Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 21, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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INK feathers make fine b'mls in -
deed, aii'l a I I to thin a natural
grace of manner and the dignity
and poise that reflects assured position
and the haoit ot homage, him it is n
question of whether the women graces
ton clothes or the clothes the women.
(Certain it is iiowever that the new
modes and every caprice of the hour
will be shown at the Meyers Spring
fashion Show tonight at the Globe the
atre. The eternal drama of cliithes never
fails to interest and Salem women are
alert for change and innovation.
A number of attractive girls will be
models for the show tonight, all having
been selected because of tneir ability
to show off the lines of fashion as they
should be.
Kight small tots reveled at the charm
ing dinner party given by Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Larkin Williams Moil-
day evening for their little son Thomas
Larkin, Jr., on his fifth birthday aiini
- ersary.
The prettily appointed table was
adorned with pink, caudles and a lovely
hirthvlijp cake; dainty place cards
marking covers for Miss Nanry Tuicl-
sen, Misa Mary Alice (iill, Miss Franeos
Martin, Miss Sue Hnffnoll, Master
Henry Wetdey Thielsen, Master Kobert
ill, Master John Douglas Minto, Mas
ter Winston Williams ami tho young
Mr. and Mrs. Rolliu K. Cage returned
Monday from an over Sundry visit in
Mrs. William II. Boot has as her
hi use gueut for several days, Miss El
ai ! Hamilton of Portland.
Mrs. Paul Hauscr and small son,
Paul, Jr.,. have gone to Walla Walla,
Washington, where they will be the
ci.ests of Dr. and Mrs. Ervin Melins
lor about two weeks.
5tis Mabel Feathers who is attend
ing college at Corvallis, spent the week
end at her home on Winter street,
Mrs. Otto J. Wilson pntertained the
Biipheterians at her homo o n State
street Thursday afternoon in honor of
Mrs. T. J. Rederich, of Vancouver,
Washington. Mrs. Wilson wus assisted
by Mrs. Charles Wilsou.
The additional guests included Mrs.
Fdgnr Martin, of Oakland, California;
Wrs. Parent, who is tho guest of Mrs.
Frederick Thompson, und .Miss Sylvia
Junes, of Brooks.
Mis Bess Hansen and Miss Edna
How To Make the
Quickest, Simplest Cough !
Mur KriUr than the Rradj.
Mle lilml bih Yon 3nv 92.
Fully Uuarnutctril
This lioine inudu cough syrup ia now
n.,i in mn.. i7.,l. .... : """71 '
remedy. Jt promptness, ease ami eer-!,! 1"' '"" Ht'rtha and Kmma
laiiity in conquering distressing coughs "tt,ll"rr Mias Lena Hurley, Miss t'lor
t'hest and throat colds, is really remark- "nee Martin and Miss Cleo Keniion.
We. ou can actually feel it take hold. As additional guests the hostess
"".V overcome tho
ordinary cough-re icves even whooiiina
. .,, mm,, L(IUi ior nron
Hutis, spasmodic croup, bronchial asthma
and w inter coughs.
Oct from any druggist 2'4 ounces of
Pinex (51 cents win th ,, , pour it in a pint
bottle and Iill the buttle with plain granu
lated sugar syrup. This gives you at a
cost of onlv .14 cents n f til 1 nmi ..I 1,-n..,
Mill it II li, linll t V.. 1.1 . e i"
cough syrup thuu you could buy for .. I
Takes but a few miiuit... i.. r.. I.-..M i
minutes to prepare. ImiIH
.i ....."-..i -i"i"".. ni"
u.i.- iivuio iin i inex. aasius good and
never spoils.
)ou will be pleasantly surprised how
e. nil's" andT;::?.''. 'W r tilit !
ii i ?. """" vi'iigu. it also stops
the formation of phlegm in the throat
nd bronchial tuhes, thus ending the per- n,i(,,',' il,N- George W. McMath. iresi
mstent liK.se cuiigh. H dent of the Oregon Congress of Moth
I IIIKX is a most Vlllmil,,, i.n....lrl.,.l I era nnu .I,mc.,,1 f. ...... .
tr'','',TMrh t Sll'lTZ N,i'rw,"v- ,m -
K t
To avoid disappointment, be sure and !
sk vmir droiririsr fi.r o i. n ;
nil don t accept anything else.
k'm.iiiiucu u uosiiiute. sutistuction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
tins pretui ration. The Puiex Co., Ft.
n ayne, Ind.
