THREE English and Other Food Supplies Reach Germany DISINFECT 1 SEED "STARS" AS AGENT THE DAILY CAPITAL .T RNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 19 1 G. By Carl W. Ackerman bounds in price. For instance, I priced (United Press Staff Correspondent.) cocoa Saturday. The bes: Dutch brand Berlin, April t(k many unexpected i was J-85 marks per half pound cnn. On supplies reach Berlin that" a statement j M,m,Ja' H was 1-ao 011 Wednesday, 2 ' marks, of Germany's food situation today is I priced oatmeal, tco. A small pack difficult, j nge a week ago was 35 pfennings. To- So many different kinds of food j day the same amount was S3 pfenning ("tuffs are on the market today tbftt i and thij best Quality of oatmeal could one wonders whether the English block-! not be purchased in most stores, nde has gone, out of business or whether j I went into several shops to get sar Turkey and Bulgaria are yielding up dines. their stores for Germany. "How much?" I asked. Whatever the cause, the result is np-! "Here are Norwegian sardines at 53. parent. Germany has more varieties of i (5, 75, 85 pfenning a can. But heio food on the market today and larger j nre some French sardines, the best on supplies than at any time during the the market, at 2.40 lor a large cnu." winter. A good deal of food slips by j "What," I said in astonishment, the blockade. "French sardines coming in I" For this reason it may safely be ( "Oh, yes, we have quite a large stip ulated' that the crisis in the food situa-, ply. We get a great deal .if foreign tion for this winter is passed. Spring goods," said the grocer, and Summer with their garden vege-i "Here nre cans of Italian tomato tables and supplies will prevent any ) critical shortage then, unless it be meats. For se.veral days there have beejj rumors that there would soon be four meatless days a week, but this wnsof-iand saw great quantities of canned fie.iully denied by the Lokal Auzeigor. I goods bearing French and English trade Tho butter situation still is acute but I marks. the authorities .are issuing butter cards During the-last few weeks there have co there will he no need for the thinis-1 been great quantities of oranges dis nnds to wait hours in butter lines on j played in the markets. Most of these the three davs a week when that product is sold. During the last week I have visited, all the big markets and grocery stores. These visits brought two surprises. First, the daily increase in food prices; seond the great quantities ot i ren.-n, i English, Spanish and Norwegian foodi (ituffs on the ma-kct. Food is increasing by leaps and SOCIETY ALINE THOMPSON (Continued from Page Two.) the audience bv storm; the duet "O That We Two Were Maying" by Misses Marie and Catherine Campbell, was givpn in the singers' own delight ful manner; wh.le the piano duet, "La (iuz-ji Laddra," by Rossini, with Miss es Louise and Aiin.i Berndorfner, piano A, Misses Gertrude and Catherine - Campbell, piano B, and Misses Eleanor and Lena Huckestein, piano C, was a treat that delighted the heart of every music lover present. An exceptionally good fe.iture of the program was the vocal solo, "Abide With Me," sung by Miss Gertrude Campbell, whoso rich contralto voice is we1 suited to the de votional words and exquisite music. The piano accompaniment by Miss Louise Berndorfner and the violin obli- cato by Miss Marie Campbell enhanced i -the beauty of the piece. .The other numbers of tue program were equally' well rendered, "April Morn" 1 de"- bgnttul vocal selection gave Miss Marie Campbell a splendid opportunity I of the displaying the arre versatile i qualities of her voice. The elocution! numbers, (a) "My Rival, (b) "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" by Eugenia Smith, (a) "Wvnken, Blvnken and Nod," (b) " Little' Bov Blue" by First Call on the Butcher" by Susie ! Sparrow were an added