr7 WANTED Experienced girl for "gener al housework, none but experienced, need applv. Mrs. Harry Clay, 270 N. 13th St. tf SALEM STEAM and Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Works. Feathers and mat tresses renovated. Otto F. Zwicker. Phone 1154. Aprl5 FOR SALE Team of mares, wagon, Harness, hack plow, cultivator, cream separator, 2 cows, 3 heifers, 7 shoats Phone 86F5. Apr8 FOR SALE Jerusalem artichokes IV-jC, per lbs. White and English. Penciled Indian Runner duck eggs for hatch ing. Route 9, box 88. April WANTED Position by girl sten ographer, working her way througii school. Hours after school and Sat urdays. Phone 2224. AprS FOR SALE 3V4 half truck Studebaker wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon, cordwood or stumpage. 2780 Lee. Phone 1322 J. tf WHITE ROCKS An egg striin of ex- niouion quality, jo eggs Dy parcel post for tfl.50. Imperial Egg Farm, Route 3, Salem. tf FOR RENT Very reasonable, modern o-room house, close to car line, church and school. Inquire at 1491 South Commercial street. AprS WANTED A man and wife, used t woods work, who would be willing to board 2 or 3 men, must have own camping outfit. The man to help in woods. Phone 092. tf GOAT AND SHEEP SHEARING By up 10 date power equipment. List your orders at Salem Fuel Yards. Phone f-29. Densmore & Frcsia. tf FOR RENT New five room modern cottage, partly furnished. Close to cir anil school. Long lease to good tenant, $10. B. W. Macy, 202 Bank of Commerce. Thone 815. tf FIFTEEN ACRES Highly improved, 5 room house, barn 50x50 with cement floor, 2 miles from town. This can't be duplicated at the price of $ti()0t). Morse & Tucker, 144 Com 'I. Apr7 FOR. RENT Five room furnished cot tage 2 blocks from State House, half block from car line, plumbed electric lights, wood and gas ranges, cement basement, furnace, $20, Inquire llil S. 14th St. AprS FOR SALE 6-room house, 2 lots, good assortment of fruit and berries, small barn, nil at a bargain. Car line I block, school 2 blocks. Price 1,35H, easy terms. Call after 5:30 p. m., 129(5 N. ISth street, Salem, Ore. Aid FOR RENT 30 acre hop yard with good tontrnct on part. Work carried up to date and bearing orchard, 8 acres, mostly peaches: located onc hnlf miles west of Wapito station, Yamhill county. Address Win. 11. Egan, Gervais, Route 2. Phone 3K1-1. Apr7 BIGGEST SALE Ever von can find: 20 acres, Hi to 17 acres plough Hnd, balance good timber and pasture, no buildings. On county road. Littlfl work to irrigate 2 to" 3 acres. Good black garden land. Price $1,500. i worth $3500. 1 need the mnnev. V'3 miles from Salem. "20 Acres." care of Journil. ' Aprla