ft FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY rrwn ppVTJ OX TRAINS AND NEWS PRICE TWO CLNla stands fivk ct:sts THIRTY-NINTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1916 f ( (j amis fir SMALL GAINS! N IFarious Attacks Made In At tempt To Gain Hold on . Esnes Road GREAT ARTILI.F.RY DIIFI. RAGES ON WOEVRE PLAIN Crown Prince Preparing For Terrific Smash at Bethin court Salient Paris, April 7. Terrific German at tacks wore hurled against the Bethin court salient during the night after an artillery bombardment of almost unpre cedented fury, the war office declared today. Attempting to crush the salient's southeastern side. Germans fought their way into French trenches along rli Jiethineourt-Ohattineourt h i g h w a y. TItey were immediately ejected liv counter attacks from all defenses will1 the exception of a section "00 yards wide. Unable to register further progress in the Ilnucourt region, because of a cu'; tfin of French fire from batteries con cealed on dominating heights, the crown prince shifted his assault to Beth' Court. t A strong German column was ordered to reach the Esnes road and cut nf French retrent from the imperilled sa lient. Despite their fury, the Germans only 'succeeded in slashing their way through barbed wire entanglements into a front line of trenches a mile east of the highway. West o'f the Mouse an intermittent bombardment . was reported. French troops made further gains in the under ground fighting, seizing sections of covered communication trenches south west of Fort Douaumont. Violent ar tillery clashes were reported raging on the Woevre plain. Trench Position in Danger. London, April fl. French positions at Bothincourt, imperilled by the 'surrend er of Hnneourt, were heavily bombard ed all night and during Thursday, ac cording to advices from the front to day. The Germans are apparently prepar ing to make a terrific smash at the Uelhincoiirt salieat as the next move against Verdun from the northwestern wide. Only a brilliant defense saved Bothincourt on Wednesday. Though it is increasingly probable tliat the French inay be forced to w ithdraw . toward Rsnes, 7 1-2 miles northwest of the eifa dol, no alarm is felt with regfir.i to Arerdun itself. Severe fighting is reported from the British front at St. Eloi. where large columns of Germans are hurling at tack nftet attack. Canadian troops are in the thick o'f the ba;:re. Russians Near FrebUoud. Petrograd, April 7. Russian tro..ps me approaching Trebiznnd fwm tin east and south, official nnnouncen-ent today said. In an engagement to the southward all Turks were ejected f'om their fortified positions. .Hussion submarines, it was declared, destroyed n Turkish steamer and 11 calling vessels carrying coal W t' Black sea. A Slav 'battleship, said the war office, bombarded the Turkish cruiser -Midnllu, formerly the German warship Breslnu, putting 'it to flight. (Continued 00 Paie Thr.l 5 ABE MARTIN You kin tell from a car window that most farmer. are agiu preparedness. "I might as well have bought an auto mobile an these white spats when it co nes t' up keep," said Miss Fawn I.ip- j-iocut t 'day. 1 xififfi C) J jp ySj y ' j a V" U. of 0. Students Oppose Candidacy of Dr. Straub Eugene, Ore., April 7. The political aspirations of "Dr. John Straub, deau of men at the University of Oregon, were crushed today by the organized opposition of his own students. Dr. Straub had aspired to the governorship of the state. Students in the school of journalism now are editing the Eugene Daily Guard while the regular staff takes a vacation. In an editorial yesterday, the Guard opposed his candidacy. "The University of Oregon need; John Straub," said the editorial. "The state of Oregon needs as governor a more practical politician" The article paid high tribute to Dr. Straub while rapp.ng his political chances. TAKES OFF CLOTHES 10 LEI II EXPAND "The Body Beautiful Un hampered by Clothes" Is Soul Need Says Girl Berkeley, C'al., April 7. Girl students of the University of California flocked today to the residence of Miss Violet Wilson, daughter of ,1. Stitt Wilson, former Berkeley mayor, to talk with iier about the soul she declares she has just found. F.ast month Miss Wilson left the university and went to l.os Angeles, saying she was tired of haviag her soul cramped by school conventions. 