Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 06, 1916, Image 4

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    The Capital Joiiroa
April ti, 1910.
Editor ind Manager,
1 Page of
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Sec. and Treaa.
Daily fcy carrier, per year $5.00 Per month 45c
Daily by mail, per year
3.00 Per month 35c
New York
Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency Tribune Building
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier docs not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, hi this is the only
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phone Main 81.
Passenger service between Eugene and Marshfield was
begun yesterday over the Willamette-Pacific railroad now
completed with the exception of the Umpqua bridge,
where a transfer has yet to be made. A rather remark
able feature of the event is that mail service over the road
began on its first train, the department usually refusing
to send mails over a road until it is completed.
There was no celebration over the opening of the new
road, that being reserved until the bridge is completed
and through service begun, which will be sometime in
Southwestern Oregon has heretofore been cut off from
communication with the balance of the state, a stage line
over none too good roads, or a trip by ocean steamer be
ing required to reach the Coos Bay country.
It means much not only to Marshfield and Eugene but
to the whole state. A vast section rich in timber, with an
abundance of coal and bearing veins of copper, lead, !
zinc, and the precious metals has been brought inclose
touch with the balance of the state, and the effect of this
will make itself felt.
Another far-reaching feature is that it gives Oregon
another seaport, another shipping and receiving point.
That it will be the main port of entry for all southern
Oregon cannot be doubted, and it will divert trade from
both San Francisco and Portland, though it will not be to
the injury of either for it will build up and create trade
from which both those points will benefit.
One of its most important effects will be the stimulus
it gives to the mining industry and the assistance it will
cive iiLonenine up. of what is considered by expert mining
men, the greatest mining field in the United States, the!
Siskiyou and Rogue river mountains.
It is known that great copper deposits exist in Curry
and Josephine counties, as well as Coos. The black sands
along the beaches rich in both platinum and gold tell the
story of hidden wealth in the hills from which they came,
and the prospect holes, opened 'principally by pocket
hunters, prove conclusively not only the richness of the
district, but the wide dissemination of metals.
Josephine county shows quartz bearing along with its
gold, platinum, the only district where platinum has been
found "in place," that is in the quartz, and indicating the
source from which the black sands have been enriched.
The new railroad will have a greater effect on Oregon's
mining industry than any other thing that has been done
in the state. ''Watch southern Oregon Grow" is the'
slogan, and while it is growing is the time to get hold ot
some of the "unearned increment."
Rodman Wanamaker will soon renew his attempt to
fly across the Atlantic ocean, which he abandoned in 1914.
A new machine is being constructed by Glenn Curtis and
C. Starling Burgess which is to be equipped with six
motors of :!00 house power each and will have a speed of
100 miles an hour. It will be adapted for alighting on and
rising from rough seas. No date has been set for the
attempt but it is announced it will be made this summer.
The airship will be named "America" as was the one in
which the first attempt was made. -How soon will there
be an air jitney service across the Atlantic making the big
liners hustle to hold business?
The taking of German passengers from an American
ship flying the American flag was the same as an in
vasion of American territory by an armed British force,
and the removing therefrom of those beneath the flag's
protection. Sir Cecil Rice called at the state department
yesterday to "discuss" the matter. To a real warm
blooded American it looks as though there was but one
course to pursue demand and enforce the return of
those Germans to America. Until this is done and those
passengers taken from an American ship are returned
there is nothing to discuss only something to resent.
The naval committee is agreed to a continuous build
ing program, the only question being as to the number and
character of warships to be built. The advocates of a
bigger navy yant four dreadnaughts and four battle
cruisers the first year, and four first line warships year
ly for five years. The objection is made by some on ac
count of the expense, and yet the American hen lays eggs
enough to pay for two dreadnaughts a month. The ques
tion is can this country afford to give up a sum equal to
the value of one-fourth of its hen fruit for five years to
have the greatest navy in the world?
As the Capital Journal predicted a short time ago,
Portland's demand for preferential rates would open the
gates for a rearrangement of the rate system, and might
do away with the big differential in favor of terminal
points. Now comes" Spokane asking the same rates as
Sound points and Astoria. If this is granted, then the
same reasons will require that Baker City, LaGrande,
The Dalles and other inland points be put on an equality
with Spokane.