attraction and lieside being a treat to the auditors, serve as a complete triumph and have made . Another laurel for tho already verdant wreath of hteir talented in structress. Mrs. Blanche Liston Nio lueyer. But the last number, "The Song My Mother Sings," solos by Miss Gertrude Campbell, violin obligate by Misses Marie Campbell and Mary Schoettle, harp accompaniment by Miss Louise Berndorfner, ind choruses by the Academic vocal class, was perhaps the most apreciated of all. Filled as it was with the pathos and infinite : burn yesterday attending to legal bust beauty of Mother love nnd sung as onlyinpss. those who have known and lost that Mr. ana Mrs. Mark S. Skiff went to most precious of possessions, it gave! Portland this morning for an over Sun to the recital the Master touch needed; day visit. to make a musical entertainment a com-j Hans Vopp, from Concomly, was plete success. i transacting business in Salem this Quartet, Believe Me if All Those Endearing Charms I Mr- and Mrs."C. T. Hillinan, of Wen- t A''Jeray QarL't- dover, Utah, were registered at the iolm, Lullaby , mt,h' veerday. i- v i. 1I"Sar't i- i I Mr- "antl Mr- I-""'" J- rlinPin vere ' Y"i '" c jji.hniiiuiiii Willa Barnes, Piano, The Kangourou Mary Lebold. Vocal, Love's Awakcuing . J'iano, June Twilight Eugenia Smith. Vocal, The Sundown Sea .. Clara Doerfler. Headings: (a) "MyvRival" (b) "Twinkle, Twinkle D.inglas i Bennett Steckel Kipling Little Star" Anonymous Eugenie Smith. I'iano, An Arabian Night Vincent Frances Doerfler. Vocal Duet, O That We Two Were , Maying Ncvin Marie and Catherine Campbell. I'iano, Caprice Uumoreske Burtlett Lena Huckestein. Vocal, Abide With Me Gertrude Campbell I'iano, To Spring- Wiegand Grieg Dons llalverson. Readings: . (a) "Wynken, Blvnken and Nod" (b) "Little Bov Blue" Eugene Field Thelma Fowler. Piano, "Miserere" 11 Trovatnre Gottschalk Anna Berndorfner. Vocal, April Morn Balten Marie Campbell. Piano, Witches' Dance MaeDowell Catherine Campbell. Reading, Monologue, "The First Call On the Butcher" .. May Isabel Fiske Susie Sparrow. Piano, Rondo Capricinso .. Mendelssohn Claire Barr. Harp, Mazurka, by request .. Schuecker Louise tierndnrf ner. Piano. TIarv. Hark! The Lark Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. soup and boxes of Italian spaghetti. We have English salmon, "too, he mill ed with pride and a laugh and a wink for the "English blockade." Afterwards I went to other markets Came trom Spam. They slipped by the blockade, too, Dates, figs and nuts are coming in in substantial quantities, mostly from Turkey. Jwist Saturdav from "somewhere" came large snipmenis or pineapples. That's the food story ihiy in and day out. Always something new and always dealer. Schubert Eleanor Huckestein. Piano Duet, La G.iza Laddra Rossini Piano I, Louise and Anna Berndorfner; piano IT, Ger trude ami Catherine Camp bell; piano II T, Eleanor and Lena Huckestein. Vocal, The Song My Mother Sings .. S. C. jr. Solo, Gertrude Campbell; chorus, Academic Vocal cl.iss; harp, Louise Berndorfner; violin ob ligato, Miry Sclioettle and Ma rie Campbell. f PERSONALS p J Scott, of Liberty, is in the citv. ' ' ' " . . . J- T- Vkite, of 'Woodbuni, is in the ''''y- Attorney Ivan G. Martin was in Ger vais yesterday. Miss Marion Dunlap of Drain, was a Salem, visitor yesterday. Mrs. R. 0. Balderie was in the city Protcssor Graham, a musician of Portland, is in the city. M. S. Pittmore was in the city yes terday from Monmouth. B. V. Macy, city attorney, is in Dal las today on legal business. 