Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 01, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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I II 11 V J. M I V
THK week just ended has been al
most devoid of entertainment, as
the spring weather with its sub
tle insistent appeal is being met with
enthusiastic reHponhes and a iiuge exo
, tlua takes society maturing to tiie coun
try. It does not talto long to rwoYcr from
the rcRi'Ct at tho passing o winter's
jjayety and the smart set is alreidy
taken up with the seemingly more vital
question of sports clothes nud summer
belongings for golf and tenuis.
Dancing, of course, has occupied the
lime light during the week, the most
important function being the premier
dinner dance at the Hotel Marion Fri
day evening.
It was an exceptionally giy affair,
and throngs of merrymakers danced
through the evening. The dinner tables
-with their fragrant blossoms surroundod
1y attractive belles and young ma
trons and their escorts, made a charm
ing ensemble. These soirees are an cx
rellent method for the men to pay little
courtesies to their of time hosts and last
night's affair ahowd several popular
beaux presiding at various dinner par
ties. Among the hosts were Mr. and Mrs.
Asahel Jlush who presided at tne larg
st dinner party. Their table was ex
ceptionally lovely, being centered with
an array of crimson rose buds anil lacey
ferns, (.'overs were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. Frederic. Thielsen, Mr. and Mrs.
Willi im Melvin Plimpton, Mr. and Mrs.
Miu-k lin er, Miss Kllen Thielsen, Miss
Aline Thompson, (.'ail Uabrielson and
Mr. and Mrs. Hush.
Nr. and Mrs. Chauncev Bishop's
party included Mr. and Mrs. Percy
. Young and Mr. and Mrs. Rocker Mason
of Albany, and Mr. and Mrs. William
Uurguardt, Jr.
Another party wis presided over by
3ur. and Mrs. (ieorge Rodger, for their
' daughter, Miss Margaret Kodgers, and
' her week end guests, Miss Louise lAn
tkieum, Polly Kerr and Klizabeth
Hailey, of Portland.
Other society folk surrouuding tables
in congenial groups were: Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas l.ivesley, Dr. and Mrs.
Harry Clay and Mr. and Mrs. William
t'onnell lyer, Mr. and Mrs. James
Wilson, lit. and Mrs. Samuel Ko.er,
Miss Helen Deckebnch, Miss Kiln
Kleiner, Miss lla.el Krixon, Miss Mar
gery Marvin, Miss Ida Simmons, Kreel
Kay, Daniel J. Fry, Jr., Fritz Made
, nd Albert Kg in.
Mr. tnd Mrs. Percy Young and Mr.
and Mrs. Hockey Mason, who were
guests of the C'haiiucey Itlshop's for
the dinner dance at the lintel Marion
Friday evening, motored ba
bany that night.
k to Al-
All Nature does
The .Whole Nation does
Every man, woman and
child in Salem should.
Dress up to your ambition,
rather than down to your
position, then you .uid the
old town will begin to look
more prosperous.
Like This
Get the Habit
Look Prosperous
If every man, woman and child here
will get the National Dress Up habit,
what a wondertul change old Salem
will undergo!
If people could only understand that
city's prosperity deended upon them
to a large degree, the commercial at
mosphere would be changed and a
healthy growth of the city promoted.
Begin by looting the part. Remem
ber the world tax you at face value
minus very liberal discount. Remem
ber alxo, that the logical place to dress
up i at a strictly cash tore, for instance:
partv, their guests being the members' number of gay affairs have been given
of "the Merrviifl-Kound club. Curd tor their pleasure. Tonight a dozen
iionors fell to '.Mrs. M. A. lioif and Dr.i friends of .waster John Howe ( aughell
Thomas '. Smith, Jr. will gather to celebrate his twelfth
Miss Kllen Thielsen and Miss Mar- j birthday p.uty given by his parents,
garet Gray assisted Mrs. McNiry. i Mr. and Mrs. John Caughill. ;
Tho club is composed of seven or! ' A dainty color scheme of pink will
eight tables of the married set includ-jhe carried out by t'.ie use of fragrant
ing: Mr. and Mrs. llenrv ii. Thielsen, carnations nnd randies.
