Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 25, 1916, Image 1

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    1 fTl? (
rift s3 o ll
rlUCb TWO LLWTa stands five cent
Sussex Is Badly Damaged Bat Proceeds To Boulonge Under
Own Steam Surviving American Passengers Declare
. They Saw Torpedo Coming Toward Ship-Fifty Lives
' Are Believed to Have Been Lost, Although Some May
Have Been Picked Up by Other Ships-Other Vessels
; Are Torpedoed
By John H. Hearley,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Boulonge, via Paris, March 25. Two Americans are
missing among the 50 persons who are missing and be
lieved to be dead today, as the result of an explosion which
damaged the steamer Sussex as she was crossing the Eng
lish channel. Three Americans aboard declare they saw a
torpedo coming toward the Sussex just before the ex
plosion. There were at least 12 Americans on the vessel, in
cluding myself. The missing United States citizens are
Elizabeth Baldwin and her father of Philadelphia. Others
endangered were W. G. Penfield, an American student at
Oxford university, Edward Huxley, president of the
United States Rubber company, Francis E. Drake, head
of that corporation's European branch, and Miss Alice
Although the explosion damaged the Sussex so that
passengers had to abandon her, the vessel arrived at
Boulonge today under her own steam.
There were "SO aboard when we,
sailed from Folkestone yesterday noon.
Kxtellent weather was encountered.
jS'eir the French ort of Dieppe tne
terrific explosion occurred. 1 was con-'
versing with several Americans about j
4:;i(i p. m. when the blast shook the
Sussex from bow to stern. One empty
lifeboat was splintered and a huge
fountain of water spouted over the
side. Many passengers standing it the!
rail were engulfed in this wave audi
liurled violently into the sea. It wasj
among them that most of the casualties I
occurred. . L
lifeboats were launched iinmedi ite-
y, but I learned that several person
I'pon arrival there tho wounded were
rushed to the care of physicians. The
survivors lias tended to breakfast, scat
tering before an accurate list of those
saved could be obtained. It is possible
tjiat persons reported missing now miy
later be found raved.
Most of the survivors left soon for
Paris or southern France, the authori
ties waiving usual rigid formalities in
examining their effects.
Zeppelins Will Scout,
(liy William G. Shepherd.)
Paris, itar. 2." Equipped with a new
horribly destructive devise, x great
fleet of Zeppelins will accompany the
struggling near t lie rail were not picked German navv when it dashes out to
tip- ! meet the Hritish, according to stories
Just after the explosion the Susses: ; told by Swiss boatuien ou Lake Con
listed sharply and it was feared she ' stance."
Mould sink. Passenger were panic Thev obtained their information they
sdricken. Women And children rushed, said, from residents of Friedriehshafea
Mmekitig about the sloping decks. Ut-, where the great Zeppelin works ire lo
ticers finally quieted them; and the
panic subsided when the vessel righted
Survivors remained aboard until 11
p. in. when most of tiiem were taken
off by the Maria Theresyi and lauded
at lloulogne eirly today. It is believed
the estimate of fit) dead niay be ex
aggerated, as there is a chance of some
jia-sengers having been picked up by
The explosion occurred in the for
ward part of the ship, wounding many.
It shattered the wireless house, so there
was no chance of calling for help by
radio. For hours the Sussex drifted in
the channel viinly signalling for aid.
The wounded were taken to state rooms
mid cared for as well as possible by the
dip's surgeon.
When the Mnrip Theresa came along
side the wounded were first transferred
10 it. Then the vessel sent bouts over
for the uninjured passengers. The Sus
sex was apparently in no danger of
id airing but as several lifeboats had
been splintered by explosion, sailors
feared they might leak if launched.
Another steamer came up in th dark
ness in the midst of the transfer and
cated. Thev have watched German sky
cruisers experiment with the new death
missile. Suspended from the gondola
of the Zeppelin is a wire more tiian two
miles long. At the end ot the wire
dangles a cluster of bombs, filled with
hitfh explosives.
