Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 01, 1916, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 11

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DDtor- TiirA tmts ON TRAINS AND MW
. I1V 1U 111 STANDS, nvi crsti
Open Season For Fish
And Fishermen Begins
f Hi. Ty mv
self to the only
wet spots in i
rifl Vii Oregon on j
?-- 1 t&? Anril 1 lines I
reSMS- it- 1. 1..
me . imfiHs iu i
the numerous!
cans and bot-j
ties of bait to
entice the wiley trout from the cool I
depths of the creek. Every angler in
Salem who could make the trip left ,
bright and early this morning to whip
the ripnles in some of the trout streams
that lie within a short drive from the
capital city. All others who would
Tather catch a trout thin anything else
are planning to go tomorrow and it is
reported from reliable sources that sev-
eral well known pews will be vacant to-
t-f V
First U. S. Navy Dirigible
Ready for Flighi Today
Pensacola, Fla., April 1. The DN-1,
first of the United States navy's fleet
of dirigible airships, was delivered to
the government by the Connecticut
Aircraft company and made ready for
its initial flight under the direction of
Tilot Lieutenant-Commander McCrary
at the naval aeronautic station here to
day. Commander McCrary recently returned
from his naval business journey to
London and supervised the completion
of the DN-1 at New Haven, Conn.,
where the big envelope was, assembled.
Naval authorities predict that the 1)N
1 is the first of a monster fleet of air
craft which eventually will become one
of the country 's biggest defensive
While this dirigible is a small non
rigid affair compared to the Zeppelins
in use on the other side, the company
is already working on plans for the con
struction at once of a larger
ship of tho rigid type and built on the
lines of the latest models now in use
in Europe. It will be usd as a train
ing ship for the instruction of pilots.
Tho dirigible is 175 feet long, 35
feet in diameter and 50 feet high. It
weighs 5,000 pounds and has a lifting
capacity of 3,000 pounds, making a
total of 7.000 nonnds. The envelope
will contain 150,000 cubic feet of I
hydrogen and the craft will travel at
nspecd of thirty-five miles an hour.
The car is twenty feet long and five
feet wide and will carry a crew of
eight. It is built to float on the water.
Motive power is provided by an eight
cylinder gasoline engine, which operates
two four-bladed propellers, one on each
side of the car. The car will be steered
by a big canvass rudder hung on the
Tear of the envelope, while horizontal
planes. Tunning on the equator of the
envelope, will prevent a rolling motion.
In the front and back ends of tho
. . . x" r
Vfr fliiillll'ltr 7 i '
1. Li. -
.Miss Eleanor Sears, '
Miss Eleanora Sears, Boston society leader who is noted for he
hithusiasm over out-door sports, is seen here playing ball at Coronado
peach, California. She has just come from a canter across couriUy. ,
Now tlmt the i morrow while father soaks his rhcuina
Boek beer signtism iu tlie eieeki
'JheaT'Spen3! Alril 1 tho 8t'ason 0lens for lsb
iiic of spring land f'sh stories although it is expected
the Ardent An-'thit the fishing will be better later on
gler hies him-; when the streams clear up. The late
rains this spring swelled tho waters of
the creeks and last week the inveterate
anglers wagged a wrinkled brow with a
dubious look heennse it nrnniised tn be
.... i -i i .r ' .u .. '
a rainy April i. However me Bun came
out after i few weeks vacation and the!
trout streuns wrinkles came out with the sun and all
with his fly-1 week the sporting goods houses have
book, reel andrbeen 'showing them something" in the
line of up to date fishing tackle. As the
streams get lower, later in the season,
it is expected that Salem fishermen
will be conspicuous by their absence on
Sundays when they wade along the
creeks by day and then spend their
I evenings raising fish, because it is a
i well known fact that although dry land
I is popularly supposed to be fatal to
trout, a small string has been known
to make a wonderful growth over night
while stored in the family refrigerator
on the back porch.
envelope, separated from the main com
partment for the lifting hydrogen gas,
are two compartments to direct the bal
loon up and down as it travels through
the air. When it is proposed to ascend
the rear compartment is pumped full
of air, which makes that end much
heavier than the front. Tho envelope
points upward, and is driven by the
propellers. When it is desired to
descend the operation is reversed, the
front of the machine being made heav
ier than tho rear.
A system of pulleys through which
the suspending ropes pass keeps the car
itself at a horizontal position, no mat
ter what the angle of inclination of the
envelope may be. A tube rises from
tne car wbich is for the purpose of
driving air into the two compartments,
which are known as balonets.
