FIVE wan?! hum "or A big touring car forgive people rf CALLS MAGAZINE BOYS' MAGAZINE City of London Watches Bat tle, One Family Killed, One Zeppelin Destroyed THE DAILY CAPITAL JOI'ltNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 1. 191G. E,.MuaiLMgBCMBiiiMjMiiiBMPaBMBBMMmoaBaMuaBBBnM i iiftTiirn -irnnn m anu titn mm 2S Here are further notable features Mark first the, fluid flow of resistless power from the six-cylinder motor, the remarkable acceleration, the flexibility, the speed, the smoothness, the comfort, the utter luxury of the Saxon "Six." Then direct your attention to thejc cost ly car refinements: yacht-line design; lustrous finish of lasting newness; two unit electric starting and lighting sys tem; Timken axles and full Timken bearings throughout the chassis; helical bevel gears; 32 inch by 3 1-2 inch tires; 1li inch wheelbase; linoleum covered, aluminum boards, and nearly a score more of quality car attractions. .Vow recall to mind the opinions you've IC1, . formed of other cars in the price class olXCS of Saxon "Six". The comparison Touring Car . . . .$915 ;!i.ekI,Jr . i,ov?" ,tl,e. r!1,t,.f1SBJon j, Ift1. "Six" to leadership in its field. Let KoadSter pylO us snow you this noteworthy car. Roadster T... $445 Lloyd L. RyCM Delivery Car . . .$445 173 s. Liberty -phone 783 j London, Apr. 1. One of the five Zep ipelins which raided the east coast of England last night was shot down by aircraft guns and fell into the water off Thames estuarv. ir - l,.i.n,u,i day. The place where the raider wis wrecked was 4.1 miles east of London. Patrol bouts immediately surrounded the floating Zeppelin, and" its crew sur rendered. .llMt 1W tliii Inuf fi. ... ....... "V inoi V'VIUIUII was. taken off, the great airship broke up .Hid sank. It is believed this Zenneliii is tliel same one which was reported over Lou don during the night. When seen, it ..uh-.iii aiuniy at a great Height, plainly visible in tile clear, starlit ev ening. Thousands witnessed the raid. At S p. m. the approach of a hostile sky fleet was signalled by watchers on the north coast. The theatres were just fill ing. Crowds in evening dress paused on the sidewalks to view the spectacle. Thev saw British searchlights bathe the Zeppelins with white light, then came sharp volleys from the batteries of anti-aircraft guns. The spectators ap peared curious rather than al.irmed. A simile bomb killml mi f ily of three persons and wounded seven i others, it w mvnft';..;.nu .,.t .. other demolished two brick cottages, but by a seeming miracle all occupunts escaped injury. The night was ideal for oper ations. There was no wind and only a lillht mist which ili.l imt ,.!,,.,,,.., '. i. I stars. The Zeppelin wrecked off Thames! estuary is tho first to be destroyed on the Kuglish coast during a raid. Jt is' the thirty-sixth to be "sunk" in action,: according to the official figures of the! allies. PROMINENT FIGURES IN. HUNT FOR VILLA i-v. ' ! HUBBARD NEWS 4,' , . k i Col. Edwin St. John Greble. ' He is now in command of the Sixth field artillery, a part of the force guarding- Douglas, Arizona, one of the towns for which apprehension is jfelt because of the threatening- atti tude of the Mexicans just across the international boundary lina. r Xfj - CoL William C. Brown. , He is in command of the Tenth P. S. cavalry. Brig. Gen. James Parker. " He is one of the officers who will probably be in tlio thick of the fifrht injr. Ha is in command of the First cavalry brigade, stationed at Fort Sam Houston, headquarters of Cen tral Funston, Jfrs. S. Shoalcvs is home from Silver ton where she was called two weeks ago on account of tno illness of her mother. Jinlph l'almer came up from Salem Friday, returning Jlonday eveninc resume his studies in the Salem high school. II. C. Crittenden went to Portland Saturday to meet .Mrs. Crittenden, who was on her way to Hubbard from White Pine, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Fiknn, of near Wood burn, vu'e in 'Hubbard shopping Wed nesday. Mrs. Ii'h. Hamilton to ml daughter, Iris, of Salem, spent Wednesday after noon visiting Hubbard friends and rela tives. When D. J. Yoder was in Portland two weeks ago he bought a Mitchct six, the ear sold here by B. Paulsen. Woodburn begins the baseball season with a game with Montavillc Sunday afternoon at the city park. The Com pany I band will liend the parade for the grounds at 2 o'ciocfc. Tho funeral services of W. J. Crit tenden was conducted at the home of his son, C. M. Crittenden, Friday morn ing, .March 24, at, KhliO, by Rev. F. C. Butler, interment in the Hubbard ceme tery. A. G. Kouf fman has caught the spirit of the time and named his country home east of Hubbard "Central Ridge. " We will expect soon to see "From Central Ridge Farm" attached to some blue ribbon product. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bingham and daughters, Martha and Clara, arrived Saturday morning from Superior, Min nesota, and are the guests at the home of M. B. Kester. They were having some very cold weather and plenty of snow when they left Superior. Mr Bingham visited Hubbard 10 years ago and noticed a great change in the sur rounding country in that time. The past two weeks has been a stren uous time for the students of White school. Practically every member of the school and some of tiir adults have suf fered with pink eye. While none of the cases were serious enough to cause permanent injury to the eyes, it was very unpleasant while it lasted. There is no accounting for the origin of the trouble, but it proved highly contag eous, the eye ball became very much inflamed and the skin about the eye took on a pink hue. Enterprise. SILVERTOK CITY AFFAIRS The common council met in special session Friday evening for the trans action of general business. All mem bers were present. Minutes of pre vious, meetings, inclimtng the Inst regu lar and several specials were read and approved. Councilman Flvin of the judiciary committee, reported that Attorney McN'ary, suggested to the committee, that the right of way controversy existing between the city and E. S. Porter, be settled by arbitration. The matter under discussion is the crossing of the city water mains in bringing water to this city from the intake, five mil1. up Silver creek. No action was tukm o:i the suggestion at this meet ing. Attorney C. E. Hons, Dr. C. W. Keene and George Hubbs, part of the Commercial club committee who are attending to the details of tho eoming of the Silver Falls Timbers eompany mill in our midst, appeared before the council with an ordinance which pro vides for an auxiliary water system which is to furniph water for the mill ponds. Attorney Rosa explained the contents of the ordinnnee after which it was handed to the recorder, who was by motion authorized to read the same first and second times. The ordinance wan then placed with the judiciary com mittee. C'hay. I.. Wanning, engineer for the Silver Vt.'; Timber company, volun teered to p.'epare the plans and speci f:cutu.i's for the auxiliary water cy-ti-in TMliTit cost to the city. Apenai. "One of the beauties of watching a three-cushion billiard game is that youi can see somebody make a point if you hang around long enough. New York " Americin." Jefferson. Is Proud of School Debaters Jefferson is justly proud of the progress made by the High school de bating team and are expecting to car ry off the honors of the next debate to be held here April 8th. So far they have met none able to defeat them anil while it is evident that the debaters have the ability yet they give the greater credit to Professors Glass and Lombard because of the earnest effort and ability of tho professors in their training of the young people. Those composing the teams are, negative: Kenneth Armstrong (leader), Milton Mason and Hazel Freeman. Tho af firmative: Mary Chute (lender), levant T'easo and Carl Booth. The teams are now reduced to but two each negative Kenneth Armstrong and Milton .Mason; affirmative Mary Chute and Levant Pease. The debate to be held April Sth is between Jefferson's affirmative tenm and North Bend negative High School team. Which ever is the winner will meet Umatilla, for the State Champion ship at Kugeno sometime the last of May. These debates have aroused a great interest in the High school and no doubt is of much benefit to the pupils participating in the work. Under the leadership of Professor Glass tho Jefferson High school has made wonderful progress and all pa trons of the schools grade and high, are anxiously awaiting the efforts of the school board to secure his services for the next term of school. Reviewing the general condition of Jefferson and surrounding country can