Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 22, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
bee. and Treus.
Duly by carrier, per year $3.00 IVr month.
Daily by mail, per year 3.00 Per month.
New York Chicago
Wsrd-Lewis-Willianm Special Agency II irry R. Finder Co.
Tribune Building .'10 N. Dearborn St.
The Capital .Tuurnnl carrier boys arc instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do thin, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kiudly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
way we can determine whether or nut the carriers are following instructions.
Phone Maiu 81.
The Oregon Voter has a lengthy article on "The Salem
Conference" and a severe criticism of some of those par
ticipating therein. It does not like Robert E. Smith's
characterization of the result as "a victory for the tax
payers of Oregon." and regrets that some plan was not
offered on which all factions could unite.
It says the convention was divided into three factions
which were "The timber and railroad interests and Wil
lamette Valley taxpayers, already overburdened with
taxation and viewing with alarm any attempt to load up
the state with debt that could only be met by further
taxation : The allied farmers and laborer's organizations,
which were intolerant of any plan of state aid that they
did not originate; and the delegates who went there in
good faith to try to work' out a safe plan for rural credits
and public works such as drainage and irrigation.
The division is fiarly made and it shows for itself why
nothing was done. The interests were too widely dif
ferent for combination, and each faction was jealous of
every move of the other.
On top of the whole was the feai'of bonded debt which
is almost inherent in the make up of the Willamette val
ley man. The Willamette valley farmer whose land was
under cultivation and was deeded to and owned by him,
feared with an overpowering fear, the creation of debt
he might be called on to pay in carrying out what he
called the "experiment of irrigation." The lands re
claimed or brought under cultivation by irrigation would
after large sums had been expended on them still be the
property of the state, and it would have to pay the cost
of the irrigation systems. The man who purchased the
irrigable lands took the chance of making a success, but
if he failed he lost but little and left the lands and the
cost of bringing water onto them to be paid by the balance
of the state. This may have been a bugaboo, but it might
as well have been real, if it was not, for all practical pur
poses. The Voter places the blame of the failure of the con
ference to accomplish anything on State Treasurer Kay
and State Senator Garland, who it describes as "able
manipulators who threw the apple of discord among the
three factions." It also accuses these "manipulators" of
doing this for the purpose of gaining strength politically
in the Willamette valley, because there is so strong a senti
ment against bonding the state for any purpose whatever.
The Voter then sadly asserts it can hold out no hope
that any of the proposed projects will meet with favor at
the polls, and asserts that it will be a long time before
anything whatever can be accomplished along the lines of
rural credit and the other proposed development schemes.
It is probably correct.
A woman who has just escaped from Mexico, says the
British flag is the only one respected in Mexico. Perhaps
when Tershing and Dodd get through with them and
General Funston issues their recall, the Mexicans gener
ally will have a better opinion of Americans, a greater
respect for the flag and distinguished consideration for
the American soldier.
It begins to look as though the German attempt to
break through the French lines at Verdun is doomed to
failure. In spite of the sacrifice of life poured out reck
lessly in desperate attacks, the French aparently have
lost but little ground and are as far from being beaten as
when the attacks began. The German soldier has done
all that flesh and blood can, but it apparently is in vain.
Should the attacks at Verdun prove a failure, what
will happen? That is a ques.tion the world is asking and
nobody is able to answer. The consensus of opinion is
that Germany will then make a defensive war, guarding
her own and waiting for the allies to make the first move
toward peace. When it is demonstrated that the Germans
cannot get out, and the allies cannot get into her terri
tory, it may mean that the utter foolishness of continuing
the useless strife will dawn upon all parties to it, and
some terms of peace be arrived at.
Sugar lately has been making the jumping frog of
Calaveras seem a permanent fixture. It is estimated the
United States uses annually about ;,700,000 tons, or 7,400,
000,000 pounds. A little more than a year ago it was selling
at about $5.50 the hundred. Now it is quoted at $8.00 and
there is no certainty that it will not go still higher. This
raise means an advance of nearly 50 per cent, and stated
in dollars the increase of two and a half cents a pound
means the added cost' to consumers in the United States j
for one year of $177,000,000, and that the total sugar bill
at eight cents a pound would be $592,000,000. This would
be more than is paid yearly for automobiles and should
therefore be classed as extravagance. However it is only
about one-fourth of what spirituous drinks cost and about
half the nation's tobacco bill.
