THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREOO WEDNESDAY, MAR. 29, 1916. THREE K YOU M,MtWM"i'"M t tii (0i "QJl 0 H 101 1 V' THAN Owing to bad weather our sales fell far below normal, this together with us buying heavily for Easter makes it necessary to move our stock. To make room for new shipments arriving almost daily we are making special inducements: To everyone buying $2.50 or over we will give absolutely free a pair of our guaranteed Hose. We Have Shaved the Prices on Our Stock and you can buy Shoes for Men, Women and Children at a great reduction. You will need Shoes with that new Easter Suit-Buy now at a saving and get Free Hose. A. C. De'VOE The Quality Shoe Store I 344 State Street San Antonio, Texas, the Unofficial Capital of Mexico . San Antonio, Mar. 29. For the last 1 public, or parts of it. tiiree years Han Antonio has been the , Fout cabinet ministers of the ol. unofficial capital of Mexico. Here the j Huerta regime, the most prominent be rival juntas of the Carran.a and Villa! '"I? Manuel Garza AUlape, ex-minister forces have plotted and intrigued. From r-an Antonio most of the financial aid so desperately needed by both sides at various times in the ups and downs of their fortunes has been negotiations and from here munitions have been bought and supplies forwarded. Today there are over fifteen hun dred prominent and formerly wealthy Mexicans living in San Antonio. Kv ery one of them is vnnHy Interested in the success of either Carranza or Villa. wiiS''' r-J;.(' it .If"-ill" "RiWn1 l ;' m W There's a New Idea Back of the Duplex -ALCAZAR Vou've been waiting for this. The Duplex ALrCAZAR Range is made in two types, burning coal or wood and gas, or ccal, wood and oil, individ ually or in combination. In winter and spring keep your kitchen warm with wood or coal in summer keep the room cool by cooking with gas or oil. The change is made in an instant the range is ready to burn the fuel you wish. It cuts cooking costs, makes better results possible and keeps the kitchen comfortable all the time. Before you buy a range look at and investigate the Duplex-Alcazar. Duplex Alcazar The day of experiments has long passed. The Duplex-ALCAZAR Range is a proven success in dispensable in thousands of American households. Let Us Demonstrate It to You I Many of them are men who in the last few years have held the highest official. ; positions in one or the other of the shifting governments that have held I temporary sway over the southern re of agriculture and Uichard Gomez Ro belo, attorney general lor Huerta, and lL ..t. ' J - .1 .1 . -I I . wie man woo guiueu me oi(i iiuiiun i warrior in the tortuous legal phases of ; his conflict with President Wilson. I Closely associated with "them is Sa- j lome Botella, ex-governor of the state j of Nuovo Leon under Huerta. This I frronn isi now remit! to lie interested in Villa's campaign. The Mexican Catholie church i repre sented by four archbishops and about Salem, Oregon J This question is asked every day. A cold is really a fever, not always caused by the weather but often due to ! disordered blood or lack of important food-elements. In changing seasons ' r.rj uZ.. .1. ""T" r ""sc "cy 1 aistnoute neac Dy cnncning tue dioou and so render the system better -,.,,. ""7 w. ."ip.15u1.nv.11u. ibis 13 the important reason why Scott's Emulsion should always be taken for colds, and it docs more v;ij ,u t :..!,. ,0 - Scott's Emulsion contains Nature's rare strength-building fats, so skillfully blended that the blood profits from every drop. It is free from harmful drugs or alcohol. Sold at drug stores always get the genuine. ecutt & Bowue, Bloomficld, N. J. 15-28 tive ability that she has been presi lent 30 bishops who have been driven out oi j for four year. Mexico by the various warring factions. Studied law at Willamette univeriit", With them are a large number of priests r graduated from the law department .n..7 who also were compelled to flee from ,VM admitted to the bar in 1915. the country. I Jrs. pjro is n French and German Then there is a sprinkling of ndher-1 scholar and has been of valuable irss::,t ents of the ebullient Felix Diaz, who j r...ce t0 her husband with clients spev.k always has a revolution ripo for picking iu(r either French or German, if he can secure support; and also Is a tax payer and