SIX THE DAILY CAPTTAL JOURNAL. SALSM, OREGON FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1916. War Declared Down Goes the Price on GROCERIES Arm ft Hammer Soda, pkg 5c Best Starch, pkg 5c No. 5 Blue Karo Syrup, can 25c 25c K. C. Baking Powder, can 20c Grape Nuts, pkg 13c Old Dutch Cleanser, pVig 8c 20c Coffee, lb 15c Snowdrift Flour, sack $1.50 Salt Mackerel, each 5c WESTACOTT-THIELSEN "SALEM'S BEST 426 STATE STREET ByDopiU tf th Annual Sttmnt of th SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR ANCE COMPANY of Hprlnjcflf Id, In ibe male of MatMucIinaef fa, t tit .Itat ilny of We rmlifr, 1UW. ni(i1 to th- lnniirinc ivitumiimlitiier of ibt lat of Oregon, imrauuut lo lair: CAPITAL, Anwunl tH capital paid up 2,.Vu, INCOME, hft pretnhtoia ri- ilurluc thr ytmr $ 0, 1 i:i.9t1.07 lnrweat, dtvldiii1n. ami nnt r- 'lTt(I during thf jfr i:M ,407.40 Ircoam from ulhrr tunings r- eelTPil during Hi? year tiO.77 1 M 'Mil Income $ 6,0IA.Mi0.o0 DISBURSEMENTS. Nrt I'wr uli (luring tin- yrr $ 8,:SX,770.9S DlTl(Jml i(t hi nipiiiil ti.Mk during IIib y?ar 2f0,lKt() KI l'oinmUl(ii)(i unit Mlarlf aM during I he , M.tiltl. 1.1 Taiea llcrrispi, and f paid during tlifl year MT.IWfi.lM Amount uf all otlit-r rp'ndl- turea lftl,XrM7 Crow loft on nut maturity of l4dgir twn, tIi., ImiihIm and (tiiH'ki Tula cx'tidhiiri'a .A7.77I.I)J ASSETS. Vain of rfrtl ttrit- mrut loiarlitt Till-! f Vnlnt of alM-ks hiiiI IkhkIk owned mwirkH tMhi Ivina on inwigngcH mid ii lafernl, nr Vnnh In tMiilta and ti t f . . . . Fmnlmiw In fuurao f i-dIIitMihi writ If it Iiku H'lilruilit'r :m, IIHft Krinatiraai due tin imlil I'-a. JnlfrcNl and rfiilft dut ;nul ac crued . . . tl.:H),!'!S.tH 2,liy.77.mi l.71,.'7M." I. .!. 40 Total inmu I.ia n ! I dfixliB In late (If any inert) ln). . . I ll,7..4.Hlrt.t) y :.s.7:i:!.a.( Tola a"ali udmll led In On- g"n I ii.m.v:,7:i.o LIABILITIES, flrona Haling fi-r Ui,h dim utd $ ft77.ani. 17 Amount uf iint'nrned nn-Niiiuu on all niilaianillng v'mV ,"i,iIT.'l.::i':i (12 All oltifr llabllltlpN WtHol.mi Jiind lie Id uuder rHltuiirniifa tiMtka Us.ljitw 22 'IVtal llnblllllfl, fi'ltmlro of capital atwk of fU.MNMiOrt. .$ H.t(M.7fl 1T Total premliiau lit for. t . lumbar HI, IIH. 117 fct BUIINEU IN ORLOON FOR THE YEAR. Total luaiirouci hiIIImi during llM yaar VH S4iM firotta piviuhujii racflvftl doilug tb ycur HlI,lo:i.aH riviiUuuic r l ii md during In y"ar ?1.,297 !wa paid during lln )(... i,24$.W JUaaoa tnoiirred during Hit yfar. .W.M3.M Total atnoant of hiailtmiro out Uniting In Oregon Drri-gitier HI, lUlft $ 4.2M.478.0O IPRINOFIELD riRI ft MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY By W, J. M A OK A V , wrflary. Htatutory rrMdonl (cneral agent and attorney fur tnrj li't. Jnaoph F. K, HV)l.or, ltraliioot agtnla: WhliHior Kfllf To., 11 1 f u'k blof; ltla (iroMinayfr Co., WIIidi Hltlg. Heals Skin Diseases It Is unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema, ringworm, rnshe and sim ilnr skin troubles. A little zenio, gotteu t any drug store for ISo, or $1.00 for itra lnn?e bottle, and promptly applied will usually give instmit relief from itch ing torture. It rlcnnsm and soothes the (kin and heulu quickly and effectively lost skin discuses. I Siemo is a wonderful disappearing liquid and does not sinnrt the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied and osts little. Oa it today and save all further distress. ZcuiO, Clevcluud. Member of Salem Fire Department Dies Tliomns Hutchei familiarly knov,i as 'Butch," and a well known rlinrncter bout Hie Salem fire department passed away yesterday after u short illness, lie Iiiim been prominently idii.ti'.i with the department for th" list 17 years and his genial nature and easy manner won him favor union.; the fire lioys and he has long been u pcnnnn.'iit fixture of the engine house lie was an accomplished athlete and had won local fame an a boxer cud a serapner ami even some of the fire hi Is had fell the buffet of his speedy paw. In the book Mr. Kulcher was register d as a iloiiiesticnteil mammal of the genus Kclis and he is survived by two ons known to the boys as Tame Hutch and Wild Hutch respectively who will assume their sires responsibilities of keeping the engine house clear of rats mid mice. ASK FOR and GET HORLICK!S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap inbstitutes cost YOU same price. TV your homo atmosphere with exquisite l;istlng fraRTnnce ED. PINAUD'S LILAC Tho great French perfume, winner of highest international nwarris. Each drop as sweet and fragrant as tho living Lilac blossom. A celebrated connoisseur said: "I don't see how you cau sell sucli a remarkable iiuiii for 75 cents a bottle" sod remember each buttle contains 6 oi. it is wonderful value. Try it. Aslc your dealer to-tay (or ED. I'lNAUD'S LILAC, t-or 10 cttts our AmrricaH offues will send yi a ttstin? bottle. Writi toJir. PARFL'.iIERIE ED. PDIAL'D, Dcpt M Aster Milk, can 8c Toilet Paper, roll 1c Libby Pork and Beans, can ... 