TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL ,TOT RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAR. 29, 1916. Backache, Swelling Dear Edilor: , I appeal to those of Tour readers who are bothered with backache and a con stant tired, feelings to give "Anuric" a trial. It is a remedy recently discov red by Dr. Pierce of the Invalids' Ho tel, Buffalo, N. Y. I suffered from "back lche, swelling of hands and feet, too frequent excretion from the kid neys and many other symptoms. Was iiiiable to work, but after taking just one box of "Anuric" according to di rections I am again able to perform hit daily duties. (Signed) W. R. BIUY. Note: Folks in town and adjoining counties are delighted with the results they have obtained by using "AN 1'KIC," the newest discovery of Dr. Fierce, who is head of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, in Buffn lo, N. Y. Thoso who started the day with a backache, stiff legs, arms and muscles, and an jching head (worn out before the day began because they SOCIETY ALINB THOMPSON ft RRANOKMENTS for the premier L dinner dunce at the Hotel Alarum Friday evening, have sufficiently advanced to warrant prediction that it will be one of the most delightful inno vations of the season. Mr. Miller is doing everything pos- ible to make these, soirees tempt a large gathering of devotees ind trom reports a number of tables have already been engaged by tho married set and younger society men for the premier. M tt Mr. and Mrs. John McNary enter tained last nigfat with several tables of five hundred, their guests were the members of the Merry-Go-Hound club composed of about thirty prominent so ciety folk. Saturday the Phi Delta Phi fratern ity will hold its annual banquet in 1'ortlnnd, at the Hotel lienson. Judge Cleland will preside. Among the speakers will be Judge Henson, of .Salem; James B. Kerr and Kalph W. Wilbur, of Portland. "overs will be placed for one hun dred mcu prominent in legal circles. t N 51rs William Burghardt who lias) been 1 guest of friends and relatives in Portland for several days returnod last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson 0. Dibble ami daughter, Miss Carol Dibble, who hnve been sojourning in Palo Alto for tho ist five months, arrived Jiomo last night. Mrs. " B. Houston, of Salem, form erly of Rosnhurg, has been visiting at the home of Mrs. H. D. Graves on Kane street, and renewing old friendships and acquaintances while here. Mrs. Houston is en route to Santa Rosn, Cal ifoniiv, where she expects to make her future home. Thursday, Mrs. J. C. Viillerton gave a luncheon in -.a. Hous ton 's honor at lier homo id West Rose burg. Covers were laid at the attract ion luncheon table for tho following ptests: Mrs. R. B. Houston, Mrs. H. I). (Jraves, Mrs. J. F. Darker, Mrs. G. C. Rewell, Misa Iluick and tho hostess. Mrs. Fullerton's guests were all Mrs. Houston's friends of former days. Roseburg Review. A bevy of little girls gathered as the Ciiesta of Miss Ruth lluckner Sntur day ifternoon to participate in her eighth birthday party given at the liomo of her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. W. V. lluckner. The table was adorned with pink carnations and candles with covers for Rovena Kyre, Constance Fox, Durell Anderson, Margaret, Lewis, Helen Pat terson, Winonv Smith, Paulino Welsh, Marry Cupper und the little hostess. . Mrs. Hurry H. Olingor has returned from a seveinl days visit in Portland. m Mr. and Mis. Frank Duibin were hosts for a five hundred party Monday evening, their guests included the mem bers of the Nemo club and n tablo of additional pliyers. Card honors were won by Mrs. William Dunccy and Dr. R E. Ijto Steiner. The Queen Esther Circle of tho Les lie M. E. church composed of about twenty voting girls met nt the home of Wise Florence Simons Monday even ing; Dainty refreshen t followed tho busi ness meeting. Those present were tho Misses Alice Burlibart, Alfreds Gihbs, Arneta Rob erta, Alice Sperling, Cleo Walker, Edith Seamstcr, Elsie linynton, Florence Gof fer, (lladvs Olsen, Florence Simmons, Helen Hardv, Lucilo Olson, l.ennii Morgin, Helen Peterson, Marlowe Mil ler, Rebecca Samuels, Sophia Thompson, IVda Roten ami Mrs. H. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McClniu have had as their guests for several davs, Mr. nd Mrs. Milton Kggleston, f,f Seattle, who are en route homo from their wedding trip. Misa Hattio Day who has been visit ing relatives and friends in Portland Don't wait until used keep a PERFECT leetal A Standard Ethical Winc Send 2c stamp today for a generous trial package or Dr. Lyon's Perfect Dental Cream or Tooth Powder. L W. Lyon ft Sobs, Inc.,8 1 W. 27 St, N.w York Gty Mi of Hands and Feet I were in and out of bed half a dozen times at night) are appreciating the perfect rest, comfort and new strength they obtained from Dr. Pierce's An- ; uric Tablets. To prove that this is j certain uric acid solvent and conquers headache, kidney and bladder diseases and rheumatism, if you've never used i the "Anuric," cut this out and send ten cents to Doctor Pierce for a large jlamplo package. This will prove to I you that "Anuric" is thirty-seven times more active than Iithia in elim inating uric acid and the most per fect kidney and bladder corrector. If you are a sufferer, go to your best druggist and ask for a 50-cent box of "Anuric." Yon run no risk for Dr. Pierce's good name stands behind this I wonderful new discovery as it has for j the past half century fur his "Golden I Medical Discovery," a general tonic i made from roots with pure glycerine j which makes the blood pure, his " IV (vorite Prescription" for weak women land "Pleasant Pellets" for liver ills. for the past throe months, has returned home. Saturday night the young women of Lausanne h ill of the Willamette uni versity will give a reception from eight to ten thirtj' o'clock. The pub lic is cordially invited. Miss Flossio Day and smill niece, Maijorie Day, of Portland, were over Sunday guests at the resilience of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Day, on East Center street. : . A mothers meeting will be held in the Lincoln school Thursday, March tho thirtieth at two-thirty o'clock. Mrs. .lames Fairchild and Mm. Lewis Hall will give a talk on " Coinpanion siiin of the Child." . A general discussion of the topic will follow. PERSONALS D. L. Kent, of Monmouth, is in the city. Mrs. J. J. Yoder, of Molalla, is in the city. i. Guard, of Turner, was ill tho city yesterday. 1'. II. Drexler, ot Independence, is a Salem visitor. W. F. Coke, of Eugene, is registered at the Marion. Mrs. Clara Carter, of Roseburg, was in the city yesterday. Henry Niger was in the city yester day, from Kaiser Bottom. Ivan G. Martin was in Silverton yes terday on legal business. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hulen, of Water loo, were in the city yesterday. Mrs. C. L. Gulbreath. of Independ ence, was a Salem visitor yesterday. Otto Cule was transacting business in the city yesterday, from Scio. J. E. Scott returned this morning from a trip to Mehania ou real estate business. Ed Pinsecki, of Dallas, is in the city lie is democratic candidate for district attorney from Polk county. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dibble and daugh ter, Miss Carol, returned yesterday aft er spending the winter at Pulo Alto, Oil. Throw Off Colds and Prevent Grip. When vou feel a cold coming on, take LAXATIVE HHOMO QUIX1XB. It re moves cnuse of Colds and Grip. Onlv Ono "HliOMO QUININE." E. W. GROVE'S signature urr box, 25c. School Opens at Oregon ; State Penitentiary Yesterday was the first d iv of school at the state pen and about 50 convicts signed up for courses. Today the num ber of 'scholars" had increased and Superintendent of Instruction. Frank Dnviea announced that he has an earn est, eiitiiusi.utic student body. As yet the prison school is only in the experi mental stage ml the instruction is of an elementary character. Later it is prolMiblo that more equipment will be added anil if tho school proves to lio the success that tho beginning indicates the legislature will bo asked for an ap propriation to give manual training courses to fit. the prisoners lor useful trades when