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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1916)
I i i II it ' 1 1 Tl 1 1 1 II i T I fl i i m if ij h f everything's" ; v j ' UA.TAKE. I ill j II 0 II , iliiilllll Ml llilfHiin1 11 11 11 1 111 a n ' ' ' .. RT flf PiMnniTFs isX'. c:,M i,t ,,l;!:i:,L::4:;e,j!;::dpiTV PnuiMMO inniir I "Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen" These Will Be Known May 19 Now that rogi-n r:i t inn ! : i v cU"cs on April I, mi. I llio j ri in n ry elections will lie hold May III. t ho pot, to use n eaniiol cxpiossiuii is doing considera ble boiling, f HiiilMiih's Inivc nl'out .ill t'iloil iiik! th.' 'olit niiiiis wlm hnvo (fit Im1 cull tuo sizing ufi llnir n'Min,nt' anil t'inriiii; jut wlmt in iiitin ti ti:i" .cii whci tin1 I'innl I'ount i- niii.ii' lull' mi Ihi' ewniiii: of M.iy U. l''ni'lnii.iU' i the mini wlin li;i ; t'niir yi-nr jnli in sijjljt llint nst nn niiinini hnliiry itt' l."i'0 unit is U'n I suii- ol' iM tint; it. Thnl i in-t tin' fix Hen W. I Hi nt t is in lit I'irscnt. At li'ict ll" inn' lin.i foini' out I'm tin' nifi't' to o!'"i-i him. Ai'l'oi uti'.l liy tiovcrnni. WrM, hi' "nun "i'ii'. mio lortn I'.v i'l"i't;n'i in. I 'iinnul mini' iii I'm' nnoliii'i' ti'rin. Thoinns K. t';iniilii'll h:is nnnoii'ni'l liis w illiiiiH's to siiT i' iini'tiior ti'rin ihi Ihi- 1'iililii- tii'i" ifO i,i.iniiii:s'ioti at tho rnli" nf . 1 . M nt ,i yi'iir. Kri'.t li. I'.Ui hU'l. vim hn- I'.'i'u mm iiis,' ii ili'euty si".i1it of woialit." nut ini'iisnii'ii ul-n rniw a Jili joli ti'i'l h:i iiiinniiini'.l hnnsi'li nt M I'linili.lnti' fur iii lil it Si'iin i-omur.' ii'r. yo far, no ono lins filc.i for tho (if fioo of tinny innt fnotl .oiii'iiiioni''', ht'lil liy .In. in 1 1. Mii'l.lo 1..'i!nu Mr. MiiKlo iiiiiiflf nn.l it loo!s tis if ho wonhl li:o tho vvholo tliinj. with no I'iositi". Tho ofi'ii'O i.;iy V-'.'i'i' A yt-nr. No .leiiiii. r;it hn fili'il to op oo Wil lis ('. Ilnwloy, nor h;n im roiMihli. in. lloii'O it is u snfo w:ijor thut .Mr. linn toy will rocivo tho nioniiiutinn at f li o M ty prininnos. Would Be Law M.ik?rs. Jthlninu from tho iniiiihor wiu iiro itiixious to soivc Muriun ooimty :is stnto roiro.'iit;itiv o, it nint ho n ijront horuir to !isif in in ii K i ll lI laws for tho stttfo. Tho snliry is only n ,lny. Hoii.t t ic ton or n il 'zon who aro in tho ra.o nm truthfully siv it is duty rat'ior th:in fiiiuto'i'tl rowar.l that iinl'.icoil thorn to Prompt Relief , from the all toocommon ills of ;the digestive organs weak stomach, torpid liver and inac itive bowel3 is found in tha 'always safe, sure, quick-acting (BEECHAM'S PILLS ljt SU ! Aor Medieia In lh WorU. tMi wrrkf. la buiH, lUc, Jiis, not iii tho moo. lloro Is a list nf tho ".villink; omi's who hnvo filo.l: s.'iinoiir .louos. from Koisor. I'nrnior oli.ii i iinin of ri'l'iililionu olnli; first of fonso; novor hohl an nffioo. II. K. lloliorl son. Tntnor; is a fnnnor nn.l lit prosont oiiaii'iiian of tho roulili .-an oomniittoo; was ilol'onti'il for nulli ty' roininissionor four yonrs ai;o; novor iiolil nffiro hut is vvilliii!;." 11. I'. M. lntnrfl'. rising yonni; attorn oy of Snhm; tirt ol'tonso: noior hol.l offiio hut fools ho i-oul.l hohl ilowti tho joli nlrinhl. I v i ii li. Mnrlin. nnolhor risinj; Invv vor ol' Snloiu; soi-on.l nflonso, as ho' run for roi'i'osontat'n o two years no ami lost out liy only I!' votes. Motto, "II at first yen ilon 't siii-i'Oo.l. ' ' Thomas ISmwu, lawyer of Snlom, I' resent iiii'iiiiihont ; trioil it OHi e ami w illiiii; to try aiinin. Sum II. Ilrown, tiorv .iis; is it fanner nn.l afler soivitiii ono session liKo the .in 1 nn.l is also willing to try it iiiinin. fVo.i s.honror is a fnnnor of Unite villi", first nflonso; only man from moth on. I of ... unity an. I ox'ivts In poll that vnto. I'.'