Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 29, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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wWWl The ttamri phr'Jovar
'JMJY which keep out air.
'y VVM thereby preervw f.';
'"M 'VM quality of the blen,h- l
VW tobaccos. Pywwrti-i.-l
7"JWMy thm hniers at ifu i-
'Vtf MY trated.the ttampeatily
V' tyy. breaks without tetrtrf
V' i'M the tin foil, uhi-hljUi
". WA bMck into its p'jvo.
f f 1 Men, you'll get
III pltJifiliL
Sport News
a x
Ties With Montreal In Hockey
. Games Joe Stecher Does
Fast Work
l mil rcnl. Que., Miir. 29. Following,
the victory of I'ortlnnd over the loenl
t'lintidinns liy n score of (i to 5 in last
night's 'hockey game here, the const
rliniiipions nml the Montreal seven to
day were tied for tho championship of
the world.
Harris nnd Outnian slurred' for Port
land, Harris shoot ing three out of' the
t'tratfj'n' fflutlira
Roberts Hats
Always" On the Job"
Mi 'W" wR
II mm
You'll like Camel Cigarettes, fine!
The tobaccos are choice Turkish and choice Domestic, expertly
blended, to give you a mellow-mild-body and a flavor as new
to your taste as it is refreshing!
Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty after-taste and they will
neither bite your tongue nor parch your throat, no matter how
liberally you smoke them !
Smokers -do not look for or expect coupons or premiums with
Camels because they realize the value is in the cigarettes,
which stand every test you care to make against any cigarette
in the world at any price! You'll find Camels meet your
fondest cigarette desires !
Camels are sold every where in scientifically" sealed package,
3D for 10c; or ten packages (300 cigarettes) in a glassine-paper-covered
carton for $1.00. We strongly recommend this
carton for the home or office supply or when you travel.
goals. I.ulondc of tin- ('nnodiuns,
fciiturcd for his team wilh two dent in
the net.
I The fifth and deciding giinio wili lie
pluyeil tomorrow flight, the ti'nm com
ing out on top retaining the fStur.ley
I nip for the next year.
j The Cnnndinns mill Portland wiil play
two games in New York A;uiJ 4
mill 5.
Mascot Is Cliamplo:i
i oilman, wit., Mar. 2!). I.o. u! I'iglii
followers today regarded Hilly Mas
cult's eliiini to the featherwe.t'hr r li i m
pinnship of the northwest as legitimate
fi'lionlng tho decision given him over
Vex einon nfter six rounds of teniae
milling in the henilliner o'f a glove t'ost
here last li lit.
Bert Korlies, of Seattle, who had been
heralded as a second A lie Attell, faiifd
to show unytliiii); more than a nrom be
tween the leaps of the kangaroo mil
fox trotting. His limit with Joe Hen
juinin was called n draw,
Alio flordou was declared the winner
The right kind of Clothes at the right prices are almost
enough to sell themselves. But there's another factor
the personal element.
Lots of people come here to buy because they're sure of
going away with a smile. And a customer's smile is worth
as much to us as our profit on the goods he buys. The
satisfied person comes back.
The size of a purchase is only an item. We figure that
a ten-cent sale and a pleased customer are more valuable
in the long run than a ten dollar sale and a "never
come back."
Make us prove our willingness to serve. Our stocks
are especially attractive right now.
$20 ?25 $30
$15 $20 $25
Salem ,
Woolen Mills
W I1L Ul mJAL im.rX'!! S.U.'WfW iHW WW , HWH.ll.ijm I,IW'H1
a lot of satisfaction with
n n
over Touchy Winger; (leorge Sommers
stopped Will Fletcher in the third "r
iod and Ike Cohen of San Francisco
got a draw with .Foe Clifford.
Weak With the Stick.
Sun Jose, Cul., .Mar. 2P. leinpornry
weakness of his team with the stick
was the only thing which worried Man
ager Harry Wolverton today when the
Seals went on the field for a game
with the St. Mary's college learn, nil;
Steen was expected to pitch for the San
Fitzgerald, Schaller and Hodie, the
reliables of the Seals, have not been
connecting with the sphere with any
degree of regularity lately. In the
game with Agnews yesterday, the Seals
got only six hits to seven for the en
emy, although the Seals succeeded i i
w inning.
