Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 20, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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(Contioued from Pige Five.)
Oak'i Add., Salem -92
Pierce, Grace O., E. lot I,
block 12, Oak 'a Add., Salem . .
Pogue, M. E., 20 10-100 acres io
See. 24, T. 6, 8. B. 3 W., des.
in toI. 106, page 127 Kecord of
Pogue, M. E., 4.47 acres in Sec.
24, T. 6, S. It. 3 W., des. in vol.
106, page 43, Record of Deeds
Pogue, M. E., fr. lot 1, block 24,
Presnoll, Enos, lot 1, block 32,
Highland Add., Salem 3.05
Presnoll, Enos, lot z, block J-',
Highland Add., Salem
Pugh, W. D., fr. of block 2,
Knight s Add., Salem :.
Pugh, W. D., W. Mi lot 1, block
5, Yew Park Add., Salem
Pugh, W. D., E. lot 1, block 5,
Yew Park Add., Salem
Pueh, W. IX, N. U. of lot 1 and
N. of lot 2, block 6, Yew
Park Annex, Salem 46.51
Bandall, B. T., lot 12, block 1,
Randalls Add., Salem 4.58
Bandall, B. T. (Brown, Win. K.)
lot 2, block 1, Randalls Add.,
Salem 18.30
Itapp, C. B., Kr. of acre in Sec.
33 & 34, T. 7, S. R. 3 W., des.
in vol, 121, page 378, Record
of Deeds 7.62
Bateliffe, A. J., Fr. of block 27,
Sub. Div. of block 27, Uni
versity Add., Salem 24.10
Banzau, Dorothy V., (trustee)
35 acres in Sec. 3(5, T. 3 S.
It. 2 W., des. in vol. 107,
page 210, Record of Deeds.... 34.05
Banzau, Dorothy V. (trustee) 42
acres in Sec. 1, T. 4 S. R. 3
W., des. in vol. 119, page 487
Record of Deeds 24.97
Beardcn, Kmmo A., lot 7, E ',
lot 8, block 3, (Juccn Ann
Add., Salem 15.23
Beeves, J. VV., Fr. of block 11,
Meyers Add., Salem 42.70
Beeves, J. W., W. U, block 11,
Meyers Add., Salem 48.80
Beeves, E. K., Fr. of acre in
Sec. 11, T. 10, S. H. 3 W., des.
in vol. 120, page 30, Record
of Deeds 1.27
Behmel, ('. A. & J., lot 3, block
3, Owens Add,, Sulem 35.07
Bhodcs, M. J., Fr. lots 8 & 9,
block 2, Cartwrights Add.,
Salem 28.44
Eichart, Cyrus, lot 14, block 1,
Broadway Add., Salem 12.20
Bicord. Geo. (Counter, A.,) W.
Vj of block 43, North Salem
Huberts, ('lias. E., 9 93-100 acres
in Sec. 3 & 4, T. 10, S. H, 2
W., des, in vol. 109, pago 334
(ex. vol. 115, page 83) Rec
ord of Deeds
Bobertson, B. C, Btrip 30 ft.
wide 000 ft. long, adjoining
Potters Add. on south
Bobertson, B. (,'., lot (I, block 1,
Owens Add., Sulem
Bobertson, B. 0., lot 7, block 1,
Owons Add., Sulem
Bobertson, 11. C, lots 1 & 2,
block 13, Turner
Bobertson, B. C., lots 1 & 2, 7 & 8
block (1, Western Add., Turn
er '.
Bobertson, F. B., 2 acres in Sec.
18, T. 5, S. R. 1 W., des
in vol. 1 10, page 7, Record
of Deeds
Bobins, Winwood, lots 5 & 6,
block 1(1, Vow Park Annex ....
Bobins, Winwood, 113 acres in
Sec. 23 & 24, T. 8, S. R, 3 W.
Bobins, Miss E. (1., 305 40-100
in Sec. 35 & 30, T. 5, S. It. 3
AV., des. in vol. 12(1, page 100,
Record of Deeds
... 172.80
Bobins, Miss E. O., 50 acres in
Sec. 31, T. 5, S. H., 2 W., des.
in vol. 120, pago 100, Record
of Deeds 28.35
Kobnett, M. E., lot 1, block, 7,
Brooklyn Add., Sulem 1.83
Boncy, E. N. & O. (., 48 51-100
acres in Sec. 24, T. 7, 8. R. 3
W., dee. in vol. 131, pago 257
Record of Deeds
Bosheim, Mabel A., Fr. of aero
in Sec. 35, T, (1, S. li. 1 W.,
des. in vol. 118, page. 257,
Kecord of Heeds
Bowlnnd, B. i, Fr.
numbered block ..,
lot 4,
Bowlnnd, O. H., Fr. of lot 3, nil
of lot 4, block 31, University
Ami., mi loin
Bowlnnd, O. II., Fr. block
Cap. Park Add., Salem. ...
lowland, C. II., lot I & N
lot 2, block 89, Salem
('. H,
Fr. block
on I mn
Bowlnnd, C. 11., Fr. block 89,
Bowlnnd, C. II., lot 8, block
89, Salem
Bnwlev, Ernstiis M. & Marv A.,
1 81-100 acres in Sec. 8, T. 5,
S. 11. 1 V., des. in vol. 131
pago 19li, Kecord of Deeds...
