TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1916. "Salem's Style Store F YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW -M t T A Great Pre-Easter Sale 100 Newest Women's and Misses' Suits at $19.85 we place on sale a beautiful assortment of New York's latest model suits at a price within the reach of everyone. 100 choice suits to select from including the popular serges, poplins, gabardines and various check patterns in navy, peach, tan, Belgian blue, sage green, apricot (f1 Q OF champagne and various colored checks. Choice . 00 See the window display Seven day Pre Easter sale of New York's latest Millinery $3.98 x Dozens of exclusive models-no two alike. Hats of utmost style at a price you can afford to pay. Buy your spring Hat NOW at this sale. Choose early, for the choicest models will sell rapidly. Another Assortment of 50 STYLISH SUITS up to $42.50 Offf at a reduction of .... S0 INCLUDED in this lot are exquisite silk suits, check patterns, velours, serges, gabardines and poplins in most desirable colors. Do justice to yourself if you in tend to purchase a new suit. See these big assortments and get an early Of)0 choice. The price on every one of these fifty models reduced t y-PCS Yourchmce $3.98 j : JiyiloO.ODlCjpOIS KZ See the window disolav No. 789th Wednesday Sup BABY FLOUNCING AT 89c A YARD. ALLOVER SHADOW LACES AT 89c A YARD See the window displays. nrfcr iIp A hiV rimtlilp ur jace anc" Embroidery Section offers these two very exceptional values as real surprise values. A very fine grade Embroidered pusc oaiu a ui& uvuuit Baby Flounces many pretty designs to select from Your choice Wednesday 89c A YRD Sale for next Wednesday ropular Shadow Laces Allovers double width, very beautiful patterns, choice of white or ecru, for Wednesday only . . .fifch YARD Yin M1 OUR FACILITIES, PLUS OUR EXPERIENCE Enables us to make and adjust those glasses which help your eyes most. Ask for the Shur-On mounting. HIISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, . 208-209 Hubbard Building. Phone 109 mtxttm ninntinnittTt All Around Town amrotmtamttt! Ijurcil, blacksmith. I W. 0. llinliiii. Salem, wrist bruised. Rflnnrtc RuCV Wpplr ' sawmill. AtVUl l7 VUtfJ IIVVIII Accident Commission A total of UOIt accidents of which tiono wore fatal were reported to tin' State Industrial Accident commission iar the week ending March ."50. Of this number nine were reported from Ma ritm county as follows: William Kttner, Salem, finger cut, woolen in i 1 1 14. Stanley Ostrnudor, Salem, fool ii'ol unklo bruised, motorcycle ropsir hhop, W. V. Battler, Alill City, slr.i.'dcr bruised, sawmill. (. F. Hohertson, Slll.MII, wrist sprained, -nil w in ill. Clifford ( Staytiin, Slnyton, eye injured, machine shop. I'lydc Pownlng, Stay ton, eye in jored, farming. Samuel II. Irwin, Woodhurn, eye in I II. H. ltulsoy, Salem, operation. hernia, rallioad BIO MEET AT CORVALLIS Corvnllis, Ore., April 1. With UK) entrants r'il'ost'iitiii(j ovory ciIIi'm Hiul nlhU'tio club of tlio I'm'i f io ouii't, locoriln wcri ex pootcJ to bo umasln'il today wlion the Tar "ostirn Track and Field Al i'l't oponi'd hero this afternoon. Ideal weather ruvo assurance of some noteworthy work on the part of contestants, nnioni; whom are several world champions. i COMINGJYENTS April 3 Slection of director tourist and publicity depart ment, Commercial Club. April 4 Recognition services for Rev. tleo. V. Holt, First Haptist church. April 7 Tuskejiee Jubilee sing ers at Congregational church, Free. April 7 Prof. Robert E. .Staufl'er lecture at public, lib rary ou " Oregon Litera ture." April ! Oregon Social Hygiene Society, open meeting at Armory, H p. m. April 18 Registration for primary election closes. April ;t. I'Mection of . director April ... Mid Summer Night's lream, Opera House, auspices Salem Women 's Club. April 2S Hunter Sunday. April Dance, benefit Salem Street Railway baud, at tho armory. April L'S H'mii school play "Creen Stockings" at opera house. Your suit pressed. Phone i3. Dr. R. T. Mclntyre, physician and Build now and enjoy the comforts of surgeon, 214 Masonic Hhlg. I'boae 410. a good home. Lumber and building o I materials of all kinds, price right, cs- You cut