. !l. I'olkna.i, fanner fioin Siilm-v: never hol.l nil nffioo Init is willing to hol. in il.o laws. tloii'ijo Koi'.h hails from; is a fiii-i'ior an. I Inis is his first oi'lon"0; lioliovos n .-liuir in the house nf ro'i'0- sentatives wonhl In' i-oint'orlnl'lo. ! Mrs. IIoIImi K. I'.-ino, Inst on the list I lust not al all !"ast, as the womon .ro now M'tina. Mrs. I'm;i' is not only a j of tho l::vv ilo'artmout nf the! Willamette university, hut has ulsnj lioeti :i. 1 in 1 1 ',! to tho liar. Ins innoliooil : in tlie oniiils; lakes an in-tivo interest in . iv'I at'lairs nn.l is ontirolv i-oiu-netei t. Soma Other Jobs. I-Vr . ir. uit ui.lgo, I'or.-y IJ. Kelly, nf A'.l'.r.iv, lias aniiouiii-e.l for a sooon.l to-n Tin I lie i onililii a n ti.-l.ot. (U'ori;o ll. I!:" iliani, of Snlom; M. K. IVmne, nf Silo-!, an 1 .hi.lno William tiallnwayi aro also in the ruiiiiino,, .Initio lialln-! way is tuo only ilomoorat in the fiohl. an. I 'io i now- aiinoiiii.-ni lor his thii.lj 1 1' : tj -. j Unk six iiin.iiilatos have Hiinoiin.'i'.l : for .listiiot attorney. V.. I!. Kino. the! p'Osont iii.'uniliont. appointo.! liy (lov or'inr West, will not ho n oanili.l.ito. The six u.Hi.l Kail tnio lawyers who are willing to servo tho ,1 it rut for four y.vars at the rate of if'.MOti a year 11 to ns fnllnws: Mux iiolilhar, sorvo.l as diunty olorlv four yens; prior to that time prm'tieon! law; has boon utptain of company r three yours ami lias served in the na tional ifiiar.l ten years. Waiter K. Kovos, was ilopnty ilistriot attornoy tlueo yens mi. lor (Jail Hill. tiny 0, Smith, Salem; first time ho 'ias nsl.o.l for a pulille nffioo. Walter t). Wiitslow, of Salem: was .lepiity .listriit Httorni'V uiulor .loh'.t II. M.Nary; ruu onif for tho loislattue nn.l n tain for ilistriot attorney. O. II. f'lison, youiiK atloriioy of Sa lem; first time to come hofore the vot ers for pulilio oi'fi.-e. liiaino Mi't'onl, of Woo.lliurn; novor hoM a puliiio ot'iioe nn.l this is U's first ont'an. o into pt-.lilie life. The ot'iioo of county comtHisiiinor pays a lay while the oouimisionor is on the iuh. lfoine tho pay is part honor an. I art real monoy. Those who tav dVil oa tU tofuWican t'okot aw THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT'RNAL. SALEM, ORECOV .1. T. Hunt, nf Sulilimity; A. ('. kililiv, of .lef t'orson, i m i Mniiruo Nve, of Juo sun Hill. This is t ho first attempt fnr Mr. Hunt uiul Mr. Nye, Init not so with Mr. I.ililiy, nf .leffei'son, ns he has serveil two terms in the limine of rep resentatives, was lel'oateil fur the third lorni and was defeated for enmity as sessor. Mr. l.ililiy's lint is uno nf those Hint will nut wear out uiul it is still in tiio riny. Two Women In Race. Now thnt W. Al Junes has aniiiiuneed that he rs not in polities, at least this year, the race for sheriff litis narrowed down lo W. I. Noo.lhani, who has lieon deputy sheriff for eiyht yours and K. K. I'uopor, .it prosont I'onstiiide. There ivns some t a IK of Mr. Junes itinkino it a three cornered fiiilit, Init ii few days ayu ho nnnoiinie.l (.ositivoly that ho was not in the race. The siionff 'ets .l'.imiii a year. I'' rn in tho prosont indii-nl ions, 1". li. Itoyor will have the race for county clerk ill to himself uiul there will not he much nf a nice. No one has as yet filo.l for the office liosidos Mr. Iluyer. lie has served four years as deputy and when ho lie-ins in draw pay il will lo at the rate Of 'MSnO a year. Hen F. West has served so efficiently as Assessor for the past four years that from the present uut lnnk, he will have an opposition and ho will ho permitted! in peace lo draw- .fluid another four' years. i As superintendent nf county schools, I W. M. Smith has served eight years audi wants years more. Throe others nl- so want tiie loin i a year tho office