9c Cream Rolled Oats, lb. 5c Jap Eice, lb. 5c Pink Beans, lb 5c Royal White Soap, bar 4c Gallon Tomatoes, can 25c CO. MARKET PLACE" PHONES 830 and 840 BISURATED MAQMEsiA An absolutely linniili'.ss imluriil in nil (iispk of iVniictitiitioii ami sourinj; ami liulfliinjr of fooil, t;us, imliKcstioii, t't'1. A teniiioiifiil in a fourth of n (hiss of hot wiiIit nsimlly (ivi-s INSTANT KK I.IKI1'. Sotil Ip.v jll ilriiKK'iHts in cither iow.lor or titblt't form ut 50 cents J'or liottlc. LOST AVIATOR FOUND Columbus, N. ir., .riir. 2-1. Lot lor iluys in the trackless ilcscrt, l.ii utcnn it l)d(;!ir S. (iorrcll of the I'nilc l Stntcs nriiiy aviation corps was mi ft' in i'rsm' (iranili'rt today, lie lost his nay while flying south 'from Co; nnbui: ami vis forced to ilesceiid in the Ascencion re gion when his rjnsoline n JI V failed. Circling ulmiit, (torrell found mi aliaiidoiied ciinipiii(,' plnce beside a wag on trail, and left, n note in a cleft s'ick there, tellinif his whereabouts. It w:is found eventually by tin American T tml, mid n motor truck train uit'i :i store of j;usoitie went to the Te'cii'.. When the train arrived Ihcv l'on d the nviutor had been wiihont food fir "4 lion rs. A QUICK, SURE WAY TOJND CATARTH Catarrh Germs Breed By Millions In Air Passages of Nose and Throat. Just One Way to Drive Them Out. To slop catarrh for good you must I drive from your system the germs that- cause catarrh unit that are now feeding and growing fat upon the swollen in flamed mucous membranes of your noso and th rout. A splendid means of destroying catarrh germs and overcoming cntarrh has long been recognized by physicians in the well known oil of llyomei (pro nounced Jligh-ome) and it is now n very simple matter for any catarrh sufferer to uso it with splendid results I at home, by breathing its air through a little nam liuhoer mauling device which lending druggists are supplying with each Inrge completo treatment, dust pour a few drops of tho oil of llyomei into this inhaler, place it bo tween your lips and then breathe natur ally and the plensaut smelling antisep tic, germ killing air will penetrate deep down into every fold and crevice of your raw, soro nose, throat anil lungs and give you quick certain relief, open ing up tho nir passages, waking you breathe easily, stopping tho inflamma tion and discharge and driving from your system every cntarrh germ that hns found lodgement there. If you want to bo free from every symplon of calarrh, are tired of trying one thing after another without beno- l fit go to Daniel ,1. I'ry or any other ro- liable drug store hereabouts and get a complete llyomei inhaler outfit, use it every day for a few minutes ami if it does not drivo the catarrh germs out of your system and give you rcnl lasting relief from Cntnrrh your druggist will ! give yon your money nana. Will Sell Railroad For Only One Dollar I San V'riincisco, Mar. 24. An entire 1 railroad will be sold here in a ' '"w day i I for!. J The stale railroad eouimissio.i oas au the Calit'oi iiiu, Arizona ("nu lla te railroad to purchase for ihi ! wiin the l.aton & Western H.ulioad company, which operates '.' t miles of Mine from l.nton to l.cnv The selling I company is to assume all cutsluioiiug j indebtedness except $17S,(li)0 bonds. ' LESSEN HEAVY LOSSES I FROM CRACKED EGGS One out of every 10 eggs gets crack ed or mushed or becomes a leaker be tween the hen and trie consumer, ac cording to careful estimates. Nearly two out of every III damaged eggs are so badly mashed that they are useless for food purposes. The other eight eggs get light cracks. It is estimated that last year cracked eggs caused a loss of $SS1,IIII in 15 egg cold storage plants which reported holdings. It costs only 10 cents a case in the producing sections to grade and pack vases properly. ED. Tilll'D Cldg., New York .MbirtTBaaJ fflSfM Be They're br.kir g it v'S Merit Vanilla e-nl ' delightful aivru. leaks out mai.u.