A Pitsburg man, J. G. Vogle, has leased Sand Island
in the Columbia between Portland and Vancouver and
announces that he will build the biggest summer resort
in the Northwest. Workmen will begin clearing the
island of underbrush Monday,, and! it is "prtimised the
season at "the great Sand Island Resort" will be opened
formally, July 2. . In the near future Portland will begin
to put on real citified airs and imagine she is "some
Take Tablespoonful of Salts
If Back Hurts or Bladder
BothersDrink Lots
of Water
We are a nation of moat caters and
our blood is filled with uric acid, says a
well-known authority, who warns lis to
be constantly on guard against kidney
Tile kidneys do their utmost to free
the blood of this irritating acid, but
become weak from the overwork; they
get sluggish; the diminutive tissues
clog ami thus the waste is retained in
the blood to poison the entire system.
When your kidneys ache and feel
like lumps of lead, aud you have sting
ing pains in the back or the urine is
cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder
is irritable, obliging you to seek relict
during the night; when yon have severe
headaches, nervous ami dizzv spells,
sleeplessness, jcid stomach or rheuma
tism in bail weather, get from yoilr
pharmacist about four ounces of '.lad
Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast cWh morning
and in a few d.iya your kidnevs will ai t
fine. This famous salts is made frouii
the acid of grnoes and lemon iiiii e, com-1
bined with lithia, aud has been used
for generations to flush and stimulate
lugged kidneys, to neutralize the acids
in urine so it is no longer a source of
irritation, thus ending urinary aud
bladder disorders.
Tail Salts is inexpensive and cannot
injure; makes a delightful effervescent
htma-water drink, und nobody can
make a mist ike by taking a little occa
sionally to keep the kidneys clean and
Will Portland get its 20,000 attendance April 18, base
ball opening day, or will it bust? The fans declare they
will do one or the other and it looks like a bust. Los
Angeles had 14,500 at is opening game and San Francisco
l:,000. It looks very much on this showing as though the
Portland fans had bitten pretty deep into the pie, and
probably have more of a mouthful than they can
Fourteen hundred employes of the New York Central
went on strike yesterday, in the Matt Haven yards, de
manding the reinstatement of several discharged men.
It is said that if these demands are not complied with
8,000 men employed on the lines between New York and
Buffalo will be called out. The situation as between the
railroads generally and their men is not ideal, and a small
strike now may lead to one reaching to all the roads in
the near future. The dispute over the demand of the em
ployes, for an eight hour day, and time and a half for
over time, has not been settled and the present strike may
bring that question up for settlement, sooner than it
otherwise would have come.
The result of recent elections is not calculated to cause
Justice Hughes to change his sphynx-like attitude. The
Chicago election was indeed enough to dampen the ardor
of even the strenuous one, and make him almost willing
to allow someone besides himself to make the race
against President Wilson. It requires considerable
whistling to keep courage up under such conditions.
Major C. Darnley Stuart-Stephens is the latest blue
print army officer to lick the United States. The worst
and most humiliating feature of the matter is that this
big conutry should be so unmercifully walloped by a man
who parted his name on the side and hyphenated the hind
end of it. Judging from the length ami strategical forma
tion of his name Major C. Darnley-and-the-rest-of-it
should be a great long distance fighter.
The Oregonian's straw vote indicated that President
Wilson is very likely to carry this overwhelmingly repub
lican state. It has required several columns of heavy
editorial matter on part of that paper to figure out that
even Hughes has a fighting show in Oregon against
J. P. Morgan & Company drew a check for $70,70:5,600
yesterday and the paying teller of a New York bank paid
it without batting an eye. It seems that member of the
firm had been out shopping that day and finding a block
of Canadian bonds that looked good to him had drawn
the aforesaid check to cover the purchase.
Educational Conference
at High School Saturday
An educational conference of all the
school teachers in Marion county will
be held in the auditorium of the Salem
high school Saturday, April 8. Dr. II.
I. Sheldon, of the 1'iiiversity of Ore
gon, .1. A. Churchill, state superintend
ent of public education, Prof. A. L.
Peck of the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege tud Dr. Carl Cregg Doney of Wil
lamette Cniversity will deliver ad
dresses. The program of the day is as fol
lows: 10 a. m. Music bv Salem high school.