1). R. Moses, i business man of Ge.r vais, was in the city yesterday. George Rose returned yesterday from a 10 day visit from Hot Spring!. Charles S. Piper, of the firm of Scott & Piper, went to Portland tins morn- ing. Attorney Z. T. Randall was in Wood pnssenccrs this niominir on the U retro u . , (Electric for Portland. ... Wachsj cnvnntlKh a farmer living in the St. Louis district, was transacting mist iness in the city this morning. A. L. Rvan and wife, of Portland, are guests at the home of A. H. Moore, Mr. Ryan, who is assistant superinten dent of the Oregon Electric, is a broth er of Mrs. Moore, liert . torn, an nlumnus of tne ,a- proportion r0 me qunmuy 10 oe treaico. ,, . . ending" bet- lem high school, is home for a few I Another method is fo use a large wood-1 , f . , VT ar, Z ,1 days 'from the University of Oregon, on e.u vat or trough, into which the pota-! ,'"n."' for. he ..f.r",or' ' "' account of eve troubles.' K toes in sack, are lowered by a rope and P"'"'1, '"""T rm,ht"" uJ in' Miv. B. L. Har.lenbrook, who has pulley and later hauled out, drained. 1 '''eased home happiness, been visiting for the past three months I and dried on slatd racks. The play affords the opportunity to with her mother at Salida. Colo., is ex-j Seed potatoes mnv be treated several, M'. Patterson to display those mar" pectcd home tomorrow. Mr. Harden- . weeks before planting, provided thev ! velous business traits which havp mude ........... . . .. brook will meet her in Portland to morrow. "Tom" Gerber, formerly employed in newspaper work here, but now man ager of the United Press Bureau at Portland, was in tho pity a while today. Tom is another example of a good boy gone right. Secretary L. H. (. onipton. of the Y. At. C. A., returns this evening from Portland. For the past two days he has been helping the Hose. City associa tion wallop Seattle in the great inter city membership eontest. DEATH OF NICK GOETJEN Nick fiotticn. who died last Thursdnv morning, March 23. 1910, was born in niocKion, i ai., fepTcnioer 10, nun, oe- ing 49 years, fi months and 7 days old. I He came to Oregon 33 years ago audi had lived at tiiass Valley," Kingsley and Uur'ur until two years ago he and li i brother, John, and their families came to (iervais and boughr out the business formerly owned by Ed Dupuis. A' 14 months ago he was taken with whe he supposed was rheumatism nnd grew gradually worse and after expert ex amination it was determined the hone was diseased; an operation wa performed last May. removing a portion of the thieh bone, but he continued to suffer and in August the leg was am- Agricultural Department Sug gests Means of Eradicat ing Disease The treatment of seed potatoes with formaldehyde or with eornive subli mate has been recommended for many years as a preventive of scab and other diseases carried o nlhe tubers. Such treatment is, on the whole, profitable, but has several limitations which should be clearly recognized to prevent disappointment, according to the specialists of the department. ' The object of disinfecting seed potatoes is to destroy the germs uf scab and other surface parasites which might other wise lie planted with the seed and in fect the ne wcrop. Only surface in fections are reached by this method. It is only partially effective against deep pits of cominun scab. Formalde hyde is less effective than corrosive sublimate against the black sclerotia or resting bodies of Rhizoctonia, or russet scab, and "against powdery scab. Neither chemical, as ordinarily used, will de stroy silver scurf. Eiilier one will kill surface infections of blackleg, but neither will reach the internal infec tions coirrrnoii in tubers from blackleg hills. Neither fusariuiu wilt nor late blight infection in potato tubers can be reached by any seed treatment, nor can any of the non-parasitic diseases of po tatoes, such as mosaic leaf roll, and curly dwarf, be prevented. See Fann ers' Bulletin 544 for descriptions of these troubles. Clearly, therefore, the most importmit precaution against these diseases is to select clean, disease-free seed potatoes from healthy, vigorous plants, as de termined by field inspection during the growing season and at, harvest. Seed treatment should then