they fiuish their terms in side the walls. Mr. Davies is assisted by two con vict instructors who have had the ad vantage of advanced education ami he I will probably add others to liis stuff ns the enrollment increases. The school hell rings ut 10 o'clock each morning and the recitations begin. As yet no rules hnve been broken and not one of the "scholars" bus hail to stand on the floor and none have been "kept in after school. A cold panenek makes it satistactmv patch for a blown-out automobile tire if enrefullv vulcanized over the hole. the tube is entirely supply ahead of Cream Night In a Field Hospital Near Firing Line at Salonica Ey William O. Shepherd. (I'nited Press Staff Correspondent.) Salonica, Greece, Feb. 25. (By mail) The first night after the operation was sleepless. The tent flapped and the tent poles creaked in the Macedonian winds. The morphine Itiiocaiou the Canadian nurse had given dulled the pain but brought to oblivion. The candle on. the little pine locker at the head of the cot sputtered in the gust and reading was out of the question. The six blankets weighed 1 ton, but every one was needed. On the fourth other cots in the tent were tho huddled forms of British offi cers. At short intervals Nurse Johnson came in. She was swathed in a huge sweater. A thick toboggan cap almost hid her face and she swung a lantern in her niittened hands. "Not asleep yet A little more hot milk might help you. If you were in Englishman you '1 want some tea, I sup pose. You know Canadians don't care very much for tea either." The night was divided off into six drinks of milk which the nurse heated on an oil stove in her tent nearby. At last the bugle the alarm clock of the umy bounded the morning "wake-up." It was six o'clock. With in 10 minutes there came sounds of in tense activity from the tents in which the 200 young fellows from Toronto who make up the force of orderlies in the Fourth Canadian hospital; they were the noises of getting up; sputter ills; of the cold morning wash; whistling of the latest New York songs for phonograph records come by every mail. By seven o'clock everybody is awake. A very much-muffled up little nurse with- a sparkling smile ind two bnsins of steaming warm water enters the tent. Behind tier comes a bov from Canada in the uniform of au orderlv, with two more basins. This is for the morning wa-h. The nurse departs to get our break fast. The orderlv, being in a friendly mood, st mds in the center of the tent and survevs the occupants of the vari ous cots, a British major, two British aptains and a British lieutenant. Lot it be understood that no British order ly ever addresses n British officer first; the advances must conic from the offi cer. Hut this wns a Cinadian orderlv. "Well, how'd everybody sleep last night J" he says. To your surprise the British offieors don't freeze him. One and nil they say they have slept well. Then you realize tnat they have been in the hos pital for some time; that thev are ac quainted with this Canadian ' orderly and his free and easy Canadian ways. "Sod I, he says. "Slept liko n bug iu a rug. Anything extra any of vou want? How about you, Mr. New York ? ' That's you, he's t liking to. No, you're contented. "It's a cold day and windy," says the orderly. "No (lermnn aeroplanes today. But sav. tnlk about cold. This is nothing." He's over iu a corner of the tent now talking to a British cap tain one of the profession il soldier kind from a top notch family in Eng land, who has been stationed in In din, Egypt, Uibrnltar and almost ev ery otiier place where Kritish soldiers go "why in Canada it gots twico as cold as this.'.' " Is thit so? How cold docs it really get f " asks the officer. 4 4 Well, you know 1 once belonged to the Salvation Army in Toronto. 