Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 29, 1916, Image 1

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fffk ' Hi ! (III f
First Train Halted by Signal, One Following Crashed Into it
and Both Were Thrown On Parallel West Bound Track
1 Twentieth Century Limited Crashed Into This Wreck
age and Was Derailed But None of Its Passengers
Hurt-Baby Born In Cars After Wreck
' Cleveland, Ohio, March 29. Wih a crash audible two
miles away three trains piled up near Amherst, Ohio, be
fore dawn today, killing at least 27 persons and injuring
more than 40.
Most of the casualties occurred in the first sectwn of
eastbound Lake Shore train number 86, which was 'pro
ceeding slowly through a dense fog when the second sec
tion dashed into it. The shock threw both trains from
their own rails- to the westbound track and a moment
later the Twentieth Century ploughed into the wreckage.
People fully two miles distant from the scene say they
could distinctly hear the terrible noises of the horror
the shrieks of dying and mangled victims, the roar of
escaping steam and the shouts of trainmen. In the still
ness of early morning the sounds carried far through
the mist.
It was so dark that the engineer of the second secti.
did not see the red lantern which a brakeman, sent back
to warn him, swung frantically before his eyes as the
locomotive flashed by and rushed on toward the doomed
train and its sleeping passengers.
Ambulances from Lorain, Amherst and Elyria at
tempted to speed through the dense fog and bring succor
to the injured, but all stuck in the mud. The injured lay
on the ground more than two hours. Most of them were
taken to Elyria at G:30 a. m. on a' special train.
Iiatest News From Wreck.
Cleveland, Ohio, Mar. 20. Twenty
seven men mid women were known to
have been mangled to death today when
three trains were wrecked near Am
herst, Ohio. Conservative estimates
said the total killed would be 2 to 30.
More than 40 we're injured. Fifteen
of the dead have been identified and
there are nine unidentified. Several
mure bodies may be pieced tog-ther
from fragments in the wreckage.
A. S. Ingalls, general superinrer
dent of the New York fYntril, sa'u iliia
nf-ornoon that n sleepy towr lean was
probably responsible for th. h.irr -r.
One towormnns' wif) gav? birlh to
a child Sunday and th a: Mi, Asserted
In-galls. had gone without sleep for sever.-.
He was on duty, it is said, when the
second section of a Lake Shore train
with Engineer Hess at the throttle,
Luring through the dense Tog at 50
miles an hour, flashed past two light
signals ' showing ' n" clear" and
crashed into the first section, which
was moving slowly.
Many were killed as they slept. The
terrific impact made the locomotive;
shear its way through two coaches.!
Then both trains jumped the mils audi
tumbled upon the westbound track.!
where the Twentieth Century Limited
iumedintelv plunged into the debris.
The dead were litcrnllv torn limb
from limb and mnnv of the inin-ed
were mangled bevnnd description. Their I
erV. were audible at a distance of two
Three Trains.
Cleveland, Ohio. Mar. 20. Twentv-'
three boilies from the Amherst wreck I
I cnimio Peter", who Graduated with
s.n h hivh honors last .lime, i n--tin'
at 'Ji ' . K. livery barn ilurin' th' rush
looms. Slvia l'a.-h proceed t' Pinky
Ketr t May, I Mi t it-u. so sudden he
:.s';od fer a rei ite.
'M To-o W I It J
are at the Amherst morgue today, two
at Lorain and two at Elyria.
Forty-three persons were Injured, ac
cording to latest counts, some fatally.
The second section of . Lake Shore
train No. 80, speeding east in a dense
fog, crashed into the 'first section and
a few minutes later the Twentieth Cen
tury Limited, westbound, ploughed into
the wreckage.
A statement issued by the railroad at
S a. m. said that four men were killei'
and that a mnil clerk and a porter were
hurt. Unofficial counts, however, placed
the casunlties both in dead and injured
much higher than that.
Three coaches were completely de
molished. All were hurled from the
rails. One locomotive which kept on
the tracks and mnnnged to get clenr
with one car took the dead ami injured
toward Elyria. The Elyria hospitals re
ported having 15 wnnnifed. Four ambu
lances which rushed to the scene con
veyed mangled passengers to Elyria and
I). C. Moon, general manager of the
New York Central road, said:
Third Train Did the Killing.
"The engineer of the first section
was stopped by a signal at Amherst,
we do not know just how. The second
section should have been stopped by the
automatic block signal system or by a
warning front the flagman of the fiiv.t
section. The Twentieth Century Limit
ed was derailed, and nobody aboard it
was injured. We have no track of the
second section's engineer."
N". C. Upp, superintendent of the Bell
Telephone company at Amherst, describ
ed the accident as follows: "The first
section ran slowly because of the fog.
The second ran by the flagman's signal
and crushed into it. Cars of both trains
were thrown upon the westbound trnck.
Then the Twentieth Century Limited
ran into the wreckage and was itself
wrecked. None of the passengers in the
steel curs were seriously hurt. Sev-
(Continued on Page Seven.)
Must Abrogate
By Robert J. Bender.
I United Press staff correspondent.)
Washington, Mar. 20. Not only a
complete disavowal and punishment of
the offending submarine commander,
but absolute abrogation of the kaiser's
decree against armed merchantmen will
be demanded by the United States if
Germany admits that a Teuton subma
rine torpedoed the channel steamer Sus
sex without warning. The Alternative
ill be severance of diplomatic rela
tions. If it is proved that a submarine
was responsible, even 11" Berlin refuses
to admit it, the same action will be
taken. This will be the American at
titude in the latest submarine develop
ments, it was declared today.
President Wilson desires n complete
settlement of the undcrsen boat issue,
including the Litsitnniu incident. ll
will demand that the offending com
mander be punished the same n nnv
other sailor would lie for di.-obeving
Chicago, liar. 20. Prat-tire in
tlie old swimmin' hole stood a
score of youthful swimmers in
(food stead today when - they
competed here at the Illinois
Athletic chili tank in the jun
ior national championship!). The
finals today were sequels to
competitive tests recently made
at Boston, l'hiladelphiu, St.
I.ouis and New York.
Is Not So Strong An Advocate
of Peace When His
Pocket Is Hit
Sacramento, Cal., Mar. 20. With the,
Ford company determined today to con
tinue business in California despite
Governor Johnson's proclamation that
this company, as well as others that re
fused to pay state taxes must close
their California plants, a big legal bat
tle that will probably reach the United
States supreme court is looming up.
The Ford company has two assembl
ing plants, one in Los Angeles and one
in San Fruncisco and through the gov
ernor's order these must close down.
Local-agents throughout the state may
continue in business by sending direct
to the Ford factory in Detroit for their
Counsel for the Ford comp.ir.y will
see- an injunction against the gover
nor's proclamation so that they may
continue operating the nssemlilying
plants, jind will also put iij a jiurd
court battle against the i:tnte':i nio.c
to collect 2t,000 in taxes.
The state will also start action
against several hundred other compan
ies to collect taxes, including the
Cowell Lime and Cement company. Cali
fornia oil fields and the Realty Union
Machine Gun Practice With
That of Aviators Arouse
Keen Interest
By H. D. Jacobs.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
United States Army Headquarters
near Dubian, .Mexico., Mir. 20. Ma
c'line gun practice is one of the most
significant elements of camp routine.
Day and night the purr of the rapid
fire weapons is heard here.
Platoons of infantry are becoming
expert in handling the guns. The cav
alry ldvance -guard contains several
machine un troops. Night practice has
become a fixed policy in expectation of
fighting Yillistns niter dark.
There has been no report of Villa's
position since he was located .17.") miles
south of Dubian. Suplies are steadily
being sent southwird to the expedi
tion 's vanguard. j
llrigadier (leneral .T, J. Persuing com
mended the army aviators claiming that
their great value had been proven by
daily scouting ami dispatch bearing
flights, lie priised their bravery high
Iv. "
To Destroy Reyes Band.
Monterey, Mex., Mar. 20. A cam
paign to exterminate Villistas under
aiiuto 'Reyes in the Torreon district
was ordered today. The bandits were
officially declared beyond the pale and
subject to immediate execution when
(Continued on Page Sovtju.)
Decree or
Relations End
I imperial orders. Reparation for at'
I property damage will be asked. Com
pensation as far as possible for the loss
of life will be requested, and the kaiser
' will be asked for a final conclusive
agreement to abide by intei optional law
and retract his orders directing snb-
. marines to attack armed ships withou'
I warning.
It is known that the administration
is prepared to go the length of break
;ing off relations, not angrily, but for
the purpose of obtaining positive as
surances with regard to 'further sul
marine operations.
"Germany must pay handsomely if
guilty." uid one official today. H
explained that, if Germany were guilty,
nothing would be accepted from the irn
periul government unless it would "c
tirelv appease the irritation and wratl
whieh has swept the countrv n-s a result
of this latest trifling with American
rights ntuL lives."
The Only Converts Villa Has
Made Have Been Secured
at Point of Gun
Fright Due to Stories of Amer
ican Atrocities Rapidly
Dying Out
By ,E. T. Conkle.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
El Paso, Texas, Mar. 20. A peaceful
solution of relations between the United
States and Mexico seemed nearer todu
than at any time since "Pancho" V
la raided Columbus. The failure of at
tempts on both sides of the border to
make the expedition appear like actual
intervention pleased American and Car
ranzista officials. They did not doubt
that "rumor factories" at El Paso and
elsewhere started stories of threatened
general Mexican uprisings and racial
antagonisms with the object of inflam
ing the United States toward interven
tion. These officials pointed to the very
friendly reception the Mexicans gave
the American expedition as proof that
I all rumors of enmity were baseless.
Villa's inflamntory speeches and arti
cles in Mexican newspapers published,
near the border were alike unsuccess
ful. i Villa told the peons that the Amer
icans were coming to massacre and burn
and that the i.-Jjro troops ate little
children. Some ef the peons fled, but
later returned reassured by the
Americans' friendly attitude nnd by
their habit of paying liberally for all
food taken.
Peons Do Not Love Villa.
Practically the only converts to Vil
la's cause have been made at the muz
zles of rifles. Carranza's eo-operution
is becoming more pronounced. Though
many problems rcmnin, principally that
of Americans using Mexican railroads,
both sides are confident of a speedy
adjustment of all difficulties.
The pursuit has been carried on be
hind a curtain of silence maintained
by the authorities, effectually prevent
ing the outside world from learning the
American troops' whereabouts. It h
believed that by this time they have
reached the mountain.) of southern Chi
huuhua, nnd that lue I'nited Stales
forces are advancing slowly because of
danger to their communication lines.
The vanguard is crossing high moun
tains nnd experiencing greater obstacles
than the troops met while marching be
tween Columbus nnd Casas Gandos.
"Villa is foe to Mexican liberty,"
said General Gavira today. He is a
menace to American safety. He has
robbed anil murdered Americans and
Mexicans. There is no sympathy for
him on this side of the border. It ;
important to permanent pence that he
be captured nnd slain."
"Interests" Want Intervention.
"We will do all in our power to gel
Villa." declared Carrnnzista Consul
Garcia. "I can say officially that Car
ranza is anxious for Villa's capture and
destruction. He regards Villa as a men
ace to Mexico's liberty."
Both these officials condemned ef
forts to force intervention, intimating
that foreign nations might be further
ing such schemes in order to preserve
their rich concession- in Mexico. The
value of these concessions mounts in
to the billions and it is estimated thr-'
the land cost these alien proprietors
five cents an acre. Peon lubor quick
ly earned millions for the foreigners.
According to Cnrran.rsrns, the conces
sion holders believed that temporary
control through intervention won: '
ablu them to confirm their titles. Cop
stitutionnlists deplore the antagonism
to the president 's policies as thev be
lieve that the opposition to them tends
toward intervention.
"Such efforts." said Garcia, "are
bound to fail. The de facto govern
ment wishes to remain at peace with
the Initcd States.
Army men indicate that the expedi
tions peaceful nature has been cleiirlv
demonstrated by the fact that no Uni
ted States troons have been injured by
hostile bullets."
Heading Toward Chihuahua.
San Antonio, Texas. Mnr. 20. Amer
ican soldiers are pursuing Francisco
Villa and his brigands in the Santa M
ria valley. Brigadier General John J.
Per-hini; officially reported today. The
I'nited States troops -re more than 2"l'
miles south of the border.
Mnior General Fred Funston pointed
out the nVinv advantages to be derived
from use of the Mexican rn'lroads.
Villa niU'Cfrs to be heading toward
Chihuahua fit v. Troops may be roshc '
there via tin- Mexican Centrul railroad
if use of it is permitted.
(Continued on Paga Eight.)
Leadville, Colo., March 29.
Fire which started in the city
hall at five a. m. today from
an unknown cause destroyed
12 buildings on the North
side of East Sixth stroet. The
loss is $100,000. At one timo
sjc the blaze thrertened th whole
town. Two buildings were
s(t dynamited to cheek its progress.
jc Every available man volunteered
to help the. six firemen.
TY Pit
Tattooes In the Nude Have
Skirts Tattooed On Them
Before Enlistment
San Francisco, Mar. 20. Sergeant
George A. lioney is today "eensjr of
Tattoo" in the recrutltng division of
the United States army hero.
His job is to examine vhose who fn
l!st in the campaign for '-'.). 000 more
men and edit the tattoie-l pichites
which many applicants flaunt on thril
arms and torsos. Honey irust keep
risque views out of the nruv.
So when he finds a tattooed dancing
girl whose clothing was overlooked by
the artist, he orders an army tattoo ex
pert to adorn Ser with skirts nnd a fdiirt
waist, nnd if ho discovers an Adam and
Eve group that would bnn;j fewei
blushes if nltercd slightly, ho has a feu
leaves worked into the color scheme.
Let's get Villa, lads, nnd let us ly
no menus shock his aesthetic fr.-. lowers
by wearing naughty picture on our
manly breasts.
Portland. Ore., Mar. 20. That t!"
soul of faithful old Dobbin is immortal
is the contention today of Robert Tuck
er of the Oregon Humane society. Tuck
er went further nnd offered a prayer
for the soul of departed equnines.
Assistant Secretary of War
Roosevelt Says These
Safe, We Are Safe
Washington, Mar. !!0. It would be
wise for tho I'nited .States govern
ment to manufacture a portion of its
war equipment but not all of it, in the
opinion of Franklin I). Koosevelt, as
sistant secretary of the navy, express
ed at a meeting of the house navnl
committee tod iv. He also described
America's vulnerable ooints nnd named
the places from which attacks could be
hurled against this country.
"The government would find it nd-i
vaiitageous to manufacture some tilings!
but not all." declared Koosevelt. "We
should not undertake to make submi-j
rine engines. Development of the best
engines will come through competition
between privnte manufacturers and the
"Wo nre more vulnerable in thej
West Indies than along the Atlantic,;
Xo enemy nnvv could make its base of
operations in Europe and successful as
sail us. There ire only li possible en-i
emy naval bases: Canada, the Her
mudas anil tin West Indies. New
foundland is too far north and Nova,
Scotia anil Halifax' wouldn 't serve thej
"liermuila belongs to (Ire it liritain.
Any other enemy must turn toward the
Wi-st Indies and it is up to us to bei
well prepared there."
Koosevelt urged an American bnse at
I'ulebra, nnd near Korto Rico.
Eranklin S. Ingram, of Sunnyvale,
Cal., who died recently in that city i
requested in his will that his lcjmhi'-h
is buried in the penitentiary gruvc
yard nt this city, be exhumed an i
buried with him, according to a dis
patch from Sun Jose. Warden Minto;
is absent 'from the city nnd the of j
l fieinls were unable to state whether or j
j not the -strange request would be grant-1
ed. The leg was buried nearly 11 years
! ago in a common pine box nnd it i
I doubtful if the member will be found
in such a state as to permit its beiui
transferred. '
Ingram lost his leg during the fa
mous Tracy-Merrill outbreak nt the Ore
gun state penitentiary, June 0. 1002,
when he received a bullet whic h was
intended for one of the guards. When
Tracy nnd Merrill opened fire with the
Attached On All Sides At Once, German Allies Will Have
Hardest Fight of the War On Their Hands-It Is Hoped
by This Means to Force Kaiser To His Knees-French
Claim Capture of Some Trenches Germans of Others
Germans Still Rain Shells On Verdun
London, March 29. In July the allies will strike simul
taneously everywhere attempting to force the kaiser to
his knees and end the war by next Christmas, it was re
ported here today. The story was to the effect that the
allied war council which ended in Paris last night decided
on that plan of action.
The Germans, however, may anticipate them. It was
rumored the Germans had taken advantage of the lull at
Verdun to shift their forces for an offensive elsewhere.
French Make Small Gains.
Paris, March 29. French troops have captured 300
yards of trenches at the southern end of Avocourt wood,
it was officially announced today. They also seized an im
portant fortified work. The Germans called up fresh men
and sent them against the French in a counter attack, but
they were repulsed heavily. Fifty who failed to get back
to their defenses when a withering French fire shattered
their ranks dropped their rifles and surrendered.
German big guns rained shells on Bethincourt, Dead
Man's hill and positions in the Cumieres forest. East of
the Meuse there were artillery duels near Vaux, Douau
mont and Moulainville.
Germans Capture Trenches.
Berlin, Mar. U0. Several lines of
trenches north of Malancourt, 10 miles
northeast of Verdun, have been captur-,
ed by Ocrmans, it was officially an
nounced tuday. The Oerman chargo net
ted 40N prisoners and smnwhed the
French front for a distance of 2,000
This is the greatest uermnn gain on
the French front for two weeks. It im
perils the French salient between Beth
incourt and Malnncourt.
Russian attempts to reconquer posi
tions south of Nnrocz wero repulsed.
Herman airmen showered bombs on Rus
sian railway depots, it is claimed,
wrecking them and demolishing large
quantities o'f supplies.
Ambassador to Inquire.
Washington, -Mar. 20. Ambassador
Mayor Arrested Said
To Have Stock for Saloon
Tacoma, Wash., M ir. 20. " Prescrip
tions" written on wrapping paper,
paper bags and scraps of all sorts, all
calling for alcohol in one form or an
other, arc ia the hands of the prosecut
ing atorncy hero oday, following the
trrest of Mayor Joseph McCaskey, of
Wilkeaon and three other men for sell
ing liquor in violation of the prohibi
tion law.
County Detective Fred Shaw said to
day the stock of liquor seized in the
mayor's drug store was large enough
to stock an ordinary saloon and includ
ed beer, champngne, whiskey, brandy,
port wine, gin and griiu alcohol, not to
mention bay rum.
All four men nrrested were brought
to Tacoma and released on $500 cash
bond each.
V.iu Vir!.- Mnr ?l .Tnck London
is no longer a socialist today. He re
signed because he said the party lacked ,
fire and fight.
weapons which hud been "planted" in
side the stove foundry Guard Frank
Ferrell fell nt the first' fire with a bul
let through his heart. The outlaws then
ran to the front entrance to the shops
and opened fire on the wall guards. In
gram, who was in the line of convicts,
rushed forwnrd and grappled with one
of the outlaws allowing the guards to
duck for cover but he received a bullet
in his leg which caused him to loso the
Tracy and Merrill killed two other
guards in mukiug their escape and liar
rv Tracy finally killed his pal, Dave
Merrill, in Washington. Tracy killed
in all 11 men before he committed sui
cide to avoid being captured alive.
Ingram was serving a life sentence
for the murder of his brother, but in
recognition of his bravery was pardoned
by the governor.
Gcrard nt Berlin was instructed by the
state department today to inquire ir"
Germany had any information about h
sinking of flic British steamer Man
chester Engineer, reported torpedoed
without warning.
Tried to Torpedo Her.
London, Mar. 20. A submarine fird
two torpedoes at a British destroyer
which was rescuing survivors oftec !
Hussex explosion, it was learned on tin
highest authority today. Both .orte
does missed.
Another Steamer Torpedoed.
Washington, Mar. 20. Tho Brit-sh
steamer Kagle Voint has been torpedcel
without warning, the American connl
at Qucenstown cabled today.
All on board, including ono American,
were saved.
Stock Market Was Dull
i Prices A Trifle Lower
New York, Mar. 20 The New York
livening Sun's financial review today
said: The market's chief characteristic
were little more than a continuance of
yesterday's unsatisfactory session and
the fact that the same influence con
trolled the trading. Overnight new
had not relieved the gravity of tho sub
marine situation, if in. fact, it was not
intensified by the unwarned torpedoing,
of tho British steamer Manchester En
gineer, according to the affidavits of
two Americans in the crew. Besides,
this, Wull street was confronted by the
situation in Mexico which, despite assurances-
to the contrary, leaves much,
to bo desired.
In the face of such restraining influ
ences public buying censed and the mar
ket continued in professional hands.
The volume of business was curtailed.
Activity centered in n limited group or?
industrial specialties like Goodrich tire.
Crucible steel, American locomotive and
International merchant marino pre
ferred. Prices backed nnd filled throughout
the early afternoon, even spocialties
making no progress. Tho reaction be
came more pronounced. Standard rail
nay issues like Union Pacific, Sou"
cm Pacific, nnd Heading pressed for
sale, lost a point or more.
Steel was languid. It yielded frac
tionally. Anglo French five per cent
wero in demand around 05 1-2.
If the suit shaker will not work free-.
ly, t ike the top oft'.
Oregon : To
night and Thurs
day fair; heavy
f rn-st tonight;
light v a r iable
w i n d.i.