Scouting ahead of the fleet at l
great height the Zeppelin, boatmen say,
will drop its explosive bait to the war
er anil drag it at a high rate of speed
When the bomb cluster strikes the side
of an enemy wirship, the Zeppelin com
mnnder, two miles above the water, wil
touch u electric button, Betting off
the charge.
The bomb dragging feat, it is said
has been practiced several tunes in the
past fortnight by a new Ceppelin that
apparently maintained a speed of 100
miles an hour.
Battle In North Sea.
London, Mar. 23. Rattling ia the
..orth sei February 29, the German'
commerce raider Grief and the British
armed merchant cruiser Alcantara were
both so badly damaged that they sank,
the admiralty Announced today
. xIA 0ss ft 4; X ,
1 rt3ga BStfaF
v Huntinpr Mexican bandits is a favorite sport in New Mexico these clays. Photo shows members of citizens
posse of Columbus who accounted for some of Villa's outlaw followers. A cood Villista meaning a dead one ii
shown in the forecround.
Return of Crisp Spring
Weather Signals Aggres
sives Operations
$ if !
Berlin, March 2"). German
artillery has set fire to Verdun,
it was officially announced to
day. There were no important
charges on the western front
during the night.
The pink sport section of the Daily Capital Journal
will be issued late this evening as an extra and sent to all
subscribers. It will contain a full account of the Willard
Moran fight by rounds. The fight begins in New York at
9:P0, which is about 6:30 here in Salem, and the extra
editions should be out by 8 o'clock, if the bout is pulled
off promptly.
The fight will also be bulletined by rounds tonight at
the Capital Journal office as fast as it comes in over a
wire direct from the ringside.
Tlia i:rnf ft iinnmla.iU,! ,-.. 7 art- 1
offered to convey the Sussex to. port.! of 2028 tons. She carried a crew 'of!
Thereupon the Man i Therest hurried to:
By Carl W. Ackerman,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.,
Berlin, March 25. Keturn of crisp
spring weather to Verdun signals the
renewal of heavy infantrjv fighting
there which is expected to slowly
squeeze out tho French from the Mal-ancourt-Bcthincourt
salient. The re
cent lull was due to fog and rain which
hindered artillery. Now the weather is
so fine that German soldiers from their
newly gained positiojis on the Meuse
we.t bank can look down on Verdun's
glistening spires.
- Shells from German 42 centimeter
guns have greatly damaged forts on
the eastern and northeastern sides of
the city.
Neither Russian attacks nor allies re
ports of heavy German losses at Verdun
have shaken German confidence in the
Hiccoss of their smash against the
strong fortress. Reports of 200.000
Teutons lost at Verdun are deemed
absurd here.
The disorganized Russian offensive
convinced German critics that the czjvr
was not ready when General Joffrc
asked him to aid.
Boulogne with its cargo of sufferers.
sCc i(e 3c afc Jc s(c sfe ae afe 3c afc 9e
French Attack Briskly.
The Alcantara was probably a crack! ,,(s' d ; th(! ni ht infiit,ted
"r J- ,,7 01 l"e uo " I severe losses on Germans in a defensive
.. purler, needing to the admiralty 'ir
pw r u nvwe.n;iii t no mill n .'innn.t rn u" "i"-'" oi . in-..v .
repeal1 exploits of the German com-
i MY "
Mr. Lemuel Akers, once rated at tli
e;ilthiest man in th' country, died a
grocer here yisterday. Th' feller who
wears eyeglasses alius gits credit fer
knorin' twice as much as he does.
! merce raider Moewe.
When the shins came together enn
j non fire sank the Germ jn. As she went! described,
down she launched a torpedo which
siriicu me. Aicamara nmiosmps ana
sent her to the bottom. It is believed
1H0 of the Grief's crew perished. Five
officers and 116 were made prisoners.
The Alcnnt irn lost five officers and G9
According to admiralty accounts the
Grcif slipped out from Kiel canal dis
guised is a Norwegian tramp. Alcant
ara, patrolling in the Nortn sea, met
and hailed her.
