TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1916. "Salem's Style Store" LONDON HAS AR SCAIIE n l An Immense Assortment of POT -110 filjl and bunts "1 You will find here just the Coat or Suit you want for Spring and Summer All of the most popular models in the wanted fabrics ' colorings and patterns are to be found in this collection. Watch our window display. Prices are very moderate. J n A Splendid Line of the Popular Emmy Lou Pumps, Extra value, $1.25 pair Buy a pair of these com fortable, stylish looking Pumps just the thing for Spring and Summer. See them in our shoe windows. Only $1.25 a pair. Special Clearance Women9 s Style Fooiwear We have a number of short lines of the newest footwear for Spring and Summer. We want to clean up these broken lines and have placed the price so low that you cannot possibly afford to pass this if you need new Shoes. Patents, Velvets, Black and Brown Kid Shoes Our Regular $1.00, $4.50 and $5.00 sellers. Extra special, your choice, per pair $2.95 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY y" ""T y"t"w' sv Y MoooeJ i New Underwear for Women See the new Silk Chem ise the new knitted envelope chemise and the latest summer com bination suit a silk vest with knitted lisle trunk knee length. These are displayed in our show windows. .. -M-4- London, Mar. 24. If the Ger man fleet comes out, transports carrying truops for the Invasion . of Knyland may ac oniiuiny it, the Mews and .Star sujOoti d I ) day. They warned tlic puliic that reports ul II inc'.i Runs aboard th-3 Kaiser 'i c vessels were probably true. Such can non would outrange nuythiig carried by British battleships. The newspapers deelaiod army headiuarters realized ih'.n danger and was keeping lnrie forees of soldiers in Kuglund to meet such an attack. The iar asserted German subinnriiios were torpedoing neutral vess.'ls to keep them from reporting tiio mobilization of German transports. ii (PoM IF lit! ' g si rrra . 1 Iiirrw Governor Withycombe, Mayor White and Juilge Gailjjnay have accepted in vitations to attend the dinner to In given by the Sons of the American Rev- I nlution and those interested, at the Mil ' rion hotel. April 10, celebrating the battles of Lexington and Concord. ! A full quartered oak. buffet, regular ilo.uO, fur iflii.uO, at K. I.. Stiff &. Son. I The Standard Bearers of the First jjlethmlist cliurch" will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:110 o'clock at the h.mc j of Mrs. A. A. I.ee. 1515 State street. The meeting will be in rliargo nf Miss I Myrtle Richardson, Miss Grrfe Allen j nml Miss Krma Nye and the lesson will I be about China. Miss May Hopkins I will also talk to the class. I New Telephone peas, fancy head let j tuce, fancy celery, artichoke, greens and green onions. Roth Grocery Co. j Attorney General George M. Brown j returned to this city yesterday from a 'trip to Washington, D. C, where he represented the state's interests in the ; case of the Pacific Livestock company against the state water board. Mr. Brown' says the sentiment in the east ; favors Hughes for the next republican I candidate tor" president and the Nciv j York jurist has a large following that lis working to secure his nomination. f Don't waste your money. Have a Sonora in your home and listen to tho i world's -realest artists. Myrtle Know- land, 421 Court. qtimtimntttrmmmmttTtmtrattttttttt'tttt Your suit pressed, 50c. Phone 43. All Aroimi Town jnuut:m::t:m:mmrammm; For the convenience of those who wish to attend the Hayeaville district Sunday school convention, at Chomawa, tomorrow, the Southern Pacific hns made arrangements by which tin; Wil lamette limited, whii'h leaves Sal m at f:22 in tho morning will st':P at around Los Angeles were received thisiheld tomorrow at Turner. County Su-1 Chmiwa. For those returning, No. 71 morning by the wholesale fruit houses,' perintendent Smith and Supervisors ! on the fleer line w ill be held at Sn- Fresh spring peas, right direct from the gardens of Southern California Six diners at.E. L. Stiff & Son only if.'I.IIO. A county teachers' institute will be all of which is suggestive that spring Druilette and Smith will make short COMING EVENTS TONIGHT March 21-25 Marion County Sunday school