The two propellers can be rotated by
means of handwheel and worm gear in
a vertical plane, so that their line of
thrust can be kept parallel to the hor
izontal axis of the envelope no matter
what the angle of inclination of the car,
Kvery portion of the cloth that went
into tie envelope of this balloon was
examined with the aid of a strong light
and wherever the warp or woof threads
appeared to be separated or thinner
than usual the parts were re-enforced,
although the cloth was absolutely new.
In the gondola a large margin of
safety has been observed, while the
balloon for its size is said to be more
powerfully engined than any now in
Word has been received of the death
of C M. Eastlake, formerly Maxwell
district salesman at Winnipeg. Mr.
Eastlake, a native Canadian, left his
work to serve his country as a soldier.
He was wounded and died in a hospital
at Liverpool.
Baseball and Track Occupie
Prominent Places In Stu
dent Activities
Tn nno.1.,,.,:., il... 1 1- 11 1
-----n-n me iihm-u in uuj;
na? bitten deeply and the Willamette
university and Salem high school team
aspirants are practicing each afternoon
to loosen up their throwing arms and to
tame their bitting eyes down where
they wont behave. The crack of the
wood against the leather and the satis
fying spat of the ball into the padded
socket of the glove is music to the ears
of the fans and players who have felt
the stir of baseball weither.
Coach Clancy, of the Salem high
school, has trotted his squad out every
night this week for preliminary prac
tice and calls them a promising lot of
youngsters with in few veterans of
former seasons to ensuro stability in
the lineup. Proctor and Gill, the' last
ycir's battery men will again be in uni
form and will form a nucleus about
which Clancy hopes to build up an
other championship team.
Coach Matthews, of Willamette TJ,
nas both track and baseball on his
hands at present and promises tint the
teams of Willamette this season will
show a vast improvement over last
year's squad. Coach .Matthews worked
wonders with the football and basket
ball squads it Willamette nnd promises
to keep up his record in baseball and
The Willamette baseball schedule
calls for two games with the University
of Uregon at Eugene Thursday and Fri
day, April (i and 7, and a return gime
in Salem on Monday, April 10.
The team will go to Jit. Angel for a
game with Jit. Angel college Saturday,
April 15, and the University of Wash
ington team will be here sonie time dur
ing the week following April -'!. Pa
cific university will plav Willamette
in Salem Sittirday, May ti, and -ames
are prospective this season with Pa
cific college. Me Mi lllivilln cnllfxm ntul
, Oregon agricultural college.
me Willamette team will line up
about as follows:
Shisler, right field; Estob, center
field; Tasto, shortstop; Brown or Prae
tor, second base; Miller, first base;
Oates, third base; Drown or I). Adams
citcher; liexford, W. Adams and Shis-
ivr, piieriers.
The Willamette track team will go to
rarest drove to meet Pncit'ic i.e.!,.,.-;.,.
triday, May 12, and will participate in
the non-conference meet at McMinn
ville Saturday, Jlay 'M. The Willaiu
etto invitational meet will take place
in Silem Saturday, .May 27th.
The following men are out for track:
Sprinters Small, Ford, Orosvenor.
Steves. Hurdles isnisler, Irvin, Ford
Broad jump Orosvenor, Small, Ford.
Quarter mile .Jackson, Sleeves. Half
mile Stewart, .Jackson, I.onsberry.
Miie Uhling, Chapler. Weights
rrown, ArenihuM, Adams, lliyh jump
Steeves, Orosvenor, Jackson.
.Watsons Lead Off With
Clean Slate In First
oBiff Ball Series
The Watsons cleaned the slate' las!
night in the first game of the new biff
and volley ball series at the Y. M. C. A.
and won 2 14 points from the team cap
tained by Ernest Blue. The last series
was won by the Smith team with a mar
gin of 1 3-4 points in the March series
which ended last Wednesday night.
The line ups for the new series fol
low: '
Watson, captain; L. H. f'ompton,
Gingrich, Mclntire, Stalcv. Green,
SInde, Hickox, Marshall, Knonland,
Gilbert, Henjnmin, Moores, Waters, Ut
ter, Hunt, Smith, Collins, Hamilton,
Wright, Price, Findley, Young, Asselyn,
Williams, Unruh, Evans, Winsluw,
Richardson, Putnam, Fry, Hall, Jiead,
Blue, captain: Allen, Bishop, Franzke,
Simeral, Elgin, Doerfler, Wallace. Jfarr,
Ahrnms, McAllister, Biirth, Ranch, Lee,
Albert, Spears, Alden, Klvin, Gabriel
son, Fnrrar, Schramm, Albin, Ptigh,
Hartwell, Rcinhart, Harris, Trindle,
Jenka, Dyer, Myers, Rice, Cross, Jliles!