Rostein & Greenbaum
Our Millinery Department
Now opened. Expert milliners ready to attend to your
waats. Large assortment to select from. All new, up-to-date,
best of qualities and trimmed in the very new
est effects and very low prices.
Y e make a specialty of Children's Hats.
Sec our
Ladies Waists at $1.25
and $1.09 nice new stylish Waists, great values.
I Special Veiling Sale values
1 (larficld were week end guests of Miss
Amanda .Mathews in Shaw.
Wednesday evening the Community
club enjoyed an evening ot cards and
music at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ellis Bennett in Morningside.
Those participating ill the evening's
iesiivmcs were: .Mr. ami airs, i. A.
KntchLffe. Mr. and Mrs. (). M. Reeves,
Mr. ami Mrs. Kobert Hulsev, Mr. and
Mrs. Kdward Willis. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Ratchiffe, Mrs. F. K. Robinson,
Mrs. Mertelle Henderson, Mrs. G. M.
Voris, Mrs. William Mi-Reynolds and
tho Misses Rhetii Austin, Alice Rients,
Ellu Dennett, Nellie S.haefer, Ruth
Robinson, liinlette Hennett, Elonore
McReynolils, ,ind Messrs. Trubert Hen
derson, Howard Kreelaml, Edward Rob
inson, Loyal Henderson, Robert Hen
nett, Claude Robinson, Wallace Ben
nett. Kenneth linker. An n.l.litiniiii 1
j 8est was Mis. Emily Bennett, of Jes-
sup, Iowa.
Mrs. Minnie Peterson returned Mon
day from a several davs visit in Ore
gon City.
Wednesday afternoon the North Sa
lem Woman's club will meet at the
resilience of Mis. Frauk Purvinc. The
business session will precede a delight
ful programme,
Mrs. W. P. Lord will givo an interest
ing address on the growth of flax in
Oregon, and Miss Marguerite Flower
will favor the guests witn a vocal solo.
Others who will contribute solos are
Miss Lueilc Ross and Miss Helen
Hog ue.
In order that the teachers and pupils
of the (limit school who are interested
may hear Mrs. Lord, her address will
be given at three forty-live o'clock,
The splendid spirit of bearing some
of our brother's burdens that has been
niado manifest bv the society women of
Salem in their ceaseless endeavor to
ameliorate the sufferings of the unfor
tunate lias takeu form in an endless
variety of clever benefits. Saturday
a large number of matrons and maids
will devote their time to the selling of
dainty Primrose boutoiiniores for the
benefit of the Pisgah home, a place
where dear old people may be made
comtortalile in their last years.
Among tho girls who 'will aid the
matrons in selling blossoms on "Prim
rose day" are Miss Ellen Tiiielsen and
Miss Ida Simmons.
Miss Stella Wilson entertained the
matrons and maids of the f.a Area club
at her home on Front street Monday
Tho rooms were all done in green,
suggestive of St. Patrick, the same col
or motif being carried out in the dainty
The Lb Area club is composed of:
Mis. Leona Peterson, Mrs. Fnv Collins,
Mrs. Ada Zoscl. Mrs. Clare' Vibbert,
Mrs. Irene St. Helens, .Mrs. Fred Kllis,
Mrs. Birdie Wiley, Mrs. liimnio White,
Mrs. Elmer Armstrong, the Misses Horn
and Stanis Andr-sen, Miss Rubv linker,
Miss Mabel Hrassf ield, Miss Stella Wil
son, the Misses Cecil and Ruth Hohnn-
-Miss Marie. Hovdebo, Miss Audrey
Micks, .Miss Unrali Cuiev, Miss Grace
.asked Miss Mary Ward and Miss Vm
ni Wils,...
Congress of Mothers
Tired of Dictatorship
, , """
Portland, Ore., Mar. 5:1. Oregon s
V " ' ' 10 Sll""ll"l Congress of
... ....... ... ... ... .. , ,
ue ueni in iasnvine, leun..
will be instructed to fight the admin-
ignition of Mrs. Frederic Schot'f, c
l'lnludelphiu, president of the national
it a meeting of the executive com-
f( in the national organization
the enlargement of the nation,'
,'x,,,'lltlv" board to include every state
Mrs. Sehoff has been preddent of th-
National Congress of Mothers for I
years. Oregon members charge that the
present rules are vuien that she, with
up to 75c now 25c a yard
Why "Anurlc" Is ail
Against Sudden Death.