4,'l on her reutrn she said she had just dis covered that soul and was giving it n chance to grow by wearing a dancing costume which let it expand. "The bodjv beuitiful," said Miss Wilson, "only half hidden by the cos tume, breathes vigor and strength and beauty from nature. It is unhampered by man made conventions, it grows. As students we could not find expres sion lor our souls. They were confined by a (-amped, crowded world old ex istence." I Estimated at 495,000,000 , Bushels As Against 897, 000,00(Uast Year "Washington, April 7. A reduction of 21 per cent in the price of winter wheat as compared with what it sold for one year ago was indicated by the depart ment of agriculture's report today. The average condition of winter wheat Saturday was 7S.fi compared to Ss.S a year ago. The average price pei bushel is OS.G. A year ago it was l..':7.1. In California the average wheat con dition Saturday was 92, in Nevada (" in Montana 85, in Inuno 14, in Oregon !;", nnd in Washington 83. The department of agriculture said a small production was forecasted 1!I5. (100.000 bushels, due partly to an 11 pei cent reduction in ncrengo nnd a low condition of growth caused by a wet. cold nnt'imn giving the grain a. pocr start. Flo d:,, lack of snow covering ti-.id sift (o-ilributed to the decreased crop. Far western 'sections showed the best results. Paris Exchange Falls Market Breaks At Close New Vork, April 7. The New Vork Evening Sun's financial review today said: In marked contrast with yesterday, which presented Utile, if any news of more than passing interest, the street was flooded today with important market-wise developments. A brief enumeration of them included the sea son's first government crop report dis closing the extremely low condition of winter wheat; exchange on Pnris fell to the lowest of the year, approxi mating September 's depression; Mex ican advices left, very much to be ne sired in General Funston's reported re quest for additional troops and intima tions that a de facto government repre sentative believed the expedition should withdraw. Overshadowing these, however, was Washington's announcement that a severance of diplomatic relations with Germany over the Sussex case) would not be unlikely. First, prices were generally higher with interest centering in specialties like International Mercantile Marine, Goodrich Tire, American Zinc, Butte and Superior and Inldustrial Alcohol, but the improvement was not sustained. Before the end of the first hour re actionary tendencies developed in the entire list, many specialties losing a point or more. The early afternoon was character ized by somewhat hysterical selling, probably the result of an aggressive ibear drive. Bethlehem Steel broke 22 points, American locomotive 2 3-4. Baldwin Locomotive 2 1-4, Crucible Steet 1 1-2, Mercantile Marin 1 3-1 i Mexican Petroleum .1, Stndcbaker 2 and Industrial Alcohol 3. F IE Officials Cannot See In Light of Events, How Break Can Be Avoided UP TO GERMANY TO ACT AND TO DO IT QUICKLY Ambassador Gerard Optimis tic But Not In Touch With Home Feeling Washington, April 7. The United States government ril absolutely con vinced today thatn German submarine torpedoed the channel steamer-Sussex, with Americans aboard. Berlin 's state ment of Teuton intentions is being awaited. In the ligh? of its firm con viction, the ndministhration does not propose to wait long. These facts were known as the cab inet ministers gathden at the Whit;' House. The evidence is declared con elusive, although its exact nature has not been revealed. What part the American embassy attaches' report en torpedo fragments found in the Sussex wreckage may be playing in the Mti:n tion is not known. The slate dep:vt ment is without confirmation of Ber lin reports that Germany desires furth er details of the Sussex disaster before communicating with Washington. was hinted that such a request woo' not be received kindly here. The attitude here apparently is th'' Germany is expected to declare its in tentions in the Sussex case on tue The ory that one o'f tli'c kaiser's submarines was responsible. It has been indicaieit so strongly re cently that the government is reporter' to sever diplomatic relations if Ger many is proven responsible for the t.t tack. that many officials cannot see n possibility of Berlin declaring her elf in anv wav by which n rupture may be avoided. Disavowal of the attacfc, promise oi making reparation to those who suffer ed by it and real punishment i'o- submarine commander are I he strongest German assurances expected by lb most sanguine. Others are hopeful that a settlement of the whole submarine is sue may become possible as the price o' continued diplomat ie relations. They be lieve that such a