While overhauling an old, two-cylinder
.Maxwell car, E. E. Booth of Pomo
na, California, found in the crank case
a sizable chunk of refined gold which
had apparently been once the crown of
somebody's tooth. Its presence in the
oil and other residue has not been ex
plained. For That
so characteristic of Spring you
will be benefited by a trial of
Stomach Bitters
It is an excellent Tonic and Appetizer
Jim Thorpe is about to "nrrivo" at
last, if his spring training feats are a
forerunner of what he will do in the
regular season. The Indian athlete has
been hitting hard nnd at convenient
junctures of the training games.
Max -Carey, whose position at bat has
been the snhject of more comment, per
haps, than most any other player in the
major leagues, will continue to bat from
either side of the plate, und lie will do
so of his own volition.
Jesse Altenberg, the speed demon,
who created such a furore in the train
ing camp last season, is back again de
claring that it takes money to learn to
be a lawyer and the only way ho see
of getting money is by sticking with
tne i'lttsmirg clut). Hence he has an
nounced his intention of sticking in the
big league this year.
Dnn Costello. of the Pittwlmrofs lin n
hankering to branch out in tlie news
paper business. He isn't through with
baseball yet, but after awhile he may
try his hand at being a scrivener. "You
lenoHs nave n so easy," ne saut t-o a
writer the other dnv. Alua. iu 'f Tlun
the innocent boyt
Benny Kauff, down at Marlin, Texas,
with the New York Giants, admits that
his batting will be equally as good with
Met i raw's club as it was in his old
berth. Benny, says reports,, is di'ig
little loafing, and has been among the
first players to start for tho ball lot
these mornings. ,
Ball lllnvers in the "Vfitimml lniriin
admit that Napoleon Sucker, of the
Brooklyna is in a class by himself when
it comes to delivering a slow curve.
Rucker's arm went back on him three
years ago and he lost his speed. Bi
he retained the rrrnv mntter in hia lmn.l
and began to develop a new delivery.
in nine ne mastered control of the slow
ball which, batsmen say, is harder to
hit than a sneeder. "Ruck! snnn uno
able to put the leather over the middle
ur coiners or inc plate at will. He
studied the weak points of the opposing
hitters until he knew inst n-lmf unni,i
fool them. Last year' Hucker's pitch
ing was confined entirely to slotv balls.
He did not deliver a rust one all sea
son and his arm, as a result, gradually
became stronger.
When Charley Dooin was managing
i ne i nnaiieipuia citin ne tried for a
long while to get Bill Rariden, then
catching for Boston, but to no avail.
The men have long lieen close friends,
and the first thi
he greeted Charley on his arrival nt
.iiiiriin was: wen. we re together at
Wilbert Hobinson declares that, he is
not worrying about Johnston. He snid
he would like to have the player in line,
hut is not losincr nnv slccn rwnr Ma
failure to report at the training camp.
"This vniintr TTiclfmn l..l.u
good to me," said Undo Robby. "He
acts like a regular ball player and it
wouldn't surprise me if he earned a,
steady job with the Brooklyn club this
We have a hunch that Tris Speaker's
argument with the Red Sox, which
made him a holdout this spring, has
more to do with the length of his new
contract than with tho actual salary
figures. Sneaker Js only 28 yenrs of
age, but this spring he looks to be .15
years older. Perhaps prematurely gray
hair has something to do with his nrr
penrance, but his face is becoming deep
ly lined, too. That he is aging rapidly
is the impression one would glean from
seeing him in his Texas haunts.
George Kelley, California outfielder
with the Giants, is showing up so well
at the Marlin camp that ho stands a
fair chance of squeezing either Dave
Robertson or Ed Rousch out of a job
if they do not report and get into con
dition. .Ed IConetchy, from reports received
from the Braves' training camp, has
entered the training season with the
same vigor and enthusiasm that marker
his inaugural into the Federal league
last season. Konetchy is happy to have
landed with the Braves' club, as the
outlook for if to be a big factor this
summer in settling the title.
After eight days of training, with
twice-B-day workouts, Manager Buck
Herzog, of the Cincinnati Keds, is
pleased with the condition of his men
anil already is predicting great, things.
