Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 23, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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Show Garments
fat Special Prices
All of the garments shown in the Fashion Exhibit at
the Oregon Theater, Tuesday night, have been marked
unusually low for rapid selling. Every one of
to be in perfect condition.
Suits, Coats, Sweaters,- Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Hats,
Bathing Suits, Parasols, Etc.
Every garment used in the Style Show was from
the Meyers' stock excepting three small articles.
Visit the ready-to-wear department and see all of the
new garments for Spring and Summer.
Stylish New York Millinery New
Models Every Week-No Two Alike
A Splendid Line of the Popular
Emmy Lou Pumps, Extra Value $1.25 pr.
Buy a pair of these comfortable, stylish Iqoking Pumps just the thing for
Spring and Summer. See them in our shoe windows. Only $1.25 a pair.
Salem's Big
w m 1 .-I 'Him ft '
All Around Town
Mni'rh 2-1-25 Marlon County
bimdny school convention.
March 25 University of Ore
jon musieinna nt l'rcsbyteri
un church, nuiicc Cheim'ke
tn Cunip Fire (iiiis.
rrinirnsi" Diiv.
llnrdi 27-.i'ri 2, the ltev. K. V.
tshiiylcr nt St. I'iiiiI'-h I'liurch.
April 17 Frof. Hubert E.
Ntmu'lVr lcctuio nt public lib
rary on "Oregon Litera
ture." April 18 Reciatrntion for
priuinry election closes.
April L'S Kuster Hmuliiy.
valley. The bulletin is i contribution
from the bureau of plant industry uml
tells of tiie experiments iu the treat
ing of priuies uiul elierry trees for
brown rot at tho Vancouver, Washing
ton, experimental station. This bulle
tin niny be secured by writing the V. S,
(lepnrtnicnt of agriculture at Washing
ton, 1). ('., .isliiii(r fr bulletin No. litis.
It is entitled, "lirowu Kot of I'runes
un.l ('berries iu the Fucil'ic Xortli-
A $G5.00 Monarch Ranee, good as ! west.
On account of the social service ex
position nt Ifyan's hull, there will be
no miil-week services this evening ut
the First Cuugregntiunul chinch.
The Salem Social Service society has
Sr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasi
ct correctly. U. 8. linnli. bliljf.
The next lecture to tie given at Wil
lamette university as one of the regu
lar series is announced fur April It),
when Frof. Murton K. Feck will talk
on "lietween Two Kingdoms."
Dr. Stone' i drug store.
new, iflt.i.OO. K. U Stiff & Son
The body of John A. Sherwood, a
firmer who lived just north of the city
who died March Hith, will be shipped
by the Southern Facific tomorrow af
ternoon to I'nrker, K insas. for burial.
sjt i J no body will be accompanied by a
ijc i brother and brothcr-iu-law. The widow
jjciiind three children will return to Fat
her, Kansas, and make that place their
permanent home.
Seed wheat, oats, vetch and land
plaster, ut The Cherry City .Mills.
Among the candidates who filed to
day .u-o:.. W. (i. Trill, of Wallowa, can
didute for nomination by the republi
can party for the office of district at
torney for Wallowa county; Daniel
lioyd, of Kuterprise, cuudidate for del
egate to the national republican con
vent! an.l M. 1). Sh inks, of Coudoiij
candidate for nomination by the repub
lican party for the office of state sen
ator, eigiilcuth lenatonal district.
We are now open. Ollson's profes
sional shoe shinning p.irlor. 437 Slate
utreet. tf
Tilings will be lively tills evontng at
the Klk lodge as not only will several
matters of importance come before the
members, but -II candidates will be in
iti ited and the applications of 25 w ill
be otcd on.
A good davenport, fine condition,
regular I.".UU, special $:.:). K. L.
Stiff A; Son.
The Moose hall with the United Artl
sms was it busy pluue last evening. The
Court of l.cgnnds, the juvenile organi
r.atiou of Artisans, gave a bumptet
early in the evening, followed by a reg
ular business session of the Artisans.
After the session the La Area club of
the Artisans" gave one of their dances
And following the dance, a bnnuuet was
given the Fallas delegation that attend-! reel,
ed all the sessions,
U. of 0. trio concert Saturday 8:30
Let The Capital Journal print your .' '"' i i! , , "'' " "'s' l
, . . .i . . . " II oniineicial look store.
a position waiting for the right kind of
a man who is lanuliar witi farm work.
The farm is not fur from Salem uiul the
job is u good one. Ivan (i. McDauiels
i the nmercial club can give the in
formation. Roy Bryant was yesterday appointed
deputy health offb-er to work with Dr.
O. II. Miles. This action was taken as
there is plenty of work to be done, and
Mr. Hryntit will begin his vlutics At
once. The position pays 0.) a month.
Auction sale at the People's Quick
Kxehange Auction Market on Kntiirilnv.
L .-... . . .... . .
.mircil -.nil ill J Ml) p. m
sold on commission. Don't foriref, I hnv
household furniture for cash. F. N.
Woodry, auctioneer. Fhouc oil. Apr'.'O
A river bottom farm of 32 Vi acres
lying north of the city in Folk county
on tho Wallace mud was purchased yes
terday by Mr. and Mrs. J'. X. Matlock.
