TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1916. ''Salem's Sfyle.Store" Rumored Portland Man May Oppose Ben Olcotl It is Tuinoroil on the stroots today by men who eliim to be near the J'olilu'iil tluone al rortlaml, that In Sun. lay tliero will lie a candidute iu tlio fieln for the office of secretary of statu against Ben K. Oleott. Ju.t who this man may be is a mys tery, but it is said that he 'is n very strong eamli'lite ami if he deeides 'o enter the race the eanii.aijjn whieta will last for just seven weeks from today, will be one of the liveliest the state iias seen for vears. iloores, Harbour. Adams and Cuffed all of l'ortland, liavitifr stepped asi(N' for this mysterious candidate to enter the nee on the eleventh hour, is ei deuce that they have confidence in hi-i ability to make a strenuous cnniiwiitu in wiiieh it is liin.ured he will cove the entire state. Get auto electric globes at Loc':. wood's, u'hi .N. ( 'oiniiierciul street. T. G. Albert will round out his twen fieth year with the Barnes store t. -morrow, as he first beacme idenlifie 1 with the firm Anil 1. 1M. At th BUY YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW 4' t 4' 4' A Great Pre-Easter Sale 100 Newest Women 's and Misses9 Suits at $19.8 i it 4 4 if f 4 4f I I Ill' 1 t .l f W ( v WW 4 4 4 COMMENCING tomorrow morning at 8:30 we place on sale a beautiful assortment of New York's latest model suits at a price within the reach of everyone. 100 choice suits to select from including the popular serges, poplins, gabardines and various check patterns in navy, peach, tan, Belgian blue, sage green, apricot (1Q champagne and various colored checks. Choice commencing tomorrow P , See the window display Another Assortment of 50 STYLISH SUITS up to $42.50 Jf at a reduction of &tJ Jo gabardines and poplins in most desirable colors. Do justice to yourself if you in (h tend to purchase a new suit. See these bis assortments and set an early OY yf choice. The price on every one of these fifty models reduced tJJo QUALITY AND SERVICE rrp Special Announcement of interest to all . jALL. p-T US' women in tomorrow's Journal. J-L v JJ.OOJPiO:OOS fw- r TtttlTttVttt?t t-t---ttttttttttttttt ttttt ttt ttTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T T T T T TTTTTT T T T T T T T T T T T T Jmsft Think a Is there anything you ned for immediate use? Is there anything you are likely to need during the near future? II the COminSf SMSM? Th on rnmp Wu fnmm'vnur tl 3 11 vvuiv liviv IUIIIVIIUH Seeing Is Believing That our Removal Sale Bargains are incomparable and that all Salem appreciatesthem is proven by the tre- uiemiuus seuing now going on i READ You Can Buy At These Prices n II 11 11 il II tf El 11 11 M 13 m ii ii M tl u II n Ei II II M II n ii M ti u ti n n B1 11 11 II tl II II II II II II li n ii 11 ti N 11 is ii n n H ii ti n ii n ii tl 13 N i 1 11 U a M El II II II n u ii ti rtfflfflnntK;HK;ffltiimuimuiKwmHimuuuHH;Hw I All Around Town a 1 h Km Xorth ('onimeri'iul street in th building now." occupied by the Foster Baker grocery. The following year i was removed to its piescnt location. Furniture repaired at E. L. Stiff f. The Tuskegee singers, from the Tu-' l0gee Xornuil and Industrial Instit' founded by Booker T. Washington, wi ' appear at the First Congregation:. I clmrcli, Friday evening, one week t'nr ' tonight. Xo admission will be charge'1 but nil will be given an opportunity t' aid this institute through a silver offc ing. E. L. Stiff & Son will save you money on shades. Mrs. J. 0. Lents, no lives a fr miles from the city, will leave tomorrow for Redfiold. S. Tl'., wlieie she will ma I her permanent homo. She will be : companicd by her children. Alarie, Tren-' Albert and llnniel. They will leave .' Portland tomorrow' morning, take boat for San Francisco, and after v stop over at Fresno, go direct to tlici South Dakota home. Valuable premiums with every cast', purchase of 1.