Mr. and Mrs. William Itrown, Mr. and, Those invited to participate in the
Mrs. Huben lioise. Mr. and .Mrs. Hollin merry affair arc the Misses Francis
K. I'age, Air. ana .Mrs. .viax u.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N". Moore, Mr. and
Mrs. William Thielsen, Mr. ami .Mrs.
Thorn is 11. Kay, Mr. and Mrs. John 1).
.Sutherland, Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Smith,
Jr., Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Spencer, Dr.
and Mrs. ('. 11. Robertson, Dr. and Mrs.
J. -N. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. ii. B.
An informal supper party was given
Sunday night by Mr. and Mrs. William
(on noil Dyer wiio entertained a coterie
of the younger married set.
Greens ind yellow toned spring bios
some were used to center the artistical
ly appointed table.
l overs marked places for: Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Spears, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis
Cross, Mr. and .Mrs. David Kyrc, Dr.
and Mrs. Harry Clay, Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Graham," Mr. ind Mrs. Elmer
Ludden, James Young and the hosts.
Among the delightful affiirs of the
week were the informal afternoons for
which Mrs. A. I,. Itrown was hostess on
Wednesday anil Thursday.
Wednesday Mrs. Brown asked 1
group of matrons for an afternoon over
the card tables. High score honors fell
tn Mrs. Carey Martin and Mrs. A. F.
Thursday's affair was singularly
chnrming, guests hung been asked for
a Kensington.
A veritable air of spring time sur
rounded these delightful al'fairB, yel
low daffodils and Oregon grape being
used about the rooms.
Wednesday Mrs. Itrown was assisted by
Mrs. A. f. Wain and on Thursday by
Mrs. 0. W, Moon.
Guests for both afternoons included:
Mrs. J. D. Craig, Mrs. Carey Martin,
Mrs. Frank Hrown, Mrs. Diniel J. Fry,
Mrs. C. R Webb, Mrs. Ernest Hofer,
Mrs. Douglas l Minto, Mrs. D. W.
Mathews, Mrs. A. T. Wain, Mrs. W. 1'.
Ilnbrock, Mrs. George W. Siianil, Mrs.
A. F. Marcus, Mrs. George Dunsford,
Mrs. O. W. Moon, .Mrs. Frank Davey,
Mrs. Katherine itrown, Mrs. Sumptor
Craig, Mrs. Sherman Heckinan, Mrs.
Otto Hndrick, Mrs. Amanda Card, Mrs.
Knma Hunter, Mrs. Miry Holer and
Miss Florence McKiniiie.
Miss Caroline Dick went to Coivallis
this morning to attend the fraternity
dunce tonight. She will be the guest of
Miss May Steusloff.
Mrs. John Minto his as her week-end
guests, Mrs. I). M. McLaughlin and
daughter, Miss Agnes McLaughlin, of
BruudVjce, KincaiJ & Co,
r.f i'X-Ol I l , SlA here can dress
were The young rolK nave iiiyi.ich me m
' ' ' i..nii,,.. nf ancietv this mist week and a
Dick. Constance iintis, Marie Schulil-
erman. Prudence Patterson, Margaret
Stolz. Albert Ilusselle, Theodore How
ard, John Evans, Carl Steiuer aud Jo'nn
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barns presided
over an irtistically appointed dinner
Thursday evening, the affair was plan
ned as n courtesy to Mr. and Mrs. F.
Stinson Gannett whose wedding was
an event of December, and as a pre
nuptial attention to Miss Kegina Long
ind Clyde Kauch who have been the
motif of a number of delightful affairs
since the announcement of their en
gagement. The table was all done in yellow,
spring blossoms and yellow caudles be
ing used.
Dainty place cards marked covers for
Mr. and Mrs. Gannett, Miss Kegina
Ing. Civile Ruich, Mr. and Mrs. O. M.
