Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 21, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Style Show Commences at 9:15 o'ClockOne Performance
I ny-
The Oregon
An exhibition of American styles (or Spring and Summer 1916.
Fashions latest garments will be shown on living models.
Suits, Coats, Dresses, Gowns,
Waists, Skirts, New York
Millinery, Bathing Suits and
Children's Apparel will be displayed.
An entirely new assortment of dainty Waists to choose from in this
event; among the lot are all-over embroidered Waists, some with pin
tucks and pleates, others hemstitched and with embroidered fronts
some are lace trimmed. Every one an extra value. Supply your waist
needs from this sale. Tomorrow only 08c Each.
Sale starts at 8:30. See the Window Display. No phone or mail
orders taken for these.
Salem's Style Store
J1.Y JIgoorLcoods vzLJ
All Around Town
E. L.i
! Walnuts." The text wus written ly
; Prof. C. I. Lewis of tin horticultural
department, (). A. C. The book is of
ci-iul interest from me fact tlmt nl-
! though Oregon does not lit present pro
duce walnuts to any great extent, yet
one-fourth of the young non-bearing
; walnut trees in the I'nited States are
growing in Oregon. The book niny be
b t hl f 0 L V b
P P r r
Scenes of the Holy 1 .11 ml lit
liyun's hull, here, biiliinoe of
the week.
Fashion Show at Oregon Theatre.
March 21-25 Marion County
Sunday school convention.
March 23 University of Ore
gon musicians at Prosbyteri
an church, benefit Chemelieta
Camp Piro Girls.
Prim rose Day.
April 18 Registration for
primary election closes.
April 23 Faster Sunday.
ha tl 1
ji p i
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass
es correctly. U. 8. Bank, Bldg.
A one chair barber shop will be estab
lished by Hollas Fdwnrds in the front
basement room under the IT. H. Nation
al bank.
Dr. Stone's drug store.
The Knights of Pythtas are arrang
ing to put on work in the first rank nt
the meeting to be held this evening, iu
addition to the regular business of the
Painless Parker, dentist, will not be
responsible for any of Dr. Cox's bills
or any of his unfinished or unsatisfac
tory work. ilar!M
We will hang your awnings.
Stiff & Son.
Arrangement's are now under way for
the organization of n Juvenile Artisan
band. Already 'M boys have signed an
ngreeinent to join and as soon as in
struments can be secured, the actual
practice work will begin. The boys will
lie in charge of I vim (I. Martin until 1
regular instructor is secured.
See the Orbon De Luxe range at E.
I,. Stiff & Son.
and seals of the Knights of Pythias,
Fred K Whoaton, will be in Albany
The Clearlane school will hold a! April li, according to a letter received
birthday party on Friday evening, j this morning by W. R. (lilson. from
March ;U .uid it is to be fine of those! Walter G. (llenson, G. K. K. S. of Ore
kind at which the admission charge is! lion. During the week neginning April
one penny lor every birth lay that lias 1 17, a tOithbone Uiblo clnss will lie org
Clay Workers Protest
Against Convict Brick
A committee representing the Clay
workers of :ho valley appeared before
the Hoard of Control this morning to
protest nirninst the iienitentinrv 11111k-
liad by writing .lohn M, Scott, general I im? The committee was 111-
pnssenger agent, Portland, or from the . formfl that tno ,;.,,! l)ridi was used
Southern Pacific, agents in Salem. 0,v h, -ln),iimU,na nnj fur tht.
0 I erection of state buildings where it
Card of Thanks. Ias d,.sired bv the contractors and
We desire to thank our friends and : ,h,lt. it did not fill any orders from
neighbors for tneir sympathy and as-! mit!ii,t contractors The board held to
instance in the sad bereavement of our ,,;! ()t tlu, ,,nst ami 8tnt0lj ,,.,t
beloved son and brother. e especially j it ,v, thc :llt(M1,iuu to em,,,ov pris(m
thank those who sung and those who , , , . lliailufa(.tur0 or su,)i
sent flowers. I . . . . , . .