Thiv expect to mike extensivo im
provements. The sale was mnde bv J.
A. Mills. '
Deaths Among Wealthy
Causes Doctor's Arrest
New York, March 23. Following the
deliths of three wealthy people here,
District Attorney Bwann today ordered
the arrest of Dr." Arthur Warren Waite.
John R. Feck, Grand Rapids million
aire and father in law of Dr. Wav,te
(lied March 12, supposedly of arsenic,
poisoning. Mrs. Fecit, his wife, died
on January 30. Her body was cremat
ed. Bo Ih dejths occurred in Dr.
Waiter's apartment on Riverside Drive.
Mrs. Emma Ring, aged (id, died yes
terday. She left an estate of $400,000.
Suspicion was first aroused by a negro
maid's statement The coroner also re
ceived a telephone message from an un
known source," telling him he better in
quire into the circumstances of the
After Feck died, his son Fercy in
Grand Rapids received an anonymous
telegram suggesting that he demand an
A polico guard was maintained nt
the home of Dr. Waite as he was sick
and could not be moved, according to
Attorney Stanchf ield, his lawyer.
The Central Congregational Sunday
school will hold a social Friday evening
at the church on Niuetenth and Ferry
streets. Hesiiles' being a social gather
ing for the older folks, the occasion
will be more in the way of giving the
little ones an evening of entertainment
in the way of games, music and some
thing to eat.
Tom Bennett, chairman of the rail
road celebration committee of Marsh
field, is In the city today, seeking to
arouse interest in the event in the Cap
ital City. There is to be a joint six
day celebration by tho Coos Bay towns
when the Eugene-Coos Bay railroad is
completed in the latter part of July or
tore pnrt of August, and every errorr
will be made to make it a stute-wide
event. A large delegation, including
tho Cherrians, will attend from Salem.
After holding the office of coroner
for the past IS years and with no op
position excepting two years ago, Cor
oner A. M. ( lough will experience the
feeling of having another candidate in
the field as Dr. R. T. -Mclntyre filed
vesterdav. Two years ago Mr. ('lough
was opposed at the primaries by Dr. J.
S. Van Winkle, lie has held tho of
fice so many years that running for
coroner has become sort of a habit. Sev
eral times ho his Itfcn nominated on
both the republican and democratic
Ralph Mercer, son of Dr. W. L. Mer
cer, is home for a few days visit from
Coat Island near San Francisco. Mr.
Mercer joined the navy last September j
and has been in training at Goat Island
preparAtory to an assignment on a
training ship, lie will visit here but a
few days as he has been assigned to the
cruiser I'ittsburgh which has .been or
dered to San Diego for the spring train
ing. Cecil Schaeffer and .lames Walker
who joined the nnvy a few months ago
expect to also be assigned to the Fitts
burgh before it leaves for Sail iego.
G. W. Johnson & Go's
tale bills and o
Dr. Stone's Urng store.
By the voting In of five new mem
bers nt their mooting Monday evening
TTavlnff ri.ftut.ri th. j I'rpiieiis .Mine cnorus now numliers
Hoplvomore baotball teams in the four;',.-' ' (lm'''1tu'" . ot ''.'''"f
games played last evening, the junior'- " K ,n)il'" mg ,lu (h."nla " ,1,k:
team is stepping high todav as it now:"1;' ."''.f'"1 mk"'K." "P'c.al study of
is entitled t the championship of tli.C 1"""" T- - jMlsa '"'"idle Bloom
high school and the defentine of tl,el"'HS e ',',,'1. J"".",Nt 1,.t Iasl '''t''K
other team, nods several point, in their!",1 "'V"1'"""'. l '".''''V1 "''ber
favor in the inter-class contests. i Alvert (.ille, Kobort Duncan, Dr.
I. II. Gaiuiobst. Milo Hasinusscn and
Mr. Zeller.
Automobiles for hire, passengers and
baggage trnnsfeied, rates reasonable, I t,, , . "
country trips a specially. C. G. Mci1 Dif y0 1 vcr Vy keep th y0ung
Flroy. Flume 917 or 03l. tf H-''!''0 l''v' 'Jry enlertaiument
pi m i , with a Sotiora Talking JI ichino. Myrtle
JMlOWUIUIl, lOlllt.
An impromptu spcakinii contest was
hebl this nftei noon between too three
in, I,. I..uu..n ..i l.:..i i i I..- .i.
I. l-i . n,.i-, n ui me iii;ii ni iioim. r.ucil
, ciass was represented by three spenU
jers. In tho fust contest the speakers
! wero assigned their subject nt noon
but. not ullowed to re nt up on the sub
ject. In tho second contest, the speak
ers were not assigned the subject un
til the lust moment, and then they were
Phone 700
Good Garage In connection foi
storage of crs.
Seasonable Sate.
246 State Street
given two minutes to tell all thov knew
about it. These inter-class contests are
held to secure the silver cut to be given
by the civics club to the class scoring
the greatest number of points in the
various departments of work.
