u THE DAILY CAPITAL JOlUcNAL. SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1916, THREE if it i ii t i i lilt ,. j ri li -v ei s i -m i xi i t i i ( i v t - i'i E .ii. i.i.i in...... .,. - t t t L ..mi.." , ,. J j !: fc,..M.i, .,... ...,.. , ,j , .,,...,,;-, ,;. 1... -. .. . 1 . . i. r v J i v BPrH-- 1- My Grips Ar I leave at 8:30 Saturday night. Come Saturday and take advan- tage or my Uood-xSye f rices. Come in the morning to avoid the afternoon crowds. , I have left nothing undone in the way of cut ting prices. For my last day at the Chicago Store, there'll be bargains galore everywhere you look in bins, piled on the counters, hung upon the ceiling and even on the floor. Be here Saturday; come expecting to find much, you will not be disappointed. Make Sat urday a grand final rush to get your Easter togs; New Spring Silks, Dress Goods, New Domestics, New Spring Suits, Cloaks and Ladies' New Spring Hats for Easter. In conclusion, I thank you, one and all for the response you have accorded me during my stay in Salem, at the Chicago Store. Yours Truly, E. G. Seaman Below You Will Find Only a Few of MY GOOD-BYE PRICES LADIES' SILK COLORED UM BRELLAS WORTH $3.50 REGULAR 79c Lot. of T.flfHes' Sillr fiolorpH TTin. 1 bi'ellas, good uality silk, my good-bye price 79c MY GOOD-BYE PRICES LADIES' SILK WAISTS WORTH Tjj $3.90 REGULAR $1 .75 n Special lot of Ladies' black and cream striped Waists, worth to $3.90, my good-bye price $1.75. MY GOOD-BYE PRICES LADI5S' WHITE WAISTS, WORTH TO $2.25 REGULAR 98c Ladies' white Waists, long or short sleeves, low or high neck, my good bye price 98c. MY GOOD-BYE PRICES LADIES' AUTO CAPS, WORTH TO $1.00 REGULAR x 69c Special lot of Ladies' new Auto Caps, sold regular to $1.00, my good-bye price 69c. MY GOOD-BYE PRICES LADIES' TRIMMED TURBAN HATS, WORTH TO $1.00 REGULAR 98c Lot of Ladies' Trimmed Turban Hat3, sold up to $4.00 regular, my good-bye price 98c. M y .Good-Bye Prices Dress Goods, Silks, Domestics, Ladies' and Children's Underwear, Hoisery and Gloves 35c Shepherd Check, now the 1 O yard IOC 25c Dotted Silk 1 Q Mull, the yard iVv 39c Scotch Plaids, 1 Q now the yard... 13C 50c Silk Pongee, or now theyard OJL 60c Imperial Crepe OQ de Chine, the yard 0 JC $1.25 Bed Spreads QO now selling at VOC 12 l-2c light and dark Percale, the Q yard JG 15c Dress Ginghams, fl now at the yard 3C 12 l-2c Outing Flannel, now at the Q yard jC 18c Ripplette, now at the yard 12y2c 35c Ladies Drawers, open and 9?. closed CiuL 69o and 85c Ladies' Muslin JO Gowns Ul 75c . L a d 1 e s' Muslin Corset - re covers : 25c Ladies' long sleeve knit Corset 1Q. Cover LjL Ladies' Muslin Combi nation Suits to $1.49 value Children's up to OO 35c Aprons now.... 0C Special Lot of Nemo Corsets 35c Ladies' Front OOp opening Brassieres Los Special ot Ladies' OO . Kitchen Aprons.... Lot 35c Special Lot of 1 Q Bust Ruffles I ft Kid 69c- Chil- 23c 48c 15c 9c 85c H50 $1.25 and $1.50 Gloves, while they last 45c Misses' and dren's Union Suits 85c Ladles' Flan-. nel Gowns, now.... 25c Ladies' Silk Fibre Tan Hose.... 15c Misses White Cotton Hose $1.00 and $1.25 Ladies' Flannel CQ Gowns UJU 35c Children's Sleeping Garments, 1 fl now ll 75c and $1.00 Ladies' Union Suits, A00 now 401, 50c and 75c Misses' Wool Underwear, or garment Ladies' Gun Metal Shoes to 3.50 val. !1.98 Ladies'New Spring Hals lo $3.00 val. '1.49 Ladies' Gun Metal Shoes, worth to $3.50 reguliir, my good-bye price $1.98. Ladies' new