Before an Insurance Company will
take a risk on your life the examining
physician will test the urine and report
whether you are a good risk. When
your kidneys get sluggish and clog,
you Buffer from backache, sick-bead-ache,
dizzy spells, or the twinges and
pains of lumbago, rheumatism and
gout. The nrine is often cloudy, full
of sediment; channels often get sore
and sleep is disturbed two or three
times a night. This is the time you
should consult some physician of wide
experience such as Dr. Pierce of the
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Buffalo, N. Y. Bend him 10 cents for
sample package of hia new discovery,
" Anuric." 'Write him your symptoms
and send a sample of nrine for test.
Experience has taught Dr. Pierce that
"Anuric" is the most powerful agent
in dissolving uric acid, as hot water
melts sugar; besides being absolutely
harmless it is endowed with other
properties, for it preserves the kidneys
in a healthy condition by thoroughly
cleansing them. Being so many times
more active than litlna, it clears the
heart valves of any sandy substances
which may clog them and checks the
degeneration of the blood-vessels, as
well as regulating blood pressure.
"Anuric" is a regular insurance and
li fe-saver for all big meat eaters and those
who deposit lime-salts in their joints.
Ask the druggist for "Anuric" put up
by Dr. Pierce, in 50-ccnt packages.
Come with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. This is a blood cleanser and
alterative that starts the liver and stom
ach into vigorous action. It thus assists
the body to manufacture rich red blood
which fends the heart, nerves, brain and
organs of tho body. The organs work
smoothly like machinery running In oil.1
You feel clean, strong and strenuous In
stead of tired, weuU and XaluL
two other members of the executive
board, control the entire organization,
comprising more than one million wo
men throughout the United States.
Flies Cured In 6 to 14 Days
Droprgists refund money if PAZO
OINTMENT fails to cure Itching,
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles.
FirBt application gives relief. 50c.
0. H. Young, of Macleay, was in th.
city yesterday.
I.. A. Cramer, of Corvullis, was in the
city yesterday.
Mrs. David MeKenzie, of Portland, is
visiting in the city.
Kd Powers anil Donald Moore left
this morning for Butte, Montana.
Mrs. Stella Schultz, of .St. l.ouis, was
in the city yesterday attending to
business affairs.
Adam Mishler was attending to busi
ness affairs in Salem yesterday, from
the Rosedale district.
Miss Althen Dorks and Miss I.nretta
Dorks returned yesterday from nn over
Sunday visit in Kugene.
Mrs. Maud Chittenden returned yes
terday from California accompanied by
her daughter, Mrs. K. Cashin.
H. A. Dove, a prune grower from Lib
erty district, was attending to business
matters in the city yesterday.
Mrs. Arthur (iu'iss, wife of the post
master at Woodbnrn, returned to her
home this morning ufter nn over Sun
day visit at the home of K. Cooke rat
ton. H5tst!
El Paso, Texas, March 21.
Lieutenant Thomas S. Howen of
the American expeditionary
force has been seriously in
jured "somewhere in Mexico,"
it, was announced today. His
aeroplane fell while he was
scouting for Villistas. Ruwe.it
went from San Antonio to join
the expedition.
This is the first time on
record that an American army
aviator has been injured in ac
tive service.
An Inside Bath
Makes You Look
and Feel Fresh
Says a glaii of hot water with
phosphate before breakfast
Keeps Illness away.
This excellent, common-sense
health measure being
adopted by millions,,
litvsieinus the world over recomnuniu
the inside bath, claiming this is of vast
ly more inipoitnnre than outside clean
liness, because the skin pores do uot ab
sorb impurities in the blood, causing ill
health, while the pores in the teu ynnl.i
I of bowels do.
I Men and women are urged to drink
I each morning, before breakfast a glass
of hot water with a teaspoonful of lime
I stone phosphate in it, as a harmless
means of helping to wash from tne
stomueh, liver, kidneys nnd bowels the
previous day's indigestible material,
poiiious, sour bile and toxins; thus
cIcniMiug, sweetening and purifying th
entire ailmentury cnnul before putting
more food into the stomach.
Just n soup and hot water rlcanse
aud freshen the skin, so, hot wster and
limestoue phosphate set on the elimina
te v organs.
Those who wake up with bad hreata.
coated tongue, nasty taste or have a
dull, aching head, sallow complexion,
acid stomach; others who are subject to
bilious attacks or constipation, snoni
obtain a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate at the drug store. This will
cost very little hut is sufficient to dem
onstrate the value of inside bathing.
