Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 07, 1916, Image 4

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    ditorial Page of "The Capita
I Journal
I'll 1 1 A V KVKNlNli,
Aril 7, IDIii.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Bee. u nil Treus.
Daily by carrier, per year $5.0(1 Per month 45c
Daily by mail, per year
3.00 Per month,
While those blue print warriors are drawing plans
showing how any old nation can land a half million or
more troops on our shores in a couple of weeks, they en
tirely ignore the fact that we have a navy about equal to
any except England's. They assume that we would be
doing nothing all the time and just waiting for the
foreigners who ever they were to get through. These
same fellows were nearly scared into a duck fit when the
old Oregon made the trip around the Horn, lest some
Spanish fishing smack should run across her and send
her to the bottom. Yet when the test came, the good old
ship showed she was able to have whipped the whole
Spanish navy as a breakfast job. Preparedness is all
right and perfectly proper, but the methods the big army
iper to you on time, kiudiy piione tiio eireuiution manager, m tuis is the only., antj bigger navy acivocates are using to scare the public
way we can eterinine whether or not me curriers urn luiuming instructions. . , , , . , .- . . . v i-i i i a
Phone Main si. into taking their advice is too much like a quack doctor
who frightens folks into. taking his nostrums by pictur
ing all kinds of suffering and death from a stubbed toe
or an ingrowing nail.
New York
Ward-Lewis-Willinnis Special Agency
Tribune Building
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
poreh. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting me
Ore eon is eettiner some reputation as a loser. Every
one has heard of the "Lost Cabin Mine," which according; There is a fable about king log and king stork that
to the most reliable authority was first missing in 1851 or ; applies pretty closely to Wilson and Roosevelt. The fable
'52 and has been undiscoverable ever since. Then some j in effect is that the frogs in a certain pond became weary
years ago a quartz mill was lost up in the Greenhorn! of their king, a venerable log that reposed quietly in the
country, Baker county, and was not found for eleven pond and which proved always a safe place of refuge for
months. This, however, seemed to be more a case ot them. 1 ney urea oi its apathy and the progressives
strayed, for it was found 70 miles from its accustomed among them concluded to try another king and selected
rnncri' the stork for the job. The stork proved a much more
Then a whole railroad train was lost up in eastern 1 lively king than the deposed log, but he had an inordinate;
Oregon for a week or two. Then a steamboat belonging! appetite for frog, and had also a bad habit of dining on
to a Mr. Stevens and run by Captain "Big Bill" Turnbull his subjects. .They had a real live king but it was death
of Vancouver, ran away and hid behind Switzler's island to the frog family.
opposite Vancouver. On top ot these was a town at one
time on the Santiam, that disappeared, and never was
heard of again.
Coming down to recent days, skipping many political
Unless you register as a democrat or republican you
cannot vote at the primaries. The law provides that all
parties polling less than a certain number of votes shall
ISf.ffMWff 'I'l'W I'LL,,,.,,. , ' !, ., !:!!'!!' .''!!! !., .'I !,! '..Ill '!,!,. LI '!rfflW!!,'!,"l"'
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1! ifewJi i i
Until Cottolene was offered, people thought and
rightly that most fried foods were greasy, indigest
ible and unhealthful. But Cottolene was quickly
found to be a frying aid which actually made foods
better tasting and better to eat
None of the good flavor of the food is allowed to
escape; the cooking process is rightly finished and
the digestibility of the food is retained along with
tempting taste.
It is this natural quality of Cottolene which also makes it so
superior for pies, pastry, biscuits, cakes and all shortened foods.
Try Cottolene order a small pail from your grocer. -Then
arrange with him for a regular supply.
Write to our General Offices, Chicago, for a free
copy of our real cook book "HOME HELPS."
iiiiil n
piiwwi"wwwwi inwiii !,i
mw iiiii ii 1 1 hi it " i mil u i ii nil i minim liiiiiii imuii
to know how in the Sam Hill, or any other highway ; nominate by convention. So if you are a prohibitionist,
that unfortunately for their bearers were not", the state
seems to be keeping up its reputation.
But a few days ago Portland officials announced tne
socialist, progressive, or belong to any other political
party you can take part in the convention. If you are
a republican or democrat with a liking for prohibition
citv had lost 1,000 cords of wood. Now that would make you cannot register as the latter and vote as one of the
a woodpile four feet high, the same distance wide and regular party at the primaries. At the general election
8,000 feet, or a little more than a mile and half long. This! no matter how you are registered you can, of course,
we submit is "quite a chunk" to lose and would seem to i vote for any person or party you please,
be about the limit, but it is far from it. I m
It remains for Lincoln county to take the cake, break j a nuge turtle witn many nierogiypnies carved on us
the records, and flaunt the pennant as a loser. The report
made by the surveyor of Lincoln county to the Secretary
of the Interior in 1911, showed the county had :!20 more
miles of county road in than in the succeeding year.
The secretary of the interior was puzzled. He was
not familiar with Oregon's ability as a loser. He wanted
reputations that were irretrievably lost, and many more
authority, ::20 miles of county road could get lost in one
brief year. lie sent out an expert, who experted in vain.