When asked to identify his vessel the
commander of the German raided re
plied with a fictitious name, nrouaing
the suspicions of British officers on the
Alcnntara. They hunched a boatload
of armed sailors to board the raider,
and examine her papers.
Suddenly as the small boat approach
ed, guns were unmasked on the Oreif
ind a German flag was run up. Brit
ish and Teuton gunners fired simul
taneously. Struck in several place the raider
continued fighting.
Gunners working like mad amid
scenes reminiscent of old time sea bat
tles. With several holes below the water
This was
the only trench fighting mentioned.
Aritllery fighting on the W'oevre plain
and in tho Moulainville sector was
(Continued on Bags Saren.)
Kuiiene. Or.. Mar. 25. Chewing to
bacco. savs J. II. Lee, is the secret of
longevity. Lee is a third cousin of
General Robert K. Lee. He celebrated
his 103 birthday yesterday.
Pendleton. Or.. Mar. 2.". Romeo Ha
zen. of Seattle, hid another scalp at his
belt today. Last night he knocked out
Kay McCarrol, of Dillon, in the second
round of a icheduled ten round fight.
Grass Valley, "catTirar. 25. When
W. J. Mow had i doctor examine a spot
in his neck that pained, he lcirned that
his neck had been broken since last
August. The bones of the neck were
enice, tal., Mar. . l'ortions of a
gasoline launch washed ashore today,
led to the belief that a party of fisher
men may have met death in the storm
which raged off this coast Thursdiy.
When the storm was at its height a
launch waa sighted helpless off I'laya
LVI Reve. No trace wai found Of it at-
iter the storm abated.
New Vork, Mar. 2.". Between 12,000
and l.'!,000 persons are expected to at
tend the ten round fight between .less
Willard and Frank Moran at Madison
Squire Garden tonignt. fliore man
1,000 women will probably be there. Ev
ery seat in' the house has been sold and
today, long oerore me aoors openeu,
crowds iegan gathering around the
Training camp eleventh hour reports
said both men were ready for the big
quarrel. Willird was regarded as a
heavy favorite, as Moran must put him
to sleep in order to win the champion
ship. The Irish challenger is confident
of his ability to lullaby Willard into a
brief doze by caressing him with right
swings, but' few betters seemed dis
posed to stake anything on it.
Kor his labors this evening Willird
will receive $. 100. Moran 's share is
to be $-i'),7.")0. The increase is due to
the fighters receiving shares in the mo
tion picture rights.
Boxing enthusiasts flocked into New
York today from all over the country.
Somo camo from as far uway as the l'a
cific coist. Most of them had their
sents purchased in advance. Those
who hud not were forced to delve deep
into the wallet, as speculators held all
available seats and sold them i'or thrill
ing figures.
A little sentiment in tavor or wil
lird winning by a knockout developed!
today. With the champion outweighing
Moran by !)0 pounds, a number be
lieved it would not be difficult for
him to ease Frank into a state of coma.
Moran, however, ridicules tue suggest
ion that thero will be resin in his hair
when the affair ends. He nppirently
honestly believes such a thing out of
the question. Moran says he never
felt better in his life, and "points
with pride" to the hard fights he has
engaged in during the past months
while Willard was posing before the
camera ind getting corpulent.
Tex Hickard, promoter of the battle,
is said to have cleared .t"i0,0O0 as his
share of the profits.
By Charles P. Stewart.
(United Tress staff correspondent.)
London, Mar. 25. The most serious
situation since the l.usitania incident
threatened German-American relations
today as a result of the alleged torpedo
attack on the channel steamer Hussex
and the sinking of the Dominion liner
F.nglishman, in the view of British o
Dover dispatches said nearly lofl
vivors of the .Sussex explosion, includ
ing several Americans, had landed
there. The chief engineer of the Kin
sex and a Belgian passenger were kill
ed outright. Their bodies have been re
covered. One American-it missing and
is beliered to have drowned, Dover re
ported. Confusing reports concerning Amer
icans aboard the Hussex were circulat
ed. One news agency deared F.lizjibeth
Baldwin and ner -parents," of Philadel
phia, had been aved, the girl'a leg
having been broken. Other accounts
said Miss Baldwin and ber father were
. French dispatches asserted flatly that
City at Gateway to Mexico Seethes With Sentiment for War
and Same Feeling Exists Along Entire Border Texan
Naturally Hates Mexican Tricolor and Speculators and
Adventurers Are Strong In Sisalar Feeling-Funstoa
Will Be Compelled To Ask For More Troops-Villa
Seems to Have. Escaped Again
By E. T. Conkle,
(United States Correspondent.)