Those who continue it each morning
are assured of pronounced results, both
in regurd to health and appearamw
South Church Street Property
Owners Object to Pro
posed Improvement
The South High street p.iving ar
dinance anil the addition of another po
liceman to the present force in addition
to the election of a successor to Offi
cer E. V. Stubbs occupied the time of
the city cuuncil for the most part last
nit;ht. Councilman Jones was strongly
in favor of rushing the ordinance
through to pave 8outh Church street
from the south line of State street to
the north line of Mission street.
Dan Fry appeared in behalf of the
property owners who are opposed to the
pavement at this time and stated that
according to the computation ot the
city engineer that there was a frontage
of 4,3:17.33 front feet along the street
and that 1,152.30 front feet were rep
resented on the petition to pive. This
he said was just 6S feet more than 25
per cent of the frontane that petitioned
to pave. Also that there were 37 prop
erty owners along this street and that
but 14 of them had signed the petition
pave tne street. .Mr. 'ry stated
that a small part of the property own
ers were trying to force paving against
the will of the majority and that they
did not wish to be classed as " knock
ers '' if theywere forced to get up a
It appear that if the paving ordin
ance is passed it will require two-thirds
of the frontage on the remonstrance to
block the paving nnd the reinonstritors
wished the will of the majority to pre
vail at this time rather than be forced
to secure a two-thirds majority later.
It was finally decided that the matter
be re-referred to tho street committee
to report later and in the meantime
that a meetiug of the property owners
would be held with the street com
mittee. Business Men Ask for More Police
A committee of the down town busi
ness men appeared before the council
to ask for inoro police ami stateil
through C. S. Hamilton and M. L. Mey
ers that the merchants patrol by pri
vate parties hid been unsatisfactory.
They said that they had no chceck up
on the work of their merchants patrol
man and they asked that a man be add
ed to the police i department whose
duties should be confined to the down
town district and whose work should be
supervised by the chief of police.
Councilman Ward moved to elect a suc
cessor to E. W. Stubbs who resigned
and ono more man in addition. The
vote was 7 to 7 and Mayor White voted
in favor of the extra policeman. W.
E. DeLong was elected to succeed Mr.
Stubbs and it was finally decided to
allow Dr. O. B. Miles, city health offi
cer, to choose his own assist int for the.
next four months. Dr. Miles stated
that the health of the city was more im
portant than the property of individu
als and that he could use three men if
iio had them but one man on full time
would be of great assistance. Accord
ingly Mr. Del.ong will he added to the
force as a regular policeman aud Dr.
Miles will select his own help.
Vamey Is Exonerated.
A resolution was introduced and
pnssed unanimously exonerating Offi
cer Varney for using force in arresting
Oliver Kcissbeck and Oscar Bridges
who were engaged in a drunken brawl
on the streets Saturday evening V mi-
ev was obliged to use force to subdue
Iieissbeck who attacked the officer and
it was stated that much unfavorable
comment had been aroused by those
who did not understand the circum
stances. The council took the stand that the
officer did not use any more force than
was ueeessarv and that he was entire
ly justified in using forceful methods
to bring the man to the station. It
was stated in council that this body
would uphold the actions of its police'
,.ffi.. ..-I... l.l l .1 l.-.l -I
v.... w. ..w .in,, ,ii ir.M.u uiiwii .
to use their own judgment and thut the
ends justified the means in Reissbeck 's
Earl Beck, on,, of the regular fire-!
men sent in his resignation to take ef-
i'ect it once. It was accented and
Era ik Fricbert was elected bv the
council to succeed him.
petition was read from the prop-
erty owners asking that the Portland
roud be paved from the north line of
iiigiiiaiiu avenue in tne ouinern ra-
cific rig'it of wav,
also the resi.lcnts!
along South Commercial street asked '
for !iard surface paving
. ing from Mission
street to the south city limits. They
....I-...1 .!.... & 1. .... ....... t , . . . , . 1
1 .' j
resent base be used and
ind of top dressing as i
county last summer be I
'.ai.en uiiu ine ('rescue rinse ne use-.i ami
mat the some k
was laid bv the
I'm vu iit a com or noi io cxceeti
..... . . . ... . ... ..-
cents per trout foot. Both petitions.
were referred to the street committee. 1
The street ilep iitnient wns given per-j
mission to erect "City Limit" signs ;
along the liinin roads lending into Sa-j
lein. An ordinance was passed to allow
only licensed garbage collectors to haul i
Hw..,.K tin. i c.-iHi.iiiiiug tuv iicrnne iir..
too per year,
This will prevent trans-l
icr men trom Hauling garbage unless;
they pay the .tort license fee. I
Au ordinance was introduced to pre-l
vent the mixing of mortar, plaster, con-
crete or other substances that harden
nET' '"'V iU , .,iKhJ! b0X'
.. .
