Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 24, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915
Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915
For it Delicious Flavor, iU Excellent Quality
and its High Food Value.
package has the trade-mark of the chocolate girl on
the wrapper and is made only by
Established 1780 - DORCHESTER, MASS.
IU.UJ MT, Off,
TOMORROW will be Primroso day , Bushner, W. P. Fowlc, Miss Fowlc.
and an array of society matrons j others assistiug are Mines. Asahel
and maids will sell boutounicrcs J? . M ,v. IMim toll William liurg
for tho benefit of the Pisgah Homo, one ' ' ' ...
,,f the most admirable philanthropies 1 lrdt, Harry lay, George 1 aimer 1 ut
that Salem has been Bskcd to help. I nam, George W. Gray, Council Hyer,
Our povernor was the first to buy Georgo KndgeH, Frederick, Thielsen,
., f (,.., inlio fl..nr which will-be i -"imes nicvarj
worn by hundreds of citizens tomor
row, whose generous hearts arc always
jn sympathy with the needy.
As a courtesy to the newspapers, Mrs.
Hattie 15. Lawrence, or Mother Pisgah,
will present tnem with a hunilsomo bou
quet of artificial red rose buds and
natural ferns.
The, Pisgah Home Colony, with head
quarters at Lents, Oregon, is a most
worthy and needy institution whero men
and boys who are physically and moral
ly down and out are eared for and built
up into useful citizens. The institution
t-overs a state-wide work, and is sup
jwrted mainly by individual contribu
tion. It is iuter-denoiiiinntioiial, is en
dorsed by the Portland Chamber of
Commerce, Portland Ministerial Associ
ation, A. L. Mills, George K Chamber
lain, Judge John ii. Stevenson, of the
municipal court, anil many others.
Miss Margery Kaysnud Miss Caroline
Dick with a bevy of young girls, will
have charge of the sale at the stuto enp
itol. Mrs. Harry Clay and X coterie of
i'rionds will bo in charge at the com
jwreial club. Mrs. Melvin Plimpton,
with a group of young matrons, will
take charge of the booths at the U. S.
National Hank and the Lndd & Hush
bank. Mrs. Charles K. Miller and
friends will have charge of the booth
at the Marion hotel.
The Gray Belle eonfeetionery store
has donated a five-pound box of candy
for the matron selling the most blos
coms and the Spa likewise tor the suc
cessful maid. Charles tl. Miller, man
ager of the Marion, has donated the use
of the reception room for the clay.
Those in charge are: Mrs. Chauncey
Hishop, chairman; i'rnuees K. Gotslmll,
assistant chairman; Mrs. Hattie B.
Lawrence, I'isgnh Mother; assisted by
. Mines. Thomas H. Kny, Henry Mever,
Benjamin W. Olentt, llarley O. White,
John Minto, O. M. Klliott' John Me
JCary, T. F. Porter, S. S. East, W. l'
Mrs. Ch uincev Hishop will be assist
ed by Mines. Krnost Hunt, Curtis B.
Cross", Zndiic, Riggs, Clyde K. liraham,
Klmer Ludden, Misses Gertrude and
Margaret Gray, Miss Dorothy Hick,
Miss Margaret Guodm, Lottie Rogers,
Flora Patterson, Frances Schotthoefer,
Letha Driscoll, Lacy Leonard, Lncilc
Jones, Helen West, Mary Kckcrlin,
lielen Deckebaeh, liertrude Fast Hel
en Hose, Kathryn Slnde.
Miss Ida Simmons and Miss Kllen
Thielsen will bo assisted by Caroline
Dick, Marjorie Kay, Ksther Carson,
Catherine Curson, -Nancy Skaife, Kdna
Josse, Marcella Bynuii, Kilith Hynon,
Elizabeth Lord, Hazel Downing, Mar
gery Marvin, Jessie flolcomb, Marie
lloiconib, Florence Holer, 11a Spnuld
ing, Olga Gray, Jane Fry, Marie llofer,
Lucille llelle," dene Hello, Gertrude
East, Heruice Craig, Irene Curtis, Torn
Mortenson, Dorcas Churchill, Alice Ba
ker. Others who will lend their efforts nre
Mines. Richard Cnrtwright, John J.