Elliott, MisB Jessie- Miller nd the
Miss Marguerite Flower, the charm
ing young soloist whose singing is al
wavs artistie and wonderfully refresh
ing like the little lady herself, will give
, concert in Portland for the Mondny
muscial club of that city about April
tiie seventeenth. Miss Flower's excep
tionally sweet voice has received high
encomium wherever she has appeared
and her simple charm ami unaffected
ness has always won tho hearts of her
Misa Flower will also give a eon
cert in Amity uuder the auspices of the
Woman's Culture club April the four
teenth. '
Delightful and informal with vases
nnd bowls of f'rigrnnt violets arranged
artistically about the rooms the ma
trons of the Monday Bridge- club and
a table of additional' friends enjoyed an
afternoon over the card tables Monday
with Mrs. William Bubcock .is hostess.
Hiifli score honors fell to Mrs. Ed
gar Hartley.
The hostess was assisted by her
daughter. Miss Amelia Hancock and
Mrs. A. T. Wain and Mrs. J. V. Wood
ruff. Mrs. ltahcock's guests were: Mrs.
Charles Dick, Mrs. E. Coolie Psvtton,
Mrs. Homer Smith, Mrs. Robert Down
ing, Mrs. George Iwis, Mrs. Charles
K. Spanlding, Mrs. Kdgar Hirtley,
Mrs. Douglas Minto, Mrs. A. T. Wain,
Mrs. John H. Craig, Mrs. Ariiiin Stein
er, Mrs. J. W. Woodruff, Mrs. Carey F.
Martin, Mrs. F. T. Smith, aud Miss
Klene Fawk.
Mrs. Paul Hnuser and ini.ill sou Paul,
Jr. returned Friday from a delightful
visit in Walla Walla.
Dress U
Every woman w'ao selects
her silks and worsteds
up to the
She who trips light
over the velvety
green or unyielding
cement, always
greets with a amile
nexer a wrinkle
or frowa to betray
the discomfort of a
homely and ill-fitting
shoe. She is
is the woman that
wear Maxines,
Purify and Build Up tha Blood with
Hood's Sarsaparilla. ,
In the spring your blood need
cleansing and enriching. You feel
poorly, and there i more or less
eruption on your face and body.
Your appetite 1b not good, your steep
la broken, and you are tired all the
You need Hood's Sarsaparilla. It
1 the one aafe and effective tonic
that ha stood the test of forty
years. It makes the pure red blood
that will make you feel better, look
better, eat and sleep better. It is
the old standard tried nnd true all-the-year-round
medicine for the
blood and the whole system.
Aslc any druggist for Hood's Sar
saparilla, and insist on having it.
Nothing else acts like It. for nothing
else ha the name formula or ingre
dients, and so there Is no real sub
stitute. Get it today.
The smart set is on the qui vive for
the last subscription dance which will
be a brilliant finale of the season.
The young matrons on whom society
his depended to advance these joyous i
dances tins winter announce tnat tie
last party will surpass all of the others.
The cleverness and originality dis
played by those designing and carrying
out these suceess'Ul dances shows that
there is much latent talent wrapped up
in the fashionable fold just waiting
to be brought forward.
Six happy belles of the youngest set
reveled at the charming birthday party
given for little Mildred Roberts this
afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Har
ry t'lny.
Mrs. Clay planned tie most artistic
decorations and appointments for the
luncheon. Thee was i wonderful
birthday cake. Favors in dainty colors
marked places for the young honor
guest, Dorothy Livesley, N'ancy Thiel
sen, Janet I'limpton," Kovena Eyre,
Helen Roberts, and Margaret Foorman,
of Woodburn.
Mr. and Mrs. William Melvin Plimp
ton have as their guests the latter 's
parents, Mr. aud Mrs. 11. G. Campbell,
who hive been spending the winter at
their summer place iu West Lake, Crre
gon. before returning the Campbells will
go to Portland to visit their son-in-law
and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Per
kins. A charming Kensington was given
this afternoon by Mrs. Paul Schmidt
who had the matrons and maids of the
La Couder club and half a dozen or so
At the refreshment hour the guests
circled a tible artistically centered
with an art basket of graceful pink
ami white stalk.