convention, Congregational church. March 2" I'niv'ersity of Ore gon musicians nt I'resbyteri iin church, auspices Chemekc tn Camp i'iro Gills, Primrose Daw March 27-April 2, the Rev. K. V. hhayler at St. Paul's church. April 17 Prof. Robert. K. Stnuffer lecture at public, lib rary on "Oregon Litera ture." April IS Registration for primary election closes. April 2il Kaster Sunday. )c sc st 5jc s( s( s( sjc 3c tfc is coining this way. White Rose Hard' Wheat Flour, $1.35 sick, litith Grocery Co. We are now open. Gilson's profos- 0 sional shoe shinning p.ulor. 457 State On account of the increased enlist street. tf intents in Company M, tho quartermas- 0 iter department, "t the armory was Miss Margaret Herrin, deputy state j found to be too crowded. Last even commander of tho Ladies of the Mac- ing the boys all lent .1 helping hand ciibees, was one of the spe liters who 1 and removed the department to un up- Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass es correctly. U. S. Hank, isl.lg. Today the rivor is falling as the guile," above low water mark yesterday was 12.1 feet above loT water and to loday, 10.5 feet. Dr. Btono't drug store. addressed the meeting of tho Maccabees Wednesday. Dr. Stone's Drag store. Heavy snows every day this week in the Hindi liock camp of the Spiuldiug Logging company has delayed the usual spring work. At present tho company employes 75 men at the ciunp. Automobiles for hire, passengers and i baggage traasfered, rates reasonable, country trips n specialty. (J. G. Jl lilroy.' Phono '.117 or tf Just at this time of year, there is no accounting lor the weather. Tins morn ing at ! o'clock a snow storm raged in the neighborhood of the rock quarry, two miles south of the city. After about half in hour, it 1 11 it raging and dissolved into an ordinary Salem rain. Auction sale at the People's Quick Kxchange Auction Market on Saturday, March 25th at 1:30 p. m. Kverything sold on commission. Don't forget 1 buv household furniture for cash. V, ti. Woodry, auctioneer. Phone 511. Apr20 per story of tho armory 0, I 50 boxes Hood Rivor apples, $1.25 per box. Holh Grocery Co, The string orchestra will give a dance this evening at the Marion hotel. Those, in the orchestra me Miss Mary Schultz' and .Miss Lillian Stege, violinists; Miss! lloot'n, piano; I!. It. linssell, string tnss and Charles Do Cantos, drums. 1 Your suit pressed, 50c. Phone 43. Benjamin Brick is becoming quite an , j orator. After practicing on the Moose; Ige hero ami also tne nioiuhers ot tno talks. The address of the day will be delivered by Prot. l)c Bust, ot the Uni versity of Oregon. John Claire Monteith teacher of sing- I ing, in Salem Saturdays. 1 all 'M-i.i-.l. ) Millinery, thi largest and most up I to date line of trimmed ints now on .display, prices reasonable. Children's hats a specialty. Mrs. II. P. Stith, in i Kal'oury Urns., 410 State. SHOES What does this name stand for? In regard to Shoes, it stands for the highest efheiency in shoe making. For the past half century this name has stood fore most in the eyes of the American women. We invite new and old patrons to come to our store and ask to be shown the most beautiful display of footwear ever shown in the city. The new Spring styles are beauties. OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE YOU-A PERFECT . FIT OR NO SALE, IS OUR MOTT.O. Mrs. P. E. Fullerton 270 N. COMMERCIAL SALEM, OREGON About May 1 we move into our new building, Corner Liberty and State Streets X X 1(1 couiinercial club, he tried it on tho members of the Moose lodge nt Port- j land at the meeting Wednesday even- ; ing of this week, ind from all accounts, Ills address w4 received with tre mendous applause. Brown Daisy dust mop, regular 50c, special 25c. lluren & Hamilton. 