out the middle man when; timates glailly iurnisiied. Falls Citv- j you buy 3 loaves of fresh bread for 10 Salem .umber Co., I'hone S13. cents at the .Modem Hnkery, 439 Court o street. Aprl Leslie Stiffler, who has held the posl- i o jtion of assistant manager of the Wool- Help, nelp," rang out the voice of ; worth store, lias accepted a position a woman on the midnight .lir, at the i with the Woohvorth store at Belling honie. of M. K. Rogue, 4.)4 ilariou ham. Wash. He has been with the Wool street. This is all there is to the story, worth store in Salem four years and as it .just happens that a surprise party ' will go with the Bellingliam store as Buick light truck for sale cheap, or I was in progress and shortly after mid- i assistant manager. will trade Vick Bros. for wood, horses or cows. "Home Ties," a four act drama fea turing rural life will be played at Cen tral Howell hall Saturday evening, April 8. After the entertainment, there will be a dance, with music by the Sa lem orchestra. Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses. Motor truck for sale. night some one happened to remember that April I began after the stroke of twelve. Suits pressed, "iOc. M. F. III.") Hubbard Hldg. Phone 13, The month of March may be consid- jored a pretty rainy month, as the of iw.tj ; ficial records -show' that the total rniu MLl,eod,;f.1u wus io po in.-hes. Fur the mouth ! of March, one venr airo. the rainfnll Ben II. Williams, who has ueen rtof .. ,1 V,A uiiii, ji, v.UIIC along so gradual and spread out over so many days that the highest, record for tho river during the month was ii.o atiove low water. This hieh record Will consider Inquire Uidoon 1 1 Aprb team as part payment Stolz Co., Rhone 2ti. The property owners along South Commercial street held a meeting last night to discuss the paving of South Coinemr.ial street to the southern city limits. The property owners petition ed for a pavement to cost not more than ol) cents per 'square yard. Why worry? Let L. Bechtel & Co. do that, they will get you II good ten ant for your vacant house. " Apr3 Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures heaves. Price $1: for sale by all druggists. Wind proof and water proof matches and methods of maaufacture m.iv now I be seen in the show windows of the st;,lihniaii fur the stale inda.it i 'ul w ivlcnt ci lnniission for the past ycir b ft Salem today to accept a position in the e-teos!on denfirtnienf nf Hi, I'ttiicr. sity of Oregon. He will be secu-tarv.oC1 T X. -h't) V" h,Rh Tn''il . i, ... .1.-., ... ,i , . . . ....t i .i . " ' was on the 2i th. The lowest stnee -f nit "VUllll III HU lllll'lll til lllf CAIfllMlIU , tl ,,x..t. -r 1 m j-- ' .M.iiru i., nve icet water. nireau. .No successor has been named i ,,i,,.vl as vet bv the comini!.4roiiers. Do you need your saw or lawu mower! i,?!","1 ?,'U be firedn xt, on sharpened, vou Jan get it done promptly ; ,'IJ ' n n, " f '""'! -lnb as bv S. P. McCrackeu at .1. P. L.useu 's " ,h? , "", ''" II pursue ...... ' ,' " i--i(.i it-n ui tin I'liin ! for the coming year, bv the election of shop, 172 S Liberty St. o- Th Summer Vonnnl at. SalAm W!. I " " ur. tn r- ' 'echeua.-li. ,t, rector April 3; and eeks. Address X Oregon. continues .1. Kraps, nt tha rmiM.I ,i.l ...il,l:..:... 1 .,ivrti ' -i .,.! ,n., in, uvp.ii uiiein. ',n iUll,v th'' l't'iliil,"''t ith this depart ' . .'. .meat will be allowed to vote. As vet, i no one has miiioiiii.c,l nml .m-.,.., !!:..,. XT fHl" Vl T t 1, il rtn.ilrn n f 1. M n , i'Yi :.; K.r . . . I.mnouncement that .,. ..'. !. .. V.. ' V " v "'at of ti.e president of come up for re- 154 Gverjwomoai Knows ! The best ground and sifted cereal food ever offered for a man or woman's appetite-entertainment Capital City Patent Flour At Your Grocer Dr, Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass H correctly. U. S. Bank. Bldg. The" father of Ous A.- Taw, of Uie jC.ipital lrug Store, died yesterdav ut Sil erton, 1 Funer ton tomorrow, i Dr. Stone's drug store. 'seems quiet. In fact, the onlv positive nas i.een made is he club. W. "l ri,m ...t i ii iiiiiiiiuiMi, iiiiu ;;:;;;;: i.nrin: .iH. ,,;o,h of March.i1!:.:. wiu 411 people made nffid ivit to the effect! 