3 I 1 .! ; raw TODAY : CLA8SiriElJ ADVEBTISTNO RATE) Bats per word New Today: Each insertion, per word .. ,., it Ooo weak (6 insertions), per wordfl Ooe month (6 insertion!), per word 17t The Capital Journal will not b re ponsihje for more than one inaertioi for errors In Classified Advertise menu. Bead your advertisement th first day it appears and notify nj la mediately if it contains an error. Minimum charge, 13c. I'llONK !;;: l-'or Wood sal. tl J I AHR V Wiudnwclcnner. Phone 7ilS. Aprl W ANTED Heet HJkM. entile ami iiorj. Aprfl WANTED Drv I'linin: U-j.-.-ir. cows an. I strippers. Apr'Jl WANTED A-l moat cutter. 1." Commercial street. 7 S. Apri FOR IIEM od notice. -Modern new well furnish Phone 7PsV. Aprl I.lM'll WAGON For sale cull at X. Com! St. trade Apr' llol'SEKEEPIN; RiiuM clean. 170 lourt street. -New and April 1'oR SALE 24 one year old. Buff Leghorn l'hone (0l'21. pullets, Aprl OAK. dry ash, fir and maple cord wood, l'hone 1322-J. W. F. Proctor. AprlO SINGLE ( OMIirn Buff Orphington cockerela (or sale cheip. Phone 00F2. Aprl WAITED A second hand ansoline pump with under ground tank, l'hone 1887. M:u31 GOOD CAR To trade for What hne you! Addres; .Tuurnal. real estate, i "G" care Mar31 CAPITAL RIG WORKS Rugs ,nd arpet weaving. 371 North II iH St. Salem. Or. April WANTED Good hand sewing e'nl on men's coats. Call in rear 12th find Howard Sts. Aprl VV ANTED An Fnjrlish per miluilntor nnny carriage nnd a lawn mower. l'hone (c'J-K. Aprl I'OK SAl.h 1,1 acres hot torn land, south of .Marion. Airs. E. Thonia Marion, Oregon. Aprl run RENT On shares or cash. ,10 ncres tnnn land. Horace Svkps, at freight depot. " Aprl FOR SALE One good delivery wagon. 1 doulde harness. 1'. P. Harlan, 12th nnd Leslie St. Aprl DKSIRAHLE ROOMS Furnace heat fine location, excellent meals. l'hone lloti-M. lolt) State. . Apr7 'I'll UK XT Five room . house. Iiarn, three lots and chicken park, 101 S. 18th.' Phone 2113-R. Aprl "FOR SAI.K A limit ." tons galvanized wire from hop yard, put up in coils nt 2 cents. Phone 7SFH. Apr4 WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or ,r icres of good potnto land. Must lie cheap. Address Journal ('-."0. Mavli FOR RENT Business block room, size 1S.S( feet. 407. State street. J si -quire nt 4H:: State. Phone 1(H'!. tf FOR SALE Cheap wood saw. new. One horse wagon, new. Comer 22nd nnd Nebraska in Englewood. I'.iirch. ' Apr.'! J.ARCE WELL ROOTED ROSES Caroline Testont and Frau Karl Oruschki, 1,1c each. Phone 1700M. , April 1 ONE DIP PEN'S Tip once, then write .til") words. Send HV for samples. Ross Agencv Bureau, Salem, Ore Rt"i. . Aprl FOR SALE Top grafted cherry trees it half price, to clean up stock, 12':, cents each, llarrv K. White, Phone 14 Flo. Aprl MONEY TO LOAN On farm oj- im proved city property. Inquire C. Z. Randall. 30.", Salem' Bank of Com merce Illdg. Aprl .SALEM STEAM and Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Works. Feathers and mat tresses renovated. Otto F. Zwicker. Phone 1 1.14. Apr 1,1 FOR SALE 3', half truck Studebaker wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon. ennlwooo or stumpngo. 27iO Lee. Phone i:i22 J. tf WHITE ROCKS hibition quality, post for .tL.lii. Route 3. Salem. An egg striin of ex II eggs by parcel imperial Egg Farm, tf I'OR SALE Cheap, one team horses l,0n0 and 1,100 pounds each, nlsoi harness nnd wnjon. Roth Grocerv Co. Phone 1 SS7. Apr::, KOR RENT Eive room house, largo barn, chicken house nnd park, large tardea spot, $Hi per month. Inquire 1415 X. 4th street. Apr4 I'hTNE TREES 0 and S foot it 7e. Oregon Champion gooseberries $ I. 1.0ft per thousand. Call nt office, 3.17 N. Commercial. Phone 2.10-lf. Aprl FOR SALE Am forced to sell my well mated farm team, weight 2.100 lbs. In good condition and readv for' work. Ll(, A. Broadway St., corner Columbia. Aprl FOR KENT A good thirty acre hop yard an. I S acres of orchard mostlv poaihex, in