has been paying there are some supporters of Zapata. taxes in Marion county for the past The interests of ('arrnnR are official. ' eight years, ly administered by Teodule R. Heltran, All this menus that for the past 1-5 Mexican consul general for the south- ' years Mrs. Page has hcen taking an in western United Statu. iterest in affairs and that her expti Connected with his office in an un-jenccs include that of teacher and sere official but very important capacity notary of a school, the handling of the Sam Bidden, a San Antonio attorney, books of a successful business eo..errn, who has a title of chief advisor o'f th? , assisting in handling the affairs of the onsuiate. iiciuen is reputed to De close to farranzn and one of the men who in dealings with the United States govern-"" ment the f rst eh ef is f rut to turn tn: for ndvli'P. There are seven Mexican newspnpfrs published in San Antonio to seive trie j needs of the forty odd thousand native! Mexicans who live in and about tho I city All are bitterly partisan 'n bock 1 ing their factional interests nnd si vciai have verv fair circulations. Rev. E. V. Shayler Both ! Eloquent and Forceful I .'If iin '( uVifit von (ret rutt of lift but what you put into it that counts,"!'; s"oum prepjre uinnei lor war. insisted the Kcv. K. V. Shayler at St. ' J10"0 "no V """H"K "" wi,r nv,r linancial committee of the church. Mr. (Paul's church last evening, preaching ! M,'s- T "'!!'" K''."-", V"- ".V Mar-, winter gave a verv fine sermon. " I'er 011 the subject, "Man's Greatest Caul- ""a"'1 Guy Jouag. Those who are sistence in doing good'' is his fare-lenL-e." "'.Most of us."-he said, "are'?:"1' lia": Vfl,:c at .""-v I""''' ' nr,! ; well. 'strivins to iret evervthimr but of life that we can; we call it good or ill, ac cording as the results please or displease i us. Just 'for that reason life is highly unsatisfactory; it always will be so long 1 as wc continue to make our aim nnd .ideal, 'What is there in it for met' It is what you put into life that counts." The second day of Mr. Shayler 's stay 'at St. Paul's closed las evening in an 'enthusiastic and well attended service. The speaker's obvious fervency and sin eereity give his words much weight, 1 and make his sermons most impressive. : He achieves his results without sensa tionalism. Siindnyism, billingsgate .or slang. He conducts a 'revival meeting' in anything but the ordinary fashion. Mr. Shayler is in complete charge of the parish. "I am nothing but a choir boy for this week," says Air. Gill, rect or of St. Paul's The opening of the question box last night provoked much interest. The cvir recurrent question of "high" and "low " church cropped up, .Mr. Shayler I covering the question with considerable amusement. The sermon subject for to night 's a. hires is "If Not Christ f" To morrow the usual schedule obtains: a celebration nf the holy communion at 110 a. m. with brief meditation; 11 clas-s r MRS. ROLLIN K. PAGE. Candidate for republican nomination f or representative in Legislative As semb, from First District, Marion co unty, atjiriinaries, May 19, 1916. With the slogan, "Woman's suffrage , Salem public library as president '.if the creates a duty nut n privilege to pnr-j board mul the practicing of lu.v. ticipate in public, affairs," Mrs. Itnllin ! And all this interest in affairs Ins i K. Page will come before the repuh- not prevented Ma Tape from it-(i a j licnn voters ut the primary election good housekeeper as she does her own ! May 19, as a candidate foi the house of housework as well as cooking am: iiuk-Ii : representatives' from Marion county. ; seving. j When a woman announces for a pub-: Why did she le ide to enter tin 'axe I lie office, the ipiestion naturally arises for representative? -Mrs. Pago explains j as to what experience she has had in 'it (his way. Having had a training in! j public n'ifairs. Well, .Mrs. Page's ex-: law and business, her friends urged, i perienees during the past Hi years are 1. or to become n candidate cs;. "I'lilly as I not exactly coufiue'l to pink teas and ' they as well as herself, fe't that women ! j discussions of the latest styles. The 1 s'.l.Tgo create J n responsibil',' and, ; fact is, her life lias neon one of work, 1 11'',! those who could do so, slludd be: i study, and the giving of much of her willing to give some of their time to i itime to civic affairs and if nnv of the, public affairs. ; other nine candidates for represent!!