Tho hostess was assisted by Mrs.
Louis ,Io9se and Miss Mary Eckerlen.
Besides the club members Mrs.
Schmidt asked Mrs. David Eyre, Mrs.
Frank Schmidt, Mrs. Armin Steiner,
Mrs. George Riches, Mrs. Harry Wied
mer, Mrs. Charles Miller and Mrs.
Lloyd Farmer.
Mrs. Frank Schmidt and small son
Teddy who have been in Seattle for a
brief sojourn returned home today.
Mr. nd Mrs. W. I. 3taley entertained
the members of the "E. O. T. " card
club at au evening of "500" Tues
day. Three tables of the game were ar
ranged in rooms fragrant with narcissus
and hyacinch combined with Oregon
grape. Miss Miry Walu who was a
guest of the club was awarded the high
score honor. The consolation favor fell
to S. (i. Dowersoj;. Mrs. StaU'y was
assisted by Mrs. Howersox.
The card tables were circled by Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Lane, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Brown. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Shand, Mr.
and Mrs. 8. G. Bowersox, Mrs. Mary
Hofer, Miss Florence McKinnie ind
Miss Marv Wain.
Attorney General and Mrs. George M.
Brown will leave Sunday for a several
weeks sojourn in the east. From Port
land the Browns will go direct to
Washington, D. C,
Mr. and Mrs. John Withycombe (Ilda
Jones) of Corvnllis, and Mr. and Mrs.
Merrill Bruce Moores (Gertrude Jones)
rnf Portland, are week end guests at the
n. Lt, ,ionea country residence, LJioisa
Tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. William
Gray and dnuvhter Prudence will motor
down for a family reunion dinner, in
celebration of the nuuiversary of Mr.
M. L. Jones' birthdav.
Margaret Mason Writes of
t m
Gotham Fads and Fashions
By Margaret Mason.
A tendril of "Camilla's hair
Caressed her neck in manner rare
I begged of her the shininir strand
And stroked it with a tender hand
j Then w hen perverse she said me nay
: 1 snipped thnt golden curl away
But when Camilla saw it there
j The lovely curl she used to wear
i Her pouting lips began 1o twitch
"There now, she sobbed, youTe
spoiled niy switch."
New York, April 1. Little, alluring,
wholly feminine, fascinatingly frivol
ous curls are coming in again.
To bob their wee fat sausage lengths
in frons-of a pair of pink ears, to top
in a bewildering cluster of tiny cock
screws the eron of a dainty young
head, or to nestle inone sinuous tendril
in that delectable hollow between a
dimpled shoulder and a rounded throat
Yes, they are coming in, but it is
safe to predict that the most of them
will easily come out again. Curls such
as these are easier pinned in than
grown in at the whimseya of the mode.
They are sure to be hailed with de
light by all the purveyors of human
hair who have suffered two lean years
from the penchant for pealed coiffure
au naturelle, with no false hair al
lowed. To be sure hair is still to be worn
pealed and slicked back from the
feminise brow, but. the sofUoing in
fluence of an occasional stray curl or
two is a toncpsaion to the frills and
ruffles and hoops and Kmneta of the
present old fashioned fashions.
I articuiarly are the bonnets resjwa?i
Mrs. Blanche Liston Niemeyer gave
a most enjoyable party Tuesday even
ing having a score or more members of
the 0,uinz Jour club. The rooms were
decorated prettily with baskets and
jars of spring flowers aud rMjtted plants.
Tables were placed for cards and
later in the evening the guests enjoyed
some music followed by refreshments.
The club is composed of Miss Joy
Turner, Miss Alice Jinld, Miss Mary
Pigler, -Miss Murali Hatch, Miss Ruth
Cress, Miss Marie Bennett. Miss Many
Hodge, Miss Hazel Trice, Miss Blanche
Liston Niemeyer and Mrs. Inez Denni-
jsou Suttle, of Portland.