i p i.vs. These are: I Inrein'O 1'hillip, of Scntts Mills, who was dol'ento.l for thej office four years ago; Miss Kli.alioth i t'ornolius, who was school supervisor ; for throe yonrs. and W. r. Hauult, the! prosont superintendent of tho Slav ton j st hools. j Mrs. Mildred li. Itrooks. who has hold I the office nf county rocordoi' for two! years has no opposition fr too $1-00 a' year joli and the simo may bo .said of! 1'. t'. I'lagor. who has heou treasurer', two year-. Willi the prospects of no' opposition, why worry? German Submarines Reported In Pacific San Francisco, Mar. L'l, A report that lu'rman subnuirim ; ho 1 boon wen in the Taoifio was lrnu(;::t heio to"ay by pnsseiiKers on the liner Moana vvhi , h arrived from Sydney, Australia They said two submarines and what looked like a German romineree raider had been soon. Hritisli authorities are said to believe the suluuarinos were about to operate from a secret base in tin Fiji islands. The Moana reached Sun Francisco one dnv laic or accoun: of having made a detour around the sup pose J submarine zone. USES MEXICAN ROADS .Tuare-, Mot., Mar. "I. Repeated ' f forts to rommunioate with districts south of fnsas tirandes fiilod at tho toloirraph office hero this a.ternoon. It vvns tmo'ffifinlly reporlod tht Oi'nit-i.l IVrshimt was tisini; the M-'X'oo Noith western railroad wires for military pur poses south of thnt city. OTshiin' is usinr; the for trans -o't'ttiPti tf troops. II I IJIIHI 11 I H I W..0.W.'s Win First Place With Lojus Second and Oregon Bowlers Third w, I.. TVt. W. (). w. I.ojn (iro.Mit ,, frj "li .tiiiii rn ;!.. .ooi ..40 as .51 a The past season of the city bowline league has boon the most closely con tested season yet lulled, as any toani had a chance to win till the list few; sessions. The W. 0. W. Salem Camp Xo. 1 IS won tho most of the laurels, their team winning first place in .tho percentage column, also taking high single gami'l for n team of 1W0 pins, .ind Fred Kress i of the W. (). W. had high individual! average of 1 Hi for the 7S Karnes, close ly followed nil season by 0. Lhiy of the! I oju team who finished second with; an average nf IS!) ind lie had high! throe games for an individual of IW" 1 pins, while Sid l.loyd of the W. 0. W. i had high single game of i."i4. The Ore-, gun team lin.l high three games for a team with 27!() jins. The winning W. O. W, team is com-: posed of the following well known! bowlers; Oiptnin Luke Donaldson. I Sidney Lloyd, Fred Kress, Marion j I lea n mid Lloyd Wilson. Tho Lojus wore oaptniiieil by "Hap py Hairy Hill, witn Merle Statesman, II. Day, Mort JMIkenton and Henry Frela ml. Arthur Laflar led his Oregon cohorts through the seisou with the following, nidi's Jack Zcngor, John Siindin. Hert j Whorley nod Willis Anibnl, and the. Oregon team kept the Lojus busy keep-j in second place. ' i Henry Freeland, ns secretary, treas-l urer, president and offieial tveragej compiler of the league, and to whom all! bowlers in the league feel deeply in- j dbtod for his enrgtie oo-operation. j Lloyd Wilson, of toe t'lnb Alley i. wishes to announce that a Puck Fin league will tie formed in the near fu ture, which league will bo composed of it elast six teams. I rtolow are the individual averages of all bowlers conipetiuj: on the three teams: 0 imes Ave. Kress 7" Day 7S Wilson 77 Laflar fill Freeland 7S Stntesmnn 7? Anibal 77 Zenger 71 ltenn ...7J Whorlev 7. Donaldson 7 Lloyd IW Filkenton Smitliu i'S) Hill 7S 1 si i ii! 1st i ISO Kill I;!!' Km i:o( lliO llvV lli bii 157 SATURDAY, MAR. 25. 