Yamhill county. Inquire Wm. H. Egan. Gervais, Route No. 3. Phone 311. Apr! I'OR SALE 40 ncres in Linn county, partly cleared, on enmity rosd. crcaio' route and mail route. .1 room house and out buildings, well. etc. Price I.00O. Terms. Route f. P.ov 27. Oeci. Weber. Apr4 EM 'IIA.NGE ( hob e .1 acres Salem uiburgan home, for sale, or will trade! for city property; valuation 3,0u0.i This is worth conii.lerini if yon want a nii-e home rloe to ear line, good M'liool niol cilv. t or particulars ap ply to It. A. Johnson & Co., 3s7 State atreet, Salem. Apr.! Mission Services At StPaul's Church "The Xriuity of Hell ami the Trin ity of Heaven" is the caution or' tln address tomorrow afternoon at a men's mass meeting at St. Paul s church at ,'! o'clock liy the Rev. E. V. .Shayler, who has been conducting a mission at that church all this week. Other services for the-dny are celebrations of the hoiv comniunioii at 7 and S in the morning, a choral celuebratiou nt 11 when Air. shayler will speak ou "A Man's Value ti Society. " and a mission service nt 7:-'!0 p. in. when the topic for the ad dress is to be "The Kind of u Kin-' Christ Wanfs to Be and the Kind of a King We Desire." The missiom-r will also at this service answer current objections to the Episeopul rhuich. To morrow is the closing dav of tie mis sion, Mr. Shnyler tu return to reattle Monday morning. The services throughout the wtck nave neen inspiring and helpful. Mr. Shayler being greeted each evetng In large congregations. "Capacity houses" it is expected will be the order of the day for tomorrow, as the missioner 1ms made a deep impression with his straightforward practical talks. Claim Cinnabar Mine Showsjery Rich Ore lueonin, Wash.. Apr. 1. Samples of tlie cinnabar deposits discover of which was announced several weeks ago near Mount Rainier, are pronounced by li. "cunerrs. nssayer and chemist here today the richest ever found in this secnon. i no ore that nas been extract or runs about 20 per cent mercurv. Merenrv before the war was valued at from $40 to $.10 a flask of 73 lbs. FOR SALE 40 acre tract. 1040 Hood St. Inquire at Apr4 leggy wood. FOR SALE (r ll'Su Waller. trade for Aprl FOR SALE CHEAP Sidwav baby cab, nearly new. Phone 80.'!. ' Apia ROLE TOP DESK And office chair for s.ile, cheap. Phone 1712-.I. Apr4 HALED HAY For sale, good hack to trade for stock. P,0x ,"i, Turner, Ore Zn Aprl FOR SALE (food young team, weight ""llfl II... .1.- ,. . m, .uso iresu cow. mono ti.it 4. Aprl FOR SALE 1 bay wiig Call at horse, harness and 234SI Cherrv Ave. Apr4 WANTED Middle aged general housekeeping. woman for Phone 40F4. Apr4 WANTED Wood cutters to cut white fir wood, 1.2.1 per cord. Phone ti2. tf NICE sn le. store. FIR AND OAK WOOD For John il. Scott, over Chicago Aprt FOR RENT 'force or four room mod ern rurnished apartment, 32,1 S. 14th street. Apr4 WAXTKD Young milk cow. Give de K. A. llvde, sinptiou and pine. Turner, Route 1. FOR REXT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonable. S.l.l North Commercial street. tf YOt'XG WOMAN Working .low., town wants work Cor room and board, are ot children tueteicd. l'hone 1000. Apr." WANTED Work horse, weight m,t less than I400 lbs., not over eight, years old. Call 34.1 Cliemeketa. Phone 000 or 07S. A).t WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework, none but experienced need apply. Airs. Hurry Clav, 270 X. 13th street. ' ' Apr.'! COAT AND SHEEP SHEARING liy up to date power equipment. List your orders at Salem Fuel Yards, l'hone .'20. Densmore & Fresia. tf Nl'l,ERV STOCK Lowest prices at Northwest nursery, rear of nrmery. tinned Franquett'e Walnuts. Hudde'd Dolly. Choice roses, etc. Phone 413. ' Apr3 Fl VE Dright, capable demonstrate un.l sell I ulies to travel, dealers. $2.1 to per week. Kidlroud fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 51.1, Omaha, Nob. Mil lih.r .New five room modern cottage, partly furnished. Close to i We are pleased to note the nil eir and school. Long lease to good j noiinceinent of Sam IL Brown that he tenant. $10. li. AV; Mac.v, 202 llimklis a candidate for renomination for or voininerce. Phone Sl.l. tf IIOI'SES FOR RENT-.l room cottage, southwest corner Oak nnd Summer, - jr.5i: 7 room house and 3 lots, 203.0 V. 4th. $16.00; 4 room house and .1 'pt', S. 21st and Turner road. Sj.UU. Phone. 