Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 24, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Opens at 9 A. M. Every Morning .
Soft and stiif,yaljilo inIaceandblsttoassl ,es Both Work and Dress
$3.00one assortment J
50c good values to $5.00- Shoes, values to $5.00
Another assortment $1. broken lines $2.65 for $1.95
Knickers, values to $6, Valu8S to $20.00-one All sizes, large assort-
Q0AC assortment $7.15 , , , t
now?2'45 Another assortment t to choose from,
One iiuablack suits $1.98 $4.95 values to $20 $9.65
High School Student Contra
dicts Testimony of Girl's
Oroville, Cal, March 24. With a final
smash at the defense of Rev. Madison
Slaughter, charged with attacking Ger-
I trude Lamson, aged 15, the state closed,
Expert Arrives Here to
Investigate Brown Rot
To investigate the brown rt in this
valley, Charles BrooKn, of AYashingtoii.
D. C, from the IT. S. Agricultural de
partment, is in tho city conferring
with the fruit companies and 0. O.
Constable as to the best means of fight
ing tho disease and of establishing ex
perimental stations near Salem.
After conferring with the Sal'ir
Fruit compauy, Willamette Valley
Prune association, and (). A. C. repre
sentatives, a letter has been drafted tho primary teachers will visit iu I'ort-
Ncxt Monday will also be visiting
day for the teachers of the Washington
junior high school and according with i
the closing of tho school this evening,
the children attending that school will
be free to roam until Tuesday morn-,
ing. Of the 17 teachers in the Wush-1
ington school, those tic junior high '
grades will visit the junior grades in I
either Albany or Ale.Minnvillo, while!
which will lie sent to the fruit grow
ers in the valley, reenmmeuding meth
ods of treatment and tho controlling
of brown rot.
D. P. Fisher, also of the of fie 3 of
Saturday Only 90c White Cot
ton Bats 72x90 Ready Sewed .
One Bat. only to an individual in the Economy Basement
Our Big Offerings in Ladies'
Dresses, Suits and Shoes in
, the Economy Basement.
rf JJ
wnin 9HjmoHAtma
consultation with growers. With Mr.
Brooks, he will devote tho next two
weeks to studying brown rot in the
state of Washington and then return t
Snlim for additional conference.
It has not been definitely de.-M.M
where the experimental stations will
be located but the prospects are on,ul
for experiments being tri.'d near this
Motorcycle Cop Chases
Automobile Thieves
its case today and nreuared for iiirvFr,lit Phrase Investigations, W.islmif
. , ton, was jn the city a few dav? ag in
Leona Hook, aged 13, a high school
student, attacked Slaughter's alibi in
the Inst moments of the prosecution's
sur-rebuttal. She testified that she
went to the Lamson home November 13
and November 14, and that on both
days Gertrude was not there. Ger
trude's sister Jennie, said the witness,
told the pastor s accuser was "over at I
This contradicted . the evidence of
Gertrude's parents. They declared shej
was at home on November 13 and Nov-
I ember 14, the days on which Slaugh
ter is alleged to have committed th?
On eross-exaiuinstion Leen Hook re
mained uuhaken. Her word was cor
rolioiatod by her mother, Mrs. J. .
Hook, ,ho assertei that I.eona went to
the Lamson honv? on
mentioned. On cross-e.uniin:'.!)on sh
established the dulo by paying sht
came home sick and made a note of it
iu her expensj hook.
Mrs. Thomas hidden was recalled to
the stand. She further strengthened
the Hook girl's story by asserting Ger
trude worked at her home, next door to
the Slaughter residence, on November
l.'l and November 14,'aud that she slept
iu Slaughter's home on both those
The accused minister appeared agi
tated thi morning.
Let the Capital Journal New Today
Column put your dollars on the right
The theft of a Ford auto w-ns reported
to the police station last night about
:!50 by P. M. Kielman, who resides on
route No. , the owner of the car. Mo
torcycle Officer Varney was sent out to
look for the ear mid while scouting
both the days Urouud examining the numbers of va
rious fords that were running at large
on the streets last night ho saw jii'.
coming down the penitentiary road to
ward Salem when he was out at the cud
of. State street. He rode out to meet
the cur but they turned down a side
road going south through the mud i;s
last as their car could be forced i go
This looked suspicious to the oflicer
wjki followed on his motorcycle.
Y- l en about 50 yard.; behind t'. i en"
and before he could read the noinuer
the ear lurched sideways and the oc
cupant or occupants took to the fi-lds
in the dark. The officer searohed the
fields, ditches and fences but was pli
able to locate tho thief and did not
even see him get out of the ear He
drove the car back to town where it
was turned over to Die owner.
Ti T f
1 rso
Under auspices of Chomckcta
Camp Fire Girls, at the First
Presbyterian church,
AT 8:30 P. M.
Tickets on sale at Tatton Eros,
and the Commercial Book Store
and Geo. C. Will Music Store.
