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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1916)
TWO THE DATLY CAPITAL JOrRNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY. MAR. 25. 1916. if f , V" 4 a I j , , if i 1 i v r 1 r& . Absolutely Puro . No Alum No Phosphate I tH A 5 : 1 r ; IB rXz . :-. kyfTrry 'Errs 1 .-'Cr' 37" Miss Catharine Carson A SOOIKTY loaders ut last liuvo found enotber oiilli.'t for tlieir cherished divernion duni'iiiK und will 110 tloubt iuiluio in it joyou.sly at the pre mier dinner daw-B at tho llotol Mirion next Friday evening. It apnea to be utterly impossible for society to keep away 1'rom the fns rinntiiig art of dnneing and the dinner (lance which ranks among the mrat popular of all is a delightful innovation in Haleni. From al reports the smart set is en Ihimiastieally in favor of these dinner dances and a number of the married set and several bachelors are already plan iiing dinner parties for the premier which will no doubt see a throng of merrymakers. About forty smartly gowned matrons gathered for the 'Attractive bridge vni'ty given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. William Danry anil Mrs. W. Al Jones, who entertained in the home of the former. This was the second of a scries of similar functions at which these two fharmin" matrons h.ive dispensed hos pitalities. The rooms were attractive with spring blossoms, jonquils and Ore gon grape. Mrs. A. 8. ZazinareU. Mrs. Gcorue Jwis and Mrs. William Uubcock won I the score honors. Their guests included: Mrs. William IT. Kldridgo, Mrs. John H. Craig, Mrs. Villinn MuUilchrist, Jr., Mrs. Douglas Wiuto, Mrs. Charles K. Hpaulding, uiis. li. K. Csviness, of (iervaisj Mrs. W. K. Andnrsou, Mrs. (leorgo ewis, Mrs. Merlin Hanling, Mrs. Hubert Downing, Mrs. Uomer .Smith, Mrs. T. H. Jones, Mrs. II. J. dements, Mrs. H. J. Chap man, Mrs. Fred Steuslol'f, Mrs. Carey Martin, Mrs. II. C, Kpley, Mrs. William TAfTrTlSrTTQ) iVil VUS li GOCA1RT Are Causing MORE Comment Then Ever la tliis age of Automobiles and Airships, it is necessary to keep in linehave an auto of your own. If you have a child in your home you need an Auto-Gocart. The new est thing in Gocarts can be seen in our west window. A Gocart built like an up to date autowith windshields, fenders, curtains, lamps, etc., with artillery ball bearing wheels, body made of German half reeds, upholstered in corduroy, comes in grey, brown and old ivory. You must see these to know of their beauty. Prices $1 5.00 to $35.00 See Our cur Prices : y ' Miss Ida Simmons ' group of attractive Maids who will assist in selling blossoms for the Pisgah Home Benefit: Htousloff, Mrs. William (Jalownv, Mrs. Kdgar II irtley, -Mrs. W. I', liabcock, Mrs. Walter Spanieling, Mrs. Henry Fuwk, Mrs. L. M. Jiogs, Mrs. (). (i. McClelland, Mrs. A. S. Kazmarek, .Mrs. Hoy Mills, Mrs. Henry I'oisnl, Mrs. K. H. Parkhurst, Mrs. Armin Steiner, Mrs. Chester Cox, Mrs. Husie Junes, Mrs. W. i,UHI, 11 Inn r.ieilH ruWH, .U1SS frCUfl- biff nnd Miss Alta Jones. Miss Jones assisted the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. George rainier Put nam and tlieir guesls Mr. and Mrs. 1(. W. Mawver. of lienil. Oritunn went to Portland today to attcud firand opera. Huuilay the Putnams and their guests will spend tho day motoring around Portland ami out tho Columbia high way. They will return Sunday night. Mrs. John McXnry's guests the Miss es Gertrude anil Margaret Gray, of Se attle, who are always tho motif of many delightful social attentions from their coterie of friends were guests of honor at the inform il dinner presided for by Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cross Thurs day evening. The table was adorned with pink Primroses nnd candles with covers for the Misses Gertrude and Margaret Gray, Miss Ellen Thielsen, Carl Gabrielson, Lawrence 1 Infer, James Young ind the hosts. Dinner was followed by on evening of bridge. Miss Winifred Hynl, the charming society girl, whose playing has received high encomium in Jew York this winter, writes to her friends, and re counts of the wonderful times she is having there. (She will not return to Salem before the bitter part of May or tho middle of June. TC-9 West Window for I Tiii Grand opera and the Ballet TCusse hi 'Portland this week revived memories (of other grand opera seasons, and had a chariu ot its own as well, a charm en tirely