1916. Sufferings of Sailors Rival Tales of Fiction San Francisco, Mar. 25. Stories riv aling in horror Kdgar Allen Poe's "Narrative of A. Gordon Tym" were told by sailors on the British bark Vawry today when it arrived here aft er a voyage of 1H5 days from Dakar, South Africa. While seamen die of scurvy and were thrown overboard, terrible storms lashed the sails to tnirers and food ran low, the rats aboard ship became so bold they ventured out in daylight and fought with the mariners for what lit tle they had to eat. Hurry Massey, a former Fortland high .school boy, was among five su'f forers from scurvy that Tvere lifted from the ship when it docked here, and taken to St. Joseph s hospital Three others stricken with scurvy and beri bori, died at sea. The negro cook also died. For three months there was no fresh food. No land was sighted until the Cape of Good Hope nail been rounded, and then it was a desolate coast far away. Only one ship was seen during the entire voyage, a steamer hull down on the horizon. Had the trip been prolonged, Captain Thomas Dunning fetus more mm wnuh have died of starvation and disease. The five taken to tire hospital are ae riouslv ill. Fifty. Mile Race On at San Diego San Diego, Oal.. Mar. 2.1. With n California spring sun beaming down and tho gray-white walls of the ex position buildings for a background, the four speedsters were sent away over the hazardous course in the 50 mile ex position outoinobile race at 2:50 thi afternoon. At the beginning of the race it was estimated that between 12.000 and 15, 000 people were massed around ' course. Stands were full and every roof and shelter was covered. Hun dreds of automobiles were at the north gate. In the drawing tor places Teddy Tetzlaff, in his purple Milac, drew the inside position: Cliff Durnnt, with the rod Chevrolet. No. 2; Oldfield and his Deluge, got No. 3, and Boh Biirmiin, in a Peugeot, picked No. 4 plare. Backers of Oldfield groaned when they saw the moving pictures snapping "Miss San Diego" taking the famous cigar out of the month of Barnev. Thev thought it wa bad luck as the speed boy had never driven a race without a "snipe." The racers circled the track once and were sent anav bv starter Howard B. Smith FIGHTS LAST NIGHT Now York. Porky Fly an was out pointed by Al Hoick in 10 rounds. Bridgeport, Conn. Johnny Howard, of Bayonne, was knocked out by George Willard Really Does Not Need the Money (By t'nited Press.) New- York.. Mar. 23. Toss Willard really doesn't need tho $47,500 he will gamer for a few fleeting minutes in the roped square tonight. .Toss, while not a tightwad, is a lrngnl soul and, to say nothing of what lie collected for bumping the big black boy in Havana, he has been knocking out $2,000 a week with a circus for the last' 50 weeks or so. Willard is no fool about his fin ancial investments and, while he lias a fine home in Chicago, also a car and other little comforts, he doesn't feed any of his long green to the birds. He huys a good many hundred acres of oil lands and such stable things as that. Chip in the sixth round of their sched uled l.i-round bout. San Francisco. F.d shannon won a four-round decision over Willie Hnppe. New York. Frank Whitney was forced to quit in the fourth round of i. scheduled 10-mund bout after Fred die Welsh had punished him terrif ieinl lv. New York. Johnny Killmne otit boxed Harry Donahue, of reoria, in n 10-round bout. LOS ANGELES PLAYERS GO San .Tose. Oil.. Mar. 25. Harry Wol vertuu again got out. his well 'known axe today and lopped Catcher Cress. Outfielder Lang and lufielder Bums, from the Seals' roster. The biggest crowd the Seals have facejl so far this season will be out Suu.lay afternoon when thev meet the The Fight Is Not Over Yet See Page Three Monday's Paper Santa Clara varsity fur the third time. Joe Sorbetr, the veteran boxmau, will perform. i' Wr-V:CiV' " . I Steel fishing Rods' Do You Want the Kind of Tackle that Catches the Big Ones. We Have It Either Store. 128 S. Commercial St. 219 N. Commercial St. Watt Shipp Co. 4. X i