Cabinet to Discuss
, Mexican Affairs
Washington, Mar. 24 President Wil
son and his cabinet will consider the
proposition of reinforcing Brigadier
General Pershing at the regular meet
ing today. The cabinet ao plans to
talk over strengthening the Mexican
border patrol, the protocol under which
further campaigning may be con lucted
and the use of Mexican railways for
military purposes.
Through state departments agents as
well as through the army, t'.ie govern
ment is trying to obtain accurate infor
mation as to the extent of Ciman.n de
fections and anti-American soniment in
Pun Francisco, Mar. 21. Trial of
German Consul Franz Bopp and his as
sistants on bomb plotting charges seem
ed assured today, Federal Judge Pool
ing having denied motions to quash the
indictments. The United States district
attorney's office announced the case
would be brought to trial as quickly cs
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
l.ns Angeles, Cal.. Mar. 2-1. The con
dition of General Harrison Gray Otis,
Los Angeles publisher, was much im
proved early today, according to physi
cians at the California hospital. Otis
is suffering from a slight nttaek of
pneumonia, but his age renders even a
light attack dangerous.
Let The Capital Journal print your
sale bills and other job printing. .
British Have Taken
' 120 German Divers
Washington, Mar. 24. One hundred
and twenty Germans submarines have
been captured by the British since the
beginning of the war, according to Ad
miralty information transmitted to of
ficers of the United States coast guard
service vesterlav.
Woman Shoots Sheriff
and Rescues Husband
Moslcngee, Oldn., March 24. Tu Free
her husband, Mrs. Paul Hadley killed
Sheriff Jacob Giles of Texas as he
dozed, then escaped with Hadley into
the night after forcing the conductor
to stop the trnin on which he was be
ing taken to prison, it was learned hero
The pair vanished near Checotah.
Three posses pursued them. There was
an unconfirmed report that one posse
cornered the couple and killed Hadley,
wounding his wife when she continued
t0 fight.
Mrs. Hadley was a two months bride.
She boarded the train on which her
husband was being transported in
charge of Giles, waited for an oppor
tune moment, then pulled a revolver
from her dress and shot the sheriff to
death according to witnesses.
Freeing Hadley from his shackles,
she helped hitn hold up the conductor,
who was forced to halt the train. As it
slowed down the mini and woman drop
ped from a rear platform and disappeared.
81 ft 82
Three Accidents Are
Reported to Commission
Three accidents were reported to the
state industrial accident com jCssbjn
from Marion county for the week end
ing March 2.'i. Algie L. Murphy, of
Stoyton, sustained a bruise I -in! lacer
ated finger in a sawmill: S.w? Apt: Inn.
of Mill City, masked a fiuge- i-i a saw
mill, and C. T, Fallon, of Salem, tut
his forehead in a sawmill.
During the past week Ma:h ! to
March 23 inclusive, there wefo reprnted
to the state industrial commission ISO
pc -'dents, of ch'.cn one was tuil.
Ot . the total number rcpocl
weie subject to the workmen's conipen
si.tion act; 22 were from pjl li; uHit.v
corporations; IS were from Cher films
and corporations who have reie'-t. J the
provision of the act; two wee fp.ni
firms and corporations wlu do not em
ploy labor in hazardous occup:. :ions. '
That Bryan fight against Wilson does
not seem to have panned out nccor.ling
to standpat predictions.
Skirts are to be worn longer, snys a
fasiiion note but the qualifying word
L-doesu 't. refer to time.
Don't Overlook our special offer ou
Hem coffee. Look for the coupon in
this issue nnd bring it to us. Jtoth Gro
cery Co.
The membership of the Elk lodge was
increased last evening by the initiation
of 17 members nnd tue voting in of If
who will be initiated at the next meet
ing. A membership campaign is now
on and it is expected that fully 10(1
members will be initiated within tin
nex't month. Those initiated last night
were: W. I. Necdhum, Lloyd C,-Farmer,
F. E. Loose, Suel Shepard! C. I
Heinbroe, Martin M. Miller, H. N.
llnckott. A. K. Lnflur, George 11.
Kiches. Orlando Ncelnuds, K. L. Scharf,
1). C. Burton, Koy Burton, C. M. Kber
hurt. 11. O. Kugiui, L. W. Stoockle, J. H.
A $12.00 6-foot extension table, only
fti.'iii. '.. L. Stiff ,!c Son;
Here is an idea suggested by a pupil
of the Jefferson school in Portland. In
order that the students might- improve
themselves in their study of Spanish
it was proposed that a mutual rorrox
ponilence be established with high
school- pupils of some of the Sent I
American countries, whereby the pupils
in the southern hemisphere who are
studying L'nglish might receive samples
ot the kind ot used m the stntes. and
at the sumo time the pupils of the Jet
ferson -school get a line on the kind
of Spanish words used in real life.
The home of George Eeaty, about
half a mile from Chomnwa on the Silas
Pugh donation laud claim, wis entirely
destroyed by fire at 7:3(1 o'clock this
morning, only a small part of tiie house
hold furniture being saved. Mr. Meaty
had built a fire in the stove and was
at the barn feeding stock when ho dis
covered tho entire kitchen in flames.
The family Inn I barely time to escape
without saving dollies or household
goods. Although the house was insured
the loss includes many family relics
that had como to the family through
sevral generations of the I'ugn family.