1 played the big drum at the street meet ings and I've seen it so cold, that we couldn't hold meetings; had to give 'em up for a day or so." "That's always the way with the orderly," said the captain ifter the or derly departed. "He always makes you think he's going to tell you something interesting and then it winds up flat." We're having breakfast now, sitting up iu bed. "Funny people in this world," says the captain, after being wanned liid comforted bv his first, big swallow of coffee. "You've got to understand them and make allowance for them, yon know. Can't judge a whole nation by a few of its people. Was a time when I couldn't understand Americans. They seemed to be most extraordinary people. It began when I was walking along the street in Gibraltar ono morning in full rig. "Awfully pretty American girl jump ed out iu front of me with her camera and sni.l to her friends, 4 Oh, look nt Mis nifiy little officer.' Then alio snap ped her earner i and smiled at men nud went right away. .Cnusual, huht But you know I ot acquainted with her after that and I found out she was ono of the finest girls I ever knew. If I hadn't uot acquainted with her, what do ' on think 1 l have thought of Amer icans all the rest of my life f 1 metn 'o say 1 never would undestrand them." About 10 in the morning a huge Can adian medical otficer passes through the tent. "Has anybody any complaints " he asks. Kunytiiiug going alright with everybody f" He's the orderly officer of the day, and if you don't like the wav the hospital is hein" run he's the fellow to tell about it. Everybody's contented, so he goes on his way. By l.iis lime the ward or the tent has been put into tip top shape, by the orderly and the little nurse. The beds have been made, the little open-faced lockers nt the head of each bed in which each patient keeps his books, his c indies, his medicine and his cigarets ami outer Keiongings are put in order and then comes a flood of doctors. This Caiiiidinu tent hospital cost the peiude of Toronto n quarter of a million dollars. Some of the best surgeous and the most expert physicians on the Nortn American continent are here in Salon ic i with this unit. It seemed to me that there was a specialist for every known human ailment or for any pos sible sort oi a wound. These doctors puss about among the patients, each at tending to his own particular caws ind toe Inter part of every forenoon ia fill ed with this activity. Then conies the isit of the superin tendent. His visit tops it all off. I'su ally all the specialists go on tho rounds with him. each describing his case. The superintendent steps at your bed. "New case," says the surgeon, point ing at you. "How are yon feeling, young miuf" asks the superintendent. "Well, I hnve lelt better." "What did you t-ayf" bending his head aud turning an ear toward you. 44 1 said 1 have felt better." 4 4 Aren't you an American f" he asks. "Seems to me I've heard talk just like yours in New York." "1 am, and I've lived in New York, too." 4 4 Bless your-heart. We're glad to have you here. You're right among your own kind of folks. We're going to have you all right in a couple of weeks and in the meantime we're going to drop in now and then and hear you talk that New York twang of yours." And he did, more than once. Every doctor in the hospital with few excep tions hid studied, at one time or an other, in some American city, chiefly New York or Baltimore. WANT $900,000 DAMAGES. Philadelphia, Pa., March 29. The Baltimore Federal league club today sued the National baseball commission and James Oilmore, Charles II. Weeghmaa and Harry A. Sinclair, of the defunct Federal, league for ir'.'IOO,000 in the federal court. They claimed $900,000 under the Sherman anti-trust act providing for a treble verdict. BORN PRESXAU. Tj' Mr. and Mrs. B. H. j Presnall, at their, home on Maple ave nue, March 2,S, 1910, a son. " Dr. Waite Fed Malignant N'ew York, Mar. 29. Cynical offi cial scrutiny was given today to Dr. Arthur Warren Waite 's wierd story of supernatural influence forcing him to poison John K. reck, his father-in-law, and kill Mrs. Peck with a fiendish con coction of malignant disease germs. District Attorney Hwnnn planned to ask Mrs. Margaret Horton, close associ ate ot" Dr. Waite, if he had ever told her about this sinister power, which he described ns the 14 nun from -Kfr.ypt." If she never heard of it before, Hwann is prepared to heliove the whole yarn nn