- you impatient to hate it out of t!ie oven. A 2"c ballle ..f M.rit Vnmilj oe than ny other. .C-Jxl Or in of Your Grocer Attendance Will Soon Tax Capacity of Building According to the estimates of School Superintendent M. I'.lholt, when the puldic schools open for its first semes ! ter next September, there will be an at ! teadiiacc ia the high school building of 770, which will tax the capacity of the building to its utmost. At present, there is an attendance at the hig'i school of 747 Of this mi in her, ION will i be graduated June 2. but at the Tio- ginniug of the next semester about SI will be received from the junior high schools and it is conservatively estiirat ed that fully 50 will enter from the country, bringing the attendance up to ,,(). The junior high schools of the icitv will probably show- an nf lendanc" nM.,i ... .i... . i...'.rt i,;..i.., .....i.,u r.. figuring on the probable prom itions, Superintendent Klliott estimates the at tendance in the junior high sciiooN as follows: 7-H section, 111 I; for 7-A sec tion, SS; for S-B section. 155; for K-A section, 121; for 0 B section, 117; for 0-A section, 7H, and from the countr ! in the 0 B section, 50. To those fa I miliar will the attendance proposition, i the remarkable thing afiout the schools in Salem is the number that are going through the upper grades. It has been and is now the history of almost all I schools that the attendance falls off in I the upper grndes, Vint in Salem the pupils are staying in school and the highest grades show an attendance equal to those of the intermediate. 'MANY LIKEJHIS IN SALEM Similar Cases Being Published In Each Issue. Tho following case is but one of many occurring daily in Salem. It is an easy matter to verify. You cannot ask for better proof. l' A. Sutton, tent and awning dealer, Salem, says: "I had kidney trouble for ten years and sometimes I was laid up. Doctors did not help mo. Sharp pains extended through my back and were most, severo in my kidneys. Often when working I had to give up. I lost weight and was in very poor health. I had headaches, rested but little at night and didn't know what to do. On H friend's advice, 1 tried Doan's Kid ney Pills and to my surprise they brought great improvement in a few days. I continued to get better steadi ly. I got more Bleep, my appetite im proved, and the pains gradually, but surely, left me. After X had used throe boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, I was in better health than I had been for ten years and not a sign of kidney com plaint remained." (Statement given Jan. 31, 1006.) Over Six Years Later, Mr. Sutton added: "1 confirm my former endorse ment of Doan's Kidney Pills. They effected a permanent euro in my ease." Price IiOe, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Donu 's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Sutton has twice publicly recom mended. Foster-Milburn Co., Props.. Huff alo, N. Y. Third Battalion Goes From Vancouver to Front Vancouver, Wash., Mar. 24. To rein force American troops guarding the Mexican border, the Third battilion, Twenty-First iuthntry, left on u South ern Pacific train this morning for Kl Centro, Cat. The battalion, commanded by Major , lames T. I'ean, is composed of 2S."i men and 12 officers. I Tile Kirst battalion of the s.nne regi ment also has been ordered to the bor- j dcr. These troops now are aboard the cruiser Pittsburg somewhere on the Pa cific ocean, en route to San Diego. Their order to remain at the fair, it is reported, has been countermanded and I they will be used on the border. M -jjor William Brooke command the l'irst I battalion. The only troops remaining at Van couver barracks now comprise the Sec ond battalion and Company F, engin eers, about 12."i men. KILLED WIFE THEN niMSELF San Francisco, Mar. 24. Lying on a. cot in Central F.inergeiicv hospital to day, Mrs. Archibald Welch was at the point of death while her divorced hus band's body lay in the morgue, as the result o'f a tragedy which followed un attempt by Welch tie effect a reconcilia- tion last night. Welch shot his wife in the abdomen and