Spring Hats, worth to $3.00 regular, my good-bye price $1.40. Remember This!! e Me re f y My Good-Bye Prices 1 My Good-Bye Prices I My Good-Bye Prices MEN'S CLOTHING, WOETH TO $15.00 LADIES NEW SPBING COATS TO $12.00 VALUE $6.85 $6.50 Mn's Suits, worth to $18.00 and $20.00, go at $8.85, my good-bye price. The Coats include all the very latest Spring styles, my good bye price $6.50. LADIES' SILK POPLIN DRESSES TO $9.00 VALUE $5.90 For lot of Ladies rew Spring Poplin Dresses, all the wanted shade!), my goodbye price $5.90. MY GOOD-BYE PRICES EXTRA QUALITY COTTON BLANKETS, WORTH 85c REGULAR 49c The pair, for goid quality Cotton Blankets, size 45x70. my good bye price 49c. MY GOOD-BYE PRICES $1.50 SILKOLINE KNOTTED COMFORTERS, SPECIAL 98c .Extra Special, well made Silk oline Knotted Comforter, my good-bye price 98c. MY GOOD-BYE PRICES 35c SHEPHERD CHECK DRESS GOODS, SPECIAL 17c The yard, for Saturday, to 35c Shepherd Checks, my good-bye price 17c yard. mTgomeIrices LADIES' DRESSING SACQUES, WORTH TO 39c A 9c Special lot of Ladies' Dressing Sacques, worth to 39c, my good bye price l'Jc. MY GOOD-BYE PRICES MISSES' MIDDY BLOUSES, WORTH TO 69c Special lot of Minses' Middy Blouses, worth to ti!)c, my good bye price 47c. E. G. Seaman, Representing Lewis Bros. & Company in Charge - 27 reaa mi space miiOTTOW' it will be interesting Salem to Bend Road Will Be Constructed Least Delay Mia- h i iy Tlic surveying for thf Siilt'in tn HimiiI railii'iHl thruuli Slaylim is pi'iigrt'SK iiij ns 'i'liKt ii the wcutlii'i' will pfrmil. A fllllipetlMlt IMM-pS til I'llilll'I'IH, with ('. O. WilliniiisDu u I'liit't fiiKiiit'Cr is lini'il at wtii'k on the ienmuieiit or Itieatinn survey, timl will reiu h .Me.'iii iiki tunijjht. As suvu us Mill City in reached with I his Hiirvoy, Air. WillinuiMiii ami Air. .1'ihii Ihillnirt, (IriuiRnrsnian. wnl nut the -liluo imits tniil irut'il Horlt is expected to lio t".: April 1. While the office work on tlio I. hi.' prints is Koiiig ttlu'fm i.ne etigtnrcrs will W over the line the third time ii. orii-T to Itx-it to it in reference to the siv.Viti (urners, etc. This will eomplct) the survey until the actual cunst.'uel inn ! cuniiiieiiceH. Air, AL I.ynutt, who luM euinpleti. chaise tt" tho work, stated noi'lively ti) i representative of the .Mail yester day that his inslructiniis were t eoin letnce work on the iiidiue; a.i s-;un as I t.,--.' 1.1c. which will he l.ut lat.'r thrm May. Mini tu ( uinplete the yrad.' eetir i t) Alill City within !i(l J.s fi'iin ti nt date i la the meantime as itooii as the eni i its are released from the 1't st lie 1 i 1 1 1 1 , Salcin to Alill City, they will ii; t i in; a camp lieyuiul the luinliei't.i'Mi an. I pus!-, the work over tho snuinwi as sunn as the snow is n'me Slay tun Mail. ARMY OFFICER MISSING Houplas, Ariz.. .lur. Keiinent il (.juartennasliT Serjeant .fi.lt n Arnold, Sixtli ('. S. I'iel 1 lutilh rv, in sterinusly disappeared tSuudny, it was ieai ued to day. Arnold was 'A years old, and was lo hive retired April 1 tin two-thirds pay after years of iioaoinlde service. His family lives at Fort Hi !', Kansas. I 'uid play is feu red. John D. Guiss Bound to GetJIis G!d Claim .Tolilr D. Guiss, a brother-in-law of )'. 