Bovnl, C. C, 85 acres in Sec. 2,
T. K, S. R. 2 E., des. in vol.
133, page HI, (ex. vol. 135,
pago 38(1) Record of Deeds...
Bvnn, .lob M ll'.i acres in
Sec. 10 & 11, T. 7, S. U. 3
W., des. in vol. 0.", page 30,
Record of Deeds
Kynn, H. K. & I,. 1'., lot 2,
& Fr. lots 1 Si 3, block 40, Sa
ln Bynn, U. K. & 1,. P., Fr. lots
8 & 9, block S2, Sulem
Byan, It. H. & I.. P., lot (1, & Fr.
lot 7, block 7S, Salem
Bynn, W. A., lots 1 to 8, block
1, Prospect Park Add., Salem
Byan, W. A., lots II to 38 block
1, Prospect Park Add., Salem
Byan, W. A., Iota 1 to 20, block
2, Prospect Park Add., Salem
Bynn, W. A., lots 28 to 38, block
2, Prospect Park Add., Snleni
Byan. W. A., lots 1 to 21, block
3, Prospect Park Add., Salem
Byan, W. A., lots 23 to 38, block
3, Prospect Park Add., Silem
Byan, W. A., lots 1 to 11, block
4, Prospect Park Add., Sulem
Byan, W. A., lots 18 & 19, mid
29 to 38, block 4, Prospect
Tark Add., Salem
Byan, W. A., lot 3, block 5, Riv
erside Add., Salem
Byan, W. A., lot 4, block 5, Riv
erside Add., Salem
Byan, W. A., lot 5, block 5, Riv
erside Add., Salem
Bynn, W. A., lot 10, block 11,
Riverside Add., Salem
Byan, W. A., lot 11, block 14,
Riverside Add., Salem
Sohir, Alfred, et. al., lot 7, block
, Nob Hill Add., Salem
Schneider, M.rs. Tneresa, lot 8,
Benedictine Add.,
Scott, J. II., lot 8, block 1, Mel
wood Add., Salem
1 18.05'
Scott, J. II., lot 9, block 2 Mel
wood Add., Salem
Salem Bank & Trust Co., lot 24,
block 2, Burlington, Ore.,
Salem Bank & Trust Co., lot 1,
block 3, Burlington, Ore.,
Salem Bank & Trust Co., lot 5,
block 3, Burlington, Ore
Salem Bank & Trust Co., lot 19,
block 3, Burlington, Ore
Salem Bank k Trust Co. (J. D.
Turner) lot 9, block 4, Burling
ton Add., Salem
Salem Bank & Trust Co. (John
son, C. L.) lot 7, block 6, Sub.
Div. blocks 3 to 7, Nob Hill
Annex, Salem
Salem Bank & Trust Co., lot 8
& N. V. lot 9, block 6, Sub.
Div. blocks 3 to 7, Nob Hill
Annex, Salem
...... j.ji
Salem Bank & Trust Co. (Min
ton, A. N. & C. R.) E, '-. of
lot 9, all lot 10, block 6, Sub.
Div. blocks 3 to 7, Nob Hill
Annex, Salem
Salem Bank & Trust Co. (Spyk
er, E. K.) S. . lot 8, all lot 9,
block 7, Sub. Div. block 3 to
7, Nob Hill Annex, Salem ....
Salem Bank & Trust Co., N. y.
of lot 13, block 7, Sub. Div. of
blocks 3 to 7, Nob Hill Annex,
Salein Bauk & Trust Co., lot
14, S. Ms lot 15, block 7, Sub.
Div. blocks 3 to 7, Nob Hill
Annex, Salem
Salem Trust Co., Fr. in. of block
06, Snleru
Salem Trust Co., lot 10, block
28, Cap. Park Add., Saiem....
Salem Trust Co., lot 11, block
28, Cap. Park Add., Salem....
Santa, E. F. & E., lot 9, & Fr.
lot 10, block 1, Broadway Add.,
Sargent, A., Fr. block 2, Brook
lyn Add., Sulem
Saunders, C. R., lot 8, & Fr. lot
II, block 1, Broadway Add.,
Saiiter, E. .1. (E. E. Cole) Fr.
lot 2, block 17, Fairmoiint
Park Add., Salem
Sauter, E. & M. .1., 13'A acres
in Sec. 31, T. 8, 2 VV., des. in
in vol. 124, page 528, Record
of Deeds
Sauter, E. J., Fr. lot 20, Maple
Sauter, E. J., Fr. lot 21, Maple
E. J., Fr. lot
Glen ...