settlement, conceding all that America has contended nnd giv ing unbreakable nssurances. would save the crisis. If these things are so, it is certain that Germany must act voluntarily, and act soon. Gerard is Optimistic. By Carl W. AC.erman. (United Press' sta'ff correspondent.) Berlin, April 7. American Ambassa dor Gerard dries not believe the German American situation is serious. In spite of allied reports, be is confident that Germany will meet the United States with complete willingness to discuss and settle nnv question now at issue with regard to the five ships recently de stroyed. Dr. Heclisher said today that the reichstag'H tone, formerly anti-American, had changed since Imperial Chan cellor Von Belhmann-Hollwok's speech. "When Germany shows her good will to America as she does today," said Dr. Kecksher, "adjustment of any difficul ties is certain." Officials believe that if the present international "tonus are weathered the danger of diplomatic break will have passed. By Robert J. Bender. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Situation Is Grave. Washington, April 7. With the cab inet considering Gorman-American re lations for the fourth time since an al leged submarine attack on the steamer Sussex, uncertainty, anticipation and solemnity were mingled in the atmos phere of the White House today. There is no doubt that the government will soon announce its plan of action, but the length to which President Wilson may go is not known. Secretary Lansing, when the cabinet met, was ready to present additional proof from both French and American! sources in support of the cliim that a German submarine topedoed the Sus sex. Besides this, he had numerous dis patches indicating that the kaiser had embarked on a new submarine cam paign regardless of bis assurances given America months ago. The situ ltion 'm seriousness was re flected in the absolute official seerec which shrouded every move. Conferenc es in which President Wilson, Secretary Lansing and Colonel K. M. House par ticipated were not discussed. Data throwing light on recent undersea boat activities was not disclosed. It was understood that the adminis tration through a spirit of courtesy would not jet until Ambassador Gerard in Berlin reported the German position. The matter will not, however, be per mitted to drnw on indefinitely, accord ing to general belief. POSITIVE PR SUBMARINE SUNK STEAMER SUSSEX MAY BE TWO CHINAS Iondon, April 7. The rich Chinese province of Kwang Tung of which Canton is the capital ins declared its inde pendence of the Yuan Shi Kai government, according to n lieuter dispatch from Shanghai today. Fear was expressed that other provinces would follow its ex ample, possibly dissolving the republic into a number of small nations while the revolution agiinst Yuan Shi Kai is in progress. It was reported that this week's movement would split China into two nations, a south era and a northern. The prov ince of Kwang Tung has an area of 80,00!) miles and its pop ulation is variously estimated at from 22,000,000 to :i(),000,O00 people. , y.' Livestock Shot and Horses, Barns and Granaries Are All Burned Saskatoon, Sasj;., April 7. A whole family of six were wiped out in the Wakawa -district last night when Pro kop Mnnchure, his wife, his brother-in-law and his thiee children were mur dered and their home burned. Their livestock were shot and left to perish in the burning barns. The crime was discovered by a neigh bor. The alarm was sounded and a number of neighbors gathered. It was thought that the family had been accidentall." burned to death during the night. One by one the bodies were taken from the still smoking house and it wes vornd that a wholesale murder had t ik e i place and that every member of th' family had been shot down before the house had been set on fire. The crime i was evidently committed by a nm'hnnn m wuose nanus tue ruio, round in tne rums, had evidently been used. After the murder of, the htnmm in habitants, the miscreant directed his at tention to the livestock of the farm. lhree head of oxen were found out side the barn shot dean." .Among the buildings burned were two gii'innries-, each containing 1,000 bush els o'f wheat, and two barns, in one of which, six head of horses were burmd f. death nnd in the other two bead ( c:ltle perished. Schools Closed to Save Grand Mothers' Lives! Oakland, Cab, April 7. Oakland will i not see the usual epidemic of "grand mother's funerals" on the day the, Oakland team pi ivs its first game ou the home grounds. This was assured to- day when the board of education in structed all school principals to permit any student desiring to do so to leave j school on the opening day to attend the, game. "They'd all play hookey anywiy," saiil the director who suggested the, plan. The Oaks open on their home) grounds against Portland on April I.'