dissociated from comparisons. Friday night was unusually brilliant; n typical "first niiiht" with all the incidentals which the term implies. Among the prominent members of Salem society who went to Port land to ntlend tiie opera were; Mr. and Mrs. William Hitrghurdt, Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Hush, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Lytic, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Denton, Mr, "and Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mr. and .Mrs. U. P. Hishop, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dives ley, Mr. ami Mrs. Hen Schueking, Mrs. Carlton Smith, Mrs. W. K. Anderson, Mrs. T. II. Galloway.-' Mrs. Ben O. Schueking asked tho ma trons ol tho Kensington club at her hc,m for an informal afternoon Wed i.esdiy. By way of varying the serv ing beo Mrs. .Schueking entertained b 'r giicit with a line party at the Ye I ikeity theatre. Mrs. Oswald West and daughter, Miss Helen West are the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hen Oleott. Mr. and Mis. George Ilodgers will motor to Portland the first of tho week to meet Mrs. T. W. 11. London, and daughter, .Miss Winnifred London and son. Master Tom London, of Vancouver, It. C who will bo their guests for sev eral days. Tho Londous are en route home from a visit in Salt Lake city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durbin will en tertain the members of the Nemo Card club Monday evening. Display Quality Considered Miss Hazel Erixon Mrs. Harvey Wells had the matrons of her card club for an informal af ternoon over the bridge tables Thurs day to say au revoir, as she and Mr. Wells are moving back to Portland next week. Mr. and Mrs. Wells have become very popular in local society ind will be greatly missed. However, Mr. Wells will frequently be in Salem on busi ness and their friends are hoping that they will spend much of their time here. n Among the delightful affairs of the I week was the social afternoon given for tno matrons of the aij society of tho First Presbyterian church by Mrs. II. J. Bean. Mrs. Chauncey Bishop, Mrs, Jos. Palmer, Mrs. John Lewis and Mrs. M. A. Thompson at the home of the former on Friday. The rooms were charming with spring flowers and Oregon ginpe. Mies Flor ence Cleveland, who is a guest at the Bean residence, made the afternoon memorable by several vocal selections. The hostesses were assisted in the serving by Miss Grace Beau and Miss Cleveland. ; Guests of the society were: Mrs. Harry Thompson and daughter, of Mar garet, of Brownsville, and Mrs. Edwin Smith. The members present were: Mrs. Weller, Mrs. Hoff, Mrs. Raymond, Mrs. Is'iles. Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. E. T. Busselle, Mrs. 0. J. Wilson, Mrs. Chas. 0. Wilson, Mr. E. W. Stubbs, Mrs. Carson, Mrs. W. V. Johnson, Mrs. W. II. Steualoff, Mrs. K. S. Wallace, Mrs. G. L. Adams, Mrs. W. G. Allen, Mrs. L. G. Altnnn, Mrs. A. L Brown, Mrs. Bower sox, Mrs. Bean, Mrs. Dubuis, Mrs. Carl Klliott, Mrs. Marcus, Mrs. F. J. Miller, Mrs. F. h. Purvine, Mrs. Edwin Smyth. - , MrB. Charles Fisher returned Thurs day evening from Kosebnrg where she wis the guest of her mother, Mrs. N. Owens, for several days. Mrs. Joseph Keinlinrt asked a group of friends for n charming informal sew ing bee Friday afternoon, her guests were the matrons and maids of the La Cornier Kensington club including Miss Edna Josse, Mrs. Chester Cox, Mrs. Louis Josse, Mrs. Joseph Reinhnrt, Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mrs. L. M. Boggs, Mrs. Paul Schmidt, Mrs. Harry Wen doroth, Mrs. Paul Johnson, Miss Nancy Skaife, Mary Eckerlen, Miss Zee Stock ton and her guests, Mrs. Joe Staddl m in and Miss Zepa Gnlbrentii, of The Dalles. , Mrs. Reinhnrt was assisted by Miss Eckerlen. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Johnson were hosts Friday evening for a five hun dred party, their guests included the members of the Tano club and a table of additional friends. I Pink carnations and Spanish bloom made nn attractive foil for the card tables. High scores were won by Mrs. Gibb ird and Roy Riehurdson. Mrs. Mrller Kevier and Miss I.elnh Johnson assisted Mrs. Johnson in the serving. The club members present were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Miller Bevier, Mr. and Mrs. Lelfoy Hewlett, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Scofield and iMr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson. Additional guests were: Mr. and Mrs. William Grier, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Gibbnrd, Miss Frances Ward and Miss Lelah Johnson. . Mis. Thomas B. Kay's mother, Mrs. C. A. Wallace, was the motif of a de lightful surprise party at her residence Thursday evening, on the occasion of her eventy ev-inh birthday anniver sary. The affair was planned by the immediate members of the funily and Mrs. Wallace's home was the scene of family reunion, including her children and grandchildren. ... A bevy of smj'd folk gathered at the home of little Miss Pearl Kap('haJiau Saturday afternoon for a charming St. Patrick s party. It was such a merry affair witn Jrish favors and decorntious being carried out iu charming detail. The little hostesses guests were: Pauline Mnriuih, Vivian Adolph, Gladys Ijimar, Anna Howard, Velmo Williams, Tearsn Feist. Pearl Jones, Caroline Lambrith and Anora Reidy. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hofer have had as their guest Thomas Bennett, ot Marshfield, who is en route home from a trip to San Francisco. Mr. Bennett and Mr. Hofer were at Stanford university together and art both Sigma Chi Fiatornity men. V':'.' ;"-c k .y: . .. Miss Barbara Steiner WITH or without excuse, society women are ever on the qui vive for new fads. The latest is not a dog. Dogs are now consigned to a secondary place by New York women and birds are "la dernier cri" or whim. Whereas a society woman lormerlv bouuht a Pommcranian to match her gown she is now equally concerned about a bird. No particular variety is noticeably popular, but the color scheme, is all nn portant as the saucy little feathered creature must harmonize with milady's costume. In order for a fad to be very popular it must become a luxury, while the cost of the bird itself could never be more than a trifling, it cannot be said ot their cages. Thcso are of every color, nhane nnd si'.u imaginablo and are made of ivorv, .jade, or tortoise shell With tho burst of spring weather tenuninity is taken up with the Altai question of clothes which indicates that the out door season is at hand. Easter will no doubt bring out a harvest of new spring millinery and tho billowy, flared things which are so popular this season. Miss Gertrude Grav who his been the guest of Mrs. John McXary for several weeks will return to Seattle Sunday. Miss Margaret Gray, who is also visiting Mis. McNury will remain for another week. Informal yet charming was the bridge uiven Thursday afternoon bv Mrs. George Rose, who had the matrons of tlio Thursday club for threo or four tables of the game. The attractive card favor was cap tured by Mrs. Oliver Locke. Mrs. George Rodgers and Mrs. James Wilson assisted Mrs. Rose. i Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Cooke Patton's resi lenec was the scene of delightful social function, Wednesday evening, when about eighty numbers, of tho Congrega tional cnurcli gathered tor the second of a series of social evenings, given for the members of the church. The rooms were airy and spring like with an artistic nnav of yellow dal'fo- lils and greens. The evening was made particularly delightful by the piano so los of Miss Thclma Blessing, a whistlimr solo bv' Miss Bertha Clark and a vocal solo 1v Willard Hall. Mr. Patton rounded out the gayetics by his artful slight of hand tricks. .Mrs. ration was assisted in the serv ing by Mrs. Fred Stewart and the Miss es Luella Patton, Prisvilla Fleming, Acnes Bavne, Ethel McGilcnrist and Valerie Briggs. ... Airs, .loe Htiiitillnntn nnj tiiitiehler. Joan Katherine, and Miss Zepu Gal- breath, ot The Dalles, who havo been the uests of Miss Zoe Stockton for several days, returned today. The matrons of the rriscilln club enjoyed a delightful afternoon Thurs day with Mrs. Daniel .1. Fry as host ess. A brief business meeting preceded a sewing beo and ref leshments. The rooms were exceptionally lovely with a profusion of yellow daffodils and spring blosscms the club color. ! Mr. and Mrs. William Uancy werej hosts Monday evening for a five hum! dred party, asking us their guests the! members of the Nemo club. Spring flowers adorned the cardj Xi oms, where five tables of the ganiei were circled by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph) Haumgnrtner, Mr. and Mrs. George i Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson,! Mr. und Mrs. Frank Durbin, Mr. and' Mrs. George G. Brown, Mr. and Mrs.j f diver Locks, Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Olinger, Dr. and Mrs. Carlton Smith, Mrs. Chas.' McNary and Mrs. George Rose. j The high score honors fell to Mrs. George Rose and George Brown. ... j The "Brode club" composed of fif- j teen matrons spent an enjoyable after noon at the informal Kensington for; which Mrs. P. K, Fullerton was host-1 ess Thursday afternoon. j Following the sewing dainty refresh-: ments were served by the hostess as ! tiistevl by Mrs. Ed Wood and Mrs. Enrii Anderson. Mrs. J. W. Woodruff was asked as an additional guest. ! ... Mr. and Mrs. John McXary will en tertain as their guests Tuesday even ing the members of the Merry-Go- Kouud Five Hundred club. : ... Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown went to i Port laud this morning for a brief visit.1 A large array of society matrons and ! posed of Dr. II. C. Eplcy,. Charlen maids were to havo sold jolie f leurs to- Knowland. Fred Metz nnd S. E. Wolf; day for tiie Pisguh Home, but the solo, Miss Marguerite Flower; instru weather made it necessary to j mental numbers by Miss Joy-Turner postpone Primrose d i.v as it was impo.s- j and pupils; and a duet by Miss Linn sible to carry out ihe origin il plausi Jasper anil Miss Bertha ifouniard. mado by tho committee, headed by Other Un-al artists will also partici- .urs. i hauncey nisnop. If the gods favor it Mondav willj see su h a deluge of attractive young matrons with baskets of these I pretty. symbols of altruism for sale that , ...:n t. I 1 . ... ... il Will lie iiiiiil iur iy wnu iu ruir.i'11 i.....:.... .i. ...;n aid ill se'lling blossoms are: Mesdamcs Chauncev Bishop, Henry Movers, Hat- tie li. Lawrence, Hen Oleott, O. M. Elliott, John Mc.Varv, T. F. Porter, Asahel Bush, Melvin Plimpton, William Burgliardt, Harry Clnv, George J'ul- mor J'utnam, Hoorgo W. Grav, Council Dyer, Gcorgo Rodgers, Frederick Thiel sen. Charles MrXnrv. Frnesr Hunt. Cur tis U. Cross. Zartnc Hi itlfs. clvdo K. Graham, Elmer Hidden, Richard Cart - wright, John J. Lewis, Anna Rogers Fish, William Gnllnwav, F. C. Carleton, G. R. Bonnell, Roy Burton, A. H. Ka.- marek, .Miss Edith Hazird, Miss Mattiej lieatty, Mesdamcs E. F. Fargo, E. E. 1 risner, r: u, mrvinf, .loan Illinois, Miss Margaret Cospcr, the Misses Ida Simmons, Ellen Thielsen, Margaret Gray, Caroline Dick, Dorothy Dick, Hul en West, Gcrtrudo East, Helen Rose, Kathryn Slade, Helen Dcckcbach, M u- lorie Kay, Esther ( arson, Catherine v ci .. :r.. l-.i.... r ..ii i, i.-.i:.i. 'i, ivi: . ..i.. .u ' l HI, JMllUU, J.UIIU I', 111,11, J.ll,ilUtU U i .,i u'. , w ',....!.. Lord. Hazel Downing, Margery Marvin, Jessie Jloh omti, .Marie llulcomh, 1' lor once Hofer, lla Spaulding, Olga Gray, Jane Fry, Mario Hofer, Lucille Belle, Gene Belle, Gortrudo Enst, Bernicc Craig, Irene Curtis, Tora Mortcnson, Dorcas ( nurchill, Mary Eckerlen, Alice Baker, Margaret Good'iu, Lottie. Rogers, Flora Pitterson, Lctlia Driscoll, Regiiin Long, Priscilla Fleming, Paulino Rem ington. w . Jehn Claiic Monteitli the well known baritone and vocal teacher, of Portland, will sing in concert in Dallas next Sat urday evening, under the auspices of the Dallas Woman's club. Mr. Monteith. accompanied by Mrs.j Monteith, will stop iu Salem Saturday before going to Dallas where they wiil be the guests of Mrs. George Gerlinger. A dancing party that was one of the most delightful memories of the week and ono that will go down as one of u"c.,"" ',l ! K'V"i uy me mauons aim ma s oi no im A.;- a cluh was hem at the Moose hall Wednesday night. It was a typical Irish . affair, tho decorations all being dono in green. From tho center of tho ball room a huge green ivy bell hung nnd from that streams of the same color transforod the room into i bower-of green. At the sides of the room were jardiniers of feathery fetus. Tho punch wus also green, and was served by three dainty littlo muids, tho Misses Macyle Hunter, Lurouiy .scii anu jciua ivuson. Following the dance the out of town guests from Dallas were entertained at hot supper. . Mrs. Ben A. Polz'ui entertained a- number of friends informally .it cards Monday evening in honor of her hus band's natal anniversary. Card favors were won by Mrs. A. F. Courter and C. 8. Newberry. Circling the tables were: Mr. and Mrs. George