Expert window cleaner, floor waxer,
vacuum carpet cleaner by hand or elec
tricity, clean white paint houses inside
or outside, any kind of work. Handiest
man iu the I'. S. Fnoncs liO and l.lL'.i.
The U. S. department of agriculture
nt. Washington recently issued a bul
letin oa brown rot especially as it ap
plies to prune trees iu tho Willamette
Three films will be shown at the
Sunday evening services of the First
Cnngrcyntionul eliunh after' a short
talk by the uaslor. They are about the
people and customs of .Inpan, the work
ol tne Salvition ininv and a Biblical
The Woman of Samaria."
Wesley Downs was arrested today by
the Salem police on iufonnitioii from
Cnnby which stated that the young
mini was wanted there for robbing a
stoie. Downs told the officers that he
was an ex-reform school boy but that
ho was innocent of any crime at Can
by. J. B. Coniett, of Sliedd Station, in
Idnn county, was appointed today by
the state fair board as chief of the
livestock department of tho state fair
and his duties will bo about the same
ns the former superintendent of this
division. Mr. Cornett is a well known
stock breeder of this valley.
The Frame Shop and Qiftery an
nounces tuat the training department
is now in operation, the work hnviiii!
been suspended during moving and )
cuing of store. -We wish to thank all
those who have been so patient about
w aning tor ineir delayed work and we j
will soon be turning out frames with
accustomed promptness. j
Save your old papers and rags. This'
country is not iu quite so bad a fix ns
several European countries where it has
become necessary to economize on food
as well as luxuries, but the plain f icts
are, there is a serious shortage of the'
raw materials for the manufacture of I
paper. Old rags and old papers are r w I
materials and the prudent housewife
may turn a few honest pennies by sav-
ing these and selling to the man who!
collects such materials. This informa
tion of .1 shortage in raw materials!
conies from the department of com
merce at Washington, and a letter from i
William ('. Kedfiehl, secretary, states!
that a little attention to the saving of!
rags and old papers will mean a geuuinel
relief to the paper industry of the eoun-l
try. Besides the chance to torn an'
honest dime by saving, there is ulso the I
patriotic side uf the proposition. I
The Cherrians boast of 18 good and
true members who have been present
at every drill since tho commencement
of the regular spring training Wednes
day evenings. At the snnio time the
iirganii'.ation does not especially do
much moasting about the. i- who have
not responded to roll call. On a gen
eral averige the attendance has been
about 40. As yet it has not been de
cided what punishment will be handed
out to foe 42 who are playing hookey
or what reward shall be credited to the
noble' IS who have ', so faithfully re
sponded. Judge Galloway returned yesterday
from Weiser, ld:iho where he was called i
by the illness of his brother, T. C. Gal-
biway. Judge Calloway reports his!
brother still very low and it is not ex- j
ne.-te.l tti.il lie will putii-elv recover
Everythingi f ,01U f0 present attack. Judge Gal
loway said lie found a partieulAi'iy I
backward spring iu Idaho and that!
from Huntington to La Grande the
snow was covered to a depth of several j
inches by a recent snowstorm and even,
yesterdAy a light snow was falling in
that region. .Not until Fendleton was!
reached did the judge observe many I
signs of spring but found tho Willam-j
elte valley a particularly welcome spot I
and says the people here have little
cause to complain about the weather. I
Clocks Repaired tS?r
Also a Nice Line of hj
o eweiry. -jj...-. - j j
Hasonic Temple v,l; ,!v"
oing Fu
11 Swing
We Are Going to Make
0 u ,
ffnoav and
MR. MAN Come to this store Friday and Saturday "take a look" see for
yourself the price reductions and the marvelous savings offered you on all the best
brands and highest grade lines of Clothing, Hats, Shirts, Ties, Underwear, etc.
We have entered into this removal sale with a firm determination to reduce our
stocks one half and close out many lines before moving into our new store. You
know us; you know the reliable lines of goods we sell; so come here expecting to
save 10 to 50 per cent onlhe dollar and you will not be disappointed.
One lot of Men's Ox- Fine ribbed closed One lot of odd Coats
fords, tan, gun metal crotch, summer weight and Vests, sizes 34 and
and patent, the famous Union Suits, regular $1 35, for small men or
Packard brand, will be value, on sale grown boys, to be sold
closed out, per pair y at
75c 45c 95c
One lot of odd Vests,
15 Suits, good materials, small sizes, to close out
staple styles, for small at Men's $1.50 Military
men or grown boys, 1 x 1 Collar, fine quality negl-
values to $12.50, to be 1 UC igee Shirts on sale at
sold at
CkEt Men's Swiss cotton rib- 9uC
PG.ZJkJ bed athletic style Shirts .
and Drawers, regular Men's White Handker-
The rcgulnr 25c" Paris 75c garments, will be chiefs, regular 10c
Garters will be sold at sold at values now
15c 30c 4c
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer ' Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
I """"I F
i I UU are a small man arm ran
f1 wear sizes 34, 35 or 36, come here
Ar Q.J J :n
m. nuajr ui uaiuiuay diiu we win sen
you Stein Block suit of clothes for less than
cost of material.
oSsnsoi h
141 N. Commercial St.