; He snvs: "I am going to set the pace
in the National league season. Take that
j from me. "
j A decree of absolute divorce was
granted by default in the supreme court
iof Bronx' county, on March 1.1, to
:"Heinie" Zimmerman, of the Chicago
Nntionnl league club, from Helen O..
Zimmerman. Custody of their one child
I was awarded to Zimmermun.
, A voluntary increase in salary Tor
' llU'i in recognition of earnest efforts
j on the baseball field has been given
, Erving Knntlehner, the young left
ihnndcr from California, who has been
a member of the Pirate squad for sev
I erul seasons.
If Pat Moran is correct in his asser
tion that the rhillic-s with the ndi'
of Karl Adams and Chief Bender, have
the liest pitching stnff in the National
league, there is very ifttle reason why
Philly should not boast of a National
league championship for the seconj
I time. Pat assures the scribes nnd others
at St. Petersburg that his hurlert arc
Wanted One Good Manager,
a Few Players, a Park,
and Plenty of Pep
Will Salem have a baseball team this
year J Of course, there will be plenty
of baseball teams in Salem because the
various clubs and organizations about
tho city will set about to collect 1 doien
players and organize a team, but what
the fans are looking for is someone to
step 'forward with a genial disposition,
a baseball head and plei ty of spare
time to resurrect the dormant Senators.
Salem needs a baseball te'im to repre
sent the Cherry City against the other
smaller towns of the valley and to play
the league teams and semi pro organizn
tion.s that clamor for dates.
Salem's best players are signing with
other teams and they cannot be ex
pected to wait for something to happen
which will shake up the local fans into
organizing a Salem team. Now is the
time to make hay for the baseball
harvest nnd the well orgnnized tc'.ms
of the valley' arc signing up players to
strengthen their nggiwgations where lo
cal players fail to fill the vacancies in
the line-up. The small town managers
however, arc willing to spend a little
chnnge to secure the services of a go-' v
player and the Salem players have
found out that even though sa'nries
are paved with "honoralle meiiticn"
that no other bills can be paid on the1
sami basis.
With the uncertain support that is i e
corded a team in Salem the players can
expect no big league salaries but if i
team is organized the players of this
city will give their services for a split
of the gate receipts, that is an honest
spi't, for they will not be r-nri-'? 1 wilh
u few splinters otf ot the pt.ul niim.s-1
sion bank roll.
Now if some public spirited man will,',
step forward, and rally the Salem base- j
bull players around his standard he wi'l
be able to organize a. team and treat
for the lease on the park but it will be
no gold mine for a manager but Salem
will have a baseball team as well as the
more enterprising burgs such as Hope
well and Kola which have already lined
their nines up for early season practice.
Bishops Win Second
Place In Y. M. C. A.
Commercial League
Standing of Teams.
W. L. P.t.
12 2 ,sr,7
10 i .714
!) 5, M2
9 5 .14l:
1 8 '.4Ls'
5 f) Ml
.1 11 .214
Fry's Drug Store
Capital Business College
Price Shoe Co
Watt Shipp Co
Hauser Bros
Standard Cleaners
2 VI
The Commercial league basketball!
series ended with the v.apital National
Bankers in first place and the Bishops !
in second. The Bankers have had thei!
pennant cinched for some time but thelfornia State league. Ho proved such a
scramble for second honors has been a;
real buttle with the Fry's as the run
ners up. The last of the 'series was
played this week and now the Y. M, c
A. athletes will turn their attention to
baseball nnd tenuis.
The final scores in the last series are;
First game Bishops. H; Fry's, li.
ond game Capital National Bank. 12'
Price Shoe Co., !. Third game Watt
Shipp Co., 7; Capital Business College.
8. Fourth gnme Standard Cleaners, 14;
Hauser Bros., 13.
Try Capital Journal want Ads.
really the cream of President Tener's
circuit. This is certainly encouraging
news for local fans, because it is ti
recognized 'fact here that Mornn has
drifted into few errors.