Fox, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Courter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Glover, Mr. ami Mrs. C. II. Fruiter, Miss Lillian Stcgo. Miss Alma Ashbv, Miss Marie Schwab, H. X. Stoudenineyer, Chester Yantis and C. S. Newberry. . . An excellent musical programme and one that will include some of tho most exclusive local talent is announced for tho concluding number of winter at tractions at tiie Jason Leo Mcmoriil church on North Winter street Wednes day evening, March tho twenty-ninth. Some of the interesting features of tiie programme will he a whistling solo bv Mrs. LaMoine (Murk; reading by Airs. Anna Rogers Fish; reading by Mrs. J. Monteulm Brown; selections by the Christian church quartette coin- STOP Cough That Xfrat annoying cough which keeps you awake at night can easily be stopped by using a bottle of our cough remedy, 25c and 50c You will be convinced when you use one bottle. Remember the place. i Central Pharmacy 410 STATE STREET Formerly Poole's Drug Store ! pate. A small admittance lee will be j charged. About seven! v-five couples of lyounger girls and men and married folk - , ., .... made merry the evening tripping steps ftnng orchestra at the Hotel Marl0B 1 lst "' ! The dancing parties given by the I string orchestra this winter have been i vpr.v popular and a delight to devotee-a of tiie art, because of the music whie),r '" "ecu unusually miuu. me smug orchestra is composed of Miss Mary Schultz, violin; Miss Lillian Stcgo, violin ; Miss Georgabclle Booth, pianist; fi - liunsell, string bass; Charles Do Crastos, xylojdione and A. E. Laflcr, drums. f Clarence Bishop, of Pendleton, will arrive todav to be a week end guest at tho Bishoj) residence. The memoes of tho Aid Society of tho W. H. C. wore entertained Thursday ' bfteri eoi at the home of Mrs. Fred I Uynon. Sharing the honors as hostess ll witn Mrs. Uynon were: Mrs. M. E. 1 1 omcroy, Mrs. William Short, Mrs. L. , , ,, . i, ,, .a i t learwater, Mrs. Dm vies, Mrs. Jennie, Stewart and Mrs. K. K. Dennison. relieving the business session, Mrs. F. T. Porter gave x reading and Mrs. Doilti'i: a piano solo. Several of Die Sons of Veterans augmented the party later for refresh ments, including Dr. G. V. Ellis, David. Dregur, A. M. ( lough, R. F. Peters, E, , E. Cooper and J. F. Dunlap. Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner and daughters, tiie Misses mta and Barbara Steiner are the week end guests of Mrs. W. Kerron, in Portland. An all day session of tho interdenom inational missionary society, which is composed of nil tho missionary societies of all the Protestant churches in Sa lem will bo held in the First Congrega tional church Friday, March 31. A most interesting programme has been ar ranged for tho meeting including a book review by Mrs. Alice tl. Dodd, n. report of the Laymen's missionary con vention recently held in Fortlnnd by Rev. C. H. Elliott, and special music bv j,rs Mprlin , ,,, Mi L 1(; Barton. In the afternoon a naieant. showing the progress of missions iu th I'nited SJutes wiil be given under the direction of Mrs. J. M. Brown. This pageant has been presented in various churches in the middle west and has been pronounced a success. Everyone is invited to attend this meeting nnd aro urged to bring their lunch and remain or the entire day's session. The ladies of the church will provide tea and coffee 'it the noon, hour. Tho morning service will begin (Continued c Pagg Three.! 4 WHEN RUN DOWN Hood's Sarsaparilla, the Reliable Toni Medicine, Builds Up. The reason -why you feel so tired all the time at this season Is that your blood is impure and impover ished. It larks vitality. It Is not the rich red blood that Elves life to the whole body, perfects digestion and enables all the organs to per form their functions as they should. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla from any druggist. It will make you feel better, look better, cat and sleep better. It Is the old reliable tried and true all-the-year-round blood purifier and enrlcher, tonic and ap petizer. It revitalizes the blood, and is especially useful in building up the debilitated and run-down. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is helping thousands at this time of year. Let it help you. Get a bottle today and begin taking it at once. Be sure to Cot Hood's. Nothing else acts like It. TIIONE 276 5SBSEBBBBU