'nuke l'ntton, is husk inn in the linx, liyiit in l'ortlunil just at present, nml will continue to bask for several diivn anil nights. Katurthy, April .1, filin'i win oe received tor t lie opening of th Siletx Indian lands ill Lincoln count. Kirst eonin first served, and under tint ijlintfs whoever lines up for filing innsi stay with the jolfduy ami nijjht, either in person or by proxp. A i'ortland paper says: ".lohn li. luiss, who is first in line by virtue o. having taken his place vVedensda r noon, reniaiaed there Wednesday niyli. and was relieved yesterday nioriiint; l.y hi.s wife. Airs, (luiss liroutjiit her liiiuit with her ami contented h-erselr throuul' out the dny ly knitting. Iler hushiiml replaced her again last night. They will continue this alternate ilay-amf nighv vigil until the final driwing is mad.. They originally settled on a ipiartc section several years ago and spent $1111111 in protecting their claim liefor.i tiie land was withdrawn. TJien thev lo-j title to it. Sow they will file on the same tract. Herrera Will Never Go Back On Carranza i Douglas. Ariz., Jrnr. .21. Coveron V. Klias . Callus, of Hoaora, todav r.--eeivetl iv inessngo from (.lene.iii l,ui llerrera at Chihuahua ctly lircndiag r. i false the reports that he' had levo.te I to Villa. " f am loyal to onr 'fir.-t chi ' ' I i, . rnn,i,'- the message said, "an. I fight illa to the end." (it:.".i"-ut (iutierres and Civil (invent' T!nrMpies also sent messages to i. ailc lieeyii! llerreril's defection. Tlie III rival of -IH Mayo Tn.l i ; Agii't riit n last night led to r-s- i that a Mexican troop movement to I !i RC'lii a was u foot. U wns .-hen a t day thai the report was uiif i' iif" 1. A DARING HOLD UP w i'i jjt BORN HKU.-To Air. and Airs. Frank Jtell, f 1 7 North Twentieth street, Satur ihiy, Mari'li H. l!Hli, a sun, to he iiaiiieil Aliltoa Kdttiii. Tacoma, Wash., Mar. 24. l'tdice am' detectives are 'si'lU'ehing today 'in. three men who .erpi'trated the mo daring holdup in ninny months last ev cuing when Ihey rifled the cash register of a St. Helens nvennr ilrug store nfiec liindiiig the two clerks with mpes. Tl o lutndits were unmasked. They were frightened out of the store liefore they had finished their work of looting the place, by the aggressive actions of t fox terrier dog belonging to a woman pus-sing the store The dug pursued t!t.' trio for two blocks. The roliliers secured about ."0 in cash. I'OTTKH - To Mr. and Mrs. Charles I'otter. 177" llickioy street, Salur tlny,, March IN l!iti, a danghter. Ilig Millies by little talks-in Tim Journal's New Todav I'tdumii. ELL-AWS Absolutely Removes 1 11 digestion. One package proves it. 25c at all ('rurjgists. Specials in Used Furniture E. L. Stiff & Son tine Hut ( liic Six Hiie Due Km t lo.iol Complctf Kitchen Cabinet. to.."il f.oii I'iiII jmrtrvl nk Hoe Iter S.'l.OO I ".( ii foot Kxtensioii Taljle Sti.f'O I'll" is ; $;).00 tlS.lili I'laiilt Tiifi li foot Solid Oak Kxtensioii Table, like new S1L00 W'i.Hh I'avenport, a dandy.... t. SJ:!..r)0 'gi's 810.00 I f t . i-4 51.00 anil up Mile I'J.llll 2-iacli 1'ost White Steel lied tfii.ui sl'ringH O0c up lit her Iron lie. Is .'. 81.00 Kitchen Tallies C0c to Sl.M) iKtclien TiensiircH $1.50 Hue .f!i.."ll Cuplioiiril ' $4.f() line m.imi Sidel.ti.1id $12.50 line (Ml Tiill (Jimiteri'd link ISul'I'et 5HH.00 One CxIU Wool I'itoe l!ng $5.00 One tlT.oii ruined 0 ik .ihiary Talile With l'o. Uets for ilooks in I'll. I. like new $10.00 Cood I's.'d l.iiioleniii 25o and 3oc yd. Tiinle in your old furniture on new and get something you like from our new department. We will gie you a s.piare deal. E. L. Stiff & Son "Quick Sales and Small Profits is Our Motto."