!. SENDS EAST FOR PRINCIPAL Portland, lire., April . A. H. Spnuil of Salem. Mas-s was notified bv the Portland school board today of his elec tion as principal of the new comniereiMl high school heie. lie will take ol'fbe September 1. PRISON FLAX PLANT IS HIVE OF INDUSTRY With the flax plant ami the prison school running full blast the empty echoes of the penitentinry shops have given way to the hum of industry, and ommeri ial flax and element irv educa tion are being turned out under the suprvision of Superintendent Cady nnd Principal 1-rank Uavey, re.-pectlveiy. The three principal operations of preparing I lie mix lor use is Doing car ried out by about n hundred men ill the flax mill." The flax is broken, scutched ind hackled, then bound into bundles. The breakers consist of serrated rollers that break t rie woody covering I rum the flax its it is fed into the machines bv one man to eiicb machine; another breaks the bundles uml separates them for the feeder. Another man takes the flax js it comes from the breaker and piles it up 011 a table where it can be readied by the men working ot the scutching machines. The scuti liing machines consist of 4 dull knives shaped like a cavalry sabre which revolve on a shaft. The bunches of broken flax are held agiinst these knives which scrape the woody parts from the fibre wliicu is tnen twisted would result irom experienced in-e m 4nd turned over to the hacklers. The bor. However, the men are being hackles consist of huge steel spiked nnilf.,1 to a table. The bunches of flax are then tombed out much the! same as nula iv eoniim out tier nair switch. ' Tt,o'v,,wU leiv the fibres of the flax free from tingles nnd in suitable bunches for handling. They are then assembled in bundles about 12. inches E RELIEVE Strange Men Wanted Room Overlooking Cottage , of Murdered Women ONE MAN OCCUPIED IT NIGHT OF THE KILLING Murderer Made Sure They Were Dead---Was Probably Known by Them Seattle, Wash., April 7. An unknown man slept in the." observation room" of the apartment liouse at "M 1-2 .Vest lake avenue, on the night of. the nui'der of Mrs. Corine Wheeler and her sis ter. Miss Kate Swift. This was the discovery made today by Mrs. ,T. O. Fonts, the landlady. The aged sisters, wno were fiun.l dead with their heads beaten in with an ax and a hammer, had told a neighbor, Mrs. O. F.. Smith, that a man was watch ing them from the apartment house across the street. The "observation room" was on the third floor, directly across Hirrison from the little liou.-j whor? t.i' Id women horded their savings, "On Widnesday night (tin ii'.ght rf the murder.) n man slipped into the -oom," said Mrs. Fonts today, ' it ha I not been occupied in lie thnc nicks that I have mnnaged tl.'.vphre. "I was -surprised Thursday bi see the ;r,( slightly open. It. 'mil mt b"' n loi'ked I stepped inside -l'ld fr.m -1 f'C room in disorder. A man had era' into the lied with all his clothes on. I have no idea when he enme in or when he left. No one saw him." Another apartment house angle to fh' murder mystery, was the statement by Mrs. Font's that tin peculiar actnnr young men. two of them wearing nvrnt ers had applied for a room Weilinsdny afternoon and told her they ".l,!i 't have any money but were 31 ng to g t rome. ' ' Men Act Queor'.y The three men came to Iier ;t '' 'Ul p m Wednesday, she snvs, and asked to see a room. 'They talked "rnffly an! when taken into a room on t'.e no-ili lido, one of them went dirocilv to the window and peered toward the Vni liouse across the street where th" liters lived. The thought occurre 1 to her then f'-e says, that the men were planirrg t i rob pome house in the neirH.v!.oo'l. Th ' police put H. 8. King, the n plu w of the victims who found the I od es. .in iier n severe examination for .hree hours yesterday. "We are inclined at the present to accept King's story as he tells it," said Cuptain of Detectives Tennant. "He stuck to it during the whole time." According to the Dexter Horton bank. Mrs. Wheeler withdrew her money from the bank between February and July, 101,'). Her account amounted to a li tt ! more than .2,000. Detectives working on the case point out that the murderer wanted to make sure that his victims were dead, because they