report, little sickness and general air of prosperity. The potato growers received good prices and had good yields. Among the large growers are Mr. Thurston and Ter- luine each having an acreage of 12 or more and a yield of 300 to -100 bushels per aero. One thing is to be consid ered and should be heeded by all who wish success in potato growing and that is to procure such yields no small ones are planted. The yield of corn on an acreage of from 10 to .'SO acres was from 40 to 70 bushels per acre. Dr. Allen and Mr. Luny, who own a largo prune orchard near here, have a prospect of a bumper crop, and I pre sume that Mr. Bens' fine .orchard of prunes and peaches should be regarded as of this section as he"is but 4 1-2 miles distant. If one is desirous of viewing an orchard of both prunes and peaches in fine condition and especially that have made a wonderful growth they should not fail to see Mr. Bengs. Mr. David Lnonys dairy herd of registered Gcrn seys is doing fine this spring and it better appreciated by seeing than hear ing about. The political atmosphere is but little affected so far. Some more permanent street improve ment will soon be underway and ar rangements are made, for the oiling of all main traveled streets so when the dusty times arrive no delay will force our citizens to eat dust for a while. The saw mill is operating with a full force of men and exiects to continue for an indefinite time. Dallas Local News (Cnpitil Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Or.. Apr. 1 Mr. ud Mrs. R. ('. Craven, of Alhambrn, California, arc in the city for an extended visit with relatives and friends. H. J. Elliott, manager of the Perry dnle Flouring Mills, was a business vis itor in Dallas, Thursd iy. H. Hirscbherg, a prominent Independ ence business man was a Dallas visitor Thursday. L. .1. Chapin, of Kalem. was in the city on business the first of the week. H. P. Boise, of the Capital Citv, was a Dallas business visitor the first of, the week Mrs. Boise owns l la r ire farm I west of th city. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Morrell were Sheridan visitors Wednesday. Mr. Mor rell hns accepted a position with the1 Sheridan Lumber company and will) move to the above city aext week. FMSTJEAI IfKJ mmm OBCIJUI10H0YER W0.00O V . 7". . Great Clubbing Offers :al Journal, the Daily Caoif f A 17I7 Have made arrangements by which any subscriber of the V V Ej CAPITAL JOURNAL, delivered by carrier in Salem, who will pay for the paper six months in advance, at the regular rate, $2.50, will receive without extra charge, the following publica tions for one year: CLUBBING LIST NO. 1 The Northwest Farmstead, regular price, $1.00 Boys' Magazine, regular price, . . . 1.00 Today's Magazine, regular price . . . .50 Household Magazine, regular price, . . .25 Total of regular price, . . $2.75 REMEMBER these cost you nothing7 if you pay six months in ad vance for the DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL by carrier in Salem. Or you may have the following combination on the same lines if you prefer it: CLUBBING LIST NO. 2 Today's Magazine, one year, and McCall Magazine, one year, with two McCall pat terns of your own selection, free. Today's Magazine is a splendid publication- bigger and better than ever before. McCalPs Magazine is too well-known to need further introduction it is growing bigger and better all the time. Mail Subscribers 1 ei bargains by paying one year's subscription at the regular rate of $3.00 per year. Call at the business office, or address CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Kmmett Stnats, of Monmouth, was a county seat visitor Monday. Circuit Judge H. II. Belt accompinied by court reporter, B. F. Barrett, went to McMiunville, Thursday to hold a short session of court. W. L. Soehrcn returned Wednesday evening from' a visit with relatives in Ilillsboro and Portland. Mrs. Miles Davis ts in Palem this week visiting at the home of her son, Claire Davis. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Trncey moved to Salem, Wednesday where they will re miin for tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. Price have rented the Trncey cot tage and will move into it immediately. Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Cosor returned tiie first of the week from a short visit with relatives in Halem. Miss Jennie Museott visited at the home of her sister, .Mrs. L. .). ( hapio iu Salem the first uf the week. Dr. O. I). Butler, of Independence, was a county seat business visitor this week. TWO EABTHQTJA3E SHOCKS Ncattla, Wash., April 1. Two earth quake shocks, tniiiiating from a point about 30 miles northwest of N' were registered on the University of Washington scimnouraph. here yester day. The started at 3:16 a. m. and lasted 44 minutes. The second stnrte at S:40 a. m. and lasted four minutes. TBI JOTJENAL WANT AS 8. The Grain Bag Situation In 1916 The total number of uraiu bags bought in Calcutti to date for use on the Pacific coast is estimated by bag men at not to exceed 31,000,000. Last year the total importations on tho coast were .rr,00O,OOO bags. There is a very small carry-over stock from Inst yeir, if further purchuses of bags will be necessary or other methods of handling grain provided, even with a smaller crop, which it is now thought miv be -j per cent less than that of lit l'.i. In tho meantime, practically no busi ness is jmssing in the bag market. Buy ers in tne country are holding bick anil sellers are not trying to force busi ness. The nominal rpiotntion of Wal la Walla is 15 cents. No local bags are on sale, but that, is the estimated cost of laying them down from Seattle or some other center. There his been much interest iu tiie trade in the affairs of the steamer King Malcolm. The vessels was char tered to bring 32,000,000 yards of bur lap to this coast to be made into bags. Then the British authorities requisition ed er at Calcutta ind ordered the cancellation of the charter, on tie grounds that steamer of thut size should not be sent so far away from the sphere of possible military needs. As the King Malcont had begun landing, however, the cinccllution order was later rescinded and sho will be allowed to proceed. It is surmised that after sho discharges her burlap at San Fran cisco sue will load with a munition car go for the Orient. The British authorities not only con trol the shipments of bags nnil burlip out of Cab utt:i, but also dictate the ports to which the cargoes shall go. On this subject tho New Vork Journal of Commerce says: "Bag manufacturers who have large interests in the northwest are much concerned regarding the elimination ef Scuttle as a port uf entry for burlap under the tentative importing plan that is now before the British auhorities for approval. San Francisco has been des ignated as the port on tho west coast through which burlip may como under the importing arrangements iu its pres ent form. "Manufacturers of bags who receive burlap via tho west const contend that Seattln is a more important and convenient pi ice for burlap to enter, and it is understood that influence will be brought at Washington with a view to having Seattle either added to the list. or. if only one iort of entry i to ibe permitted on tho west coast, to have. II Seattle selected instead of Bau Fran cisco. According to reports current o the market the other ports of entry pro posed are New York, Boston md Phila delphia. .New Orleans, a very impot- Innt. Imilit. im hccii iimtipcit Thit ill choosing the ports tiumcd was to simplify the supcrvitMoii ot imports.-" Claude Observer, AURORA HOP NEWS A car "f association hops (sold t Louis l.achmuinl) were shipped from this station recently. The car consisted of I 7 I biiles of primes. At a conference Ihis week at San Francisco between ii number of tho hop growers of t "no stale and Colouet Harris Weir.atoek, State M irkot Commissioner, a. eoiumittco was appointed to formu late a jiIhii for co-operative harvesting anil shipping of hops. One of the last choice lots of hup in this section was secured this week by Henry I.. Bents for Eastern accounts when he purchased the C, s. Arnold lot of 77 bales at VI cents. Only a few of this gride are now left in grower 'a bands in the state. There has beeu no activity the. past week in the Oregon hop market, iu Cal ifornia, however, there ha-vo been, num erous sales at ateaily price M'm to i'J cents. Only a few Oregon transfer wer made. Beer sales of February gained ne irly 9 per cent over the sales of the same month Inst year, w hich is the only ho ful sign that hop growers can discern among the many discouraging condi tions that now prevuil. Observer. Try Capital Journal Want Ads.