Ed Reulbach, former National
I Federal league pitcher, '.a.' b-'cii
by the Boston Nationals, according
despatches received fru.n tlo! lirav
training camp, at M:,.mi, El:;
Clarence. Mit li. 11, a .'oui'.imv oht.vn
ed by Cincinnati from the )..eer " tub,
:is showing brilliant form in fh" ttiiining
j work at Shreveport, whe
forces are training
! ' St. Louis. April 1. Sam I.nng'fnnl
Big Ed Walsh, once star p.tcher of Mil in,.k, ,)0 v tlnp. Tn thl. i
the Chicago White Sox, again will tryir,lm of scheduled eight-round bout
to come back. Walsh took part in three 1(.r0i it l,,,,,!,,,! n Jeff Clarke, -of .Top
games last year and bus been of little j,, (in,i , ,im ,(jwn fr flie c,)Uf
use to the tdini since 1012. But Ow ner
Comiskey has paid him k large salary San Francisco, April 1. Willie lt.,1
each season, nearly SKiO, it is said. ;,,,, the decision to Willie Hi.ppe
Comiskey hasn't forgotten Wal.-h's ; four roima ,nt i,,. UHt j,jlt
great pitching four years ago, when lie i m
worked in 112 games and hung up a rec I ti f A T fi
ord of 27 victories and i7 defeats. jU.ot u. I nmstnemawa
Walsh literally ruined his arm in that'.- i n r n . n
campaign in his game attempt to put
the White Sox in the lead.
If Frank Baker's batting perform
ances at this time can be taken n
criterion he is going to be just as much
help to the New YorKs as he formerly
was to the Aliii kmen. But, of course,
the pitching he is facing nowadays is
not of the caliber that lie will be asked
to hit against when the season opens,
though his work during the training
period with the stick would indicate
that the big fellow has not lost hii
batting eye.
Some Facts About the
Famous Corbett Brothers
Two brothers the Corbett boys, were
athletically inclined from tho time they
first fell out of their trundle beds. The
manner in which they landed indicated
this. Out in California amid the frag
rance of the orange groves, and roses
were these two lads reared. In their
extreme youth they gave every indica
tion of becoming great athletes, for
they were passionately fond of all
sport-s pertaining to skill, nerve and
Jim, the older of tn two, In his early
youth, was ambitious to be a ball player
a great one. Joe, the younger, had a
mad dusire to be a pugilist to shine as
a great boxer. Now James spent many
hours trying to become proficient in the
national game, but 'twas of no purpose,
for the tall lad wonfd never make a
finished ball player. Ho could play the
game fast enough for amateur contests.
but would never make a professional inj
100 yenrs. ihat was the verdict ot his
friends. On the other hand, the dream
of Joe Corbett 's ambition was to be n
boxer, like Charley Mitchell, Jacl
Dempsey, or even Joe Choynski, but th
would-be pugilist failed to show the
necessary qualities, failed to impress hir
friends by his skill with the mitts, and
they handed nut the verdict that Jo.
would never do in the roped arena.
They were a sad pair of athletes
that is, athletically sad. As time wore
on Jim discovered that he possessed con
siderable skill ns u boxer, the manner in
which he banged the other fellow's jaw
convinced his friends thnt he was there
with the mitts. But James never cared
for the boxing game ns a youngster,
nothing but baseball for him, hut whe
was the use; if he couldn't make the
select class he didn't want to go at nil.
Now brother Joo hadn't much use for
the gamo of baseball and only played
it under great pressure, and brother
Jim's coaxing. One day an old-timer
mentioned to Joseph that
he would
make a good pitcher from the manner
in which he pegged the ball across the
diamond, it fairly smoked in its flights.
This suggestion awakened a new idea in
the athletic brain and breast of Joe.
The clever youngster had come to the
conclusion that he would never amount
to much as a "pug," so gave all his
spare time to reliearsinij the tricks nt
tlie pitching game and in n short time
proved beyond all doubt that r? had
the makings of n r.'.il hnrler in him.
James CorbMt alviouch ho was very
loath to abandon all hope of ever
amounting to anything as a ball to.s-ser.
finally gave up in despair of ever get
ting any farther than ffie sand lot bri
gade, turned his f ullnttention to the
boxing gnme and soon learned to like
the sport nnd enjoyed the fun of knock
ing the other fellow 's block off. He be
came so proficient with his dukes that
the average local expert was easy for
him. His skill attracted considerable
attention nnd in a short time he found
himself famous as a scientific, boxer.
His march to fame came in leaps and
bounds, and one day he licked the cham
pion heavyweight scrapper of the world,
displaying a new style of fighting,
which was a revelation to nil experts of
the old school and I might add. the nuw.
And the gentlemanly young 'ad who de
spised the fighting jjanie at oi" time
and detested the idea of ever becoming
a pugilist became the cininpion of the
world in knocking the block off ell un-
pirnuts who dured to meet him.
