THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1916. EIGHT "Salem's Style Store" whai . i A Great Women's American Aviators Arrive at Dublan By H. D. Jacobs. (United Tress stuff correspondent.) U. 8. Army Headquarters, Dublund Mexico, (By wireless to Columbus April .1.) Two American urmv aviators who had been missing sinee Friday arrived here today. They wore caught in a ruin nnd snow storm in Chocolate pnss, ' 1 ll OUR FACILITIES, PLUS OUR EXPERIENCE Enables us to make and adjust those glasses which help your eyes most. Ask for the Shur-On mounting. MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 208-209 Hubbard Building. Phone 109 The Store That Saves You Money, GoCarts and Sulkies Spring Time demands that you take baby out. If you have a Fulton or Fultonette you will enjoy your trip. ' The Fulton Gocart as a colapsible cannot be dupli cated for simplicity. Just the thing for that auto trip. See them on display in our north window. (YK '-" Zr saEEEE2S2B"Successor8 toCalef Bros , ,, , Pre-Easter Sale 100 Newest 1 and Misses' Suits at $19.85 For this week we place on sale abeautiful assortment of New York's latest model Suit at a price within the reach of everyone 100 choice Suits to select from including the popular serges, poplins, gabardines and various check patterns in navy,peach, tan, Belgian blue, sage green, apricot, champagne and various colored checks . Choice Everyone new display. BuyYour Spring Suit Now miles south of headquarters, while fly ing in from Namiqtnpa. Facing a blinding rain, tho flying men narrowly eaeapeil death. Finnlb they beonmo lost and landed near the home of a Mexican, lie proved friend ly, giving them food, lodging and musi cal cutertninment. On Saturday ho started with them toward United States army headquarters. When they arrived hero n horso nnd wagon was sent buck for their aeroplanes, which were not damaged. $19.8 5 See Window Display A Seven-Day Pre-Easter Sale of New York Latest Millinery $3.98 exclusive styles no two QUALITY AND SERVICE T AD Aroun Mtt t mii;nmimm;iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuumwutj;iiiiiimnmmt 3j( 3C 5jc c jc tjfi 5jfi ?c sc 5C )(C $ $ COMINGEVENTS TONIGHT April It Eleetiou of director 'tourist and publicity depart ment, Commercial Club. April 4 Recognition services for Rev. Cleo. F. Holt, First Baptist church. April 7 Tmkcgee Jubilee sing ers at Congregational church. Free. April 7 Prof. Robert E. Stauffer at public lib rary on "Oregon Litera ture." Apuil 9 Oregon Social Hygiene Suciety, open meeting at Armory, 3 p. m. April 18 registration for primary election closes. April H. Flection of director April 22. Mid Summer Night's lh-enm, Opera House, auspices Salem Women's Club. April 2H Faster Sunday. April 28 Dance, benefit Salem Street Railway band, at the armory. April 2S High school piny "Creen Stockings" at opera house. T J He Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fita glass m correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bldg. George Trazure, of Uie West Salem Supply company who has been serious ly ill for several weeks, is reported this morning to be rapidly improving in health, and out of danger. Dr. B tone' i drug store. F. F. Schram, who has been with the Chicago store in the grocery depart ment for the Inst seven months, has ac cepted n position in Mnrshfield and left for that city with his f. unity this mouth. Last February, the sale of morning. stamps amounted to $thiS.75 while dur- o , ing the month of March the Sales went Automobiles for hire, passengers ftndjon so stoadilv that the totul amount baggage trnnstercd, rates reasonnmc, 1 country trips a specialty. C. O. Me Kirov. I'lioua 947 or tio9. tf Mr. aud Mrs. L. E. Sheldon of Al bany are in the city and expect to make Salem their home. Mr. Sheldon was formerly head of t he dress goods department of the Hamilton store, but at present is traveling for a mercantile firm. Vi. Stone's Drug Store for trusses. Ivan O. Martin and Mrs. Matlock, of Salem, were in the city Wednesday. Mr. Martin is one of the likely candidates for representative. He is one of thos follows who will play fair with the peo ple in every undertaking and oeserve" to be elected. Silverton Tribun. See my Car Five passenger, a snap at Vick Bros. Apr 5 alike. .See the window TTTTt ttttttf TT TTTt MtMt--f 30 loaves of fresh bread for one ( dollar. See for yourself ut the Modern j Bakery, 4119 Court street. Aprl o The women's auxiliary of the Span- i ish War Veterans will effect a perma I