Sauter, E
Glen ...
J., Fr.
lot 23, Maple
A. L., lot.
9, block
Burlington Add., Sulem
.Settlemeier, F. W., 2 acres in
Sec. 7, T. 5, S. R. 1 W., des.
in vol. 117, pago 115, Record
of Deeds :
Settlemeier, F. W., 100 acres in
Sees. 18 & 7, T. 5, S. R. 1 W.,
des, in vol. 106, page 474, Rec
ord of Deeds
Settlemeier, F. W., 20 ucres in
Soc, 12, T. 5, S. H., 2 W.,
des. in vol. 98, pago 45, Record
of Deeds
Settlemeier, F. W., 55 ncres in
Sec. 13, T. 5, S. H. 2 W., des.
in vol. 117, page 115, Record
of Deeds
Settlomeier, F. W., 71 7-100 acres
in Sec. 18, T. 5, S. R. 1 W,
des. in vol. 87, pngo 135, (ex.
vol. 117, page 12, and vol. 115,
jingo 520, and vol. 130, page
1(11) Record of Deeds
Settlemeier, F. W., 74 41-100
acros iu Sec. 13, T. 5, S. R. 2
W., des. in vol. 1U8, pago 490
Record of Deeds
Settlemeier, F. W lot 1, block
1, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W., lots 2 to 5,
block 1, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W., lot 2, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W. lot 5, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W., lot (I, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W., lot 7, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W.. lot 8, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W., lot 9, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W., lot 10, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlomeier, F. W., lot 11,
block 2, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W., lot 12, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W lot. 13, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W., lot 4, block
4, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W., lot 5, block
4. Park Add., Woodburn
Settl'Miicier, F. W., lot (I, block
4, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. Y, lot 7, block
4, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W., lot 8, block
4, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlomeier, F. W., lot 9, block
4, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W., lot 10, block
I, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, V. V lot 4, block
5, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. , lot 5, block
5, Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W., block (i,
Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. W., lots 1 & 2,
block 7, Pnrk Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, F. V., block 8,
Park Add., Woodburn
Settlemeier, V. W., lots 2, 3 & 4,
bWk 9, Park Add., Woodburn
2.13 '
2 42
24.23 i
3.23 1
F. W., lots 1 & 2,
Park Add., Wood-
block 10,
Sot tleinoier,
F. W.,
lots 1, 2 & 3,
Add., Wood-
block II.
8.20 , Siion, Patrick .1., E.
of S. i:.
& N. W. I', or S.
E. U &
3.08 N. E. "i of S. W.
10, T. 8, S. R. 2 E.,..
li. Sec.
ti. I, Mieppard, rrot, N. n.
lots 32,
33 & 34, SunniYsidn
I nut
tj.10 Farms .NO. N
Shields, .1. A. & Sittipkins, l'hro-
4.31 na, 20 acres in Sec. , T. 10,
S. R. 3 W des. in vol. 129,
page 031, Record of Deeds ....
'.59 Shoales, S. tc K., 100 ncres in
See. 21, T. 7, S. It. 1 E., des.
28 in vol. till, page 594, Record
of Deeds, and vol. 91, page
214, Record of Deeds
Simon, O. V 45-100 ncre in
4.12 See. 34, T. 7, S. R. 3 W., des.
in vol. 113, page 204 (ex. vol.
3.05 125, pago 305) Record of
3.05 Smith, C. .!., W. (, of N. E. ',
St E. i-j of N. W. Vi, Sec. 23,
T. 8, S. R. 1 E
Smith. J., E. V, of N. E. U
& N. E.
,i of S. E.
23, T. 8, 8. R. 1 E
8,39 Smith, C. J., N. W. ',4, Sec. 23,
T. 8, 8. R. 1 E 23.50
Smith, Dr. E. O., Fr. block 3,
Hills Add., Nehaba 82
Smith, Geo. M., lot 8, block 6,
Englewcod Add., Salem 8.39
Smith, Geo. M., lot 9, block 0,
Enelewood Add., Salem S.01
Smith, Geo. & Marie, 2 acres
in Sec. 14, T. 7, S. R. 3 W,
des. in vol. 101, page 289 (ex.
vol. 124, page Record of
Deeds 47.83
Smith. Geo. & Marie, lot 4, block
1, Fairgrove Add., Salem 76
Smith, Geo. & Marie, lot 6, block
1, Mclwood Add., Salem 14.49
Smith, Geo. & Marie, lot 7, block
1, Melwood Add., Salem j.uj
Smith, H. 11. (Dorranee, ,T. E.)