Included in the family heirlooms, was
a spinning wheel brought to this coun
try when the Pugh family crossed the
plains in Is l.i a-id two ftmily Bibles
dating back four generations."
The state engineer will probably finish
a set of plans for the Kulciui biiduo
Hats do not
grow on
bushes. It takes time to
produce good hats, and as
our Spring assortment is
complete there is no better
time to buy your new hat
than right now.
Crofut-Knapp Hats $3.00
Knapp-felt Hats - $4.00
Stetson Hats - - $5.00
Knapp-felt De Luxe $6.00
The Toggery
167 Commercial St.
Leading Clothiers
Sunday and Monday
Star of the Birth of a Nation
FWW 'JlrV '(Jli
If you would like to know how
to live well and dress well on a
small income visit the
Cash Store
On High St. opposite Courthouse
It Costs Nothing to Investigate
Ten Victor Records which
should be in every home
This list will serve as a further guide in building your collec
tion of Victor Records, These numbers are high in popular
favor and their beauty will ever appeal to you.
Number Sin
On, WiKont.n! March (Purdy) Victor Military Band
fuulmi Uy March (Vettella) I7781 1090.75
fWh Uparing Hop (Hawthorne) 1
OIit Kline-El.ie Bakar 7782 10 .75
Abide with M (Lyte-Monk) Oliva Klina-Eliie Baker J
Gam from "Robia Hood"-Part 1 (deKoven) S
Victor Light Opera Company .
Gem from "Robin Hood"-Par II (deKoven) J" 1-25
Victor Light Opar Company J
Trumpeter. The (Barroo-Dii) John McCormack 74432 12 1.50
Rigoletto Cam Noon (Dcartit Namt) (Verdi)
In Italian Nellie Melba 88078 12 3.00
Pagliacci Prologo Prologue) (Leoncavallo)
in Italian Paaqual Amato 88326 12 3.00
Trovatore Miunre (Verdi) In Italian
Doatinn, MartinaUi, Opera Cborti 88830 12 3.00
Fiddle and I (CooJcot) Alma Gluck-Efrem Zimbalut 88539 12 3.00
Blue Danube Walts (Straus)
In Italian Frieda Hempel 88540 12 3.00
Trovatore Al notlrl menll (Home t Our Mountain)
(Verdi) In Italian Homer-Caruao 89018 12 4.00
We'll gladly play any numbers you'd like to hear. Come
in any time.
Wiley B. Allen Co.
B. r. PETERS, Manager.
almnt -inl I, aiTonlm); to
nminiTinont t' ro in that office' today. !
.lowih Wcirr, of rorttnml, who !m
i-iiargiV of .the bridge department will
arrive in, Kalcnitflinnrrow to nialie some !
flirthnr' iiiv..utl.r.ir......i u...l ...III 1...1. '
ly work out n sot of plans for the super
Mi uetiire as the plans, for the t'otindii-
tmn iiaunot be made until it is defin
itely settle
I where the bridge will be
TAr 1 T irAMAnnnnr E
The Eciultalile Star. This
time in a delightful five
part photodrama of circus
lifo entitled
Many scenes of which were
taken with a big southorn
caravan troupe.
New Songs and Dances l
The citizenship of the wifo automat
ically l'idlowB that of the husband ac
cording to a letter sent In tho secre
tary of state today to a mail iu Mill
City. The writer slates that he was
born in I'nited Males an I went to Om
nia to take up homestead and became
a Canadian citizen. He has returned
o I'nited States and savs that his wife
was bom in I'niteft States and Unit she
has never neeu in Cumuli but until ho
renounces his .illeniance to Canada iiis
wifo will be cl issed as a Canadian.
Sheriff Ksch today mule the fourth i
turnover of taxi's since the collection
of 1IH. taxes his bemm. The ninouiit
turned over this time is r I.VHM.lii. (If
this amount the state and county fund
Hots .fl.L'SS.liit, Salem will receive
f7,:!.'H.I5, school district No. LM,
$:i,sil.,lil and the county rood fund will
muwiwi mm wiji www
receive $ .73. This makes a total
of .flSI.NMi.il that ,s be,,,, turned ov
er to the county treasurer hv the sher
iff on the Jill,') tn.x.
ludjie Ilushey today issued an order
appointiiiK V. II. it.' Stewart adminis
trator of the estate of l.ottn Stewait
who died ut .-cattle March Ml, IlllO,
leaving personal proport- in this coun
ty valued at ifl.lHM). The deceased left,
nn heirs except her parents.
That Portland business man fined for
micssintj young women in his office
should have realized sooner that kissin-.'
is md always what it is smacked up to
be. '
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
t :. ' I
!.- . if i
f " 1 i
f , ' h
Roco Arbuckl and Mabel Normand
In the Diverting Triangle-Keyatone
Comedy, "Fatty and Mabel Adrift."
Today - Tomorrow
In New and Popular Songs
Fatty Arbuckle and
Mabel Normand
The Best Keystone We
Have Shown
A Griffith Production
A Rig Double Show