Ml(. AM) MUS. F. HOLTZCLAW ; ft.r"l,1,'s 9 ere used in state iiist.tu
N1) FMILV ,l(1s and tor this purpose only and
q ' I that the convict labor was not allowed
The supreme keeper of the records!'" "'ter into competition with free
Asks Tor More Troops. ;
San Antonio, Texas, March
21. General Funston today an-
uuuiiced he had asked the war
department to give him addi-
tional troops, s he ould ade- 1
quately protect General Persh- 1
ing's "dangerously thin" lines if
of communication. '
Funston refused to make '
public the number of troops
First Arrest Made
On Charge of Making j
False Liquor Affidavit
The first arrest on an alleged false
affidavit for the purchase of alcohol .
under the new prohibition law was
made yesterday by the Salem police
when Patrick O'Connel was brought to
the station on the above charge. The
technical charge against O'Connel is j
that of perjury. The affidavit signed
by O'Connel states that one Patrick,
O'Connel needed one half pint of
ethyl alcohol to treat gangrene in his'
foot. The officers state that O'Cnn-j
nel applied the ointment internally!
with the effect that he became under j
the influence of the licpior and thus
used it for another purpose than that
set forth in the affidavit.
District Attorney Kingo states that 1
the case w ill be vigorously prosecuted j
as it is desired to indicate to an
would be purchasers of alcohol that it
is a serious thing to make false af
fidavits to secure alcohol O'Connel
will be given a preliminary hearing be
fore Police Judge Klgin tomorrow morn
ing at .10 o'clock.
Hint That Germany
Would Consider Peace
New York, March 21. That Ger-
Imany may be seeking peace and has
j intimated to America that its present
! proposals may not be unacceptable in
the near future was hinted in special
dispatches from Washington to the
1 Evening Post today,
i The messages said Ambassador Ger
; aril at Berlin hud postponed his vaca
tion at the request of Imperial Chancel
lor Von Bethninnn-Hollweg, in order to
1 be at his post if America's services in
j peace negotiations should be needed.
Von Bethiuann-llollweg receuuy g,nt
Ambassador Gerard his ideas about ac
ceptable pence terms during an hour's
discussion of peace possibilities.
Gerard hud cancelled his vacation
plans, and will remain at his post in
definitely. The Post's information appears to
support recent I'nited Press reports
from Washington that Colonel E. M.
House brought tentative peace terms
from Germanv to President 'Wilson
after his recent "mystery tour" of
Gerard's talk with IMhveg is de
clared to have followed a conference
between the imperial chancellor and the
kaiser, llollweg told Gerard he did
not desire to state specific peace terms,
but that Germany was willing to with
draw from Helgiuni without demanding
The chancellor said the German pub
lic would demand indemnity for with
drawal of the Teuton army from north
ern France, and would also demand
been passed. Arrangements will be
made whereby no one will look while
the ladies over the age of IS are fig
uring out the proper admission fee.
E. L. Stiff k Son will buy your
used furniture at highest cash prices.
The ladies of the G. A. R. will meet
nt the home of Mrs. G. K. Dennison to
morrow morning lit 10:110 o'clock to at
tend the funeral of Mrs. Julia A. Chap
el. Mrs. A11111 Fitch, president of
Extradition papers for the return of
nuized in Albany when the degree of
page will be given to young men from j
II, .a.rnM,l 1. a 1 .. 1 1. a W 1 1 1 , .,1 1 . I
vnllev. It 'is exoected that fullv 20 ori?'w,'r ('1'"'1' -,0 county.
moro young men of Salem will go ti
Albany ami be given tho first degree.
restoration of
bv the allies.
German colonies taken
Marry The Girl
And we will furnish the home. Full line of new and
used Furniture at prices you can afford to pay. We
take in your old furniture as payment on new.
Our Orbon De Luxe Range
is a Winner
E. L. Stiff & Son
We sell cheaper because our expenses are the lowest
Phone 700
Good Garage in connection fox
storage of cars.
Seasonable Rate.
' Garage
246 State Street.
Says Carranzistas and
Natives Are Friendly
Judge Kelly, of department number
1 of the circuit court, today handed
down his decision in the case of Geo.
It. Jacobs against C. W. Peters, an
action to recover a commission alleged
due in a realtv deal. Judge Kelly held
th.it Jacobs did not bring the property
owner, Mr. Peters, and the purchaser
J to getlier ai that the realty dealer wa
not the procuring cause of the trade
tnml that the plaintiff was not entitled
to a judgment ng.unsi me ueieiuumi.
ington, were honored todav bv Govern
or Withyconibo. Clnrk, who is under
arrest in Portland, is wanted for non-
'The La Area Club" was enter-
The ladies auxiliary of the Spanish
War Veterans met Inst evening nt the
armory and decided to hoi I their char
ter open for a lew davs longer before
tho constitution and bv lows are form
ally .ulopled. The membership is com-1 oil in the dres-s of school trills in th
support of a wife and two minor chil-
tnincil Inst evening at the home of Miss! '
Stella Wilson ami just to en joy them- Tk. nr n r Sgi.m oi
selves in a way somewhat different the w stu,.,.,lr, ,.ila,K,Hl ,vi,h
young ladies turned back the hands of stI.ikil , K"Wi vatf, with his
uie ciock .pisr ll lew years nun appear
posed of women relatives of the Spun
ish wnr veterans over the age of 111.