invention designed to bolster up Dr. Waite 's insanity defense. In confessing the double murder, Dr. Waite asserted that the 4 4 man from Egypt" was an 44alter-ego" a spirit of evil come out of the ancient past! to fight with his own soul for posses- sion of his eirthly body; Ho said this astral being was always with him at tempting to dominate his every act. Sometimes, he declared, he ran miles through tho night, over fences and across wild empty country trying, to escape from the baneful influence. But, 4:)):4:;c ; Hcthe complaint that the defendunt owes a bill to the company for the sum of rniTOT UHIIQC NPWQ i420 and in addition to a judgment in LUUA1 III UOL nClIU this sum the plaintiff seeks to recover ifc I interest and the costs of the action. The Marfton county grand jury re-1 can precinct committeeman of the West ported yesterduy in department No. l! Hubbard precinct. The other republi of the circuit court which was convened can precinct couimitreeman who filed by Judge Kelly. The grand jury today were J. II. Koland, of the Jeffer brought in six" indictments, five of n precinct; George W. Weeks, of Sa which were secret, a true bill wasjlein, and N. D. Elliott, for precinct found charging Patrick O'Oonnell with No. IS. perjury. The indictment charges that OT'oniiell made an affidavit for the Dowey Taylor, who was arre-ti d yes purchase of alcohol stating that he I leruny by the Salem polic: on u charge wanted the liquor as mi ointment for a ! 'f carrying concerned weapons was sore foot but it is charged that he l"a'-d today by Judr-i il-iMioy i:i the found something the matter with hiM stomach nnd changed the treatment. A not true bill was found in tho case of Harry Cratty, who was charged with the non-support of his minor son, Albert Cratty. The grand jury will meet again Thursday morning to consider a number i of othcr"cases that will be investigated, j I A complaint was tiled in the circuit 1 court of this county today by the Port land Railway, Light & Power company against A. C. Krieger. It is alleged in ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap subtitutca cost YO0 Mine pric. These Prices good until further Notice. We de liver any place in city and reasonable distance in country. 3 cans I.ibby 's solid pack Tomatoes Sc 3 cans best Iowa Corn 25c 3 cans String Beans 25c Large sue Pineapple 25c 2 cans choice table Peaches 25c 2 cans choice table Apricots 25c 3 cans extra choice Salmon; 25c 3 cans extra choice stag Oysters : 25e 2 cans fxtra choice Columbia River Salmon 25c tl cans oil Sardines 25c 3 cans minced dams 25c UN. MORRIS Phone 1467 2576 rair Grounds Road TO WORK IN BED MOST OF TIME Her Health Restored byLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. TndinnnnAlifl. Indiana. "Mr health was so poor and my constitution so run , i, i i u down mat i couia not work. I was thin, pale and weak, weighed but 109 pounds and was in bed most of the time. I began tak ing Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and five months later I weighed 133 pounds. I rln nil the housa- ,niV arA wToaViurr for eleven and 1 can vvwnauu n ....,- truthfully say Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound has been a godsend to me for I would have been in my grave today but for it. I would tell all wo men suffering as I was to try your valu able remedy."-Mrs. Wu. Green, 332 S. Addison Street, Indianapolis, Indiana. There is hardly a neighborhood in this country, wherein some womBn has not found health by using this good old fashioned root and herb remedy. If there ia anything about which you would, like special advice, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. His Victims Disease Germs he said,, when he fell exhausted the "man from Egypt" was right at his shoulder whispering in his ear. Ac cording to Dr. Waite, tiiis influence sert urffinsr him to kill Mr. and Mrs. Peck. Finally it dictated how he should do it. t'uder the spell of its power, Dr. Waite said he visited morgues and hospitals, seeking germs to kill Mrs. Peck. At last lie confessed Riving her an injection of many different germs. When, she was