. ,"vv I"". i
(Hiia' oommtttee.
OfmiM TT,. r" . 1 T- J
1 t viui4 wan liCUlffll XOIiarrs,
on the grounds that there were several
things the city desired of the railroad
companies which had been promised but
not granted. Toe ordinance was re
fered to the ordiuauce committee.
An ordiuauce was also introduced
which would prevent the railroad com
panies in this city from cutting the
pavement for repairs unless rhev erct
a concret retaining wall under the j
edge of the cut pavement to prevent its
being broken otf ami injured. It. was
referre.1 to the ordinance committee. I
The street car company asked that f" J' t '-
It was stated that th" new iVjrT bUt Wi" r h"r h'
fender was the most satisfactory and !T'nd rv '"husiHtie about the
was far safer than the old type now inl .?,!' '" tl10 h,'"lti'l Tiverton hills.
use in this citv. An effort' was madel tl"","' of Miss Helen Shepherd.
to pass the ordinance at last night sW tf I"""''1' uy ut the home of her
meeting but Councilman Cook obiecte.li P"'""'. Mr. and Mrs. John shepherd.
(Capital Journal Special Service. 1
Silverton, Ore., Mar. 20. (minima.
Heinz came from Cauby Wednesday to
visit the old friends ot Silverton.
Miss Irmn Barnes left for her home
at Detroit, Mich., lust week after u very
pleasant visit at the home of her aunt.
Mrs. C. A. Webb.
M. C. (undersoil was a business caller
at Oregnu City on Monday of this
The Young People's society of the
Lutheran Synod church held one of
their interesting meetings at the church
Sunday afternoon and the officer.!
elected were ns follows: Vice-President,
Melviu Moe; secretary, Oscar Satern:
treasurer, II, V. Hanson; assistant
treasurer, Walter Toft.
Mrs. S. Cooley left for Portland on
Friday after a few days spent with
with relatives in this city.
Ted Officer nnd wife returned from
Klamath Falls the first of this week.
Mrs; Officer has been ill nt that place
at the home of her parents where she
went to spend the holidays.
Mrs. John Wolfard accompanied by
her daughter, Mrs. G. E. Ross, were at
Portland Saturday, where they met Mrs.
B. F. I.ohr, of Roseburg, who returned
home with them for a visit with the rel
atives at this place.
Mrs. Rollin K. Page, of Salem, was a
week-end guest of Mrs. V. L. Brown.
Mrs. C. W. Keene entertained the
Women's Social Science club at her
homo on AVest Main street, Friday aft
ernoon. The following program was
given: Special music: Current Events;
Oregon Law, Mrs. A. J. Richardson.
Mis. Brownings poems, Mrs. G. W.
Hubbs, Michael Angelo, Mrs. A. E.
Johnsou. .
Mrs. Frank Reveal is in the city from
the Silverton I.i.mber company's camp,
a guest at tho O'ougncnnover home on
Second street.
Mrs. Nannie J'nrouam returned from
Independence M inday, where she has
been visiting relatives. Sirs. .T. P. Smith
stayed at the Rogers home as com
panion 'for Grandma Rogers while Mrs.
Mnrquam was away.
Julius Aim attended a meetin.j of thr
stockholders of ;he Willamette Vellnv
Railroad company at uregon Ci'y Wed
nesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. K. Smith were guests
of friends at the Capital City on Thurs
day of this week.
Mrs. Tallman attended a program and
entertainment near Woodbnrn Thurs
day evening given by the pupils of Miss
Mauriun Tallman 's school.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Rarstnn and children
left for Bovstforr, Wash., Moudav.
where Mrs, Kal.iton will spend
time with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
.Mine, whose home is near that place. I inson, of Silverton; Charles' B. Robin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartman enter-1 son. of Eos Angeles, Cal., and Edward
tained a number of their neighbors and S. Robinson, of Oakland. Funelar serv
friends nt their home in the country j ices were held from the Bethany church
last Friday evening. A very pleasant on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, cen
time is reported. i ducted by Rev. J. H. Irvine, pastor of
Oscar Kedfield nnd wife visited their ; the Methodist church at this place,
daughter at Vancouver. Wash., the last j Fourteen members of the G. A. R. ne
of the week and also transacted busi-1 companicd the remains to his lust re.d
ness at Portland before their return ' ing place in the cemetery near the
Mo"!lav; . church. Comrades S. R. Comstock. H.
