Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 01, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Between Today and Tomorrow
AFTER a hot, stuffy dayls work in ths blistering
hot sun, when you are tired all over and you
hate the very thought of ' turning in" imagine the
exhilarating effect cf a five or ten mile spin on a
With it you can glide over the roads, up hill and down dale,
wilh tha cool breeze fanning ycur cheeks. It will help you to
forget tha troubles of yesterday and the tasks of tomorrow.
Breathing in great draughts of dew laden air, you remember only
the present and that it ii great to be alive that's motorcycling.
With your Harley-Davidson yc u can go to town to spend the
evening as you like, or you can run over and see the neighbors.
There is nothing like a Harley-Davidson to help you get the
most out of life.
The purchase of Marley-DaviJion i an investment that
will pay big dividend! in health and recreation. You
can aecure immediate delivery.
Some Good IJuvs in Second-Hand Motorcycles
252 State Street Salem, Oregon
Automobile News
Series 17
The Best Values in Motor Cars Be sure to see them
before placing your order.
J. B. Knight
With Vick Bros., 2G0 N. High St.
Workmanship and Materials
Make Saxons Popular
"(ii't away from the belief tliut 1 1
low-priced motor car is made at a sac
rifice of workmanship," is the advice
of I.lnyd I.. Ryan, tno local agent of
Snxmi Motor Car company. He offers
it 1u . all tnotorists land prospective
ones as a bit of information that will
prove worth while when studying motor
curs in general.
The workmanship of a number of the
moderate priced automobiles stands at
the top in many instances of perfection
in motor car building, according to Air.
'"increased efficiency in factory op
oration, the elimination of waste time
between the various processes, and the
many inventions to save, production
costs have made possible the construc
tion of the low cost ears with a grail"
of workmanship that is very high," he
said. "The most tvurable materials
have been made a part of this construc
tion until tho low priced car of today
is sold at a small price, not because
it is interiorly built and lacks the
quality of the expensive ears, but be
cause human ingenuity has turned the
motor car factory into a high speed
production machine, each part doing its
work excellently but quickly.
"Take the Saxon factory for exam
ple. The utmost care is used in build
ing Snxou motor cars. Tho quality ap
pointments of Saxon ' Six' evidence that
care has been taken to turn out a do
luxe motor car and to the mechanic
the assembly of the working parts
shows that no expense or time has been
"Kvery part of a Saxon 'Six' is sub
jected to the minutest scrutiny before
it is allowed to become a unit of thr
whole car. Kvery subdivision of the
mechanism is given n thorough test and
a slightest flaw sends it back for cor
rection, or, to the scrap heap.
"it isn't a case of putting the raint
on thi? body carefully and knocking !l
fr.tn.nvo.k underneath togoth'r w ill a
money wench. Hoth ha?) thr' ir:est
crifi;' workmanship. Not only 'iocs
tliw fniif, ait artistic finis'j to t'i" ear
hut it r'so makes for emluratvo u-id a
nrnltnum repair expense.
"When one stops to cin.ddcr J'n
if" IS will purchase t. six-tyliiuler mo
,r,i car, built from tho best materials
th',t cm be bought, tesigrc.l lv im
ports, constructed with an nccurncy
that leaves no room for flaws, and
marked by the quality features that are
common to ihe costliest cars, it becomes
apparent that price at least has little to
do with workmanship."
: That one or all thn occupants of the
) .Toe Winter automobile were not crip
i pled for life or killed outright last
Thursday afternoon, when tho car pitch
! ed over an 18 foot embankment on the
! Silverton Hills road, is almost a miracle.'
I Ml'. Winter was driving on thr road
I between the John (Inctz place anil that
i of l!iaily Davis, accompanied by T,. (
j Hndloy and IVurl Hubbard. Passing
I down a sharp hill the brakes failed to
' work. The ear instantly left the road.
' struck an obstruction of boulders piled
j by the roadside and pitched over the
embankment nnd struck on the right
'side in the depths below. Mr. Iladley's
cheek hone was broken. He suffered a
great deal for the first few days from
Time Payments On Motor
Cars Is the Latest Plan
Among the rumors that are current
iu financial circles of New York City
is one to the effect that big New York
and Chicago capital is back of the
newly formed (iuaranty Securities cor
poration. This is the N'ew York com
pany that is said to have formulated a
new and original plan hwereby auto
mobile dealers handling various kinds
of cars inn dispose of this product on
the 'Mime payment" basis.
Arrangements already have been en
tered into between several motor car
manufacturers and their dealers which
enable the latter to offer cars to their
customers on deferred payments. In
each case, however, the plans differ
and it is to offset this objectionable
feature that the (Iuaranty Securities
corporation has entered the field with
a selling plan that is declared to be
uniform for all makes of cars and na
tional in its scope.
Big Men Behind It.
While details of the plan have not
been made public, it is understood that
the group of capitalists who are respon
sible for it and who are Hack of it are
numbered among the most influential
in the country.