Claim the Decision.
New York, Mar. 2!. Battling I.e
viusky's backers today claimed the de
cision." for their man over Jack Dillon
in the 10-roiind bout tho two men
,. . '.-i.i nu.:,. :.. 4i, ni,,.-.,,,!1
fouirht last night. This is the olevent
scrap in which I.evinsky has participat
e.l in this month.
Oaks Ready for Game.
Oakland, Cal.. Mar. 20. The Oak:
would be ready for the fray if the um
pires "play hall" should be shouted
Just Wright
$4.50 and $5
cigarettes !
this afternoon.
Manager Elliott declared today thr
ills entire squad was in first class shape
and that he expected to see them fight
gin among the league leaders from the
ocuiniiing of the race.
Elliott has decided that "Jap Bar
beau, the third sacker, will lead the
batting order, with Koxy Middleton
coming second. Jt is believed that
Klawitter or Beer will pitch the opening
game for the Oaks.
The Wrestlers.
Kansas City. Joe Steelier threw Dr
Holler twice in H minutes, 2 seconds.
San Francisco. It took ' Ad Snntel
one hour, 2-1 minutes nnd 155 seconds to
pin l'eter Visaer!) shoulders to the ma
t wice.
A Long Tussle.
Billings, Mont., .Mar. 2!!. Walter Mil
ler anil Mike Yokel wrestled three
hours and three minutes here last nigh'
without a fall. The match was even
ins to aggressiveness and nliilitv to es
u;.:i..i.. :..i. ir..i...i ' v.
si in date
iniu-i vv eigne
15S and
Miller 154.
Business Conditions
Improving On the Coast
Taconm, Wash., Mar. 2!t. Wilh busi
ness conditions improving throughout
the Pacific noriiiwest, wages are on the
increase, iccorlmg to figures given out
today by the joint federal and city free
: employment agency here. The demand
for labor of all kinds, but especially in
the lumber mills and allied industries,
is steadily growing and more than 000
men have been placed in jobs since
.March 1, slid '. K. Keag.v, deputy im-
, migration inspector in charge of the
federal employment bureau. Conditions
from the standpoint ot labor and wages
are better than for nianv months he
. declared.
Commercial Club
Wants Electric
; The Hoard of Irirectors of the Com
mercial chili is of the opinion that now
is the time to huild. In a resolution
passed by the board at -the meeting
I Tuesday boon, it was suggested that a
joint committee 0f the Portland Chajn
; her of Commerce and the Salem Cojn-
inercial club confer with the officials
! of tho Southern Pacific and bring to
.their attention the fact that about two
years ago. the Southern Pacific secured
the right, of way for an electric road
; from Portland to Sale'n and that owing
to unfavorable financial conditions,
i nothing had been done,
The fact that the Oregon Electric is
'Sinwying for a road from Salem to
j Itend rather indictites, at least to the
I Hoard of lireetors. that railroad eon
'structiou work is again to begin in the
! state.
! In other wor :, the Southern Pacific
j is to be given the hint that we want
j that electric ror-d built to Portland
ami if other lines are getting ready to
! make extensions, wh- not the Southern
! Pacific
We are in the lenil The
kicks a man when he's down.
COLLAR 3 for 25C
CLOtTT. rtSOOY & CO. INC., Moras
T--- D LEND ' ,- 0
q'-C: I- C ARETTES . ;
Capita! City Smokers Show
As Classy Cards As Those
In Metropolis
Some of Salem's most enthusiastic
boxing fans went to I'ortland last nigh!
and saw Hilly Masi-ott wi.- a six round
dcision from Tex Vermin in the miiii
event at the liose City Athletic club
smoker. The boys weighed in at 122
which is about six pounds over Hilly 's
best fighting wvight but the little
I'rom-li-l anadian administered a sound
trouncing to the Vernon boy and the
decision was received with popular ap
plause. The .first three rounds were
ali, nit even but the last three were
Hilly 's all of the way and he hid Vern
on wobbling in the last round. In an
eight round go the Texas bov would
have left the ring a badly beaten lud.
Hilly readied Vernon's eye with a wick
ed left jab in the first round and con
tinued to slain the damaged optic
throughout the milch to the evident
distress of the owner.
