FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY uV X THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGONSATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1916 tOT.T.n j-mTivm ON TRAINS AND NR i WU liJia STANDS FITS CENT A- TAKING OF lllf Oil PUTS FRENCH fr HANGER Cerman Artillery Conducting Terrific Bombardment of the Bethencourt SalientAlso Pouring Rain of Shells On ! Verdun-Paris Railway French Forces West of the Meuse Placed In Imminent Peril by German Gains Artillery Battle Raged All Night London, April 1. Again shifting his attack to the Meuse east bank, the German crown prince gained a foot hold in the eastern outskirts of Vaux village, Paris dis patches reported today. The messages also declared Ger man artillery was conducting a terrific bombardment of the Malancourt-Bethincourt salient. German guns are bombarding the Verdun-Paris rail way from Avocourt woods, six miles to the north, Paris dispatches declared today. It is believed this is a prelude to a drive on the railroad and a general assault northwest of Verdun. , . Aeroplanes, escorted by armored fighting air machines of the Fokker type, are circling over the tracks, signaling to the crown prince's gunners, giving the range and tell ing the effect of the shots. These crafts are constantly being attacked by French flyers, which have succeeded in driving them away several times. The German capture of Malancourt puts French forces west of the Meuse in imminent peril. The Germans are expected to follow up their present advantage with massed attacks on Bethincourt. Experts believe the Teutons will renew the smash against Avocourt woods as soon as sufficient artillery has been brought up. Paris, A ril 1. "By two strong nt-tiu-ks the Germans in large forces gained a foothold in Vuux," said the official communicate today. , "The region west of the Meuse was bombarded all ' night, but there were no infantry operations. A cumin of five from our artillery and infantry checked the German rush at Vaux yes terday. " Last night disregarding their losses, Hie Germans captured several houses. Heavy atrillery duels ivere fought last night in the Argonne. The French ef-i Money Paid Undertaker Is Found, But New York. April 1. Cuun.-el for Dr. Arthur Warren Waite, confessed poison er, will ask thai he be again committed to Itellevue hospital for examination as to li is sanity, it was learned today. , This retliest will be made when Wa,ite is arraigned Monday on an -indictment charging him with murdering John K. l'eck. his wealthy father in-law. Led by District Attorney Swann, a force of officers succeeded in uncover ing the roll of bills which Eugene O. Kane, undertaker, said he received from Waite nad binned under a tree in a lonely part of Long, Island, When counted, however, there was only $7.H0 in the roll. Kane had admitted receiving .it,000 from Waite, who wauled him to swear there was arsenic in the fluid wilh which he embalmed j Peek 's body. The authorities announced that Kane) admitted receiving a check for $9400 ; in addition to $7,SO0 in greenbacks. Hej ! ABE MARTIN "How Codfish Are Pried" delighted r. la'ge an' intelligent audience ut tV ? o'ki -luilcm hist niglit. An onion a il iy keeps r.iur friends it lay. festively shelled railways north of Haute Chevauche." Submarines Get Three. London, April 1. One sailor died and many others were saved when two Nor wegian vessels and a British schooner were sunk, presumably by German sub marines or mines, it was learned today. The casualty- occurred on the Nor wegian steamer Memento, 1 ,000 tons. All hands were saved when the Nor wegian ship Nome plunged to the bot tom. This was a craft of 1,100 tons. By quiehly taking "to the boats' the crew of the British schooner John l'ritchard, 118 tons, escnped death. Is $1200 Short has failed to explain what he did with the cheek. His bank accounts will be examined bv the detectives. Prisoner Pardoned So He Can Be Sent To . Washington Penitentiary Tn accordance with recommendations of .lodge W. L. Bradshaw, District At torney W. A. Bell, Sheriff Levi Chris nmn, of Wasco .'onnty, and State 1'arole Officer Joseph Keller, Governor Withvcombe today issued a restoration of citizenship to .1. 