Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" SATTKOAY KVKMMi April I. 10 1 tt. CHARLES H. FISHEB, Editor and Manager. VUB1.ISUEO EVERY EVENIXO KXCTPT SUNDAY, SAI.KM, OREOOX, HY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L.S.BARXF.S, President CHAS. H. FISIIER. Vice-President DURA C. AXDRHSEX, Sot, and Tress. Djily by carrier, per year Daily by mail, uer year . . . SlBSCKIl'TlOX RATES $5.00 J. 00 Per month 4fc 1'er mouth 35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN' R El'li ESEXT ATI VES New York (hienso Ward-Lewis-Williains Special Agency H irrv R. Fisher ( 0. Tribune Building U X. Dearborn St. The Capital Journal carrier buys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does uot do this, misses you, or neglect (letting the piper to von on time, kindlv phono the circulation manager, us this is the only way we can determine whether or net the tumors arc following instructions. Phone Main SI. A THREATENING CLOUD IN INDUSTRIAL SKY sympathy and friendship of that public which has been so often their best stand by, and still is. They cannot afford to lose this. v Will they? The Agricultural department says' the United States imports chicle, the gum from which - chewing gum is manufactured, of the value of about $:5,5OO,0OO a year, the weight of which is 7,000,000 pounds, or 3,500 tons. As probably nine-tenths of all this goes to the girls' gum tViatrinry l.viirarlo if ic otrirlcmf tVia cujoof trminrr rVnnrrc collectively manage a cud weighing :U50 tons. Could LManon lounty Veterans the energy used in masticating this wad be conserved it would furnish power for a good sized saw mill. Where is Pinchot? Portland is planning to establish an immense plant for building wooden ships. There will be demand, for these for years to come, and with the world's shipping "shot to pieces" will command freight rates that will let them pay for themselves many times over, before they be come obsolete. This is the most important move Portland She has all the facilities, the best The 1 WAS ODITi-S S! London Owing: to the loss of his entire staff, in consequence of the war, the editor proprietor of the "Berkshire ila.ette." states publicly that he is editor, reporter, proof reader, machin ist, office, boy - ami printer's devil. Will Meet at Woodburn STATE NEWS J 99 Ci"iiille. Oreijoii: The actual loss of land on account of the Hood on the Co ipiille river is great. It requires only the observation of the farms nlonjr. the river hnls on a trip from ('nquille to Hooray at Ut I've found instant Relief I don't limp and fuss find worry I don't scold and fret and bemoau my liaudnn to see how jrent (he loss really i fate and my feet' bunion Comfort" is. The biKU water several tunes a year gave me instant relief -stopped tha , i , i.'pain instantly gradually reduced tin makes deep cuts into the bottom lands. fnflaramation and softened and dissolved Some of the bams which were formerly ti, hunion without one bit of cain or i well back from the river are now al-, discomfort. You can wear regrular shoej I most readv to fall into the water. j no pads, plates or cutting just put on I "Bunion Comfort" and away goes your paia and away eocs your bunion. Over 2,0H TVinvt. ia n lHrlp nlmul in tho skv. at nresont no larger thnn ' mnn'c lmnri sn tn sneak, hut which has in it the; has made in years, seeds of an industrial cyclone. In the midst of the pros-; timber for the purpose in the world, and lots of it perity brought about by the European war, nothing nasi new venture snoum prove nigniy prontame. so far arisen to check the business boom. j While it may be possible the impending trouble may be! A story is told of a couple of negroes, one of whom avoided, it does not look that way. The cloud has drifted left a barrel of salt pork in the other's cellar for safe up over the eastern skies from the demands of the brother-1 keeping while he was away a few months. On his return hoods of trainmen and railroad engineers for an eight, he opened his barrel of pork only to find there wasn't any. hour day, and time and a half for overtime. It is claimed