Lewis, Anna Rogers Fish, William Gal
loway, F. C. l.'arleton, G. K. Bounoll,
Hoy Burton, A. 11. Knsuiaiek, Miss
Edith Hazard, Miss Mattie Beatty,
Mines. E. F. Fargo, E. E. Fisher, F. L.
Purvine, John Dubois, Miss Margaret
Cosper, Miss Regina Long, Miss Har
riett Rigdon, Miss Fleming, Miss Hop
kins, Miss Jones, Miss Lnvonna (.'op
pock, Miss Florence Purdu and Miss
Pauline Remington.
The W. C. T. V. will be represented
short business session was followed by
needle work and a guessing contest in
which Mrs. G. W. Gill was awarded tJe
first prize and Mrs. George Shoppert
the consolation.
The hostess was assisted in serving
dainty refreshments by Jars. L. W. Fot-j
ter ami Mrs. T. L. Davidson.
Mrs. F. L. Purvine entertained the
matrons of the Xortli Salem Woman's
club, Wednesday afternoon. A large
number of club guests were present and
the afternoon wus made unusually de
lightfullv by a programme.
Mrs. l)ora (lark's "Care and Cul
ture of Hoses" and "How to Register"
by Mrs. Hollin K. Page were especially
interesting contributions.
Others favoring the guests were;
Miss Lm ile lioss, who played "Valse
Brittina" by Chopin followed by
Grieg's "Norwegian Bridal Proces
sion" as an encore. Miss Helen Iloguc
sang "Violets" by Mildenbery and as
an encore gave "A Tiny Tragedy," by
Clayton Thomas. ;
During the busiuess session the fol
lowing new members were enrolled:
Mrs. L. King, Mrs. Guv O. Smith, Mrs.
H. W. Elgin, Mrs. 1. C. Beers, Mrs. J.
B. Shank, Mrs. E. D. Lamb, Mrs. G. II.
Clark and Mrs. Carrie Chapel.
The next meeting will take place at
the home of Mrs. J. F. Humphreys,
1135 Shipping street.
Miss Violett Oglesley was the motif
of a merry gathering of friends recent
ly when the members of the ninth
grade of t.-ie Grant junior high school
congregated for a surprise party.
The evening's festivities were round
er out, by games and dancing, follow
ed by refreshments.
Those enjoying the gnyeties were:
Violett Oglesley, Vera Wright, Ger
trude Tucker, Hose Wildman, Glide
Gardner, Esther Miller, Alice Putnam,
Beatrice Burton, Gertrude Wilunt, Aud
ra 1'eetz, Auuie Loft us, Arthur Olden
burg, Edwin Toofly, Joseph Feel,
Archie McCullop, " Elwood Tower,
Nichols Orloff, Paul Liidiart, Harold
Secor, Lawrence Tlirapp, Eugene Wheel
er, Dubin Arnold, Wilbur Mounnan and
Carl Miiiton.
An enjoyable and successful inimical
entertainment was given at the West
Salem school house last Fridny evening
by twenty of the pupils assisted by lo
cal talent.
Mesdames James aud MooVe assisted
in making tho costumes worn by the
The rooms w?re tastefully decorated
with vines, evergreen and feme. The
programme was as follows:
Piano Duet, Misses Beth and Ruth
Vocal Solo, Miss Inez Fitts.
Piano Solo, MisB Edith Tiddle.
Vocal Solo, Miss Bennett.
Operetta "Boy Blue" pupils in cos-
Characters: Boy Blue, Delhert
Moore; Mollie, Joanna Jnmesj Hay
Children, Frank Jarvis, Alice Wood,
Archie Swnrtz, Delia Douglass, Willie
Hecken; Fire Flies, Claudine Gertii,
.luamta Wood, Lthel Tnomas, Delia
Douglas; Loho Klves, MuMo Huge,
i. ir. si v (iiiv.T ,,i vi ,u u n ojorema ioiiginss, jaortny Aimer: Mum
Thompson.' ' " ' e U Frogs, Frank Jarvis, Teddie Ward,
c.nmp fire
Make the skin harsh and rough.
A few of our face treatments
will leave it soft and smooth as
We can cure that nervous bead
ache with an Electric Massage.
A well groomed man or woman
is shown by the attention given
tho hands. Try our manicures.
Ladies 25 cents, gentlemen 35
Shampooing, Massage, all Beauty
Culture work.
Moles and warts removed with
out pain, and leaving no scar.
Specialist in diseases of the Skin
and scalp.