1'. Johnston. John ston was sentenced to the penitentiary from Wasco countv in November, l'JlH, to serve from six montus to ten vears for assault with a dangerous weapon. A conditional pardon was issued also to Frank Vaughn, sentenced to the pen itentiary from Cons county in l.inuary 1914 to serve from six months to five years for receiving stolen property. This action was recommended by the prison nuthoriti.'s and the parole board, in order that Vaughn, who has served his minimum sentence, might be turned over to the agents of the Walla Walla state penitentiary in Washington, to serve a sentence there. Germans Assert Losses of Russians Heavy Berlin, Apr. 1. Kussian casualties in their offensive against Field Marshal Vou Bindcnburg 's front were "official ly estimated today as 140,000. On the western side, German .iviators in a sky duel with French aeroplanes shot down four enemy machines. Two of them fell inside the German lines, it was officially announced. The artillery battle in the Argonne forest and along the Meuse continues. British grenade and mine attacks have been repulsed. The Kussi.in offensive was decared to have apparently exhausted itself, temporarily at least. "The Russians from February "S to March attacked larue sectors nf Field Marshal Von II indenburg 's front with .'10 divisions'' said the statement. "More than 500, Ui HI Slivs made the assaults. The am munition expenditure was unprecedent ed ,on the eastern side. Thanks to the bravery and tenacious endurance of German forces, the attack were not, successful..' ' Dutch Government Aroused Over Sinking of Tubantia Spain Too, Angry London, Apr. l.-The Dutch parlii ment has summoned a special session for Sunday to consider the sinking of the Dutch liner Tubantiu, supposedly by a German submarine, Copenhagen dispatches asserted today. The Dutch-German situation was re ported critical today, following a meet ing of the highest army officers and navy leaders, which lasted all day yes terday. .Railways were reported com mandeered anil furloughs cancelled. Ow ing to the disablement of cables by storms, it was impossible to verify these reports. All dispatches were sent via Copenhagen. It was saiil the German minister had assured The Hague government "that a German submarine could not have tor pedoed the Tubantia. Spain to Join In Protest. 1 Madrid, Spain, Apr. 1. The Spanish ministry has voted to protest to Ger many against the killing of Spaniards by an explosion which damaged the channel steamer ussex and caused a heavy loss of life. Spanish eonsulry re ported that the vessel lud been torpe doed. Market Was Stronger But Fluctuations Light New York, April 1. The New York Evening Sun's financial review today said: The market responded to the more favorable overnight Mexican news with a generally stronger opening, but trad ing was narrow and activity confined to a relatively few issues. Naturally, properties associated with Mexico were most conspicuous. Mexican Petroleum opened wide :rf advances ranging from 1 .1-8 .to 2 -IS. American Smelting and Iiefiniug start ed at 1 1-4 higher. Steel was heavy at the outset. Iiaihvays twero neglected but conspicuous specialties like Cruci ble Steel, Baldwin Locomotive and In dustrial Alcohol were improved. As far as could be determined from outward observation there was no change in the character of the trading. Short covering influenced by pool oper ations was chiefly responsible for the early strength. The short session mili tated against any very extensive, par ticipation of outside interests. Although the submarine question lost force by the effect of the" administra tion's announcement that it intended to defer action util it was possible to thoroughly investigate the Sussex and other cases, the situation continued to restrain trading. Independence Boy Scouts Carry Message to Salem A patrol of four boy scouts from In dependence rode to Salem this morning on bicycles ami delivered a message to Governor Withyconibe. They spent the forenoon viewing the points of interest about the capital city and the state house in pati;ular and after attending to the business ut hand returned to In dependence. The patrol was in charge of Grant Byers, patrol leader, and Ray mond Smith, captain, the other boys Were Vore Feu ton and Jack Richardson. Uev. W. C. Stewart, o'f Independence, sent tin message which was delivered to Cow. ncr Withvcombe. i CIRCULATION FIGURES THAT ARE EXACT I PROVE THE CAPITAL-JOURNAL'S POPULARITY Following is the correct Capital Journal of Salem, Total Average daily circulation for the 26 days of publication during the month of March, 1916 t CHAS. H. FISHER, Publisher. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st .day of April, 1916. S n DORA C. ANDRESEN, K ' Notary Public for Oregon.. This circulation statement is printed because the publishers of the Capital Journal believe that businessmen have a right to know what they are paying for when they buy advertising space in a newspaper. We make no circulation claims simply a statement of circulation facts, which any advertiser is at liberty to in vestigate for himself. Our mailing lists, carrier lists and press run figures are at his service. We have no circulation secrets because we have no cause to be ashamed of our subscription list, and no good reason for misrepresenting it in any respect. The Capital Journal believes that it has by far the largest circulation of any newspaper attempting to cover this field and it is a legitimate subscription not padded by fake voting contests or wholesale distribution of premiums. Further more, 95 per cent of this circulation is in Marion and Polk counties, directly tribu tary to the City of Salem. E EAT AT ONE TABLE "The Lion and the Lamb Shall Lie Down TogeJher"---and Politics Lead Them ROOT IS THE LAMB AND IS SAFE INSIDE THE LION Leaders See In This An At tempt To Hand Roosevelt the Nomination Washington. April 1. Republican leaders today agreed that the luncheon at which Robert Bacon, former secre tary of state, entertained Theodore Roosevelt, F.lihu Root and others in New York yesterday was for the an nounced purpose of discussing prepared ness. "Preparedness for what!" several leaders asked, however. Root is the man who the progressives accuse of rushing through the program whereby Roosevelt was defeated for the presidential nomination at the repti'1 can convention of J012. The fact that Roosevelt aud Root lunched together gave rise to a report that a movo was afoot to make Roosevelt the regular republican cau'didatc this year. "The luncheon was interesting, and now we are sure that the colonel will be a candidate for the republican nomi nation, said Senator Gallingor today. "I have known it for months. But he will never -succeed. The republicans will nominate a man who can be elected. There is n widespread feeling that Roosevelt is not that man." "This means' that the republican party is drawing together," declared Senator roindox.r. "It will l.ave a patriotic and progressive platform and a really progressive lender, very like ly the colonel himself. Henry Allen, nf Kansas; McCormick, of Chicago, and T. 0. Disney, of Ohio, attended the lunch eon. They are real progressives." Senator Borah said: "The meeting looks as if there were prepjaredness for peace as well as for war within the party." Passengers Taken Off and Big Liner Floated San Francisco. Anr. 1. Bavin? re ceived news that all passengers of thet liner Chiyo Maru were s.ifely landed at i Hong Kong after the steamer ran aground on Leina islands, local offices of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha today anx iously awaited word as to the d.unuge done to the vessel. The Chiyo was re ported to have been floated, and sue will probably be towed to llong Kong where an examination can be made. ' According to messages received at the local offices, a British destroyer as sisted in removing p.issengers. There was no panic. One message here said that tho re turn sailing of the Chiyo Mara would be "delayed." This gave rise to a belief that she was not seriously dam aged. If il is not practicable to bring her iu to llong Kong at once, her bagg.ige ami cargo will probably have to lie re moved li v lighters. TEDDY m Lilly AND DO NOT FIGHT statement of the actual 'circulation of the Daily Oregon: Pro Warning Given 79 of Medical Corps and 14 Sisters of Charity Killed Petrograd, Apr. L Two hundred and fi men perished, including many wounded, when a German submarine toroedoed and sank the Russian hos pital ship Portugal in the Black sei, it was stated here todav. Count Tatistcheff, Red Cross dele gate, Baroness Meyendorff asd 14 oth er sisters of-iinrity, 50 Russian and -0 French medical corps members ure among the missing. The attack, it is decl.ued, was made without warning. A Red Cross was con spicuously displayed on the side of the vessel ami she was lying at anchor when two torpedoes were hurled into her hulk from a distance of fit) yards. In one minute the Portugal had plunged to the bottom. As she went down slight ly injured men and sailors mingled in a panic struggle on her decks ind tiie wounded lying helpless in their cos serenmo'i in vain to be saved. There were 15K survivors. The Portugal was 441 feet long, and hail a gross tonnage of 5ii'A tons. Committee Recommends . BrandeisConfirmation Washington, April 1. By a vote of i to " the sub-committee of the senate judiciary committee today recommend ed that the senate confirm President Wilson's nomination of Louis D. Rran deis to the I'nited States supreme court bench. The names of the senators voting for and against Binndeis were refused, bi. it was learned Cummins and Works ens the adverse ballots. Works was more antagonistic to Brundeis than Cummins was. It had previotTSly been repotted thi.t Cummins would v. do in fa r.;" i f n.a::i g the rejomme idi.lion. 