Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 20, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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111 te11' . ft
r GUy?J& ft' :
f v '
A Great National
Public Utility
That concerns all merchants
and all people
THE original Cash Register rang a bell, indicated and
recorded the amount of the purchase. It benefited the
merchant only.
In a third of a century this old model has developed into
a Cash Register that directly benefits every man, woman
and child who spends money in a store.
This new Cash Register equally concerns every mer
chant and clerk, every banker and wholesaler in this land.
It furnishes every customer with a receipt or sales slip.
It prints on this the amount paid or charged.
On this is also printed the date of the sale and who
made it.
It forces a duplicate, printed record for the merchant.
It prevents disputes over charges and bills paid.
It saves shoppers' time.
It gives the merchant all his profits. It gives him more
money for his family.
It promotes more and quicker sales.
It protects each clerk against making errors and
against the mistakes of others.
It rewards the diligent clerk by telling his employer
which one makes the largest number of sales and which
one gets the greatest amount of business.
It assures the banker additional security for the money
he loans the merchant.
It gives the wholesaler additional assurance that the
merchant will have money to pay his bills.
It furnishes the banker and the wholesaler mechanical
evidence that the merchant's statement of his business is
It is a business necessity.
k n m
fife DRY 63c )
-pMH Writ m (Wf0i
We have new 1916 modelt that give this pet'
feet eervice.
Write ut today or see our agent in your city
and learn how you can secure one of these public
service machines.
Liberal allowances are made for old National
Cash Registers that were good in their day, but
do not so completely protect you or give the valu
able service our 1916 Models do.
- Address Deot. Z.
The National Cash
Register Company
Dayton, Ohio
Monmouth News
President Aekcrman, of the normal
chool, attended the Polk County Prin
cipals' club at Dnllnn Inst Saturday
night at which occasion Dr. I)e Biojib, of
the University of Oregon, pave a most
interesting lecture on "Tho Measure
ments of the Abnormal Child." The
topic is familiar to Monmouth people as
Dr. Busk lectured on the same at a
Terent Parent-Teachers' meeting.
Mr. Butler and Mr. Pittman, profevi
ors in the normnl school, attended the
meeting of the irrigation conference at
balera on last Thursday afternoon. j
Today was "Sophomore Day" at the
normnl. It being St. Patrick's day as
well, the decorations of the school were
of green. Moft of the day was spent in
honor of the dtiy. Besides the oratorical
contest in the morning, a program was
rendered in the afternoon.
The biolojjy class in the hih school
show great inteerst in their work this
spring as the study of animals and in
sects was taken up and many live speci
mens of insects nre kept in the labora
tory to watch their development and
habits. At the present, time the clans is
studvinz the life history of moths and
butterflies. An acipiurium with about
eight water dogs as a starter has been
eet up. The das will take np the study
of frogs as soon as the eggs can bo ob
tained.. Road in this community are dry and
in fine condition for motoring.
New Books Received
1 at Public Library
j The following new books were re
ceived at the public library last week.
1 The list includes all kinds of book
I from the cure of an infant to a story
j by the best of French detective story
Monmouth News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Monmouth, Oregon, March 20. The
State Oratorical Contest v:is held iu
the chapel of the normal school lust
Friday night and was 0110 of the most
interesting events of recent date. For
several weeks before the contest, the
normal school students looked forward
to the occasion with n great deal of
interest, and pleasure lis this was the
first time that the .State oratorical
contest was. held in .Monmouth for
eight jei(rs. Songs and yells hail been
practiced and all necessary prepara
tions were made and the spirit of the
occasion was in the air long before
Friday night. Before the contest begun,
songs were sung by the various repre
sentative of the different colleges
which took part. The speakers of the
evening were then introduced by Miss
Iiura Bull, - president of . the associa
tion. The first speaker was Mr. M. C.
Sinithson of MeMinnville College and
the contest was concluded with the ora
tion by Mr. yoliner Jensen, of Albany
College. The contest was quite lengthy,
taking about two hours and ten min
utes. Judge Henry U Benson, of
Salem, Hon. A. King Wilson, of Port
land, aud Prof, (ieorge 1. Koehn, of
Portland, gave the decision as follows:
.First place, Walter L. Meyers, Uni
versity of Oregon.
Second place, Frank M. Jasper, Wil
lamette University.
Third place, Miss Marie Myers, Ore
gon formal School.
The Orgeon Normal school orchestra
and the Cirls' dice Club under the
direction of Miss Mary lloham, enliv
ened the program of the evening very
I.nst Friday morning the Training
school students rendered a most inter
esting program for the normal students
in chapel. The program consisted of
many different forms of marching,
drills, dramatization, folk dances and
songs which was thoroughly enjoyed
by the nn-lookers. The demonstration
showed what children with just n little
training nre capable of doing.
MrR. Emma George, formerly from
Si loam Springs, Arkansas, who has
been visiting with relatives in Snlem
is now the guest of Mrs. K. R. Ostrom
and family of this place.
Last Wednesday morning the Senior
class of the Normal school was repre
sented in chapel by Miss Isabella liar
land whose subject was "lietnrdntion."
The Old Home Singers, the last mini
bcr on the Normal school's' lvceum
course, appeared in the Normnl chapel
last Wednesday night. Their splendid
singing voices, attractive costumes and
their choice of soifgs, was very appeal
ing to the large audience.
The city council held its regu'ur sc?r
sion l::st Tuesday evening, March ! i,
nt 7:.'!0 o'clock. An interesting feature
of the meeting was that a motion was
made and carried that the city will
pay one-half of the cost of sheet ('.lad
ing hereafter.
An oratorical contest between the
seventh and eighth grades of the train
ing school was given 111 the normnl
school chapel this morning at !:.'i0. The
speakers representing the seventh grade
wete Vetnia Johnson, Herbert Powell
and Romaiiio Niekulson and the con
testants of the eighth grade were Rob
ert Hinkle, Ileue Hewitt and Clay Mor
Inn. Tho judges rendered the decision
as follows:
First place. Clay Morlan.
Second place, Herbert Powell.
Third place, a tie between Robert
Hinkle und Roumnine Nicholson.
The chapel was decorated in bright
green in honor of St. Patrick's day and
the normal school students sang several
songs before the contest. Besides the
six orations, the program had several
other special feature's which were:
Chorus Seventh ami eighth grades.
Violin solo Beth Ostrom.
Vocul duet Bruce Rogers and Hugh
Vocal solo Ctince draliain; violtn oh
lignlo by Hugh Bell.
The high school basket social given
last, Saturday evening at the Norm the
atre proved to be n big success, every
basket selling at a good price. Fifty
four dollars was cleared which is to be
used for the purpose of securing a run
ning track and baseball diamond. I he
vacant land on Soulh Monmouth ave-i
nuc has been secured mid work was be-!
gun the first of the week In getting it j
in shape fur use.
In the
ECONOMY Basement
Silk and Wool Dresses for Women, values to $20.00,
for $4.98 Each
There are 23 of these dresses
Also Children's Wool Dresses, Values to $7.50, 98c
"BSffiE" tm comMtmeiAL emu J j
Musical Comedy
Pretty Girls and Pretty Costumes
The Priscilhi club held its regular
meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas
(lentle Inst Saturday, .March 1, and u
very pleasant time was enjoyed by
those present. The next scmi-iuunthly
meeting will be held at tho homo of
Mrs. I.. P. (iilniore.
The Monmouth high school is now
making plans for a minstrel show which
is to le given April 7 uud 8 for the
purpose of raising money to help pay
for the ('bickering piano which was pur
chased last year by the high school.
This is something extremely new in the
line of entertainment given in Mon
mouth, and it promises to bo a great suc
cess. Sui,:ncr Ostrom, who has been attend
ing the Pacific Automobile and (ins Jn
gine school ut Portland, Ore., returned
home Wednesday evening, having re
ceived his diploma upon completion of
the course.
An oyster supper will be given at the
Flliins school house, i-nulli of Mon
mouth for tlie purpose of helping out
the school fund. A very interesting
program hns been prepared and a large
audience is expected.
Miss Mary llnwlcy, commercial in
structor in the high school, who was
suddenly called to Corvallis on uccoiiut
of the death of her father last Wednes
day, is now-back ut the school doing
her regular work.
Miss Gladys Evans, who hns been
j very sick with a nervous breakdown,
j is improving from day to day. On ac
count of her misfortune, .Miss ICvans
; was obliged to drop her work in tho
j high school for which her muny friends
I have deep regret.
I I.nst Thursday Monmouth high school
j was honored with i.,i address by Mr.
I Wells, of Salem. Mr. Wells is very
! much interested in high school students
j as his work is along the line of high
'school inspection in the state of Ore
j gon in regard to the teachers' prepara
tory course und 'standardization of the
school. He spoke to the ntudeuls in it
plain, frank manner and made theni
reaiie the value and importance of
j their high school work. He guve them
! a. great deal of encouragement to pay
; particular attention to their Knglisb
work ns that is "the murk of u per
son's ignnrunco or education," lis ho
put it. It was made plain that success
;cnn not came ubout without knowing
our own language thoroughly or with
out working for it by using our time to
i t he best ad. milage.
writers, Emile Gaborinu.
Antin, Mary They Who Knock ut '
Our Gates.
Century Distionnry Supplement.
Two volumes.
Clemens, H. L. Roughing It. 1
Collier, Price. The West in the East, j
(aboriau, Emile. File No. 113.
(iuerber, H. A. Myths of Greece and
Rome. 1
Guliek, L. H. Medical Inspection o'f
Schools. '
Tawthorne, N. Twice Told Tales. (
Eefevrn, E. II. K. i
I.ippman, J, M. Burkeses Amy. I
West, Mrs. M. M. Infant Care.
West, Mrs. M. M. Prenatal Care.
Hart Schoffer & Marx
Eilk Brand g&lMMrtt
Wool Suits
The designs this season are more desirable
than ever. The styles are distinctive and suf
ficiently conservative in their lines to satisfy the
average well dressed business man.
We feel secure in stating that no higher values
in cither utility, style and superior quality, can
be had, regardless of price, than is to be found
in these splendid brands of clothes.
A Try-on will convince you of their desirability.
Prices $15.00, $20.00, $25.00
Roberts Hats
$3.00 .
Just Wright Shoes
$4.50 and $5.00
Woolen Mills