Fr. lots 7 & 8, block 12, Depot
auu., rsaiem ...
o. -u ii r 1. a v aa
in Sec. 16, T. 4, S. R. 1 W.,
des. in vol. 105, page 320, Rec
ord of Deeds 47.85
Smith, M. E., lots 13 & 14, block
3, Broadway Add. Salem .... 21.35
Sniousc, A. S., lot 2, block 3,
Englewood Add., Salem 10.68
Snvder, Laura B., Fr. of acre
in Sec. 26, T. 7, S. R. 3 W.,
des. in vol. 118, pago 320,
Record of Deeds 15.25
Spence, J. S. & H., 12 32-100
ncres in Sec. 22, T. 6, S. R. 2
W., des. in vol. 118, page 583,
Record of Deeds 8.78
Spier, R. F., block 1, Mill Add.,
Nehama 1.32
Squicr, W. H. & M. J., lot 2,
block 9, Southwest Add., Sa
lem 28.67
Stearns, G. I,., Fr. of lot 3, Port
land Truck Gardens 3.44
Stearns, G. L., lot 4, Portland
Truck Gardens 3.71
Stearns, G. L., lot 5, Portland
Truck Gardens 3.72
Stenrs, G. L., lot 6, Portland
Truck Gardens 3.37
Stearns, G. L., lot 7, Portland
Truck Gardens 3.38
Stearns, G. L., lot 8, Portland
Truck Gardens 2.70
Steams, G. L., lot 10, Portland
Truck Gardens 3.37
Stearns, G. L., lot 11, Portland
Truck Gardens 3.38
Steams, G. L., lot 12, Portland
Truck Gardens 3.03
Stearns, G. h., lot 13, Portland
Truck Gardens 3.11
Steams, G. I,., lot 14, Portland
Truck Gardens 3.71
Stearns, G. Ij., lot 15, Portland
Truck Gardens 3.71
Stearns, G. L., lot 16, Portland
Truck Gardens 3.48
Steams, G. L., lot 17, Portland
Truck Gardens 3.91
Stearns, (1. L., lot 18, Portland
Truck Gardens 4.05
Steel, ('has., lot 7, block 7,
Brooklyn Add., Salem 1.83
Steeman, Mrs. W. H., lot 4,
block 2, Toozes 1st. Add.,
Woodburn 1.27
Steeman, Mis. W. H., lot 5,
block 2, Toozes 1st Add.,
Woodburn 1.26
Steeman, Mrp. W. H., lot 6,
block 2, Toozes, 1st Add.,
Woodburn 1.27
Steen, A. M., Fr. of block 1,
Salem 30.50
Stenslnnd, A. II. & A., 80 acres
in Sec. 13, T. 8, S. R. 1 E.,
des. in vol. 116, pngo 157, Rec
ord of Deeds 17.51
Stevenson, O. S,, lota i & 5,
block 3, St. Alexis Add., Butte-
villo 1.55
Stewart, Josie D., lot 4, block
1, Oaks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart, Josie L., lot 6, block 1,
Oaks Add., Salem 11.44
Stewart, Josie I'., lot 4, block 2,
Oaks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart, Josie L., lot 5, block 2,
Oaks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart, Josie Ij., lot 12, block
2, Oaks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart, Josie L., lot 13, blck
2, Oaks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart, Josie L., lot 4, block 3,
Oaks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart, Josie L., lot 5, block 3,
Oaks Add., Salem 12.96
Stewart, Josie E., lot 6, block 3,
Oaks Add., Salem 12.90
Stewart, Josie Ij., lot 4, block 4,
Oaks Add., Saloin 11.44
Stewart, Josie Ij., lot 5, block 4,
Oaks Add., Salem 11.45
Stewart, Josie E., lot 13, block
4, Oaks Add., Salem 11.45
Stewart, Josie L., lot 14, block
4, Oaks Add., Salem 11.44
Stewart, Josie L., lot 15, block
4, Oaks Add., Salem 11.43
Stewart, Josio E., lot 3, block 5,
Oaks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart, Josie L., lot 7, block 0,
Oaks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart, Josio E., lot 8, block 5,
Oaks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart. Josio L., lot 4, blockO,
Oaks Add., Salem 12.96
Stewart, Josie E., lot 5, block 6,
Oaks Add., Sulem 13.72
Stewart, Josio L., lot ti, block 6,
Oaks Add., Salem 13.73
Stewart. Josie U, lot 13, bluck
7, Oaks Add., Salem 11.43
Stewart, Josio Ij., lot 14, block
7, Oaks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart, Josio E., lot 15, block
7, Oaks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart, Josie E., lot 14, block
8, Oaks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart, Josie E., lot 15, block,