In a semi-wiiidnp Joe Benjamin and
Hurt Foitbes boxed n draw jut 12o
pounds for the championship of the Pa
cific coast which Henjainiii claims bp
virtue of his victory over Jimmy Fox.
It was reported that He n.jumin and
Mascot t were to be matched in th
near future but Jenjiinin outweighs
Maseott by about 10 pounds and could
not make IIS ringside without losing
considerable strength. Muff Hronson
hallenged the winner of the Muscott
Vernon bout but Krnusou says he can
not do better than 12ii pounds ringside
which puts hi in out of Hilly 's class.
Maseott 's backers in I'ortland will wa
ger that he can belt the best boys in
the world at 110 ringside but the 'aver
age fans gives him no credit for win
ning from a man 10 pounds overweight
yet they criticise hint if he loses.
(ieorge Summers, a younger brother
of Al Summers, stopped Will Fletcher
u the third round of a scheduled six
round bout, (ieorge Sonuuers is taller
than his brother and carries a wicked
whip. He knocked Fletcher down in
the third round with a solid punch on
the nose ami Fletcher was willing to d
init tiiat the sledding was a bit too
rough for comfort.
George Soiumers is only 17 years old
but appears to be one of the most prom
ising boys in I'ortland and should he
meet with no bud luck will be meeting
the best of them when his frame is well
upholstered with beef.
Abe Gordon, the paperweight cham
pion boxed eight rounds with Toughev
Winger and when Referee Jack Grant
held the grimy mit of Gordon aloft p ut
of the fans howled their disapproval
while others cheered. It was a close de
cision at that but Gordon landed more
clean blows and must lie given credit
for fighting a man several pounds heav
er. Ike Cohen and Joe Clifford, heavies,
boxed a six round curtiiu raiser at
catch weights.
A few more trips to Portland to wit
ness the smokers in that citv which
draw from 1200 to loOO people at $2
ringside and the Salem fans will 'he
convinced Hint, they were seeing some
classy goes in Salem when Manager
Kvans was putting on smokers hiTre.
The same boys who box head liners in
I'ortland were being matched in Salem
and the cards at the Capital Citv club
were on a par with the I'ortkmd shows.
Al Summers, who has been training in
Portland for his bout tonight with
Hilly Weeks, left for Centrnlia, Wash
ington, yesterday. Manager Hobbv Kv
ans left for the Washington citv this
Willamette Notes
Chapel hour was an interesting one
this morning. Governor James Withv
comb addressed the students for u few
minutes. He said that America had
been indeed fortunate in keening out
of the world conl'l igration.
"Now if ever we need red-blooded
men nnd women, who are strong, loyal
patriotic citizens. I believe the. trouble
in Mexico will involve the V. S. more
than is anticipated."
in speaiiing ot America's mission in
regard to the l-hiropean conflict tho
governor snid he believed that Ameri
ca with intelligence and education,
would solve the problem of inter-nation
il peace.
Speaking of the opportunities of stu
dents who will soon be leaders among
the citizens of the commonwealth of
Orei'on: what most is needed of them
is the highest type of citizenship based
on n good Christian conscience. We
must show to the pootde'lvf the 1'nited
States tiiat the products of the north
west are as keen in judgment and abil
ity as any other leading men of the
Oregon is the grettest state, snid the
governor, iji point of resources, climate
and all conditions being considered.
Prot. C. H. Sherman was present at
the installation of the new president
of Washington university. Dr. Henry
Trot. Sherman acted as a represen
tative of New Vork university, having
taken his master's degree U that place.
The meeting was the greatest that edu
cational circles has known of; iniitiv
presidents of universities and leading
men wera present in all J00 institu
tions were represented.
President Nicholas Murray Duller, of
Columbia university, New VorU, mule
the principal address. In it he made
the statement that the three greatest
insrijuttiins fcvere: The church, the
state and the university.
The baseball diamond is again dry
enough for practice and Coach Math
ews is putting his men through system
it ic practice every day. He hopes to
have a nine that will form a perfect
machine nnd when the tirst game has
been played he will be aide to further
complete plays tie is uow working out.
Track work h likewise showing up
well. Coach Mathews will send ftmr
representatives to the Northwest Con
ference meet it O. A. C. Saturday.