be applied as an additional precaution. It will not be effective, however, if the soil where the potatoes are to be planted is already full of disease. Soil Conditions and potato Diseases. Soil conditions have an important rg lution to potato tuber diseases, and many of these are widely spread throughout the country, perhaps native to some soils. Common scab is favored by a neutral or slightly alkaline soil, and seldom gives trouble in acid soils. It is therefore increased by liming and by fresh stable manure, wood ashes, and alkaline fertilibers, such as nitrate of r soda and ground bone, while acid phos phate and sulphate ot ammonia tenia to diminish senb. Rhizoctonia occurs to some extent in j 71,, founded the first "school" for sales- i nearly all soils, but appears to attack . nlell) , nP nns ,, "teaching by j potatoes most when the conditions arethe eye-' an axiom of business traiii-' unfavorable to the best development of 1 j,, . . the potato plant. 'Bring the land to an j m x (, rnnewe. his! ideal state of .tilth to minimize loss from Rhizoctonia. Powdery scab is worst on cold, wet, j or poorly drained soils. - . .i ... i . 1 the other hand, .s carried by infected seed. No potatoes showing a deep' brown disco oration at the stem end j should be ilan ed Sulphur tends to prevent common j scab. It is not a substitute for cor- j rosive sublimate or formaldehyde, bu , is a good drier for cut seed. Applied to scab-infected soils at the rate of 500 pounds per acre it reduces the scab, but per acre it reduces the scab, but aw applications cnn not be gen-1 recommended as profitable. Pre- y experimental trials are ad- such heav erallv recommen limin.vy exie vised. How to Disinfect Seed. The formaldehyde treatment consists in Boaking the potatoes, before cutting. for two hours in a solution made by adding 1 pint of formaldehyde to 30 gallons of water. The solution can be usprl pill v. Ttm ens treatment, is no longer recommeniieci. j mai,shipi Corrosive sublimate is used at tho Jn ,ne first ,,, hn ,,,,, tllp rate of 1-1,000 for one and one half to, ,,., to a r(!tnil illvitiMB tU(, two hours. Dissolve 2 ounces of tho j ltttt(.r's interest and confidence bv Bug salt in hot water and dilute to 15 gal- J gesting ln friendly way improvements Ions. This is a deadly poison. I'se rmssibl(, in store methods. In tho see with great care. It must also be kept I om, nct thp ;if,Pnt nn(1 interested the .u , i,ui... uiii., ui Kin it attacks metal. It is more effective than formaldehyde, particularly against Rhizoctonia and powdery scab. Do not use the same solution more than three times, as the strength diminishes with each lot of potatoes soaked. To treat large quantities, set severaV ihpen ' irlHt!1iu,d, two acts were given to barrels on a slightly elevated platform. explaining ('. R, Service." This Fit a plug in a hole in the bottom of 1 s(,rvioe, which is a feature of the coin each barrel, fill with potatoes, cover' v, ,,,, dve.rtising, included such with solution, let stand two houTs, draw : Sllllj(.ct!( as the training of clerks, win off solution, and pour into ajiother bar-; (,w. (ylh.,uy!l , tha like. rpl lm.rnnvA tin. iiimttipv itf ttnrrptu in I . . .p.-.x.. l . are not rejnlectect liv storing 111 out container, or storngo 'bins. Sprouted potatoes are in jured - by j treatment, but will throw out new sprouts. In general, however, potatoes1 will not be 111 lured bv following the above directions. Many growers be- lie.vp germination is inproved by treat inent. putated at the hip joint, as it scen e, the only means ot saving Ins lite. Hu the disease hud taken hold to such an extent that all efforts of medical ski' could not save him. He was a great sufferer but was ' patient and cheerful almost to the e- o had the constant care or a uevote.ijj ,-iu,,,r """"i " physician, Dr. H. O. Hickman, alth- often very busy on other