71. pr4 I II AVE S(il.l) the house I told you was cheao. 1 have iiwt listed some more nt bargains. Il.we a 7 room plastered residence and barn to rent tor per montii. John over Chicago Store. It Scott 1 'Aprl i 1 MEN Become detective, investigating, collection represent itive for your city. Work handled everywhere. Ambitious men ta'ight business, if 1 n) .3o(.i month. Rubber City Secret Ser- ice, Akron, O. ' Aprl WHITE I.EGIIOR.N liABV C1IK.KS Hatch tomorrow. From a trap nest ed heavy laving strain. Twelve cents apiece m large lots, (all or write Sherill Homing, one nnle south of:'""1 convention nt 'herns wn Sunday, end of S. 12th street enr line. Aprl""" church service here being dismissed .i for the occasion. ,AGENT3 WANTED I " Shaw and Miss Margtret LARGE MAM h At Tl l.'EII wants rep-jStonlk attended the Similar school con ntsentatires to sell shirts, underwear, vention in Salem Friday, hosiery, dresses, waists, shirts, dire-tl The Udies Aid of Brooks met at to homes. Write for free aliunde. Mrs. Kent li;,ki, I,, Tk...i. ti .M.olion Mills, Broadway, NeWi York Cilv, ' - BIGGEST SALE Ever yon enn find: 2n acres. Hi to 17 acres plough 1 in, I, balance good timber and pasture, no building. On county road. Little! work to irrigate 2 to 3 acres. Good! Mile Kar.ien ninn. rrne l...oii. is i nwrin .!,., i need ine monev. U'., mile from Salem. 20 Acres. care Apr 10 1 of Journ il. THE DATLY CAPITAL JO THE MARKETS The following prices for fruita and vegetables are those asked by the wholetaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices 'are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. The markets nre ipiiet today. The only change from yesterday is the ad vance of $1 a ton for timothy hay. While retailers differ somewhat as to the correct price for sugar, an aver age price is not far from $s for cane and 7.S0 for beet -sugar. Reports from 1 ortlund and from the eastern refiner ies indicate a possibility of eveu nine cent sugar, caused to some extent by a greater demand from foreign countries. (Trains. Hay, timothy, per ton , Oats, vetch Cheat Clover hay Wheat Oats Rolled barley Corn . Cracked corn Bran Shorts, per ton immiiij $15.00 1 $15.00 1 $13.00 I G(?S0e 33c(u37c $35.00 $33.50 $37.00 ..... $26.00 ..... $28.00 Butter. Butterfat 33c Creamery butter, per pound 34c Country butter 20c(S25c Eggs and Poultry. Veal, dressed 9(S10c. Kggs, case count, cash 16c Eggs, trade 18c Hens, pound 1314c Roosters, old, per pound 9c Spring chickens, pound 14c Pork, Vel and Mutton. Veal, dressed 10llc Pork, dressed nc Pork, on foot 8f1iS 3-4c Spring lambs, 1016 11(5 12c Steers 6H7c Cows iff, 5 l-2c Bulls 3C3 1.2c, Kwes fin Wethers 6 l-2c Lambs, grain fed, yearlings .... 7 l-2c Vegetables. Cabbage i Tomatoes, Florida and Cuban 2.503.00 . ... $4.00 String garlic .. Potatoes, cwt Beets Asparagus Broccoli Radishes Green ouions .. 15c )$1.75 $1.25 ... $1.00 12(u 15c ,. $1.50 ... 40c 40c Green peppers Sc, Green pens J0c Egg plant ISc Carrots $1.00 luriiips $1.50 Onions $2.15 Apples. Hood River $l.00(?f L50 Rhubard, box $2.00 Fruits. Oranges, Navels $2.2;"fa3.50 Lemons, per box $i.004.50 unnnnas, pound 5c California grap fruit $3.00 Florida grape fruit $3.00$6.00 Pineapples 7 l-2c $3.50 Money Retail Prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch .... Sugar, cane Sugar, beet Creamery butter .. 