That this new company is destined
to pay an important part in the future
of the motor ear business is evidenced
by the fact that, it is capitalized on
the basis of handling fifty million dol
lars' worth of automobile paper this
yea r.
Tells Why Western Motor
Oils Have Advantage
"Why do motor oils made from asphalt-base
crude give best results, espe
cially in the matter of carbon depos
its i'' asked R. II. Campbell of .the
Standard Oil company, repeating the
question put to him by i Journal rep
resentative yesterday.
"Well, it's a rather technical sub
ject for the ordinary citizen," said Air.
Campbell, "but as our friends the
chemists would say, oil made from asphalt-base
crude 'vaporizes and dis
tills without decomposition.' "
"In everyday langn ige that means
that oil which gets into the explosion
chamber does not break up under the
intense heat and : leave a deposit to
gradually bake hard on cylinder walls
and valves, and catch md hold carbon
derived from the motor fuel.
"Oil refined from asphalt-base crude
maintains its correct lubricating body
until its work m completed and then
pusses off with the exhaust, leaving a
clean cylinder.
"It simply amounts to this nature
h is given nsuhait-base (rude a differ
ent and more advantageous chemical
construction, as far as producing good
motor oils is concerned. And when this
oil is correctly refined, naturally it
gives the motorist better results.''
Pershing May Use
v Motor Bike Guns
the pain, but, is now getting along in
good shape. Barring a few scratches
the other boys passed through the nc
cident without mishaps. The fact that
the top was up at the time may have
had something to do in breaking the
force of the fall. Mr. Hadley was in
town Tuesday to have the injury dress
ed. Silverton Appeal.
Is to build up our business by saving the
automobile owner money.
Of accessories is complete: tires, " chains,
bumpers, oils, spark plugs, horns, lamps, in
fact almost anything you may need.
Is at your service, night or day, and will reach
you, no matter where your car may be.
Is unexcelled. We recharge batteries at the
following prices: Gv T.0-80 a. h., 80c; 6v S0-1S0
a. h., 90c; 12-1G-1S-2 lv starting batteries, $1.20
Are experts. We employ no apprentices.
Are lower because we specialize on repairing
ami overhauling and give our entire attention
to this work.
Reos, Hudsons and
Auburn Cars
Great Western Garage
C.C.SIMERAL, Proprietor'
117 NO. HIGH ST., Opp. Court House. Phone 4t
The marriage of Miss Mario Hnmre
to Hugo llualtiud was solomnized at
the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. j
1'. Kumre, at her home near the uni-i
versify, Tuesday noon, March 2,H. Hev. !
J. C. lioseland, pastor of the United ;
Lutheran church, officiated, using the I
ring service. Only relatives nnd im-!
mediate friends of tho contracting par-1
ties were present. A sumptuous wed- j
ding feast was enjoyed. Many useful !
nnd beautiful presents wore .received.
Hntli Mr. and Mrs. liualand are held iu j
the highest esteem by their many
friends in this city. They have com
menced their wedded life in a fine new j
home on the east hill recently complete I
by the groom for the reception of
his bride. Mr. Haaland is engaged in
the lmot nnd shoe repair business here.
He takes pride in he fact that his new
home was built by a local contractor
and his house furnishings bought en
tirely from the stockn of local dealers.
Silverton Appeal.
Do You Want To Build
A Battleship, Girls?
Tf the chewing-gum girls would lay
off their gum for a while they would
soon be able to build a battleship with
the proceeds.
And chewing-gum is merely the
I III nrirt- if Anlir rMii iinnniMi li'Uif Ti-v7 II
There is only one reason why Ford
cars are demanded by over half the
car buyers in this country. They are
better cars. The Ford has demon
strated its superiority by all the tests
of time, in every kind of use. The
demand is great because the value is
great. Better buy yours NOW!
Runabout $41:i.25, Touring $19:5.25.
All prices f. o. b. Salem. On sale at
Machine guns mounted on motorcy
cles probably will be used by Krigadier
(ieneral John J. I'ershing in the final
roundup of Villa's bandits according
to information that has' come out of
Mexico notwithstanding the censorship
of the war department Motorcycles
used the past two years by the First
Aero Squadron, I'. S. A., are now in
Mexican service and one of the fir.t
things done after the raiding of Colum
bus was to wire for ndditiounl ma
chines. The railroad officials got them
through from Milwaukee to the border
in 33 hours. 1'hcse machines are now
in use for dispatch bearing and main
taining the lines of communication of
the punitive expedition in Mexico.
To SYrgennt H. F. Leonard of the
New Mexico Military Institute chief
credit should be given for developing
the quick handling of machine guns
on sidecar chasses. With the two guir.
issued by the war department last faM
the First Machine (inn corps has trav
eled more than l.lioO miles over the
rough country of the southwest. It has"
been demonstrated that the Colt auto
matics and Hurley-Davidsons can rravel
over most any kind or ground at from
20 to 41) mill's per hour, get into net ton
in 50 seconds and deliver 40 shots a
tlenernl I'ershing personally reviewed
the cadet, battalion and machine gun
corps Washington's birthday and saw
firsthand what can be accomplish!',
with this modern "method of warfare.