nent organization at a meeting to bo women who are eligible are invited to attend. , The Summer Normal at Salem begins j on April .'I, nnd continues twelve weeks. Address J. J. Kraps, Salem, ! Oregon. April . o The Southern Pacific carried an ex- cursion of the Knights of Columbus to Corvnllis yesterday, bringing members . from Mt. Angel, Sulem, and Albany for I special w ork in that eity. The nttend- ance was about 100. . o j Motor truck for sale. Will consider !teum as part payment. Inquire Gideon 'Stol. Co., Phone 20. Apr(5 o ! Tk. Qg1.i lnlln. -nA T f- i,l under the management of Sherrill Flem- ing, shipped during March, an average lof I7." cases of cHgs .1 week. Markets hnv recently beta secured by which 1 400 cases n week cna be sold at prices in advance of the local murkets. o- , Wliy worry? Let T. Eechtel & Co. do that, thev will get von a good ten- nnt for your vacant house. Apr.1 The Salem Social Service Center, through its secretary, Ivan O. McDnn iel, is in a position to place six men who can work in a brick ynrd. There are also several jobs of spading in sight for those who really want work. Apply to Mr. McDaniel at the Commercial club. It means more life :o your shoes ev ery time you have them shined at Oil son's professional shoe-shining pirlor. 457 State. tf The contract station of the postoffice located at the Crown drug store, is do inn a business that is increasing: eacl WHS S04. Auction sale at the People's Quick Exchange Auction Markot on Saturday, April Mh at i:'M p. m. Everything sold on commission. Oon't forget I bnv household furniture for cash. F. N. Woodry, auctioneer, l'iione Ml, Apd-0 Tomorrow night at the rooms of the Salem Chess anil Checker Club, James Walton, Jr., will play simultaneous games with all the best chess players in the eity, or nt le .mt, those who would line to get in the game. The only con dition is that each man bring his chessmen. The game will begin at S o'clock and is open to the public. Thinking of building this spring? We can supply you with all kinds of lumber and building materials, tiet our price. Falls ( itv-Salem Lumber oni jany. Phone 813, 3i'J S. 1-t'a St. E! Sage of Lebanon Since Milt Miller Left, Is Being Urged to Enter Race Honorable Samuel M. Garland, or "Sam" is he is called by the furnace man, will in .ill probability be a candi date for cr.igressman of the first dis trict against W. C. Ilawley, the well known present incumbent who has held this position since Hryan first ran for president, or along in that epoch some i:,,,u i r .... r ... Mom n by birth, education aud prin-J ciple, a lawyer anil a gentleman, lie served in the 1915 legislature and is at present a holdover senator. His home is in Lebanon, in Linn county and he has a clean political md private record that makes him a strong favorite where he is known. A petition, started this morning in Salem urging Mr. Garland to allow his name to be put on the ballot, was signed by about oO unterrified Demo crats in an hour or two ami petitions arc nlso being circulated iu Corvallis and Eugene. Mr. Garland is not seeking the nomi nume forward but he is said to be in a "receptive mood'1 and should he be urged by enough of his friends .ind fel low Democrats he will allow his name to be presented at the primaries. Regular meeting of Hodson Council No. 1 K. & S. M. this evening, a full attendance is requested by order of the Thrice 111. Master. ....A tract of land enntniuing -12 icres, four miles north of Jefferson has been purennsea ny ir. it. watt of Lonurg, Ore. The tract is improved with house, barn and orchard and bought by Mr. Watt as an investment. John Steiwer was the grantor, ind the sale was handled by W. H. Orabenhorst & Co. Qestion Answered: Question Where can I get good Auto Klei-trie Globes Answer Go to Lockwood's at 21ti X. Commercial St. o Officers of the Salem Elk lodge went to Independence this afternoon to as sist in conducting the funeral services of George A. Rich, who was a mem ber of the Salem lodge. Those attend ing were A. J. Anderson, William L. Patterson, Eugene Slater. A. L. Wal lice and Judge P. II. D'Arcy. The White Kid Spate have arrived. see them at Fullerton's, 1170 Xorth Com'l. Where vou see everything new first. Tonight, the director for the coming year of the tourist, puhlieity and con ventions department of tile Salem Commercial club will be elected, to suc ceed F. G. Dneknbnch. It is not known whether Mr. Deckubach desires to suc ceed himself or not, or whether there ire any announced candidates