Ill::i0 Address by Vr. It. D. Shel
don 'of Vuiversity of Oregon.
11:15 Address by J. A. Churchill.
I:il0 p. in. Opening exercises.
1:50 Address by Prof. A. D. Peck
of the Oregon Agricultural College.
.':.') Address by Dr. Carl tlregg
Honey of Willamette Vniversitv.
Los Angles
is the round trip rate to Los
Angeles. Six months return
limit with stopovers. The spring
is a delightful time to go.
Southern California
are at their best. Nice warm
sunny days making bathing
ideal. Choice of beaches, Santa
Monica, Ocean Park, Venice,
Redondo, Long Beach and New
port are all within a few min
utes ride of Los Angeles.
Remember that the beautiful
Panama -California
is open all the year. Many of
the best exhibits from the Panama-Pacific
Exposition have been
taken to San Diego making this
fair bigger and better than ever.
Write for our liooklet on San
Diego and Southern Culifomia.
Ask local ugent for further information
or write
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Portland, Ore.
Southern Pacific
Don't Stay Gray! Sage Tea and
Sulphur Darkens Hair So
Naturally that Nobody
Can Tell
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18G3
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
A man grows sick of the walls of brick, and the city's
endless roar, when 'old winter goes, with its frosts and
snows, and the springtime's at the door. His soul rebels
at the city s smells, and he says to himself,
says he, "There are banks of thyme with
a scent sublime, and the woodland's calling
me!" His soul revolts at the jars and jolts
that the urban dweller knows, at his sordid
task, when he longs to bask in the glen
where the cowslip grows; and he says, "Gee
whiz r I am tired of biz, and sick of the
sights I see, of the stress and strain for a
tawdry gain, when the woodland's calling
me!" In all human lives, when the spring
arrives, there riscth the wanderlust; and a
fellow's dreams are of woods and streams, and the long
road white with dust. And he heaves a sob as he views
his job, from which he won't dare to flee; and he says,
"By Hoyle! It is hard to toil, when the woodland s call
ing me!"
1 e
i I '"'
You can turn gray, failed liair beau
tifully dark ami lustrous almost over
night if you'll get n 50-eent bottle of
"Wyeth's Sage niul Sulphur Com
pound'! "t nny drug store. Millions of
bottles of this old famous Sage Tea
Recipe, improved by tho addition of
other ingredients, are sold annually,
says a well-known druggist hero, be
cause it darkens the hair so naturally
and evenly that no one can tell it has
been applied.
Those whose hair is turning gray or
becoming failed have a surprise await
ing them, because after one or two ap
plications the gray hair vanishes and
your locks become luxiirantly dark and
This is the age of youth. (! ray-hatred,
unattractive folks aren't wanted
around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound tonight and
you'll be delighted with your dark,
handsome hnir and your youthful ap
pearance within a few day's.
This preparation is a toilet requisite
and is not intended for the cure, mitiga
tion or prevention of disease.
Presidents Vacation
Will Be Minus Quantity
Washington, April li. President Wil
son in confronted by a varnt ionics or
nearly vncationless summer in Washing
ton. Excepting n few week ends the
magnificent mansion arranged for at
I.oiiir Branch. X. J., will have onlv the
caretakers for occupants.
't'he international situation, p-issihiv
tics of congress remaiuing in session
until August and the summer emnptiig.i
are expected to keep the president hcie
the greater part of tho hot months.
Vo:.l tlict the president aud .Mrs.
Wilson v.-1 1 : not spend the time ihcv ex-pi-ct.'d
tc at Long Branch .vent' out
fi-w the Vhte House todav. 11 -,-,s
leirned nil plans of an extendi-d tt.v
there nave been practically ib:nidua,-ii.
''.(ward the end of the simmer the
president ' will malic one or two long
"swings around the circle." if the Ku
ropenn situation, the .Mexican campaign
trouble and congress do not interfere."
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cttred
by local applications, ai they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure catarrhal
deafness, and that is by a constitutional
remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused
by an inflamed condition of the mucous
lining of the Kustaehina Tube. When
this tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
the result. Vnloss the inflammation
can be reduced and this tube restored
10 its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever. Many cases of deaf
ness are caused by catarrh, which is nn
inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Cura acts thru
the blood on the muco'us surfaces of the
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Circulars free. All Druggists, Too.