! Auto Jumps Bridge and Lands
Among False Work 30 Feet
Below Seven Hurt
Spokane, Wash.. Mar. 22 Seven were
injured, three seriously, early tu.iay
wlien an automobile, returning from a
road house party, plunged off the south
end of the .Monroe street bridge.
The seriously injured are:
John Hinle, assistant cashier of the
Auditorium theatre, fractured skull. He
is nnconsci'ios.
C'UKsie Baldwin, actress, six inch gash
across her forehead, and internal in
juries. Anna Schaffer, actress, head badly
Others less seiinuslly injured were
Hug Pace, cashier of the theatre;
Ellsworth Res uncr, chauffeur: -Madeline
Lewis, ac tress, and Beatrice Sanders, a
Spokane girl. Jack Kuley. the eighth
occupant of the automobile, escaped
with minor injuries.
The chauffeuer was Minded by the
light of an approaching automobile, he
said. The approach iO the bridge was
being repaired and onlv a narrow pass
age way was left open. Resuner turned
his machine into the sidewalk. It crush
ed through the barrier and fell .'10 feet
below among the false work being erect
ed for a new concrete approach t the
The occupants of ftie machine had
considerable litpior with them when
they left Spokane fur the Neven Mile
house at midnight, Resimer said. He
denied that anv of them were intoxicated.
Mr. L. W. Myers, of Portland, aged 86, and one of the
candidates for presidential elector on the progressive
ticket four years ago, is back in the fold, having regis
tered a few days ago as a republican. The old gentleman
says he has not renounced any of the principles of the
progressive party; and that if the republicans nom
inate a progressive like Roosevelt, Cummins or Hughes,
he will vote for him. This is the attitude of most of those
who have left the progressive to return to their first but
rather aged love. They will stay by the republican party if
it nominates a progressive and adopts a progressive plat
form. Otherwise they will not support the ticket. The
prodigals return, but they demand the fatted calf as a
condition precedent.
A story recently published is to the effect that Albany,
Central Toint, Medford and several other places named,
attained a perfect score when the Southern Pacific of
ficials made a recent inspection trip over the roads, and
that the smaller stations showed better than like stations
in California. The same officials failed to make any men
tion as to how high Salem ranked in the scenery around
and the conveniences in its depot. The depot conditions
at Monroe and Halsey were commented on and praised
but poor old Salem, the capital of the state, had its depot
passed by without a word from the big guns of the road.
Salem with its nearly forty miles of concrete pave
ment will be pleased to know not only that it is the best
pavement, but that it is the only one worth laying. That
this is true cannot be doubted for Mr. Aman Moore, presi
dent of the new cement works at Oswego, frankly ad
mits it.
General Funston's sudden call for more troops coupled
with the assembling of large Carranza forces between the
American armies in Mexico ami the border, causes
suspicion that Carranza is not playing fair, or at least
that Funston does not give the utmost credence to his
President Wilson has urged on the senate the necessity
of agreeing upon some satisfactory water power bill
which can be passed this session. The senate may agree
on some bill but it is a dead certainty it will not agree on
a satisfactory one.- "It can't be did!"
Spring instead of being "light tripping" as she arrived
yesterday must have found the going rather slippery.
She seems to have employed old man Aquarius to guide
her footsteps hither.
A woman correspondent in The Ladies Home Journal
says she serves eggs in 26 ways. That may be a satis
factory thought to a woman, but a man realizes there are
but two ways to serve an egg and do it right. One is to
eat it and the other well eggnog isn't bad.
That dog in Vancouver that was in the habit of steal
ing the Morning Oregonian from a door step certainly
had "a nose for news."
Walt Maten
rri W r"
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18GS
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
I'm learning the automobile; as, trembling, I sit at the
wheel, and steer her along, through the hurrying throng,
how nervous and awkward I feel! I jolt people out of
their lids, I run over chickens and kids; a
spurt she will throw when I want to go
slow, she scampers, skedaddles and skids.