Confronting his friend with this state of facts and de this affects about : 5(50.000 men and 480 roads. Under ex- manding to know what became of the pork, the "friend" isting arguments railroad men work ten hours" for a day's exclaimed: "For de lan sakes! How you spose dat pork vvork with another arrangement by which freight train- ever leak'd out and leave de brine?" This little story is men get full pay for running 100 miles, and this whether for Portland's wood supply officials only. it takes ten hours or not, with extra pay for mileage over that distance. The dispatches bringing the story of Villa's mishap The demands of the men have been submitted tortne also brought the rather pleasing tidings that his chief roads and the roads have refused to allow them. The; lieutenant, Hernandez was "numbered with the slain." With the leaders out of it the bandits will scatter and be np't move will orobablv be arbitration. , . .i i The railroads claim that their arrangements nave oeen lost among their fellow Mexicans. It is doubtful if an- made on the basis of a ten hour day, and certain distances! 0ther leader can be found who would be willing to take fivpd to be made in that time. Owing to this they have built their terminals and round houses, and if the new ar rangement is made these will all have to be rearranged at considerable expense. Thm- nnint out too. that railroad work is necessarily widely different in regard to hours worked from any other trade or occupation charge of revolutionary affairs along the border under present conditions. According to the attorneys' statements concerning each other, in arguing the Slaughter case at Oroville, they '. vp n nrptlv touph hunch. Liars, iwiurers. thieves. That the hours on freight runs are coyoteS) hyenas and skunks are among the things each decided largely by circumstances over which neither the men nor the roads have control, l ney uepenci on me num ber of stops, the length of the stops, the amount of freight handled and other things that make it impossible to tell how many hours a given run will take. They also point out that the time and a half for over time would add a burden to the roads that would swamp them. Another thing is that out of the 1,080.000 railroad em ployes in the United States :'.00,000, or IS per cent, are trainmen, and these draw in wages 28 per cent of the total wage. The earnings of the roads in 1D1 1 were $:'.,() 17,000, 000, and the amount paid out in wages was $1,:V,000,0(X). or about l") per cent. . The railroads under 'our laws cannot raise rates witn ,.,f rbu muK.mt if tln mil mad commissions, and so are (fapitil Journal Special Service.) Wn.idhnru. Or.. Anr. 1. The Marion. "r.ic..r.i ,.. A -ir hide, imp it! Countv Veterans' association anticipate j t;1P la rue-it ever hilled in southern Ore-1 men and women have been cured last year a good time at their next meeting ,, w,s' printed to the countv clerk -nd wf- etySUn Ctf' which will be held in the armorv Thnrs-, M,lllv !. ,,,-, 1U from the couu-; et KtW"Vone dnv April rtth. An interestmi; program , ty ,( from the state. The var-; tnf-nf two ftiters, and if you do will he rendered whtcn is as follows: . mj,lt niensured 10 feet six inches trom 1 not gd fnstaut relief, return the remainder Sonjf, "America." by audience. i tip of tail to tip of nose. It was killed and get your money back. We know what Invocation bv Kev. O. C. Weller. ,,v j,.Si Irene I'liricli, nee I'lotncr. of , "Bunion Comfort" has done for others Address of welcome, bv Mayor J-'si;nokum I'ruirie and in life was a fe-i we know what it can do for you so try teelhnmmer. 1 melons beast, orevini' upon stock in the them at our expense, 1'nion creek district for month-. ' Portland, Oregon: Moonshiners are! 115 S. Commercial Street doinn business in Oregon, ami others' are lii't 1 1 n tr reailv to estaonsii niiiuen stills, .iccoi'.lin-' to infornnttion has come to I.. W. KHiott. for the internal revenue deparlment of the Oregon and Wnshinuton district. "Indications of moonshiners have been called to our attention.'