20c V.0(! $7 SO 40c $1.60(5)1.80 $1.3C Flour, hard wheat Flour, valley PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Ore., April 1. Wheat: Club, !MI(fi!i5e. Bluestem; $1.00(fi 1.04. Forty fold, !)l(f07c. Red Russian. M'(ii 05c. Oats: No. 1 white feed, $24. Sup !5.50. Barley: Feed. ,2.1.00. Hogs: Best live, $0.25, Prime steers, iW.OO. Fancv cows, $7.50. Calves, $8.00. Spring lambs, $13.00. Butter: City creamery, 3ie. Country butter, ,",0(fi .'lie. Eggs: Selected local ex., 20 l-2(ii 2le. Ileus, 17 Broilers. 22 1-2o25c. Geese. 10 (fi lie. " . MR. BROWN ENDORSED legislative representative. He comes ' out hccii MKe lit, liii- i use he hirs been urged to do no iiv u large milliner ot .Marion coun ty voters and admirers. Mr. Brown is one of those few men who can stand so well and firmly upon their past leg islative records and have no reason to flinch. A clean record places a man far above par. It is admitted bi all who watched his career in (!, ; lust legislature that Mr. Brown made i an intelligent, able nnd eonscoentioirs ' 1 "c.m-iii m i ve oi ine ranu ami rile anil l,'",'iH"-v ,a5tl"'.v'rs. His pies- ence in the next legislature is needed 1 liy Marion county. That he will be re . nominated ami re elected is bevond a loutvt. oodburri Independent. BROOKS NOTES Such weather as March has given us, Broohs wis almost flooded, the black-' smith shop being surrounded by water. .In spite of the rain a good manv of "rooks people attended the Similar being no business thp meelinir wim i,n. Iv social. A ile.isant time was eniove.l bv nil Mrs. D. Morgan, of Gervais. was in Brooks last week to get a wheel chair fur .Mr. Morgan, who is home now and able to be iilmut in the chair .Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. Sturgis of Wren are visiting relit tives nere. Gervuis Mar. Try Capital Journal Want Adi. RNAlI SALEM, QREGO THE CHURCHES x Free Methodist, o. 1228 North Winter gtreet. Sun day services: Sabbath school 9:45. Preaching at 11 a. m. nnd 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 p. m. W. J. Johnston, pastor. Salvation Army. Sunday services as follows: Knee drill, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school and Bible class, 10:30 a .m. Christian praise meeting, 3 p. m. Y. P. L., 6:15 p. m. Salvation meeting, 7:45 p. m. Wook night services every night except Monday and Thursday. Capt. and Mis. Kelso. Rural Chapel. H. C. Stover, minister. Sunday school' at 10:30 a. m. Morning worship nt I 11:.'10. Sermon by the pastor. Christian I Endeavor at i :30 p. m. ftenteal Concreffatinnfll Corner South Nineteenth and Ferry I streets, H. C. Stover, minister. Sunday j school at 10 a. m. .Evening service at; 7-:). .Tnnior Christian Kmlenvnr nt H i p. in. Senior Christian Endeavor at 0:45 p. m. Mid-week service, Thursday, i :30 First Methodist Episcopal. Corner State and Church streets, Richard X. Avison, minister. 9 a. m., Class meeting. 9:45 a. in., Sabbath school, Messrs. Schramm and Oilkey, superintendents. 11 a. in., Morning wor ship, sermon by the pastor, " lhe Ton gue of the Learned." 3 p. m., Service at the Old People's Home. ti:30 p. m.. Intermediate league, Mrs. M. C. Find ley, superintendent. 6:30 p. m., Epworth league, Miss Eva Scott, president. 7:30 p. m., Evening worship, sermon by the pastor, "God's Purpose in Conversion." Music by the chorus choir both morn ing and evening under tho direction of Dr. Frank W. Chace. First Congregational.' Tames Elvin, pastor. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, W. I. Staley, superinten dent. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "The Modem Interpretation of Redemption." Music, morning and evening by chorus choir, Wm. McGil christ, Sr., director. Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday evenrtig, 6:30. Tleas- ant Sunday evening service at 7:30. Hearty congregational singing of the old time hymns, good music by chorus choir, brief address by pastor on "The I'nchaiigliig Human Nature." Wonder ful motion pictures depicting the life nnd times of Noah, the sin, the warning, the penalty, the a-sk, the restoration. A good place for yon to bring your family or friends. Everybody invite1 am! ev erybody welcome. . Thcrsili." ivening service 7:30, My. William f'lcmipg lender. Subject, "Fiftnlh Chapter Book of Acts." Tnskegee. ju.iilw sing ers Friday evening. Apiil 8 o'clock. No admission, silver offering. Scandinavian Revival. Scandinavian revivnl services are be ing held in Gladstone, Oregon City and Willamette. Rev. John Ovall has charge of the services, which nre well attended. Special services will be held in the Sa lem church in the near future. First Baptist. Corner Marion nnd North Libertv, Rev. G. F. Holt, D. D., pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Public worship and preaching by the pastor 11 n. in. and 7:30 p. ni. Young People's meet ing at 6:30. Topics, morning: "Every Disciple, a Disciplcr, " with communion and reception of new members. Even ing, "Story of Two Men, a Contrast Baptism at the opening of the eveni service The public is cordially i i.'.te to all those services. German. M. E. Corner Thirteenth and Center streets. A. J. Weigle, minister. Sunday school at 10 a. m., Henry Gralnpp, superin tendent. Public, worship at 11 o clock Epworth league at 7 p. m., Chas. .Ttiquctt, leader. Sermon nt 7:30 p. m Reformed. Corner Capital and Marion streets. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Preaching, Gorman, at 11 a. m., English, at i:30 p. m. M. Denny, pastor. Highland Friends. Corner Highland and Elm streets. Our Snbhuth school ,,;tns promptlv nt 10 u. m Mrs. Mvrllo Kenworthv. super intendent. Meetings tor worship, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Junior, 2:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor, (1:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m." Thepnstor has returned from a revival at Pied mont cliurch in Portland and will oc cupy the pulpit as usual. Joseph im Ifocket, pastor. Phone 1105. United Evangelical. North Cottage stro-r T,efwcen Center nnd Marion, A. A. Winter, minister. 10 a. m., Sunday school, Mr. A. A. Flesher, superintendent. II a, in.. Ser mon, "Faith, What it Will Do." 3 p. m.. Junior Endeavor, leaders Jauliiie Remington, Feral Flesher. 6:3(1 p. m.. Young People's meeting, topic, "Th Coiisecrntioii of Time." Lender, Mr. S C. Riikton. 7:30 n. m.. Scrnif,,, "Th;. One Thing I Do." Reception of mem bers and candidates for baptism in con nection with the morning service. Th Is the last Sunday of the conference year. A full attendance will be ex pected at all our services. You are cordially invited. Monday evening trus tees nnd official board meeting. The j final reports for the year will be re.-. I and plans for the new year considered Lutheran. East Slate anil Eighteenth streets, (i. Koehler, pastor. Sunday school in Ger man and English at 10 o'clock. Divine service at 10:30 n. m., subject "Look I'p and Live." There will be no ev ening; service. The Liberty Street Church of tlie Evan gelical Association. Corner Center and Liberty streets. H. K. Horiischiidi. pastor. Sni.bnth ,hool nt 10 a. m., Wm. Cnrnjobsf, superin tendent. German sermon at 11 a. m.. by the pastor, subject, "Thi, Why ot Failure." The Y. P. A. and the sermon it 7 nnd 8 o'clock resectively, will he by the ladies and for tho ladies. Of course all men as well as the ladies will lie welcomed. South Salem Friends. Corner of South Commercial Bud SATURDAY, APRIL 1. 191 B. i E. L. Exclusive Agents for the Famous Orbon De Luxe and Orbon Ranges 7 7r i f IJ i "-ilbi A Kitchen Comfort that is guaranteed to save you money or fuel consumption, embodying style and quality of workmanship. See the Orbon De Luxe ajtrl you will have no other Range in your home. We take in your old stove as part pay on a new one. We get the business because we sell the cheapest. E. L. Corner Court and Liberty. Washington streets. 