Mrs. Louisa Forstner entertained a
few friends at a "500" party Thurs
day evening at her home on North
Commercial street. Card honors were
won by Mrs. Birdie Wiley and B. L.
Those participating in the affair were
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Feetham, Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Minphv, Mr. and Mrs. It. L.
Beat), Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Tyler,v Mrs.
Lizzie Smith, Mrs. Birdie Wiley, Mrs.
Coral Barber and Frank J. Dunlap.
While the older folks were enjoying
the gaveties of tho evening Master
ram Tyier nut several little friends
were also having a merry time cele
brating his fourth birthday.
Mis littlo guests were: Gcorgenia
Feetham, Greta Feetluim, Ruth David
son and Vatigh Feetham.
Salem friends of Ford Tarpley, of
Porilaud, will be interested in know
that he has written a play called "Sui
cide" which is to be produced at the
Little Iheatre in Portland on April
the eleventh.
Mr. Tarpley 's new nlnv ."Suicide,"
is a clever paradoxical comedy, dealing
with the storv of the lite in tho artist s
quarters iu London. Mr. Tarpley was
abroid for several years and has had ad
vantages that has made it nnssiblc for
him to give a lucid rt' Initiation of the
irtist's life and environment.
Missi Barbara Martlet t, a well konwn
Portland girl, will appear with Mr. Tar
pley in the production.
Mr. Tarpley has many boyhood
friends in Salem nnd frequently visits
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Tarpley, ind his aunt, jlrs. Henry Lee.
Mr. and Mrs. Benton Mires, of Drain,
Oregon, are the guests of General and
Mrs. William Henrv Bars.
Mrs. Alvaro S. Husscy entertained
a few friends at an informal sewing
bee Thursday afternoon. The guests i
included the matrons of a Kensington
club composed of: Mrs. Charles Elgin,
Mrs. Lloyd llauser, Mrs. C. B. Webb,
Mrs. Konu Hunter, Mrs. Lloyd Stiff lor,
Mrs. Alvaro Hussey, md Mrs. Paul
An informal dinner party was given
Tuesday evening by Mrs. John Dubuis
who entertained the Minnetonka lamp
Fire Girls. The table was centered with
an artistic array of yellow jonquils,
covers marking places for the .disses
Liura Turvine, Esther Weniger, Hester
W:alch, Olga Munt, Mamie Victor,
Beatrice and Peari Burton, ( eeelia nil
son, and Mrs. Edward Smyth, assistant
Mrs. A. I. Eoff gave a most enjoy-
able bridge party Thursday afternoon,
having a score or more matrons of thel.Mr. and Mrs. A. Hussey, .Mr. and .Mrs.
Happy Hour Bridge club and a table Paul Hassmussen, Mr. and Mrs. William
ol visitors,
The rooms were attractively adorned
with spring flowers. Mrs. J. N. Smith
and Mrs, Kobert Downing were award
ed the score honors. Mrs. Eoff was as
sisted by Mrs. Charles Dick, Mrs. Frank
Brown and Mrs. Robert Downing.
Tho matrons included in the club are
Mrs. Duvid Kvre Atrs .T V Smith,
Mrs. John Albert, Mrs. John Suther -
Innd, Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris, Mrs.
Robert Downing, Mrs. Charles K.
Spanlding, Mrs. R. B. Goodin, Mrs. II. J.
Beau, Mrs. John Griffith. Mrs. Lenta
Westacott, Mrs. E. STillinghast, Mrs.
Frank Brown, Mrs. Joseph Albert, Mrs.
Louis Lachmund and Mrs. C. H. Rob -
ertspn. Addition il plavers were: Mrs.
T! 1. T T -l I. , 1.
rutin 1'iiruiii, .urs. n.i lies inrh, .ars.
Curtis Crops and Mrs. Frank Spencer.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durbin enter
tained the members of Nemo Caul club
at a five hundred party Monday even
ing. Tho rooms where the card tables
were arranged were fragrant with car
nations in si) ides of pinks combined ,
with ferns. i
Mrs. William Dancy aud Dr. R. E.