All the roads in the county seemed to be in place, and the
farmers hadn't missed any. It appeared to fill the
description of the poet, once at large on Fifth Plain,
north of Vancouver, who wrote those rather bewildering
"The seeming of the Thing unknown,
To thee unknown today;
Now brings it need to fullness grown
To wither and decay."
Thnt. w.ms what nnnarontlv happened to :V20 miles of
' - i i
Lincoln county highway
back has arrived in San Francisco from Mexico. An at
tempt will be made to decipher and translate the old fel
low's private libary. The sailor who discovered it thinks
it was an object of worship in old Aztec clays. It may,
however prove no more ancient than the skull of Calaveras
described by Bret Harte. If it had steps up to its plat
form its connection with some of Salem's street cars
could easily be traced.
The principal occupation of American military officers
seems to be publishing stories of America's weakness and
pointing out to the world just where her vulnerable spots
are, and how an enemy could best take advantage of
them. If this is what this country is educating army
officers for, the quicker West Point is abolished the better.
Colonel Roosevelt earnestly desiring the presidential
nomination, baits his hook with the dainty verbal tid bit:
"I am not for war." Here is Bryan's chance to pass Teddy
However when the head of one; the dove cote, and come out strong for preparedness. It's
Big Appropriations j
for Coast Defenses'
Washington, April Ii. The bijrjjesti
appropriation for const defenses anil
t'ortif i ntions in American history was;
proposed today ill a bill Representative1
Swnyar Sherley, of Louisville, Ken
tucky, illtrO'.llleod. j
His incisure provides i)i21,fi!i7,i"i.j(i for
fortit'i'-ntiotis, submarine mines, field
artillery ami ammunition. It also auth
oiitizes the expenditure of 1011,000
on niuiiitiuns eontiaets.
The houe eoniiuittee on fortifications!
today adopted the program of the wurj
department board of review, which I
just investigated fortil'ieatiou prob-j
lems. It i- tils for six Hi inch nuns., two
of which will defend New York and!
four rape Henry. The mountinii of
seven I- inch gwus upon Viarhette ear-'
name's with e(uipmeit for hijjli angle
fire, giving a range of llO.lliill yards, is
recommended lor New York. Ilostun
ami either I'nrtlaml or "San r'rnneisen. j
Kmphicenieiit of ."it three inch auti-
nireril't guns is advised at various for-i
tified points.
Japs Order Lumber for
Telephone Girl Took j
Shot at Peeping Tom
T.a (Jrande. Ore., April (i One " Vep I
i"g Tom" probably is. discouraged with
his operations today as a result of an,'
experience with a plucky reh-piioii? op-1
erator last night. The ;;iri was ab-i:j
at her 'lome when she saw a leering
face at the window. Tlo.i.gii f right"aed, i
siie inniiiViincd her cumooin. Uoach-i
ii g for a telephone ncaii- ' sh" asked i
one of her :'i L'-o's at th exchange v. lint !
she should do. '
"Shoot him," advised the girl at the,
other end. j
The young woman secured a revolver
without arousing the suspicions of tliej
persistent peeper. 1 She Tired through
the window at pointblnnk range.
"Peeping Tom" fled. It is not believed,
the bullet took effect, but it svrv1, its!
Los Angeles, f.'al., April 7. In M fit
of epilepsy, Charles J. Marshall, o'l
yens old, a wealthy retired man of Mil
waukee slashed himself with a pocket
knife here and leaped from the sev
enth floor of the Clark hotel.
The leap resulted in instant death.
For a time William McKay, Marshall's
chauffeur was held by the police until
an investigation of Marshall's death,
had been completed.
Marshall came here more than a year
ago from Milwaukee. It is understood
he was the sou of a wealthy banker
j Pittsburg, Pa.; April (i. Masked
auto bandits entered the First National
Bank ()f Houston near here today, held
, up the cashier and escaped with
, .tlo.lKHl in cash. Posses are on the.
I trail.
rcier Lumoerior i r d& u
Ship Building at Homej UnJx , Hosterj
of Uncle Sam's departments wants anything he wants it .a poor politician who can't change his views over night
bad and generally gets it that way. This applies to in- it the wind gets in the right direction. .
formation as well as other things. The experts found no
vacant places where roads had been, but were no longer In selecting county and state officers if the voters will
there, and so they gave it up, classing it as one of the un-j choose them for their ability for the place rather than
solvable mysteries. " I fr the act that they vote this or that ticket, or their
Finally 'a letter' was written by the department to the! fathers did before them, they will get better service and
county judge of Lincoln county 'asking him if he knew; be acting in a rational business way too.
the whereabouts of .".120 miles of county road, that wasj ; ; .
giving the secretary a sample of Villa action. Yes, the i The great American hen when she is onto her job
judge knew all about it and consequently there was j can lay a dreadnaught costing $17,000,000 every two
nothing mysterious in it. You see, wrote the judge, the! weeks the year round, and not have to do any extra
ocean beaches along the western border of the county! cackling over it it either. So far as the cost is concerned
are of hard sands, and make the most beautiful roads in it is a trifle to your Uncle Samuel,
the world, when thev are not under water. That :E0 miles , i -
of highway is of the submarine variety, and is or ,s not uTT AOfeiilw
according to the moon. One surveyor measured me roans, ( UgJiJltlHiVllUm
when the tide was out, the other when it was in. 1 here,
was :'.'20 miles difference. And all this inquiry and
mystification was caused by the carelessness of county
officials in letting the roads stay out of nights and thus
getting moonstruck.