then committed sui cide when she refused to permit him .to enter her brother's home where she ' had been staving. Her son, Alfred, j aged eight, witnessed the shooting and attempted vainly to interfere in his ! mother 's behulf. j ARIZONA WILL BRING j MILITIA TO FULL STRENGTH Phoenix, Ari.., Mar. 21. Recruiting office were opened at Phoenix, His l bee, Yiimii, and Tucson today in compli iincc with tiovernor Ceorge W P. j Hunt's orders to bring the national guard up to its full strength. Hunt fears that the large Mexican population of Arifona may be incited to attack Americans unless sufficient force is at hand. ARABIAN NIGHTS STORY-HOUR The series from the tales of Arabian Nights continues this week with "The Story of Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Perie Bnaou." Thrs is one of the less familiar talcs: it will occupy the en tire period. F.very child should be on time in order to hear the beginning. All children from six to 12 nTe cor dially invited to the story-hour Sat urday morning ut 0:30 ut the public library. Good Prices Expected for Mohair This Year I'orM.iinl, Oregon. March 21. Goat 'lieerinj. h: l!i" valley, which started lart week, has been suspended this week be ause 0f the rain storms. A few small lots of mohair have been shipped in on consignment, but the market has not yet been established. Nominal prices for the new clip are .10i?i-:! cents. The undertone of t lie market i firm, as nii;;ht be expected with wool at a high level. Private win's received from the Kast indicated no cluui'je in mohair prices, i Commenting on market conditions at Boston, the Commercial Bulletin said: "There has been a more general in quiry for iimliair in the local market this week Prices are very firm for , the stocks held here, which are only moderate. The bulk of the business has been in Cape hair, for thee best of which ill! cents has been obtained quite readily, while less sightly stock is sell ing at about :!" cents and inferior lids at slightly less still. "There has been some business in domestic hair as well, but at prices I which show no change from current i quotations. j "The market in Yorkshire is still i fairly keen and prices there are well I maintained on the level of the past two ; or three weeks. Kor Cape Summer ; firsts, LI 3-4d is reported paid ut the a lie. "Alpaca is moving steadily at Liver pool at very firm prices." Boston mohair quotations: Best combing, .'!7di40 cents; yood combing, ."i.'ifii 37 cents; ordinary combing, 31 ffj 33 cents; good carding, 30( 32 cents; ordinary combing, 20fo?2X cents. Cupc firsts, 34(i35 cents; Turkey fair aver age, 37 cents. The rains have also stopped wool shearing in the Yakjima Valley, but as soon as the weather permits, shearing will be on again in full blast. Buyers are giving attention to the Yakima sit uation, and a very active market is counted upon as soon as shorn wool is available there. There is nothing doing at present in Kustern or Cent nil Oregon, as buyers and sellers cannot agree on prices, and with such n wide spread between their ideas of values it looks as if the market will not open until after shearing next; month. Egg Market Firm. The egg market is firm. Weather conditions arn retarding production, which is much below- last year's. Stor age operators are taking all the surplus at 1H l-2iff lll cents. Similar conditions prevjil in the but ter market. Tho Oregon supply has been cut down, yet there is an under current of weakness in the market be cause of the easy California situation. last week 1 ."0 cubes of California but ter were received and the same quanti ty will be brought up this week. So far there has been a place for the out side butter. The season is backward mid the Oregon make is likely to be be low requirements up to the middle of next month. The poultry and dressel meat markets were quiet yesterday. Poultry was in small supply, but .the demand was not strong. Meat receipts were fair. Livestock' Is Steady. There was a steady market for all classes of livestock at the North Port laud yards yesterday, but very little stock was available for buyers, and the offerings were soon disosod of Hogs sold for the mosf part at $0.20, with heavyweights bringing around $S.20, and pigs selling at $7."0 to $8.15. Only a few steers were offered, but they wero mostlv good , quality, and brought $7.00 to $S.2r. English Hop Acreage Is Decreased. A limited amount of trading between dealers was reported in the hop market yesterday at unchanged prices The de mand for contracts was light. Mail advices from Kiighind indicate a prob able reduction in the acreage from last year's 34.UW acres to about 33,0110 acres. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVK BROMO QUININE Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to euro. K. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 25c. Now conies the suggestion that a wo man be made secretary of the navy. She could keep up with the rapid changes in style among navies of the world. WONDERFUL TALE OF ALACJRESS Struggled with Sickness and Dis couragement; How Relieved. Dayvillc, Killingly, Conn. "I shall be glad to have every woman know ! iwhat 1 know now, after using Lydia U i'lnkhnm a Vegc table Compound Although I am or,!; 1M years old, I hiw. sulfered for the pus eight years. I hate: the doctors, for . doctor told me t give up tho stap: where I was plnyis: with my husbaiu I had bearing down pains, my heal; failed me. and 1 could not work on th stage, and wasn't able to tend my bnb; or even get around mvself. I wa always downhearted and discontents with the world, and onlv lived for tin sake of my little girl, "the doctor sail I to move to some quiet little town away i from the noisy city, nnd I might bo abh J to live nnd feel well, so I went to Dny ville in November. At that time I wai so sick I could not walk around, and my husband kept house and I stayed in bed. One day in January I read your adver tisement in a newspaper, and I sent for Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Com pound, and started taking it. Within two weeks time I was a different wo man, could get around, and felt so good that It was a pleasure to do my house- worn. 1 Jelt contented and nappy, and now am the picture of health, and am tempted to return to the stage. Wo appreciate my health as the most pre- cioua tiling on earth." Mrs. H. L Klenett, Box 85, Killingly, Conn. I i IIIIIIIP1IIIIIIIIIIII -I..'-,, Sunday School Convention in jcaaiuu neat ui iiccn, Tho Annual convention of the Marion County Sunday school convention was in session this afternoon sit the First Congregational church and will con tinue in session until 4 o'clock Satur day afternoon. The meeting of this afternoon was opened with a welcome address by the Hew .lames Rlvin county president. Miss Olive Clark of Portland spoke on primary departmental work and Miss Gladys Carson of Snlein on junior work. Mrs. Clara G. Ksson of Forest Grove, state superintendent of Sunday school work for the Christian church, delivered an address on, "The Place, of the Adult in the Sunday school." Tho uftcruoon session closed with an address by Dr. Carl d'egg Doney, on "Tho Sunday School Teacher.'' This evening dinner will be served in the parlors of tho Congregational church, with the lie v. Charles A. I'hipps toastmaster. At 7:30 o'clock an address will be given by L. S. Hop field, president of the Yamhill county Sunday school association. This will be followed by the showing of moving pictures emphasizing Bible stories. The address of the evening will be given by Rev. Charles A. Phipps, gen eral secretary of the Oregon Stale Sunday School Association. The Saturday morning program in cludes an address on "Teacher Train ing'' by Prof. Burgess Ford of Wil lamette University, the election of of ficers and n talk on "The Seven Pointed Teacher" by t hus. A. Phipps. Fruitland News (Capital Journal Special Service.) II. C. and Mrs. Bressler have returned from a business trip to Monmouth. I, Schultz markets his eggs through ! the Salem "Kgg Circle." He gets from his hens 10 dozen per week. A. 11. Runner is doing some work on tho new cheese factorv on the garden road. Win. Donaldson has been ill for some time but is now better. I have rend with interest the address of Mr. (has. I. Orenstein, christian scientist, at the armory, Friday night,: ....1 :.. .i... i '....:'. .. I i..,....,..! n-l... ' speaker displayed an educated intelli-1 f'1 H is not a ''patent medicine." It gence, but as in all cults and theories.1' P".8 "P0" ,U- s- Government! Much remains as vet incomplete. ! ,.'hp'".ls, "1 Stared pure before fom- Science and Chris.iani.v are indeed !" ",to t!"s