I Steiner with awarded the hi.di
seorA favors. A Qrlilitiniml nnusl tl,o
hosts asked Mr. and Mis'. John Slither-
land, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith.
Me for the recurrence of curls and the
rnepneruess poke or Watteau shape is
uu.m-r 10 me .Muu ne eouiure wnicn Davis in Medlord where they will re-
consists simply in drawing the hair j main for the summer.
back smoothly from tho face into a , ,
cluster of soft puffs at the crown of' Tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
the head with a few clustering ring-j Davis was the scene of a delightful
lets escaping at the nape of the neck. 'surprise party Thursday evening when
Just to make it even more piquaint ifl number of friends gathered to cele
a narrow black velvet ribbon is tied j hrute Mrs. Davis' birthday,
around the cluster of puffs on the ( J,s'" n'l refreshments rounded out
head's pinnacle. ! enjoyable evening.
Another popular high head dress a laL T1'?0!Se l",;,re,,t w"?; MT' "'' M"-
1S30 has the hair waved and parted inT: 1 ",l'.r; Mr s!'l' "'" x?lt
front with three short curls over each T1, 1 'm""11,': r,U Uo,lr?"'
ca, and a soft fan-like puff for a .op!S;X,
i v j i u a . . I A- Tennv, Mrs. J. G. Hall, Mrs. W. A.
A low head dress with two fat sail- clpmcilt" Mr9. j, (. Humphrey, M,s.
sage eurls to bob over cither ear has (;. p. Kcetnn, Mrs. Clifford Elin. Mrs.
in rest ot. tne nair drawn smoothly,
"i.- into a no mm.
Flowers iu the hair is to be another
revived clinging vine fashion. And the
rosea of June will be born to blush
rorninst an equally rosy car while gar-1
lands of the smaller flowers will crown! Miss Zoe Olmstead has as her house
the Lilys, Pansys and Myrtles of the!su,'st. Mrs. Herbert Shaw and sou llar
humau family. j rr of Portland.
, The bands" that bind will still con-1
tinue. on the job and the brow in thel Tnc Willamette Presbyterial will
form of picot edged ribbon or black I m,l','t 111 ,h l'rsl,.vtt'rian church at 2
velvet with a little love knot behind. !0,ll" Wednesday afternoon for two
Truly this mad nreferencn for love
knot, 'ud love lock, augurs o.rtaia
" .
vrwtv and piquanrv for tho breach
' ' lv..
of rromi rases of thfl near future.
To lighten the monotony of th etern
al love letter with a love knot of rose
rihboa or a tendril of huruihed hmr
surely ouftht to iufluem-o all Jadod
I jurors for the new Hair modes as well as
- ' the hair nicrvhants aud ribbon dorks.
Mrs. Thomas Livesley entertained a
r.. matron of the smart set at a de
lightfully informal afternoon Wedncs-!
The formal opening of Miss Minnetta
Magers handsome new apartments in
the Moore building will be given in
form of a reception to the Woman's
club next Saturday, this being the date
for the sixth annual ninsicale given by
Miss Magers lor the club.
.Miss Magers has arranged an ex
ceillent programme incluiiing musical
numbers bv an artist from out of town.
According to the rules of the club only
those who are members and invited
guests mav attend this musical winch
will no doubt be one of the musical
ttrcas of the season.
Dr. and Mrs. M. P. Mendelsohn were
the motif of au enjoyable surprise
partv recently when a number of their
friends gathered for an informal even
ing. . . .
Those miking up the happy aftair
were: .nr. ami nirs. . i. uim.w.i
Mr and Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist, Mr.
and Mrs. 11. K. Bolinner, Mrs. Herbert
Shaw and sou Harry of Portland, and
Miss Zoe Olmstead.
The .Titnev social to be given at thd
Odd Fellow's hill Monday evening bids
fair to be a most intersting entertain
ment. .