were unmercifully chopped with the ax. Hobbery could have been accomplish ed, they sav without going to tlmt ex tent. in diameter and the full length of the fibre and in this shape it is ready for sale to the flax mills and other fac tories that in ike linen products. The flux that, is separated by each operation from the first quality fibre has its uses as tow, twine, and the short tangled refuse is baled for upholstering furni ture. Tho fibre flax is easily distinguished from the seed flax by'jts coarseness but for certain uses the seed flix fibre is in demand and finds a ready sale al though its primary purpose is to make linseed oil. "Rotten" Flax Is the Best. It will be noted in looking over the samples of flax now ready for sile, that the most even colored and best cured flax is the so called "rotten" flax that aroused widespread comment last winter when the flax was undergo ing the retting process. About 100 men arc employed in the flax plant and not one of them ever worked in 1 flax plant before, and as j a result Mr. Cady is not able to put 1 out the quantity of finished flax that j taught their new duties and next, year when the acreage is increased to fioO acres the plant will provide labor for over iuu men miring mo ronre .cur I promises to return a handsome profit i to the state, once the industry is in good working order, as well as opening (Coatinuei aa Paga lhr.) PEI CLUE IS FOUND 111 SEATTLE MURDER Association Agrees To Advance Lumber Prices Tacoma, Wash., April 7. After a sur vey has been made to even up discrep ancies in quotations, a general increase of from 50 cents to $1 a thousand in lumber prices will be made by north west mills, it was announced today. Sixty-three western Washington mills were represented at a meeting held here late yesterday to consider the question of advancing prices. About 00 per cent of the delegates to the meeting aro af filiated with east coast lumbermen as sociations. The present market is strong and de mand good, lumbermen said. Conditions in the industry, it was claimed, are bet ter than in several Jears ind promise to improve steadily. ' TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN Roosevelt Not Discussed But He Evidently Is Not In Favor Chicago, April 7. United States Senator Warren G. Harding, of Ohio, this atteraoon was unanimously chosen temporary chairman of the republican national convention which meets here in June. The republio.ui national com mittee made the selection. Chairman Hilles, of the republican national committee said Theodore Roosevelt's announcement of his can didacy for the presidential nomination had not entered into the short deliber ative proceedings which preceded Hard ing's selection as the man to deliver tho convention's "keynote" speech. It is believed that Hirding was ac ceptable to both the conservative and progressive elements in the party. Some consdered him a compromise chairman whose selection would conciliate iiooso velt. Harding is here. Hilles would not comment on Colonel Roosevelt's candidacy. Ralph Williams, members from Oregon said the only sur prise in connection with Roosevelt's an nouncement was th it it was so mild. UaKayette Gleasoa, of New York, made temporary secretary of the con vention and George Mart of Roanoke, official reporter.' ' ' ' " 1 Seventy-Third Anniversary of Historical Event-Judge D'Arcy to Preside The sevenly-third anniversary of Founders' day and the sixteenth cele bration of the day will be observed at Champoeg under the auspices of the members of the Oregon Pioneer associa tion, Saturday. May 0, 19111. Judge P. H. D'Arcy will be president of the day and preside at all the ses sions. Besides the opening anil welcom ing address of Judge D'Arcy, short talks will be made by Governor Withy combe and men of prominence from all parts of the state. The talks made at the annual Chnm pootr celebration nr.. ra by pioneer men and women who gather at this tirr to tell o'f the varied experiences of their pioneer days. The celebration of the founding n' Champoeg 011. May fi, 1SUI, has now In come one of the great annual events of the state. It will include a basket pic nic, Racial re union nnd a 'special pro gram with vocnl and instrumental music, will be arranged. This celebration is for all who are in terested in the early history of the stato and especially for pioneers anil their descendants. Judge Asks County To SueHim for $1,000 Vancouver. Wash., April 7. Superior Judge It. If. P.lack. known as the "first aid to rapid" wants to be sued. In one venr Judge