Brother Joe, the would oe hover, who
despised baseball in his infantile years,
made a success as an amateur pitcher,
then proved he could qualify for faster
company, so he got a job with the f'ali-
whirlwind in hurling a baseball that lie
was offered a trial with the best base
ball elub in the world, including Hono
lulu. In his very first season with the
Baltimore team, when it was tike class
iest aggregation ever hunched together.
l.Toe Corbett pitched and won two games
in the Temple Cup series of 1S!H1, to de
cide which was the best team in Imse
ball. That season the Orioles won all
four games. The following season Joe
Corbett was the star pitcher of the big
12-club National league and no one was
more proud of his little brothter than
was Champion James E. Corbett, and
you can bet that little Joe was proud
of his big brother, Jim. Sporting
Fight Tabloids
New York, April 1. All the l...-:,l'
sporting writers today awarded to Ben
ny Leonard the decision over Freddie
i Welsh in u lO round bout last night,
j Welsh got only the fifth round. 'Leon
I a id set the pace all tho way.
TK.,.;,n v; r;i 1 d Vi,lnai
.,..:i:v (mtinted in n Kl-noin.!
; i)U( )lV Kvcrhamnier, tin unknown.
j 0V oCOlC 01 L 10 U
Eugene, Ore., April 1. By a score of
12 to (I the I mversity of Oregon base
;,n team defeated the Chemawa In-
school team here yesterday.
The university players appeared to
outclass the Indians ill nearly every
The tennis play again today.
No hoe is complete, without n pick-
axo with which to tiko down cobw- hsj
that are sine to appear in the corners
of rooms.
Seals to Select Pitcher Today
Who Will Face Beavers In
Opening Game
San Francisco, April 1. Alignment
of umpires for the opening series of the
Const league next week was nimle tod:y
when President Allan T. Bium "an
nounced that these arbiters would per
form: Jimmy Doylo and Billy Phyle at San
Bill Guthrio and Ed Finney at Salt
"Kitty" Binshear and "Red" Held
a't Los Angeles.
Local fans will watch Doyle's work
with interest ns he is the only new ins
pire in the league. Ho takes the placo
vacated by Jim Toman who retired i't
the end of' last season.
Who WiU race Bearers?
San Jose, Oil, April J The moment
ous decision ns to wnat pitcher shall
face the Beavers in the opening gnmo
of the Tacific Coast league Tuesday af
ternoon will be decided by Manager
Wolverton of the .Seals today nr tomor
row The Seal boss was silent regarding"
his plans but it was expected that eith
er Bill steen or "Spider" Biuim would
Old Joe Corbett will get lii first real
test tomorrow when he face the Santii
Clara university team hero in the final
contest of tho training season.
Salt Lake Wakes Dp.
Salt Lake City. Utah, April 1. Alt
Salt Lake is on edge preparatory to the
opening game of the lftld '"a-t league,
season Tuesday. A large crowd of Tan
was out at the park today to watch tho
Bees uncover a 'series of lightning fn.;t
Every fan in Salt Lake is rnthusinn
tic over the prospects of Bees fininsh
ing at the top or thereabouts. Thi
Oakland club will reach here tonight
and will put the finishing touches to i tn
training tomorrow nnd Moi .lay. The
Oaks are declared to be in perfect
They Fired Houry.
Oakland. Oil.. April 1. Jt was learn
ed today that Henry Kerry, owner of
the San Francisco Seals, was ejected
from the Oakland grounds yesterday
when he went to watch the Oaks work
out. Berry insisted that he had no
idea the Oaks were supposed to be do
ing si'flet practice work.
Fought a Draw.
San Diego, Oil., April .1. Sailm-
non .Miciincis ana Minor iK-gme"
Wolfe fought four rounds to a draw
here last night. A mini 1 1 majority be
lieved Wolfe had a shade.
The Maxwell branch in Brooklyn Jm-
sold eight ears to the Borough oT
Queens for use in the various depait
ments of municipal activity. The sain
was tho result of a rigorous eoinpetithn
Miss Alberlino Lupunset.
Mii;s Albertino Lapunsee is tho
world's greatest lady hockey player.
She is captain of a woman g hockey
team of Cornwall, Canada, and is
famed for her great Bpeed, stick-l
bundling and shooting ability. Sha'
holds the scoring record of fifteen'
goals in one gnme, and is regardedl
as the superior of many male -tarsi
In Canada, J
i, i
r-JfM W