Booths of various kinds are being
prepared and will contain all manner ot
joy distractions for every pleasure
The Three Lirk Needle club will
sponsor the aff;ur and the proceeds will
20 to the degree staff of the Rebekah
lodge, which will compete for the silver
cup at Canby iu June.
Hie following programme will be
Reading, Ethel McDonald.
Violin solo, Delbert Moore.
Reading, Philis Painter.
ocal solo, Ainu Nelson.
Instrumental duett, Ruth Peck and
Guy Albin.
Reading, Susie Farrar.
Solo, Baby Lorine Woodward.
Reading, Grace Babcock.
Vocal solo. Mrs. Pinell.
Moving pictures entitled "The Per
ilous Crossing."
The members of the "Oaks Lodge'
club enjoved an evening of 'oOO" at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Donaldson,
Fragrant maguolia blossoms, narcis
sus ind daffodils afforded an attract
ive setting for the card tables.
The prizes were won by Mrs. John
Shipp and Rov Campbell.
Mrs. Roy Campbell and Johu Printz
received the coiisolatioua.
Mrs. C. S. Jackson, of Portland, was
a guest at the country home of Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson last week.
Miss Lynn Baldwin was hostess last
evening for a "."00" party in honor of
her sister, Mrs. Barbour, of Iowa.
The card rooms were artistic with
wild flowers.
Mrs. Lloyd Stiff ler and A. Hussey
nuttic.l tl,ii ,.! t'nvnrs
Mrs. Hald
.,,,sts .vcrc: Mr. and .Mrs. Lloyd
J Hauscr, Mr. and Mrs. James CiiinnocU.
jMr. and Mrs. Lewis Aldrich, Mr. anil
Mrs. Charles Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
! stiff ler, Mr. and Mrs. Roma Hunter,
Armstrong ind Jr. Roy Byrd.
About two hundred members of the
Woman of Woodcraft and Woodmen of
the World reveled in a gay masquerade
high jinks at their dub rooms in the
McCornaek building last evening.
Tn altair was made unusually juiiy
br those ill costumes, a number ot
1 whiih were very unique and cleverly
(gotten up. A few of the costumes
; follow: .Miss Luella Brown and Phillis
j Kellogg, naughty pii kannies; Mis. L.
IG. Curtis, gypsy maid; Mrs. Schelberg,
j Indian ; Mrs. C. A. Lytic, nero lady;
Miss Lcona Hopt, small bov; Mis. Anna
.Miller, Colonial dame; H. It. Kellogg
i nnd Charles Lytic, fashion models; Mrs.
1 1.- .1, ..!.... .l.n.n. Mica V.I.. Illnl.
rvcui'nt;. vinuiuni u.,in. , ...to.-. wn..
tead. Miss Nauna Putnam, clowns.
The prizes were awarded to Mr. Kel
logg. Mrs. Schelberg and Mrs. Lytic.
During ithe evening the following
programme was given:
Vocal selections, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Reading, Mrs. Curtis.
Duett. Miss Mable Brasst'icld and
Miss Ailsit.
Instrumental selections, Mrs.
C imp-1
I bell.
Minuett. Macyl
Hunter, Dorothy;
Esch, Retha Wilson, Margaret White.
Merl Matlock, Eddie Hanson, Bcnnie,
Rider and Hex Adolph. i
Hornpipe, Margaret White and Doro j
thv Esch. !
Miss Eulalia Lindsay went to Corval-
' boh,Si7.miKht l i""j .
1 i2ma iraterniiv men. line lucre
she will be a guest at Cauthorn hall.
Mrs. T. M. Davis and daughter. Kath
erine left this morning for a visit in
, -prv, Mis. i,!lter they will join Mr.
k. F. Dwyer, .Mrs. E. W. .lory, Mrs. E.
Henelev, Mrs. C. F. Babbincton. Mrs.