Black married ,100 couples, for which he received upwards of $1,000. He doesn't know what t do with the money. The law suys 1k may receive no pay besides his salary. There is no provision for turning it over lo the slate. So Judge Black has n-' the county commissioners to sue liim for it. GERMANS EXECDTE WOMAN Amsterdam, April 7. Mile. Petit, a Belgian woman, has $ been executed at the order of a German court-martial, according to the newspaper Kcho Beige to- day. She was accused of :jc treason. The court-martial also sen- fenced to death Louis De Bet- tignies, a Belgian, but later com- Hf muted that judgment to imprisonment, Marie Van Houtte anil Georges Desa F.ver were sentenced to 15 years' im- jjt prisonmcnt. All were charged if with treason. 5)3)1()(1(I. VILLA HAS 2000 MEN HEAR PARRAL AHO WILL FIGHT This is the Story Mexicans Brought to General Bell Today CARRANZISTA GARRISON IS STATIONED IN CITY Dodd Presses" South Despite Problem of Transporting Supplies By E. T. Conkie. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) El Piso, Texas, April 7. Prancise Villa has gathered S!,U0O men at Parral for a determined stand against th American expedition, Mexicans in formed General Boll today. Colonel George Dodd 's advance guard was reported ueiring I'arral. The siztt of the Villista force surprised officials. Tho most liberal previous estimates credited the bandit with but a few hundred, while if was generally believ ed a mers handful was attending tha wounded leader in his flight southward. Latest reports said tho Villistas weret poorly mounted And that they were, fre quently compelled to hatt for rejit. If, contrary to General expectations, Col onel Dodd has gone so far south of tha supporting columns as unofficial ad vices indicate, be may overtake tho bandits. A Carranzista garrison is supposed to ho it I'arral, where a number of for eigners uro believed to have remained so that they could ho near their miuinj; interests. Feins for their safety aro felt. Constitutionalist troops from Chi huahua City and Torrcon could easily reach, i'arral by rail if they doaired quickly to eh ilienge Villa. General Pnblo Gonzales, just appoint ed commander of northern Mexico by General Obregon was reported en rout to assume supreme coniand of the do facto armies in their campaign against Villa. Dodd Hot On His Trail. 8au Antonio, Texas, April 17. Marching steadily southward in defi ance of increasing danger to their com munications, advanced American de tachments were believed today to ba near Satevo. Major General Kred Funaton received a inessign from Ma jor Sample, stating that Colonel Geo. Dodd's flying cavalry had already reached Satevo. Colonel Brown reported from Cusi huirac.hic th.it ho believed Francisco Villa was hiding between Hotevo and Santa Rosalia with the Americans " hot on his trail." Brown's advices con firmed tho reports of an engagement at Ojo Calientes. He indicated tint close American pursuit may force. Villa into a narrow strip of cituutry walled in by Carrnn.ist is on the south and by United States troops from Satevo. Car ranz.is.tu reports said de facto govern ment soldiers were advancing along the railroad south of Chihuahua City. General FuiiHton and members of his staff were optimistic, today, in marked contrast to their recent lion communica tive attitude, fc'unston spoke reassuring of the prospect of capturing Villa. flf Colonels I.Hdd and Brown ar holding the trail which leads to I'arral it is evident that they are disregarding tho supply i t ii it inn. The trail is a mcro winding path, skirting canyons and fraught with many grave daugers. As Parral was said to be Villa's ob jective, it is not improbable that tho Americans decided on n quick dusli to bring him to luy if possible. "Going To Get Villa." By Carl I). Groat. f United Press Staff Correspondent.) Wasiiintgon, April '!. We are going; to get Villa! This was the official word that went out today. If there is any contemplat ed change in this purpose it exists so far in President Wilson's mind alone, and has not been communicated to men in charge of the American expedition. Mono could prophecy, however, how long the task would be. "You might as well ask 'how king is piece, of string!' " said one army of ficer. Yet he has repeatedly voiced confidence that die Americans will catch Villa. Under the surface t ilk to the effect that Carranni might demand withdraw- ( Continued on Pago Seven.) J THE WEATHER Oregon: Fair tonight and Sut ii r d a y; I i g h t frost tonight east portion; easterly winds.