0 that they were entitled to legallv re- i im,. j.i,,f ... I ceive the two quarts allowed every' four . , .! .t5,C0?t'St1 ,as eVe,n"1 -t i.i- ii- i) l iweeks. Wi e l ie Mnreh shii.inonti . " : uiinri I'll mi. 'i -nil i,iii .-iiir'i. i-t. it. ... . r niuounteii to ,vj quarts, tnis was con- of an increase over Febru ary's record of "mi quarts. Mowaril. Ihe i isinverer find owner nt i the process, will demonstrate what his ; siderable matches will do. The doctor is in the city to interest capital in the manii- ton, from a stroke of paralysis. """"" ul al services will be held at Silver- vn. . . ? . I A fanners' commission house has been opened by I.indley and (iholson on 'the vacai.t lot adjoining the Cherry ii'ity cafe. Mr. Lindley recently sold ' his'interest in the Cm'rrv City cafe. It means more life to your shoes ev ery time you have thein sliined at Oil son's professional shoe-shiiiiug pirlor. I 4.17 Shite. ffl . n. : boys attending the public schools, nc The commercial club is la correspond- oor,li"B to the monthly report just is ence wit'n parties in the east who are i by Superintendent Llliott. The lireetiou of Helen Miller Sean, proved to be quite a drawing card and also! showed the interest of the Salem people in the work of this depaitnient. dames1 Suits pressed, 50c. M. F. Mcleod.!. . ..' ' i:1"'.'0"'. 1 treshnian, was! 40.-, Hubbard Bldg. Phone 43. , ,7 f V hv .l.'dges. JL0 I "t did not tare quite so well when the Get a Sonora in your home and your ' i'"ip,,lar, vp,p was .,,i,kt,- ,.Th;. wife will not do all the talking. .U rtlo '' , . P,i , B"hn' 01 Sa.1,'m- . .. a 111 third uri.e hi- Mm-.r-iT-. Miowiamt, -t.l court. ,e w i '.r , " ' 0 of Salem. hen the popular vote was There are lust 32 more irirU ; . it w. found to he a tie between .... :." .u ... . . ! -Uss t.arnson ami .Mis Bolin. and this! i prize, given by Mrs. Seuu, was divided loetween the two young ladies, o- ; You get more bread, fresher bread land better bread for your money at the .Modern naKery. Your suit pressed. Phone 43. ! The officers for the coming year of the MoosV lodge will be Installed Tues day evening, April 11. Fred S. I ; port, the retiring dictator, has held the office two years. The incoming i dictator is F.rnest Blue. Ill t ie ril MIKI linv ;.... ml olnim t. i U" S UUmiHT l.O.in. B1UI CH S. l.OOS I D :.; , ... , . have the opimrtuuitv of locating f rom I making a total tor the city schools of,for y i!tlu . h,n .,,, 2.-. to 30 families. They want land that ;104. The per cent of attendance was First Ha, ti-t 'chun i, nevt T'e 1 v e - Mil It.t vul.l if li. ic;. i...wigw;i.L Ht. Which IS Mhiiv. tht nvrntu fur tli.i I ...... mi . '. ' r Anrl 1 1... .............. i " ."' ' ' V. ' , ..." , :;;.-;-;..V.r.-..:. . ." V'm as airw.ly arrang- -i ... k ' i "in i. aiiv uiw uaiinn mini .i... ....in ..miiiiimiT inmiu n,..fll uiciiotes greeting from the north-! . that might fill the bill, would confer a made by l.iol pupils, fhe average dailv ! west ),v ,,e nev ( p,,v of p . ! , favor by notifving the manager of the, attendance was IMisi;. Twenty boy-, and .land: greetings f'.o'm the srat'e'bv Thos.! ....... nun m, .iininnin, - " vvi uiv age ui -u are auenu- i . Kav; greetings from the citv bv . ,. ,"7"0rT . , i'"fi' Mayor Hmley o. White: greetinus froni 30 loaves of fresh., bread for one o the- Ministerial union, bv the- Kev K I dollar. See for yourself at the Modern' Miss MinnetU Masers announces tli T lirt..i- nl,.i C v' ' ii l, .... ,. H . . . . , - , , . . . : . '" in c I 'liirciii iimm i., wiin sum. Apri , removal or ner stu. no to The new .Moore , liy IVacon Albert Copley. The ' o iiMiiiiung on vourr sireer. ah appoint- mon of the evening will be i u l lM eP'e yuicK uients tor tuiMiiess eng igenients must bv Vr. Pettv. After the close of the , r.Xl'hliniTIt Auction lnrkat nn Sfttitnlqv In. t.iu.l.. (...,., in ,i .'r..... O ... 11 n '..l..l- I..' .1 ' . ... v , . Atitomohili tor hlr.. n.u.n,r.r. a...:. "I , "1"":' . ..'."'". ."" . ". f'-cram. u.erp win ne in informal so- ... n.-iu ,.v Bl e ii. ni. rociimuiL' i eieiiuoue il:-. v oice tesreil tree ot-.