'lie subcommittee's Hconimeii Lit ii i. will go to the senate judiciary commit mittee Monday. It is expected that the republicans will attempt to doluy the recommendation to the senate, or to in definitely .postpone it. .The reviews, of evidence agree that most of the opposition to Brandeis em anates from financial centers iu New Yoik aud Boston, 'Cummins said hi would fight for an open session of the judiciary committed to which the v committee submits its report ilond" and that, he would contend for an open senate discussion of the nomination. Senator Langguth Holds Too Many Offices Secretary of State Olcott is today mailing to the various county clerks of the slate, with the exception of .Mult nomah county, a statement showing tho several state and district offices for which candidates and delegates are to be chosen by the Republican, Demo cratic and Progressive parties nt the primary election, May 10, litlti. The Multnomah certification is being with held pending tho action of Senator I.unggiilh, who now occupies the posi tion of municipal judge iu Portland, In addition to that of state senator. He hus been reported ns saying it was his intention to resign as state senator. Should this be done nnd his resignation be received not later thi.n April ord, the secretary of state will certify to the county clerk of Multnomah county the nomination of a candidate to fill his unexpired term as state senator, end ing January I, 1010, he having been elected at the 1014 election for a four venr term. 4240 VILLA'S CAPTURE IS ONLY MAT! OF SHORT IE One Bullet Said to Have Shattered His Leg While His HI? Was Crushed by Fall, From His Horse-Array Men Say He Has No Medical Attendance and May Die, Rather Than Expose His Hiding Place by Sending for AidHis Leadership Is Ended F.l Pnsn. Tpvus Anvil 1. Desneratelv wounded. Fran cisco Villa is believed to be hiding today with the remn ants of his defeated band in the fastnesses of the conti nental divide. He is supposed to be somewhere south of San Geronimo. Thp names nf American soldiers wounded in the five hour, ten mile running fight with the Villistas are anx iously awaited. Official reports said four United States troopers were wounded during the battle, while the Seventh cavalry chased the bandits down the broad valley . .11 in t-? ri i. n it " at tne neaa oi iuo aania mano. P.onovil RpII'c in form at inn was thai Villa was wound ed fighting Carranzistas at Guerrero. One bullet was said to have shattered his leg while his hip was crushed by a fall from his horse. Villa's capture is believed or days. Army men discussed the probability of the bandit dying without medical attention, hidden away in some desolate mountain cave with only a few followers i7ifVi him in rhp last", mnments. Militarv exDerts hardlv IT 1 til J. AiiAi - A - f i W expect Villa to offer any further serious resistance. ine Ciasn Willi me Aiiienuaiii ivuxuiy uisuucu in hearts of his bandits a great fear of the "gringo" troop ers. The loss of Villa's two machine guns is also thought to have been a hard blow. News of further skirmishing was momentarily ex pected. It was hoped that Colonel George A. Dodd, whose MVdicv. whinnprl thp Villistas. would investigate the re- port that three foreigners Ml the border region today praised Colonel Pmlil and liis soldiers for their exploit. It wim uiil tliut their forced march of miles in li hours to cntcli the fugitive nnpi'ini; was one of the most' commendable deeds in the army records. Kcports that Villa has been captured have been current ever since tlic buttle. Consul Oarcin denied one. which was at tributed to Juarez otticials. Wareia re ported that thousands of fresh rein t'orccnients from eastern nnd centiM Mexico had been concentrated at Tor reon to clean up all banditry in tin'. district. The first trninload of American ic tary supplies has leir .fuarei! over thn Mexico Northwestern line. It included five cars of oats, n car of sugar and five cars containing miscellaneous unods owned and consigned to American Mnrmnns at Colonia Dublin) and Curtis Granites, who will sell them to the army. Mechanics spent nn entire day repair inir the locomotive before the train started. There was no military gu ild and only one American .'