.' said Mr. Kl liott. "It appears that they will re iiiiire our attention in tiie near future rieidini!. "Our Heroes." by Mrs. Mnrnaret Kelly. Short talks by Colonel J. M. Poor man, Major Kunone Mosliheruer an I others. Dinner call at 1 1 :.'!0 a. ni. ( all to order at 1 O 'dock. Sono; by W'oodluii u hiyh s-!iool chorus. Drill, Miss Simpson's pupils. . Duet, by the Misses Wnucinnii. Solos, by Mrs. Kay ,1. McKiiiiiey. Heading, Mrs. Kliner Settlemier. (.'ornet solo. .Mr. C. W. Kent. Sou;;, by Octette. Heading. Miss (irace Liioiahl. Sithi. Violet ( il-on. Duet, Norm in and liose Kb-hards, Solo, .Mrs. Homer Allenian. rieadiujx. Pearl lUackinmi. l-'innle. "Star Spangled llannev.'' by audieioe. Mrs. .1. I., Buntiui: entertained J. C. Perry, Drussist, that - . v. vU . , i 1- f T 1- T special aitenti Z, a nd we cert linlv them do busiue: state." do not intend to let very loan in this a hei' home time was Luncheon II. I.ladvs number of her friends at Wednesday afternoon. Tin pleasantly spent in sewinir. was served bv M iraaret II and Arnold liuntiiii;. Mrs. Homer Allenian returned to Sa lem after a short visit here. Mrs. Al lenian is sitmini; at the Oregon. K. b ( ooley is seriously ill at his home. J. S. Dartoii, of ( oiuille, spent the week end with relatives in Woodburn. Mr. an! Mrs. l!oy I.ivesay spent last week at the home at Mrs. Live-ay's I arents, Mr. .ind Mrs. Wilson, at Dallas. j The North '.cid school board has re-j-o!ed that "mid-week social functions ; for tiie pupils of the city schools should ' be di-couraed by the parents to the ' end that bette work may be accom plished by the pupils. ' ' VISIT TO SUBLIMITY i Ton of Stjiytoii's business men went to Sublimity Tuesday ni'iht to attend tie refill ir meeting of the Sublimity (i (in mere ia I club, (uite a crowd of the Sublimity members were on hand and r '. H. Downiue called on anv of those ! pn nt for speeches. I i Anuuii; those who resjl'onded. and! , talkeil of tiie new railroad beino pro-j j.ieited from Salem to Head were: .1. T.j iKearns. K. M. Olmsted and (leo. Keech.i After a considerable discussion aloni'l if sc SCHOOL KIDS ENLIST TO DAY IN WAR ON DEADLY JERSEY SKEETER Elizabeth, N. .(., April 1. "How to Annihilate a Jersey Mosquito" is not, but might as well be. the title of the course of instruction in 'skeeter mur der now re uly for the f irst classes of boys and girls at school here Monday morning. The Jersey 'skeeter long has been known for its size and ler ocity anil so pestiferous has his 'skeetership become that the Mosquito Extermination Com mission, unique as an organiza tion, has determined that, with the aid of the children, the sing ing scourge shall be stiuipeJ out. : if sj: gs insists tearfully, the others are. First thing they know they will have as bad a reputation as the minister they are wrangling over. - - - ' . If the reports from Mexico are true, and Vilfa'has a j leg broken, the trouble so far as'he is concerned is over. When a Mexican cannot board the hurricane deck of a mustang, he is out of the game. He is a case of Hamlet i without the ghost; hash without onions, or a presidential election without those well known initials T. R. and I Y. J. B "Ufc vv ; . rllf innononnii vtm given Mr. fccnuiuern up against a proposition of paying out $100,000,000 extia, . , f wages without having anyway of increasing their, blt to wi vil revenue, to meet the demand. It follows then that ,f its habits to Jggle j The Shell oil company can now do business in this state, as it has fined articles of incorporation and been, Mr. Schulderman's consent. As it has been doing: some months it will not have to change these demands are granted it will be up to the public to! tirrniit the roads to raise rates enough to meet uus new i . ... ii- alon.g under the new arrangement. With thirty of their comrades dead in a few minutes Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. Druue mi'tored to Portland Wednesday, The i'lnlanthea das- of the Presby terian church entertained Tuesday ev ening ill the church, l.et reshments were served and a good time was enjoyed by all woo attended. St. Mary's Episcopal Cuild members were entert lined Titesdav afternoon at the home of .Mrs. H. .