I sweat, and I'm weak in the knees, when
swift around corners she flees, she whimp
ers and whirs and she gurgles and pin's, and
runs into fences and trees. My courage she
constantly damps by running down bow
wows and tramps; she collided today with
a big heavy dray, and busted her fenders
and lamps. I drive her around for an hour,
this engine of terrible power; wherever I
stray, on my death-dealing way, of feathers and futf
there's a shower. At night, when I go to my bed, fierce
nightmares abide in my head; I dream my new truck is
just running amuck, and leaving a windrow of dead. I
run over chickens and goats, I run over roosters and
shotes; and oft, in my dream, do I raucously scream, ''My
auto is feeling her oats!"
To the F.ditor of Capital Journal:
There is no need for any man, woman
or young person of either sex to be out
of work. The farms of the corn belt,
and the rural homes of the American
northwest, offer good jobs at goort pay
to every competent. Previous experience
in agriculture or house work is not
necessary, provided one is well, strong
and willing to work inn I ready to learn.
Such peopie will be quickly taught on
our farms and in our farm homes. Oi
course the more experience one has had
in agriculture, the better will be their
pany and opportunities in the country.
Comfortable sleeping quarters, good
food, plenty of pure water and fresh
air, except during the very height of
the rush season, and the hours or la
bor are not unduly long.
Many a woman who is struggling for
a living in the city, cither alone or with
grown up or younger children, will find
plenty of good openings awaiting here
on the farms or the west.
The husband and wife, with or with
out children, who are able to merely eke
out a miserable existence in the city,
can get a comfortable tenement or place
to live on the farm of an employer who
will give them a chance.
The same is true of the very consider
able number of families of small means,
in our cities and towns, -who have a
hunkering to get back to the land. T.el
such families work out for a season or a
year for n good, farmer. They will gair
just the pratcical experience they need
to qualify them to begin farming an
other year on their own account, either
as renters or owners. While they arc
at work 'tor an employing farmer, this
summer, such a famiiy Will have a
chance to find a place or farm that
they may wish to buy or rent later on.
All charitable organizations, immi
gration bureaus and other agencies thnt
d eal with the labor problems should un
derstand that the rural districts can
absorb every uble bodied man. woman
and child that may be available, either
at present or at any rime between now
and the conclusion of harvest.
The earlier such help can get out into
the country, the better chance they will
have on the land. The demand for help
this spring is greater than it may be
along in duly.
Teachers, students and others who
have vacations .luring the summer can
get good positions on farms at house
work or field work. Their work will
be paid for at a fair price, besides
board and room, if they are willing to
pitch in nad do a solid day's wink ev
ery day.
There are many of this class who
would like to work part of the time in
stead of being confined to heavy toil all
day. There are plenty of farms that
would welcome this latter class, where
arrangements could be made for these
people to pav for their board and room
by reasonable amount of work, or pay
partly in cash and partly in labor.
Anv individual or organization that
Worth Careful Thought
Do you read the label to know whether
your baking powder is made from crean:
of tartar or, on the other hand, from alum
or phosphate ?
Royal Baking Powder is made from
cream of tartar, derived from grapes, and
adds to the food only wholesome qualities.
Other baking powders contain alum or
phosphate, both of mineral' origin, and
used as substitutes for cream of tartar
because of their cheapness.
Never sacrifice quality and healthful
ness for low price.
New York
nre so often subject to headache are
languid, pale and nervous because
their blood is thin or insufficient. They
nre not really sick and hesitate to com
plain, but they lack that ambition and
vivacity which istheirbirthi iglit. They
do not need drugs but do need tlw tonic
and nourishment in Scott's Emulsion
that makes richer blood, fills hollow
Cheeks. snrmresse.? ner-nncn tn,ti.
. j , u41uv-
Ublishes strength. Nourishnientalone
makes bloodandScott's Emulsion is the j
essence of concentrated nourishment, I
free from vines, alcohols or opiates, i
If mother or daughter is frail, pale
or nervous, give her Scott's for one
month and see the betterment. It has
a wholesome, ''nutty" flavor. Avoid j
substitutes. At any drug store.
bewit (k. Iluwuc, Bljuuiield. N.J. 1W4
wants to g.-t in touch with such posi
tions on the tai'ms or in state may do
so hy writing to t lie commissioner ot
agriculture at the capital of each state.
better still liv advertising in the
daily press or agricultural papers circu
lating therein. 1 he latter will cost but
a tritle anil will quickly hring many
applications. I. repeat that no willing
worker need be out ot a job this spring,
summer ami fall provided they are will
ing to take the work which so eugerly
awaits them on our farms and in our
rural homes.
ci.TFrrifcn wii.t.ts.
Editor Northwest Farmstead, Minneapolis.
Be Better Looking Take
Olive Tablets
Tf Vftll Cbln Iff ,nttni -.m-I... t
pallid tongue coated appetite poor
5'ou have a bad tasie in your mouth a
lazy, no-Kood feeling you should take
Olive Tablets.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a sub
Ktitute for calomel were prepared by
D!;, Edwards nrter i; ycar!J 0j stU(jy
with his patients.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a pure
ly vegetable compound mixed wltli olive
oil. You will know them by their olive
TP Vftll 'nnl A J... t.,-
eyes, no pimples, a feeling- of buovancy
like childhood days, you must get at the
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets net on thS
liver and bowels like calomel yet have no
dangerous after effects.
They start the bile anfl overcome con
stipatipn. That's why millions of boxes
.u nun. .uniiumy ul lva unu zsc per box.
Alt druggists.
Take one or two nightly and note the
"leasing results.
JXko Olive Tablet Company. Columbus. v
Eclectic Physician Is
Appointed to State Board
Today (invcrnor -Withycoinbc aiJ
noiiuccd the appointment of I r. ('. ('. !
Coo. of Head, Ore., as a member of
the state board of medical examiners.,
succeeding Dr. II. 1.. Henderson, of As-;
toria, whose term expired on February !
-N. The law requires one represent:!- i
five of the Kleetic school of medicine
on the board, and Dr. Cue is un l-Hoctic
physi.-ian, as was Dr. Henderson, j
The other members of the board are
Dr. Harry F. McKay, Tortlaiid. Ore,:!
Herbert S. Nichols. I'ortland: Dr. F. K. 1
Charles T. Chamberlain. I
Dr. I. other II. Hamilton,!
Those 15,0110 Santa Fe railway em
ployes who were surprised by a 10 per
cent wage increase that came like a
bolt out of a clear sky should have ex
pected something of the sort with pros
perity -storming the country.
After a long reign as one of the
world's greatest stars of the stage, the
celebrated Anna Held has at last gone
into motion pictures, and will be pre
sented for the first time upon the
screen by the Oliver Morosco Photo
play company on the Paramount pro
gram in " iMiidanie La President,'."
This extraordinary production is one
of the early attractions at Ye Liberty
theatre Friday and Saturday. Asido
from the tj.25.nOO Oliver Morosco is re
ported to have paid Miss Held for th
single picture, the private car he char
tered to convey her to his Pacific coast
studios, and the villa lie provided in
fashionable Pasadena, an even more do
mestic interest ntlacnes to this picture.
It now develops that the fat old comed
ian, who appears as the waiter in the
spirited cafe scenes in the Hotel Bon
longe is none other than .Max. her pri
vate chef, whom Miss field always
carries in her entourage when she leaves
her beloved Paris. And the pretty
little miss who sits on her right at th
table in the cafe is l.tanne Carrera, her
talented daughter who has already ap
peared in this country in "big time"
Moure: Dr
Port laud:.
In announcing this appointment the
governor stale. I further that he wo.ild
appoint Dr. 1!. C. F.llsw orth. of Astoria.
ii ''- fat- l oanl uf vxn.i'u -t, :i e
term of one of its members cxpi'i-.ig
.lane ., l;'in.
Cheap substitutes cost YOU same price.
Pale, Sa.low Cheeks
wsmnei Mll. I ale.ies, blotches, pimples, sallownessordull eyes all
Tell the Need Of
rid the skin of blemUhH f ' e'i mi,d and thorouRh action quickly
a sKin of blemishes, improve the circulation and help the digestion
Every woman should know the comfort, and experience the help of
Soli br druitirti throughout At wn.M i t ..
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
t !T iZTt'l,ZeitVW nd h!he3t F"ce, for .11 kind, of
' . Y"V mue' "a Ian- 1 Py 2,-4o T pound for old nga.
Big .tock of all sizes econd hand lncK . .
i...v . . . ... v... AU inus corrugated
t BV: " bU"d"lg E0fin Wer .ad .econd hand
H. Steinback Junk Co.
The Home of Half a Million Bargain
302 North Commercial St.
P'aone 808