.board. i lie only passenger train on tne co North wewt-"n line has been wreck"'! .,(;iitl of l'earson, but it is expect-!-! lint it will be put iu comuiission nga.n iinii eiliutely. When it n-rives at Juarez, it wil also b' used for seuding si'p jilns '.( the American expedition, (icneral l.uis Gutierrez, wired Generr Gavirn at Kl l'nn that Villa was shot in the knee during his first Iwttle with Carinnzistas at Guerrero. I Irs Indian followers carried him off the battle field on a litter. By II. D. Jacobs. (Cuitcd 1'iess stuff correspondent.) I'. H. Army Headquarters, Diiblnn, Mexico, April . (By wireless.) The pursuit of Finni'isco Villa was con tinued today iu the inoiiiitftinf near the scene o'f Wednesday's battle, in which the bandits were tortured. Brigadier General John J. IVrshing lias ordered that all the scattered out law bands be exteriii.nfeit. Officers snd men stationed here greeted the news of victory with enthusiastic, cheer ing. According to the Pershing report Hie bandit was locuted by a" army aviator. Colonel George Dodd's men made a forced march of 17 hours nnd attacked the outlaws iu the early morn ing. Villa was said to have escaped from the field in a carriage just In fore the firing began, Humored Villa Caught. Kl Paso, Texas Apr, 1. I'nconfiriiied reports in circulation at ( liihuahua City today said that the American forces ii,iined h'rniicisco Villa neur Minaca yestrnUy. (icneral Gavira mode the iiniioiiucciuent public, declining that the information came to h'i from Gen eial Gutierrez.. The latter it No re ported that telegraph wire to Minaca were damaged ho it wa impossible to Kjnfirin the story. G ivira also made public n report fiiiin the commander of Chihuahua slate, rccived bv telegraph, which stat ed that Villintns looted Guerrero Inst Monday. When he looted Guerrero, raid tho account, ho was fleeing bu- now to be a matter of hours had been slain at Minaca. fore Colonel George Dnddi's cavalry which apupreutly overtook him Wednes day, i The rumor of Vill.i's capture, eli- V inuxed a score of contradictory report which followed news of the San Geron imo fight. General Gavira and Consul Garcia joined in urging that author ities at Chihuahiiri City make every ef fort to get definite news. Thinks Dodd Is After Them. Pan Antonio, Texas, Apr. 1. Hiving had no further reports since tho battlti between Villistas and Americans, Ma jor General Kred Funstmi today be liovcs Colonel George Dodd is hotly i'rancisco Villa's band. Army men have concluded that Dodd made i detour west of Guerrero and iiendcil swiftly southward by night in order to surprise the outlaws in camp, t'uru-tou, in talking over the fight, called attention to the fact that Dodd unniiiilated a filipino band by similar tactics. t'unston expects further reports of the campaigning this Afternoon, and al so believes tin may receive something; definite with regard to Villa's where nlxjiits. Chinese Woman May i Be Returned to Salem Mrs. I,ui Yee Sun, a local Chinese wo man, who left her husband Lai Yeo Sua Thursday night and left for Hun Fran cisco with her two children Lai Gone Sun nnd Iiii Gun Sun, aged 4. and 3 years respectively, was arrested in Oak land last night about II o'clock us she stepped from the train in that city. Chief of Police Welsh was immediately notified and it is probable that he will return her to this city as her husband is anxious to take her back. Before leaving the woman took $700 worth of jewelry belonging to herself and husband and $!K) of her own money ! which she drew out of tho bank. She ig charged wilh child stealing but it in stated by local Chinese that the charge will not he pressed if she will come back and be good in the future. Her husband is a well known Salem Chinese, land is a graduate of tho Salem public schools, lie is the son of George Sun, tho hop grower and probably the most I influential muu in tho Salem Chinese. quarter. THE WEATHER 1I1U MUXlltllUl VdlAO Oregon: Kuir to night nnd Sunday, colder tonight in south and east portions; heavy frost tonight; nd northerly winds. wnyjrz' I