11. E. Pembcrton, pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m., B. C. Miles, superintendent. Meeting 'for wor ship and preaching at 11a. in. and 7:30 p. m. C. E. meeting at 6:311 p. m. Prayer meeting nt 7:15 Thursday evening. This will be the monthly business meeting. Song practice ut 8:15. Unitarian. Corner of Cliemeketa and Cottage streets, Richard F. Tischer, minister. Sunday school nt 0:15 o'clock, adult class meets at 0:45, Miss Ethel Fletch er, superintendent. Morning service nt II o'clock, subject, "Man Know Thy self," No evening service. Music bv Mrs. T. H. Galloway, Mr. Harry Mills, organist. All friends of liberal religion and of progressive thought are cordial ly invited to our services. Bring your friends. Gospel Mission. Corner Center and Cominercia streets. Sunday school 2:3(1 p. m. Preaching 3:30 mid 7:45 p. m. Mr. Ship ley preaches ut the evening service. Come to the gospel mission. E. S. Spvker, pastor. Commons Mission. I No. 211 Sin.e street. The colored' evangelists will, one of them, speak Sundav at 3 ,.. and also Snudav ev- eniug at 7:45 Meeting are expect;, to ,r. ., ' '. continue each evening the coming week. Mission board meets Tuesday evening, April II, a full attendance is desired as important business will come before the board. J. 1). Cook, superin tendent. United Brethren. Castle Chapel, corner Seventeenth and Nebraska. U. B. Dorks, minister. G. G. Tookcr Sunday -school superin tendent. Preaching at II n. ju. ami 7:3(1 p. m by the pastor.' Bilde sdiool nr 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:3H p. ni. You are cordially nvited. Ministerial Union. The regular weekly meeting of the Sfilcnl Ministerial I'liinn will convene at 10 o'clock instead of 10:30 Mondnv morning at tlie Y. M. C. A. building. This is the last meeting vf the yi'ir Much husinepn i to be transacted' tuid iiev. K. X. Alison will read e pap-r en titled, "Jesus the Prophet of Galilee." All members lire urged. to be present.. I. B. S. A. Meel in the liodgers building over the comer of High nnd Ferrv streets at 10 o'clock a. in. Those interested in Bible truth are invited to meet with us. , W. C. T. U. i Xeal Dow Memorial' service will lie conducted nt Ram Memorial hair Son-! nay, 4 O'ciocK. special music readings i and an udd-rcss by Rev. II. E. Pcmber- i ton. Ncal Dow is called the Father of Prohibition. Come and bring some one else. The Church of God. No. 1770 Fairgrounds road. Sunday school at 10 a. ni. Edward Beckor, -superintendent. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Wednesday service at 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited, Ethel Williams, poster. First Christian. Corner High and Center streets F. T. Porter, minister. 9:15 a. m Dr. II. C Bible school at Eplcy, director; ' l.lovd Hnldimiin. assistant. Orchestra and good miHic. Auto truck leaven est Salem nt ft i. m. and Hiolil find i school at d.riO . m. for the church. B ou time. 1 1 a. m., Worship and sermon. ' subject, "The Heal Cliurch." Mary j Schultz. violinist. li:J0 p. in., C. E. 7:30 1 p. m Sermon subject. "Coming or the Pergect." Large chorus, orchestra. ! Cloud effects with dissolving stereopti- eon. I STIFF-& Rust Resisting, Non Corrosive Ingot Iron Last a The best guaranteed range in America STIFF & First prebytriaji. ''Is Jesus Divine?" That is a ques tion that was in the mind of very men of Jesus own time. It remains the question that puzzles many minds of our twentieth century. Is there any way of knowing? What has Jesus him self to say that would satisfy such ques tionings f His challenge to those who doubt Him will be the subject of the evening sermon by the pastor, Carl H, Elliott, nt 7:30 o'clock. The quarterly communion will be administered at the morning service, 11 o'clock. New mem bers will bo received. The subject of the sacramental meditation is "Forgiv en as Forgiving," being from the next to the last clause of tne Lord's prayer. First Church of Christ, Scientists. 