- tive can show a broader grasp of puldi affairs and greater civic activity, they must have been pretty busy men. Kxperieuce in the world of affairs is acknowledged to be a first class teacher and this is what Mrs. l'age has been doing 'for the past 1(1 years: Was graduated fro.n the I'niversily of Toronto with high honors. Tom r of mathematics anil secretary of St. Helen's hall, Portland, limi-pim, Teacher and secretary of a school at san Mateo, Cul., 1(M (1!)J5. Teacher of mathematics in th Port- ;,) j,!,,), school, I'lim. Married and become a resident of Sa lem lilOli. Had full chntge of the. books and the business department of the Woodhuni Water Works company, PWU-1012. -Member of the Woman's club of Sa lem since UtOti, serving on tho executive board At present member of the edu cational committee of the Woman's club and also on tig? building committee. .Member of the city public library' board for the past six years, and presi dent of the )junrd for the past four years. Seven business men 0! Salitn end two women are on this board and the men thought so much of her execu ! . , .. . V"' religion for women at 3 " " .V"-. , '-'" Deals With Women; and tho mission serv':(; "t 7:30 p. m. Macleay News Notes r . ,. , u (Cnpit il Journal Special Service.) y ' ' ' Madeay, Or., Mar. 29. The literary society will meet next Saturday even-. ing in the school house to hold its rcg-1'"1" tallies and other ipparutus in 1 T, 1. i 11 stalled. One dish of hot food is cooked ular meeting. Don t lorget tue date ,. ,, ... . . ' ... tor Hie children each noon to eat with and come expecting to hear, see or feel (,,. iulil,n brought from home, something unexpected. The debate fori At a business 11 tiro, of the church ine eveniUL' win tie Kesoiveii, til it tne Those who Willi id-van, rcace at any price" arc illnrrv K. M irtin, Jean livers and Mar- '!'""'. ,r"n' l!-v,'r" an,J .".r" Ijone .Miller, so we may expect a lug 1 , , I Dad Lung Trouble and Expected (o Die The many recoveries brought bout by Eckman'i Alterative are attracting wide attention. Itead about this cast: 3.'l B t., Keyer, W. Vm. rienlrinrai I wh takra nick la Novrmbrr, imm. I trrn utraillly '' Had two conaullatluna. The rllct kis the lerer had alTecle.l my lunar and that air rmnr v aoprleaai only (tra me tna montha to ll.e. My ahyal.-laa kad trlrd moat all kiada ut trrataieat aad auir did "f aar arood, so he aakrd my hus band l( he objm-trd to klm tryin a proprlrlary ardlclae. I lrKn your Allrratlve. I aia la bed froi Novemhrr 30, 1IMW, until Frhmary 2.1, IIM.O. aad as thouaht dylna: rv rral lime., lo.lay 1 ant hrnlll.ler aad atroaajer than ever." ( (Slaord) Mil a. H. K. HIIII.KV. Kckman a Alterative la most eltica eloua In bronchial catarrh anil e Tere throat and luna; affections nnd up-bulldlna- the avstem. Contnlna no harmful or hahit-formlns; .Iruica. Accept no auhstltntea. Hniall aire, II; rcKUlar aize, 12. Kul.l by Ic.-ul-Ing drUKKiata. Write for booklet of recoveries. ieaaaa Laharatsry, pklladelybia . Airs, l'age is perhaps more of a stu- dent than a public speaker although she has appeared frequently in public. Two years ago she addressed the com monwealth conference at Eugene, on 'Women's Service to the Common Health Through the Profession if l.nw." At (he republican rally held Maul. IS at the armory, in the three minutes i allowed each candidate, Mrs. Page said in part: "I believe in the republican party and adherence to a party, because one who tries to act independently, loses most of his force. It is only through party organization that effective re sults can be obtained. I believe ill conservative, legislation ami no law should be added unless necessary, wise and well considered." Mrs. l'age views life from a serious standpoint, and feels that all women should appreciate the responsibility in their hands through suffrage. At present, but five women in Sa lem are entitled to practice law besides Mrs. J'age. They are Mrs. Olive Ku right, Miss K.swther Carson, .Mrs. F. A. Hoyington, Mrs. I.ois Hyrd I pjohn and Miss (labriclle Clarke. At the last session of the legislature, Miss Marion Towne was a representa tive from Jackson -county, but as yet she has not filed for re-election. Miss ICnthryn Clark, who nas in the senate is ut pcrsent proprietor of a hotel at Glendale and is not a candidate. The many friends of .Mrs. Page were surprised when she announced her can didacy as they htul alway known her to be deeply interested in her home af fairs. Hut with her experience in pub lie life and also her knowledge of law she felt she shou'rd do her part, believ ing that it is the duty of women, now that they have the franchise, to use it for the good of the community and to share with their fathers, husbands and brothers the responsibilities and pride of citizenship. 