El Paso, Texas, March 25. El Paso, war capital of the
United States, is frankly for war. The more war the bet
etr El Paso will like it. Mexico in America's hands is El
Paso's dream. Its hotel lobbies today are lined with,
millioraires who have made their stake in Northern Mex
ico and who dream of the day Uncle Sam will throw his
protection over the rich mining and cattle region of the
south and allow them to pile up their millions without
fear of revolution.
They are frankly adventurers. Some have discarded
the high boots for patent leather pumps, the horse for
the motor. Others, new products, have still the look of
the pioneer. For all Mexico in American hands spells
"Hell, ain't we Americans? Ain't we entitled to the
same protection as New York? We made our money
just as honestly as Wall Street did and a more so,"
said one gold miner who sits in the big boards in Wall
la tomedo was responsible for the ex
plosion. John Hearley, L'nitcd I'rcss
.staff correspondent aboard the Sussex,
I said three Americans were positive they
hnd wen a torpedo speeding townrd the
vessel an instant before the crash.
Agnts of the line owning' the fSussex
refused to comment on the affair. The
company officers issued a statement
that the vessel had "met n mishap."
Further information was withheld pend
ing receipt of a detailed report from the
The American emuafrsy arranged to
obtain affidavits from American sur
vivors at Dover, and similar arrange
ments were made in Paris.
London newspapers were horrified at
the Sussex tragedy. It was the first
disaster of its kind to befall the steam
packets which carry hundreds of non
combatants across the Knglish channel
every day.
Information eoncerning the number
missing in the Englishman sinking was
vague. Reports merely stated the big
liner was sunk with a probable loss ot
i fuur American lives. , ' -
They own vast tracts, rich mines,
great forests, mostly by grant of somo
Mexican dictator. Labor was cheap. It
was easy to run a -.shoestring into a
shoo store. They did it. ' They took
a chance but now they usk Uncle iSam
to double-rivet their title.' Ask them
why Kt. Louis, New York and Chicago
Slioum mun;u 10 iieiiiu iu ti-;u men
title and they don't undemt-.iid. In
fact most of them are as ready to tad
die and go to battle as they uro to
send others.
A notch down arc the merchants, ho
tel keepers, businesj men, to whom un
interrupted traffic spells good living.
They fatten as the men higher up pros
per. Their workers- have tho Bume
Then, too, thev believe ;.V.t rp.m
vnr would mean the cirl nf the i.'iuce
:'ut has lasted rive th"! AI.il.i. Ll
ti.ro, with her 75 ( 00 pep,.?, is r p'.r
c I Alexican. '.".. ss the b d 'r nie
15,'0li nioro Mexicans at Jure:',, ivi'h
o the shalU i.- l:io O i' 3 ivlncli
ttereiul Fiuiiitou cn.i.l wade, not swiri
between them and Mi:' I'nitJl Mntec.
Curtr.n soldiers sr, t'n other i!ij -f
tho internutionatbridgc Inking toll. Hut
beyond the appeal of gold, lead iiiid
cattle iB another appeal.
Tho border has suff'i'.'d. A.'i.eiichn
cattle havo been- stolen. Amilicnn
mines and ranches hn.c been pliii'doico.
American women hav : l ecn ravished
and their babes 'it brci:;t slain, l.tery
town, every hnmWt nl'ug the l.o-dor
has the proof in gravestones or wrecked
The average Texnn hates the Mexican
tricolor as the crusader hated tho cres
cent. War with Mexico may bo a mat
ter of politics, business, statesmanship
with tho great east and centr".l starts,
but with the border it ii as deep as
human hatred.