Miss Rita larnswoith spent the wecki". Van Valkenberg. Jamc. Maiilding
end with her aunt. Mrs. Sam Ka-scr. ! J. O. rimliw T,,hn u i r m
west of this citv,
Our new chief of police, Charles
Wick, moved the first of the week from
West Hill to the John Morley cottage
on First street.
Mr. ami Mrs. 0. B. Bcntson enter
tained their friends, Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. Foote, of Woodburii, last Friday.
J. G. Holmes and P. W. Xot'sker
were among the Silverton business men
to spend Saturday in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Bronkey and lit
tle son were Sunday guests at the home
of Mr. Bronkey 's aunt, Mrs. Oswald, nt
air. Aiigci.
C. W. Cross is in the city ,r,,, t!,..l. I
,l! -r ,lf . 1 1 , . "-
ding M,mt., to look up a location 11. the;
vviiinmotre valley. He is staving at tlu
depot boarding house.
-Miss Violet Mason, of Portland
! week-end guest of Miss Esther lliues.
.. ...1 M .... 11 01 . ,
nun .uit. 1. l,, macKeinv came
over from Snleni the first of the week
to visit the Silverton relatives.
Claude 1". Slade with his wife and
little son spent Sunday with relatives
at the Capital Citv.
ai. J. nn alkenbcrg was attending
uiiMiicss at Monitor the first
the week.
Dr. Moor... .,f s,t i,..i.i : -.'
the Alethndisi .1,1 . . , . .. . ,
i... ... ' I i.cu-
iicsoiiv nrrcriiin.il nft., .. . n
ond quarterly conference w-. i,..i.i''1
Walter Fry one , f sir. -... ' .
hi,, h ' i,.,' . ' .tr,:m s
, f",r"
(-r nds v , Pv
a.. . " ""'!'". w ' " ""' Xnn-.of
, . . , V. rJ"'."om': r,l,lf-
I...!. ' ' ."' ,I!1V('!
. i,., "i.: h. u,v '"" in i
;"; "' J"."thern Cali
jj' ..""!'; 1'"',,l.v llml - j
' u- .P ', ,.
."'. -"""'""'IJ was an over Sunday i
r. .. J'J 'no .n,,im! ot ,'"glter, .lrs
"",' ', ''"''K- !"a'vm-
W. S. Kline, one of the aged veteni
. , . . . . r. ,
tn,s V1. -v' IS "' v,'rv lH,n' health nt
,b" writl"S- Mr. Kline came from !
osciuirg a couple of weeks ago and is I
if r id h.,,,,., i. .. i. .
" uv...v . x .nn .iuigiuei, airs.
""P1- I
The M. M. Savre family entertained'
their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bute-1
man, of Portia ml, fur the week end
Mrs. Alev Hronkey enjoyed a visit'
from her mother and sister, Mrs
Charles Smith, and Miss Lena Smith j
- i .n. .1114e1, last rridnv
Mr. and Mrs ..,.'.;.,.... ....1 ....
- " ' "-"i.' 1 lll'B ill! 1 Sllll
Knnte. drove over to the coiiniv
Sunday for an outing '
T. Vetromili. of Sa Francis,, l,.
purchased a ranch in the hill, ,, 'JZ
on making n modern chicken f,ir , 11
t the building, an "o ,',
ui-iasthev lira ni. .- ..ill I :..
1-,,., .. , : ' "" '" Kin uie care 01
1700 rhirkenn that hnv. boon ort.m to!
1111 ir Ifl-l'II lirillTMil lit
u-v..L l: i ,v
!'T!,,'t " ,h'!, "''? " Wednesday, was I
held nt the chapel on Friday afternoon,
.-iinyn r.ssen coiulucted the fu-
nernl services and in.rrmcnt ws made '
m th Silverton remetrry. I
Mrs. Arthur William was happily
surprised last Saturday when a goodly
number of h- friends citme to remind i
her that this wss her fourth wcddini? !
anniversary. Delicious refreshments
were furnished by the guests and an eu
joyable afternoon w,
At his home on Oak street on Tu.-s-
lilililli'lMI irti $ ItfllSH
ii raw
Good flour, good baking powder, good salt and good
cooking ought to be combined with a very good
shortening to produce the best biscuits. Cottolene
makes wonderful biscuits, because it is a natural
shortening which improves the flavor and betters
the quality of foods cooked with it.