Open Batnrflay Evenings.
301 Bank of Commerce Building,
Phone 393 Salem, Ore.
'ii rrogs, r ranis .larvis, retime want,
Swezen will be assisted by her "en Heeken, Albert Lamb; Katy-She-
,.e ,,.! Diil, Lou Bell; Kuty-She-Dulii 't, Esther
' Sneed; Piano assompanist, Miss Bed-
Miss Velnia Myers, of Drain, Oregon,
is the guest of her aunt, Mr. and Mis.
William H. Bynrs.
Mrs. F. E. Gearhart entertained the
members of the Hound Dozen club at
a pleasurable afternoon Wednesday. A
Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer Putnam
lmve as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. E.
W. Sawyer, of Beud, Oregon.
Try Capital Journal want Ads.
New Shirts
For Men
$1, $1.15,
, C7i i
New Silks
of every
Cotton Wash
Now is the time to gel the new
spring dresses ready ready for
the Mnv Dav exercises. c are y y . 1 '1 J
very much interested in the kind HCIPP C till CiVCtl
of wash goods that make suitable
dresses for little girls. No school The natural requirement of youth
tomorrow, so bring your mother, is exercise without it growth is
little girl, to help you pick some retarded and the senses dulled,
tiling reiil pretty. Exercise promotes health and
Buster Brown Shoes
promote exercise, because the chil
dren who wear them are free from
foot trouble, because these shoes
are made over the famous Butur
Brown Shaping Lasts.
Sport Blouse
Where is the boy that wouldn't
be delighted with a few of these
new waists. Most boys like to
be "free-m eked" and it will be
Sport Waists for them when they
see this lot wo just received.
Splendid patterns, to choose from
lit popular prices.
Two Big Scratch
Tablets for 5c
New Hair Ribbons and
Windsor Ties
W, L. Skipton went to llarrisburg
this morning.
Mrs. F. S. Gannett went to Port
laud this morning.
State Commander Shvwocl, of the
Maccabees, is in the city.
George E. Rose and Frank Brown are
registered at Hot Lake, Ore.
Otto Cole, of Crabtree, was attend
ing to business in Salem yesterday.
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith w?.t to Port
land this morning to atlenj grand
Frank J. Miller -was in Portland yea-:
tcrday, registered at the Portland ho
tel. Mrs. James Wilson was a passenger
this morning for Portland on the Ore
gon Electric.
Arthur McKee and wife left for Chit
wood, Ore., where they have been em
ployed on a farm.
John McNary went to Portland this
morning to attend to legal mattes. H'
will be absent several days. '
O. M. Elliott, superintendent of city
schools, went to Se.atvie this morning to
visit the schools and also friends in the
city. He will return Monday.
A. M. Macy, of Eugene, brother of
City Attorney Macy, stopped off ii
the city yesterday for a short visit
while on his way -to Portland.
Harvey Wells went to Portland this
morning to attend the annual re-umou
of tho United Spanish Wur veterans.
He is one of the reception committee.
Shacklcton Gets Home
From Antarctic Trip
Sydney, N. W. W., March 24. Al
though Lieutenant Sir Ernest Shackle-
ton has safely returned from his trans
Antarctic expedition, detailed news of
his achievements was withheld today,
Shackleton started on his trip shortly
after tho war began. He intended to
sail right through the Antarctic isono on
a maridian, thus winning for the Brit
ish flag the honor of traveling for the
first time from sea to sea through th
I unknown south polar regions.
The expedition was largely financed
by private gifts totaling $200,000. The
British government appropriated 'foO-
000. Shackleton sailed on a small ves
sel built of wood, with sides two feet
thick to withstand the terriiie ice pres
sure he expected to experience."
List of Reservations Reads
Like a Page From Society
Blue Book
Committee Perfects Plans But
Needs $309 to Carry
Them Out
the camping grounds at the state fair;
grounds will be placed in a condition j
suitable for a permanent camp dttiinSi
four months of the year, if the plaus of j
a committee which met lust evening ma-"
terialize. I
This comittee, composed of A. H.j
Lea, secretary of the state fair board,
.Mrs. fciivtn lo'.ier i eiucrrtu, n-yi.-sentinii
"the state fair, Miss Pauline
iLooney, secretary of the Campers' as
sociition, and Judge Galloway, Dr. H.