Their meetings will bo held the first
and thud Mondays of each mouth.
Automobiles for hire, passengers and
baggage Iransfered, rates reasonable,
country trips a specially. C. G, Me
Kirov. Phone 1I7 or liilii. If
Union services will be held in the city
beginning April 2 by the Leslie Metho
dist church. Jason I.ee Memorinl mid
the First Metlini st Tim . ,l i sum aim lnreov Help a L'Ooil cause
be held under the direction of the pns-lmvi opportunity ot so doing when
tors of the churches. approached to buy a boutonnieie.
i 'l...l..u 1' l:n..- . . .. ., ,.
o 1 "(mm .miiht, manager or mo ma
Dr. 8tone'i Irrng store. I
We are now open. Gilson's profos
sional shoe shinning p.ulor
1.17 Slate
it i at home, cniov the evenings bv listen
0 " I i"K to your favorites on tho Sonora, the
Todsy figures in the almanac about 'best talking machine on the market,
as follows: First day of spring, first ' Myrtle Know -hind, 421 Court. .
day of equinoctial storms ami the day I o
when the direct days of the sun .ire ov- i Letters from the secretary of th(
er the equator mi l hereafter will be ' Chamber of Commerce of the Mmisfiei
traveling north for three months, ll' lodge indicate that assurances have
also rained in Salem. j been given, that the railroad into
o Mansfield will be completed the last
Auction sale at the People's Quick ni'l'K in July nud that Mansfield is pre
Kxehnnge Auction Market on Saturday,: I'111 lnK ' appropriate celebration. This
March 2."th at 1:30 p. m. Kvcrythiiigj celebration will take place as soon ns
mid on commission. Don't forget I buy the bridge across the Pmpipia is com-
nousenoni rurniiure lor casn. I. iM. p'ieu huh Irani running. The secre
primary depnrtnieut. And as March r
the month of St. Patrick, the Wilson
home wns decorated in green with sham
rock trimmings. After an evening of
games suitable for young folks, the par
ty closed with ' the more important
things in life, such as music and re
freshments. The next meeting of the
club will be held at the home of Mrs.
Clare Vibbert, .'MO Or-.ens -street.
It may be of some satisfaction to
those win) tried to guess the number of
oranges in the car shipped here by the
Salem Fruit company, that the car con
tained exactly :iri.0till. Tho two
nearest guesses were mnde by W. L.
McMillan, a f irmer who made his guess
of :i."i,or0 at the C. G. Nichols grocery,
and W. George, of the White House
Hcstniirniit, who guessed too same num
ber nt the McLean grocery. As both
guesses were opiuMy near the right
one, both gnesscrs received a box of
Whon wenthor conditions keep you ' Sunkist oranges. The car contained 10
1 : i . T . I I ' IV I L.C.. I
injAC i'l v n. !' o,.c in C .111,1
201 boxes with 100 in each box. Those
who figured out the number, may now
revise and find out just where they
missed it.
Next Saturday will be Vmown as Prim,
rose day when flowers will be sold for
the benefit of the l'isgah Home Col
ony near Lents. Mayor 11. O. White
by proclamation has bo decreed it and
those who .ire willing to invest a small
of the hotel reception
sale of flowers.
room for the
By Robert J. Bander,
(1'nitetd Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington. March 21. A message
Wash- will pronaoiy ne sent, to iieut-im -
ra nmi late today liitorming mm nun
President Wilson and his cabinet
agreed t0 the Carrana suggesting that
further operations against Francisco
Villa be conducted under the terms of
a written protocol.
The plan was pi esenieu oy . uuiieuoi
Polk of the state department at the
.ibinet meeting today, and was as-
fist, was tried in police court tins nt- .,., .
ternoon before n jury consisting of C. There is no intention 0f signing the
1. Purvi.ie. A. A Lee, Halph Glover, II I ,,, mediately, since time will
s. 1'oiM.I, .. L. Ilechtel and Y . II. mH.0S!i,ln. , give both nations op-
I orghurdt, . r. yatt swore to thecon.-, 1 l,onsi((,nltiou of
piaint ior uic arrest oi iNieppuni.
tnry also writes that the Cherrians will
bo properly entertained.