8, Oaks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart, Josie E., lot 1, block
11, Oaks Add., Sulem 11.43
Stewart, Josio 1... lot 2, block
11, Oaks Add., Salem 11.44
Stewart, Josie 1,., W. ij lots 7
& S, block 12, Oaks Add., Sa-
lorn 10.68
Stewart, Josie E., lot 1, block
13, Oaks Add., Salem 7.02
Stewart, Josie E., lot 2, block
13, Oaks Add., Salem 7.63
Stewart, Josio E., lot 3, block
13, Orks Add.. Ealem 7.62
Stewart, Josie E., lot 4, block
13, Oaks Add., Salem 7.63
Stewart, Josio E., lot 5, block
13, Oaks Add., Salem 9.13
Stewart, Josie E.. lot 6, block
13, Oaks Add., Salem 9.13
Stewart, Josie E., lot 7, block
13, Oaks Add., Salem 9.13
Stewart, Josie E., lot 8, block
13, Oaks Add., Salein 9.15
Stewart, Josie E., lot 1, block
14, Oaks Add., Siilem 9.15
Stewart. Josie E lot 2. block
14, Oaks A. Id., Salem 9.15
Stewart, Josie E., lot 3, block
14, Oaks Add.,. Salem 9.15
Stewart. Josie E.. lot 4. block
14, Oaks Add., Salem 9.15
Stewart, Josie E lot 3, block
14. Oaks Add.. Salem 12.20
Stewadt, Josio I... lot tl. block
14. Oaks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart. Josie I... lot 7. block
14, Onks Add., Salem 12.20
Stewart, Josio E., lot 8, block
14, Oak Add., Salem 12.20
Story, Andrew, lots 7, 8, 9, 10,
Tract 18, Wise Acres 8.41
Story, A. (Morris, J. D.) lots 11,
12, 13 & 14, Tract 18, Wise
Acres 5.22
i'lroiid, Frank .1., 1-10 acres in
See. i, T. S, S. R. 1 W 30.00
Stuart-Ferguyon Timber Co., lot
13, Valley Fruit Farms No. 2 2.97
Sullivan, Sarah F., lots 2 & 3,
block 2, Mill City 2.82
Sullivan, Sarah F., lots 1 & 2,
block B, Mill City - 4.70
Swales. Alfred, S. W. V4, Sec.
'22, T. 8, S. R. 1 E 20.68
Swartz, Ralph, lot 2, block 2,
Boises 1st Add., Salem 36.60
Swartz, R. & N., lot 10, East
Side Fruit Farms 18.30
Swartz, Simon, 7 acres in Sec.
Hi, T. 7, S. R. 2 W., des. in
vol. 73, pnge 445, Record of
Deeds 6.73
Swartz, Simon, lots 1 & 2, East
Side Fruit Farms 30.40
Swartz, Simon, lot 12, block 6,
Burlington Add., Salem 35.07
Tanner, E. E., lot 1, block 23,
Yew Park Annex No. 2, New
Plat,' Salem 9.19
Tanner, E. K, lot 2, block 23,
Yew Park Annex No. 2, New
Plat, Salein 3.81
Tanner, E. E., lot 4, block 23,
Yew Park Annex No. 2, New
Plat, Salem 4.58
Tanner, E. E., lot 5, block 23,
Yew Park Annex No. 2, New
Plat Salem 3.81
Tanner, E. E., lot 6, block 23,
Yew Park Annex No. 2, New
Plat, Salem 12.96
Tanner, E. E., (Wait, N. A.) lot
3, block 23, Yew Park Annex
No. 2, New Plat, Salein 12.96
Tomlinson, Lottie, Fr. of acre
in Sec. 18, T. 5, S. R. 1 W.,
des. in vol. 9, page 425, (ex.
vol. 114, page 581) Record
of Deeds 3.23
Traders Trust Co. of Oregon
Und. V. Int. in lots 4 & 5, El
man Dorf Acres 11.48
Trullinger, C. H., 203 4-10 acres
in Sec. 24, T. 4, S. R. 1 W.,
des. in vol. 1, page 167, reg
istration of titlo 161.20
Trullinger, C. II., lot 2, Will
Acres 6.80
Trullinger, C. H., 53 acres in Sec.
23, T. 4, 8. R. 1 W., des. in
vol. 113, page 382, Record of
Deeds 50.40
Tuffli, H. & K., lot 9, block 4,
Cap. St. Add., Salem 6.10
Tuffli, If. & K., lot 1, block 3,
Cap. St. Add., Salem 7.62
Tuffli, II. & K., lot 6, block 1,
Cap. St. Add., Salem 6.10
Turner, C. L., lot Fr. lots 2 & 3
block 52, North Salem 18.30
Turner, J. D., lots 8 & 9, Hnn-
shaw Fruit Farms 8.10
Universal Cons't Co., 2 57-100
acres in Sec. 3, T. 8, S. R. 3
W., des. in vol. 125, page 45,
Record of Deeds 10.00
Vaiidcrvdrt, H. H., Frs. of lots
7 & 8, block 2, University
Add., Salem 70.91
Van Laanen, John, Vi acre in
Sec. 14, T. 7, S. R. 3 W 3.05
Van Laanen, J. & J., acre in
Sec. 14, T. 7, S. R. 3 W., des.
in vol. 128, page 118. Record
of Deeds 12.81
Van Orsdal, J. P., 19 83-100
acres in Sec. 2, T. 5, S. R. 2
W., des. in vol. 119, pago 64,
Record of Deeds 31.3.