1 . . ... fight, maybe rivaling that on Ford's P' "''(' j Miss Hyers is feeling especially ppoud j because ot the fact that Supervisor J. i W. I,. Smith, who visited the school I recently, said that no other s.-hool in I tho count v was as uti to date, jrnj mod !ern as Macleav's. Pint of this merit- icd praise comes through Mac env hav- . . . . iing a cooking school 111 connection with j Hie public school. The sont.n room of the school house has been fixed over Siindiiv afternoon Mrs. Theion Hss..ll H elected se-retarvt reastirer of the I Next Sunday afternoon at 2 p. ,. the Sunday school will elect officers, I Whist was the diversion of the even- ling at a piiity given at. the home of Mr. ;and Mrs. ('. .1. finms.lcu, Friday evening i March 21, in honor of Hoy liainsden. !Andy Cohen drew high honors while A. j I.. Martin straggled in with the booby prize. After the whist, .1 dainty lunch eon was served by the hinte-.. I Mr. Niewnnder and family, of ilem, are moving to Maclenv. II. II. Hofimnn and sou were visitors at Macleay Sund ly nftci noon. j Miss livers was in I'ortland at the I home of her parents oier Saturday and ' Sunday. I Mr. Kles'ner, 'of Salem, was a iitor at Made iv Sun. lav afternoon. CINNAMON THE BOSS Portland, Ore., Mar. 2'.l. The carcass of a large black bear with its back broken, lying in the den at the city zoo early today told the story of a des perate struggle which was the culmina tion of two years rivalry-bet ween the black bear and a. big cinnamon bear for supremacy in the bear pit. The black animal was killed by be ing tossed off u platform on which the fight occurred. Our Cannon Hit the Mark We want to thank our patrons for their loyal sup port in answer to our append to attend our Dissolution of Partnership Money Raising Sale TSiere is no use of repeating here the prices (hat Prevail at Present. .COME TO OUR SALE , And you will go home happy. Yesterday we had parties from Woodburn, Hubbard, Stayton and other towns. They will certainly all have a good word for us. DON'T DELAY Come and look over our wonderfully complete stock of Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings. EASTER IS NEAR Come, let us fit you out for Easter and save you Money. CROWDED STORE , Our store was jammed from morning until nig! I with actual buyers, and it is our aim to please all. For we are determined to have this sale make permanent customers for" our future welfare We guarantee every purchase made during this sale. SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK Brick Corner State and Liberty Streets. Formerly Oscar Johnson's Plymouth Brig. Gen. John J. Pershing "The Manof Sorrow" i (Ity 1'hited Press.) I Washington, Mar. 'Jl( A fighting sol idier who wins buttles by diplomacy is h rarity. Hut that is the distinction ac j corded Hrigndier General John J. I'er Isliiug, the "man of sorrow'1 of the lariny, whose beautiful wife mid three lluiby girl children were burned to death 1 in 1 fire that destroyed their home in ISnu l-'rancist-o, August 7, 11(15, I .Many and picturesipie are the tales 'told of this lienu iirunuucl of the army; in ha.idsome, da-hing soldier; brilliant jaud bloody in buttle, equally brilliant ill bloodless .