F. .T. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0.
Introduced the Girls
to All the Druggists
Tor; In nil. Ore., April rt To be known
to every druggist in the city that is
the municipal court sentence under
which three t'irls. known as Lena, Bes
sie and Irene, gained their freedom to
day. They had l ion drinking alcohol which
they s.curu! i.t drug stores, the police
''Take thee girls." said h.H'o
I.anggiith. "and show them to evrv
drugg-.-t in -the city, so that tnev ,
not sell tlir anv more alcohol "
i'libiic Defender Robinson spent i il I
ilny jd'.cniuy afternoon executing ;h -1
court 's oler. !
( Boudoir Secrets)
The electric needle is not required or!
the removal of hair or fuzz, for with i
th use of lilain ilelatnm th
boru growth can be quickly banished.
A paste is made with water and a little
of the powder, then spread over the
hniry surface. In about 2 minutes it is
rubbed off and the skin washed. This
simple treatment not only removes the
hnir. hut leaves the skin free from blem
ish. Be sure von get genuine delatoue.
Journal New Today Ada de-
liver the goods.
The only sure way to get rid of dand
ruff is to dissolve it, then you destroy
it entirely. To do this, get about four
ounces of ordinary liquid arvou; apply
it at night when retiring; use enough ti
moisteu the scalp and rub it In gem.y
with the finger tips. , -
Do this tonight, and by morning, most
if not all, of your dandruff will he
gone, and three or four more applica
tions will completely dissolve and en
tirely destroy every single sign and
trace of it, no matter how much dand
ruff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will -stop at
once, and your hair will bo fluffy, lust
rous, glossy, silky and soft, and look
and feel a hundred times better.
Yon can get liquid arvon at any drug
store. It is inexpensive und never fails
to do the work.
Advertised April "), liilli.
Bailey. Oscar.
Bean. Mrs. A.
Bowles. Mr. and Mrs. J.
Brown, Mrs. A. B.
Brown, Miss Maruie.
Bums, Mr. W.
'asset t. W. B. & Co.
Coffiiulof'fer. Mrs. Charles.
Collier, Mr. Ralph.
Delanoy. Miss Helen.
Eberhard. Mr. I.h.
Edmister, Miss Nettie. ..
Cregg, Mr. Ceo.
Holderness, Mr. 0. E.
Jones, Mr. II. W.
I.udeke, Miss Marie.
Peterson. Mrs.
Bant inolla, Mr.
Savage. Mrs. Fannie.
Shade, Mr. Henry.
Skinner. Prank M.
Smith, Mr. Chaunccv.
Starv, Wm. C.
Tracy, O. W.
Vornt, .Tos.
Wirostek, terra Aug.
V. M.
Oct the drift of the world's doings
by reading The Capital Journal.
Apply Cream in Nostrils
Open Up Air Passages.
Aha. What relief! Your clogged nos
trils open right up, the air passages of
your head are clear nnd you can
breathe freely. No more hawking.
snuffing, mucous Uncharge, headache
-..iris no struggling for breath
nignr, your cold or catarrh is gone.
Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from vour
druggist now. Apply a little of 'this
fragrant, antiseptic cream in vour nos
trils, let it penetrate through every air
passage of the head; sootue and heat
the swollen, inflamed mucous mem
brane. giving you instant relief. EIVs
( ream Balm is just what everv cold
and catarrh sufferer has been seeking.
it s just splendid.
after a bad cold or a spell of the
grippe? You need a safe tonic to
help Nature bring back your health
and strength, assist the digestion and
keep the bowels regular.
This suggests a fair trial of
Stomach Bitters
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
" uttttti 4M
Olil ....
Strictly correct weight, iquar 3eal ud ligheet pricei fo, .11 kiada of
3unk. metal, rubber, hidoi A J,, t m. . . ..
tv . , ... fy per ponaa ror oil riiw.
Big "ock of .11 .econd hand incubators. All kind. cormgmtM
Iron for hoth rnnf n,t kn.l,ll. . Blr
,. , nooung paper and w:ond
H. Steinback Junk Co.
The House of Half a Million Bargain.
802 North CWercW 8t , 80S