cases, never eeased to give him extraordinary atten- 1 1 ion. He is survived by his wife and moth er, Mrs. Sarah Goetjen, of Riverside, Wash.; and six brothers, Henry, Krc and (.'harlev of Kiverside, Wash.: .V bert, of lit! Olie, B. C; Dolm, of Man pin. Ore.; and John, of (iervais. Ocr vais Star. -x That useless article may mean 4 money to you through the New Today column. $ President of N. C. R. Company Acts Leading Part In Salesmanship Play h - - ' - & . ' ' 1: i . . I ' ' ' , ' , i ' ' 5 1 l .y . ' JOHN H. PATTEIiSOX He is one of the most remarkable of America's big business men. As a pioneer in practical welfare work, he has won international recognition, lie is 71 yynrs old, but has the physical vigor of a man of fifty. Dayton, 0., April 1. (Special to Tbo.i ( apital Journal) John H. Patterson, president, and general manager of the ational Cash Register Company, is the "star" in a very clever six-act busi ness nlnv now bcimr nl'odni'Cit hi't'nri audiences of salesmen. ' This play, "The Evolution of a; St'. re, " is the latest plan of the Xn-i tional Cash Register Company for the! instruction ot its large toree in new selling methods. But the most striking feature of it is, of course, the appear ance of President Patterson, as .the "star." The president is noted for his orig-; inality of method in all things, morej esnceinllv in developing selliiiL' talent. : "chalk talks" iwe a feature. These con- 1 sist of rouuli sketches, hnstilv drawn 1... it... : .1 , !.. 1 rijiiuii, 10 UMt- iiuint, iiiiuun 111,1111.-, ,)ro ht Throu(!,,out ,0 fasn rcR. h you wi fim h er tn)lc(s ou nm, m D,(m,am.0 of eravons. and a " chalk talk " is just as )ikolv in f)e sho n, . ,he c01lfcrellC0 Th(i kl(.nt. ia ft stro1R a(lvocat of movi j,ictures. J" , "f ' 'The Evolution of a M('rt'' e has resorted to dramatics a Store," he has resorted to dramatics effective means of impressing as n!i nteresting, his hearers. The l,la.v 's based on tho troubles of a I storekeeper, ifr. Patterson takes the j part of the cash register agent, and I when the nlnv had its severest try-out here recently, at tho National Cash I Register plant, he occupied the stage for a total of three hours. More remarkable his "lines" were entirely impromptu, and he gave a mas terly demonstration of modern sales- r-rocr in the 19Ki model of the Nation- al cash register, and had also succeed ed in converting the grocer's wif in favor of the proposition. Next, the agent visited the grocer's banker and the wholesaler, and "sold" them. Then, after the cash register had course. 1 ne rvuiiuiuii oi nim musitt iimiurpn. i..m u.o acting and in his "lines," he shows the supreme vulue of enthusiasm, sincerity, intelligence, kindness, courtesy and other factors of up-to-date salesman- M The nlnv is intended for the benefit. of the company ' salesmen, and it will only be produced before audiences com posed of Hilesmen brought to the j I'l"" for instruction. i JURY DECIDES COitfMISSION CASE An action in Judge Brown's court k. l.l :., .1,,. i:,.,i T.,n,,.,. r V,ll Tun. ;,,,. ,.f, , r.i,i i n f.,r !,.,, ,,, r,i;,;f on,i ,i,,f..mli.i.t vrv Uought action BL'ninst Y. M Morlev for the recovery of commissions alleged to be due on five different tran sactions, nlo for money loaned the de fendant. M. J. Van Vnlkenburg ap peared as attorney for the plaintiff and K. Ho-s, for ' the defendant. The commissions said to be due amounted to 4J12.4S, and the borrowed money amounted to tT.SO. The case was tried before a jury" composed of A. A. T.'lvin. S. J. Comtock, Henry Sihrocdcr and J. O. Phelps. An awnid of t7.50 was made to Mr. Fry the borrowed money. Silverton Appeal. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. ITX Sale of Room Size MASy r 1 ri n brass and ribre Rugs IfSw wee we er yu a numer of patterns of NJ ?;fifj0y Crass and Fibre Rugs at unusual bargains, colors x-2x tan, green, brown and blue No. 7,8x1 0 Grass Rug, regular $8.00, No. 5126, 9x10-6 Wool Fibre Rug, ' 'Special W-25 regular $12, Special $KQ No. 7, 9x12 Grass Rug, regular $11, JO.OU SpCCial VI"." '' No- 6077D, 9x12 Wool Fibre Rug, No. 6076D, 7-6x10-6 Wool Fibre Rug, regular $10.50, Special JQ regular $12.50, Special $9 5Q Other sizes and qualities at correspondingly low prices. $12 9x12 Princeton Tapesty Rugs . . . $8.89 These Rugs are suitable for any room in the house. Oriental and convention al designs, colors browns and greens. If you desire a good serviceable Rug at a medium price these Rugs will surely please you. EveryWomanHasa Right to aHoosier The Hoosier means more than merely shelf -room Built in closets scatter your kitchen work; the Hoosier Cabinet centralizes it. You can sit down rest fully to prepare each meal with your utensils and food supplies already gathered and handily arranged at your fingers ends. The Hoosier way saves miles of steps and takes but half the time; has 40 inventions that save women labor. The cabinet includes the patented shaker flour sifter, the only sifter that shakes flour through instead of grinding it. It also has a complete accounting system : Mrs. Christine Frederick's Food Guide that answers that question "What shall T hnvp fnr Hinnpr?" The new all metal bread and. cake box has double capacity, due to improved arrangement, and the work table is of pure aluminum. So many features to this cabinet that space does not permit of description of all. Built entirely of oak and a size and style to fit any kitchen. $ 1 .00 Places One in Your Home GERVAIS NEWS K. M. Klingcr and family, of Salem, motored to tlervais Tuesduy. Mrs. John Schoen and baby, Mildred, of Turner, is visiting at the home of her father, Joseph Becker. Miss Anna Burr, of Salem, was the guest of Mrs. (icorge Vogle Tuesday. Henry Dillmnn, a blacksmith from Portland, wus the Sunday guest of J. A Johnson and family. Miss Vesta Marshall, who is attend ing the State Normal, was the neck-end guest of her parents. Mrs. Al. Sherwood, of Portland, in in very poor health at tfie home of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Krause. Mike Ferchwciler, Jr., returned the first of tho week from Jgnmor, Mon tana, and intends to upend 'several months in this section. Miss I. vie Stewart, teacher in the I primary room of our public -school, ! spent Saturday and Sunday with ; parents in Portland, j Mrs. Minnie Bnttersby, who spent (several days with her parents, Mr. and ! Mrs. A. Schwab, returned to her home 1 in Portland Tuesday evening. ! Mrs. Rebecca Johnson, of rcntridia, ! Wash., sinter-in law of Mrs. T. S. Hall, who has been visiting relatives in this I section for some time, returned to her home 1 uosdny. Mr. and Mrs. Frank frinnard enter tained with four tables of Five Hun dred Tuesday evening. First prize be ing won by Joseph DeJnrdin anil the consolation by Reuben DeJnrdin. Oregon Hop Growers' usswialion hops were brought in this week as fol lows: Martin Detiich lot of 53 bales John Kuscliuick lot of 75 bales; Tlieo, Reuben lot of 24 bales. Shipment was made to London, Kngland. Miss Hoddie Binegnr and Car! Rams den, of Howell Prairie, mjf married at Salem Tuesday, at the Metho1 parsonage by the Rev. R. . AvKon. They ere attended by Miss Fir Binegnr, sister of the bride, Hoy Ramsden, brother of the groom. Tlr couple took an active pint in "Home Ties" which was played at the i-ii hull a lew weeks ago. Star. AUEOBA NEWS J. I. Harvey who has purchased the Braingar saw 'mill and timber has nr- rived to take charge. He was ac com- panied by his fiiuily and a crew of men. After spending the week end with her mother at the Ztmmcriitg farm Mrs. Kltncr Will and children returned to Portland Monday. . .1. . Brewer and Clinuiicc'v Kroim of i Meridian have returned from a v i i t to jthe Silet. Reservation which has been I opened for settlement. They found nothing very promising, I A. L. Hcoding was in the city yes- tcrdnv delivering IdO day-old chicks to 1 11. H. Hurst. Thev were White Leg (horns, which Mr. Mendings breeds in (Urge numbers. Tiie hafciung capacity lot' Mr.' (coding's iwfubntor is S'M). Alvin George, Jr. and Andrew- Mil - ler came up iron. Portland Sunday inorning to attend 11 birthday dinner at Tne nonie 01 rueir si-ter, .urs. 