It is declared that (ieneral I'ershing
has more intimate knowledge of the e
fectiveness of motorcycle machine guns
than any other officer in high command
in the I'nited States. The machine gun
company which he reviewed is the first
of its kind ill America but from the ac
tivity displayed by the war department
it is a practical certainty that motor
cycle machine gun companies will be
attached to every regiment.
The gun cars and their motorcycle
tender carry a total of 4".L'0 rounds of
ammunition in eighteen compact boxes
240 rounds of ammunition in their
flexible belts in each box. But one
gunner and driver are required for
each gun and in addition the squad
carries entrenching tools, wire cutter
and complete semaphore signal outfit.
medicated sap of an old bully-tree.
The bully-tree is one of a large fam
ily of trees, an off shoot of which is
the sapedilla tree. Chide, the root sub
stance of chewing gun, is the dried
milky juice of the snpodillu tree.
The above are facts presented by the.
Department of Commerce in the course
of its ceaseless nctivities in digging up
facts about things that come from
abroad. The department of commerce
also says:
' 'The chewing-gum habit has cost
the American people for chicle alone
nearly $:ii,(MM,UM(l iu the last ten years,
or almost five times as much as we paid
Russia for Alaska. Normally our im
ports of chicle amount to ' 7,000,0(10
pounds, for which we pay about $L',
oOO.OOO in the countries of origin, and
to which must be added customs duties
iu our own ports of about $7.0.000. ' '.
School Officials
Object To Costumes
Portland, Or., Apr. 1. The entire
senior class of the Lincoln high school
was iu disfavor today following a sum-1
mnry order given by Miss Caroline'
Barnes, class adviser, that the boys put i
on neckties and the girls do up their
Im i r.
Yesterday was the time for toe tra
ditional negligee of the seniors. The
boys wore soft sport shirts open at
the neck and the co-eds let their locks
stream down their backs. 1
irincinnl Davis followed Miss Itarnes I
order with a stern lecture in which he'
pointed out the bad effects of sm h tac-
tics upon lower classmen,. j
Consistency "
YOU want a motor car that will
serve you consistently. You
want to know that your car can
bo relied updn day in and day out.
You want high mileage per gallon of
gasoline and freedom from repairs
and readjustments. And you want
these things, not occasionally, but
continuously day after day.
On these qualities the Maxwell has
made good. It has proved its worth.
When tha Maxwell stock touring car
set the World's Motor Non-Stop
Mileage Record a short time ago it
travelled for 44 consecutive days and
nights and its performance was con
sistent. It went about 500 miles each and
every day. It went within a small
fraction of 22 miles to every gallon
of gasoline. It went the whole dis
tance of 22,000 miles probably fur
ther than you -would travel in two
years without any repairs or read
justments. Every one of eight tires
(two sets) went just about 9,800
miles and the others finished in good
shape. For consistency and relia
bility this record far excels anything
we ever heard of.
You can get a Maxwell, an exact
duplicate of the record breaking
. stock car, on the partial payment
plan we have perfected. All you
have to do is to make the initial
payment, then take the car and
pay the balance as you ride. The
unusual value of the Maxwell, to
gether with our easy payment plan
of purchase, is bound to dispose of
our allotment of cars very quickly.
Better make your reservation now,
delivery later if you prefer.
Touring Car, $655. Roadster, $635
Pr-CM F. O. B. Detroit
V hp"
.J!fg..pj t ufwm
Cor. High and Ferry
Sliss Aenes Hansen nnd Mr tindv W iMrs- C- A- IIan9fn residing near Needy. ' parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ritier,
Hitter, both of Aurora, were married it al"-' is a popular young woman of en- j who are prominent residents of Needy.
the Haptist parsonage in Oregon City, gaging person ility, with a multitude of
tiy the tiev. Al i Hi kon, on Wednesday friends in her circle.
afternoon, March lltlii, only a fewi The iroonv is a prosperous young far
t. the close relatives being present. mer who has many friends and is high
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and ly respected by nil who know him. His
After a few days stay in Oregon City
and Portland thev will welcome their
manv friends in their new home near
Needy where Mr. Hitter his a farm.
Aifrora Herald.
Chalmers "Six -30"
Touring Car r
.;,L. ,..;:: -,liil'r--' lr
VT ! ' I S
Here is the new Chalmers "Six-30" big in value, great in performance, and a
regular miser on fuel consumption. The "Six-M" is easily a year ahead of any
other car in its price field. Investigate, for here you will find more power, more
strength, more size, more seat room, more easy riding qualities; m fact more real
car than in any other automobile value in -the world. '
See on Demonstration at HALVERSON & BURNS
Ferry and High Streets.
Salem, Oregon