1 1 Joseph Van Lydegraf has purchased the Peetz I'll rait are store, .i3 North oiiimcriial anil was given possession; this morning. Neither ,1. N. I'eetz nor K. N. I Yet ., who ow ned the business, I I have aav definite pWns at present, but' it is probable they will again go into j business. .. j Spring clean up stuff at special prices. Dusl mops, regular 75c value, special 23c. Duron & Hamilton. John Schcffe, who recently bought1 the Craig and Huff farms two and oho half miles east of the fair grounds,! is here with his wife and lour children tud will make their home at 2217 I'liir-1 grounds road until next fall when he will take possession of his property. He! came from Madison county, Nebraska.' Brown Daisy floor brush, chemically prepared. Ii'egnlar $1.50, special Ollc.i 1 In re ii & Hamilton. j On account of tho rains in the Roso- j burg district, buiccoli ripened a few! weeks ahead ot tune and no shipping boxes were on hand to Imndle the veg etable. ( onseipiently 'llio Spaulding Logging company receivud .1 hurry up order for boxes, and as freight ship ments were too slow, boxes weichmg lil.iitiit pounds were shipped th's weeki by the Wells Fargo Kxpress company, j Saturday Spocial Sale of cut flowers, j Yew Park Greenoouse, 1105 S. 12th. j I'houe 253 W. . Mar23; About 100 patients of the asylum at I this city will be transferred to Pondle- ton in the near future now that the: new $100,000 w ing to the eastern Ore gon hospital for the insane has been , j completed. This will make it possible; to relieve to some extent the congestion I I which linn prevailed for some time at I the Salem institution, ! o- Expert window cleaner, floor waxer, ' vacuum en met cleaner bv hand or elee-1 tiieity, clem white paint houses inside or outside, any kind of work. Handiest : man in the V. S. Phones 200 and 1525.! BIG SPECIALS FOR Saturday 4 Cans Salmon 25c 1 qt. Homemade' Dill Pickles ' 10c 2 Loaves Bread 5c 3 Lbs. Fine Strained Honey 25c DAMON & SON 853N.CW1 Phone 68 WE DELIVER lem until No. 10 southbound arrives. -o- Let Nothing Keep You Away From G. W. Johnson k Co's Removal If you want to save to SOc Auto smashup prevented by using Lock wood's Klectric Auto Globes. All sizes ami kinds. 21(i X. Commercial street. Union Evangelical services will be j (J held by the three Methodist churches of Salem, beginning April 3. They will be in charge of the Hew .T. C. Spencer at the meetings held in the Leslie M. II. church. April 3 0. Tiov. ,T. Montcalm lirown when held in the .Tn son Lee Memorial, April 10-H, and the Ifev. K. X. Avison when held in the 1'irst Methodist church from Aprit'17 to 23. U. of O. trio concert under auspices of Chemeketa Camp Fire at Presbyteri an church, Satuiday. S:3fl p. m. Tickets 50c lit Wills, Pattons ind Commercial Hook Store. Mayor Harley 0. White is willing and i has the authority to appoint livi; cit-! izens to attend the second world's con-j I gress of "The World's Court Letgue"i ! which will meet in New York City May 1 2. lie is in receipt, today of a letter j I from the president, .Inhu Hays Nam-j Imoiid. asking him to attend and bring I with him five rejrescatative citizens. jAs in all great events and congresses, j I ne delegates are perniiueii to pay tneir j own expenses. j Free, a largo Liquid Veneer polisher ; free with each 50c bottle of Liquid Veneer. Only one polisher to a cus tomer, lluren & Hamilton. on the dollar, on Clothing, Shoes and Furnishing Goods DO YOU SEE AS THROUGH .DARKLY ? A (il.Ass MY RIGHTLY F1TTL1) (il.ASSKS WILL tUVK YOU C'LL.VI! VISIOX. MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 208-209 Hubbard Building. Phone 109 ,The Store That Saves You Money, WATCil ANDl Clocks Ecpaied Xi ' Also a Nice Line ot Jewelry. KARL NEUGEBAUER Masonic Temple CITY NOODLE HOUSE NOODLES IOC RICE-PORK 10c FRIED RICE 15c 420 FERRY STREET- Phone 700 TAXI SERVICE CARS OF ANT KIND, FOB ANT PLACE, AT ANT TIME Good Oarage in connection for torage of cart. Reasonable Bate. SALEM TAXI CO. Oaraga OPEN ALL NIGHT. 248 State Street. RESIDENCE PARLORS Lincensed Lady Em balmer Moderate Prices Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage- Undertaking Parlors Phone 721. Salem, Ore. fill The Brilliant Suction Cleaner Only 5 Guaranteed to be better than any $:5.00 machine. A phone call will bring one to your house for a free demonstration. We are exclusive agents for the famous Way Sagless Spring. Bargain day is every day at our store. Watch windows. Successors toCalef Bros.1 la tl IS 13 K rs ti K? E If .15 13 B3 CI E n ci -t- Et 13 19 E! Eg & n u H IS 13 u M ll IS R n m 13 5 E It I! IB K m tv in B 2 ft. llniiV ,). Mri'Olttlid. Your suit pressed, 00c. Fhons 43. ! Capital Journal Want Ads Will Get You What You Want