Try it with your next batch of biscuits; then arrange with your
grocer for a regular supply and uso it for all your shonening,
frying and cake-making.
day, March II, occurred the death of
Edwin Uogo, a much respected resident
of this city. Mr. Huge has lived in
Silverton about eight years, hut tor
some time past has been in very poor
health. He is survived by a wife, one
sister and three brothers. The 'Mineral
services were held rroin the chapt
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock con
ducted bv liev. Essen, pastor of the
urn int t'y in.-. a..-.T k, .... ......
i u ii., .n hnri...i v.nidc
his mother in the Silverton cemetery.
John Morley, Hoscoe Ames and Fred
Nutting are enjoying a coyote hunt in
the country around Silver Falls; leaving
for the camps on Wednesday.
Mrs. Minnie Sucre left Thursday for
Uubhard where she will -spend the sum- j
mer with a brother.
Mr. and Mis. F. D. Kaser were the
victims of a delightful surprise lust :
Saturday evening at their home in the
Evergreen district. This was one of the
most enjoyable affairs of the season.
the surprise being so complete. A botiu
teous lunch was served and with music
and games the evening passed too
quickly for the merry bunch, who were
loath to depart even when the hands
on the dial pointed toward the hour of i "Indigestion and practically all forms
midnight. of stomach trouble are, nine times out
Another old soldier has answered the of ten, due to acidity; therefore stom
last roll call, and once again the ranks ach sufferers should. "whenever possible
' have been broken in the death of James
B. Robinson, who passed away at tin nature, or which by chemical action in
home of his daughter, Mrs. Arthur the stomach develops acidity. Those
on Sunday, March 113, at the age of 72 I sufferers who have been obliged to ex
years. Mr. Robinson was a veteran of j elude from their diet all starchy, sweet
tho Civil war and a member of the G. jor fatty food, and are trying "to keep
A. R. of this city. He is survived bv
one daughter and four sons. Mrs. Ar-
thur Frv, James V. and I.lovd C. Rub-
Voigainore. acted as pall bearers. A
number of the friends from this city
also many of the W. Ii. C. members at
tended the services.
Miss Inga Moo was a Portland busi
ness caller the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. I.. ,r. Biimh am. vim
were over Sunday guests at the home
of Mrs. Buriiham "a" parents. Mr. and
Mrs. .. F. Mascher, left for their home
at Oakland, Cal., on Monday after
noon. The Pythian Sisters nnd families will
give their regular aiinmil children's .lav
d " ' a', i "l ' ' ""
cnrcrtntiimnttt uf -1,., 1.' ..u
" ""(. -1 Mi' f 'lujjnun nas neon
prepared by the children and ,t fine
time is expected
The Misses Eva and Isabella Burger
011. accompanied bv their frlci.l Mi
llie Hyatt, spent Sunday with' t;Uv
Bertha Bronkey nt Mt. Angel.
Mr. and Mrs! R. A. Cnwden were over
Ninday visitors at the Rose City.
Mrs. II Irish is much improved in
health at this writing, she returned
iri.ni ine .-vnoin hospital the first of tin
j week.
-Hiss Anna Willis is a guest
of he
V. " , ming
i : . ! ") '' Kachocl Taylor.
... .-II
vcrton hills the firi f'M,;
i , ' A- 'ri,"lt' nrrived
"'O citv last S,,tnr.Tav from CHon
"",n 'wkotn, and plan on spending the
' T""" T'i, 3 r- V,in,i" is 11 l"'"""''-
Mrs. K. Henitim and A. A.
! "car the university.
Mr- T- "'""l'oit and Mrs. Man- Shu-
nias. ot Mt. Angel, were guests iit ll.
.loe l.ais home last Friday
'imudina Eaton n iinpa'nied by her
mimicon. veriion Woleott. will l.-nv..
tor liep old home at Salinn. Kauris ,.vi
Postmaster Uuckcstcin, of Salem
,1111111 jr a rrer
'families, were guests at the
Postmaster Brooks and wife o
ins ass sunn. .11111 v.,....,.
with their
home of
f this citv
I " . "". wo;"' " vd. discolored or
1 11. m l I...... 1
conipiexinn, tho most
sensible things to do is to remove it-
'-'I , lh"" '""''h if 0Vtfr "r "doctor"
I lf va""vxW- The only way to
"'""'V r,,"luvc I'ouipU-xioniiBide
i T"rtillK " f-M-nsivc and
i ! surL-icui opcrailllll is iv nielli.
1 ,.,.,1; ,. , '
1 ..