'Sunday services are held at 410 (hemeketn street, at, 11 n. m. and 8 p. m. Subject of Bible lesson " I'nre ality." Sunday school ut 9:45 a. m. I Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at o ciock. Heading room in the Hub bard building, suite 303, and is open ev ery day, except Sundays and holidays, from 1 1:43 a. m. to 4 p. m. All are wel come to our services and invited to vhp our reading room. , 1 n ' lle Methodist Episcopal . B,l,lfi w'l",lul' ,!': 5 Joseph Bar- 7' ' l'"""""l"'"- i rsl,i,, A,? ' "f TT lV T ' be s Debt to Methodism: One Hun dredth Anniversary of the Death of Francis Asbury." Junior League. 3 n. m., Mrs. J. C. Spencer, superintendent. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m., topic "On Growing Home Religion." Leader, Sam King. Evening service, 7:30, sermon topic "The I'liturned Cake." S,.ial meeting for the memners of the official board, and any others, at First Church, nt 3 p. m. J. C. Spencer, pastor. A PECULIAR WELL IN FLORIDA In their investigation of the wells sad underground waters of Florida the geologists of the I'niled States Geolo gists of the. Cnitcd States Geological Survey have noted many interesting things. Among these is a well at Wcl nka, on St. Johns River, from which two kinds of water are obtained. This well is 300 feet deep. The length of the casing is 1 10 feet. The well was first drilled to 160 feet, and from this depth ordinary "sulphur" water was obtained. The drill was then carried lo a depth of 3o) feet, where it encoun tered a strong mineral water, having a .disagreeable, salty taste. In order to use lioth kinds of water an inner tubing was run nearly to tho bottom of the well. Both this nnd the outer casing were connected w ith pumps, so that I ordinary water and mineral water can ''0 pumped at the same time. A far- ontc joke olnved on visitors is to aivo ini'iu a drink nt the weaker water nil the first glass nnd to replace it with the brine in tho second. Xot more than half a rW.cn wells of this kind nre known in the country, but there is no reason why similar wells can not bo obtained in regions where the waters in the upper strata differ from those lying deeper. SILVEBTON HOSPITAL NOTES Miss Peck, nurse at the Silverlon hospital, is visiting at Portluiid for a few- duys. ,'Mrs. Guv Wilson, formerly connected with the Silverton hospital, visited here over Sundav on her way to Bend from California. Gustave Kendo, of Scotts Mills, who Mfsu lifrmtrlit' in trut hi vit i4 i liu, .i tu it'wo weeks neo snfferiniT frnm a com. noun, I fracture of the leir. is viilmmr slow ly. He wns'thrown from a wagon and received a very serions break in the bone. Dr. Lour Is tf ending Mm. Silverton Appeal. 1 1 1 Try Canital Journal Want Ada. NINE life time. Salem, Oregon SEARCH FOR VILLilJ Cofonel Robert L. Builard is com mander of the 20th Infantry, U. S A. lis regiment has been stationed at Mi border for several vears and will take nnrt in tho Villa hunt I FIRST $30,000,000 OF FRENCH LOAN GOTTEN IN AJVirlRICA TO BE PAID BACK TODAY . (By Cnitcd Press.) Xew- York, April, 1. Thirty million dollirs worth of one year French notes, tho first war loan securities offered to the American public by any of tho warring nations of Europe, fall due today. New York financial interests handling the Allies' loans iu America, are prepared to take up the $30,000,000. The issue originally pi iced on the market was for $50,000,000, but only this $30,ooo,iiliO worth was sold to smaller American invest ors. "Baby week in La Grande wis worth whilo and some excellent educational features resulted. What the Oranda Ronde valley needs now is more bahiet'' says the La Grand Observer. 4 A:.;: -'41' If i i T-,' y.V Jtl f .4' , : 'I " r - . L " ' Colonel Kobert Bullard.