Woodry, auctioneer. Phone Oil. Apr'JO
Mrs. Ella Watts, who has been In
Portland for several weeks instructing I Card of Thanks.
the juvenile organizations of the 1,'ni ! We wish to express our Cnniiks to our
ted Artisans iu their ritualistic work, ! friends in the time of need, especially
will return to Salem th is evening. Wed-i lr. Mclnturff tor his splendid sermon
nesdny evening she will go to liallns to! and his daughter for th beautiful imis-
give instructions in lodge work
Notice. One of the parties who took
the flowers from the front of residence
at the comer of Seventeenth ami State
Mreeti Sunday afternoon is known. Snid
party may wuo trouble by calling and
paying for dumngei.
ic and the pull tourers and thoso who
furnished the flowers and Mr. Steen's
family for their thougbnil lid.
MUS. GUI' Fit.
The Bouthern Pacific ha recently Is-
sued mi illustrated book on "Oregon
portunity for anipl
counter proposals.
The regular monthly session of the A etr in He cabinet s decision
Vninhill-l'olk-Marion Medical society wns reali.atioii ot I arranza s ditticul
will meet this evening at 7:-t: o'clock: ty in making his position clear to the
iu the chapel of the Oregon state hos-: Mexican people unless he had some
pitnl. A paper will be read bv Dr. written document or ngreeinent to
Charles U. McClure, of Portland" Dr.' show the Americans were acting in good
F. 11. Thompson, of this city, will re id faith.
a paper on "Suggestions as to First, Jn reporting the joy of American
Aid for Accidental Injuries ns Viewed Mormons when they were rescued from
from the Standpoint of! the Slate In-! the Villa menace by American troops,
dustrial Accident Commission." General Funston said:
o I i ve have found the natives friendly
A fashion show with genuine living ,,v,,n.,v)1(.rt. The Carranzistas ai'e also
models will be the drawing card of the sun'i cvorv indication of friendli
(Iregou tne.it re entertainment this even-, '
ing. The show is given under the ntis-j m'S!i- , , 1
pices ot tne .Meyers Opnrtnient store
and it is from the store and friends of
the store that the leu models have been
recruited. The average movie fan has and a thaw in the mountains caused
seen inanv f ishion shows on the screen,! floods which affected a portion ot this
Ogden, 1'ta'n. Mar. 21. Heavv rains
but this eveniiii! will be seen for t-ie city todav. A Greek laborer was drown
first time the latest iu dresses includ-ed. Families in the low lands fled from
ing the new hoop skirt on real genu- their homes scantily clad, awaking to
ine living models. find water rushing around their beds.
; v t -. :X .Vi . , -U-V . v. : tr
N :' -r
County Assessor Ben F. West, who
resides at 720 Xorth Church street in
this city, today filed as a candidate for
the republican nomination for the of
fice of County assessor. In his state
ment, Mr. West says, "T will continue
to perform the duties of the assessors
office economically, give the t.ix payers
a uniform valuation of their property.
favoring no triemls and fearing no toes
and see that all the people are given
tair and impartial treatment. ' TI is
slogan is, "Favor no friends, and fear
no toes. '
After being at large for over two
vears, Frank Xolan, alias Klmer Tiab
cock, was returned to the Oregon state
training school yesterdav. The boy
escaped July 17, 10F1, and has tr.iveled
most of the time since he made his get
away. H's home is nt Woodburn but he
was captured in Oregon city. At tiie
time of his arrest he had a .22 calibre
revolver in his pocket, -.1 flashlight nnd
a blackjack. lie told the officers he
hail intended to go to Puget sound to
work in the mills.
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
WATCtt and 4
Clocks Repaired
Also a Nice Line oi
- ?.!asonic Temple
era. ?.
' , -.v n
JjjjijU-.i JfcM .m. i ik, i .unit!. 3
Coming Sunday
ucKiuy vuorua WuA Moore's Musical Comedy Company at The Bligh.
Boy A
flit .'-:al.!iV-.r ! ,j ,
DON'T take any chances with
an inferior instrument buy a
Victrola and have the best that
money can buy. All of the
world's best music is at your
command when you own a
$15 TO $200
Jhe Wiley B. Allen Co.
R. F. PETERS, Manager