-on.iic-ts; hero of romance jnnd strife; .1 linguist, diplomat, scholar; a man who won his rank as much I , through peaceful conipiering of his en jemies as through daring leadership in I 'military campaigns against them. I I 1 crsning ami ine rniiippiues arc syn jonymous. It was Pershing, then Cap t lin Pershing of the First, later the j Fifteenth, Cavalry who drew the task of sulliniing the fanatical Moros on i Mindanao and Jolo. He was given : 2,20(1 men ami fiee reign. jot one of I those men was sacrificed in battle, la '.stead of beginning a war ol' extcrmina jtion igninst the Moros, Captain Per ching began n study of their language. I He soon mastered their tongue, lie as sembled the Moros, fanatical Momiiiii Imedans, on Fridays, (their Sundays), jand taking texts from the Koran talked to them on reconciliation with the I'ni jted, St ites gov'riimcnt. In this way, I without fighting a. single buttle, he won jail hut two of the mountain tribes, and j was consecrated a Ihitto by he Sul ; tans of the trib-'s. 1. i . . . ...... Hut with the two tribes who spurned his efldits at peaceful conquest, he siiowed relentless and crushiiiL' uower. I Their strong mountain forts fell before his onslaught until forty had been cap jture.l and their list stronghold taken. One hundred and seventy-five Moms paid the extreme penalty in battle tor j their folly. (Inly 13 American sol fliers were wounded, none killed, j His conquest in Mindanao resulted in 'Pershing's appointment as Adjutant 'General of that island and Jolo. and Colonel Koosevelt, then President, sur prised the entire army organiz ition by j promoting him oer the heads of SH2 (ranking officers to be Ilrigadicr Gen eral. I Hut his promotion enme only after a bitter struggle that threatened for a itime to blacken him forever. He lii. ; married the daughter of Senator Wir 1 ren, of Wyoming, a year before pronio j'ion. in January, l!i 15. The web ling was one of the most brilliant social af- TT -1 1 SiwotA is Contains No Injurious Material, Good for all Leathers, The Quick, Durable Shine. Accept no Substitute. If Dealer cannot Supply you send to &iinoiA Company, Rochester, N.Y. BLACK TAN WHITE Bros EXPERT TELLS FACTS ABOUT HEW ' HERBAL SKi:iE"m The many sufferer from sk'n tortures Itch, hum and pain will be Rlail to know ft new article that is made from Nature's herbs, and will soodie and begin healing ut 6uun m applied has been pi'cn by science for the relief of the many disheartened martyr-i-tMr. K, J. Cramer who it doinff Bonie tre cial work with the American Medicine Com pany of Alleulown end whom you are at lib erty to addrcs in care ol that lirm, writeii "I gave a box of D'EXMA to Smart M. -Kirby, 513 Turner St.. of tliif city, and Mi. McKirby lias just come to me with the (ollovi ing statement 1 'I was troubled with a radi ad over my armi and hands. I have tried sever."! remedies, but none seemed to have any rife-1 or benclit me. - I tried one ho.t of D KXM'V talve. After applyiim daily fur 11 week I am pleased ito say lliat my skin is all cleared 0.1 and I heartilyiudoiso auii recommend llci jemedy.' s Why milter froffl'tinslRhtly eruptions or ton fire of tczema. or running sores, or puis.rn rathes, when this wonderful new diicvny will at once stop all lullcriug and brijin lienl at once? - We are thj only druggistf fn thi tnv.rc from whom D'EXMA, the great herbal bat: 1. 1111 be icun-d, Ak us today. Crown Drug company, 332 State St. fairs In the history of the cnpitol. Angry criticisms arose, some chargin; that the promotion was due to f ivorii isiu. lioosevelt asserted tlint lie did not- recall at all the fact that Gonerin Pershing was 11 son-in law of Seaali.r Warren when he promoted him. Of his three little baby dnuglito.-t w ho were burned to dc it'll when hi-i wile lost her life, one was born i i Tokyo. Japan, in ISXHi, while Die then Capliiiu Pershing was military attach.: at the Japanese embassy; one was born in P.iiguio, Philippines, in IPus, and tho youngest was born in uaboang.i. I'iii' ippines, in HI12. General Pershing's first fighting c perieuce was against the Indian .un law lleroiiiuio on a punitive expediting into Mexico in the laic eighties. II later twiight against the Sioux Indian-, in the I la Lot as, served ns Milituv In structor of cadets at the 1'niversity o' Nebiaskn, and nr. adiniiiistiator of a -fairs in the provines of Mindanao tongues of many lu.liin and Phili.p:iM tribes. General Pershing was sent In the Mexican border in 1IH2, and serve I continuously there. ASSOCIATION DID IT Xew York, Mar. 29. -As the result a saloon fight, John W. MeGrntli. pii, ate secretary to Colonel lioosevelt, weifr to Kl.ickwells Island tudav for a s.. joura of :(0 days. HOME'SET ii Genuine Bristle Dauber Big Lamb's Wool Polisher Easily worth 50c Sold ,to make the use of SfiwoiA pleasant at 25c. With OnlMOlA 35c. ' Wax and Oils mm i. J. II I