-ml n nr,l., o.n oil ser- preached i baggage traiisfered, rates reasonable, i sold on commission. lin 't foruet I bnv country trips a specialty. C. O. Me-1 household furniture for cash. F. N'.l F.lroy. I'hone S47 or 63. tfjWoodry, auctioneer. Phone 511. Apr20. ees te 'harge. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. hav an op i-oiiuiutj oi inceimg me nw pastor. Hefreihiiieiits will be served bv the la-1 dies of the chur-'h. ' sic ASTORIA CASa HELD UP Washington, April I. The i inter-state commerce comniis- sion today postponed, on reeoni- inendntion of Commissioner s: Harlun, the order issued in tho : Astoria rute case. The order was si: st to have been effective May 1. Announcing the postpone- nient, tho commission said that the railroads involved had ak ed for a rehearing, but that their petition had been delayed. Holding up of the order will continue pending the rehearing of tho petition. jje 'f DILU MAYO At bis home four miles nort.-i of Salem, at Kaisr Bottom. Mniv'i 31, 19 10, Frank J. Mayo, in his CSth year. Besides hrs widow, he is survived b; n ilniHhter Atis. J. B. McKnii'ht. of Kaiser Bottom, and a son, Walter Mny-.., of Kapid City. S. D. Funeral services will be held nt :' o'clock Sunday at the home, Kev. Vni . of the Methodist church, eonductinr The body will be forwarded to Haw!--eye, Iowa, for burial. Tho tactical walk of Company 3 i tomorrow afternoon will start at C armory with a ride in nutos to the pun in Polk county where the things tlu.t soldier should kuoiv will be put in practice. Rev. T. P. Ford, district snpermtar dent of the Methodist church, will dress the official member. of Sale Methodism at 3 o'clock Sunday aftei noon in the First Methodist ehurcl . Members and friends of the churcln aro welcome. "Custer's Last Battle" is tho sub ject of an address to be delivered ncv; Wednesday evening at Kyan's hall l,v li. M. Read. The proceeds of the lec ture will go" to the building fund the l.'nited Kvanyelicai c.urch of Sn lcm. o Exactly 3,877 people paid ad':;ifis:T to see Hillie Burke in "Peggy" uu. ing the three day run rt the Or.'g.', this week. This is perhaps fie large- attendance for any single atuactini shown in the city. The Capital Journal is in receipt of : 'forest cover map of Oregon. A limi number of these maps were printed fi distribution to the public schools. Tin' map shows in detail the exirM acreato of forest land in the state and ais i notes a few things about building fin ; in the forest, one of which is the fm that it is unlawful to build a fiio against a Free, stump or l"g. The man was drawn in the office of F. A. KllioP state forester. It is not for goner:1 i distribution, but can be purchased fo- Another Salem product will be ex ploitcd through the country to spread the fame of the Willamette vallc). Phe made from loganberries and des tined to rival grape juice as a thirs. quencher, will be advertised by a ser "ies of humorous posters of unnusiu' - merit. Ihe original drawings ol the'o posters have been displayed in the sin windows about town tlte past week ne have attracted considerable nttentiio. The artist is Mr. Howard Fisher o Portland, -who has won fame as a sculp tor as well as a designer having mod eled the group "Say please," in bin ter which was '.-ecu at the last stuto fair. Jacob Fuhrer, messenger lor the LaiM & Bush bund, was initiated today into the mysteries of an old fashioned Apiil. fool's day. It was worked about n follows: He was given a check on trc I. S. National where he was info'iui'i the party hud no funds, but was ratifi ed that probably tin. account was with the savings department. The saving' department yteller passed the check o to tho stenographer who was of th" opinion the account was intended fo: the Capital National. With hope defer red, the liiissenger again presented th chrc.it for payment and upon being turn ed (town again, made a close stioly of the rgnature ano found the eh -i I. was signed by K. Z. Mark. WA II -M .Akin GO .eJEWELRY. REPAIRING uiucas itepairea 0JC?r5T:ji Also a Nice Line oi Jewelrv. Masonic Temple .0.0 KARL NEUGEBAUEE H '-h 4:1 CITY NOODLE HOUSE NOODLES 10c, KICE-POBK 10c FRIED RICE 15c 420 FERRY STREET RESIDENCE PARLORS Lincensed Lady Em balmer lloderate Prices Latest lIethod3 Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Ore.