11. Nasu, Mrs. (J. F. Robertson, Mrs. .1.
Gibson. Mrs. M. J. Peters. Mis. F. J.
j Hobjon and Miss Martha -ortensen.
i "s sosion. l ne niternonn will be de-
! V0c' ""f'1' of otW n,l ,lele-
t p nips. .lnila v ..-m.... m.1 .. ...
1 1 . . ,, ,.. 1
iw'H Sv"i by Mrs. (iil.lerjliev of
evening addresses
New York, and Dr. Douey, president of
"uiaiaeiie university.
There will be ait all dap session
Thursday at whi.h time Mrs. Fletcher
Linn, of fortland. and others, will
speak. The ladies of tae oburch ate
urged to be present.
r J' -
Absolutely Pure
Made frotn Cream of Tartar
Mrs. Willium Dancey, who has been
the guest of her mother, Mrs. Creighton
in Portland for several days returned
home today.
Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Steusloff will be hosts for a five hun
dred partv. Their guests will include,
the members of the Cherry City Card
The Rosebud class of the Leslio M.
E. chun-ii Sunday school met at the
home of Miss Ameta Robert, Friday
evening, for a social time.
The following programme was ren
dered: Piano solo, Zcda Rhoteu.
Reading, Emma Hall.
Violin solo, Alice Borchardt.
Piano solo, EJJys Reynolds.
Later dainty refreshments were
The members of the class enjoying
the evening were: Mrs. Gibbs, teach
er; Gladvs Olsen, Emma Hall, Beulab
llizelton Ethel Hazelton, Helen Peter
son, Florence Simmons, Helen Hardy,
Lcona Morgan, Eddys Reynolds, Alice
Bon-hardt, Edith Seasmter, Zeda Rho
teu. Alfreds Gibbs, Arueta Roberts, Lu
cille Olsen.
Surpassing as it did in quality and
rendition all tho previous musical en
tertainments of the year, the recital
given last night at Sacred Heart Acad
emy was a complete success. The num
bers rendered by the younger members
of tho music class were particularly in
teresting, as they portrayed their won
derful advancement in the last few
months. Among them, piano solos by
Mary heboid and Willa Barnes, and
Marjaret Barr's first appearance-with
the violin, are especially worthy of
note. The older pupils as usual did
I m.,it to their excellent training. In
the harp solo, ".Mazurka," played by
request, Miss Louise Berndoi fner ex
hibited her marvelous talent and took
CContinnaJ Page Three.)
301 Bank of Commerce Building,
Thone 303 Salem, Ore.
eyes pen
Are vacuum cleaners all alike? Read-!
ing the claims might lead you to think
Choose unwisely and yon won't get th
Ihorotijrh denning efficiency or the length
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spend. So huy with your eye open test
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Compare results
before you buy
CompareefRciency in PICKING UP UNT.
THREADS, HAIR, etc. The Hoover
iWMptupall this clinging dirt insmuUy
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bined. Compare the appearance of enrnet alter clean
ing. After a Hoover cleaning the tup m lifted
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CLEANING. Seeil you can PEAT cut any
dnt after the vacuum cleaning, Yoacan'tafter
S Hoover cleaning. The electric -driven biu?h
(oi soil hair) vibrates the carpet, shaking to the
sunacB me airc um
lus ground and sifted
into the body, so that
the powerful suction
A big Electric Con,
pany made an ex
haustive test of elrc
tric cleaners. THKV
KFFlClF.NT-in a
class by itself ,
VrrT thhu tTseThe Hoover of
Crpu ) uX cinitM wim wner
meihocli. Si:i HOW MUCH
DIRT YOU t,I-T. Anotrvthe
fritter way around. Compare the
emptying ol the duct tugi. Com-
pirce.iMOl operation. A lmii.u
for a valuahta little book on
vacuum ikamof ot cWam.
It's full of hrtprul UUormauoai
live en request.
The Hoover Suction
Sweeper Co
k oaog.lipte Ave.
New B erlittt
uje: 0. . & J
m m vm m KB ma in ns fen
Arrange for a fre demonstration.
Wra. Gahlsdorf
1 ?:
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I fiUl
t :
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135 'orth Liberty.