Those to repres-nt Willnnotte will be:
Drazier Small and Dert Ford, in the
sprints: Rein Jackson, in the quarter
and half miles, nnd Paul Prown in the
weights ami javelin.
for a fine
you must do something mora
than use cosmetics. You must
keep the blood pure, the liver
and kidneys active and the
bowels regular. You must also
correct the digestive ills that
cause muddy skin and dull eyes.
offer you the needed help. They
are mild in action, but quickly
strengthen the stomach, gen
tly stimulate the liver and'regu
late the bowels. They put the
body in good condition so the
organs work as nature intend
ed. Backed by sixty years of
usefulness, Beecham's Pills
Direction of Sptetil Vlllc to Wonea with tverr bl.
Sold OTerywhero. In bexea, 1U 25c
When In SALEM, OEEGON, itop t
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Batba
RATES: 75c, fl.00, $1.50 PEB DAI
The olily hotel in the. business district.
nearest io an Depots, Ttieatre anc
i-amioi uuiiuings.
A Home Away From Home.
T. O. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto Bus.
Why Not Use
Columbia QUALITY Carboni?
Made In Oregon
100 Copies Guaranteed from
t Each Sheet.
Columbia'Carbon Pa?er Mfg. Co.
33rd & Broadway, Portland, Ore.
Eate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word 1
One week (6 insertions), per word ft
One month (26 insertions'), per word 17c
All ads must be ordered for itated
length of time, no ad to count leas thai
10 words.
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one iniertioi
for errors in Classified Advertise
mentr. Bead your advertisement th
first day it appears and notify as in
mediately if it contains an error.
Minimum chirge, 13c.
lady. Phone 370. Mar30
4!U N. Cottisre. MarSl
WANTED Girl for light house-work.
Call at 553 N. Mth. Mar30
WANTED Girl for general housework.
No washing. . 015 S., lL'th. Mir28
FOR KENT Furnished rooms, close in,
$5.00 per month. Phone 1844. Mir28
SEAMSTER BROS Groceries. Pay
cash for cjrgs. 121 S. Coin'l St. Mnr31
WANTED Five passenger Ford, Mod
el 1914 or 1915. Phone 1024-K. Mar29
WAITED A second hand gasoline
pump with under ground tank. Phone
1887. Mar.'U
WANTED A woman to do house work
must be good cook. Apply at 204 N.
Com'l. Mar29
DKKS3 MAKING Done by the day by
first class dressmaker. Address D. M.
care Journal. MarSl
(ilRIi L'l, would like position to assist
with housework or care of children.
Phone M 89. Mar30
WANTED Any one wanting garden
work done. (Satisfaction guaranteed.
Phone z;t8l-K. Mar31
FOR KENT A 7 room furnished
bungalow on Fairniount hill. Apply
r. u. liox Jo,). Mar3l
WANTED Elderly or middle aged
woman to assist with housework and
be companion. ISuiiill wages. Phone
ot'o'.M. Murill
FOR SALE White Leghorn nnd White
Wyandotte clucks, engs, pullets, cock
rels. Mrs. Wm. McUevnolds. Route
5, liox 45, Sale m. MarSl
WANTED Woodcutters with own out
fit, none others need apply, also wood
saw to cut up logs into cofdwood.
Phone 092 after 0 p. in. or before 7:S0
a. in. Mir29
try hotel near by, only $500 c ish
down needed if a sale or a good little
house in trade. Offered for week.
A paying business. S-e nie at once.
William Fleming, "41 State street.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all tfrufjrrists.
Ps .
HABRY Windowcleaner.
Phone 769.
WANTED Beef cattle and horse.
1425-M. Aprd
WANTED Dry cows and strippers.
Phone 142j-M. Apr2l
clean. 170 Court street. AprlS
FOB RENT 5 room modern house on
car line. Inquire 1001 Center St. tf
OAK, dry ash, fir and maple cord wood.
JPhone liTi-j. w. proctor. AprlU
RANTED To rent 7 or 8 room hooM
reasonably close in. Address N. E. G.,
care Journal. tf
carpet woaving. 371 North High St.
Salem, Or.. AprlS
FOR SALE Young Jersey cow, milk
ing 2' gallons per day. 1 rice $!.
Phone 8:;F5. Mar2'J
FOB SALE 15 acres bottom lind,
south of Marion. Mrs. E. Thonaa,
Marion, Oregon. April!