(. Austin. The! holies spent part of the afternoon in1 sew ing for the Easter sale. Mrs. S. : .McCord. of I'.enton Harbor. Michigan; Mrs. C. W. Kent, and Miss Mabel I'.os coe were guests. ' E. G. Kmmett has punht'-ed a pas-: senger "Ford from s. E. Hrune an I Son.: II. M. Austin trail-acted busine-s in Portland Tuesday. M. .1. Mud ihl. of Monitor, spent Mon-1 liny in Woodburn. Mr. J. Ulatt went to Portland this! week ami puivhised a Heo car. Oeneral W. E. Ein;-er. of Portland.: "lis calliuu on friends here Monday, Mrs. II. M. Austin and daughter' spent the week end with Mrs. Frank ; Proctor of West Woodburn. Mrs. Wolford, of Silverton. spent sev eral .lavs visiting nt the home of her, sister. Mis. W. H. Pioylcs. Mr. in. I Mr. A. I'.eniiain. of Minne apolis, Minnesota, are guests of Mr.'and! Nlrs. J. A. Austin. I N. lle.-ker is visiting hi- brother at Nez Perce. Idaho. !thit line. E. A. none very inter.' : to build up the j from experieni-e trip to Cermanv Hell gave the crowd j sting remarks on how! fertility of the farms I he had gained in his; five years ago. The! Stayton delegation then extended aui invitation to the Sublimity club to visit! sta toa in the near future. Stavton Mail. STARTS SKUNK FARM Lawrence Ira man received twentv- fh e skunks last week by express from! l'.'iitisvlvnnin, and will embark in skunk I farming ne.ir tiervais. The animals all stood the trip in fine shape and seem1 lo be adapting them.-elves to their new home. When the animals arrived and were placed on Me expre-s truck at the de pot they attracted considerable atten tion, .iii-l mo' of tiie small boys took a chance on stirring them up with a stick, a- he had been told they were "nun stinkable. " .However, they were as .lo-! cile and tame a- kittens. Cervais Star. You can make money by i reading the Journal New Today : column. jj; YOU NEED, to aid nature occasionally when your liver is sluKKhsh, your stomach dis ordered or your bowels inactive. Let this safe, mild, dependable remedy regulate these organs and put thera in a sound and healthy condition. BEECHAM'S PILLS Ltrtert Sl of Anr Mtdicine tn the WorU. Sold rerywher. In boxes, 10c, 25. L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. f. .1 k 11 l 111 il f I ' . tT,T- hi l . - 4-.- x.,t- 'ltt-fM' t ip -tnpvtp:ins ran nnrnss inpnv if is nmhnh p rnp - -. ami i. . l.n.s i charue; in other woms tne putuic win u;ic iu at;iv'v il-ini.v - .-ti t, . L- .1 1 , y !r i-ft Wednesday for th.-ir logging i ..If It V lUllIUlt'I t)L lilt Uaim 111 11U e U IllliUei teuai ll iUl .ami. near .l;l itv. where thev i 1110 extra cnaigt. lutu. i; -J tl1(, 1li,ic,i,l "ofitiP'n" heivaftpr. Psiwinllv if h wpjii-s i"'1"1 fns '!"""" T'"-- "ul 'i"1'"' rStlll anOiner Pro H'Mimil lIUll ti'ii'i'? Mil" iiiv v.i.-i-i.i.. . . - gutter ny ineir wnes wno win spen.i' that railroad men generally are paid higher wages than: Uncle bam s uniform and carries a gun. j'Vn'.? TuvV;' nniiim i P' returned la week MORE MONEY I pity the poor, sordid soul, who alwavs is asking him- countrv cannot afford it nor can the trainmen atTord it. j self, "Oh. how can I add to my roll, and store up more nt tended Tuesday itnut anv other. This raise in wages, it it is granted,! -m wo,iburn i,st week trom suit Lake must a large part of it come from the pockets of other. What has become of the Turks? No one has heard X;-' ;rrl""n,i-KoBBCJf i-i,,,.-or win-, w onrnine' far less than the trainmen. i a gobble out oi them since the Russians chased them out. okmei ami m.-. j. m. ivormaa at- IdlRlIU UU uu yuuius ... . ,.;, 011i f,f Teolii7,nu! ' tended the reunion and banquet the H eher railroad rates means higher cost of living, and ; ot Ueluzond. spanisii-Ameri.au a,- M-tcans in as the laborer, no matter what his calling, has to eat ami, ; wear clothing, he eventually pays all the bills: for while March played the game according to Hoyle this year, it looks as though large companies with immense amounts coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb. f fi-.