!.T. Clements and George M. Post, rep
resenting the commercial club, met last
evening and discussed ways and means
of making tho camping grounds sani
tary and attractive enough to secure
campers during the summer months as
well as jluiing t!ie state fair.
Dr. Clements was instructed to cor
respond with Hoscburg, Ashlan.L Mod-
ford and Eugene as to their methods of
handling camping grounds.
The state fair lioard is considering
plans to bring the city water to the
grounds and of also taking up the
mintage proposition, placing me
grounds in a satisfactory sauitaiy con-
it was also suggested that a care
taker be appointed, and the name ot
P. A. Sutton was suggested as no was
familiar with the work required.
As to the expenses, it was tue gener
al sense of tho committees that the
state fair boarl should pay tor the city
water during the state lair, out tnai
outside narties would c called upon to
stand the expense of water for the oth
er three months and for the caretaker.
To carry out these plans, it will be nec
essary to raise about WOO and about
tne only way, as tar as the committee
ould see, was to get it ny puunc bud-
scriiitions. The committees lclt there
was enough merchants and public spir
ited citizens to make the raising ol tuis
WHO assured within the next month.
Mrs. Wethcrred suggested that as
sooa as tne committee was sure inai
the money would be raised and that the
grounds woull be made a suitable place
tor auto parties us well as tnose coming
to the state fair, she would place ad
vertisements in papers throughout tho
state calling attention to the camping
facilities in Salem and later bring it
to the attention of tourists through the
various guide and hotel hooks.
f )
Boys Are Enthusiastic
About Our New
Spring Suits
And so, Mr. Boy, we Know that you will be. You will for
get nil about beingdingged away from your phiy tiine,
tomorrow, to get "that new Suit." You will likt the
cloth patterns and you'll be happy with the good roomy
feeling, the f let that seams are ti"ir-proof, and that well
these suits are almost boy proof. And tiiey are stylish
too, you bet, but with a rugged style admired by re I
blooded youths. I2.C5 to $7.50.
I A)
New York, Mur. 2-4 It begin to loidt
as if the tamous "diamond horse snoe
of the old Metropolitan opera limitf
would be throwu into a cold anil clam
my shade by the array of socially elect
who will view the .less Vt lUnnt-r rau
Moran 10-round tight through opera
glasses ut Madison Square Gardeu tc
morrow night.
I It leaked out Unlay that the list ot
ringside reservations might look like a
; page from the book, .several hundred
women will mingle their delicate per
j fumes with the aroma of ammonia nut!
other well known rii.iiside -smells.
Among those who will be on hand to
see the heavyweights liuninul one nn
! other nre Geraldiue Farrar, the prima
dunna: Mnrv Pickford. the motion pic
tare actress; David Beluseo's daughter
and many of their friends.
I.indley M. Garrison, former secretary
! of wnr, will be there. Also John Me
; Corinack. the teller; Jim Corbett, Rub
i ert. Fitsimmons, et nl.
Betting continues lighf. It is
! dent that when sociery begins leveling
, its battery of lorgnettes Willard will be
a two to one favorite at the ringside.
The bettors appear to think there is but
slight chance of the mdies calling th-'i-smelling
salts into p!uy when one or
the other of the fighters goes cra!iing
i to the canvas buttered and bio idv, for
! almost no wagering is being don; r.i the
basis of a knockout.
! Moving picture rights have I-ten sold
for 10.000.
lu the nemi-windup, Ba.tliu,r l.evin
' sky will box either Savage or 'i'ii
Women's and Misses' white cloth coats made of
Jersey back clipped chinchilla, full range of sizes. 1
cpeciai ai 4.3 J
Women's Novelty Neckwear Stock Collars, Sailor
Collars, Vestees and round lace collars. Special 25c
Infants' and Children's slips and dresses, ages 6
months to 3 years, materials are Batiste, sheer cam
bric and nainsook Lot 1, 49c. Lot 2, 93c
his stand.
"But there nre influences at work,
and we know it, working to creaie a
situation the end of which we ei uld
not know.
"Will the senators make the present
critical condition" worse!"
Stone and Borah clashed when Borah
and Sheppard of Texas caused tele
grams to be read from Douglas citizons,
asking help and expressing fear of
massacre and invasion.
A debute followed the telegrams and
on Senator Lewis' resolution denounc
ing those who aided Villa as traitors.