WANTED Two or three good grail
fHONB 837ror wood itw.
sows wun young pigs or to larrow
soon. Phono 1204. Mar29
DESIRABLE ROOMS Fu.nace he it, &
fine location, excellent meils. Phone
1156-M. 1510 State. April7
FOR SALE 5-pass,engcr auto. A bar
gain it tnken at once. E. V. Fergu
son. 1055 S. loth street. Mar29
WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or
5 acres of good potito land. Must
be cheap. Adress Journal C-50. MayrJ
FOR RENT Business block room, size
18x80 feet. 407 Stnto street. In
quire at 403 State. Phone 1009. tf
TO EXCHANGE A quarter scetio
timber in Douglas county for talem
property. Iunuirc 805 Union street.
FOR SALE Cheap Wood saw, new.
One horse wagon, new. Corner 22nd
and Nebraska in Englewood. Burch.
np to date power equipment. List your
order at Salem Fuel Yards. Phone
629. f
SNAP 1911 5 passenger auto, good
condition, new tires. $zs. cash.
Phone 54 F5. B. F. D. No. 8, Box
83. Mar31
sile. Medium size and fine strain.
Route 9, Box 100. 75c bushel. Phono
39F4. MarSl
FOR SALE 3 half truck Studebaker
wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon,
eordwood or stumpage. 2786 Lee,
Phono 1322J. tf
WHITE ROCKS An egg strain of ex
hibition quality. 15 eggs by parcel
post for $1.50. Imperial Egg Farm,
Boute 3, Salem. tf
SALEM STEAM and Vacuum Carpet
Cleaning Works. Feathers and mat
tresses renovated. Otto F. Zwicker.
Phone 1154. Aprl5
FOB RENT Five room house, large
barn, chicken house and park, larg
garden spot, $10 per month. Inquire
1415 N. 4th street. Apr4
PRUNE TREES C and 8 foot at 7c.
Oregon Champion gooseberries $15.00
per thousand. C'allat office, 357 N.
Commercial. Phone 250-R. Aprl
np to date power equipment. List
your orders at Silem Fuel Yards.
Phone 529. Dcnsmore & Frasier. tf
NURSERY STOCK Lowest prices at
Northwest nursery, rear of armory.
Grafted Franquctte Walnuts. Budded
Holly. Choice roses, etc. Phone 4 IS.
pacity. H is been operated about 13
months. All ready for operating at
present time. W.' A. Taylor, Macleay,
receiver). Phone 38F24. Mar3l
FOR RENT New five room modern
cottage, partly furnished. Close to
cir and school. Long lease to good
tenant, flO. B. W. Macy, 202 Bank
of Commerce.- Phone 815. tf
GENERAL STOCK An fixtures for
sale eheip, or will trade for property,
stock or what have you to trade t My
health is poorly and I must sell at
once. Good buy for someone. Ad
dress D. S., care Journal. tf
FOR SALE 40 acres in Linn county,
partly cleared, on county road, cream
route and mail route, 5 room house
and out buildings, well, etc. Price
$1,000. Terms. Route 8, Box 27. Geo.
Weber. Apr
BIGGEST SALI. ever you can find:
20 acres, 16 to 17 acres plough land,
balance good timber and pasture, no
buildings. On county road. Little
work to irrigate 2 or 3 acres. Good
black garden land. Price $1500, is
worth $3500. I need the monev.
miles from Silem. "20 Acres,"" cr.,
nf .Tonrnal. AnrlS
My home farm of 103 acres lyinr
along the beautiful Garden road, only
1 1-2 miles east of the city limits, on
two mail routes, very-near a good pub
lie school. Soil black rich loam, rich
in humas and Verv Productive- well
tilled, good natural drainage, two large
ranch barns in good repair, comfort
able dwelling house, choice hop house
ana storage room, and 25 acres of
Englislfcluster hops; all necessarr
equipments. Two or three teams of
good horses, 4 or 5 young horses, 4 or
5 eows, some young stock, rjoultrv.
swine and etc. and tools, machinery,
implements to use and to loan.
Fruit and cured meats to last s
family. Prices given to real purchas
ers on personal Inspection of property.
If you mean business now is your op
portunity; this property is a producer,
and also a safo investment. Act now.
I have the Rambling Fever, it won't
last always.