(10 or over Saiurdav n K. T,. Stiff i- Sons. The Eev. James Elvin -will adrlres'i a meeting of the'Pureiit-Tencliers' as sociation to be held this evening at th-' Arountain View school house in Poll' county. Tomorrow he will speak at :. meeting of the Christian Kndenvor Un ion to be held at the First rongreg;. tional church in Beaverton, Wash., atn' will deliver an address on "Kfl'ic iency. " In the evening lie will presld" as toastmasler for the convention. Card of Thanks. AVe wish to express our sincere grat itude and thanks to the many kin. I friends and neighbors who so faithful ly assisted us during the last. illneM an, death of our beloved husband and uncle. Also for the many beautiful flowers. ' MRS. MARIAN II KI.r.VKI. MKS. a, f. XoTTlXf.HAM. JL kl tl if fcL 4r? r P T x II Bl II ta Mi I9i II One lot of small Suits for men, values up to $15.00, now Regular 10c Handker chiefs now 4rC One lot of Union Suits, closed crotch, values to $1.00, now 45c All Men's Overcoats, values to $16.50, now $8.40 Genuine Boston Gart ers, regular 25c quality, now 15c One lot of 6S Men's Suits, sizes to 37, now $5.95 All extra Vests, sizes 34, 35 and 36, values to $2, now 10c One lot 50c Special Su spenders, now 19c All Boys' Hats, regular $1.50 values, now All V Neck Sweaters cut to 48c .One lot Coats and Vests, small sizes, now 95c One lot of Men's Shoes, all sizes, black, in lace and button; regular val ue $4.50, now $3.45 u ti n ii ti ti ii ii E1 1 ii SI COMINGJEVENTS TONIGHT March "1 Smoker nt Labor I'nion council hall. Declamatory contest, Willam ette chapel, 8 p. m. April ,'! Slection of director tourist and publicity depart ment, Commercial Club. April 4 Recognition services for Kev. Geo. F. Holt, First Baptist church. April 7 Tuskegee Jubilee sing ers at Congregational church. Free. April 7 Prof. Hubert F. Stauffer lecture at public lib rary on "Oregon Litera ture." April 9 Oregon Social Hygiene Society, open meeting at Armory, ;i p. m. April 18 Registration for primary election closes. April LM Faster Sunday. April 28 Pance, benefit Salem Street Railway band, nt tho armory. April -8 High school play "(ireeu Stockings" at opera house. H vmI- 11 11 II 11 u tl Dt. Mendelsohn, ipeclalUt, fits glas- I correctly. U. S. Bank. lildg. Everything is quiet along the Willnm- I ette and tne river toiiav is uei U above low water murk ami falling. I Automobiles for hire, passengers and ' baggage transfered, rates reasonable, : I'ountrr trips a speeinltv. C. G. Mc- Elroy." Thone 917 or 039. tf ' The Rev. E. V. Sh.iyler, rector of St. I Murk's, Seattle, addhessed ihe students ' of the high school this morning, taking :jc!for his suhieet, "Preparedness, Kffiit- 1 iency and Success." I - It means more life to your shoes ev- i cry time you have them shined at Gil : son's professional shoe-shining pirlor. j 457 State. ' tf o-,- ; Rebel's Cherry Bud band will furnish the music for a dance to be held at l.ibertv in Ramp's hull, Saturday even ing, April 8. The circulars announce that dancing will begin at 7 o'clock. You cut out the middle man when you buy 3 loves of fresh bread for 10 cents at the .Modern Bakery, 4;J1) Court street. ' , Aprl ! Tomorrow morning the children will ; be entertained at the public libiary from 9:.'!0 to 10 o'clock iu the custom- :arv children's hour. Stories from tin Arabian Xights will be told, one of them being, "The Kuchauted Horse." 