Hight or wrong. wKe or 'foolish, the
border is for war. The rest of the
l'nitcd States might as well consider
that a.', il e tlurt.
By E. T. Conklo.
d'nitcJ Press staff correspondent.)
Ill Paso, Texas, Mar. 25. Francisco
Villa is believed to nave escaped tho
American-f 'arrnnzista trap laid for him
near Namupiipn. With a great number
of his followers lie is thought to have
renched the San Miguel country.
Military men expressed this convic
tion today when a report of a decisive
battle with him failed to materialize.
In the absence of word to coitrnry, it
is believed the American expedition lost
Villa's trail. The bandit chief was Inst
reported at Naniifpiipa a week ago. The
American expedition did not reacn
ther until Thursday or Fridi.y.
Consul Garcia had no further word
today with regnrd to the situation at IX
Oio where Villa was reported backed
up in a canyon between Nnmipiipa and
Santa Clara fighting for his life. Vil
listnr havo cut kit telegraph wire? south
of Casas Orandes.
It is apparent tha? Villa his scatter
ed tiis forces. A small number lire
perhaps surrounded in the N'amiiuipi
district from which come persistent re
ports of the American expedition en
veloping the bandits. Another group
probably set 'fire to .Tnnos, a small town
vhrh tho United States trooi found
Villistas are lielieved to have heen
cetit.ected with tjie wreck of in Amort'
ran troop train south of Casai r.run
des. Th engin and several ears taraed
over near Cumbrea. There wdre no fa
talities; but a number of eavalrv.horae
ere to badly hurt tliey had' to- b
hilled. The -column mnrched ov-sr'and
for tho remainder of tho journey.
Eunston May Need Aid.
Sun Antonio, Texas, Mar. 25. Major
General Fred Funston may be compile!
to ask for more trcips as a result of
many urgent demands for protection
from, alarmed communities in Texns.
Arizona, and New Mexico. Army hind
quarters: intimated today he might ns'c
tho war department to call the militii
of three states to patrol those districts.
Funston is reluctant to do so, feirintr
that the presence of additional sol.lior
on tho border would embarrass Venus
tiano Currnnza. He is also loath to
insure the extra expense.
Headquarters was very apprehensive
at reports of Villistas having " (
three Americans at Gibson ranch. The
story was not confirmed, however. Ma
jor Sample, commandant, urged that ac
curate information be rirshcd to head
quarters. Sheriff Edwards was expected to ask
Governor Ferguson 'for militia to pro
tect Kl Pnso if need of guarding Gen
eral Pershing's communication lines
further deideted tho force of regulnrs
thoro. Additional troops to protect tha
lino required now must be sent either
from here or from another department
of tho army.
Mn.jor General Funston, in replying
to General Pershing's demand that ho
take over the Mexican Northwestern
railroad and operate trains from Kl
Paso to Casus Graudes, told him author
ities for such a proceeding had not been
received from Washington.
Flans May Be Cnanged.
Douglns, Ariz., Mar. 25. Sweeping
changes in the plan of campaign agaiiidt
Villista bandits was predicted by mili
tary lenders here following unconfirmed
reports that three Americans had beea
murdered a few miles west of Gibson
runch by Mexican bandits.
Preparations were being rirshed to
day for a troop movement hero. While'
United Stutes army officers refused ti
talk to correspondents it wan hinted
that several troops of tho Firnt cavalry
stationed here would bo sent to tho
vicinity of Gibson's runch just insida
tha American territory, whore tha raid
waa reported.
Owing to tho strict military censor
nhip'iiractically nothing could b learn
ed of tho affair in which two Amer
ican women and one mnn wero said to
havo been killed.
Tho Mexicans were mounted and
numbered nearly a hundred aiicordinp
to the story brought hero by a party
of five motorists who were guarded by
(Continued on Svna.)
TrnTTs N
Oregon: To
night and' Sun
day rain; south
erly wiachv fresh,
to atrowj a er
the CanC ,