'eo. w kins in honor of their mother. Mrs. G Miller. Sr. Those previa were: Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, lAskins, Alvin Miller, tieo. Miller, Jr., I Andrew Miller, Louisa Miller, and! I Misses Mary, K .it it' ind Tillie liiesy. ' and Walter 1'einlv, a school mate of the ibovs at Poitliwid. The (llesby Brothers were in the city this week. They were exhibiting a naif-dollar of I sill, picked up recently on their place ut, M irks Prune while plowing. The coin is bright mid in good condition. It has no milled edge, but instead of the nulling the words, ! "Fifty Cents" are stamped around the I edge.' It has LI stars. Its condition! shows that it could not have seen much use before it w-iis lot. Though coiuei s.'i years ago, it looks ihnost like new. t h-cr er. PURE BRED SIRES (Portland Livestock Record.) Monday's edition of this paper tells ut the marketing by H. '. Miller, of Dillnrd, Oregon, of two carloads of; town ill the valley might be proud ol. b iby beef, weighing sol) pounds at l'.'j.Mi. Hunduiig is assisted in tho bosi-month-i of age, and w Hint; at eight niirl ncs by Win. Kch, and they are bny a half cents per pound. The big feature i tivning out different patterns of tho in this story is the fact that Mr. Miller ; Oregon Ranch and Garden Hoe. So con has bought at recent Shorthorn sales j vi nieut are they and so great the do here at the stock yards ome of the best nuiiid, the firm is rushed with outers. sires offered at the sale, The four headjjiiheilon Tribune. 1 i which iie bought avenged about ij'lini.Oti each. It is very easy to figure that tho influence of these sires added at least 10.0(1 per head on each calf. Figuring that each sire would get forty calves in a year, you have the price of tiu sire in t In- first year's eiop of calves, with li least three or four more years of active, service. The fact that the sire is half the herd is so well known by breeders 'hat ij seems strange that farmers wi'l go on your after year putting scrub sires with their herds und flocks. Tho iiint expensive Hire which anybody could put at the held of his herd is tho scrub the cheaper you buy the ninvu expensive he is to you. It is going to b only a short time until the legiv lature pusses a law which will proide pure-bred sires for all livestock, The. men who keeps scrub sires on his pliuci should he looked upon by his ucignliom tl ,t l,..Mi,r M ,,,,.h ..f ,..,, ,),,. , , ttl ft ,. of i,,,,,, ,, u-mm, ns doinvard. o Mine, fnrni.T wouM tiljnk ot:',vi , n, llu ilM1,,. ,. 1. ..1, n,,l,. ent cient, whereas the niaiontv of them still persists in using scrub sires which are less efficient than that. On top 01' t'nis natural advantage is a kecu deligiitj which comes from haviivg well-bred slock about the place. It make tho children more contented, in t'lct tho wtinlc family can sit up stiaiglilo, through out their chests and look every 11 1 it 11 in tho eye when they know that ail of the sires on the place trace the' breeding back many generations. Np. body cau tell lust what this inline means, but it has a many-fold vvtuo. ,lfoiy would this slogan do I "Till:! .OHTli w Kf LANK OF Til K I'I'b'vl HHKD SIRES." . . MT. ANGEL FACTORY "Silvcrtffn gets the mill, but yo 1 haven't got all the factories," said ,). II. Humbiirg to a representative ot'th n paper Hominy, and his "tatemeiit is correct. Mr. Hiiniburg has recently est iblished a hoe and handle factory at lit. Angel which Silverton or nuy'othci'