eountry. GOLD l..,h k,iM:n u,.i.n,.i" ! ll specialized conception not be so apparent to the , , .. i i t ... i ..p .Mien iiiiiji in- u,ii,...... .... j fore that which appears to be antagon 'istie to it can be harmonized in the new. Mind and matter are both recog ! nized bv science. Just what mind is in its ultimate essence none of us yet I know. So it is with matter. Is mind a form of matter ethical and subtile beyond conception Is matter a form i of spirit shaping from the grosser kinds !iuto the finer and more etherialized iintu light, magnetism. etc. Who I knows Is there a psychology of mat i ter also ! Tuesday Mr. .igler. in returning I from Seattle and Portland, when lifter leaving the train at Yeoman and pro Icecdini? homeward suddenly becalm' ill ! and had to stoo at a neighbor's. lr. ! ; Fischer of Salem was summoned who i diagnosed the attack as a form of heart disease. Wednesday Mr. Xiegler ! was taken to the Willamette Sanitoiium j for treatment. Sundav Miss Josie Bowers of Salem came home for a few hours' visit. She i brought along with her little Flovd ' Albin also of Salem. I The dwelling house located on the 'Nelson farm near the. school hou-e is ariaved in ii new coat of white paint It now looks as pretty ami sw ect as a vounif Miss in a new dress at a picnic The store building has also been re paired. New glass has been put in the front windows to replace the old ones knocked out by the school boys. A WAR EXPLOSIVE San Francisco, Mar. 24 An explosive mort, powerful than guncotton has been ;llVeuted from feathers by Jules h Hn-niier, a druggist, he announced to Hl,v. n0 caiis it, gunfeathcr." Foods cooked with Cottolene come to the table with their natural goodness improved with a better flavor. Biscuits shortened with it delight by their taste, their lightness, their whiteness and their wholesomeness. Pie crust shortened with Cottolene has that flaky goodness which perfects the whole pie. All foods fried in it are better-tasting and digestible because Cottolene does not soak into them. There is no substitute for Cottolene nothing "just as good." Try Cottolene try it in your biscuits, for example, then in your other cooking. Arrange with your grocer for a regular supply. It is packed in pails of various sizes. Write our General Offices, Chicago, for a free copy of our real cook book, "HOME HELPS." Ithe h.k. fa I R B AN K2EES3 IliiSi j Uncle Sam Is "On the Job" i uutciiioii ui i uic i uuui Traffic in till things people cat and drink, from meats to medicines, from lithia to fire water, from cheese to cher ries is under the close and active sur veillance of your Cncle Samuel. His function as policeman of inter-state commerce has expanded wonderfully in recent years and the work under the I mire fond mill ilroiru net iu for from the ' least of these responsibilities. This policing task involves 'seeing to it that none of the huge varieties of commercially-prepared foods, drinks and drugs that pass from one state into another and ultimately down the human espohagus are adulterated or misbrand ed or mixed w ith "any added poisonous or other added deleterious ingredient." Sonic job! "Vigorous enforcement." is the rule with reference to pure food under President Wilson and Secretary Hons- ton. Hie volume ot the current work is shown by the figures on legal action under the pure food law last year, illll llfll- III, eitSCS IIIV01llljr ,-, VIO- lations of the statute. Of these, 27ii cases involved criminal violation. In the 12 months, 057 cases, 45li civil and 5ll criminal, were terminated. There I were 3St! decrees of condemnation and forfeiture uuder which goods in 2'!s leases were ordered destroyed, i The above statistics have to do with i the so-called pure food law tilone. Its (older ami companion statute, the meat i inspection act, deals w ith a kindred work. I'ndcr the latter law 155 viola tions were reported in the year. Of cases tried there were 135 convictions DEAD ON HIS FEET GOLD MEDAL Haarlcn Oil Capsules will bring new life and quickly relieve that, stnnned-im ,.i.,i fi;., Ti,l will G,oVnuhlv ,.in ..,. ;..;! U, ii.iBV. Ki "... . ' i in J , , s"-" gen, phosphoric, acid, and potash, n hich 0 hl ! are recognized as essential totim pro- j Kin. The healing, soothing oil(ction of large crops. Valuable as ' ? . , 1,,to1the willlud lmmg of ,u,,t, eivmvutA ,.e tu 'tho flrmH , , lh '"lln78 cxPl3 ,hc PP,180"8 !n eountry, the garbage in which thev uro ""j s.Vstem. Keep your klneys in fuml is ,.,,,, ot ,,,,, !u', ,,x. I ?E4 ? iK. y mn GW to he " seems, (here- ' J'.D.AI' Haarlem Oi Capsules and you fri., that this garbage can be disposed i win nave good health. Uo to yonri druggist at once and secure a package! i of this timo-honorcd. world-wide rem- , r,MM Haunt-in vui, nu rS2iF":"HIEEP LOOKING YOUNG of the old be- ,u,nal lIosnohl Remedy of the sturdy wwminy vvnv II.. ...I, I ..l, r r.,-vrr jjuun iui luu IlitOlU 1 .MhDAIj on every box. Accept no sub siuuie. lour uruggisi win giaciiy re fund your money if not as represented. sjc ;Jc Jc sjc sjc WHAT'S IN $ A NAMS? Portland, Ore., M'l'. :l.--Ravmoinl Cage, aged -I. mar ried Miss tieorgiann Lyrd. aged 10. She signs her nunp Mrs. lieorgiana Byrd-Cagc. $ 18 POUNDS OF BLOOD 5s the average quantity in a healthy ndult, but it is the quality of the blood that determines our strength to resist sickness. With weak blood we find cold hands and chilly feet; in children cn aversion to study, and in adults rheumatic tendencies. In changing seasons get .abundant fresh air and take a spoonful of Scott's I Emulsion alter meals, because Scott s i Emulsion is a rich blood-food that will increase both quantity and quality of the blood while it warms the body and helps carry off the impurities. When multitudes of people are to day taking Scott's Emulsion to avert winter sickness, and are giving it to their children, it is careless to neglect its benefits. 'Look out for substitutes. ScsU H Bowne. BtoomliclU, K. J. 1W6 SlBiSBllllllIBB 1 QAQp ; Brush This Through Faded, Lifeless Locks and They Become Dark, Glossy, Youthful Hair that loses its color and lustre, or i when it fades, turns gray, dull and lil'e ! less, is caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grandmother made up a, j mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who valuo i that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which is so attractive, i use nnlv this old limn reeine 1 Nowadays we get this famous inixturo bv asking" at any drug storo for a 50 cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sago and Sul phur Compound," which darkens the hair so naturally, so evenly, that no body can possibly tell it has been ap plied. Besides, it takes off dandruff, stops scalp itching and fulling hair. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray "hair disappears; but what delights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur is that be sides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives it n appearance of abundance. FERTILIZERS FROM MUNICIPAL WASTE A survey of the nation's resources in fertilizer materials has drawn attention 1 11 ",rc M"' 1,1 "'-' to be louml !n the accumulation of garbage in cit- 1" material contains nitro- of most n.ivnntur..,.ni i... ,-,.t. f to the soil in the form of ferlilizir . Funston raptured Aguinablo, but rH should bear in mind it is a long jniii,. to ,11a s end of Me alphabet. - It 8 EaCy If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of kceplnc yoimcr Is to reel younis to do this you must watcli your liver and bowels there's no need of having u sallow complexion dark rln8 uniler your eyes pimples a bil lions look in jour face dull eves with no sparkle. Your doctor will toll ymi ninety per cent or all sickness conns from Inactive bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, n well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a vein-table cumpoinel mixed with olive oil to a. t on the liver and yeirs' ,vl1'' 11 1,0 fc"ave 10 llis l'-nlents for Dr. Edwards' Ollvo Tablets, the substi tute fur calomel, are gentle in their action. They bring about that exuberance of ! spirit, Mint natural buoyancy wbl.-li v mid ' lv", ?Vr', ''', ";'. by toni.m- up. thn Uver and clearing tli system ol impurities. ; Ten will knnw Br. Edwards' Olive Tnh- box. All ilruuKlsts. ; The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus. O. When In SALEM, OREGON, gtof at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths BATES: 75c, $1.00, . $1.50 PES DAY i The only hotel in the business district. 1 Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home. T. O. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones. Free Auto Bus.