near death he gave her morphine. When it came time to kill Peck, Dr. Waite confessed ho also tried germs on him first but they worked so slowly that he used arsenic. To conceal his crime he then tried to bribe an un dertaker to put arsenic, in his em balming fluid, so the autopsy surgeon's finding of poison would not indicate guilt. The police are looking for this un dertaker. According to Waite, the undertaker- accepted about ir!,0d0 to fix tho fluid. Detectives said Waite experimented with wholo colonies with typhus, pneu monia, diptheria and influenza bacilli. J. i.. ( utvert tiled today tor repuiiii- , '"lody of his parents via should 1 brouii his promises the jw'tje frout'ec; t5 rene' him out to tho reform jehcel. Tlx lor has been to the school bi ton; :.nd reated some sensation n: ! n'.e.'t'.lij of the Salvation Armv Sund ;v Might whi n h,! flourished a gun, tcco'dinj; to the e',wt, and stated that he was t,oinpr to shoo a couple of men who thl'c itencd ,0 n c'' llim- ils ia J" .Vt';lr'i ot' m W 7 rt y . i i. 1. 1 i v ivFiivf- i in ri.iii-.i ill... vn II .i , ,. : : , . or Police Y elsh to stand trio! on n iiiiii:,!- ui, .-, -jui '11 i.uliit'i ii- ' . . . . .In, ,, n..4 II lo .'it..l i: ..i hrs" case will be investigated hv the . . - grand jury nnd it is possible that an indictment on another charge will be brought against him. A marriage license was issued today by the county clerk to Carl Ramsdcm. a farmer of Howell lrntrie. nud Hoildii E. Binegar, of Central Howell. ,no:e Auiims. no was,, to'iIu(,0 Orpgorv finally allmveil her th;. city yesterday cven.og by 1 liter; - t J miir. jyer. Ue begged Judge iiregory not to Annie Schmidt wns nppdntcl by be 4'a fourth member of the prosecu Judge Bushey today as execu'iix of the tion." Judge Gregory took offense at estate of Joi.aiiiia Kancer, who 'lied in I this and made Kennedy retract the re this county, March 17, leaving 'in is ! mark. He did so, then implored the tate consulting of personal property to ' judge to be a 44fair referee," and not the value e? $1,000 The heirs iav 1crn to let the girl appear in court again. Bonkowsky, a daughter residing i" The lawyer wept, tears trickling down Linn county, Annie Schmidt, n daui.hter: hi, cheeks, and his voice was choked residing in Marion county, mid j wjtj, s,,bs an he cried: Kaucer, a son also residing in Marion r nover asked a favor before, but county. Vlie nppiaisers are Max Mstti. !.,. , jn ,b . n't mit her back Lawrence Hessel and Frank ll-'ssel. C. A. Crockett Arrested 9o?l fft Hivn Onorortirl Hero IMIlkl 111 I 1 11 B. I la.l . I.ewiston. Idaho. Mar. 2ft. C. A. Crocket, arrested here through the ef forts of a detective agency on a charire of attempting to victimiie a local bank, will be returned to Stockton, Cal. A warrant charging obtaining mone farse prtertsos is snid to be standing agaiust him in the Son Joaquin metropolis. He is said to have operated in Salem M"" mouse, chcniing a note m nuuign and The Dalles. Crocket 's plan of opera-: ter's "ship of honor" and sinking it tion, it is said, was to deposit a draft! and cash as mnnv checks as possibl before the worthlessuessi of the draft was discovered. Try Capital Jotirnai want Ads. -SHIPLEY'S-- Stork Week Specials "LITTLE GARMENTS AT LITTLE PRICES" Every Infant Garment that c had left from last season is included in this sale. You will find Infants' Dresses, Slips, Flannel Wear, Skirts, Bibs, Kimonas, and all styles of In fants' garments at prices that you could not dupli cate even if you were an expert seamstress. FOUR CENTER AISLE TABLES All Garments , at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES U. G. SHIPLEY CO. 145 North Liberty Street Bargains in Second Hand Furniture FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW E.L. STIFF & SON 1 ifft.50 largo Kitchen Cupboard ,like new S)t.5tl )$ l l.flO Glass Front White Maple Cupboard $7.50 1 $7.00 Kozy Kitchen Treasure, like new, used prico $3.00 1 $1.75 Kitchen Table $1.00 1 $11.00 Koyal Oak Princess D esser, can't bo told from new $8.00 1 $8.50 Commode to match above $3.00 1--$12.50 Gas Eango '-00 1 $22.50 Royal Oak Sideboard $12.50 ti foot Extension Tables $2.00 up 1 $12.00 Kir Kitchen Cabinet, complete $'-00 1 $22.50 Plank Top Solid Oak Extension Table $11 1 $8.50 Full Quartered Oak Uockcr $3-50 Trado in your old furniture oAi something new you like and get a square deul. E. L. Stiff & Son ' Quick Sales and Small Trofits." One Lawyer for Defense Broke His Hand and An other Shed Tears Oroville, Cal., March 2!). 44You are tighting with horse shoes in your gloves.'" shouted Defense Counsel Ken nedy today when the prosecution in Rev. Madison Slaughter's trial put Ger trude Lamson, aged 15, back on the stand to testify she was not Slaugh- 1 tcr's wife This was necessary in order to make the state's case complete, according to a ruling by the supreme court. Ken nedy contended that the girl could not legally be recalled after M'ina 1 argu ments to the jury had commenced, jiud mnnv hard words were hurled before to return and answer tho inquiry. . . . .i i It is apparent the wry will begin . L L ii i flnnaiilAvahnit f ,t rnnnrht The Tocution this afternoon began I I,- f;nnl n. n....l ODL.nif illt.f Silllllirh. its final appeal asking that Slaugh ter be convicted of attacking Gertrude. The fight to recall Gertrude began when the defense demanded that the whole case bo dismissed because it was , not shown that sho was not Slaughter's wife. Kennedy roasted Attorney Gen eral Jones as being a school boy law- on tho stand.' slaughter looked rather harrowed: when his counsel broke down. All tho J I nrntfiTii urntlt fnr nnm-llt. hnWfVpr. nlld ' : Judiro' Gregory cave permission. With' ' I quiet smiles of triumph the prosecutors saw Gertrude demurely enter the room and mounting the witness stand, give the required testimony. When the dramatic, incident was end ed jury arguments were resumed, '.icr- tmde. who had been called a natural born liar and who was said by defense lawyers to hnve much vicious knnwl - Ige, was likened by Kennedy to a lit to the bottom 0f the sea ot intamy. 11 ited manv instances wherein ho al- leged good men had been sent to prison j and shorn of their reputations by lying j During a portion of the time ho dis- Salem, Oregon cussed his own interest in tho case. He explained that his talents were for sale, and that what ho might be personally had nothing to do with tho trial. Defense Counsel Schooler wore a bandage on his hand today, as a result of having broken it while pounding on the wall lor emphasis. News From Jefferson Way (Capit il Journal Special Service.) Jefferson, Or., Mar. 2'.). Monroe Nye was in town Monday. lOugcne Howlev nits in Sniein .Mon dav. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wain were iu the neighboihood Sunday. Superintendent of Schools W. M. Smiti wsited Sunnvside school Mon day. William Wilkening made a trip to Sa lem Monday. Guy I handler has been busy li .uil'mir wood to town. STEAMER KILBRIDE SUNK London, Mar. 20. The British stenin ers Kilbride, 3,700 tons, aud Westoll, 3.100 tons, have been sunk, according to announcement bv the udmiralty today. The crows of both ships were saved. THAT TIRED FEELING Rtlievd by Hood'a Sarsaparilla, Which Renovate th Blood. That tired feeliwr that comes to vou in the sprinp, year after year, is a sicn that vour blood lacks vitality, lust as pimples. boils and othererup tiotis are iBn that it is Impure; and it is also a sicn that your system is in a low or run-down condition in vitinc disease. It Is a warning, which It Is wise to heed. Ask your druBKist for Hood s Bar Kaparillsw This old standard tried and true blood medicine relieves that tired fcrllns. It cleanses the blood, cives new life, new cul'aKf; etreiiKth and cheerfulness. ' makes the rich red blood that will jke you feel, look, eat and sleep better. He sure to pet Hood s, because It Is the best. There is no other eom ntnatlon of roots, barks and herbs like it no real substitute for it no "tnst-as-KOod" medicine. EXHIBITION Late Spring Styles, Coals, Suits and Dresses. Special Orders Taken. Thursday Only U. G. SHIPLEY COMPANT j rT 3 4 IMPERIAL BEAUTV : PARLORS t T 301 Bank of Commerce Building, Phone 303 Salem, Ore. t