Deferring to the telegrams, Stone
said: "Better comment than that has
been presented to the war department.
T nn. iitmhlrt n oniliTstn nil why nnv
As the matter now stands, it will be .,. j.la:. -rni.inl nolnt in
neeessary to raise the $300 and Judge t nt Buch matu,rs, and thereby give
William Galloway, as president of tne ..... ,;:.,.
"I have no apoiogies to make,"
snapped Borah.
Stone -replied that Borah might have
acted with "greater propriety. He
added: "When a man .becomes obses
sed with the idea that he is running
for president he ought not to be in
fluenced hy one delusion -while ex
ploiting another. The senator may do
as he pleases, and offer anything he
wishes, but just what public good may
ombined committees, would be pleased
to receive suggestions as to the easiest
ind quickest way ot getting it.
Senators Clash Today
Over Mexican Affairs
needed," asserted Sherman.
Turning to the republican side, Stone
said: "If you wish to encourage tho
administration to have wnr with Mex
ico then have thi courage to say so like
men, openly, boldly, and not surrepti
tiously." DIED
Washington, Mur. 24. Senator i i-w-
is introduced n resolution today de
nouncing all Mexican aid to Francisco I be accomplished surpasses my liitelli
Villa as treason He nskcl t'.nit ta-se : cence. and understanding."
f:n i... ..i ..i4 ! t i l-...., i .::..;.., i h;. aJougia
" . . . - . 1 . ... . . hnmmri ti on kid H l,v five CtilnniliH
I1EI.I.YEH At his homo on Salmni
lloi-hts, March 21, HI Hi, N. .T.
Hellyer, in his 57th year. He is sur
vived by a wife. Funeral announce
ments will be made later.
YOVXGABLE At the home of W. E.
Miller. M-7 North Church street,
March 24, lfllti, Burkhart Youngable,
in his S7th year.
Funeral services will bo held Satur
day morning from the chapel of Webb
& (lough with interment in the cem
etery near Arlie.
He enlisted in the early Jays is an
Indian fighter and wus known as Biig
iiam Young. For 50 years, before com
ing to Salem five years ago, he lived
on his donation land claim in Polk
county. He was unmarried.
Douglas, Ariz., Mar. 2V -" ViH.i
Senator Stone said: "Every man resolution empowering the president vto !
with sense enough Ij come in out ot ( call 50,000 volunteers, Senator Sher
the wet knows that the situation in man asked what Stone's opinion of the
Mexico is critical that an effort is be- situation was.
nig made hy sinister influences, in "r get my information irom tne
and outside of Mexico, tff excite and in- president and from others upon whom
name the Mexicans, to tell tliem that we must rely, ' responired Mtone. "Ii
the Vnited States contemplates ag-1 volunteers are needed President AVil
gression against the whole government i son and his advisers will not hesitate
and people of Mexico The president : to so inform congress."
sought to impress the Mexicans with his "My offer was to tender friendly
friendliness, and tho senate endorsed help to. the administration should it he
of constitutionalist Iroupe, n few nvlcs
southeast of Niimi ) i.pn," a Iclegran
from General Gavir.i, de facto com
mander at Juarez to GeiieMl Cailis :t
Agna Prieta stated' toon;.
The de facto troops surrounding Villa
were distributed us rollow: I Vot.el
C'unoway at Las Orueev, 'Jclen?! Sn
lnsus at Barbricorn; Colonel Hernon
dez at Tepehuanes; Genet-tl OulV.a at
Santa Clara, and General Cnviuos at
Teniosachio, Guvira said.
l.arotlo, Texan, Mar. a-. Fire today
U5trivvri the Mexioan Nutionn! rail-
Growing Children
there is no better food than
with cream or good milk.
Many diseases of childhood and youth are due to
faulty diet a diet that restricts the amount of needed
mineral salts, the lack of which, as your family physi
cian can tell you, often leads to rickets and other
diseases of mal-nutrition.
Grape-Nuts, made of whole wheat and malted
barley is rich in these vital mineral elements so
necessary to health.
This food tastes good, is easily digested, and many
l t 1 . . i . - r J
iciicrs irom parents, alter trial, testily
"There's a Reason
vy-. In-
, 4:1
ja It y, .-i
mm v l) I X J
injj nrvr nTTtfni l.itnHto ruu Mon-
. T1 i .1 v i I