Vearrier, W. H., S. E. Vi lot
7. Johnsons Add., Silverton.... 9.70
Verrier, W. If., 25 acres in Sec.
30, T. 7, S. R. 1 E 7.05
Veason, John (estate) 13 acres
in See. 27 & 34, T. 4, S. R. 1
W 24.4
Vogct, Anna (J. W. & W. AI
bers) lots 7 & 8, block 27,
Cap. Park Add., Salem 14.48
Voget, Fred, Fr. of lots 7 & 9,
block 38, University Add, Sa
lem 11.44
Voget, F. A. & F., lots L to 3,
& 6 to 8, block 4, Sub. Div.
of block "I". Sinn sons
Add., Salem 12.20
Voget, F. A. & V., lots 9 to 11,
block 4, Sub. Div. of block 1,
Simpsons Add., Salem 13.73
Vogct, J. G., 15 62-100 acres in
Sec. 22 & 23, T. (1, S. R. 2 I
W., des. in vol. 77, pago 234,
and vol. 75, pnge 543 (ex
vol. 118, pas 174, 506 & 583
ami ex. Labisli Logan lands)
Record of Deeds 17.60'
Voget, J. G., 10 ncres in Sec.
27, T. 6, S. R. 2 W., des. in
vol. 112, page 399 (ex. vol.
123, page 342) Record of
Deeds 10.07
Voget. J. O., lot 1, block 10,
Jeff Mvers Add., Salem 11.44
Voget, .1. G., lot 7, block 10,
Jeff Mvors Add., Salem 9.15
Voget, J. (!., lot 8, block 10,
Jeff Mvers Add., Salem 11.43
Vogct, .l! G., lot 8, block 11,
Jeff Myers Add., Salem 12.20
Vose, R. IE, Fr. of acre in Sec.
26, T. 9, S. R. 3 E., des. in
vol. 129, page 295, Record of
Deeds 4.10
Wacaser, W., block 1, Siiaws
1st Add., Scolts Mills 1.95
Wait, II. W. & Julia V., 52
acres in Sec. IS, 5, 1 W., des.
in vol. 131, page 117, Record
of Deeds 93.83
Waldo Hills Orchard Co. (Chase,
A. C.) Fr. lot 110, to be known .
as A. ('. Bolinistort Orchards.... 4.20
Waldo Hills Orc'aard Co. (Stov
er, C. C.) lots 71 & 72, 87 &
88, to be known as j. C.
Bolinistort Co. Orchard)) .... 11. So
Waldo Hills Orchard Co., lots
1, 2, 3, 4 & Fr. 18, to be
known as A. C. liolirnstert
Co.. Orchards 21.97
Waldo Hills Orcrird Co.. lots
19, 20, 25, 20 & Fr. 27, to
be known as A. O. liolirnstert I
Co. Orchards 20.39
Waldo Hills Orchard Co., lots !
(14, (.", 94, 95, 96, 97, HI, 112
& Fr. 110, to be. known as j
A. C. Bohrnstedt Co. Orch- I
nrds 2E97!
Waldo Hills Orchard Co., lots
73, 74, 75. 70, 77, 78, 79, SO, j
81, S2. S3. SI, S3, Sli, 114,
115, 117, 12(1, 128, '129, 'to be j
known as A. C. Hoimistort i
Orchards 74.S2
Waldo Hills Orchard Co., lots
103, 104, 107, 108, 109, to be
known as A. C. Bohriistedt
Orchards 19.42
Waldo Hills Orciinrd Co.. lots
130, 131, 132, 133, 131 Jt Fr.
lot 123, to be known as A. C.
ltohrnstedt Orchards 27.98
Wallace, M. J., (heirs) lot 2,
block (1. Condi tii Add.. Saloin ... 1.3S
Wallace, T. B. E. E.. lot 11,
block 3. Ed.lvs Add.. Salem ... 3.03
Wallace, T. B. & E. E., lot 12,
l Mr. Landlord
Is Your House Vacant?
Have gas and electric service
installed. You can't expect to get
a good tennant without these
two modern necessities
The Gas & Electric Co.
Mn,.ii .1 TCdilvs Add.. Salem ....
Walling, Lorin, S. W. Vi of N.
W. V4, Sec. I, T. w, o. k. .1 j-j.
W,.,-0 w W lot l! lilnek 4.
Cardwcll Add., Salem 6.10
Waters, F. w. (Ryan, Jj. a.)
Lot 7, Ireton Fruit Farms ....
Wot.nn Adilin .T.. lot 14. block
5, Brooklyn Add., Salem 1.83
West, A. L., 11 acres in Sec.
2(i, T. 8, S. R. 3 W., des. in
vol. 104, pnge 276, Record of
Deeds .'. 12.11
West, A. I,., 36 acres in Sec.