30 loaves of fresh bread for one dollar. See for yourself' at the Modern Bakery, 4119 Court street. Apt I Mrs. P. W. Borneman, proprietress of the Capital hotel and Mrs. May Ivie, proprietress of the Cottage hotel, have traded, and beginning tomorrow Mrs lvie will be in charge of the Cnpi'i hotel and Mrs. Boinenian, the Cottng hotel. Agents for the famous Packard Shoes for Men Act Now! At Once! Before It Is Too Late G. W. Jofi nson Co . The Home of Stein-Block Clothes for Men if f mppfKimiHfiHiiH wm mi wm wm -fjy w w u-Ti mm pii am u- mm wm mm Dr. Stone'i drug store. o Mrs. T. O. Hopkins went this morning to spend the Mrs. A. J. Rahn. formerly of Albanv Herald. Salem wit citv. You get more bread, fresher bread and better bread for your money at the Modern Bakery. Aprl Entertainment and re-union at Grant school tonight, uuspices tirant Parent Teachers' association. Adniissiou tree, refreshments, five cents eneh. o Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses. ! Architect T. A. Legg is preparing plana for n seven room home to 1 erected by S. L. Fawk, living near Rick reall. Construction work will beg within a neck or 10 days. Motor truck for salo. Will consider team as part payment. Inquire Gideon Stolz Co., Phone -o Aprrj Auction sale at the People's Quick F.xchnnge Auction Market on Saturday, April 1st nt 1::H) p. m. Everything sold on commission. Don't forget I buy household furniture for cash. F". X. Woodry, auctioneer. Phone 511. Apr"0 ! The light is breaking in the lumber j business. The Spnulding Logging com- pnuy this morning received an order for ,n uar load of mill work, to be 'shipped j to Bocman. Montana. Also an order 'f..r the mill work for a house in Port- laud and one iu Northern California. April Fool Day. Don't let them tool you into paying ll.."nl for a sack of flour, that you .an tiny at l.:'o of us. Ask for Bear flour. It would be worth a l.."0 if we bought it today, but we have some good contracts. See Uoth. The Woodmen of the World are pre paring for big doings this evening. In the way of an April 1 party, when sur prises are the order of the day. several will appear in niasipmade and fancy dress. The program committee has also been working over time preparing spe cialties, nil suggestive i f the first of April. WATC AND I Clocks Kepaired si Also a Nice Line olv Jewelry. 'ffi$lF' Masonic Temple KARL NEUGEBAUEE Cii CITY NOODLE HOUSE NOODLES 10c, EICE-POEK 10c FRIED RICE 15c 420 FERRY STREET B'HtHH UmWHUmiPli Ml II iliiimBaBflHU RESIDENCE PARLORS Lincensed Lady Em balmer Moderate Prices Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Ore. "EXTREME CRUELTY" Redwood City, Cul., Mar. 31. "1 went tu bed but it wag no use, cause niy feet stuck out for s chicken roost." I single blessedness today as the result of 'ers niul hens perch on the family be i So runs the uld ballad. a somewhat similar state of affairs. He stead, so ht," was granted a divorce on Hull Toft, contractor, it enjoying told tho judgo his wifo let her roost-1 the grouuds of titreiue eruelty. Iu reply to several inquiries as to who will buv old papers and rags. P. Samuels on South Commercial street, is H. Edwards lus opened a barber shoo in that line of business and probably in the basement of t'nite.l States a w ill buy. provided the obi papers are in j tior.al Bank B'.dg. and will appreciate large enough quantity. jyour putronage. Phone. 700 TAXI SERVICE OARS OF ANY KIND, FOR ANY PLACE, AT ANY TIMS Good Garage In connection fot storage of cars. Reasonable Rates. SALEM TAXI CO. Garage OPEN ALL NIGHT. 246 SUte Street