in tho field. While all members of the club are welcome, according to the rules of the club, members can only vote in the department with which they affiliate. They Are4 Here Everyone has been waiting for those white wash.ible Kid Spats. See them at Fnllerton "s, 270 N. Com'l, Home of tueen Quality shoes. The executive committee of the state teachers' association met Saturday and along with other business, discussed the advisability of establishing an Oregon state teacheii' jijurnnl, although no definite iction was taken. Members present were: J. Podey Wells, Jnekson county; Viola Ortschild, Portland; Dr. 11. I). Sheldon, Eugene; (I. M. Elliott, Salem, and E. F. Carleton, assistant state school superintendent. Hear the Sorona Talking Machine. The greatest achievement of the age. Took first prize at San Francisco tor clearness and sweetness of tone. Mvr tle Knowlnud, 4ll Court. In the contest between the Sunday schools of the First Christian church iu Sulem uud the Christian church iu Portland, in which attendance, new members and collection each count a point, the Salem chinch won all three points yesterday.' The attendance record was Salem 4(i:l, Portland H41; new schol ars, Snlcm ill, IVrtland 29; collections, Salem $:t2.0l'. Portland .f2''..HI. With the three points won yesterday, the Sulem church has scored six points against a total of nine for Portland; Don't Miss It! The Brown-Robertson line of prints, one of the largest and best lines in New York City, will be here Wednesday and Thursday of this week nt The Frame Shop ind Git'tery in their new home at 41 Court St. The public is cordially invited to come in and enjoy these wonderful pictures. ' Apr 4 John D. Guiss, the brother-in-law of K. Cooke Patton, was the first to file at the land offiie, Portland last Sat urday for land on the Siletz reservi- tion. viith the aid ot his wife and iinugnter, ne una aeiu first place in the line since March 22 and filed on a claim which he settled several years ago, but on which he had been nimble to prove on account of the land hiving been withdrawn from entry. He had already spent ifloW on the claim. A subject of local import will be disciwsed by Prof, h'ohert K. Sfautfer of Willamette University nt a lecture to be given next Friday evening at the public libriry. Although he has been iu the state a short time, he soon be came interested in the' writers of Ore gon and learned that. Oregon more than any western state ha t produced many writer of national reputation and many who are now contributing to the literiture of the country, es pecially in technical and educational lines. Heine he has chovu fur his ad dress, "Oregon Literatuie. " The road commissioners of Polk county are likely to receive about a tiirn l,ilt..rt t.i.l.v- t'runi I. i.ri.ia u tin.. autos stuck iu a tad stretch of road ilk jEggzmsi The best ground and sifted cereal food ever offered for a man or woman's appetite-entertainment Ckerry City Patent Flour v . At Your Grocer I AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT 486 N. LIBERTY STREET, NEXT Tuesday, April 4, 1916, Commencing at 1:30 p. m. Consisting of One good 6-hole steel Range, with Reservoir; One good 5-dr'w'r drop head White Sewing Machine; Two good Fluff Rugs, 9x12; One good Axminister Rug, 7x9. One solid oak extension Table, nearly new. Six solid oak Diners; One marble top Wash Stand; A number of Dressers, Stands, Oak Rockers, Beds, Springs, Matresses, small Tables, Gas Range and Plates, Fall Leaf Tables, Kitchen Treasures, 1 small Stove, 1 Porch Seat and Swing, and Other Articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH Note Don't forget the auction sale at the "Peo ple's Quick Exchange Auction Market," which is held each and every Saturday at 1 :30 p. m. Everything sold on commission. I will pay highest cash prices for your Household Furniture. Try me and be con vinced. F. N. WOODRY, Phone 511, Auctioneer. Sunday on the Snlein - Hopewell - Port - land road, just before Yamhill county is reai-iieib, traveling north. On this hill, which seemed to have no bottom, ten cars were pulled out yesterday ami ( lyile Apperson, a banker of Mc.Minn- ville left his Apperson six in the road over niuht. With the exception of this mo leet ot were excellent. deep mud, the roads An auto drive of 171 miles was made by K. T. Barnes iu his car yesterday, which included n drive to Multnomah Falls on the Columbia Highway, by way of Portland. The trip was made leaving Silem nt 5:.'10 in the morning, returning nt :'M) o'clock, p. in. The roads were fine with the exception of a lum yesterday afternoon and came down few bad spots, but Mr. Barnes is of town to look around. He stopped i" the opinion that if one really wants front of the Bligh theatre and proceed to enjoy the scenery, the trip should ed to do a Charlie Chaplin with tho nid not be taken on Sundays or holidays, of a willow switch for a enne nnd nl Yesterday, so many cars were on thettrnrted a larce crowd when the fre . lnchwnv, tint the whole hiu'nwav trip was just like driving in a procession. The postoffice at Salem broke sev eral records during March. The month est receipts tor the same period ever experienced by the office, nnd the first ipiarter of the year was the largest in the history of the office for n corres ponding time. Total receipts for M uch were ii4s7.1l, compared to 'triTsS.ST for March of one year ago. Of the fi!IS7.14 taken in at the office last month, ."17:11. US was fur stinips and stumped envelopes: .f lM.04 from news papers and periodicals; if2.V.i."7 from third nnd fourth class nutter and $1.1. 7." for box rent. For the first ipiarter of .1010, the receipts were $;;i,.'i!t!l.0.", compared to f'l!l2'.l, one year ago. On account of the great deficiency in officers that would arise in else a na tional emergency, the Western Popart ment of the 1". S. Army will establish military training camps in the west, whereby professional and business men may have the opportunity of four weeks' training iu practical military U'f.'iirs and instruction from military officers. Military circles feel the lack of officers and non-comniissioueil offi cer especially should a emer gency arise, and the government is es tablishing these training amps especi ally for those men who could soon quali fy as of fiiers. Camps of instruction will be established at Americano Lake, unsn., rort Douglas, I tui, and Monte rey, California. Now that March. 1916, belongs to! the past, nere is the record made bv the official recorder at the office of the Oregon City Transportation docks: The hottest dav was the 17th, when the mercury in the thermometer reach-1 ed til: the lowest temper iture for the j mouth was :t'J above, on the fourth. ! The aveiage maximum temperature was ."L'.l! degrees nnd the average minimum, 1 4.1.3 degrees, with the average for the! month. 4,11.4 degrees. The rainfall was ' l'l.'iti im hes. the heaviest experienced ; during March for flie past - fifteen ! ye irs. The average stage of tho river1 as 10.2 feet ahove low water, with . the highest at 17.2 feet oa the 27th and the lowest, five feet above on the first and second dav of the month. 0 ; Willamette university fared remark ably well in the all Tar western indoor! meet at Corvallis last Saturday. The 1 best athletes from all the lending col li ges from California. Oregou. Washing-' ton and Idaho were present and every event was strenuously contested, lii I the SO yard dash, with 20 entries, ninny from the California colleges where stu- 1 dents are iu training during the w In- everj woman Knows ! ; ter, Bert Ford of Willamette univei j sity, won seeo.nd place. He was i the lead until the last i" feet. Fold ; is a sopohomore and lives in Salem. Tb third place in this race was nlfo won liy j n student from the university, Krazier Small, a law student. These record -i ; nunle bv the home bovs mav be einisiil ered as quite remarkable from the fad that the IS who did compete in 111--race were from erllegej Vilote the boy-' are given pnocW1 elii.nce.) '"T trainin:;. Paul Browi of ills un v.'rdty, .hos--. home is at Amity, was given fouith place in tlu ,;a."iia throw. Frank Neilson escaped from the anj'- performance was interrupted bv () : 'fiver Vnrney. Neilson gave, his nddrivi as the last house on Asybini avenue o'i the south '.sidp of the street nnd he w .n the month ofnpj up ;,, county jail until tin showed the la rg- nff ;,,,.,, ernm fl, i11Mitiitimi nrrived. Xielson said he thought Charlie Chapli'i must be crazy ns it was so easy to imi tate li i ill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stiver ot" llal 1ns were guests in the citv Suudnv ol Mr and Mrs. Marshall, ' North Sixteenth street. Clocks Repaired Also a Nice Line oi jcwcuy, j s KARL NETJGEBATJER. x Masonic Temple CITY NOODLE HOUSE NOODLES 10c, RICE-PORK 10c FRIED RICE 15C 420 FERRY STREET RESIDENCE PARLORS Lincensed Lady Era balmer Moderate Prices Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 721. Salem, Ore. j i rffi-yti'lfflTm.tnjL'i.iii! "J sv i mm - -