26 & 27, T. 8, S. R. 3 W., des.
in vol. 77, pago 96, Record of
Deeds 105.60
West, A. L., lots 8 & 9, Sun-
nyside Fruit Farms No. 6 44.00
West Woodburn Fruit Farm &
Land Co., (Derring, E. L.) 8
acres, lot 25, West Woodburn
Fruit Farms 9.90
West Woodburn Fruit Farm &
Land Co., (Lauritzen, C. O.)
13.35 acres, lot 26, West Wood
burn Fruit Farms 16.50
West Woodburn Fruit Farm &
Land Co. (Wolfe, Albert) 8
acres, lot 24, West Woodburn
Fruit Farms 9.90
White, W. J., Fr. block 40, Sa
lem 99.13
Whitney, C. E., lot 2, block 10,
Highland Add., Salem 22.12
Whitney, C. E. & Sarah W., lot
3, block 3, Comptons Add.,
Salem 2.29
Whitnay, C. E. & Sarah W.,
lot 6, block 3, Comptons Add.,
Salem 18.30
Wliitncy, C. E. & S. M., lot 2,
Smith Fruit Farms No. 1 18.99
Whitney, John W., (estate)
lots i to 42, Whitneys Petmi
na Acres 178.63
Whitney, O. C, lots 1 & 2, block
12, Jeff Mvers Add., Salem 2.28
Willcts, L. R. '& K., lot 1, block
3, Eddys Add., Salem 9.13
Willcts. E. R. & K., lot 2, block
3, Eddvs Add., Salem 3.05
Mills, Davis, Fr. of block 16,
Nob Hill Annex, Salem 3.05
Wilson, A., lot 5, block 2, Cap.
St. Add., Salem 3.S1
Wilson, Alfred, N. U of block
E. block 74, North Salem 14.49
Wilson, Alfred, E. mlock E.
block 75, North Salem 12.06
Wilson, Clara A., S. 50 ft, of
lots 1 to 3, block 4, Reeds
Add., Salein 43.73
Willson, G. A. & K, lot 30,
Ewald Fruit Farms 26.50
Wilson lnv't Co., 306 114-100
acres in Sec. 18, T. 9, S. R.
4 E., des. in vol. 126, pago
470, Record of Deeds 122.10
Wilson, R. J., lots 1 & 2, block
1, Fairgrove Add., Salem 4.58
Winslow, W. C, lot 8, block 7,
Yew Park Annex, Salem 15.25
Wintermute, 1). J. & C, lot 9,
block 3, Salem Heights Add.,
Salem 3.58
Wisdom, E., 8 80-100 acres ill Sec.
l(i, T. 4, S. R. 1 V des. in
vol. 119. page 327, Record of
Deeds 9.35
Wisler, Elizna M., N. E. H of
N. E. V, Sec. 16, 7, 1 E,.... 15.60
Wolfe, P. E., lot 10, block 2,
Salem Heights Add., Salem 4.62
Wood, Josephine, lot 4, block
I 1, Frickevs Add., Salem 22.SS
! Woods, J. L. & Preston, 233
; 51-10(1 acres in Sec. 33, 34 &
1 35, T. 6, S. R. 2 W 101.23
Wolff. V. II., lots 1, 4, 5, &
7, Ki.or Fruit Farm Tracts... 27.00
iZooke, F. E. (Minier, .1. W.) lot
j 8, McDonald Fruit Tracts 1S.30
j Sheriff and Tax Collector of .Marion
I County, Oregon.
t st $ Sj! sjs s)( 5t )! 9)s
Oinalin. Nob., Mar. 20. Mrs.
A? It. Woosly, aged 22. is the
He mother of seven children today,
following the nrrival of twins,
(: and tho stop mother of six oth-
ers. The father of the 13 is a
He teamster, who married Mrs.
Wooslev when she was 14 vears He
old. "
Bell-am s
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Phone 85
Gives tm. BEST VALUE for Your Money
Etctj Kind from Cottoi to Sill, For Men,' Women ud Clildre.
Any Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair"
took (or the Trade Mark! Sold by All Good Dealere.
Wholesale Lord & Taylor NEW YORK
Arthur M. Geary
Makes Correction
Arthur M. (leaiy, former student of
the university, who g.ive a recent ad
dress at the university on methods of
fruit marketing, states he was misquot
ed in press reports of his address.
The following letter was received by
1 ne Capital .lournal from Mr. lieary:
"Cndor University of Oregon date
lino of March 13, an incorrect report of
my talk upon fruit marketing given be
fore the students in the industrial and
commeici.il survey, was sent to the pa
pers of the state. The establishment of
a national clearing house tor all fruit
growing associations was one of the ad
vocacies mistakenly attributed to me.