General Geothals savs conditions on the canal are
San Francisco, April 7. That the
lapauese are preparing to make a tre
mendous bid for world trade was be
lieve, 1 in shipping circles here today
when K. iriranitusu and other officials
of the Osaka Nhoslien Kaisha line ar
rived to purchase lumber for their new
fleet of merchant essels. They came
to America for hngber, it was stated,
because ship building activities in
.la, an had made the purchase of ma
terials there impossible.
It was reported that several of the
new O-nkn vessels might be put on the
voyage between San Francisco and
Japanese ports. Captain .1. Kaiuao.
formerly of the liner Panama Maru, on
which the Japanese steamer magnates
arrived, is already in Seattle negotiat
ing for large lumber purchases.
Guisseppi Brought Suit
To Recover His Grave
San Francisco. April 7. fluisseppi '
Farina was plaintiff yesterd.iy in a suit 1
to oust the bodv of ti. Riuueliini 'from !
a grave at San Mateo, so that he might ,
occupy the tomb himself. He told Judge1
Craham that Ilianehini got into the !
grave under false pretenses, Mrs. Binn-j
chini promising to remoe the remains
as soon as a permanent resting place j
was found. The judge ordered the widow I
to exhume her husband's body within)
six mouths. Farina has set his heart)
Gives the BEST VALUE for Your Money
tnrj Kiid frna Cotton to Silk, For Men. Wanes ui Children
Any Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair
Sold by AU Good Dealen.
Look (or the To Jo Mirk !
Wholesale Lord & TayloV
For Immediate Delivery
5 Load lots at
The road down hill is easy, your eait is brisk and ' " ' ....
hreezy. conuianionshin is eay: and as von trot alone- it. k HI CAR nflMPl (Xlilfi
- J - 7 Ba I mm llllllll L III a
I on being buried in the disputed grave.
Order Now
P'HJMmwTiu ,nf
Utinmtlt J I M
belter than he anticipated antl that it will be again opened, the dead game sports who throng it will cheer you on
for the passage of vessels April 15, or one week from, your way you piy the bmv. and flagori)
Saturday, and that in his opinion the canal will not again j am jcer the water wagon tne hydrant and
be closed by slides in the Cuelebra cut. This is good news
for the coast as it will have a tendency to relieve the
present freight congestion. Now if Portland and Sound
ship yards will just hurry up those wooden ships it will
be appreciated.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18GS
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
ii. i i i .
me pumn, anu, laugnine at the sorrow
which will arrive tomorrow, you hasten to.
tne dump, l our gait grows ever swifter,
with willie-waught and snifter, four fingers
at a throw: with decency you cmarrel. and
sneer at all things moral, and to the dump,
you go. Oh, faster yet and faster, youj
speed on to disaster, and steeper is the!
slope; friend, stop and look and listen, I
while yet in sight there glisten the snowy I
robes of hope! Some turn around and scramble backi
through the rock and bramble, a weary, racking climb;
but there are hands to aid them, and, though sore feet
delayed them, they reach the top in time. But most of j
those who amble down hill don't try to scramble back to
the healthtul pump, back to the sane existence they re
1 leaving in the distance, but keep on to the dump.
Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eye'i
Most Women Can Have
Cays Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known
Ohio Physician
front and Ferry
Telephone 830
Or. T. It Edwards for 17 years treated
score of women for liver and bowel ail
ments. During these years be gave to his
patients a prescription made of a few Well
known vegetable Ingredients mixed with
olive oil, naming tliem Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets, you will know them by their oliva
These tablets are wonder-workers on the
liver and bowels, which cause a normal
action, carrying oft the waste and poison
ous matter that one's system coltecu.
If you have a pale face, sallow look, ilall ;
eyes, pimples, coated toruruo, headaches, a
liVtlcsu, no-good feeling, all out of sorts. In-;
active bowels, you take one of Dr. Ednai J s
Olive Tablets nlBhtly for a time and note
the pleasing results, -sj ,
Thousands of women as Well as men,
take Dr. Edwards' Olive T.iblets now and !
then Just to keep In the pink of cmiUuion. I
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the success
ful substitute for calomel 10c and !ic
per box. All druKRists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O,
m wm m ws,w pa wrnrnu wmn
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
Strictly correct weight, square- deal and highest prices for til kinds of t
junk, metal, rubber, hides and tan. I pay per pound for old rifs. t
B.g stock of all si7.es second hind Incubators. AU kinds corruratei t
r ' " " W6 xvooung paper ana iecond hand
f ImoItMim.
H. Steinback Junk Co. Z
The Houso of Half a Million Bargains.
X 302 Norti Commercial St noo, gos
M-f44-M-.-r fV K-M M M M t