-iivht would nav a laree portion of the railroad; freight bills they do not do so. for they pass the freight along to the consumer of their products. ! So it will be seen the dispute is not entirely one bo- tween the railroads and their employes, but one between, the ::09.000 trainmen and the balance ot the iw.uuu.wu citizens of this country, who will have the bill to pay. It is sincerely hoped the matter will be atljusted in a friendly way, foV a strike would simply paralyze business in,) IwiniY nil tl foil i lit. on that would be unbearable. The 1aL I. LWOOD The public has rights the trainmen are bound to respect ' plunder and pelf?" If always you think of your pile, and and if thev do not. but bring disaster on the country they; make of your bankbook a pet, the things will have struck labor a blow from which it will take it (TTT that are traly worth while you're apt to l tland Prid W. L. Pent ley f ic in Seattle. Attorney Plaiue McPord -pent Wed nesd iv in Salem. .Mrs. I'lyde Yoder. of 1'nion, ue le Moss entertainment night. Mrs. K. X. Hall returned Saturdav: , from Pallas win re she has been visaing' .at the heme or her daughter. Mrs. Vie-i tot lialentine. I Lev. 1.. c. Poor attended the me.-t-1 j ing of the ministerial ns-oeiatiou iui , oPrthutd M'ondiy. j Mis. Sadie Ibiuick children spent I the week end in Portland with friends.' P. O. Seatoa representing tt.- North-( west Puinrt'.ire company of t'...."tlan 1. ', ias in Woodburn Tuesday. The Wi.edl'Uru Retail Mer' iiants' as sociation iield a meeting m the ctv hall Tuesday, night. Mr. '. X. He"k; was chosen l a dclegnte to the state i, invention at As-f For Immediate Delivery 5 Load lots at (drt years to recover, tor unless the trainmen suonm ineir no mantis to arbitration, which they say in advance they will not, they will array public sentiment against them, and eventuailv lose out; and at the same time lose the o Order Now SpauldingLoggingCo. Front and Ferry LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1S6S CAPITAL $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Depasit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT : Y Wad Ketail Merchants toria, April "Jii'jr. in-n.M-r. t i .-...rv.l- IF nl.,-..,. U 1 . ''"i .1.-...1I io s o? oi I nr '"""- ' U"t- dtit, ,iUU IUUUVCI ifivo hundred club a ended trida and wish, and hunger and thirst for theiwh,M1 ,h'' liv"n' .'ntTwiitM tht ,., l c i r r- i ii Iwinniuir side at a banouet in the Ma lOOlt, UUU Uft'r gU HMUIIg I OI' nsn, Or mini- ,.inie tmple. r en the lusinc side! f ing wan-nogs wun a gun, n an tnrougn tne:"1 "V. n'1. JI ; n;,"' 'r; i . , , and Mrs. ( . 1 . l.oodale. Mr. an 1 Mr. P. hurrying year, your thoughts are on profit a. i.hes'.ev. Mr. and xirv i.. m. n;t and gain, your soul will be shriveled anfe; sere, the rust will get lnto-vour brain. It, tin- winninu side were. u. ud Mrs.'Aiways Watcn This Ad Telephone ,1830 S !5I T "7 V " T" , mm wm Pose. Or. and Mrs. tk.,:.. 1. 1 ..il il. ... ii - .I. 1 1.. I.nnren.. iiuu infii ituii tin mt' van iiuiiK ui isi I t l ... ... ... If whom Cash is a god ; for Cash is their store 1 "' m. p. m. p:.,- aui Mr. nd'Mri! T t X I After the LamiueT. fie iiuu itcd wns The master of money ne'er knows the literature of , ' .m.r pi. e, f-n t.. Mrs. o. p. the day, the works of Nick Carter or those of "Rita" OYZthu:: Bertha M. Clay. His soul is ingulfed in the mart, is life's iXVhi;"':in- . aim is sordid and grim, the treasures of song and of art' s,-Ai.u . Knt.-rpr-. better fir and music are dead ones to him. He cares not for color 1'ri,,,';,i'm' ,h OI :-'JV " or tone, and nothing for mirth does he care; he sees in theitm.-k for the h'.s'e' , h...,, u ta- k Changes Often MMM Stnotlr correct Treiht, quar. deal and highest priee. for ill kinrjg of junk, metal, rubber, hidei ud fur.. I ry 2U,C j,er ponad fof oIJ Bi? $tock of U i ?oond h.J incubators. All kind, corrupted f iron for both roofs ni buiUin Boofing w and lecond Uai X Lno'.eum. H. Steinback Junk Co. I The House of IfVf t MlVioa Bargini. J I distance a bone, and chases it down to its lair. adder, and tli fne depntuueat. Jabbshio of .all 302 Nortk Commercial St Pjone 803 -