"The students, in fact, were inform
ed by me that all the fruits from the
Pacific coast, except the apples, that
are shipped to New York and to some
of the other eastern cities, are sold at
auction anil that the auction houses
have started a campaign of education
among the growers to persuade them
tint the miction system in these largest
cities should also be adopted by the
apple shippers.
"I explained that there was 110 ef
fort being made to have the apple
growers break away from their organ
izations and ship independently to the
auctions; but that the einleivor of the
miction houses is to persuade the north
western fruit shipping organizations
themselves, to follow in tho well beaten
path of the California Fruit CI rowers'
Exchange ami the California Fruit Dis
tributors, as well as the Florida Citrus
F.xch mge.
"Tiie auctioneers realize that unless
25 or 30 per cent of the apples snn-
i plied to a city are sold at the daily
! auctions, that the public, sales system
'will not bring the fullest success," as it
! is necessary to have steady supplies of
.first grade offerings in order to at
Itr.ict the buyers from the stores of the
I, jobbers.
"I also outlined to the students the
I plan proposed by the officials of the of
j fico markets ami rural organization
to incorporate the shipping organiza
tions of (ho northwest into too North-
1 western fruit Shippers Agency. One
I of the purposes of this organization will
' he to furnish a clearing house of int'or
I illation for the shippers of Oregon.
I Washington, l.l.iho and Montana ; lint
the officials 1'ioiu Washington, D. ('.,
I have no pretensions towards making it
.into a national clearing house for all
the associations of the countrv."
ithern Pacific Issues
Book On Walnut Culture
"Walnut Culture in Western and
Southern Oregon," is the title of an
artistic pamphlet recently issued by
the Southern Pacific. It is edited by ("'.
.1. Lewis, chief division of horticulture,
Oregon Agricultural Colleiie. Corvnllis.
The book is compiled for the purpose of
I giving accur ite information on walnut
: culture in the western part of Oregon
and to aid the prospective purchaser in
j establishing the orchard in a proper lo
j cation and in the selection of the best
j ariottos of trees.
i As lo location and advantages of this
climate, the booklet cl.iims that western
,aud southern Oregon is ideal as it ap
proximates the climate of Europe and
Asia where the nuts produce nbuiulniit
lv. (ieneial information regarding the
grafting of trees nnd the kind of soil
nd.ipted for orchards is also yivon in
the lnok besides general suggestions ast
to setting or trees and care of the or
chards. Tiie question of inter-cropping
is also taken up and suggestions offered
as to what may be planted and at the
same time benefitting the soil. One
of the important suggestions nude by
.Mr. Lewis is that the ideal filler for
o Hosiery
It's Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
For You I
Beware of the habit of constipation. It
develops from Just a few constinated days.
j unless you take yourself In hand.
! Coax the jailed bowel muscles back to
normal action with Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets, (he substitute for calomel.
Don't force them to unnatural action
with severe medicines or by merely
nushinff out the Intestines with nasty.
I oil nt-uiUK Ltfciuiiriu:.
Dr. Edwards believes In Kcntleness,
I persistency and Nature's assistance.
! Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets open the
I bowels ; their action Is gentle, yet posl
; live. There Is never any pain or frrlpinir
when Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets aro
I used. Just the kind of treatment old
j persons should have.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet are a, vck-
etable compound mixed with olive oil,
! you will know them by their olive color.
; Take one or two occasionally and have 110
trouble with your liver, bowels or stomach.
10c and 25c per box. All druuKlsts.
The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O.
young walnuts is the Italian pruno
which will yield several paying crops
before the walnut trees are so largo
that the vitality of the prime trees will
be impaired.
At tiie present time, writes Mr.
Lewis, the FraiKiuette seems to be the
I best nut for this valley and coming
next is the .M.ivette.
He also believes that n paying or
chard should net at least $100 an acre.
The book may be secured from the gen
eral passenger department of the South
ern Pacific at Portland.
Secretary of State Oloott says nick
names can't appear on the ballot and
a lot of them shouldn't.
That Means ths Supreme Ds:
rjres of Rich, Luscious
Tcbacca Flavcr
Nature varies the flavor she puts into
the different grades of tobacco leaf
and the best of all is the flavor of
choice red Burlcy that pleases you so
mightily when you chew Spear Head.
The delicious fruity llavor of a chew
of Spear Head is a revelation to the
man who has never chewed or who has
been chewing near-good tobacco.
For chewing is the one way to get
all the wholesome, healthful, appetizing
flavor of the tobacco loaf providing
you chew a high-grade plug like Spear
No other tobacco can compare with
Spear Head in the wholesome satisfac
tion it fcives.
You get more savory sweetness in a
chew of Spear Head than in a whole
plug of ordinary tobacco.
And you get it in its purest form
for Spear Head is made amid, the most
wholesome surroundings, in a great,
new factory that's kept absolutely
clean and sanitary.
Try this rich, mellow, satisfying, pure
chew. Such a chew cannot be obtained
in any other tobacco than Spear Head,
In 10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper.