Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 28, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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When down town don't fail to view the big display of New Knickerbocker Model
Hats for Women. New York Millinery of unusually snappy style. Prices very
moderate. '
WM&M Our New Stock of
Look Around Visit Every Store
Then Come to JOHNSON'S
By Com
l am- ji'm
it I
Is now ready for selection. Beautiful colorings I
and patterns in new Cretonnes, Venetian Cloths, j
Art Ticking, Silkolines, Bordered Scrims, Mar-J
quisettes, etc. (See the window showing.)
Cross Barred Mull at 19c yard
The B. V. D. material, Just the fabric for the making of Men's, Boys' and
Children's Summer Undergarments. Pure white with self cross bar patterns;
36 inches wide, and a very extra value for tomorrow's selling, yard Jfg
Sale Starts at 8:30. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY.
Quality and
K. 1 Alt)'
See for yourself the marvelous savings offered on such high grade Clothing as Stein Bloch, the famous
John B. Stetson Hats, Packard Shoes and all the best makes and brands of Shirts, Gloves, Underwear, Ties
and Hosiery at prices to defy any sale or competition. This is no circus br hurrah sale it is a real gen
uine, bona fide sale to close out many lines before moving into our new store. Compare These Prices at
any store or sale!
All Aroun
d 1
Quarterly inspection Company
M, H:(iO p. in., at armory. Pub
lic invited.
March 27-April 2, the Ecv. E. V.
Minyler at St. Paul's church.
March 31 Interdenominational
Missionary society at Congre
gational church,
April 7 Tnskegee Jubilee sing
ers at I'ongregutiunnl church.
April 7 Piof. Itnliort K.
Htnuffor lecturo lit public lib
rary on "Oregon Litora
ture." April 18 Registration for
primnry election closes.
April 3 Master Sunday.
April "N Pance, benefit Sulcin
Street Knilwny band, ut the
Auction sale at the People's Quick '
Exchange Auction Market on Saturday,'
April 1st at ImO p. m. hverylhing
sold on commission. Don't forgot I buy
household furniture for cash. Y. N.
if I.... in rn ....on' "
nuuui;, nu'-nuutir. x .iUUP .m. fjft, Wednesday or
Your suit pressed, 50c. Phone 43.
An entertainment will be given at
lluni I ('Impel Friday evening, .March
31, fur the benefit of the Young Peo
pled society of the chapel nail also for
the benefit of the young folks of tl
Central Congregational church of So
lem. The young folks from the Sulci
church will put on two farces, of nliou'
30 minutes each. After the entertain
ment there will be a box social.
Your suit pressed, 50c. Phone 43.
The United Artisans celebrate the
tse month, when
School days are on once again at Wll-! vrK '"'I'P-'"." '" l"" one, by a closed
metto university, following the spring, to w,",''h ."" y '"""I"' "f
.' 7 h . ' H Million ni-ll fl.ltiilt t.wl Au l,ti,mi.nir Jo
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fiU glasi
i correctly. U. 8. liank. Uldg.
The Crescent City Commercial club
has lined un in favor of thn miblicn-
tion of school books by the state find 'ou" n!?",rnn
of keeping the money in tho state. A
ropy of their resolution was scut to the
talent Commercial club.
Dr. Stone' i drug store.
la mi!
vacation. 1'or the seekers alter know
ledge, there are but III weeks left of the i
liUil-lti year ut Willamette as grud- j
anting exercises will bo held June 7. '
You get more bread, fresher bread
and better bread for your money at thej
Modern llukory. " Aprl j
The Palls City Lumber company Is J
preparing to put on the market a one I
machine garage and is offering to fur
nish the material all cut ready to be put
together, or to sell the garage already
built. The plans were drawn by Archi
tect Y. A. I. egg.
.10 loaves of fresh bread for one
dollar. Hoc for yourself at the .Modern
Bakery, 13i Court slreet, Aprl
Ben White, the auto truck driver,
had a narrow escape this morning from
being run over by a young niau on a
bicycle. It seems' that Mr. White anil
his auto were trav
street and whil
bulge are admitted. As tomorrow
tho fifth Wednesday in March, this
special session will be held. It will in
clude the customary program of music
and literary features, following the
business '.session.
Your suit pressed, 50c. Phone 43.
The Indiana silo, manufactured by
Small Men's Suits, vaj
ues to $15.00, now
Coats and Vests for
small men, values to
$10.00, now
95 c
Genuine Boston Gart
ers, regular 25c, now
Canvas Gloves, regular
10c values, now
John B. Stetson Hats,
latest styles, now
Broken line Packard
Shoes, values to $5, now
Men's Union Suits, all
sizes, summer weight,
Agents for the
Famous Packard
Shoes for Men
DC 4
G. W. Johnson &
Men's Dress Shirts, soft
or stiff cuff, $1.50 val
ues, now
The Home of
Clothes for Men
iWlii i
mm '!iiiim"imph..'
ice in Salem, Bertha C. Byrd with 15 1-:
years, Jlcrrit Duvis 14 years, Anna
Fisher IS years, Kninia Kramer 21
years. Ada G. Dayton 12 years. Minnie
Cornelias 10 years, and Carrie II. Chapel
10 years.
The river is falling and there is no
danger from high water. It rose to 17.8
feet above low water mark Monday aft-i
ernoon at 3 o'clock and this morning
at S o'clock was exactly 17 feet above.
Tonight Mrs. Lieutenant Colonel
Scott accompanied by Cadet Scott, bin
of Seattle, will conduct services at the
The Ma lion County Principals' asso
ciation will meet next Saturday morn-
ereil by Dr. Nichols Murray Butler, of
Columbia university.
Do not throw away your magazines
or weekly publications. There-nrc hun
dreds of folks in the rural districts who
would be glad to get them, especially
those in the mountain districts o'f the
state who cannot afford to buy maga
zines; yet would be glad to rend them.
Miss Cordelia Marvin, state librarian,
would be glad to receive bundles of old
magazines and send them to the fur off
districts with tho -state traveling libra
ries. Just tie up n package of old mag
azines, send them to Miss Marvin nnd
she w ill send them to districts where tho ' Salvation Army headquarters on Com
people are anxious to rend. street and later be in charge of sei v
0 " lees on the street.
Company M will engage in a tactical ;
walk next Sunday, weather permitting
n, ,;,, tl. ; -.,lL- ,1.1,,..,,. .St
ing, out posts, out guards, advance 'T "" '" $1 7.tio worth or the osies.
. . whim Tinnl nmnrfiirtpnt. n-ill tin mn.ln . 1 ' .
gunnis, rear guards anil Hank guards! , , , '
-ili lm n-nrltn.i nut i..r ,i;cf ,.r.. f f i '0T the ticlcl and scholastic meet of the
I name for convenience. Snr.ili & Sh-eh
'anil White & Boyingteu sue attomej
j tor the plaintitr.
A marriage license was issued at th
office of the county clerk today t
Hugo Haaland, a Silvertnn shoeniakc .
and Marie G; llamre, also of silveitoii
Salem's Fairest Sell Flowers
For Benefit of Old People's
I W. H. Walker today filed a suit i
the circuit court against "Mary .T. M'
j Xeel. M. Piuilinc jrcNeel ami Mnguiv
Wr, McXeel, doing business as the fin '
j of McXeel Sisters. Tho plaintiff daie
'that there is diie and owing to hi?
!$537.18 on a stock of millinery good'.
" ' j and '.seeks judgment in this amount d-
IVWose I)v in Salom netted a Reiner w nil me costs auti uisourscmen.-i
,i ii- i . . i-ii in i in ii v. em cci i s linn sunn i
Hie Spaulding Logging comimnv, is evi-, .,, , , h ' '
i .i .- ii- r 1 , ' I of the company w ill also be used. Mi i
dently tilling one of those long felt , i 1 i
. ,, . .h tnry sketching and mnii making will be
wants in l a bfornia as well as in fi'e-,i. , ,. i. Ti i i . i- 1 '
traveling east on State to.liiv for their first p
lie crossuig Twel I, tl, 25 uf , ,,,,,., T .
l into the end of lute H I ., ,.:,; f. ..i.
MiM Kdith Wills, of the Social Serv
ice reposition addressed the high school
i I, ...1.. i.: ... i . . i - . .
uii'ft. j-ui i iiiim n-ii me imcicic i iiier es-1
raped with a few bruises. I j.(ir f
You cut out the middlo man when'
you buy 3 loaves of fresh bread for 10'
cents at the Modem Bakery, 43U Court
street. " Apr!
Tne McKlnley Parent Teachers' Cir-
gon. Besides the two carloads shipped
to the Sun ,Toiniiin viilley last week, the
company received a telegram this morn
ing from their agent at Turlock, Oil., to
rush another car The Indiana silo is
made by the company at their Xewberg
Shetland pony, harness and buggy for
sile. Inquire 111") S. Winter. Phono
!-S-H. Mnr30
The high school baseball boys are out
practice. About
libs and others
are aspiring for idaecs on the two
taken up by those who have studied in
tins line and aro familiar with tin
work. In fact, all these subjects have
total of lM)ii for the I'isgtih ll'omo;f the Him
according to the report of the com-'
mittee in ch.irge in this citv. -Mrs.
Krnest Hunt won first prize by selling
.Miss Irene
Curtis was second with $13 ami Kath
rvn Slade sold $12.3.") worth and Miss
t, r.i' . I Constance Yantis, one of the smallest
will be held in Salem early tins spring. ;of tl,c flower ,.ollpi.tea $t;.7u for
tt t. K.m I the home. . The first prize was a five
TLOODS IN MIDDLE WEST ,,wmJ ,,ox" or eauiiy 1 loiiatM hy t)ie
. ' , , , I Gray Belle, the second prize was a five
Columbus, Ohio, Mar. 28. Flood dan-. nonnJ bo f . d(.naW Vjv the
been civen study durinir the winter i Kr was conisidercd past this afternoon. ; Spa.
months and from now on, will be put j Fair weather prevailed. The Scioto was I Those who assisted in the selling of
into actual practice.
a foot lower. The west side, where there
the flowers vesterdiv were:
I Mrs. Vinnif Sncni-Q Mr. Tlpn fllcntt.
society hopes o in "est not only all (net slept ,r the city hall, in schools E rla' jrr). iveV, Mrs. Clvd'e
the people in the city but the busines !nlul 5 churches. 'liraham Mrs. Ceo. P. Rodgers, Mrs: C.
men as well. The cleaning up of paik. ! 1). Cabriebon, Mrs. P. A. lOlliott, Mrs.
nigs nnd vacant lots was also discussed rittsburg. Va.. Mar. The Allegh- j Uailev White, Miss Veva Coldea Cla
and Ivan O. Martin was appointed with eney river will lm"'flov tomorruv.t Heck,' Miss Klizabeth Lord, Catherino
others to bring this riefmv rro.-oi'tv ! noon, the weather bureau announced ' f'ni-smi v,v Ptiilliiw i:..,t..t., II.,,.
imi viii nnu ctOi
Clocks Repaired
Also a Nice Line ol2
Uasonic Temple
Fourteen games are scheduled """ers. The membership of the society officially today. Towns down the Ohio: man, Kdna. j'ose, Josephine P.unngnrt-
students this morning on "How Alcohol ele will hold Arbor dav exercises at th
Impairs Klficieacy. " She also gave the school Thursday afternoon at 2:3H
came address at the university. The o'clock. Mnch of the four rooms will'
exposition is showing In Kugeno flits plant a tree and pupils from each room
week, I w ill give talks while the trees are being
planted. All friends of the school nre
Dr. Btono'i trrng Btora.
invited to attend.
Automobiles for,hlre, passengers and It nieana more life to your shoes ev
bnggage transforcd, rates reasonable, 1 cry time you bnve them shined at (iil
country tiips a specialty. C. O. Mo- son's professional shoe-shining pulor.
Elroy. Phono 017 or 039. tf 4o7 State. tf
bovs, and half of them will be (.'rowing as shown by the ndditio
played in the city. The first game w ill names secured at each meeting. Th
lie played April S and the last one Miiy!",MV members last night were Mrs. W'1
31. W'hitaev dill is captain and Victor "'nm 1'- '-rd. Miss Klizabeth Lord, Mr
lleid miiutig'cr. and Mrs. F. A. Kllintt, Mrs. W. F. Fa-
o Co. Mrs. Kinmn ,T. Phernetton, Mrs,
We should worry. We have a Son- Lloyd Wilson nnd J. B. Chenowith.
oiu Talking Machine in our home. I 0
Myrtle Knowland, 121 Court. I When the public schools open for the ed vet
o semester next fall, .Margaret J. Cospcr
i aro seriously threatened.
ner. Lenta Jiaunigartner, Constance
jYnntis. Katiiryn Slade, Lucijlc Jones,
Chicago, Mar. 2S. Floods nre threat-1 Doris Churchill, Dora .Mortenson, Dora-j
ened today by high waters in the Hig thy Dick, Xancy Sknife, Mary Kekmr-'
and Little Calumet rivers near Gary len, Carolyn Dirk, Prudence Patterson,'
nnd Hammond. The Kankakee river :s Frances Dick, M irjory Kay, Margaret j
reported to have already overflown. . Oomlin, Helen Hose, Helen nnd Mildred
Little material damage has been report-; Huberts, Frances Schotthoefer, Ha !
ipaui.ting. iseriuce Mill, Loefa JCogers, j
jirene i urtis, Alice Hake.r, Dlga (iray
the unfavorable will begin her 32nd consecutive year as 1 Freeport, Til.. Mar. 2s Factories nnd j Margery Mciiougal, Hubert Bishop, j
weather,' n hich the oldest inhabitant teacher in the Salem public schools, as banks nt Pcentnnica shut ilmvn tn,ln Sherman Plimptim
says is quite- unusual and liable never to she wns re-elected for another year as j on account, of the highest flood wafer" 1 -
happen again, the following parties superintendent of the vrimnrv grades, in -111 venrs. Bonis from an ninmnni-1 Those declarations
have become interested in sunshine nlld!s,1, may now be termed the dean of the 'tion park rescued marooned famili- i
Wednesday, Mar. 29, 1916, Commencing at 1:30 P. M.
The House of a Million Bargains, 302 N. Commercial St.
Consisting of
New and Second Hand Harness, Saddles, Household
Furniture, Garden Tools, Carpenters' Tools, Forks,
Shovels and Spades, Wheelbarrows, Bicycles, Motor
cycles, Belting, Crockery and Glassware, Ranges,
Heaters, Trunks, Suit Cases, Tents, Carpets, Graph
aphones and Records, Bath Tubs, Men's Suits, Um
brellas, Garden Hoes, 3 Buggies, Shetland Tony,
Cart and Harness, and Thousands of other articles
too numerous to mention.
Auctioneer, Phone 511
goon roans tnrougii tne purchnse of
Ford cars: H. K. Carrier, Paul I.. Hun
ter, Tom Ordeinnn, A. W. Tndregg, Wil
liam Hogynska, A. L. Nelson and th'
Oregon State Hospital, all of Salem, and
0. W. Moore, rural route three.
Gold fish at Perry's Drug Store. Two
gold fish ami a globe free with each
nV lioxall purchase. Perry's Drug!
The Marion County frohibition party '
effected a temporary organization nt n !
meeting held Inst evening at 2ii7 Soutl j
Church street. The election of pcrniii-)
neat officers was postponed until next i
Mondny evening. D. Ii. Hinshnw, nn- i
tioual chairman f the prohibition pur-'
ty, nnd J. Sanger Fox, state wcmretnrv !
for Oregon, called the meeting. The i
temporary officers elected nre (5. L. Me- 1
Intiirff, president; Mrs. K. M. Vnnder-!
vort. secretary, and Cieorgu W. Hron,!
1 1 1 ,i surer.
Speclil meeting of Tncific
Lodge Xo. no, A. F. & A. M.
this evening nt 7:.'10 p. m.
sharp. Work in the K. A. de
gree. Visiting brethren welcome.
Dean George II. Allen returned ves.
. terduy from a visit to Seattle where he
: represented Willamette university ntl
j the inauguration of President Siirnlhi
I of the Washington university. The j
Ueremonios of the inauguration required ,
two diiys, Fducators from all the cdu
cntiomil centers of the west participnt-1
cd, the principal address being deliv-,
tenehing corps, n.t according to statis- j
tics prepared last fall, no teacher v
the eity schools has as many years
their credit. Frminc F. Bushnell wn
credited nith 1!) rears continuous serv
Will Ask Germany.
Washington. Mar. 2s.The state de
partment will ask ("iermanv if a Teu
ton subinirine torpedoed the Sussex.
. I
of war airainst
Portugal, instead of being scraps of
paper, are paper .scraps. I
The Ideal Ladies
Tailoring Co.
see the latest in Spring and Summer modes. There
are more than 50 distinctly new models and over
250 fresh, new fabrics to choose from. They are
Man-Tailored-To-Order for any woman or miss. We
guarantee the fit. . ,
Any of these goods sold by the yard.
Ward K. Richardson
2393 Front Street
I The grand jury finished its regular
; business today and this afternoon made
ja tour of inspection of a number of
i the state institutions, including the
j feeble minded institute, the tuberculosis
; hospital, the asylum, the reform school
:and the girls' indusrrlal school. The
j grand jurymen were advised by the
county physician to be vaccinated be
fore they visited the penitentiary nnd
1 they scratched the pen off of their
j calling list as they did not desire to '
I carry sore arms for a few weeks. Judge
I Percy R. Kelly arrived this afternoon
and w ill convene court to receive the ,
report of the grand jury this evening
! after the return of the jurymen from :
their tour of inspection, j
i . T '
I A suit wns filed in the circuit court
today by Christine rauli against Mary
! Pnuli, as' executrix of the estate of
j Josef Pauli, deceased. Tho ldnintiff
'states that she was the wife nf the de
creased and that she is entitled to nn
undivided one half interest in personal
property valued at $1i1,0m1 and that un
less the administratrix of the estnte is'
I restrained she will administer upon the
! estate and divide it according to th- ,
terms of the will. She claims Hia
half of the personal ioperfy was hers!
but that it was held in her husband j
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only .At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
Phone 700
Oood Garage in connection foi
itorage of can.
Seasonable Ritec ,
246 Etate Street.
4V ,