' II, .1 I IIMTCIIl I J'll WIIT .-lim.i.f
-inld cold c.an, ' w ,sh ' ff "
1 niinnM u C hut 'U'?rV f'"'
" nl,m": l''",',-Bdually the fresh
n"" "kl" l"'.ath beams forth. Then
I VOu V'"' ,,,,,,lr' velvety, licalth hued
c,""l' 'om such ns no unnatural
; m.,,h"1 ,a" possibly produce. Freckles,
li' U:iv n th.. '.. :..Li . " .....
blotches, pimples all surface defects
i .'" weather, ill heath or the ravages
course, riisappeur with the
discarded skin. Ask the druggist for
an ounce 0f meiroliwd wax; vou won t
need more,
If vou wear wrinkles or crowsfcet,
the best thing to do is to bathe vour
face in a harmless lotion mml.. hv'.iu.
1 solving an ounce of powdered saxolile
I in a luilf pint witch hazel. Nothing
else will so surclv eran the unwelcome1
lines. " I
fllliliiili 1
IT flinUpfl fllll WimHn
i, Shot by Aether
j Los Angeles, C'aly., Mar. 21. F. C.
j Elfing, a dairy wagon driver, was shot
I ""'I instantly killed at Culver City, a
iuburb today by Mrs. L. A. Lawson, a-
ording to tne (ncrur s otrice here.
Deputy Shentts Moody and Rcves
- - - -
called to the scene ot the slaving, te e
1 1"10'"''' the shentf s olt.ee that Mrs.
!'.a"s0Jl t,r"1 tb H,Icry "
:- '' J; L- . t0 .tlu' tH.g and
I Macy; struggling ,n the rear of the
""'"hi ui.u.'iiiih lu i.uw-
son was choking the woman.
Hilda Macy, aged 10 years, daughter
of Mrs. Macy, thrust a revolver into
Mrs. Lnwsou's bunds. She fired, kit
ing Elfing.
It is believed a quarrel over the proo
of milk led up to the killing.
avoid eating fojd that is acid in its
up a miacrame existence on gluten pro
ducts, should try a meal of any toot
or foods, in moderate amount, taking
immediately afterwards a teaspoonful
of disunited magnesia, in .1 little hot or
cold water. This will neutralize any
acid which may be present, or wrich
may bo formed and instead of the usual
feeling of uneasiness nnd fullness, you
will find tiint your food agrees with
you perfectly. Bisurated magnesia is
doubtless the best food corrective and
ant-acid known. It has direct action on
the stomach; but by neutralizing the
acidity of the food contents, and thus
rehniving. the source of the acid irri
tation which inflames the delicate stom
ach lining, it ilocj more than could po
sibly be done by any drug or medicine.
Do not dose an inflamed and irritated
stomach with drugs but get rid of tho
acid the cause of all the trouble. Get
a little bisurated magnesia from your
druggist, eat what you want nt vour
next meal,, take some of the bisurated
magnesia as directed above, and nolo
remarkable results.
Rosedale Notes
(Capital Journal Special Servicc.1
Rosedale, Ore., Mar, 21. Miss Evn.
Blinston and Mr. Holloway were mar
ried at the home of Mrs. Xeedham, 011
March 15. Mr. O. A. Hadley performed
the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Holloivuy
will livo in Arizona.
Rev, and Mrs. Hadley and Miss T.esta
Cook spent Friday evening and Satur
day in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Willnrd Camel are be
ing congratulated upon the arrival of a
baby girl at their house last week.
Mr. Cecil Pearson is home from Pa
cific college 'for the spring vacation.
Do not betray yourself in good eoio
pnny by blowing the foam off Iciimhi
Want to Bake
miA Better Cakes?
Cakes baked with
M . .: Vanilla
Fi,!"? . "ST ... k-ll.r have that
pleasing taste that cornea
only From pure concentrated
flavoring. There's real baking
economy in the 10 cent borne.
Order of Your Grocer J
I. -n
Make the skin harsh and rough.
A few of our face treatments
will leave it soft and smooth as
We can cure that nervous head
ache with an Electric Massage.
A well groomoif man or woman
is shown by the attention given
the hinds. Try our manicures.
Ladies J5 cents, gentlemen 35
Shampooing. Massage, all Beauty
Culture work.
Moles nnd warts removed with
out pain, and leaving no senr.
Specialist in diseases of the Skin
and scalp.
Open Saturday Evenings.
301 Bank of Commerce .Building,
Phone 3!'3
Salem, Ore.